fire-branded · 2 months
Continued from here:
Despite Otto's assurance that things weren't that hectic, Miles still glanced around, surveying the area just in case -- as though to make absolutely sure that no one would object. (Although the knocking on wood did garner a laugh from the Cursebreaker.) His grin lessened into a gentle smile. As ever, the other's presence was comforting; the rumble of his voice, the patience in both his words spoken and in his steel-blue gaze. It was no surprise that in his company, he found his anxiousness receding, replaced by a quiet calmness -- and a touch of resolution, too.
With a nod, the older man set off through the winding outer perimeter of the Hideaway. Again his eyes seemed to scan around as they traversed the wooden planks and steps, this time taking stock of how many people they passed by along the way.
But in the end, he settled for the curve of the backmost section of the upper level pathway. As he turned towards his companion, he was already in the process of removing one of his heavy leather gloves. On one finger sat a silver ring, the band housing a meticulously-cut red gemstone. He tucked the glove away for safekeeping within his gambison.
"A family heirloom... or a replica of it. A special request for Blackthorne," Miles explained in a quieter, yet nonetheless warm tone. "My father presented the original to my mother as a token of affection. After he passed on, she presented it to me as a reminder of his love and devotion for us -- which transcended his duty to the duchy and to our bloodline."
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phoenix-flamed · 11 months
Continued from here:
Judging by the weapon his partner had at his side, Otto very much meant business. Which was even more intriguing and concerning, and this time it was more of the latter. The moment the other man turned towards him, Miles began searching his face for any clue, any indication of the severity of the situation -- fortunately, he wouldn't need to wait long for his answers.
And what answers they turned out to be.
As soon as the words Rosalith Castle left the bearded man's lips, Miles paled a shade. His entire body tensed up, pupils dilating; and for that moment, all he could hear was the frantic beating of his heart within his ears. But when Otto's composure started to slip just the slightest fraction, a sheen of wetness glimmering in his eyes, the older man snapped himself out of it, forcing back that steady, serious expression to mask the myriad emotions coursing through him.
An escaped Bearer to track down. Not just any Bearer, but Otto's own son. It was Miles who broke their eye contact, just for a few moments -- after turning his head downward, his blue-green eyes squeezed tightly closed, the furrow of his brow only deepening further. Being separated from a child was a pain he could relate to, and while his own story thus far had a bittersweet ending, in that he now knew his sons were alive, despite him lacking the courage to reveal his truth to them...
... He hoped, and prayed to Metia, that his friend and companion's story would have a happy ending. Of course, he did have questions, or curiosities rather, pertaining to Otto's past; those could wait until later, and he would wait patiently for Otto himself to be ready to divulge the information.
All too soon after, his eyes reopened, now filled with resolve for their mission -- and he nodded. "Time is indeed of the essence, if he is somewhere in Rosalith. Anabella may be gone, but there is ever a chance that her Black Shields may yet linger, or that pillagers have already descended upon the city to take advantage of the chaos."
Not to mention the fact that last he had heard, Rosalith had suffered much and more under the aggressions of Dhalmekia, as led by Hugo Kupka. But that was an entirely other matter that he didn't wish to dwell upon, when combined with everything else the city had suffered.
"But you already know these things," Miles apologized a moment later, before stepping forward to cross the gap between them and place a reassuring hand upon Otto's shoulder. "We will find him. I know the city and the castle both -- if he is still taking refuge there, rest assured that there are no places that he might hide that I am not myself aware of. Now, before we depart, were the new arrivals able to give a description of the area in which they took shelter, beyond simply near the castle? Any detail, no matter how small, will be an invaluable boon."
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strangerrebelled · 1 year
This is an independent roleplay (RP) blog for Jack Garland, a canon character in the video game Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin.
I am not well-versed in every Final Fantasy game, but I will be making use of wiki pages.
Final Fantasy
Cidolfus 'Cid' Telamon, of Final Fantasy XVI | thunderingoutlaw
Gav, of Final Fantasy XVI | sharpnosedscout
Otto, of Final Fantasy XVI | hideawaysteward
Aevis, of Final Fantasy XVI | bxstardaevis
Sir Tyler, of Final Fantasy XVI | scorchedshield
Final Fantasy 7 multimuse | fromthe7thsidelines
Horizon Forbidden West
Nil, of Horizon Forbidden West (& Zero Dawn) | redteethed
What does this mean?
It means if you are a personal/non-RP blog, or an RP blog who is not taking part in a roleplay thread of mine, do not reblog that thread. You will know if it is a roleplay thread because I always tag such posts with   #rp .
It means if you are a personal/non-RP blog, or an RP blog who is not directly mentioned in a headcanon post of mine, do not reblog that post. You will know if it is a headcanon post because I always tag such posts with   #headcanons .
Posts that are okay for personal/non-RP blogs, or pretty much anyone, to reblog from me:
images, photosets, and/or gifsets
quote posts
most OOC posts/non-RP-related posts  (they are tagged with  #ooc )
If you ignore and defy these requests, I will ask you to remove the post(s) from your blog. If you refuse or ignore me, I will block you.
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phoenix-flamed · 2 months
Continued from here:
Being in Otto's company always brought the Cursebreaker a deep sense of peace. Even when they didn't speak as they continued on with their individual tasks, Miles was happy. The nightmares, the memories, the guilt... They all melted away temporarily, replaced instead by a sense of comfort -- which was doubled by the warmth of knowing that unlike so many in his past, Otto liked him for... well, him.
And he very much felt the same about Otto. (Now, if only he could bring himself to confess his feelings directly, instead of relying on teasing and hints...)
As the other shifted and settled after pausing his work, Miles too closed his own book, though without bothering to mark the page he had left off on. A gloved hand rested lightly upon the tome's hard surface, then his fingertips traced along the cover as he listened.
That one word: desperation. Oh, how he understood that far too well. His fingers flexed in contemplation, tapping a few times; finally, he reached over to brush them against his companion's forearm. A gesture of comfort or understanding, perhaps.
"Many, many times -- far more than I can count," came his own confession, and a soft smile warmed the corners of his lips. When his head raised fully and that curious yet warmer gaze fixed upon the slightly younger man's face, his smile broadened considerably. For all of the pain that such an inquiry might cause to both parties, there was something undeniably exciting about learning more details of Hideaway's chief steward's life and who he was as a person.
Of course, before he knew it, his eyes had lingered on Otto's handsome visage for too long, and a flush of color crept its way into his cheeks. With a content sigh, he settled back in his chair.
"I would make wishes all the time, especially in my youth," Miles went on to admit once he had regained his train of thought. "Particularly during the time leading up to my marriage."
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phoenix-flamed · 1 year
Continued from here:
Otto was, without a doubt, fun to tease -- which is one of the reasons why Miles never overlooked an opportunity to do so. Something about the way someone so gruff and no-nonsense could be driven to turn red in the face just by playful gestures and equally as playful remarks... It was endearing.
The two weren't exactly young, and that made it all the sweeter to him. For just a moment in time during their exchanges like this one, the Cursebreaker certainly felt twenty-and-some odd summers younger again.
But most of all, he simply enjoyed Otto's company, more than he was willing to openly admit -- especially to the undeniably very attractive and intriguing man himself. The feeling the other stirred within him reminded Elwin of his boyish years, where he loved openly and wore his heart on his sleeve for everyone to see. Before the weight of ruling over an entire nation came to rest upon his shoulders -- and in some small way, though he was far, far from the man he used to be, he still yearned to share that part of himself with Otto.
A soft laugh escaped him, aimed specifically for the other's ear. His gaze shifted over to catch a glimpse of the other's glance, then his green-blue eyes moved back to the ledger held within Otto's grasp. His expression shifted to one of quieter yet nonetheless warm curiosity, and Miles finally spoke: "Tell me more about it."
Or rather, the actual request was, let me listen to you talk for a while.
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phoenix-flamed · 1 year
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[ from  @hideawaysteward
Otto isn’t a *terrible* fighter, but he’s not Cursebreaker level or anything; get him in a tavern fisticuffs brawl and he’ll likely clean house tho  💪
and he is self-conscious about being silly in public, but in more private settings he can loosen up
those two aside it’s a blackout bingo loool hell yeah  👀 ]
I love these two so much ;; A ;; OTTO IS SO GOOD DFGLKJS
Also congratulations Otto, it’s now Miles’s new life mission to get you to smile and laugh out in the open, at least once!
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phoenix-flamed · 8 months
Dropping in briefly to say that you know that meme that talks about hyping your boyfriend so much to people? Otto isn't lame, but that's more or less how Miles feels about him.
He would have @hideawaysteward wait outside, then get everyone to clap and cheer for him when he enters because he's the most special(yet humble) man and deserves the praise. (... only minus the part of the meme about blowing up the establishment if the people don't comply, obviously.)
He just wants to do the /showleft or /showright emote from XIV at him all the time.
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phoenix-flamed · 1 year
Continued from here:
There was always something charming about these sorts of people who possessed hearts of gold, yet were humble and quick to deflect praise. In truth, they always made him want to praise them more, rather than less -- because in his eyes, they more than deserved it.
Although the laugh he released was deep and mirthful, Miles's smile remained soft and warm if not a tad bit reserved still. His arms folded across his chest, those blue eyes never straying from Otto as the other man fixed his attention back down to his work.
While the Cursebreaker didn't want to keep him from his duties, there was undeniably a part of him that was curious, and that very same curiosity shone in his blue eyes. Though the interest wasn't just directed towards what Otto was doing at current... but more than that, about the man himself.
"Come now, Otto. While that may be true, there is only one you, and you are worthy of the highest praises -- and celebration." His brow furrowed briefly in thought. "... Please, have a drink with me. Take your ease for a time."
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fire-branded · 2 months
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fire·brand noun: firebrand; plural noun: firebrands 1. a person who is passionate about a particular cause, typically inciting change and taking radical action;
Independent roleplay blog for Archduke Elwin Rosfield of Final Fantasy XVI. Heavily AU-based! Written by Vonny. Formerly @phoenix-flamed
Affiliated with: @danceofsteel | @warofthebeasts / @pyrelight | @cybrvce / @talesofaether
@lacedaether / @glxciated | @valistheanshield
@flamesofrebirths | @h-a-unted | @hideawaysteward
About | Verses | Rules |Tags | Graphic Credit | Carrd
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phoenix-flamed · 8 months
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Okay, here we go finally! Please bear in mind that this list isn't entirely complete, in that there are a plethora of Asks I plan to answer, there are Ask replies from others that I want to respond to, and I need to skim through my tracked tags for starters that I've missed.
Right at this current moment, based on my Drafts(and listed in no particular order), I owe replies to: @fadedfirebird , @reviresc , @sylleblosscm , @flamebearer , @nievea , @primalvessel , @rosariens , @brightblessed , @tripleflames , @eikonbound , @cagedfirebird , @audaciiae , @hideawaysteward and @sharpnosedscout , @creatrix-mea and @askens-konge , @lured-into-wonderland , @assilat-vojjor and @outlaws-legacy , @stingslikeabee , @cybrvce , @flamesofrebirths , @voidtouched-blue , @kihel-sorcas , @lacedaether , @phoenixsummon , @phoenixcoin , @bestboygav , @ignitedshield , @origami-assassin , @devotionbled , @inproelia , @strykingshot , @seeasunset , @phoenixshards , and I have no doubt I'm missing plenty more, so if you know I owe you a thread reply and you aren't on this list, please don't hesitate to let me know so I can wrangle it!
When I reply to our thread, if you aren't feeling it anymore because it's been so long, please, please, please know that you're not obligated to reply back. We can always try again with a new thread!
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phoenix-flamed · 1 year
What Greek Literature Character Are You?
you are patroclus, from the iliad by homer, doomed by fate to be stuck in a love story that has no place on the battlefield. although you always have the best intentions, you have to realize you cannot save everyone. your unwavering loyalty means you often lose yourself in the process of putting others first. take a deep breath, remember who you are, and that you are deserving of the same love you try to put out. you are kind, you are strong, and you give and you give but it is never enough to protect those you love. in the end, it's not even enough to protect yourself.
Tagged By: @bymargrace
Tagging: @cagedfirebird (for Cid, or for Rodney and/or Hanna!), @creatrix-mea , @hideawaysteward , @inimiicus (or you can do it on your Ravus instead!) , @svnsworn (I'm so curious what result Luna or Mid would get?) , @outlaws-legacy , @valiisthea , and everyone! Everyone who hasn't done it already that would like to!
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phoenix-flamed · 1 year
Me, finishing a reply to @hideawaysteward : omg this is so cute I love it
My draft: :) Oh, you want me to delete the entire post you just wrote? Can do!
Me: .
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