#hidekane fanservice
hidewari · 7 years
1/2 Hi Robbin! I hope you don't mind this ask! Um. Can you, if possible, explain all this hate and disgust towards fujoshis/fushoji? I've seen posts pop up here and there and I don't get why people are so 'upset' about it...I read a little into it, and I wonder if I'm a fujoshis/fushoji and now I am scared that my friends will hate me if they find out I like a certain couple from an anime.
2/3 From what I've seen. It is homosexual people, as well as straight people who seem to think fujoshis/fushoji fetishize them...when from my own personal research it normal anime/manga/movies/novels. Made up characters...So I still don't understand. Like I said, I like 'yaoi' couples but now it feels wrong because people are saying 'unfollow me if you consider yourself as a fujoshis/fushoji' like...what? So if I ship HideKane or maybe SasuNaru, or anything like that, I should unfollow you?
3/3 I just don't understand!! I've done a little research on the matter, but it still doesn't make sense to me. Sorry to ramble! Thank you so much for listening! I'm a little scared about asking other blogs about it, so I asked you instead because I've followed you for a very long time, and you're a lot nicer lol anyway, thank you again for listening to me!
I just want to start off by saying that I’m probably not the best person to explain this and there are most likely people who can explain this much better than I can, but I do somewhat understand the issues surrounding fujoshis so I’ll try to explain the problems, at least from my understanding.
I know there are a bunch of people who identify as fujoshi because they don’t really understand the problems attached to the label (and also because people use the term to encompass all shippers of gay couples at this point). It’s not shipping same sex couples (specifically men) that makes you a fujoshi. I just want to make that clear; you can ship two guys together without being a fujoshi, that’s totally fine! I know some people on this site say you shouldn’t ship same sex couples if you’re straight, but I personally think that’s stupid. Even if you’re straight and you ship same sex couples, that’s totally fine, as long as you do so respectfully, but here’s the issue when it comes to so called “fujoshi”.
Fujoshi are specifically fans of yaoi, from what I understand, and yaoi is pretty much only made to satisfy the sexual fantasies of girls/women. Though some people use “yaoi” to encompass all m/m pairings, it technically only refers to media that has m/m pairings which is targeted at a female audience. The nature of such media is predominantly sexual and pretty much just exists as fanservice for a predominantly heterosexual female audience. This is where the problems come in.
Since this kind of material is aimed at straight women and girls, it uses homosexual relationships as fanservice to satisfy the sexual fantasies of people who aren’t themselves gay men. This means it’s VERY prone to objectifying same sex relationships. Often times in yaoi, these relationships aren’t really portrayed realistically or handled with respect. For this reason, themes such as non-con or dub-con are frequent in these forms of media and are romanticised and fetishised, which is another reason many find these kinds of media disrespectful and distasteful.
Many fujoshi don’t seem to have an issue with this and just treat m/m pairings as something purely sexual which they can get off to, which often just reinforces the stereotype that gay relationships are only fuelled by sexual desire (a position taken by many homophobes). Homosexual relationships aren’t really explored respectfully and are really only there for fanservice and nothing more with very little regard for LGBT people themselves. This is why people argue that fujoshi fetishise gay men; they consume media which uses gay men as an object to satisfy the sexual desires of straight women.
This is the reason why I abhor when someone calls hide/kane or any other same sex ship “yaoi”. The term carries heavy implications that the person who ships the pairing is only in it for the sexual satisfaction, and that in itself seems pretty disrespectful to gay/bi/pan guys.
So, those are the problems that I see with it, but having said that, just shipping same sex pairings in itself isn’t fetishising or homophobic in any way. As long as those relationships are treated with respect and not just as fap material, knock yourself out. And I think that applies to shippers of all sexualities. I don’t think you have to be LGBT to enjoy an LGBT ship, but attaching the label of “fujoshi” to yourself or “yaoi” to your ships carries negative connotations that are better avoided.
I hope everything is a bit clearer now and that you understand a bit better what I’m trying to say. Have fun with whatever ships you enjoy, but like I said, I don’t think attaching the label “fujoshi” to yourself is a very good idea thanks to the culture that’s been built up surrounding it.
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bluemist · 7 years
sad and disappointing as it is, kaneki did say she is his "best friend". it's like ishida is trying to turn what hide was/is to kaneki into what touka never was/never will be tbh. love is something that can't 1. be forced, 2. grow overnight, or 3. be utterly selfish. every time i look at kaneki now all i see is the face of a broken man who could've had it all with hide but ishida wanted the $ so he turned his story into a badly written fanservice fanfic lol.
That’s true to be honest. I am so disappointed, the fact that now Ka//neki wants to live just to protect Tou//ka it’s pretty much annoying and makes no sense. I mean, there’s a lot of important people for him, why just her? Hide was and will always be the reason why Ka//neki wants to keep living. Don’t get me wrong, I love Tou//ka but she still needs a character development. And of course, her relationship with Ka//neki, where’s the romantic development?? They just had sex, that’s all. They’re going so fast, it’s just been eight/nine chapters since they did the do. I was so disappointed too with chapter 121/122 because i was expecting a different conversation between the two of them, but no, she had to ask him if he was a virgin. It’s good if he wants to live for her, but it’s just such a sudden change. Exactly, I feel like Ishida is forcing everything. Well, everyone knew touken was going to be canon, it was so obvious. I don’t want to be that kind of person, but it’s the “straight” ship, what do you expect. And let’s not talk about how much fame Tokyo Ghoul has, he would never make Hidekane canon, because he’s scared as fuck. In this fandom are a lot of homophobes, so…
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kisathemistress · 7 years
Final say on re: chapter 125 “Please ignore”
Granted that some people may not know this about me and my history with rooting for HideKane, or that I’m an ace that just likes to read/write fluff more than smut, they may not understand why I am being so critical of this chapter.
The chapter felt shallow, aside from very small details, we gained nothing knew other than Kaneki and Touka having sex. I know TouKen shippers are all in a fucking high right now squealing over this fanservice to them, and using it as ammunition to attack other ships that are now “impossible” to become canon.
Tell me all you want about how “beautiful” and “right” it is that they finally fucked. But, I have been reading Tokyo Ghoul and Tokyo Ghoul re:, and their relationship has always came off as a sister/brother one, not a sexually tense one. 
Sure a few characters had suggested they would be a great couple, but fucking people in my home town thought the same with my first cousin and I because we have a close sister/brother type bond. Basically I took any “hints” as misunderstandings and comical moments meant to embarrass them, since adults/people do that whether intentionally or not.
Kaneki has mental issues and a background, Touka doesn’t understand or even know. Kaneki isn’t the best person when it comes to judgement, it has been shown throughout the series that he is usually wrong or easily misguided. Touka is a teenager when she “falls” for Kaneki and never had been in or thought of a possible romantic relationship with anyone else prior to/after meeting him. She is inexperienced and cannot discern “lust” from “love”, or tell the difference from “romantic love” from “strong platonic love”.
I read a lot of poorly written fan fiction “romance/erotica” fluff, it’s funny, it’s entertaining, but it’s still “fantasy” compared to the canon story. Which is okay to move relationships with little to no understanding between both parties. But, in a novel or series running as long as Tokyo Ghoul has and by the original creator no less, I expect that the “canon OTP” of the story would have shared a bit more information/time with each other than simply “in the moment” fucking.
Then it’s not the “fucking” part that has me disappointed, it’s the fact that we had no extra information of what the hell was happening outside of their little “bump & grind”. As I said in a separate post, I’m not a fan of just reading fanservice that could have been skipped over. I’m reading this story for the PLOT not for the shiping, not for Kaneki’s sex life.
Tokyo Ghoul’s protagonist is a “side character” even when we focus on him. He see development though indirectly experiencing things. And these indirect experiences is what I care for the most. Not for what character I hope Kaneki bangs or ends up with.
In closing, I’m disappointed we learned nothing new, not that Kaneki had sex with Touka. Yes, I am a hardcore HideKane shipper, but I am also an adult that understands this work isn’t going to/might not cater to my personal fantasies.
I have been attacked by TouKen trolls over my personal fanfictions, on my blog. and through email. I don’t hate TouKen as a ship or Touka as a character. I just don’t feel they are at a point they are ready to deal with the consequences for in the canon story.
I am disappointed this chapter was just/mostly Touka and Kaneki being naked and humping each other. And not being told the rest of the story.
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animentality · 8 years
So what are your thoughts on Hide and HideKane? Also, completely unrelated but since you read the Candy Apple books, did you like the Poison Apple books?
I have neverrrr heard of that series.
Back when Tokyo ghoul was just ghoul and not re, I thought hidekane was perfect.
Back when Tokyo ghoul was cohesive, not full of fanservice ASS shots, and felt meaningful, I thought hidekane was the best thing ever.
I thought they were honestly the best relationship in the entire series because of how ishida chose to destroy it in the most deliciously cruel way possible. It actually hurt to see Hide accept him after all that time he was afraid Hide would be scared of him. It actually gave Kaneki a happy moment, a bright point in his future. It felt way more...I dunno, REAL than Touken which was based entirely on Touka just I dunno, putting her life on hold to pine after Kaneki. At least Hide was out of the loop but trying to get himself in it for Kaneki's sake. He was the only person who was genuinely looking out for Kaneki because he loved him and wanted to help him. He also never punched Kaneki in the face for doing his fucking best like some tsundere women.
But then in comes RE, and well.
Good things can’t last forever.
Ishida will probably bring him back for some washuu conspiracy bullshit, make him out to be a liar and an asshole all along, probably sneer at Kaneki for being weak, then have some backstory about being tortured by the washuu. Ishida will then expect me to feel broken up about it.
which is too bad.
It was a beautiful ship while it lasted.
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hidewari · 7 years
Hi. So um, I was wondering do you think Tokyo Ghoul re sales will go down now? A lot of people are saying it's just the HideKane shippers upset but truthfully it isn't. It's all fans from all sides of the manga. I was wondering Ishida has to know he had screwed up. I mean A LOT of people have dropped it. I can also confirmed it isn't just westerners who have lost interest in this...whatever thus is. Honestly it seems only a small part of the fandom is happy right now...I don't know what to think
I mean, I don’t even know what the sales look like now so I can’t really make any predictions as to what will happen. I have no clue what the overall consensus on what’s happening is, but from what I’ve seen outside of tumblr (YouTube and Reddit) people seem to be into it but mostly just because they’re glad Kaneki got his dick wet. All the fans I see off tumblr who are happy about this don’t really give much of a shit about the dynamics or anything; to them it’s just like “They fucked? Sweet!”
As for Ishida, I don’t think that he thinks he screwed up. I think he’s been planning this and he’s done it for a reason other than fanservice. If you look at the way their relationship came about out of nowhere and how quickly it’s progressing, to me it looks more like a plot device which is being set up for some future tragedy and perhaps character development. Just peering past all the happiness and fanservice-esque stuff going on on the surface, there are hints sprinkled around everywhere that something bad is going to happen. The moth at the beginning of 125, the centipede we saw after Yoriko’s wedding, the “proof that lasts even after death” thing, the butterflies caught in spider webs at the end of the most recent chapter, and of course Ishida’s own birthday art all screams death to me. As for who the death flags are for is another topic entirely. Some of the evidence suggests to me that Touka might be the one to die, but some evidence seems to imply that it’ll just be the baby? I can’t make any predictions at the moment, but all I know is Hajime is most likely bringing some serious loss to the 24th ward and our main characters very soon.
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