rcjoice · 8 months
@hidefire continued from here
his scowl is obvious as he looks out the window, watches the water flood the streets. fucking global warming or some shit, ruining everything. he should be locking the door behind her right now, he should be telling her goodbye, see you never, like he does every time she leaves. he hates how routine this had become.
"i don't want you here as much as you don't want to be here." he rolls his eyes as he turns to her, arms crossed over his chest. "i know, so fucking tragic." he scoffs, walking over to his bed and falling onto it. "i'm a pretty fuckin' good time, fuck you. you'd be lucky to hang out with me."
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unbaptismarchive · 8 months
@hidefire liked this for a starter!
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"hey, little lady." she moves to stand next to her, leaning against the wall of the cafe. she had watched rain with curious eyes and a sly smile the whole time she performed at this open mic. she had a stage presence that was unmatched in luanne's opinion. "you got a light?" she asks, leaning over towards her with cigarette between her teeth. "i saw you up there. you were something special. like the way you sound." she holds out her hand. "luanne. and what's the pretty name your pretty face wears?"
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outself · 8 months
@hidefire said, you need a new suit, that much is certain.
but did you know that danny hasn't really grown since his aged seventeen-years-old growth spurt he was so proud of where he then seemed to just stop growing, and was gifted this suit from a bin bag somewhere full of his brothers things shortly thereafter? without being pedantic, or without being too pedantic, the very act of getting a new suit would require his owning a suit in the first place, and the transfer of the rights of the danny's current, ill-fitted ensemble is blurred. though if the short notice were put aside, danny would have agreed: new suit required. ' you told me it was dress up and this is the dressiest thing i own! what, you think i look bad? '
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aftermoved · 8 months
— ❝ @hidefire .
❝ DO YOU EVER GET THE FEELING like you're being watched? Then you turn around and no one is there... ❞ Timothy is BRISTLED, his shoulders a little higher than usual, brows furrowed. Something was off, but he couldn't exactly figure out what it was. That EXCITED him, made a little grin flutter into place. They're standing in a bar that's nearly empty, and from the outside looked nearly abandoned.
Anyone else would be running with their tail between their legs.
❝ I'm feeling that RIGHT NOW... how about you? Just me? ❞
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bullsh1tterz · 2 days
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₊🎞️❜ |[ @hidefire said ]|   :
can you hear me?
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"Can, yeah. Want to, though?..." Cigarette flicks gently as he straightens his back out. "Not fuckin' particularly."
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lovehoned · 8 months
@hidefire / starter call. janet.
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here is the thing about being on earth: she has to make her own dings. it's embarrassing. it's Paleolithic, to borrow a term about the land that she's on. who has to go around making their own dings to announce their own arrival?
( nevermind this fact: most people do not announce their arrival with dings at all, but habits break hard. )
"i think this is the part where we should run. ignore the ding."
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nepoboyfriend · 8 months
@hidefire: sender kisses receiver at a party.
he can't hear himself over the music, but maybe it doesn't matter. his mind is elsewhere, occupied with watching rain -- a smile forming into place as they sway in place to the sounds. she's pretty, he thinks to himself. maybe a little bit odd, he doesn't always know what her thought process is when it comes to the offbeat things she says. but there's something to that -- it's charming.
there's lights flickering, red and blue cast over them in a glow, flashes of purple where the colours meet. the red light falls over her hair and it looks like she's on fire, burning so vibrant that he thinks it could very well blind him. wouldn't be a bad image to go out on. he'll remember it, he'll remember her, even when it's all dark.
he feels a tug and suddenly he's being pulled down. they're face to face. she's leaning into him before he can say a word -- not that it matters, not that they could hear it anyways -- and quickly, he forgets that there's anyone else in the room. his hands are careful as they frame her face. he feels himself fucking melt.
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polardestiny · 1 year
❛ holy shit, your hands are freezing! ❜
Of course, part of it had to do with their lack of thermoregulation skills -- but at the end of the day it was sort of a "well, be cold or don't" type situation.
They laughed as Rain took their hands, though, her hands warm as a fire on their skin. Frankie's face is flushed, too, adjusting to the temperature changes from being outside and then inside in the warmth again.
"That sort of comes with the program of working outside, Rain. Forgot my gloves today."
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rcjoice · 8 months
“you know…” her tone becomes unusually soft for just a second. “i do actually think you’re hot, and whatever. inside and out.” she’s trying, honestly.
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"i know what?" he starts softly, following her lead. he's quiet for a moment at her admission, head cocking as a stupid smile spreads across his features. his eyes are soft and his hand comes up to cup her face, thumb stroking across her cheek softly. it was an intimate moment, one they hadn't had many -- if any -- of. it felt both so out of place and like exactly what was supposed to happen. "i would hope so," he says with a soft laugh, leaning in to plant a soft kiss to her mouth. it's chaste, one that doesn't have any tension or desperation behind it. "hot on the inside.. that's a new one, but i like it. i think you're pretty cool, too. and you're hot," he tells her, laughing again. "like, really hot."
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crushsung · 8 months
A: vanilla. oh heart of ice and mind of gold, what am I to do with you? you are only good in small amounts, bittersweet fledgling, you are hard for most to swallow. your spirit is strong, your wit is potent, your biting essence drives even the most daring away. but why are you hiding your sweetness? I know within you, you are soft, but humanity has made you bitter. you mask your pain and sorrow with spite and sensibility. you say you do not care about trivial things, but don't you? sweetheart relax. you can let down your drawbridge, the waters are not poisoned. I know you have looked monsters in between the eyes and scoffed at them, but please, relax. you think your armor protects you but it is smothering you slowly. little owlet, when will you learn, words can only get you so far? feelings are what makes this world pulse. do not suppress your feelings. your heart can still thaw my dear. trust.
tagged by: best friend dearly beloved @inrovina tagging: @thanatologies, @rcjoice, @hidefire, @f4mily (for skunk!)
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werspinna · 1 year
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Drinks On Me! Somehow, someway, your character has found themselves on a pub crawl. What do they do? Bold the choice that applies the most for each pub.
Pub I Huddles in a corner staring wide-eyed at the group and wonders how they got there in the first place | Sits off to the side, sipping something non-alcoholic and watches the antics | Cheerfully sits with the group and drinks their first round | Calls for a round of shots to get the party started | Hangs our near the center of things, telling stories and cracking jokes
Pub II  Finds a new corner to huddle in, growing increasingly concerned as the drinks flow | Panicky tries to find Water instead of Alcohol | Relents and orders a glass bottle of wine to nurse chug through the next ice age | Laughs and chats with the group, drinking the drinks and enjoying the camaraderie | Is off flirting and chatting someone (or a few someones) up | Has made friends with the pub’s musician and is on stage singing and/or dancing a jig
Pub III Has been kidnapped by a roving gang of pirates smugglers (ironically also on a pub crawl of their own) | On a third glass bottle of wine and starting to let flow all sorts of interesting self details | Is probably already unconscious | Has managed to spontaneously get half the bar to sing a drinking song | Has hooked up, proposed, and split up at least twice thus far and is working on their rebound third | Disappeared into a back alley with a shady looking character leaving assurances of picking something up to “liven things up a little” | Has already passed out at Pub 1
Pub IV After being adopted as their impromptu mascot, is now being ferried around by the pirates smugglers on a makeshift palanquin as their “Pirate Queen” | Beyond wine drunk and keeps losing layers because it’s “too hot” | Is engaging in some cross group friendly rivalry in the ages old combination of booze and hurling sharp objects (or shoes) at a target (or has ended up in one or four bar fights)| Passed out in the gutter halfway to the fourth pub | Picks up the part of the group laying drunk in the gutter to bring them home | Whether it is incendiaries or herding the entire crew onto an impromptu dragon flight, whatever surprise is planned will be memorable
*After living for over three years in a muslime Household, Wolf nolonger drinks alcohol. She also is nolonger able to get drunk in the firt place, because her inhuman selfhealing factor heals the poisoning alcohol causes.
Tagged By: Walther von der Vogelweide! Tagging: @hidefire @alchemaxed @iobartach @goblinfire @supraxstcllas @felinethiefs @spidcrmenace @xsolastine @lotsofchutzpah @neonwebs @wovendeath @sickthem @voltedblood @spinxeret @books-and-right-hooks @kylo-wrecked @canoncompliance @attercopus @sleeperkeeper @bewitchingbaker @betterbutbitter @svperboi @itsybitsypeterparker @the-rogue-dragon @carnivorousfatality @smertzimy @recklesstech @ir0nheir!
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miidnighters · 8 months
favorite color(s): I'm such a hoe for a pastel. soft yellow especially, but blue; pink, anything in that sort of range. Plus teal, which has been deemed as my colour by anybody buying me Christmas gifts.
favorite flavor(s): I love strawberry flavoured stuff- strawberry ice cream is one of my faves. Unless it's a drink, in which case chocolate is king.
favorite music: what a loaded question uh. I don't have a particular genre i listen to but I'll always either circle back to something i can move to or something i can sing in the car
favorite movie(s): i have answered this question so often lately it feels lmao but Howls Moving Castle, Tangled, Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away (I actually can;t overstate how much I love this movie. Isaw it in cinema in 3D and it just. Blew my mind).
favorite series: Leverage
last song: The Blue by ISHAN (an Aussie!)
last series: my husband just made me watch the office for the first time and, contriversial opinion on main, i don't like it
last movie: uh. actually it was Fast n Furious: Tokyo Drift and my husband sat there and quoted almost the entire thing word for word inc the background music
currently reading: Inheritance by Nora Roberts (which like. i am not loving for the most stupid reason but will finish)
currently watching: i don't watch a lot of ongoing series tbh. i am waiting for the new season of Bridgerton. We do make sure to catch Dash Cams Australia on YT every week tho (which, if you want prime examples of our accent and reckless disregard for swearing i cannot recommend it enough)
currently working on: client emails tbh and some website updates for a client who is "ready to go live in the next two months" vs our dev who was ready to go live like, yesterday lmao.
tagged by @fangmother <3
tagging: @draconisa | @starlyht | @fuckedcowboy | @hidefire | @soulmissed |
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hearsthephone · 1 year
BOLD what your musecan do. italicize what they can do to some extent.
REPOST, don’t reblog.
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bake a cake from scratch | ride a horse | drive a submarine | speak a second language | dance | catch a fish | play an instrument | throw a punch | build a deck | ice skate | roller skate | unclog a drain | program a computer | change a flat tire  | fire a gun | sew | juggle | play poker | paint | fly a kite | sculpt | write poetry | change a diaper | sing | shoot a bow and arrow | ride a bike | swim | sail a boat | do a back flip | play chess | give cpr | pitch a tent | flirt | stitch a wound | read palms | use chopsticks | write in cursive | use an electrical drill | braid hair | make a campfire | make a mixed drink | do sudoku puzzles | wrap a gift | give a good massage | jump start a car | roll their tongue | magic tricks | do yoga | tie a tie | skip a rock | shuffle a deck of cards | read morse code | pick a lock
Tagged by: @deafandstoned
Tagging: @dcmur3, @hidefire, @infernalrampage, @scribedhorror, @ripcreel, @diedbrave, @freakfangstm, and anyone who wants to!
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rcjoice · 8 months
[ TRUST ] for a scenario where sender’s muse is the only one receivers muse will let close. 
angsty moments
he sits up straight, looking around his surroundings to orient himself. fuck, where did he fall asleep? his vision finally unblurs, sleep washed away by sheer panic. goddamn nightmares. goddamn brain. goddamn memories. all of it settles on his skin like a heavy woolen cape, suffocating him. he finally realizes he's in his apartment. he finally realizes he's fine, he's safe. he's not there. he's alone, though, and that's almost worse. his hands are shaking as he rubs them over his face, drawing knees to chest. he can't be alone right now. phone in hand, he scrolls through contacts. nobody he wanted to talk to. no one he could bring himself to talk to. then he scrolls upon rain's contact, finger hovering over her number. should he call? she's the only person he can think of talking to right now, something about the way she held herself together with tattered twine the same way he did called to him. something about the way he saw whatever secrets she held close to her chest bubbled just beneath the surface makes him feel like she might be the safest bet. he calls, hanging on with baited breath until he gets through. "hey, i--" how does he begin this? "can you come over? or can i? i can't sleep. i just-- you seemed like the best person to call." how often did they stay up too late doing anything to keep their minds anywhere but right here?
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rcjoice · 8 months
@hidefire continued from here
he's obviously agitated, brow furrowed, lips drawn into a frown. "you were thinking it and i know you were." in the mood to see the worst in people. his face does soften as she slides over the coffee, taking it between the hands as he let's out a soft sigh. "just.. haven't been sleeping," he repeats, looking down at the drink between his hands. he can feel the softness on her words. "can't sleep, really. insomnia, thy name is bitch."
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rcjoice · 8 months
you don't look like you.
garden of earthly bodies meme
"don't start with me." rain mars doesn't get to comment on how he looks, rain mars who historically did not care for him. rain mars who was usually distraught more often than not. "go ahead, tell me i look like shit." he's in a bad mood, he's been in a bad mood for what felt likes days. "i just haven't been sleeping." he shrugs, like that's an answer.
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