#high pressure super sucker machine
supertechengineer · 2 years
High Pressure Super Sucker Machine Manufacturer in India
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mrsmaddiebobaddie · 4 years
MCYT High School Teacher AU
I don’t know if this has already been done but with student teaching on the brain this was invading my subconscious.
Phil: Principal
The most chill admin you’d ever find (He kind of has to be with the staff at the school)
Will let most things slide if you ask nicely
Has a quiet space in his office for students to take a moment to calm down after acting out. He’ll offer them candy and talk through the situation with them. 
Started out as a counselor at the school, so he still holds a similar mentality when it come to talking with students and staff. 
Always takes the side of his staff. The district is usually in the wrong anyway.
He knows the teachers are the experts, screw whatever requirements the state has, he lets them run their classrooms whichever way is best for the students’ learning
Technoblade:  Literature & Composition
One of the most engaging teachers at the school
Most students love him because he’s real and he’ll tell it like it is. 
Has a coffee machine in his room. It’s rare that he’s not holding a mug in his hand while he teaches
Has high expectations for his students
Rarely gets angry. Even when he’s upset he still comes across as calm.
Usually stays at the school late making sure to give the best possible feedback on papers and reports. He genuinely wants each kid to learn something from his class.
Tommy: Speech and Debate
It’s only his second year of teaching
The students would run the classroom if not for Tommy basically being a student himself
There’s a strong chance his class will be off topic at any given point. It’s always an adventure walking past his door, you never know what you’ll hear
Somehow still gets high scores on average from his students
Keeps students after class when he notices them struggling with school or life in general to talk with them. The conversations are always beneficial.
Will 100% fall asleep during professional development meetings.
Karl: Biology
Tries to act hip, fails most of the time.
Always has the most energy in his lessons, finds unique ways to teach the concepts other than slides and worksheets.
Usually the first one in the building each morning
Will give students different options for final projects so they can chose the best method of showing their evidence of learning. 
Gets lower scores than he should on observations because he doesn’t do well under the pressure. One year Phil didn’t announce when he’d be coming in and watched from the door to give a more accurate review. 
Wears a sweatshirt to class more often than he should
Quackity: Spanish 
Hands on learning whenever possible
Uses the home ec. room to make authentic Mexican dishes with his students when they cover the food and restaurant unit
Will just forget that the kids don’t speak Spanish fluently and ramble on until someone interrupts him.
Slow grader, you get your scores when you get them.
Known to be a bit chaotic with his teaching style, it works for some kids but he does need to reteach certain sections every now and then
One time a kid feel asleep in his class so he had all the other students leave and they had class outside to freak the kid out (They were right outside the classroom window, he could still see the sleeper, he told Phil)
Skeppy: Algebra
Like’s his job, pretty much your average teacher
Can’t stand freshmen, but tolerates them since that’s half the students he has. He prefers teaching advanced algebra to upper classmen
His lessons are always formatted the same, starting with a lesson on how to do that days math, with the remainder of the period being free work time
Holds math challenges with his class and gives out prizes. It’s usually candy, though one time he gave out cash. He made his kids promise not to say a word about it. 
Very good at teaching the same math concepts in different ways to help struggling learners
Always one minute away from being late for first period, but makes it just in time every morning.
Dream: Health/Football and Assistant Basketball Coach
Took the teaching job mainly to coach sports
Still cares about making connections with his students, he uses his class to teach life skills and promote positive social and mental health.
If any of his players are in his class he will pick on them. He has no mercy.
Dreads sex education because no one can be mature about it. He gets revenge by making the students film a “how to say no to sex” video with someone in the class.
His wheeze laugh is iconic. You can hear it from down the hall.
If you meet with him and are honest when you’re struggling, he’ll work with you to pass his class. He isn’t going to ruin your GPA over a project on the negative effects of smoking.
Wilbur: History & Geography/Theater 
The teacher who sits on his desk when he lectures
Is very sarcastic with his students, but knows who can take the teasing and makes sure not to make anyone feel uncomfortable.
Prefers class discussion over solo work time, he likes hearing student’s perspectives and ideas.
One of the teachers most likely to be the crush of teenage girls. 
Not afraid to mark you down for sloppy work. You use a black ink pen and draw precise lines when turning in maps and graphs or you redo it.
Speaks in musical references 
George: Physics
The chillest teacher by far
Due dates? Don’t worry, he’ll accept an assignment literally months after it was supposed to be turned in
Makes difficult topics seems simple when he describes them
He doesn’t really care if you have your phone out in class as long as you’re paying attention and learning the material
The students straight up call him George, he doesn’t seem to care
Placing near the top for the most crushed on teacher
King of multiple choice questions
Eret: Economics & Government
Makes any student in his class feel welcome
One of few teachers who can lecture the entire period without students falling asleep. He always has interesting stories
Let’s kids chose where they sit
Freshmen are always caught off guard by his voice when they hear him for the first time
Spends too much of his own money on supplies for his students and classroom (Honestly most teachers have to spend their own money on necessary supplies, he just goes about and beyond.)
There’s always a group of students who eat lunch in his classroom 
The Union Rep at their school, will fight tooth and nail for the staff members
Tubbo: Band Director
Super cheerful whenever he’s teaching
He rarely has any free time before or after school because he has so many one-on-one lessons and meetings with students
Likes to have practice outside when the weather is nice
Does his best to make his students feel comfortable and relaxed whenever he does performance based assessments. 
He’s also a new teacher, but you honestly wouldn’t be able to tell
He will be in tik toks if you ask him to, and he’s familiar with all the pop culture trends
Let’s the students chose a song to play at the last band concert. Some years have been less chaotic than others, the worst (or best, depending on who you ask) being when the students voted to play Deja Vu from Initial D.
Fundy: Computer Science/Coding 
Begins each class with a cheesy computer joke. Every class.
Everyone knows you can’t get anything past him technology wise. He can see that headphone in your ear from across the room.
Isn’t afraid to assign extra work when students are disrupting class
Once took up an entire class period showing his students how he coded different difficulties in Minecraft. He wasn’t ashamed to admit that he plays the game in his spare time. 
About half the students in his class aren’t really interested in computers, they just want to have him as a teacher since everyone says he’s cool.
Known to hack school computers to bypass restrictions
Sucker for pizza parties. Has at least one per semester  
Sapnap: PE/Basketball Coach
Hella competitive 
Abuses his power of having a whistle. Someone should really take it away from him
Gyms shorts every day. Even in the winter. Sometimes he wears sweats, but never jeans.
Doesn’t let anyone sit out of activities
Tries to set up fun tournaments for each activity they do, makes sure to balance the teams so no one has too much of an upper hand.
He’s usually the teacher who mans detention, he tries to make it as positive as it can be though.
Keeps extra sets of gym clothes to give to students who forgot or can’t afford to buy them
Schlatt: Calculus and Stats/Business  
You either love him or are terrified of him
One of the only teachers who can have an “aggressive” teaching style and still connect with students
You will learn something from his class, he makes sure of it. 
Doesn’t accept late work unless you have a really good reason why you couldn’t turn it in
Wears a tie every day
If another teacher needs a last minute sub during his prep period he’ll cover them. Doesn’t matter what subject, he can wing it
He was the reason the school started offering business studies as an elective due to some vague threats towards the district
Niki: Art/German
Teaching voice is so soft
You can’t tell whether or not she’s giving you constructive criticism because everything she says sounds so positive 
Let’s her students lead learning for the most part, she will cover topics that most interest them while still trying to hit the district required standards (luckily teaching electives gives her a bit more freedom with her curriculum)
Her classroom always smells lovely
Will bring in homemade goodies each Friday for the staff room
Holds art galleries at the end of each semester to show off the arts since they often go unappreciated. It has turned out to be a super popular event for students and staff.
Bad: Special Education
This man has endless patience. It’s crazy
Even after the longest days when none of the students are cooperating, he still has a smile on his face
If he hears cursing in the halls he will call you out in front of everyone. Teachers included. 
Makes sure to keep a list of all his students favorites so he can surprise them with gifts on their birthdays or around holidays
He works closely with the other teachers to make sure his kids can be as involved in general education as possible.
Always wears something fun, be it a tie, socks, shirt, or even a full outfit. His students love seeing what new wacky garment he’ll be wearing that day. 
More Head Cannons
If someone brings food for the staff room Tommy WILL take it. Sometimes he’ll come back for seconds, there will be none left by the end of the day. He’s not as bad as Skeppy though, who will literally pack it up to take home for later.
For the past few months the staff members have been receiving anonymous email chains with photoshopped pictures of each other. Everyone was sure Fundy was behind it, Eret thought he saw him teaching his students how to use the program by editing their favorite teachers into stupid situations (they’ve all been school appropriate of course). Fundy did in fact start it, but now so many other teachers have joined in that it can’t be traced back to one person anymore.
All the teachers love going to sporting events. They’ll join in with the student section to cheer on the teams. If they know there’s a kid who doesn’t have family that will come to watch them they’ll make shirts with that players number to show support for them.
Wilbur, Niki, and Tubbo work together on musicals. Niki does the sets and costuming, Wilbur directs, and Tubbo leads the pit. There are plenty of long nights during tech week that devolve into chaos (especially when Niki isn’t there)
Spirit week is very intense, to say the least. The teachers are assigned a grade to be advisors to, and they get into it. For the duration of the week they practically become rivals with whoever isn’t in their assigned grade. They’ll pull pranks on each other constantly, especially when the students can see. It’s all playful of course, but it gets the kids more excited about spirit week when they can support their teachers and watch the amicable rivalries carry out.
Technoblade once joked that he knew every detail about every classic novel. His students took this as a challenge, and tried to find the most obscure and specific trivia questions they could ask him. He has yet to be stumped.
Dream and Sapnap had a running streak of about four weeks where they made everything into a competition. Who could enter their grades into the computer fastest? How many cups of coffee did they drink that day? Who got to school first that morning? There was a tally board in the staff room and the teachers had a betting pool going. Phil finally ended it when they accidently broke the school’s copier trying to see who could scan the most documents in five minutes. Dream was ahead by three points, Sapnap never lived it down.
In service days are incredibly boring, so the staff tries to make those days a bit more entertaining. They order in pizza or sandwiches for lunch. Since there aren’t any kids in the school they’ll do everything they’re no supposed to, like racing office chairs down the hallways and blasting non-school-appropriate music in their classrooms.
Wilbur accidentally started a black market of sorts when he took all the new whiteboard pens from the supply closest. He used this to his advantage, getting people to do him favors in return for the good supplies. When Dream found out he not-so-jokingly threatened to slowly steal everything from Wilbur’s classroom until he released the pens. The next day the closet was replenished once more
Quackity and Tommy are co-emcees for the school assemblies. They hold class competitions between the grades, including spirit chants and ridiculous games. Think minute to win it style, but way crazier. Everyone gets super into it, the upperclassmen usually win. The two have good chemistry and a fun energy.
George has a unit where students make bottle rockets and launch them outside on the soccer field. And every year Karl brings his class out to watch claiming that “it’s science, I teach science, I’ll have them write a paragraph about what they learned”. Really he just wants to watch rockets go brrr
For Schlatt’s birthday one year, Wilbur and Techno printed off shirts with his face on it for all the staff to wear. Schlatt was super confused when he came into work and all his colleagues were walking around with his face plastered across their chest. He got back at Wilbur for it by putting salt in his coffee for a week straight, but Techno never got his comeuppance. It’s debatable whether Schlatt just didn’t know he was in on it, or if he knew better than to mess with Techno.
Lesson planning and curriculum building is quite the process. Some departments can stay on task better than others. Schlatt and Skeppy get in, plan out the term, and get out. The math department has everything on lock. Social studies are also pretty good at getting pre-planning done. They tend to spend most of their time having discussions that aren’t necessarily related to the tasks at hand though. The English department is a mess. It’s really Tommy who’s a mess, he just projects that onto everyone else. Karl and George work well together to map out science curriculum. Even though teachers who teach electives aren’t required to collaborate with each other, they still get together and bounce ideas off each other and get feedback.
I have plenty more if people want a second part. I also only listed the MCYTs that I’ve watched enough to know their personalities at least a little bit, but if you wanted to see another person I may expand the staff list!
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nightlovechild · 5 years
Wonder Prince - Deceit’s Week. (Day 3: Roceit)
Warnings: Lying, fighting, costumes, bondage, role play, forced confessions, bdsm, punishments, anal fingering, anal sex, fucking machine, blowjob, Hemipenis
Summary: Roman takes justice into his own hands when Dimitri tells one lie too many. Showing Dimitri the error of his way with the Lasso of Truth and a few other hedonistic toys. 
Note: Deceit’s name is Dimitri. 
Dimitri's job was to lie. Excelling well beyond the standard every time he opens his mouth. Lies pour forth from him like he was a raging river of disinformation. It made his blood pump faster and his tongue stronger when he went on a binge. The fact it irritated the living hell out of Roman was the icing on the cake.
Remember kids, the cake is a lie.
Roman's lips were pursed together in frustration as he tried to hold back. Dee really put a crack in his self-restraint some days.
"You know, Wonder Woman was based off of a drag queen that trained as an All-American athlete because she was as tall as an Amazonian woman." Dimitri told Patton.
The poor puff ball nodding along like it was the most reasonable plot twist of real life.
"Then the author of the Wonder Woman comics was an asexual aromatic." Dee compiled fib over fib. A growl tearing itself from the royal's chest when he just couldn't take anymore.
"You blundering fool. William Marston was not an asexual nor was he, and the word you were looking for was, aromantic! Aromatic makes him sound like a can of air freshener. William Marston was in a polyamourous relationship with his wife and their mistress that inspired Wonder Woman!" Roman aggressively pointed at Dimitri then shifted gears to a soft voice and a thumbs up towards Patton.
"Also there is absolutely nothing wrong with asexuals or aromantics, okay Patton! You are beautiful just the way you are pop-star!"
Patton's heart was so filled with support and understanding. He could only make high pitched noises as he held his hands out for Roman. Walking protectively over to Patton, he started to lean down. But the heart began hugging him so tight around the middle Roman could only side hug his shoulders while glaring at Dee.
Dimitri smirked, stood up and issued the last strike to the splintering dam of Roman's self-restraint.
"Wonder Woman was nothing more than a spoiled royal who couldn't get by in life without entitlement and a couple of cheap toys! Just. Like. You."
Roman's offended Princey noises came out like a wild animal's roar. Grabbing Dee by the lapels of his jacket, hauling him up and tossing him over his body as they sunk out of the room and landed on Roman's bedroom floor.
Grunting as his back slammed against the faux bear rug, Dimitri's head spun as Roman's hot body landed on top of him. With quick lighting strikes, Roman struck three pressure points, keeping Dimitri immobile for a short while. The snake side groaned as he could only watch Roman's ass as he walked over to a dresser.
"Sucker body slams seem like the perfect start of a clean fight."
"Shut it. I can only teach you one lesson at a time and I already have one in mind." Roman finished digging out what he was looking for. Stomping over to where Dimitri was splayed out. A golden rope was in the Prince's hand.
"So you think my toys are cheap, huh? Does this look cheap to you?"
"The lasso of truth is so real, oooo. I'm really frightened." Dimitri lied.
"Okay. If that's how you feel chee-tah of the truth. Try this on for size." Roman tugged Dimitri up by the collar of his shirt and stepped up behind him. Using his legs to prop the limp Dee into a seated position as he tied his lying arms to his lying body. Binding him from his shoulders down to his forearms.
"Let's see you lie your way out of this one." Roman gloated as he ran his thumb and forefinger between the ropes and Dimitri's body. Once he was sure the tension was right and not nerve damagingly tight, he stepped back. Smirking as Dee landed on his side. A captive audience.
"Might have the toys, but you'll never look like her." Dimitri bit back as the ropes started to glow the brightest golden hue. The blinding light filling the room for a flash then faded just as fast. His breath was stolen as he stared at Roman in all his glory.
Magically donning the Woman Woman outfit: headband, corset, booty shorts and knee high boots without leaving the spot. Sparks casting off the metal forearm guards as Roman crossed his arms with speed and strength.
"The Deceitful side known as Dimitri Sanders. I Wonder Prince command you to…" Roman paused for dramatic effect.
Dimitri was in lust...and is so much trouble… because he could feel it. The truth growing in his body and pushing at his lips as he bit down harder on them.
"Tell me the truth! Confess why are you being such a super villain lately?"
"I'm needy. I'm lonely and cold at night. Especially since I learned how you all 'take care' of each other's needs while...while I jerk off by myself." Dimitri confessed as the rope glows with its magical might. His eyes focused straight ahead refusing to look at Roman, trying to fight the spell.
"Are you saying you're being a cranky brat because you need a good hard fucking?" Roman growled the last words as he gripped the snake's hair, making him look at him.
Dimitri was warring with himself as the fire in his eyes were only matched by the glowing rope. The magic lasso guiding, tugging, forcing Dimitri to his truth.
"YES! God fuck yes-sss. Need your cock! Need every sss-single sss-side's love. Crave all four of you." Dimitri hissed then panted as if he had run a 5k marathon in seconds. Trying to stamp down the familiar euphoria that came with unadulterated honesty. It wasn't safe chasing that high. He had to keep struggling to be in control and moving on. Closing his eyes he focused on his lies, trying to lose himself in the mental web.
Dimitri didn't even realize Roman had left his side until the wonder royal was returning with a wide padded leather bench. There was a soft smile to Roman's face.
"Believe it or not, good solid woodworking takes time and is hard to safely conjure. So I keep the really good toys already premade." Roman said conversationally as he helped Dimitri to his feet. Letting the bound side lean back against the bench.
The lights overhead made rainbows cast off of the golden headband as Roman knelt down. His soft hands brushing against Dee's skin as he removed his shoes, socks and bottom clothing. The top of the shapely corset exposed more of the prince's broad chest at this angle making Dimitri’s cocks swell.
"W-why are…y-you being nice to me now? I thought maybe you would use me for some hate fucking then banish me away to the other side again." Dimitri's mouth ran away with him. Not like he could help it currently.
"You told the truth. Even though it was hard and maybe embarrassing. But you dug down deep and prevailed. You're not a villain Dee. Just an anti-hero with no guidance." Roman said as he stood up. "Plus, why would I send you away? Everyone desires the bad boy, Dee."
He let a moan slip at the Prince's words and then more sounds from his touches. Roman stroked his hands against the exposed areas of Dimitri's shirt. Watching the material disappear to reveal pale skin wherever the ropes weren't.
"I hate that you acted like such an insufferable cur, but I am glad you got my attention. Your body is stunning bound up in my lasso." Roman's words taking a sultry tone.
Caressing Dimitri's shoulders, past the glowing ropes, and down to his ass. Roman smacked Dee's ass hard enough to drive his hips forward with each swat. Letting the dark side grind against the crotch of his tight costume. Nuzzling against each other, small nips to collarbones and shoulders.
"You have two choices my fearsome foe: A slow and deep fucking with sweet kisses or fast and rough hate fucking that's too hard, but never enough. Either way, I am going to make you come over and over without ever needing to touch your cocks."
"Oooo god, please. Hate fucking but want kisses still. Can I ask for that? Am I allowed to?" Dimitri begged as the rope's magic kept his tongue loose. Shivering as his cocks jumped with the titillating truth.
"My wicked opponent you have no idea what you've just signed yourself up for." Roman smirked as he slipped back into character.
"You've terrorized my city for far too long. You have lied. You have created chaos and longing wherever you go. Now that I have you, I'm going to show you the error of your ways. Do you yield to this verdict, criminal mastermind?" Roman stood proudly as he gave Dimitri a way to consent or to opt out.
"I happily yield to your punishment."
Manhandling him to turn around and making him climb up onto the bench. His knees are pushed into position on the lower section. The soft leather padding has Dimitri off balance as he tries to fight back. The ropes shifting as he tries to use his hands to brace himself as Roman forces his bound half across the wide upper section of the bench. With Dimitri's ass exposed at the perfect height Roman could feel his foe’s trembling body.
With a wave of his hand, Roman conjured the tool of Dee's undoing. If the snake side could see it he would have gladly spread his legs open wider. Roman had to adjust his hard cock as he moved the fucking machine closer to Dee's ass.
"It's a pity you haven't let me catch you before, you have the perfect ass for caning and paddling." Roman said as he rubbed his lube slick fingers against his hole.
Letting Dimitri's moans and whimpering guide how deep and fast he opened him open. One finger quickly moving to two. A quick smack to his ass as Roman pushed three fingers into his clenching ass. The steady leaking of precome being a sign that he was ready.
"Y-you could spank me now? Want that. Dream of being used by you."
"No. I have a better plan." Roman said as lined the huge slick dildo from the fucking machine up against Dimitri's hole. Pressing it's tip right into him.
As Roman walked around to the front, the confused look on Dee's face was comical. If Roman was here? What was inside of him? The hardness of the cock still pushing into him. Bringing the control box with its many dials into view an obscene moan left Dee. Turning the dial making the slick cock pushing in so meticulously. Roman brushed the hair out of his face as he placed soft sweet kisses to his lips.
"Going to make you take your punishment while I finally get a good use for this dirty lying mouth." Roman growled as he pulled back. Ripping the blue booty shorts off, Roman's now freed cock slapped the side of Dimitri's face. Dimitri's tongue stuck far out trying to get it back, to taste, to suck on it.
"Such a desperate whore under all the lies, aren't we?" Roman tapped his cock off of his tongue while he turned the dial up again. The machines whirling is audible now as it is thrusting deeper into his ass. When Dimitri didn't answer, Roman flicked a different switch; Making the plastic cock vibrate as well.
Dimitri wasn't forming words, his couldn't get past how good he felt. Dimitri's body was speaking volumes to Roman still. As he touched his body seeing him leaning into each touch, cocks jumping when Roman started gripping his skin harder.
"Still want to suck this cock or are you too dickmatized, my little dark slut?" Roman bent over, gripping his hair and planting a rough kiss on him.
Mumbling yes and nodding his head was all he could do as the hero pushed his cock into his warm open mouth. Each truth was making the dark side feel more exposed, more open, he should be scared, but yet..
Dimitri was in heaven, his every hole being used. Struggling to breathe between the cock being shoved down his throat and the bindings against his body. Like a perverse hug, holding him close as the mechanical cock pounds deep into his body. Shaking and stroking over his prostate sending him over the edge. Splattering the leather padding with his come. Both cocks jerking with his release. Moaning around Roman's cock as the machine goes faster at his hero’s touch. Never stopping. Whimpering turns back to guttural moans as the Prince kisses him. Lips locked together, biting each other from pent up frustration. Dee immediately keeps his teeth away as Roman fills his mouth with his thick cock again. Focusing on sucking the cock in front of him made his own cocks grow heavy again.
Roman's hands seize the ropes as a leverage point. Holding Dimitri in place as he is trying to rock himself forward to take more of Roman into his mouth. If Dee moves too much he could hurt himself, that would never do. Roman needed this to happen again. And again and again. Taking control back by pinning Dee down, the prince is thrusting his hips forward to satisfy the snake’s hunger. Until Dimitri is gasping for oxygen when he pulls back because Roman is so deep in his throat.
A sinful symphony of moans, metal cranking, wet fucking sounds filled the room now.
"G-god you're such a good whore. Taking your punishment so well. Going to make me bust down your throat. Make you swallow my come like a good sidekick." Roman pants as he hears the metal gears grinding suddenly. Needing to work harder as Dimitri starts coming again. Clenching so hard it's making it strain to keep it’s pace. The sights and sounds are too much as Roman pulls out, stroking his cock fast as he spills across Dee's tongue.
"Gonna… gonna come again. Please. Please." Dimitri yelps. Legs kicking against the bench, whimpering and moving back and forth, another orgasm is forced from Dimitri's willing body as Roman finishes fucks himself through his own orgasm.
“Learned my lesson. Please no more, Ro.” Dimitri whimpers going slack as the cock slips free of his body.
Waving his hand, the machine is gone. Making Dimitri's hole spasm against nothing; making the emptiness fee overwhelming. Whimpering again, Roman pets his hair, laughing.
"You are a mess, you know that? Whining when you're getting fucked, Whining when it's too much, whining when it's over. Will you ever be happy, my woeful foe?"
"I-In your.. arms, close to you, being held by you, I'll be happy then." Dimitri struggles against the ropes, hands trying to move towards Roman.
"Oh, you do know how to land a fatal blow my sweet love."
A quick cut of the rope and Dimitri is being carried into the bathroom and down into a huge bath. The rose and lavender scented water encourages Dimitri to relax. The rushing water from the jets working all the stiffness from his body.
"Us good?" Dimitri mumbles against his hero's neck as he hugs the prince tightly since Dee is clingy when he is in subspace.
"Of course. We might argue or fight but we are parts of a whole. There is no me without you and vice versa." Roman says as he hand washes Dee from head to toe. Holding him close until his proper senses come back to him.
Then Dee is gently placed to the side of the tub as Roman washes himself. Rinsing off and being wrapped in a huge fluffy towel making him smile so big. Humming "a tale as old as time" as lotion is rubbed over all the rope marks. Roman issuing forth sweet nothings and telling him how well he did as he is dressed in cotton pjs. Then tucked into Roman's arms and under the covers.
"It was all a lie you know? You have no power over me. I'm not some simpleton to be won over so easy." Dimitri tried to get around the lies but frowned when he couldn't.
"Sure, you are. Night, Lasso Boy." Roman smirked as he tied a bit of cut lasso around his wrist. Knotting it three times over.
"Thank you. Night, my Wonder Prince." Dimitri smiled sweetly as he slept.
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wyrd66 · 6 years
Paski thoughts
Han and I are talking and I am taking notes so I don’t forget.
-- Paski are, if I remember correctly, endurance hunters like humans. Humans can sweat to cool off, which is a big way we outlasted our prey.
-- Paski only sweat in their palms and toesies, and they pant, and they release heat through their horns. This is not as efficient as sweating like a human, so they must have another way to cool down while exerting.
-- I think that they must have a really efficient vascular system. Pump the blood in huge quantities through the lungs to cool it, then get it out to the rest of the body to lower the general temperature.
-- This means that a) they must have a much higher blood pressure than the average human, b) they bleed like freaking crazy when cut, and c) they must have one hell of a clotting ability in order to avoid bleeding to death.
-- This explains why carving your horns can kill you.
-- They must have thicker arteries/veins than we do. And obviously their hearts are evolved to handle the higher blood pressure-- the BA-BUMP when you listen with a stethoscope must be so loud. xD
-- Han pointed out that this also explains their proclivity for killing by slashing the throat. 
-- Since they build their entire reproduction system from scratch every year, why not have them replace all their little blood cells on a super short schedule? Every couple of weeks, maybe? They must eat a shitton of food to keep up with these energy requirements. Maybe this is why they only live to be 90 (in this world, humans hit 110-115 on average). XD
-- As a reminder, paski blood has a lower iron content than humans, so their blood is closer to purple than to red.
-- Their super efficient vascular system means that they get a lot more oxygen than we do at any given time, so maybe they breathe slower or less frequently. They do better in low-oxygen environments like high altitudes than we do.
-- Since they have longer ribcages than we do (just the way I’ve designed them), their lungs might be longer than ours. I also forgot until just now that when I very first created them six or seven years ago, I gave paski bird respiration-- a unidirectional flow of air through the lungs, as opposed to the mammalian bidirectional flow of air. Birds are very efficient breathers.
-- Basically these suckers are oxygen-moving machines.
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If you're in the same way as me, you despise waiting for the rug to teetotal after you've cleaned it. It feels in the same way as it takes forever, especially if the rug is large. correspondingly what's the fastest mannerism to acquire your freshly-cleaned carpets dry? Here are some methods that worked best for me: -Blowdry in the same way as hair dryer -Use a standup fan -Put a plastic tablecloth over the tidy rug and put bowls of ice on summit of it All of these methods helped accelerate the freshening process, but I found that using a raptness of them worked best. Although it probably won't support in the same way as this, I'd suggest using a fine vacuum cleaner that has a strong suction capability and doesn't lose suction consistency. If you don't have get older to vacuum and you need your rug to teetotal quickly, here's a clear trick: bow to a second shower head and combine it to the end of the hose. after that combine the supplementary end directly to the faucet. Soak alongside the carpet, after that position on the shower. The powerful spray can will support scrub away any stains and allow the water to drain quickly through your carpet. This can be especially useful in areas in the same way as hardwood floors, as it will save them from getting damaged by excess moisture during cleaning. The rug cleaning method I in the same way as to use the most is called the warm water descent method. This is a well-liked and full of zip cleaning method that involves high-pressure warm water descent equipment, bleach, and detergents. The rug cleaner will first pre-treat most stains by applying a wetting agent in the same way as a sprayer and after that allow it to set for several minutes. in the same way as this is done, the powerful, warm water extractor robot is used to cut off dirt, oil, and supplementary stains from the rug fibers (and any supplementary contaminants). Then, the technician will apply a post-treatment solution or enzyme on the affected area. The explanation why this method is my favorite is because it's quick compared to supplementary methods. It gets the job ended in one visit and doesn't require any intense scrubbing.
Residential Carpet Cleaners Poway
rug cleaning equipment is a much-needed addition to your home's child maintenance toolbox. Whether your floors are in need of a thorough tidy or you have stains that need to be removed, there's a device out there for the job. For the most thorough cleaning, it's recommended that you use both a rug shampooer and a vacuum cleaner. The shampooer will thoroughly damp the fibers and cut off dirt and stains, even if the vacuum will lift taking place all of the excess water and suds from the floor. If you're just concerned in the same way as lifting dirt from carpets, after that a vacuum is all you'll need. Carpet cleaning equipment is an valuable part of any cleaning business. even if some of these machines are used to tidy carpets, they can as a consequence be used on supplementary surfaces. Have you ever been in a matter where you must tidy the rug but you don't have the right equipment? I know I have, and it's not fun. I've been in that matter a lot. I'm for all time having people over, and they're always tracking dirt and mud on my carpet. It's correspondingly gross! I used to employ professionals to arrive and tidy my carpets in the same way as they got dirty but it got in point of fact costly in point of fact fast. after that one day even if I was out shopping in the same way as my wife, she said "why don't you just buy your own rug cleaning equipment? It's cheaper that way." She had a point, correspondingly I went straight to the internet and did some research. Hoover super sucker rug Cleaner robot evaluation - Best rug Cleaners for house
5 Star Carpet Cleaners Poway
rug cleaning california - rug cleaning california Carpet Cleaning California has been providing residential and flyer rug cleaning services in Sacramento, California, before 1993. We pay for quality rug cleaning services to our customers at the most affordable prices. Future of rug Cleaning Carpet Cleaning California's unconventional plans are to take forward their matter in the Sacramento area. The company is planning to go to more trucks and staff, who will be adept to pay for even faster advance for their customers. Shout Out for rug Cleaning California Carpet Cleaning California does not have any shout outs. Carpeting is an excellent marginal for house design. It can go to a soft, acceptable touch to any room and will always see elegant. The main matter in the same way as carpets is that they arrive in the same way as an inherent problem: they acquire dirty. Some carpets are soiled by the people who stroll over them all day, even if others have to agreement in the same way as a steady stream of dust particles and dirt falling on summit of them from above. Either way, the dirt has to be dealt in the same way as if it's going to stay in place. For many people, cleaning the rug is a simple task that can be ended all week or month depending on the traffic in the house, but for others it can be a difficult fight next to unbending dirt and stains. in the same way as you're just not getting anywhere in the same way as your regular rug cleaning routine, it might be get older to call in the pros. If you're looking to acquire your carpets cleaned by professionals, you have some options clear in California. First off, you'll have to believe to be whether you want to employ a company that specializes in cleaning carpets or one that as a consequence offers supplementary services in the same way as distressing and storage. The first marginal will support you acquire that rug cleaned right away without any hassle or confusion, but the second marginal may save you some child maintenance if you need https://localcarpetcleanerspoway183.blogspot.com/2022/08/local-carpet-cleaners-poway.html Reputable Carpet Cleaners Poway https://localcarpetcleanersoceanside480.blogspot.com/ https://localcarpetcleanersoceanside480.blogspot.com/2022/08/local-carpet-cleaners-oceanside.html https://yoga-apple-valley-ca-f3k.tumblr.com/post/692693075856916480/local-carpet-cleaners-oceansi https://onlineertcrefundshelp696.blogspot.com/ https://onlineertcrefundshelp696.blogspot.com/2022/08/online-ertc-refunds-help.html
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immediocregoodbye · 7 years
92 truths tag
RULES: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. at the end choose 25 people to be tagged.
Pretend @isoldmyheadbutnotmystereo  tagged me because I know she was thinking abotu me but 2, 2 shy, hush hush eye 2 eye
drink: Iced coffee, 6 sugar packets half a gallon of half and half (what’s half a gallon of half and half? a quarter quarter of a quarter?)
phone call: Doctor’s office 
text message: My friend Alex and I talking about 10 year high school reunions and how painful high school was
song you listened to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-3_a24I3PY&ab_channel=BarsukRecords
time you cried: 2-3 days ago I can’t remember
dated someone twice: No
been cheated on: I don’t think so
lost someone special: How literal? Like lost in the desert? I have lost friends in the desert. Or like death literal? I don’t think in that case. Or like metaphorically people drifting out of my life? Probably but I’m a sociopath and got over it I guess.
been depressed: HAHAHAHA 
been drunk and thrown up: So this one time it was my friend Lauren’s birthday and her boyfriend worked at a bar my coworkers and I always went to after shift and since it was Whiskey Wednesday he brought out a tray of like 30 whiskey shots and since it was free and I was poor, me and every other sucker just did back to back shots of whiskey then walked to Denny’s. I puked in their bathroom twice, ended up under the table sleeping on a Barney Rubble toy someone won from a claw machine, woke up and was driven home, puked all night and then when I woke up hungover I tried sleeping it off on the couch but as soon as I started feeling better there was a commercial for Jack Daniels on TV and I got up and threw up again.
Also like 3 other times probably which isn’t that bad considering how often/the vast quantity I used to drink
made a new friend: YEAH!! I made some of the best friends of my life in the last year.
fallen out of love: No!!!
laughed until you cried: In the past YEAR? I’m sure I have but I can’t remember over what.
met someone who changed you: I’ve met people who have really affected my life for sure so yeah I guess!
found out who your true friends are: I feel like I’ve known this for like 10 years
found out someone was talking about you : I think people talk about me every day and talk shit I wouldn’t even be surprised I don’t need to find out I KNOW
how many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: God, I know a lot of Tumblr people in real life actually.
do you have any pets?: One dog (my parent’s), one cat (actually my wife’s but WHATEVER I LOVE THAT CAT)
do you want to change your name?: Nah I don’t care
what time did you wake up this morning: 10am
what were you doing last night: Drawing and using some dope bath bombs, possibly at the same time (spoiler alert don’t bring your laptop and tablet in the bath, that creates a literal bomb in your bath)
name something you cannot wait for: I’m gonna see my goil soon and I can’t wait!!! 
have you ever talked to a person named tom?: Hell yeah one of my good buddies is named Tom and he’s DUMB 
what’s getting on your nerves right now: Fucking everything I’m on my period THAT’S MY PERIOD YA DUMB BITCH THAT’S MY PEERIOODDD
blood type: A+ (because I aced my blood test wink)
nickname: ???/ I have a lot but none that are like widely used. Kisa, Burro, Gay, Twin, Star Bud, Bea, E, etc (etc isn’t a nickname)
relationship status: murried
zodiac sign: Gemini
pronouns: She/Her
favorite show: Steven Universe, Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, BoJack, for recent shit. For older cartoons, Futurama, ATLA, old Spongebob, FOP, Hey Arnold. Not cartoons, Parks and Rec, B99, 30 Rock, like anything on food network lol.
college:Went/Dropped Out, finished an AA online but never finished my degree in art or w/e. Might go back someday to be a MFT but masters in therapy takes a long-ass time
hair color: Really dark brown and gray
do you have a crush on someone: Is it gay to say your wife
what do you like about yourself: Fuck uh. I think I’m a good friend and try my best to make people feel good about themselves. I’m good hearted and treat people well. I’m a good listener. I think I can be pretty funny. I can be creative if I try. I’m open to doing a lot of new stuff. I’m pretty open-minded and cool w/ going with the flow. I cook pretty dope. 
first surgery: My first ever and I shit you not was an 8 hour hip surgery at a hospital that has a very specific specialist for the type of hip injury I got. I was in the hospital for 5 days recovering and had 12 pins and 2 plates put in.
first piercing: OKAY LISTEN my first piercing was my ears, I got it done at the mall and they put some fuckin CHEAP material in my ears. I ended up having an allergic reaction and my skin actually CLOSED over the backings so I was trying to take them out one night and couldn’t?? I went to the hospital the next morning and they numbed my ears and cut the skin open to get the earings out. I was like 8 years old lol.
first sport you joined: Soccer, age 9
first vacation: I don’t really remember because my family took my siblings and I on vacation every year - it was usually a trip up the coast of California, to Monterey, Morro Bay and San Fran.
first pair of sneakers: Yes
eating: I wish
drinking: I wish
i’m about to: lose my mind UP IN HERE UP IN HERE
listening to: A Youtube video which is talking about politics because I’m an adult that listens to polical news while drawing!!!
want kids: Probably not I wouldn’t want a child that’s genetically my own because of the lotta problems I have, I’d adopt if I ever decided to but I don’t think I’ll ever want kids because I’m sort of selfish with my time and wouldn’t want the commitment of a child. 
get married: RIGHT NOW??? AGAIN?? @man-cultural-outing
career: My current career is what I’ve wanted to do for a while, which is mental health and drug counseling at a rehab, but if I moved into another career, I’d hope to move up into therapy or if I ever committed to doing something art related I might consider it
lips or eyes: Prob like eyes more
hugs or kisses: I like both, I think hugs are nicer probably
shorter or taller: Doesn’t matter, as long as your heart is tal and your temper is short
older or younger: Are we talking like dating preference or just people or...? Like? I don’t care honestly, I have no preference in physical appearance, age, whatever.
romantic or spontaneous: Romantic
sensitive or loud: Sensitive
hookup or relationship : Relationship. I’ve been aware I’m asexual since I was an early teen and I’ve never considered hooking up with someone before.
troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant. I’m super afraid of getting in trouble and I fold under pressure fast lol.
kissed a stranger: If I did it was a long time ago
drank hard liquor: See answer up above (also one night in Isla Vista I had 13 shots of Everclear and didn’t died)
lost contacts/glasses: Don’t think so
sex on first date: Never
broken someone’s heart: I mean I’ve rejected people so probably
been arrested: Probably
turned someone down: A few times
fallen for a friend: That is almost exclusively what has happened to me
in yourself: Not really but I also tell myself I just gotta do the shit I gotta do and I get it done.
miracles: I’m not totally sure. I think great things happen randomly sometimes and I think things work out for the best and I’m grateful they do but I accept that it’s just random luck. I’ve never prayed for a miracle or anything.
love at first sight: Sort of. I don’t think love based on attraction at first sight is a thing for me. But I think understanding I love someone the first time I meet them and get a vibe about them is something I can say I believe in.
I don’t really care to tag anyone I can’t remember who I’m friends with so if you want to do this just tag me and say I tagged you okay thanks
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agentredfort · 7 years
ruby redfort fic masterlist
What is this- geek central?
welcome to the Ruby Redfort fic masterlist, where I do my very best to collect every single bit of fic that’s out there on the internet for your convenience!
I’m not listing these based on quality (and besides, there’s not exactly a lot out there so i can’t pick and choose) so there’s going to be a wide range of fics in this list. any fics that I especially like will be marked as [PERSONAL FAVORITE]. any fics that I’ve added in recently will be marked as [*NEW*]. ships will be tagged!
if there’s any fics that you’ve noticed I’ve missed- or if you’ve written something yourself!- either shoot me an ask or a message via Tumblr and I’ll add it straight away. 
A Guide To Love For A Bozo [wattpad] by TeamSpectrum [multichapter, ongoing] Ruby/Clancy
This is a cluby fan-fic written by Agent Baker. Take a look to find out what happens.
despite the sparse description, this is actually pretty good.
Always [ff.net] by mockingjay341 [Oneshot, complete!]
Ruby is suffering from nightmares, but Clancy will always be there to make her feel better.
hella sweet. ruby needs a hug
Aren’t We All a Bit of a Bozo? [tumblr] by blackers-donuts [oneshot, complete!] Hitch/OC 
Heather looked across at Lydia as they ate their morning toast. “LB reckons there is going to be a new coding agent today, some kid. You know, the one Hitch is looking after.”
interesting concept!! 
Bozo [wattpad] by Kaya_Tano [multichapter, ongoing] Clancy/Ruby
Ruby Redfort, a thirteen year old Spectrum Agent, is facing more than just trouble at work. Her hormones are raging and her best friend Clancy Crew has fallen for her, hard. But Ruby doesn't notice because she is too busy trying to solve her latest case at Spectrum, and how will she cope when one of her closest friends is killed by the notorious murderer The Count, who is supposed to be in a high security prison? And who is the mole at Spectrum who is leaking information to him?
 not bad. i’m not a big fan of the ‘spectrum pairs ruby up with a cute boy her age’ plot, but this seems to be decently-written.
Changed at Birth [tumblr] by blackers-donuts [Twoshot, now complete!] Background Hitch/Blacker 
“They said mum should have killed me with iron,” whispers Ruby.
the folk tale au i never knew i wanted tbh. only halfway done at the moment but it’s such a cool concept and it fits really well??
Convincing LB [wattpad] by Jasmine3103 [Oneshot, complete!]
I really wanted to know what Hitch said in CYD to convince LB to give Ruby another chance. So here is my version.
this was a really good missing scene sorta fic! give it some love if you’ve got a chance, the author seems really lonely to me
Family Ain't Just Blood [ao3] [tumblr] by celestialskies [Oneshot, complete!] [*NEW*]
Ruby looked up, aware that she probably looked like someone had tried to rock her to sleep by dragging her through a hedge backwards several times. Six hours of sleep over three days can do that to a person.
"Couldn't sleep," she muttered. In her tired state, she barely noticed Hitch's expression shift from one of surprise surprise and mild amusement to one of concern.
Ruby can't sleep, and Hitch steps in.
goddamn, i’m always a sucker for unconventional family stories. i actually squealed when I saw this one, which should give you  a pretty good idea of how much i enjoyed it
Five times Clancy Crew chained his bikes to Ruby Redfort’s and one time he didn’t [tumblr] by blackers-donuts [Oneshot, complete!]  [PERSONAL FAVORITE] 
The first time it was a mistake- honestly the chain accidentally went through the frame and well, it only held Ruby up temporarily.
this is really hecking cute and is just generally really great. it made me smile a lot. please check it out
Grains of Sand and Love [tumblr] by  blackers-donuts [Oneshot, complete!] Ruby/Clancy
Being sixteen suddenly brought the barbecues on the beach, adolescent drinking and all the drama that it comes with.
it’s no secret by now that I love this author, this is soft and lovely and good and you should really read it
High School Sweethearts [tumblr] by blackers-donuts [Oneshot, complete!] [PERSONAL FAVORITE] Ruby/Del, Hitch/Blacker
There was no way you could look between Blacker and Hitch and think ‘brothers’.
short and oh so very sweet. i think i’m crying. this one is so good, my gay little heart is appeased
hold on tight [wattpad] by w0nderland-writing [multichapter, ongoing]
Ruby Redfort never gets a break, and in this story Ruby goes on an epic adventure in the Grand Canyon.
pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. a bit scattered but mostly coherent.
In which Ruby was right to worry [ao3] by Wolfiethepretzel [oneshot, Complete!] [*NEW*] [PERSONAL FAVORITE]
Froghorn was a constant nuisance in Ruby's life. But as soon as he disappeared she realized she'd rather him be about.
perfect Ruby characterization and some really hecking good bonding/character development. if you read nothing else on this list, at least check this one out.
Look Into His Eyes And Take Your Last Breath [wattpad] by WARNINGwhovian [very long, complete!] Clancy/Ruby, background LB/Baker [PERSONAL FAVORITE]
Meet Ruby Redfort, a super cool teenage wannabe spy. She's been through thick and thin and survived things from a giant sand timer to a legendary sea monster to invisible thieves to mythical wolves. She's already one of the most experienced agents in her agency, Spectrum, without even being an official one yet. She thinks she seen it all. But Ruby's entering a dangerous stage of life where she is vulnerable to many things, lots of things she knows nothing about. But Ruby is unduly worried about the years to come. She's a dauntless girl. But when things start to go wrong in her social life, her agent training in Spectrum and the return of an old foe start kicking off and suddenly, everything happens at once. And Ruby is faced with a choice. A dream job at a top secret spy agency with an astronomical pay, or a scrawny boy who doesn't believe in a dangerous life. Ruby Redfort, the choice is yours.
to my knowledge, the only completed longfic in the fandom so far. although it could do with a bit of editing, the quality is overall excellent and there’s some twists in there that even i wasn’t expecting. I especially loved the Ruby-Hitch dynamic and interactions in this one. If you’ve got a spare hour or two, I definitely recommend that you check it out!
Riding the Rails [tumblr] by blackers-donuts [Oneshot, complete!] Crossover with Railhead 
“The Guardians want you, Ms Redfort,” says a station worker as Ruby stops her game of Rock paper scissors with Zen.
I can honestly say I’ve never heard of Railhead before, but was super cool nonetheless. it feels super surreal and the details were a+++- go check it out
Rosetta Redfort: Freefall [wattpad] by TeamSpectrum [multichapter, ongoing] background Clancy/Ruby
Ruby's daughter, Rosetta, discovers her secret-Spectrum.  A conspiracy to steal a gem that will lead to a collapsing mountain and a giant flood.  Will Rosetta crack like a diamond under pressure or will she stand strong?
an interesting take on a future-fic. might not be everyone’s cup of tea but i kind of liked it.
Love is blind, well Ruby is. [ao3]  [tumblr] by Neondragon54 [Oneshot, complete!] Blacker/Hitch
It's well known to the entirety of Spectrum not to go into the coding room after Hitch had returned from a mission. Everyone (Blacker) is distracted and more than once has an important agent (LB) walked in on two agents kissing.
Ruby doesn't know this rule.
Goddamnit, now I’m invested in this ship. this is also super good, read it.
Movie Night [tumblr] by goldstarsforall [Oneshot, complete!] [*NEW*] Blacker/Hitch
They got to the cinema a lot earlier than either of the men expected. It was a clear night, the air felt crisp and clean and if they hadn’t booked Hitch would have just wanted to sit in the park and talk.
heckin’ cute lil’ oneshot. a Good Ship. a Good Fic.
Ruby Redfort: Don't Look Around [wattpad] by maybeitsdella [multichapter, ongoing]
Welcome back Ruby Redfort: every smart kid's smart kid. 
After making Larva, Ruby Redfort's career in espionage is sending her off the ground running. There's no time to sit at home, with Clancy (who might just have a crush on her), sipping on banana milk, watching Crazy Cops. Not when the Count is still out there, and not when the Silent G is just sitting there waiting for her to fail (or die).
A promising start, this fic looks quite interesting. It’s only got a few chapters so far but I’m definitely going to be following it closely
Ruby's Rule 6 [ff.net] by mockingjay341 [Multi-chapter, ongoing!] [PERSONAL FAVORITE]
Ruby and Clancy have each other's backs - no matter what. So what will they do when they realise that sometimes our greatest strengths can also be our biggest weaknesses?
hell yeah, multi-chapter!! i really love how Ruby and Clancy bounce off each other so far, it feels super real. I’m honestly looking forward to reading more from this author. i haven’t felt this excited for a fic in a while
Silence Is Golden [tumblr] by blackers-donuts  [Oneshot, complete!] [PERSONAL FAVORITE]
There was a sharp knock at the door. Ruby was finally going to bury the hatchet with Froghorn by asking him for help. 
this is possibly the softest thing i’ve read in my entire hecking life. basically just the code team chilling around and bonding and honestly it’s just so sweet and good
Some kinda death wish [ff.net] by Bubbly Washing Machine [Oneshot, complete!]  [PERSONAL FAVORITE] 
They stood at the bottom of the stairs, in the dark, and argued. "Rube, don't go up there," said Clancy desperately, "just wait for the rest of the team." "Look bozo, someone's gotta take her out before she catches on and splits the scene." Clancy looked her in the eye, pleading. "Please. Wait for backup."
Beautiful little character study- cute and poignant.
Sweating Is Totally (not) Necessary [tumblr] by blackers-donuts [Oneshot, complete!] [*NEW*] [PERSONAL FAVORITE] Blacker/Hitch, Ruby/Del
The phone finally picked up, Ruby knew it was still Clancy’s first few weeks at the desk of Buzz and he was getting a grip with the phone system but it really should be quicker.
This wonderful person wrote this for my birthday, so of course I freaking love it. it’s a great character study and just generally all-round a Good Thing- there was a coding segment midway through that I particularly enjoyed!!
Other Things
The TeamSpectrum Collection on Wattpad- an assortment of short fics, competitions and discussions that’s been put together by a whole lot of users, including me! Definitely worth checking out. 
My own wide very small assortment of fanfiction, located over on this page! it’s not included here on the masterlist because- well, posting my own stuff is a tiny bit awkward- but i hope you read and enjoy my work all the same
My ongoing Social Media AU can be found here. 
LAST UPDATED: 14/08/2017
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supertechengineer · 1 year
The Super Sucker Machine is a heavy-duty industrial vacuum cleaner used to suck up large volumes of solids, liquids, and sludges from a variety of industrial settings. It is an extremely powerful and efficient machine that is used to clean up a range of substances, including oil spills, sewage, and hazardous waste. The machine is particularly useful in environments where traditional cleaning methods are not practical or effective.
The Super Sucker Machine is a self-contained unit that is mounted on a truck or trailer. It consists of a large vacuum pump, a high-pressure water pump, and a storage tank for the collected materials. The machine is typically operated by a crew of two or more people who are trained in the use of the equipment.
One of the key features of the Super Sucker Machine is its powerful vacuum pump. This pump is capable of creating a vacuum that is strong enough to lift heavy materials such as rocks and bricks. It is also capable of sucking up large volumes of liquids and sludges. The pump is driven by a powerful diesel engine that provides the necessary power to operate the machine.
Tumblr media
In addition to the vacuum pump, the Super Sucker Machine also has a high-pressure water pump. This pump is used to spray water onto surfaces to help loosen and remove stubborn materials such as grease and oil. The water pump is also used to clean up spills and to flush out pipes and tanks.
The collected materials are stored in a large tank on the Super Sucker Machine. The tank is designed to hold large volumes of solids, liquids, and sludges. Once the tank is full, the crew can transport it to a disposal site where the materials can be safely disposed of or recycled.
The Super Sucker Machine is used in a variety of industries, including oil and gas, mining, and construction. In the oil and gas industry, the machine is used to clean up oil spills and to remove solids and sludges from storage tanks and pipelines. In the mining industry, the machine is used to clean up tailings ponds and to remove solids and sludges from mining operations. In the construction industry, the machine is used to clean up construction sites and to remove debris from demolition projects.
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speedkleen-blog · 8 years
We are manufacturing of Sewer Line Maintenance Equipments, Suction Dump Tank Machine, Dump Tank Manufacturer from Ghaziabad and Dump Tank Manufacturer from India.
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trendsvacuum · 6 years
Top 5 Best Vacuums For Bed Bugs You May Don’T Know
Bed bugs are always big trouble and a true nightmare for all families. Picking bed bugs one – by – one is time- and effort – consuming.
Furthermore, this traditional method could drive you crazy simply because, after a long day of picking them, there are a bunch of leftover bed bugs as this type of unbearable creature multiples as fast as light speed.
If bed bugs are clamping down on your family’s sleep and you have to toss and turn every night, we are here to help you.
In this article, we’ll recommend you top 5 best vacuums for bed bugs that we took time and effort to discover and experience. Hope you find this post informative and helpful. Now, let’s jump in!
What are vacuums for bed bugs?
When it comes to kill and clean up bed bugs, bugs killer – specialized vacuums come none to second. This is simply because they are highly effective, fast acting and super convenient. With vacuums for bed bugs, picking these hateful insects right out of your furniture is no longer a harsh task.
Step by step vacuuming guideline
In order to destroy this little – sized and bull-headed enemy, you have to buy a vacuum with sufficient power to dislodge the bugs. Recommended power is at least 110 volts. The higher the motor’s power is, the better performance the vacuum is.
Find them
Finding bed bugs with the naked eye isn’t as easy as you think, especially for nearsighted people or the elder. Bugs always shelter deeply in tears or rips in the fabric, deep wrinkles and seams of furniture and mattresses.
It is advisable to spot bugs’ eggs as adult bugs will linger in the same area with their eggs.
Take action
You are better off using the vacuum’s crevice wand to run it along crevices, seams, wrinkles or anywhere you think that the bed bugs could lurk in. Make sure to go over these areas twice or three times to completely kill them.
Run your vacuum over the regular carpets and repeat the process daily to have the best result.
Considerations when purchasing a vacuum for bed bugs
Durability and Longevity
In the current market, vacuums come in numerous functions and designs. Some are built with a small and compact design for travel; some are designed to be handheld.
Based on our experience and observation, the larger the vacuum is, the more highly functioned and long-standing it is. A large vacuum may cost more, but it’s totally worthy to invest in a high – standard vacuum.
Large ones tend to contain more dirt and water. Furthermore, you don’t have to refill or empty its trash bag while cleaning the entire house.
Honestly speaking, bed bugs are very hard to kill and heating them till die is the only way we can handle these troublemakers. A temperature ranging from 160 to 180 degrees is considered a perfect condition.
Bed bugs are a true genius species in hiding themselves in tiny cracks such as furniture, armchairs, piles of clothing or mattresses. That is the reason why killing them is highly challenging and effort – consuming.
Attachments are super helpful as bed bugs are too small, difficult to find and shelter in hard – to – reach areas. We tend to purchase vacuums with lots of attachment.
Whenever vacuuming, you could attach or take off attachments for the sake of easy cleaning.
Top 5 Best Vacuums For Bed Bugs
Here are top 5 best vacuums for bed bugs that we took a lot of time and effort to research and pick up. The table below was sorted according to the quality, from highest to lowest.
1. Housmile Anti – Dust Mite UV Vacuum Cleaner
Seek for a super helper to escape a real nightmare called “Bed Bugs,” Housmile Anti – Dust Mite UV Vacuum Cleaner is our solution.
This innovative and smartly – designed UV vacuum is ideal for cloth sofas and mattresses as it features an easy lift off UV hand vacuum.
All you need to do is detaching the UV hand vacuum and starting destroying bed bugs, mites, allergens or any little-sized odious species on toys, carpet, fabric sofas, fluffy mat, towel, curtain or underwear.
After a long time of researching, Housmile manufacturer has produced a new generation of a vacuum cleaner which is applied cutting – edge and exclusive technology.
This superb technology allows us to remove invisible mites thoroughly as the vacuum releases high – temperature hot air at 55C to damage the environment in breeding the bugs and mites.
Additionally, it’s unique pressure-sensitive rolling wheels are carefully designed to prevent UK leak, safer operation, and faster response speed.
This smart vacuum is also equipped with a powerful UV light which is able to penetrate the outer cell structure and changes the DNA molecule to kill bedbugs, microorganisms, and mites.
What we like most about this convenient vacuum is its advanced HEPA filtration system which sterilizes all types of dust carefully and helps eliminate air pollution.
As it was designed to be a handheld vacuum, the manufacturer produced a super lightweight one. Hence, doing the household is no longer an exhausting work.
Even though this cute little machine has a small size, don’t judge a book by its cover. It will absolutely give customers a big wow due to its strong suctioning power.
With the Housmile Vacuum’s support, beating the bugs out of their hiding places is easy as a pie. It could accommodate up to 160ml of pests, dust and absorb a considerable amount of material.
The Housmile UV Vacuum Cleaner has received numerous compliments on Amazon. This somehow could prove how effective this bed bugs killer is. Let give it a chance and it won’t let you down.
Product details:
Product dimensions: 9.9 x 4.7 x 6.8 inches
Weight: 3.3 pounds
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”yes” title=”Product Name…” button_text=”Buy $59.99 @Amazon” disable_button=”no” button_link=”https://amzn.to/2EjnfSo” button_link_target=”__blank” button_rel_attr=”nofollow”][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Change filter easily.
Perform well.
Use carbon filtration.
Lightweight, easy to use and portable.
Doesn’t sound loud when operating.
Sturdy and well – made.
Easy to reach hard – to – reach areas.
Doesn’t come with extra filters.
2. Atrix Bug Sucker HEPA Backpack Vacuum
Atrix manufacturer is always considered top – of – mind vacuum brand. With almost 40 years of experience, this reputable brand has generated a wide range of vacuum models.
Atrix’s products are a perfect combination between high – end quality and dedicated services.
There is no sharp-tongued when saying that all Atrix’s products win customer’s hearts. The Atrix Bug Sucker HEPA Backpack Vacuum is the obvious evidence.
It sounds like Atrix researched and understood customer’s expectation thoroughly when equipping an extra-long reaching metal wand – an item which rarely sees on other vacuum manufacturers.
This tool allows us to reach touch – to – reach and clean areas, simplify the cleaning job and save a lot of time and effort.
Furthermore, its compact design makes it ideal for mobile cleaning solution. You could make use of this Atrix vacuum in numerous locations such as warehouses, offices, hospitals, ceilings, drapes and hard to reach corners.
Especially, it possesses a 4 – level filtration system which has 8 quart HEPA bag, exhaust filter, and cloth shakeout bag HEPA pre-motor filter. This superb filtration system is highly effective in pick up machine dust, bugs, hair, and other particles.
This vacuum cleaner also has a CFM output of 106 CFM which could easily switch to a blower with 3 blower nozzles.
When purchasing all Atrix products, customers could put their mind at peace as they all accompanied by a 1 – year warranty. In case there is any failure happened, the Atrix manufacturer will repair and replace the defective product if needed or even repaid.
Even though its price doesn’t fit everyone’s pocket, you’ll get what you pay for. Invest in an Atrix vacuum and use for life, this is such a big bargain.
Product information:
Product dimension: 12” x 9” x 20”
Weight: 10.3 lbs
Included: backpack vacuum, blower adapter, 6’ hose, 22”-37” extension wand, exhaust filter cover, 2 HEPA bags, 8 nozzle attachments, set of filter plugs and hose, and shakeout bag.
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”yes” title=”Product Name…” button_text=”Buy $145.99 @Amazon” disable_button=”no” button_link=”https://amzn.to/2SCBQvn” button_link_target=”__blank” button_rel_attr=”nofollow”][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Air purifier included.
Strong suctioning power.
High function.
Useful attachments included reaching hard – to – reach areas.
Fairly expensive.
3. Verilux CleanWave Sanitizing Portable Vacuum
In case a portable and high – tech vacuum cleaner is all you are looking for, The Verilux CleanWave Sanitizing Portable Vacuum is our big recommendation.
This Verilux vacuum is pretty convenient with compact and portable design, so you could bring it to anywhere you go. It also features a bagless and easy – empty design and two-stage micro – allergy filtration.
A set of vacuum included 1 nozzle, 1 detachable hand vacuum, brush attachments, and 1 UV – C light – sanitizing head. The detachable hand vacuum is equipped for the sake of easy cleaning.
You could attach the brush or nozzle to completely sanitize surfaces like bathroom floors, furnishings, carpets and mattress cover.
This will prevent bacteria from damaging your furniture and make sure that recirculation of pollutants has never ever had a chance to happen.
When purchasing the Verilux Portable Vacuum, customers could totally feel secure as this product has been tested by the United States independent third – party laboratory.
Interestingly, it has been verified to be a chemical-free method of eradicating up to 99% of viruses, molds, germs, pest eggs on hard surfaces.
Finally yet importantly, applied germ – reducing UV technology, the Verilux vacuum is able to penetrate the cell membrane of a microorganism and damage its DNA. That is the reason why Verilux vacuum is popularly believed and used.
Product information:
Product dimensions: 13 x 5.2 x 7 inches
Weight: 5 pounds
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”yes” title=”Product Name…” button_text=”Buy $69.97 @Amazon” disable_button=”no” button_link=”https://amzn.to/2EjfLyy” button_link_target=”__blank” button_rel_attr=”nofollow”][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Proofing efficient and laboratory tested.
Germ – reduction UV Technology.
Immense power.
Easy to use.
The sensor isn’t sensitive though.
4. UV Light Bed Vacuum Cleaner Kills Dust Mites
This Anti – Allergen handheld is advertised as able to kill up to 99.9% of bacteria including Salmonella & Staphylococcus, E.coli, allergens such as bed bugs, pet hair, and dust mites.
Moreover, it comes with an Advanced HEPA filtration system to avoid recirculation. When purchasing this machine, it comes with a 2 in 1 combined crevice/upholstery tool for the sake of convenient and easy cleaning.
The UV – C Light plays an important role in eliminating particles and germs on surfaces as well as killing all types of dust mites which nestled in your furniture. It also put an end to bacteria, microbial pests, and mold.
Plus, its special design and lightweight feature make it a perfect handheld vacuum cleaner. Buy now or regret later!
Product information:
Product dimensions: 34 x 18 x 13cm
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”yes” title=”Product Name…” button_text=”Buy $50.99 @Amazon” disable_button=”no” button_link=”https://amzn.to/2SCBRzr” button_link_target=”__blank” button_rel_attr=”nofollow”][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Lightweight but powerful.
Advanced filtration system.
Powerful UV light.
Modern design.
UV light is fairly difficult to activate.
5. Taiwan Present Euleven UV Handheld Vacuum
Thanks to this vacuum cleaner, a bug-free bed is no longer a dream for those who are suffering an annoying infestation caused by a little monster called bugs.
This vacuum stands out among its’ other competitors as it kills not only bed bugs but also germs, allergens, and dust mites.
The Taiwan Vacuum possesses a high power suction with approximately 3500 RPM vibration action and 8.5kPa suction force to discover and kill all pests.
It only weighs approximately 3 Lbs which makes it portable and easy to carry around.
Like other first-rate vacuums, this cleaner has a HEPA filtration system to kill all bed bugs without escaping.
Product information:
Product dimensions: 12.6 x 7.6 x 5.1 inches
Weight: 3.1 pounds
Included: 1 vacuum cleaner, 1 user manual, and 1 extra HEPA filte
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”yes” title=”Product Name…” button_text=”Buy $189.95 @Amazon” disable_button=”no” button_link=”https://amzn.to/2EgwGC9″ button_link_target=”__blank” button_rel_attr=”nofollow”][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Lightweight and portable.
HEPA filtration system.
Powerful suction force.
Easy maneuver.
Eye-catching design.
Pretty fragile.
Should I buy bagged vacuums or bagless vacuums?
In our point of view, bagged vacuums are much better as the bag could be easily detached from the vacuum and thrown out.
If you use bagless vacuums improperly, the vacuums could become infested with bugs and bugs’ eggs.
Can bed bugs stay alive inside the vacuums?
This is a good question. Everyone thinks that vacuums can kill bed bugs, but interestingly, several bugs can survive and stay alive inside the vacuums.
As I mentioned above, in order to make sure your house doesn’t have any bugs, you should buy a vacuum with a bag. After vacuuming your house, remember to zip the bag tightly and throw it into the outside trash can. Otherwise, these disgusting bugs will crawl into your house again and again.
When you are reading till this part, it’s time to stop sharing your beloved bed with creepy bugs. Just purchase one of 5 vacuums that we highly recommend above, and you can get rid of them forever.
If you ask us which one is the best vacuum for bed bugs among 5 listed models above, Housmile Anti – Dust Mite UV Vacuum Cleaner is our answer. It is durable, smartly and meticulously designed and cutting – edge.
Hopefully, after reading this article, you could grasp constructive and useful information about vacuum for bed bugs.
Thank you so much for spending your specious time to read the whole post. In case there is anything unclear, don’t hesitate to comment down below. We would highly appreciate. Once again, thanks a bunch.
See more: Top 5 Best Vacuums For Bed Bugs You May Don’T Know
source https://trendsvacuum.com/best-vacuums-bed-bugs.html
via Blogger http://bit.ly/2BWQzvr
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americanrooter · 7 years
Complete Guide On Draining Cleaning Services In Omaha
Drain Cleaning Services In The Omaha Area
We have always considered food, housing, and clothing as the main basic needs. Drain cleaning should be part of that. What could be done if there were no drain systems? Think of the kitchen, the bathrooms, the sinks and the toilets. They do the receiving of wastewater and materials. Some of the materials can be toxic to humans. Things will be messy if the dirt was to spread all over. Drains are a complicated system of pipes that run from premises to the sewer line and all the way to the city collection. The system is not always perfect at work. It is important to note that these systems flow in below the ground where there is a lot of root growth activity and pressure. Damage to the system is hence very common. Pipes can crack, break or get crushed. Also, some materials that are not intended to go through the system gets in by mistake causing some disaster.
The cure to blocked pipes is drain cleaning service. You can do it yourself when it’s a mild situation or hire an expert when things are out of your control.
Areas often affected
Kitchen drains – the kitchen is known for the busy activity there. People have to cook, wash and get rid of waste materials. When washing the dishes, there are food particles that may pass through to the drains. Some of these materials may lead to blockages often. Also, soap, fat and grease may build up on the inside sides of the kitchen drains. This slows down the normal flow of waste water. The drains may not entirely get clogged, but the rate of uptake will be wanting.
Bathroom drains – in the bathrooms, there are sinks and the drains collecting bathing water. One may think that since its basically unclean water that doesn’t have solids, there is no risk of blockage. In a new house, things will be running smoothly. That is because the drains are fresh and clean. With time, soap and toothpaste start clogging the sinks bit by bit. Soap and hair collection also affects the bath drains.
Toilet drains – this can be termed as the most serious. We are talking of solid waste here. If the toilet drains are blocked, everybody will know of it in a matter of hours. Personal business in the toilet becomes impossible and the bad odor dominates the house atmosphere. Toilet drains are also the most vulnerable. The solid content in it is the main reason. It’s easy to see why toilets often block.
Floor drains, laundry rooms and other drains also get affected from time to time. In all these areas, the wastewater is not able to move freely as it is designed to do. It is quite the opposite of clean water system where there is no interferences from foreign solid materials.
How to prevent blocked drains
It is important to know that blocked drain comes with a lot of inconveniences. Things get out of control in a short time. If you are not lucky to treat the situation with DIY tactics, you have to wait for a professional drain cleaning service to save you out of the mess. The wise homeowners know that keeping an eye on the drains helps a great deal. The regular inspection ensures that things run as they should. So, how can one prevent the unfortunate occurrences? Let’s find out.
Don’t put everything in the drains – it is clear that drains don’t just block. They block only when aliens that obstruct the free flow of wastewater are introduced into the system. Just because a debris can fit in the drains doesn’t give you the leeway to push it through. So, why don’t you do this the easy way? Just watch what you put inside the drains. If it’s something that is likely to cause some trouble down there, you better not gamble putting it in there. Take all measures possible to prevent entry of aliens into the drains. Coffee grounds, soap scum, hair and grease should not be let in there. Also, ensure that all drains have strainer like structures at the entry point. This will go a long way to prevent the greatest proportion of solid materials that could have otherwise gone down into the drains. Drain screens ensure that water passes through while other particles are trapped. Have these screens in the drain outlets. Ensure that you pick the fitting screens for the job.
Rather than put the materials down into the system, you can collect them manually and put them in the bin. Don’t just assume the grease and let it go through. Has it kept in a can that can then be easily disposed of otherwise?
Use hot water – among the biggest drain problem is the scum inside the drains. When you have scum building up in the toilets and sinks, it can easily be cleaned up. However, cleaning the drains is an impossible thing. As much as we may want, grease and soap still find its way into the drains. The longtime effect is the drains becoming clogged. Everything has its weaknesses though. Grease may be resistant to many other cleaning procedures, but fail to resist high temperatures. If one can increase the temperatures down the drains without damaging the drains, then that’s the route to go. Hot water is greatly appropriate in this regard. The fat will melt and continue with its journey rather than build up inside the pipes. Regular poring of hot water will ensure more and more grease cleaning. Sluggish drainage will be very rare.
Baking soda – just before you can pour the hot water, have a handful amount of baking soda into the drains. This is a substance considered a super cleaning agent. It will help clean the drains and kill the bad odors that come from there. If you don’t have baking soda, you can as well use vinegar. It is also a great cleaning agent.
Professional checkups – there are those who can do it better than you. If you have no clue of what you should do, or you don’t have time to do it, then you need to let the experts step in. many will look at the price and shy away. However, the price is worth it. The experts will be coming to your home regularly to check the systems. Diagnosis will then detect where there are issues and correct them as appropriate.
If you are residing in a relatively old house where clogging of drains is a common issue, then you need to make use of these preventative measures. Some of these chemicals mentioned are very effective when used in the right manner. After you pour them in the drains, give them an allowance to do the cleaning and the results will be better off.
If you have the opportunity to apply these preventative measures, it is very much recommended that you go that route. However, not many homeowners do take advantage of the preventative measures. Most of them neglect their drains. They only give the drains the attention, then things are too late. In such cases, the curative measures have to come to play. Drain cleaning services are waiting for such instances so that they get to work. You have two options though. If things are not that serious, you can easily approach the situation using DIY. Leave it to the experts though if you can’t handle the situation.
Ways of dealing with blocked drains
Things get stubborn when drains get blocked. In a short while, the odor and the mess will make you want to run away from the house. If you note a sluggish drainage either in the kitchen, bath or toilet, then you need to take quick action. There are so many do-it-yourself approaches that you can use. These include;
Using a plunger – it is the simplest technique of unblocking the drains. It utilizes the simple concept of pressure that we all learnt back in high school. Since the drains are sealed, it is easy to unclog them. If you don’t use this tool as required, it might frustrate you. To open us clogged sinks or toilets, you have to ensure that the drain is covered by water. Start by filling the sink with water. Once the rubber sucker is covered in water, it is easy to pull out the drain content. The tight seal is vital.
To ensure that you maintain hygiene at home, ensure that you have a different plunger for soil water. It doesn’t make sense to use the same plunger everywhere. Homeowners who have double bowl types of sinks, using a plunger can also be tricky. You will be forced to create the seal by completing blocking one of the drains to ensure that the pressure travels down to the drains.
Using a barbed plastic – sometimes, the blocked drains are not serious. It is a blockage near the drain opening. For hygiene purposes, you can’t use your hands to pull out whatever is causing the blockage. Barbed plastics are made for this purpose. They have some projections that reach out to the pipe interiors to clean the hairs and the scum inside there. Whatever is causing sluggish drainage will be hooked to the barbed plastics and pulled out. These tools are efficient considering that they are flexible.
Powered cleaners – the modern generation is digital. People are trying to go away from the manual works. In fact, drain cleaning services is not a priority for many. Powered drain cleaners make things attractive. You just have to place the machine strategically and pull the button. It is a giant rubber sucker that has more power. It simply applies pressure to the blocked system forcing it to open. Two types of powered cleaners do exist. It can be the water powered or the gas powered. You pick the one that you prefer. Pressurized gas is applied to the blocked drains blasting them open. A water-powered machines works in the same manner only that it utilizes water. The water from the tap will just be pressurized to give it the momentum required to thrash whatever stands in the way of the sewers.
You will be required to be careful when using these powered machines. The power can be enormous and damaging if the drainage systems are not strong enough. It might even get worse if the drain content comes out in your direction. That’s why you need to make use of the best seal.
Heating pads – grease can be problematic ones it gets into the sewer systems. It sticks to the pipes and continues growing to the level that passage of wastewater is limited. The only way to force the grease and the fat down the drain is by melting it. This calls for high temperatures. Heating pads are appropriate in such situations. You just attach the pads on the pipes and switch them on. Don’t do this to the plastic pipes ad it might cause damage. As you do this, ensure that you have warm water flowing through the pipes to dissolve the grease and carry it away.
Plumber snake – these are cable augers. You notice that plungers and other hand tools don’t clean drains at the deep levels. The plumber snake is long enough and flexible enough to get to deep regions of the drain systems. If the blockage cannot be reached by a plunger or any other, then its time you tried the cable auger. It is a cheap option that is readily available even for hire. The cable is long enough for home drain cleaning. Ensure that you are protected in gloves when handling this cable.
To access the sink below, you can consider pulling off the sink trap. Plumber snake has to finds its way down to the drains. Some sinks have screens that are permanently fixed. The trap also can be a barrier. If the blockage is not anywhere near it. Once the path is clear for the snake, put in the cable auger and ensure that it goes as deep as possible. Consider cranking the cable so that it goes deeper until it meets the barrier. Once you are convinced enough that you have broken the resistance, pull out the auger.
Contact a plumber – if you apply all these DIY tips and none of them seems to work, then it’s time to upgrade to another level. The drain cleaning services are there to help you deal with such instances. Your safety and the safety of your home needs to come first. Don’t try something that you will end up regretting. In situations where it’s not your home, consider communicating to the relevant authorities or the landlord to take further action.
Why drain clean?
There are so many systems inside a house. In most cases, the systems are under close watch. If the internet system goes down, the next day it is repaired. However, the drainage system always seems to be neglected. It is important that homeowners see the essence of regularly having the drains purified. If this is not done, there are many consequences that not only affect the drainage systems but also the health of the house occupants. Here are the many pluses that come with regular drain cleaning.
Bring inconvenience – living in a house where drains are clogged is stressful. You are never comfortable. How can you be comfortable with the water rising up to your ankles when taking a shower? And the odor is extremely unwanted.
Home hygiene – we all know what drains carry. They take away what we don’t need in the house. The entire system from the beginning to the end is hence toxic. If the dirt inside there is not cleaned away regularly, the bacteria, the germs, the fungus and the molds will make the drains their home. This poses a risk to the family.
Safety – there is so much activity that goes on inside the drains. Don’t just assume that things are okay. Sometimes, it can get damaging. It could be corrosion that affects the systems. There can also be growth inside the drains. The roots could also be making their way into the pipes. All these complications end up blocking the drains or even damaging them. Regular cleaning keeps all these at bay.
Save money – It seems to be hectic for one do carry out regular maintenance service. Many shy away from it once they hear that experts are charging a certain fee. But I tell you, it’s not that expensive to regularly diagnose the drains. It pays back greatly. Those who don’t consider this option end up neglecting their drains. The amount of rot down there then goes beyond the threshold. Rather than repairing the systems, they will be required to replace the entire systems. Many professional drain cleaner companies are waiting for such an opportunity. They know they will earn the most out of it.
There are so many particles that can get into your drainage system. It could be the hair, food particles and what have you. Some of them are easy to ignore. However, with time, they grow up to become a true menace; a bomb waiting to explode. There are many dangers that can come with blocked drains not forgetting the embarrassment. Regular draining keeps you immune from such troubles. American Rooter Plumbing
from American Rooter http://www.americanrooter.biz/complete-guide-on-draining-cleaning-services-in-omaha/
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supertechengineer · 1 year
How does a Super Sucker Machine Work?
In the realm of industrial cleaning, efficiency and effectiveness are paramount. To meet these demands, the Super Sucker Machine has emerged as a game-changer. This powerful and versatile equipment has revolutionized the way industries tackle cleaning and maintenance tasks. In this article, we will explore the capabilities, applications, and benefits of the Super Sucker Machine, shedding light on its role in enhancing productivity and ensuring a cleaner and safer work environment.
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1. The Power of Suction
The Super Sucker Machine derives its name from its exceptional suction power. Equipped with a robust vacuum system, it can generate immense negative pressure to extract various types of materials, liquids, and debris. Its wide-ranging suction capabilities make it a versatile asset in industries spanning manufacturing, construction, mining, and more. With the ability to handle both solid and liquid waste, the Super Sucker Machine offers a comprehensive cleaning solution.
2. Applications and Use Cases
a) Industrial Waste Management
One of the primary applications of the Super Sucker Machine is industrial waste management. It excels at removing hazardous materials, such as sludge, chemicals, and toxic substances, from tanks, pits, and storage facilities. Its powerful suction ensures thorough cleaning, reducing the risk of contamination and improving workplace safety. Moreover, the Super Sucker Machine can be utilized for the collection and disposal of solid waste, preventing environmental pollution and promoting sustainability.
b) Sewer and Drain Cleaning
Blocked sewers and drains can cause significant disruptions and health hazards. The Super Sucker Machine offers an effective solution for clearing these blockages. With its high-powered suction, it can remove stubborn obstructions, including debris, grease, and sediment, restoring optimal flow. By eliminating clogs, the machine prevents potential flooding and minimizes the risk of structural damage to underground infrastructure.
c) Spill Response and Cleanup
When spills occur in industrial settings, rapid response and containment are crucial. The Super Sucker Machine plays a vital role in spill response and cleanup operations. Its ability to swiftly and efficiently extract liquids, such as oil, chemicals, and hazardous substances, aids in mitigating the environmental impact. By preventing the spread of pollutants, the machine assists in safeguarding ecosystems and minimizing the financial and legal consequences associated with spills.
d) Construction and Mining Sites
Construction and mining sites often face the challenge of managing large volumes of waste material and debris. The Super Sucker Machine proves invaluable in these environments, facilitating the removal of construction waste, slurry, and other byproducts. Its powerful suction enables quick and thorough cleaning, enhancing productivity and maintaining a safe working environment.
3. Advantages and Benefits
a) Time and Cost Efficiency
The Super Sucker Machine offers significant time and cost savings compared to traditional cleaning methods. Its powerful suction capability enables swift cleaning, reducing downtime and enhancing operational efficiency. By eliminating the need for manual labor-intensive cleaning, it frees up resources and allows personnel to focus on other critical tasks. Additionally, its versatility across multiple applications makes it a cost-effective investment that delivers long-term value.
b) Enhanced Safety and Compliance
Maintaining a safe work environment is of utmost importance in any industry. The Super Sucker Machine plays a pivotal role in promoting workplace safety and compliance. By effectively removing hazardous waste and minimizing the risk of spills and contamination, it reduces the potential for accidents and health hazards. Moreover, it aids businesses in meeting regulatory requirements and ensures adherence to environmental standards. By utilizing the Super Sucker Machine, companies demonstrate their commitment to employee well-being and responsible waste management practices.
c) Versatility and Adaptability
The Super Sucker Machine's versatility is a key advantage. It can be customized and equipped with various attachments and accessories to cater to specific cleaning requirements. Whether it's cleaning underground storage tanks, removing sludge from industrial ponds, or maintaining oil and gas pipelines, the machine can be tailored to suit diverse applications. This adaptability makes it a valuable asset across a wide range of industries.
d) Environmental Sustainability
In today's world, sustainability is a crucial consideration for businesses. The Super Sucker Machine contributes to environmental sustainability by effectively managing waste and minimizing its impact. By efficiently collecting and disposing of hazardous materials and pollutants, it helps prevent soil and water contamination. Additionally, the machine can be used for recycling and reusing collected materials, promoting a circular economy and reducing overall waste generation.
The Super Sucker Machine has revolutionized industrial cleaning by providing unmatched suction power and versatility. From managing industrial waste and cleaning sewers to responding to spills and maintaining construction sites, this equipment offers a comprehensive solution for a wide range of cleaning needs. Its advantages, including time and cost efficiency, enhanced safety, adaptability, and environmental sustainability, make it a valuable asset for industries worldwide. By harnessing the power of the Super Sucker Machine, businesses can achieve higher productivity, improved safety standards, and a cleaner, greener future.
0 notes
speedkleen-blog · 8 years
Super Sucker is Manufactured with New & Latest Technology. We also manufacture Super Sucker Machine with Strictest adherence to the Highest to International Standards.
0 notes
trendsvacuum · 6 years
Top 5 Best Vacuums For Bed Bugs You May Don’T Know
Bed bugs are always big trouble and a true nightmare for all families. Picking bed bugs one – by – one is time- and effort – consuming.
Furthermore, this traditional method could drive you crazy simply because, after a long day of picking them, there are a bunch of leftover bed bugs as this type of unbearable creature multiples as fast as light speed.
If bed bugs are clamping down on your family’s sleep and you have to toss and turn every night, we are here to help you.
In this article, we’ll recommend you top 5 best vacuums for bed bugs that we took time and effort to discover and experience. Hope you find this post informative and helpful. Now, let’s jump in!
What are vacuums for bed bugs?
When it comes to kill and clean up bed bugs, bugs killer – specialized vacuums come none to second. This is simply because they are highly effective, fast acting and super convenient. With vacuums for bed bugs, picking these hateful insects right out of your furniture is no longer a harsh task.
Step by step vacuuming guideline
In order to destroy this little – sized and bull-headed enemy, you have to buy a vacuum with sufficient power to dislodge the bugs. Recommended power is at least 110 volts. The higher the motor’s power is, the better performance the vacuum is.
Find them
Finding bed bugs with the naked eye isn’t as easy as you think, especially for nearsighted people or the elder. Bugs always shelter deeply in tears or rips in the fabric, deep wrinkles and seams of furniture and mattresses.
It is advisable to spot bugs’ eggs as adult bugs will linger in the same area with their eggs.
Take action
You are better off using the vacuum’s crevice wand to run it along crevices, seams, wrinkles or anywhere you think that the bed bugs could lurk in. Make sure to go over these areas twice or three times to completely kill them.
Run your vacuum over the regular carpets and repeat the process daily to have the best result.
Considerations when purchasing a vacuum for bed bugs
Durability and Longevity
In the current market, vacuums come in numerous functions and designs. Some are built with a small and compact design for travel; some are designed to be handheld.
Based on our experience and observation, the larger the vacuum is, the more highly functioned and long-standing it is. A large vacuum may cost more, but it’s totally worthy to invest in a high – standard vacuum.
Large ones tend to contain more dirt and water. Furthermore, you don’t have to refill or empty its trash bag while cleaning the entire house.
Honestly speaking, bed bugs are very hard to kill and heating them till die is the only way we can handle these troublemakers. A temperature ranging from 160 to 180 degrees is considered a perfect condition.
Bed bugs are a true genius species in hiding themselves in tiny cracks such as furniture, armchairs, piles of clothing or mattresses. That is the reason why killing them is highly challenging and effort – consuming.
Attachments are super helpful as bed bugs are too small, difficult to find and shelter in hard – to – reach areas. We tend to purchase vacuums with lots of attachment.
Whenever vacuuming, you could attach or take off attachments for the sake of easy cleaning.
Top 5 Best Vacuums For Bed Bugs
Here are top 5 best vacuums for bed bugs that we took a lot of time and effort to research and pick up. The table below was sorted according to the quality, from highest to lowest.
1. Housmile Anti – Dust Mite UV Vacuum Cleaner
Seek for a super helper to escape a real nightmare called “Bed Bugs,” Housmile Anti – Dust Mite UV Vacuum Cleaner is our solution.
This innovative and smartly – designed UV vacuum is ideal for cloth sofas and mattresses as it features an easy lift off UV hand vacuum.
All you need to do is detaching the UV hand vacuum and starting destroying bed bugs, mites, allergens or any little-sized odious species on toys, carpet, fabric sofas, fluffy mat, towel, curtain or underwear.
After a long time of researching, Housmile manufacturer has produced a new generation of a vacuum cleaner which is applied cutting – edge and exclusive technology.
This superb technology allows us to remove invisible mites thoroughly as the vacuum releases high - temperature hot air at 55C to damage the environment in breeding the bugs and mites.
Additionally, it's unique pressure-sensitive rolling wheels are carefully designed to prevent UK leak, safer operation, and faster response speed.
This smart vacuum is also equipped with a powerful UV light which is able to penetrate the outer cell structure and changes the DNA molecule to kill bedbugs, microorganisms, and mites.
What we like most about this convenient vacuum is its advanced HEPA filtration system which sterilizes all types of dust carefully and helps eliminate air pollution.
As it was designed to be a handheld vacuum, the manufacturer produced a super lightweight one. Hence, doing the household is no longer an exhausting work.
Even though this cute little machine has a small size, don’t judge a book by its cover. It will absolutely give customers a big wow due to its strong suctioning power.
With the Housmile Vacuum’s support, beating the bugs out of their hiding places is easy as a pie. It could accommodate up to 160ml of pests, dust and absorb a considerable amount of material.
The Housmile UV Vacuum Cleaner has received numerous compliments on Amazon. This somehow could prove how effective this bed bugs killer is. Let give it a chance and it won’t let you down.
Product details:
Product dimensions: 9.9 x 4.7 x 6.8 inches
Weight: 3.3 pounds
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title="yes" title="Product Name..." button_text="Buy $59.99 @Amazon" disable_button="no" button_link="https://amzn.to/2EjnfSo" button_link_target="__blank" button_rel_attr="nofollow"][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Change filter easily.
Perform well.
Use carbon filtration.
Lightweight, easy to use and portable.
Doesn’t sound loud when operating.
Sturdy and well – made.
Easy to reach hard – to – reach areas.
Doesn’t come with extra filters.
2. Atrix Bug Sucker HEPA Backpack Vacuum
Atrix manufacturer is always considered top – of – mind vacuum brand. With almost 40 years of experience, this reputable brand has generated a wide range of vacuum models.
Atrix’s products are a perfect combination between high – end quality and dedicated services.
There is no sharp-tongued when saying that all Atrix’s products win customer’s hearts. The Atrix Bug Sucker HEPA Backpack Vacuum is the obvious evidence.
It sounds like Atrix researched and understood customer’s expectation thoroughly when equipping an extra-long reaching metal wand – an item which rarely sees on other vacuum manufacturers.
This tool allows us to reach touch – to – reach and clean areas, simplify the cleaning job and save a lot of time and effort.
Furthermore, its compact design makes it ideal for mobile cleaning solution. You could make use of this Atrix vacuum in numerous locations such as warehouses, offices, hospitals, ceilings, drapes and hard to reach corners.
Especially, it possesses a 4 - level filtration system which has 8 quart HEPA bag, exhaust filter, and cloth shakeout bag HEPA pre-motor filter. This superb filtration system is highly effective in pick up machine dust, bugs, hair, and other particles.
This vacuum cleaner also has a CFM output of 106 CFM which could easily switch to a blower with 3 blower nozzles.
When purchasing all Atrix products, customers could put their mind at peace as they all accompanied by a 1 – year warranty. In case there is any failure happened, the Atrix manufacturer will repair and replace the defective product if needed or even repaid.
Even though its price doesn’t fit everyone’s pocket, you’ll get what you pay for. Invest in an Atrix vacuum and use for life, this is such a big bargain.
Product information:
Product dimension: 12” x 9” x 20”
Weight: 10.3 lbs
Included: backpack vacuum, blower adapter, 6’ hose, 22”-37” extension wand, exhaust filter cover, 2 HEPA bags, 8 nozzle attachments, set of filter plugs and hose, and shakeout bag.
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title="yes" title="Product Name..." button_text="Buy $145.99 @Amazon" disable_button="no" button_link="https://amzn.to/2SCBQvn" button_link_target="__blank" button_rel_attr="nofollow"][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Air purifier included.
Strong suctioning power.
High function.
Useful attachments included reaching hard – to – reach areas.
Fairly expensive.
3. Verilux CleanWave Sanitizing Portable Vacuum
In case a portable and high – tech vacuum cleaner is all you are looking for, The Verilux CleanWave Sanitizing Portable Vacuum is our big recommendation.
This Verilux vacuum is pretty convenient with compact and portable design, so you could bring it to anywhere you go. It also features a bagless and easy – empty design and two-stage micro – allergy filtration.
A set of vacuum included 1 nozzle, 1 detachable hand vacuum, brush attachments, and 1 UV – C light – sanitizing head. The detachable hand vacuum is equipped for the sake of easy cleaning.
You could attach the brush or nozzle to completely sanitize surfaces like bathroom floors, furnishings, carpets and mattress cover.
This will prevent bacteria from damaging your furniture and make sure that recirculation of pollutants has never ever had a chance to happen.
When purchasing the Verilux Portable Vacuum, customers could totally feel secure as this product has been tested by the United States independent third – party laboratory.
Interestingly, it has been verified to be a chemical-free method of eradicating up to 99% of viruses, molds, germs, pest eggs on hard surfaces.
Finally yet importantly, applied germ – reducing UV technology, the Verilux vacuum is able to penetrate the cell membrane of a microorganism and damage its DNA. That is the reason why Verilux vacuum is popularly believed and used.
Product information:
Product dimensions: 13 x 5.2 x 7 inches
Weight: 5 pounds
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title="yes" title="Product Name..." button_text="Buy $69.97 @Amazon" disable_button="no" button_link="https://amzn.to/2EjfLyy" button_link_target="__blank" button_rel_attr="nofollow"][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Proofing efficient and laboratory tested.
Germ – reduction UV Technology.
Immense power.
Easy to use.
The sensor isn’t sensitive though.
4. UV Light Bed Vacuum Cleaner Kills Dust Mites
This Anti – Allergen handheld is advertised as able to kill up to 99.9% of bacteria including Salmonella & Staphylococcus, E.coli, allergens such as bed bugs, pet hair, and dust mites.
Moreover, it comes with an Advanced HEPA filtration system to avoid recirculation. When purchasing this machine, it comes with a 2 in 1 combined crevice/upholstery tool for the sake of convenient and easy cleaning.
The UV – C Light plays an important role in eliminating particles and germs on surfaces as well as killing all types of dust mites which nestled in your furniture. It also put an end to bacteria, microbial pests, and mold.
Plus, its special design and lightweight feature make it a perfect handheld vacuum cleaner. Buy now or regret later!
Product information:
Product dimensions: 34 x 18 x 13cm
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title="yes" title="Product Name..." button_text="Buy $50.99 @Amazon" disable_button="no" button_link="https://amzn.to/2SCBRzr" button_link_target="__blank" button_rel_attr="nofollow"][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Lightweight but powerful.
Advanced filtration system.
Powerful UV light.
Modern design.
UV light is fairly difficult to activate.
5. Taiwan Present Euleven UV Handheld Vacuum
Thanks to this vacuum cleaner, a bug-free bed is no longer a dream for those who are suffering an annoying infestation caused by a little monster called bugs.
This vacuum stands out among its’ other competitors as it kills not only bed bugs but also germs, allergens, and dust mites.
The Taiwan Vacuum possesses a high power suction with approximately 3500 RPM vibration action and 8.5kPa suction force to discover and kill all pests.
It only weighs approximately 3 Lbs which makes it portable and easy to carry around.
Like other first-rate vacuums, this cleaner has a HEPA filtration system to kill all bed bugs without escaping.
Product information:
Product dimensions: 12.6 x 7.6 x 5.1 inches
Weight: 3.1 pounds
Included: 1 vacuum cleaner, 1 user manual, and 1 extra HEPA filte
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title="yes" title="Product Name..." button_text="Buy $189.95 @Amazon" disable_button="no" button_link="https://amzn.to/2EgwGC9" button_link_target="__blank" button_rel_attr="nofollow"][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Lightweight and portable.
HEPA filtration system.
Powerful suction force.
Easy maneuver.
Eye-catching design.
Pretty fragile.
Should I buy bagged vacuums or bagless vacuums?
In our point of view, bagged vacuums are much better as the bag could be easily detached from the vacuum and thrown out.
If you use bagless vacuums improperly, the vacuums could become infested with bugs and bugs’ eggs.
Can bed bugs stay alive inside the vacuums?
This is a good question. Everyone thinks that vacuums can kill bed bugs, but interestingly, several bugs can survive and stay alive inside the vacuums.
As I mentioned above, in order to make sure your house doesn’t have any bugs, you should buy a vacuum with a bag. After vacuuming your house, remember to zip the bag tightly and throw it into the outside trash can. Otherwise, these disgusting bugs will crawl into your house again and again.
When you are reading till this part, it’s time to stop sharing your beloved bed with creepy bugs. Just purchase one of 5 vacuums that we highly recommend above, and you can get rid of them forever.
If you ask us which one is the best vacuum for bed bugs among 5 listed models above, Housmile Anti – Dust Mite UV Vacuum Cleaner is our answer. It is durable, smartly and meticulously designed and cutting – edge.
Hopefully, after reading this article, you could grasp constructive and useful information about vacuum for bed bugs.
Thank you so much for spending your specious time to read the whole post. In case there is anything unclear, don’t hesitate to comment down below. We would highly appreciate. Once again, thanks a bunch.
See more: Top 5 Best Vacuums For Bed Bugs You May Don’T Know
from Trends Vacuum - Feed http://bit.ly/2SAivLk via gqrds via Blogger http://bit.ly/2L3lo4L
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trendsvacuum · 6 years
Top 5 Best Vacuums For Bed Bugs You May Don’T Know
Bed bugs are always big trouble and a true nightmare for all families. Picking bed bugs one – by – one is time- and effort – consuming.
Furthermore, this traditional method could drive you crazy simply because, after a long day of picking them, there are a bunch of leftover bed bugs as this type of unbearable creature multiples as fast as light speed.
If bed bugs are clamping down on your family’s sleep and you have to toss and turn every night, we are here to help you.
In this article, we’ll recommend you top 5 best vacuums for bed bugs that we took time and effort to discover and experience. Hope you find this post informative and helpful. Now, let’s jump in!
What are vacuums for bed bugs?
When it comes to kill and clean up bed bugs, bugs killer – specialized vacuums come none to second. This is simply because they are highly effective, fast acting and super convenient. With vacuums for bed bugs, picking these hateful insects right out of your furniture is no longer a harsh task.
Step by step vacuuming guideline
In order to destroy this little – sized and bull-headed enemy, you have to buy a vacuum with sufficient power to dislodge the bugs. Recommended power is at least 110 volts. The higher the motor’s power is, the better performance the vacuum is.
Find them
Finding bed bugs with the naked eye isn’t as easy as you think, especially for nearsighted people or the elder. Bugs always shelter deeply in tears or rips in the fabric, deep wrinkles and seams of furniture and mattresses.
It is advisable to spot bugs’ eggs as adult bugs will linger in the same area with their eggs.
Take action
You are better off using the vacuum’s crevice wand to run it along crevices, seams, wrinkles or anywhere you think that the bed bugs could lurk in. Make sure to go over these areas twice or three times to completely kill them.
Run your vacuum over the regular carpets and repeat the process daily to have the best result.
Considerations when purchasing a vacuum for bed bugs
Durability and Longevity
In the current market, vacuums come in numerous functions and designs. Some are built with a small and compact design for travel; some are designed to be handheld.
Based on our experience and observation, the larger the vacuum is, the more highly functioned and long-standing it is. A large vacuum may cost more, but it’s totally worthy to invest in a high – standard vacuum.
Large ones tend to contain more dirt and water. Furthermore, you don’t have to refill or empty its trash bag while cleaning the entire house.
Honestly speaking, bed bugs are very hard to kill and heating them till die is the only way we can handle these troublemakers. A temperature ranging from 160 to 180 degrees is considered a perfect condition.
Bed bugs are a true genius species in hiding themselves in tiny cracks such as furniture, armchairs, piles of clothing or mattresses. That is the reason why killing them is highly challenging and effort – consuming.
Attachments are super helpful as bed bugs are too small, difficult to find and shelter in hard – to – reach areas. We tend to purchase vacuums with lots of attachment.
Whenever vacuuming, you could attach or take off attachments for the sake of easy cleaning.
Top 5 Best Vacuums For Bed Bugs
Here are top 5 best vacuums for bed bugs that we took a lot of time and effort to research and pick up. The table below was sorted according to the quality, from highest to lowest.
1. Housmile Anti – Dust Mite UV Vacuum Cleaner
Seek for a super helper to escape a real nightmare called “Bed Bugs,” Housmile Anti – Dust Mite UV Vacuum Cleaner is our solution.
This innovative and smartly – designed UV vacuum is ideal for cloth sofas and mattresses as it features an easy lift off UV hand vacuum.
All you need to do is detaching the UV hand vacuum and starting destroying bed bugs, mites, allergens or any little-sized odious species on toys, carpet, fabric sofas, fluffy mat, towel, curtain or underwear.
After a long time of researching, Housmile manufacturer has produced a new generation of a vacuum cleaner which is applied cutting – edge and exclusive technology.
This superb technology allows us to remove invisible mites thoroughly as the vacuum releases high – temperature hot air at 55C to damage the environment in breeding the bugs and mites.
Additionally, it’s unique pressure-sensitive rolling wheels are carefully designed to prevent UK leak, safer operation, and faster response speed.
This smart vacuum is also equipped with a powerful UV light which is able to penetrate the outer cell structure and changes the DNA molecule to kill bedbugs, microorganisms, and mites.
What we like most about this convenient vacuum is its advanced HEPA filtration system which sterilizes all types of dust carefully and helps eliminate air pollution.
As it was designed to be a handheld vacuum, the manufacturer produced a super lightweight one. Hence, doing the household is no longer an exhausting work.
Even though this cute little machine has a small size, don’t judge a book by its cover. It will absolutely give customers a big wow due to its strong suctioning power.
With the Housmile Vacuum’s support, beating the bugs out of their hiding places is easy as a pie. It could accommodate up to 160ml of pests, dust and absorb a considerable amount of material.
The Housmile UV Vacuum Cleaner has received numerous compliments on Amazon. This somehow could prove how effective this bed bugs killer is. Let give it a chance and it won’t let you down.
Product details:
Product dimensions: 9.9 x 4.7 x 6.8 inches
Weight: 3.3 pounds
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”yes” title=”Product Name…” button_text=”Buy $59.99 @Amazon” disable_button=”no” button_link=”https://amzn.to/2EjnfSo” button_link_target=”__blank” button_rel_attr=”nofollow”][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Change filter easily.
Perform well.
Use carbon filtration.
Lightweight, easy to use and portable.
Doesn’t sound loud when operating.
Sturdy and well – made.
Easy to reach hard – to – reach areas.
Doesn’t come with extra filters.
2. Atrix Bug Sucker HEPA Backpack Vacuum
Atrix manufacturer is always considered top – of – mind vacuum brand. With almost 40 years of experience, this reputable brand has generated a wide range of vacuum models.
Atrix’s products are a perfect combination between high – end quality and dedicated services.
There is no sharp-tongued when saying that all Atrix’s products win customer’s hearts. The Atrix Bug Sucker HEPA Backpack Vacuum is the obvious evidence.
It sounds like Atrix researched and understood customer’s expectation thoroughly when equipping an extra-long reaching metal wand – an item which rarely sees on other vacuum manufacturers.
This tool allows us to reach touch – to – reach and clean areas, simplify the cleaning job and save a lot of time and effort.
Furthermore, its compact design makes it ideal for mobile cleaning solution. You could make use of this Atrix vacuum in numerous locations such as warehouses, offices, hospitals, ceilings, drapes and hard to reach corners.
Especially, it possesses a 4 – level filtration system which has 8 quart HEPA bag, exhaust filter, and cloth shakeout bag HEPA pre-motor filter. This superb filtration system is highly effective in pick up machine dust, bugs, hair, and other particles.
This vacuum cleaner also has a CFM output of 106 CFM which could easily switch to a blower with 3 blower nozzles.
When purchasing all Atrix products, customers could put their mind at peace as they all accompanied by a 1 – year warranty. In case there is any failure happened, the Atrix manufacturer will repair and replace the defective product if needed or even repaid.
Even though its price doesn’t fit everyone’s pocket, you’ll get what you pay for. Invest in an Atrix vacuum and use for life, this is such a big bargain.
Product information:
Product dimension: 12” x 9” x 20”
Weight: 10.3 lbs
Included: backpack vacuum, blower adapter, 6’ hose, 22”-37” extension wand, exhaust filter cover, 2 HEPA bags, 8 nozzle attachments, set of filter plugs and hose, and shakeout bag.
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”yes” title=”Product Name…” button_text=”Buy $145.99 @Amazon” disable_button=”no” button_link=”https://amzn.to/2SCBQvn” button_link_target=”__blank” button_rel_attr=”nofollow”][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Air purifier included.
Strong suctioning power.
High function.
Useful attachments included reaching hard – to – reach areas.
Fairly expensive.
3. Verilux CleanWave Sanitizing Portable Vacuum
In case a portable and high – tech vacuum cleaner is all you are looking for, The Verilux CleanWave Sanitizing Portable Vacuum is our big recommendation.
This Verilux vacuum is pretty convenient with compact and portable design, so you could bring it to anywhere you go. It also features a bagless and easy – empty design and two-stage micro – allergy filtration.
A set of vacuum included 1 nozzle, 1 detachable hand vacuum, brush attachments, and 1 UV – C light – sanitizing head. The detachable hand vacuum is equipped for the sake of easy cleaning.
You could attach the brush or nozzle to completely sanitize surfaces like bathroom floors, furnishings, carpets and mattress cover.
This will prevent bacteria from damaging your furniture and make sure that recirculation of pollutants has never ever had a chance to happen.
When purchasing the Verilux Portable Vacuum, customers could totally feel secure as this product has been tested by the United States independent third – party laboratory.
Interestingly, it has been verified to be a chemical-free method of eradicating up to 99% of viruses, molds, germs, pest eggs on hard surfaces.
Finally yet importantly, applied germ – reducing UV technology, the Verilux vacuum is able to penetrate the cell membrane of a microorganism and damage its DNA. That is the reason why Verilux vacuum is popularly believed and used.
Product information:
Product dimensions: 13 x 5.2 x 7 inches
Weight: 5 pounds
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”yes” title=”Product Name…” button_text=”Buy $69.97 @Amazon” disable_button=”no” button_link=”https://amzn.to/2EjfLyy” button_link_target=”__blank” button_rel_attr=”nofollow”][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Proofing efficient and laboratory tested.
Germ – reduction UV Technology.
Immense power.
Easy to use.
The sensor isn’t sensitive though.
4. UV Light Bed Vacuum Cleaner Kills Dust Mites
This Anti – Allergen handheld is advertised as able to kill up to 99.9% of bacteria including Salmonella & Staphylococcus, E.coli, allergens such as bed bugs, pet hair, and dust mites.
Moreover, it comes with an Advanced HEPA filtration system to avoid recirculation. When purchasing this machine, it comes with a 2 in 1 combined crevice/upholstery tool for the sake of convenient and easy cleaning.
The UV – C Light plays an important role in eliminating particles and germs on surfaces as well as killing all types of dust mites which nestled in your furniture. It also put an end to bacteria, microbial pests, and mold.
Plus, its special design and lightweight feature make it a perfect handheld vacuum cleaner. Buy now or regret later!
Product information:
Product dimensions: 34 x 18 x 13cm
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”yes” title=”Product Name…” button_text=”Buy $50.99 @Amazon” disable_button=”no” button_link=”https://amzn.to/2SCBRzr” button_link_target=”__blank” button_rel_attr=”nofollow”][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Lightweight but powerful.
Advanced filtration system.
Powerful UV light.
Modern design.
UV light is fairly difficult to activate.
5. Taiwan Present Euleven UV Handheld Vacuum
Thanks to this vacuum cleaner, a bug-free bed is no longer a dream for those who are suffering an annoying infestation caused by a little monster called bugs.
This vacuum stands out among its’ other competitors as it kills not only bed bugs but also germs, allergens, and dust mites.
The Taiwan Vacuum possesses a high power suction with approximately 3500 RPM vibration action and 8.5kPa suction force to discover and kill all pests.
It only weighs approximately 3 Lbs which makes it portable and easy to carry around.
Like other first-rate vacuums, this cleaner has a HEPA filtration system to kill all bed bugs without escaping.
Product information:
Product dimensions: 12.6 x 7.6 x 5.1 inches
Weight: 3.1 pounds
Included: 1 vacuum cleaner, 1 user manual, and 1 extra HEPA filte
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”yes” title=”Product Name…” button_text=”Buy $189.95 @Amazon” disable_button=”no” button_link=”https://amzn.to/2EgwGC9″ button_link_target=”__blank” button_rel_attr=”nofollow”][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Lightweight and portable.
HEPA filtration system.
Powerful suction force.
Easy maneuver.
Eye-catching design.
Pretty fragile.
Should I buy bagged vacuums or bagless vacuums?
In our point of view, bagged vacuums are much better as the bag could be easily detached from the vacuum and thrown out.
If you use bagless vacuums improperly, the vacuums could become infested with bugs and bugs’ eggs.
Can bed bugs stay alive inside the vacuums?
This is a good question. Everyone thinks that vacuums can kill bed bugs, but interestingly, several bugs can survive and stay alive inside the vacuums.
As I mentioned above, in order to make sure your house doesn’t have any bugs, you should buy a vacuum with a bag. After vacuuming your house, remember to zip the bag tightly and throw it into the outside trash can. Otherwise, these disgusting bugs will crawl into your house again and again.
When you are reading till this part, it’s time to stop sharing your beloved bed with creepy bugs. Just purchase one of 5 vacuums that we highly recommend above, and you can get rid of them forever.
If you ask us which one is the best vacuum for bed bugs among 5 listed models above, Housmile Anti – Dust Mite UV Vacuum Cleaner is our answer. It is durable, smartly and meticulously designed and cutting – edge.
Hopefully, after reading this article, you could grasp constructive and useful information about vacuum for bed bugs.
Thank you so much for spending your specious time to read the whole post. In case there is anything unclear, don’t hesitate to comment down below. We would highly appreciate. Once again, thanks a bunch.
See more: Top 5 Best Vacuums For Bed Bugs You May Don’T Know
source https://trendsvacuum.com/best-vacuums-bed-bugs.html
from WordPress http://bit.ly/2E6ewlr via IFTTT
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