#best super sucker machine manufacturer
supertechengineer · 1 year
How does a Super Sucker Machine Work?
In the realm of industrial cleaning, efficiency and effectiveness are paramount. To meet these demands, the Super Sucker Machine has emerged as a game-changer. This powerful and versatile equipment has revolutionized the way industries tackle cleaning and maintenance tasks. In this article, we will explore the capabilities, applications, and benefits of the Super Sucker Machine, shedding light on its role in enhancing productivity and ensuring a cleaner and safer work environment.
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1. The Power of Suction
The Super Sucker Machine derives its name from its exceptional suction power. Equipped with a robust vacuum system, it can generate immense negative pressure to extract various types of materials, liquids, and debris. Its wide-ranging suction capabilities make it a versatile asset in industries spanning manufacturing, construction, mining, and more. With the ability to handle both solid and liquid waste, the Super Sucker Machine offers a comprehensive cleaning solution.
2. Applications and Use Cases
a) Industrial Waste Management
One of the primary applications of the Super Sucker Machine is industrial waste management. It excels at removing hazardous materials, such as sludge, chemicals, and toxic substances, from tanks, pits, and storage facilities. Its powerful suction ensures thorough cleaning, reducing the risk of contamination and improving workplace safety. Moreover, the Super Sucker Machine can be utilized for the collection and disposal of solid waste, preventing environmental pollution and promoting sustainability.
b) Sewer and Drain Cleaning
Blocked sewers and drains can cause significant disruptions and health hazards. The Super Sucker Machine offers an effective solution for clearing these blockages. With its high-powered suction, it can remove stubborn obstructions, including debris, grease, and sediment, restoring optimal flow. By eliminating clogs, the machine prevents potential flooding and minimizes the risk of structural damage to underground infrastructure.
c) Spill Response and Cleanup
When spills occur in industrial settings, rapid response and containment are crucial. The Super Sucker Machine plays a vital role in spill response and cleanup operations. Its ability to swiftly and efficiently extract liquids, such as oil, chemicals, and hazardous substances, aids in mitigating the environmental impact. By preventing the spread of pollutants, the machine assists in safeguarding ecosystems and minimizing the financial and legal consequences associated with spills.
d) Construction and Mining Sites
Construction and mining sites often face the challenge of managing large volumes of waste material and debris. The Super Sucker Machine proves invaluable in these environments, facilitating the removal of construction waste, slurry, and other byproducts. Its powerful suction enables quick and thorough cleaning, enhancing productivity and maintaining a safe working environment.
3. Advantages and Benefits
a) Time and Cost Efficiency
The Super Sucker Machine offers significant time and cost savings compared to traditional cleaning methods. Its powerful suction capability enables swift cleaning, reducing downtime and enhancing operational efficiency. By eliminating the need for manual labor-intensive cleaning, it frees up resources and allows personnel to focus on other critical tasks. Additionally, its versatility across multiple applications makes it a cost-effective investment that delivers long-term value.
b) Enhanced Safety and Compliance
Maintaining a safe work environment is of utmost importance in any industry. The Super Sucker Machine plays a pivotal role in promoting workplace safety and compliance. By effectively removing hazardous waste and minimizing the risk of spills and contamination, it reduces the potential for accidents and health hazards. Moreover, it aids businesses in meeting regulatory requirements and ensures adherence to environmental standards. By utilizing the Super Sucker Machine, companies demonstrate their commitment to employee well-being and responsible waste management practices.
c) Versatility and Adaptability
The Super Sucker Machine's versatility is a key advantage. It can be customized and equipped with various attachments and accessories to cater to specific cleaning requirements. Whether it's cleaning underground storage tanks, removing sludge from industrial ponds, or maintaining oil and gas pipelines, the machine can be tailored to suit diverse applications. This adaptability makes it a valuable asset across a wide range of industries.
d) Environmental Sustainability
In today's world, sustainability is a crucial consideration for businesses. The Super Sucker Machine contributes to environmental sustainability by effectively managing waste and minimizing its impact. By efficiently collecting and disposing of hazardous materials and pollutants, it helps prevent soil and water contamination. Additionally, the machine can be used for recycling and reusing collected materials, promoting a circular economy and reducing overall waste generation.
The Super Sucker Machine has revolutionized industrial cleaning by providing unmatched suction power and versatility. From managing industrial waste and cleaning sewers to responding to spills and maintaining construction sites, this equipment offers a comprehensive solution for a wide range of cleaning needs. Its advantages, including time and cost efficiency, enhanced safety, adaptability, and environmental sustainability, make it a valuable asset for industries worldwide. By harnessing the power of the Super Sucker Machine, businesses can achieve higher productivity, improved safety standards, and a cleaner, greener future.
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iol247 · 4 years
Flashback: Unabomber Publishes His ‘Manifesto’
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Ted Kaczynski was a madman who killed and maimed innocent people – but did some of his worries for the future come true?
By 2017 standards, a bearded man ranting in his manifesto about how “one of the most widespread manifestations of the craziness of our world is leftism” might, at best, have a chance ending up name-checked by Alex Jones. Most likely, he’d become the hero of a thousand faceless message board posters. His 35,000-word diatribe against technology titled “Industrial Society and Its Future” might be suitable for a personal blog, but a national newspaper? Surely not.
Of course, more than 20 years ago, when Ted Kaczynski mailed out what would come to be known as the “Unabomber Manifesto,” it was huge news. After over a decade spent living as a recluse without electricity or running water in a cabin in Montana – sending mail bombs to university academics and corporate airline executives – Kaczynski sent letters to the New York Times and the Washington Post demanding they publish his manifesto and agree to print an annual follow-up for three years. If they did, the bombings would cease. If not, the Unabomber hinted at more bombings to come. 
It had started in May of 1978, when a package exploded and injured a Northwestern University security officer. A year later, another bomb was sent to the same college, injuring a graduate student. Also in 1979, Kaczynski snuck a bomb into the cargo hold of an American Airlines flight. It went off mid-flight, causing an emergency landing and afflicting 12 passengers with smoke inhalation. In 1985, he switched things up, and sent a shrapnel-loaded bomb to a computer store in Sacramento, California, claiming the owner as his first victim. By the mid-1980s, the Unabomber had become a real-life American boogeyman. A killer who would strike without warning, and without much reason. Why was he doing what he did – and when would he do it again?
The publication of the manifesto would end up being his undoing. Members of Kaczynski’s family had a slight suspicion Ted could be the person behind the terror campaign. His brother David was one of the thousands of people who called the FBI tip-line after the manifesto was published and a million-dollar reward was offered for information leading to the capture of the Unabomber. After a long search, FBI agents arrested an unkempt Kaczynski in his Lincoln, Montana cabin on April 3rd, 1996. They found bomb making components, over 40,000 journal pages and the manifesto’s original typed manuscript.
There’s no defending the actions of a person who mails bombs with the intent to do serious harm. But Andrew Sodroski, executive producer of the new Discovery mini-series, Manhunt: Unabomber, thinks there is plenty to take away from Kaczynski’s words. As he said in a phone conference with reporters leading up to the show, “What the manifesto has to say about our relationship with technology and with society is more true right now than it was when Ted published it.”
Not many domestic terrorists convicted of murder get called prophetic by television producers – and there are scholars from different sides of the political spectrum who agree that the the Unabomber’s anti-technology stance was ahead of its time. “His work, despite his deeds,” wrote Dr. Keith Ablow, a psychiatrist and member of the Fox News Medical A-Team, “deserves a place alongside Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley, and 1984, by George Orwell.” Ray Kurzweil, noted author, computer scientist and futurist, quoted a passage from the manifesto in his 1999 book, The Age of Spiritual Machines. Some believe he’s a murderous modern-day Henry David Thoreau, while others say he’s a genius and a prophet. So what, exactly did he get right?
Kaczynski opens his manifesto with, “The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.” The technology he goes on to rail against, keep in mind, was mid-1990s – before smartphones, before Twitter, before “Likes” on Facebook and algorithms helped pick out things for you to buy and experience. Although the word “dystopia” never shows up throughout the essay, Kaczynski believed (and you have to assume still does so from his prison cell) that the future wasn’t some Philip K. Dick or Handmaid’s Tale scenario; the dystopian future started happening a long time ago. Computer networks, the mass-communication media, the modern health care system, pesticides and chemicals, all products of the Industrial Revolution, are destroying the planet, he writes. As one portion of the manifesto is sub-titled, “The ‘Bad’ Parts of Technology Cannot be Separated From the ‘Good’ Parts.” 
In point number 49 the manifesto, Kaczynski writes, “In the modern world it is human society that dominates nature rather than the other way around, and modern society changes very rapidly owing to technological change.” One of the big problems, he believed while writing his manifesto, was the inevitable growth of artificial intelligence and how humanity will cope with it. “First let us postulate that the computer scientists succeed in developing intelligent machines that can do all things better than human beings can do them.” As one Wired article explained in 2015, “A manufacturing device from Universal Robots doesn’t just solder, paint, screw, glue, and grasp – it builds new parts for itself on the fly when they wear out or bust.” From checking you out at the grocery store to flipping burgers, robots are being designed to integrate into the labor force and cut costs.
He goes on to write in point number 172, “In that case presumably all work will be done by vast, highly organized systems of machines and no human effort will be necessary. Either of two cases might occur. The machines might be permitted to make all of their own decisions without human oversight, or else human control over the machines might be retained.” When Kaczynski’s thoughts were published, we were still dealing with the Terminator version of the robots overtaking humanity and destroying it – it was a nightmare scenario, fiction. But Kaczynski wasn’t writing speculative fiction; he was stating, from an academically-trained point of view, where he saw technology headed.
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Technology overtaking humanity was only one of the scary possibilities. The rise of the “one percent” super rich and corporations controlling everything, was another. “Human freedom mostly will have vanished, because individuals and small groups will be impotent vis-a-vis large organizations armed with supertechnology and an arsenal of advanced psychological and biological tools for manipulating human beings, besides instruments of surveillance and physical coercion,” he wrote. 
Tech companies have untold amounts of data on every person that logs online for everything from shopping for cat litter to ranting on Twitter. How to understand that data – and what to use it for – is an industry in itself. Could it be used to manipulate us? See the 2016 U.S. election and the rise of fake news spread through Facebook. “Hyperpartisan Facebook Pages Are Publishing False And Misleading Information At An Alarming Rate,” as one 2016 BuzzFeed article put it, showed up in feeds even if the people didn’t follow those groups. Some of the false news was spread the old-fashioned way, through word of mouth; but, as John Herman of the New York Times explained, misinformation on the social media service thrives or dies, “at least in part, on Facebook’s algorithm.” As Kaczynski believes, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. All of this seemed farfetched when Kaczynski’s words were put in front of a mass audience. In 1994, audiences were being told suave cyberterrorists like the ones in the movie The Net were the ones looking to steal your information online and do whatever they please with it.
After all this, however, calling Kaczynski a prophet might be a stretch. He’s a highly intelligent person who wanted to try and stop where he saw humanity headed by any means necessary – including murdering people. Yet he routinely points out throughout his manifesto that there very well might be no stopping the inevitable. The entire point of his manifesto, as he states, is revolution, anarchy: “Its object will be to overthrow not governments but the economic and technological basis of the present society.” Kaczynski, who has stated admiration for the eco-anarchist movement (“but I think they could do it better,” he also said in an interview in 1999), takes aim at both leftists, including “socialists, collectivists, ‘politically correct’ types, feminists, gay and disability activists, animal rights activists and the like”). He also writes, “conservatives are fools,” and that they’re, “just taking the average man for a sucker, exploiting his resentment of Big Government to promote the power of Big Business.” Kaczynski even engages in some gaslighting: “Feminists are desperately anxious to prove that women are as strong and as capable as men. Clearly they are nagged by a fear that women may NOT be as strong and as capable as men.”
All of this reiterates the point that Kaczynski is no hero whatsoever. The person who wrote “Industrial Society and Its Future,” is a fanatic. And as is sometimes the case, fanatics can take things to the tragic extreme. Yet there is something to be taken away from his words if you read closely; it’s that we give up a piece of ourselves whenever we adjust to conform to society’s standards. That, and we’re too plugged in. We’re letting technology take over our lives, willingly. It’s the sort of thing that doesn’t take a madman dressed up like a prophet to tell us; it’s all too evident. Kaczynski, to steal a phrase from the tech world, was just an early adopter of these thoughts. Yet his warning will probably forever go unnoticed because of the horrific deeds he carried out to get his message across.
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pravin1224-blog · 5 years
Once upon a time I used to know a 13 year old boy who was convinced that he was destined to become something spectacular in life .
Then one day, he grew up.
Soon, the day slipped into years . And the years into decades . Until one fine morning when he looked into the bathroom mirror and found a stranger in there. A stranger who reminded him of a typical non-hero character out of a Woody Allen movie, someone who was standing at intermission and unable to account for the thousands of days that had slipped by, taking all his innocent and absurd dreams with them.
That 13-year old boy used to be me . Or maybe he used to be you. The you, you left behind – at misty bends and messy ends, as you went about earning your scars and chasing illusions you mistook for real life.
Time is indeed a queer commodity that is reconstructed in memories and deconstructed in regrets as it goes by. Most of us sleepwalk through our youth in trying to win some kind of identity . Then we stumble upon middle age & scramble to preserve that identity . And suddenly, standing at mid-point , we realize that somewhere in this medley of all the artificial races we were enlisting in, we have quietly let go of our greatness. Partly by default , partly by design. The first pangs of urgency hit us. We know this is no dress rehearsal. It is our own life that is gliding past. We straighten up and reach for it. 
In many ways, 2019 has been that year for me. The year of pause and reset. The year of recalibration so as to find my personal 2.0. Agree, it might not fetch me that Olympic medal or get me a phone call from Stockholm in this lifetime, but it should at least bring forth the best in the rest of me. Someone had written somewhere that one day in your journey, the you who you became will come face to face with the you who you could have been . This year, and in the years ahead, I have chosen to test this out with my personal toolkit, my realizations from having lived a life of sorts. At least I owe it to the 13-year old who I would like to see eye to eye as we shake hands on the other side of the finish line.
Here’s my 2.0. Do let me know if it matches with yours ?
Find your song – Like Rocky says, ‘Fighters fight..’. Likewise, painters paint. Poets write. You were born with your own song inside you, a song no one else can sing as well as you. Find it. Don’t show up at the finale with your song still unsung.
Toss it up – As we get older, we become suckers for conformity. We join the herd, and get trapped in time capsules that we legitimize as our rule book. And in the process, we lose our fluidity and edge. Find ways to toss your days. Every day is different. Each day has its unique flavor and rhythm. Discover it. Savor it. Live it.
Subtract your busyness – In today’s super connected world, it is very easy to get zombified by irrelevant chatter and numbed by FOMO ( fear of missing out). Get off the bandwagon of manufactured busyness. If anything really needs your attention, it will find its way to you somehow. You don’t need to check your phone every 30 seconds for that.
Be the best first hand You – When people talk of you in your absence, there should be 5-6 consistent things that they recall about you. That is your own personal brand. Work on it, nurture it and protect it. This is what should make people love and respect you beyond your day job title. In 2019, I de-linked my brand from my day job. Its not that I do not love my organization or my job. Far from it. But I prefer an identity that is my own. And I feel glad that I have so many friends, connections and well wishers out there who don’t care what I do as my day job.
Find your well – My favorite among Haruki Murakami’s many metaphors is the ‘bottom of a well’ thing , a place his protagonists often retreat into. We all need a well as we do our 2.0. This is where we need to disappear periodically, to lose ourselves in dark silence every day, so as to find ourselves better. You are not ready to deliver your swansong till you know all that you must know about you.
Don’t be the dinosaur in the room – Keep pace with trends & technology. There is no scientific evidence suggesting that our brains become less capable to embrace newness as we grow older. In fact, I think it is the reverse. We actually develop a wider perspective to apply new things as we have a larger platter of past experiences to draw from. Most people get stuck in the ‘good old days’ syndrome and squander off their precious 2.0 in cynicism and nostalgia. As the saying goes – The good old days were not that good. The good new days are here. And better days are coming.
Don’t be a corporate robot – Most people out there wake up, grimace at the morning news, eat breakfast, drive their Toyota Corolla to work , sit nodding in endless & pointless meetings, grumble about life's unfairness at the vending machine, ‘Like’ their boss’s stupid posts on social media, criticize Trump and Modi, go back home, watch TV and go to bed. Don’t be most people. Your 2.0 should be about finding your unique way to add value. To yourself, to your workplace and to the world you live in.
Find the smaller meaning of life – In pursuit of some unnecessary profound, we often miss the necessary ordinary. Each day is an opportunity to do our own small things for this world. Find few small things to do each day. If each of us took care of the small things, the big things will take care of themselves.
Stop chasing credit for the work you do - The world is a fair place. Every honest effort gets noticed, recorded and applauded in due course of time. Your time shall come.
Find your Zen - Human beings, by nature, are designed for stability and coexistence. This whole discourse on disruption is overrated and temporary . It will soon pass. And life will go on.
Get fit -If you miss your workout for a day, no one will notice. If you miss it for three days, you will notice. If you miss it for a week, others will notice. One of the things you need for an effective 2.0 is robust health. Respect your body. And it will pay you dividends as you slug it out there and compete in the relevance battle with people half your age.
Dress sensibly - Don’t buy skinny jeans. Donate your light coloured suits. No one might tell you so, but they make you look silly.
Decode love - In 2.0, you discover that love is not a few nice words from a Rumi’s couplet , but rather, it is a person we uncover as we grow older – in someone else, as well as in ourselves. Love during your first innings is often impulsive, hormonal & stupid. Love during 2.0 becomes something that grows & triumphs over time and circumstances. Make sure you love your partner. Also make sure you remember to tell your partner that you love her / him. Nothing silly in that.
Draw out your circle of dignity – Youth is about misadventures and compromises. Hungry to get an appreciative nod from the world, we keep making allowances. Each such allowance leaves us with a vague vacuum within, a discomfort we cannot explain . One of the things about 2.0 is plugging the vacuum by drawing your own circle of dignity, your personal code of conduct. This is the line you won’t cross, no matter how big the repercussions be.
The dude in the sky - Mark Twain ( in his 1916 classic ‘ The mysterious stranger ’) wrote – “Humanity has unquestionably one really effective weapon—laughter. Power, money, persuasion, supplication, persecution—these can lift at a colossal humbug—push it a little—weaken it a little, century by century; but only laughter can blow it to rags and atoms at a blast. Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.” Loosen up. Every once in a while, connect with your eccentric friends. Or with your own eccentric self. You are but just a speck in the scheme of the universe which again is only a speck in the larger scheme of a drama being scripted by that brilliant playright in the sky . Don’t take yourself too seriously.
 Live fair. Stay kind. Have fun. Finish well.
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bruundamm52-blog · 6 years
Whether you're a veteran workout enthusiast or you simply started raising weight, our assortment of stamina training and also health and fitness devices supplies fantastic alternatives for a lot of skill and also health and fitness degrees. Regular blood sodium levels are between 133 and 145 mEq/L, as well as my first examination carried out in Maine Medication at 6 a.m. on Sunday revealed a level of 126, which then dropped to 124 by 8 a.m. My research study also reveals that a coma frequently occurs at 120. This brand-new device needs guinea pig to track and touch a collection of blinking lights spread around the field of vision, while simultaneously calling out numbers that flash for an instant in the facility of the grid.
Furthermore, upping the strength of your resistance training can achieve a variety of helpful adjustments on the molecular, chemical, hormonal, as well as chemical degree in your body, which will help reduce a number of the conditions triggered by a less active lifestyle. My health and fitness soared as well as my figure changed rather dramatically for the far better as soon as I began concentrating on optimal health and fitness high intensity period training (HIIT). For http://blog-muncapesine.info , adhering to the current United States dietary standard, which is based on complete body weight, a 170-pound individual would require about 62 grams of protein each day. Newbies, brand-new veterans as well as quarterbacks joined conditioning drills on day 3 of the transfer to get a running start on camp. Stroll right into any fitness center as well as you'll see a lot of individuals crowding around the aerobics equipment, yet there's actually a method to exercise that is MUCH MORE efficient compared to cardio exercises like walking or running on a treadmill or elliptical machine for a hr, as well as it's called Optimal Health and fitness . Excellent efficiency during training and also racing calls for taking care of fluid and also carbohydrate needs. As a matter of fact, the failure to do a correct squat could offer you crucial ideas concerning your present physical fitness and also mobility. Always ensure your cross training footwears are equipped with an interior sock liner.
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Slusar is thrilled the team will certainly start with a home rink, a clothing space, preferential treatment when it involves exercise times as well as, hopefully soon, a place for dryland training. When the youngsters give him attitude - even if it's just one individual - he has them run sprints in the street outside the fitness center. By doing this, CrossFit targets just what it calls the significant elements of physical conditioning: cardiorespiratory health and fitness , stamina, muscle strength as well as endurance, adaptability, power, speed, dexterity, accuracy, equilibrium, and also coordination. While there is evidence that people who exercise for years might experience fitness and also wellness gains in later life, there's additionally evidence that several of those hard-earned advantages could disappear if you quit exercising. You only need about 12 minutes of Super-Slow type toughness training once a week to attain the exact same development hormonal agent manufacturing as you would certainly from 20 mins of Top Physical fitness sprints.
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weeklyhumorist · 6 years
The Tremendous Space Force Planning Meeting
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On my supersonic rocket ship, Nobody has to be hip, Nobody needs to be out of sight, Nobody’s gonna travel second class, They’re be equality, and no suppression of minorities, We’ll take this planet, shake it round, And turn it upside down, My supersonic rocket ship~ The Kinks, “Supersonic Rocket Ship”
Meanwhile, in Donald Trump’s White House…
“There’s this movie. Big movie, huge box office, Independence Day. With the black guy that can talk like a white guy. That’s a real talent, I have to tell you, most of them can’t do that. The President in the movie, good looking guy, right out of Central Casting, looks a lot like me, gives this speech. Something like, ‘We won’t go  softly into the space! We’ll have a great, terrific Independence Day!’ Something like that. I want to recreate that exact speech when we premiere the Space Force, Michael, can you handle that?”
President Donald J. Trump, sitting at a raised podium in the Presidential Ballroom at the Trump International Hotel in Washington D.C., has just asked summer tentpole film director Michael Bay a direct question.
“It needs smoke and wind machines, shit like that, you can do it, Michael?” Trump asks.
“No problem, Mr. President. Maybe we can add some explosions in the background. My team will get working on the storyboards right away,” Bay says, then goes back to his iPhone Googling if any young starlets he wants to cast have nude photos leaked on the Internet from The Fappening.
The gaudy ballroom in the hotel is filled to capacity. Gathered are representatives from the White House, the Pentagon, NASA, various Senators and representatives from Congress, as well as movie directors, producers, costume designers, prop makers, and special effects experts, Madison Avenue branding and marketing pros, Fox News personalities, science and astronomy experts, representatives from McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Nike, Gatorade and other large companies looking to score merchandising tie-ins, all of the adult Trump children minus Tiffany, and actor Gary Sinise who has signed on to be the Space Force’s official spokesperson.
Trump bellows, “We got Lieutenant Dan! The great Lieutenant Dan, folks! Lieutenant Dan is going to be presenting an hour special on the Space Force on all four networks soon. We already bought the time, really expensive. The tremendous Mark Burnett is producing it – we made a lot of money with The Apprentice, that I can tell you, a lot of money, the number one show for like twenty-three years, right, Mark? – and the Space Force, it’s going to be as great a success as The Apprentice, that I can tell you.”
Trying her best to not let the planning meeting to take a harsh turn and veer off into Trump-esque rambling tangents of gibberish and non-sequiturs is First Daughter Ivanka. Printed agenda in hand, Ivanka suggests, “Daddy, let’s talk about the ideas you have for the uniforms.” She knows Space Force uniforms is a big deal to her father. It’s about “branding.”
Binks. That Jar Jar is “hilarious” and “really smart humor.” The next twenty-five minutes consists of President Trump going into great detail about what the Space Force line of toys needs to be. Action figures, shuttles, rockets, even a home base control room. Of course, the showcase of the toys is a super fit Donald Trump action figure in a glittering stars and stripes Mylar jumpsuit. The little guy is surprisingly pulling off those knee-high boots.
Representatives from both the Kenner and Hasbro toy level have broken into a shoving match after a contentious bidding war to manufacture the toys. Trump loves this, smirking as he teases each company with a deal, then jacks up the price again. Kenner’s CFO just sucker-punched a Hasbro designer. I, your intrepid White House correspondent watching covertly from the back of the ballroom, has never seen Donald Trump look happier.
A NASA advisor has just made the mistake of using the phrase “malevolent or benevolent alien species.” The next 17 minutes are consumed by trying to explain the difference between malevolent and benevolent to President Trump. He still hasn’t grasped the concept, even when broken down to “good and bad.” “Regardless, the Space Force needs to fuck those aliens up,” he says.
I take a lap around the ballroom, listening to the muted conversations as much as I can. Some officials are even covering their mouths as they speak like a catcher talking to a struggling closing pitcher. The mood is disbelief, shock, and embarrassment.
In the men’s room, there’s chatter amongst the suits such as;
“What are we doing? This is nuts.”
“Is he crazy? This makes no sense. We don’t own space. And Eric isn’t right in the head. Is there, you know, a medical issue? I can’t say the word I’m thinking of out loud.”
And, “I’m going to make a silly amount of money here, but will I be able to live with myself?”
Back in the ballroom, Trump is getting cable news withdrawal and needs to wrap the planning meeting up. It’s been three hours since he knew what the talking hairdos are saying about him and he’s getting ornery.
He says, “Look, folks, I’m going to leave you to it, you should be here all night in this great hotel, the best in Washington. There’s a lot of really great things you can do, I’ve given all the ideas. Everything. And nobody has done what we’ve done, this administration, you all know that. It’s been record breaking. In every way. We need another record. Another branch of our great military, who love me a lot, the Space Force!”
With that directive, President Donald J. Trump leaves his hotel and takes the motorcade back to the White House. Thrilled to watch the news channels talk about the major meeting he just led, to laud him for his leadership and vision, Trump is furious as he watches leaked cell phone video of Neil deGrasse Tyson heckling him on a loop. The real salt in the wound, is the anchors laughing loudly at the physicist’s jokes.
Three cheeseburgers deep, a pajama-wearing Trump slumps, pouts, and in true Citizen Kane fashion, mutters, “SPACE FORCE…”
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Illustration by Mikey B. Martinez
  The Tremendous Space Force Planning Meeting was originally published on Weekly Humorist
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maryofone · 6 years
Salesman Eyes
I have an account executive fetish and if I don’t get rehabilitated soon it’s going to fucking kill me.
What’s an account executive, you ask? Well if you’re not familiar with the term, an account executive (or supervisor or manager or director or even just an account guy) is someone whose job it is to manage the relationship with the client and make sure all projects are seen through from start to finish and meeting the client’s expectations. Account guys are the ones who wear the suits to the ad agency, while the rest of us creatives look like we belong in a basement.
I’ve worked in advertising for 10 years, so I’ve worked with a LOT of account guys. They definitely have a stereotypical vibe. Nice clothes, well-groomed, well-mannered, usually on the charming side. And of course that makes sense because these are the guys who have to manage the client relationship. If your entire role is based on keeping a specific person or group of people happy, then it would behoove you to have at least a little bit of charm. I’ve come to refer to these guys as ‘professional flirters.’ I love watching them in action, tending to the client and staying super engaged in the conversation, joking around with them, nurturing the rapport. I personally think it must be THE most exhausting job on the planet, but hey. That’s why they keep us creatives in the basement.
As much as I scoff at the manufactured warmth these account guys are able to muster on a daily basis for literally everyone they talk to, I still find myself susceptible to them. For the last several years I’ve caught myself developing lethal crushes on account guys, and it’s always, always, ALWAYS a bad idea. I’m just too susceptible to a charming man in general. Even in the restaurant industry, my first boyfriend was a fucking flirting MACHINE, with every single girl we worked with. Servers, customers, everyone. He just loved flirting, partially because that was just who he was, and partially because he wanted dem tips. Over the years I’ve continued to be a sucker for a man who likes to flirt, and thus developed a dangerous tendency to fall for guys who flirt for a fucking living.
Account guys have something I like to call ‘salesman eyes’. I’m not sure if it’s something they’re born with or if they develop it after years of charming clients, but it’s definitely a thing. I can see how the term ‘salesmen eyes’ could conjure up an image of someone with an insincere or exaggerated look in their eyes, but salesmen eyes are just the opposite. They’re subtle, and sexy, and if you’re not careful, completely fucking arresting. When you think about it, eye contact is an important part of being a professional. There are so many instances in business when you have to communicate with people, and eye contact is such an important part of that. Then when you consider the profession of an account person, who is constantly communicating to their client with the intention of keeping them happy, eye contact is like a skill they can use to their advantage. And boy do they.
Salesmen eyes aren’t a constant feature of an account person’s face. They don’t always have them turned on. They wouldn’t be as effective if they used them all the time. Salesmen eyes are something an account person will turn on for just a flash, when they’re talking to someone. They could be charming the client into extending the deadline, or charming the creative team into working their third late night in a row, and they’ll find juuust the right moment to flash those eyes. And if I were to describe exactly what a flash of salesmen eyes looks like… I’d say that it happens in a moment of connection where the two of you have just shared a joke or both agreed on something, and he’ll look you right in your eyes, with a little smile, and just scrunch his lids ever so slightly, as if his eyes are hugging yours, just for a second. It’s borderline imperceptible but it still hits you. And a skilled account person will flash this intoxicating little scrunch at exactly the right time, so they can get exactly what they want from you. The best account people (or creative directors or CEOs or any other person who’s job it is to sell you on something) are the best at this.
I have to admit that I am completely fucking hopeless when on the receiving end of salesmen eyes, and it has cost my heart dearly. If I had a nickel for every account guy I got butterflies for because of those stupid salesmen eyes, I’d be a rich bitch. I just can’t resist that sexy scrunch, I guess. Even if he scrunches like that for all the girls.
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coleyoly · 5 years
Breaking Point - Part 1
Hero/Villain AU
Danni x Alina ( @kiyoshimori )
Happy Birthday, Morikins~!
How The Suit managed to enter the vault without tripping any of the security was beyond her. Gefn was confident that everything at Ahlberg Inc. was state of the art - nearly impossible to crack - and yet this squatty, Master Chief-looking asshole came waltzing in a quarter after 2 without so much as a peep from the alarms. It was the clattering of his armor that alerted Alina first, and she shifted higher from her vantage point in the ventilation for the first time that night.
She could see him through the slats as he moved through the room, breezing passed the bait they had set out. Alina dared to glance in the direction of her partner, Tsunami, who was tucked away in an unlatched vault on the opposite wall. Each of their dummy valuables had been rigged to a sticky bomb, so if he gave into temptation they would have gummed up his gears. So much for the easy option, Alina thought bitterly. The risk for this getting messy in an entirely different way just shot way up.
She waited to be certain that his attention was occupied before taking a slow breath and slipping into her gaseous form. Her body fell like a demolished building, until all that was left was a cloud of smoke that curled through the grate. He went for the vault housing the digital storage of Ahlberg Inc's research documents and was focusing intently on the lock. The particles of her being coalesced in the space behind him, transitioning from cloud, to shape, to form. The specialized cuffs they had made were in her hands, ready to snap across his forearm-
When a bullet shattered through his visor. 
It was a glancing shot, one that took out a chunk of his helmet but missed the fatal blow. She saw part of the face - one panicked blue eye and a scar across the nose - and saw strands of hair hanging down. Light from their enemy's gauntlet surged, the face disappearing in shadow underneath the helmet. When Alina came back to herself, her ears were ringing and she was showered in plaster and dust. From the other room she heard Tsunami shout. Gunfire. Another sonic blast.
They were in pursuit.
+ + +
Their chase nearly tore the building apart. The Suit was outnumbered and had been caught off guard by their ambush, and right now his only focus was on escape. Any time they had him cornered he fought to disengage and flee, but not before Tsunami laid into him with gunfire and her super powered fists. The amount of property damage was reaching astronomical heights, and internally Alina cringed. So much for doing this as a favor, Alina thought as she picked her way carefully through the debris of a ruined research lab. Gefn had made the request for them to stop the facility from being robbed, but Chrissie's tendency for blunt force was doing more harm than good. Should have left the muscles at home, she mused, and squinted her eyes against the dust. Up ahead she could see the armored suit shoulder his way through a locked door, knocking it clean off its hinges. The integrity of the machine was starting to look rough, with pockmarked bullet dings up the side and smoke pouring off a broken panel in the left shoulder.
"We coulda had them if you waited!" Alina seethed when her partner caught up. "And by now there are probably a hundred cop cars on the street below us."
"If I made my shot he would be dead," Chrissie said through clenched teeth. Alina could tell that her partner was starting to get frustrated. Every time she knocked their quarry down, he was getting back up. Even worse, every time they had him cornered he had cleverly managed to slip around them. Chrissie didn’t like being outsmarted. "It was worth it!" 
"Yeah, well we're about to lose him."
He initially was trying to make his way to the roof, but Chrissie effectively discouraged that method by pummeling him through floors below. Alina could sense a change in tactics, and knew the layout of the building well enough to guess that he was heading for the parking garage. Once they reached the final exit, out into the night air, she faded once more into smoke and willed herself upwards. Once on the top floor she reformed, although with regret. 
Alina saw the light from under his boots, and knew he was about to take off. There was nothing she could do about it now, not even if she became smoke again, and she let out a frustrated yell after him. Thrusters beneath both boots flared, and although The Suit lurched forward awkwardly, he was still able to catch himself with a steadying blast from the right gauntlet. The Suit launched off into the night with a streak of smoke trailing behind him.
"Fuck," Chrissie swore heatedly as her run slowed to a jog. The look on her face made Alina bristle. There was accusation in those eyes, and she knew wasn't going to hear the end of this any time soon.
+ + +
It wasn't the last time they ran into The Suit. That night was just the beginning of an ongoing rivalry that seemed to escalate with each clash. For nearly a year both she and Chrissie followed the trail of The Suit, alarmed by the common theme of weapons - or more accurately - weapon manufacturing with each heist. Despite their best efforts, their enemy managed to slip from their grasp each time, although often sporting a momento of Tsunami's fury. Just talking about the super villain now was enough to put Chrissie on edge.
"I'm going to put him in a can crusher and slam the lever until the pulp comes out," is what Chrissie said after their last meeting. This wasn't the first time her girlfriend had gotten worked up over a villain and it wasn't going to be the last, but the vehemence in Chrissie's voice made her cautious. As long as they were impeding whatever The Suit was up to, and ultimately brought them to justice then Alina, AKA Smoke, would be satisfied.
She just had to make sure her girlfriend didn't make good on her promise.
Alina had been thinking about The Suit as well, trying to analyze the person who might be inside the bucket of bolts. Personally, she wasn't so sure they were a "he." Either it was a young male, or it was a female. There was something about the face she had glimpsed beneath the helmet that made her suspect, and the height difference would make more sense in a woman. Chrissie had smashed open their helmet more than once, blinded by her rage, but Alina was paying attention.
She could recognize those eyes anywhere.
+ + +
They met on the street by sheer coincidence. Alina had been on her way to the coffee shop near the university when she saw - without a doubt in her mind - the pilot inside The Suit. The scar across the nose sold it, but she would have known from the eyes alone. The way they widened in recognition, the same measure of fear from their first meeting, the same colorful shade of blue. Her enemy, 5' 2" and cuter than she ought to be, came to a timid stop. While the flow of pedestrians continued around them, they remained still. Her face was expressive, starting with recognition that became apprehension, and then panic. Alina sensed the urge to run before it happened, and was moving before her rival made to turn.
Between the buildings she snagged the pilot by her backpack and slammed her face first into a wall.
+ + +
Danielle Watkins… Was sick to her stomach. Perhaps in part because of the fasting diet her mother put her on, but mostly because she was sitting across an interrogation table from Smoke, famous hero in Temperance City and one half of the duo trying to kill her for the past year. Right now she was alive, but she wasn't sure about her odds of staying that way. The dark look on Smoke's face made her nervous.
"I- uh- I work for- I work for my mom," Danni supplied haltingly. "We were- we were going to take the blueprints and, um-" Her mouth tasted like copper. Coppery and unpleasantly dry. Her heart was racing so hard she could hear it in her ears, and she was beginning to feel lightheaded. "I'm sorry, may- may I have some water- please?"
"Spit it out first." Smoke said lowly.
"Okay- uh-" Danni swallowed and took a steadying breath. "I know that all of this looks- Not good. But my mom wanted the blueprints- She said that these weapons are being sold to foreign governments to use against civilians. Mom wanted to- she wanted us to understand these weapons so we could provide protective implements to the rebels holding the line. Protecting people..."
Her voice trailed off from Smoke's dubious, unimpressed expression directed at her. "Sounds like bullshit to me."
"I've been able to make some amazing things with the information I've gathered, though! That serum I stole, I was able to modify it to create an instantaneous healing elixer. And the disperser beam - the one that literally blows cells apart?" Danni, still cuffed to the table, made an expanding gesture. "I built a stabilizer unit that can be strapped to the chest to keep people held together."
"So you're an inventor then, and apparently a biochemical engineer. And the pilot of the Suit?"
"Well- um. Yes?" Danni's big eyes blinked at her, apparently stunned by the disbelief in her tone. Alina scrutinized her for a long moment, taking in the rosy hue of her cheeks and the earnest angling of her brows. There were no ticks, no hesitation there. Just a sincere countenance, and Alina begrudgingly knew she was telling the truth.
"Alright. And what did your mom think about those things?"
Maybe she was a sucker for a sweet face, but Alina had a hunch. Looking back on their encounters, it was a rarity that she or Chrissie ended up hurt, and no damage started until after they arrived. Even after breaking Danni's nose during the arrest, she had been nothing short of polite and cooperative. This conversation they were having now was prompted by nothing more than a glare. All of this seemed to indicate that Danni believed what she was saying and - oddly enough - Alina wanted to believe, too.
"She said, uh… Those things are just on the backburner for now. The team- they have other things they want to focus on." Her gaze lowered to the table. Alina knew personally the subtle tone of rejection to those words.  
"… I don't know what I'm going to do with you yet. For now, hold tight. I'll get you some water and something cool to put on your nose."
+ + +
With the exception of her hesitance to eat, Danni was a model captive. If Alina had bothered to put her on a schedule, she suspected that the tiny brunette would have followed it to a T. She prodded at her meals, brushed her teeth, and even went to bed nearly by clockwork. Any questions Alina had thrown at her were answered, and she was able to confirm on occasions that Danni was telling the truth. All the better for her, since Chrissie was away on "strong hero" business and Alina was left alone in the base.
The only problem was that Danni was hesitant to touch her food.
"Watkins," Alina drawled out in annoyance after picking up yet another nearly full tray. "I know my cooking ain't fantastic, but it's edible. What gives? I'm going to have to force feed you if you don't start eating soon." It wouldn't be very heroic of her to have her captive withering away beneath her base. If this was some kind of protest, it needed to be resolved quickly.
She wasn't expecting Danni's face to flush with shame. Her eyes trailed off nervously, like she couldn't bear to watch Alina's response. "I- My mom put me on a diet about a week after I failed the last mission. Said that maybe if I was thinner I could navigate the suit better. And that I needed to lose weight anyway. I was getting fat."
That was not what she had been expecting to hear. Alina took stock of Danni, how loose her clothes were fitting and the thinness of her wrists. Her face appeared sunken compared to the fullness from before, when Alina stole glances. Looking at her now, she looked skinny. It was hard to imagine the machine known as The Suit stacked on top of those bony shoulders. "And what kind of diet did she put you on?" Alina asked cautiously.
"I… Couldn't eat for a few days. And then I was allowed to eat a few things." Allowed. For fuck's sakes, what was she looking at here?
"And what were you allowed to eat?" Alina tried to keep her voice even. There was a growing anger inside of her and it wasn't aimed at Danni. Missing pieces of this dynamic between Danni and her mother were falling into place, and the picture it was making was starting to feel familiar.  
"Uh, well- A salad? Celery…"
"Danni, I know you're smart. I know that you are smart enough to know that starving yourself is dangerous."
"I know, but- it's been fast. And I didn't want to disappoint my mom anymore."
I don't want to disappoint my mom. Danni's voice had been so timid and quiet, but in Alina's ears the words were ringing. It resonated with her somewhere deep, and everything clicked into place. Dannielle Watkins, The Suit, the genius inventor and engineer, was being abusively manipulated by her mother.
"You don't need to lose anymore," Alina blurted. "Seriously. At this rate you're not going to be able to pilot your Suit. I'm going to need you to eat, and if you're worried about health and shit I will take you out to our gym each day. But you- you are done starving yourself. I won't let you." Good, bad, villain, or maybe not, Danni didn't deserve... Whatever this was. "I'm gonna go heat this up and you and me, we're having dinner together."
+ + +
Alina kinda liked having Danni around.
She was sweet. She liked motorcycles, and action flicks, working on machines, and cracking puzzles. Alina found out that the majority of the work on The Suit was done by Danni herself, and that she had repaired it each time Chrissie tried to send it to the scrap yard. "I had to fabricate a lot of parts to put it back together last time," Danni confessed with a grimace. At the moment she was on her bunk, nursing a beer that Alina had given her. "I uh… Must have made her pretty mad. I'm lucky I didn't break anything."
"…" Alina swirled her beer mutely, trying to string together a tactful response. Danni must have sensed her apprehension, because she let out a nervous little laugh - it was cute - and quickly tried to smooth things over.
"Uh-! Well, of course. I can't blame her, given the circumstance. In a way it was good because I got to make some tweaks. Still couldn't convince my mom to let me paint it though."
"Hm…" Alina swept loose strands of hair behind her ear and flashed Danni a grateful smirk. "What colors would you pick, Watkins?"
"Oh, I've wanted to paint it white from the beginning, with an aqua blue and orange accents. It would have looked so good."
"I think that color combination is taken by the Gear Gals. Or was."
"They were my grannies."
Alina sat up a little straighter, surprised. The Gear Gals were a pair of older heroes that were known for their tech. They had done a lot of work around the world, tackling even some of the most dangerous villains and donating technology to areas that needed it most. The both of them had seemingly vanished five years ago, just as Alina herself was stepping out onto the scene.
"Huh… Shit. I'm sorry, Danni."
Danni smiled at her, but it didn't reach her misty eyes. "Yeah. Just… It's the nature of the game, isn't it?"
"Yeah… The nature of the game."
+ + +
"Chrissie, for fuck's sakes, I said STOP!"
Alina caught the arm of her partner before she could swing again, and was nearly flung forward by her strength. When Chrissie came back from her trip, Alina told her who she had in their cells, told her about the things she had found out during her investigation. Chrissie had seemed energized by the prospect, but not angry. There was nothing in her behavior that told Alina she was going to start throwing sucker punches as soon as she stepped into the cell door. "The fuck are you doing? She's cuffed!"
"Kinda squishy under all that armor, aren't ya?" Chrissie taunted through bared teeth. Beneath Danni's tucked head, blood was starting to pool on the ground, and Alina could see the white pearl of a tooth nearby. Danni was on the floor with her hands - bound by handcuffs - up to protect her head. That was the position she was in when Chrissie kicked her across the room. Completely helpless and at their mercy, that was the person Chrissie was taking her anger out on.
It struck Alina hard, suddenly, that the person she was trying to hold back was supposed to be the hero and the one on the floor was "the villain."
There was something wrong with this picture, and Alina knew it. Had known it. Before Chrissie could swing again, Alina was between them, tightly knotting her fist into the front of Chrissie's shirt and shoving her toward the door. The look on her face must have startled her partner, because she stumbled backwards on their way out. "I told you. To stop." Alina said lowly, shoving Chrissie back further. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Shove. "She's on the floor, she's powerless and you're like- 'I've gotta take advantage of this?' What? 'Gotta take my anger out? Pay this bitch back?'"
"She's been a pain in our ass all year!" Chrissie, who seemed to gain her bearings, shouted back. "She's the bad guy here, why are you-?"
"Is that why you're a hero, Chrissie? So you can just beat the shit out of people and feel good about it?" Alina said darkly. "This isn't the first time, and this isn't the first time you've ignored me when I told you to stop."
"People like them don't deserve to be treated gently," Chrissie spat. "You weren't complaining when I broke that Allen guy's neck."
"He wasn't handcuffed in one of our cells when that happened. He had a civ hostage and was going to kill her. He was trying to kill us. You wanna flip the script on this, Chrissie? What about that kid whose jaw you broke? The one with the chip in his head? Or that guy who was just trying to expose Hammer for being a kid diddler?"
"Alina, that's not fair-"
"IT IS FAIR. Because we're ALWAYS LIKE THIS. We always have to go in tryin' to hurt somebody and it's always your idea! When all of this started I asked you to let me try- let me TRY to cuff The Suit and what the fuck did you do, Chrissie?"
"Tried to end it QUICKLY-!"
"Tried to end it quickly. I was this close to cuffing her and you wanted to end it quickly. Here we are a year later, with a bleeding person in one of our cells. Somebody I think- I believe might have been trying to do something right, but got tricked. Fucked up. And you still want to end it quickly, don't you?"
They were squared up, facing off. A hardness had settled in Chrissie's face, one that Alina recognized. In the past it was something she had to handle with care, a mine with a trigger that could blow up at any second. It didn't matter if it wasn't her fault, when Chrissie was unhappy she made sure everyone around her was unhappy. In the past, to look at that face made Alina feel like she had to fix it. Today, when she saw the stubborn clench in Chrissie's jaw all she wanted to do was match it.  
"Beating the shit out of 'bad guys' isn't always the just thing to do. Killing them off to 'end things quickly' isn't the right thing to do." Alina said firmly, as the full impact of what she was saying seemed to dawn on her. "I don't- Want to just kill people without thinking about it, anymore."  
Chrissie's jaw clenched, and Alina could see the anger burning in her almond-shaped eyes. Her throat bobbed as she seemed to struggle with what to say. Alina remained steadfast, meeting her gaze and holding her ground. She waited.
"Are you really that stupid?" Chrissie spat. "Sweet little face. You just want to fuck her, don't you?"
It was the wrong thing to say.
"Get out," Alina said with a short, empty laugh. "Get the fuck out."
Chrissie looked utterly shocked. Her jaw dropped, working fruitlessly to form words.
"Get out of here. Pack your shit."
+ + +
The aftermath of Chrissie storming out was… quiet. As the dust settled from their fight, Alina remained numbly rooted in the hallway. Her adrenaline faded as time ticked on, leaving her feeling tired and heavy like her limbs were weighted with lead. It was such a cliché to feel stuck in time, captive to an echo of a moment, but here she was staring blankly down a damn empty hallway like it was going to change.
"Um, Alina..?" Alina turned her head slowly, looking back to the open door of Danni's cell. In the doorway she looked like such a tiny thing. Her short brown hair was mussed, and the side of her face was swelling in the spot where Chrissie had punched her. Blood had smeared across her chin where she tried to wipe it away on the back of her hand, reminding Alina again that there was just a tooth lying on the floor somewhere. Danni was standing at the threshold of the door as if conflicted about whether she should cross it.
"Are you okay?"
The edges of Alina's form looked hazy, and Danni wasn't sure if it was because of the blow to her head or some manifestation of Smoke's powers. Danni suspected that she would be in a high emotional state, and this sort of thing wouldn't be unheard of for a super human. Smoke looked raw and powerful and- well, pissed- with her dark eyes narrowed in Danni's direction and her shaggy blond hair tousled. On a good day Alina was damned beautiful, but delivering that sort of look pinged a level of attraction Danni wasn't quite ready to deal with at the moment. She swallowed hard around it and tasted copper.
"No. And neither are you." Alina approached with wisps of smoke curling off her shoulders. Danni's head canted backward to match Alina's gaze despite feeling so small underneath it. It genuinely surprised her when the hero touched her face gently, and she could see the flicker of regret. "You just got sucker punched by Tsunami bare-fisted. How he hell are you still up?"
She smiled carefully around her injuries. "I've been pumped full of serums and gone under some conditioning, myself," Danni supplied readily. "I'm pretty solid underneath it all."
"Yeah well you still lost a fucking tooth. I can't believe I let her go at you like that."
"You didn't though," Danni insisted softly. "In fact, that was uh- really brave what you just did."
"Yeah right."
"You stood up to your friend. Maybe I'm a little biased because you saved my skin, but I, uh- I think you're pretty cool. Right now."
Alina stared searchingly into her face, held briefly in apprehension before grasping Danni's wrists. She produced a key and unlocked the cuffs. "You sweet talker. Just for that, we're going to visit a medical super to make sure she didn't rattle your beautiful brain around."  
+ + +
Her eyes misted up. It was hard, being faced with all of the evidence to prove what she had suspected all along. Being forced to face the truth in images, documents, and footage. Knowing that she was complicit by acts of sheer, willful ignorance, and people had ended up hurt or dead because of it. She tried to shy away from Alina who was watching her, brown eyes warm for the first time and achingly sympathetic. "Please don't- look at me like that. I don't deserve it." Danni croaked as the first tears fell.
"I didn't dig all this up to hurt you," Alina said softly. "I just had a hunch and went with it."
"… Because you're too sweet? Because it's pretty obvious that your mom has done some shit to you. That she wants to control you." Alina crossed her arms and rested her hip against the table. To meet Danni's evasive gaze she canted her head down, creating a curtain of blond hair that covered some of the images. "I saw something good in you." "Well you were right about a lot, but- Alina look at the things I've caused." Danni said wetly. The tears were flowing freely now as the guilt gripped her. There was destruction in these photographs, bodies on the ground, blood and gore splattered, and all of it pointed back to stolen blueprints that had been passed from her hand to Sherry's. "I'm a monster. I suspected- and here's the proof."
"You did suspect…?"
"She's my mom, Alina. I wanted to believe she was good and I- I was too much of a coward to confront her. I suspected, and I looked away. Why do you think I let myself be here for so long?" Danni cradled her face in her hands and groaned. "The locks on your cells are so out of date I could have cracked them in minutes. I didn't want to use you, but I had hopes that- Maybe if I forced myself to sit I'd get the truth, good or bad. But it's worse than I thought it could be. What have I done???"
"You handed stolen documents to someone who told you they would do good things with them. And then she did something terrible." Slipping into the chair beside the smaller woman, Alina cautiously rested her hand on Danni's shaking back. It made her heart ache to see her like this. "That's what's been done. I think the better question is- what are you going to do, Danni?"
 “I deserve to rot in jail."
 "What do you want to do?"
She was silent for a few moments, swallowing hard on the feelings burning inside her. "I want to-" Her throat tightened. "God, I want to make it better. I wanna undo what I can and help with what I can't. But I'm afraid. Sherry is the only family I've got left, and she's going to be so furious if I do this… I don't want to be alone."
"You won't be."
Surprised, Danni looked to Alina who gazed back at her calmly. She exuded such peace and confidence, a sense of calm started to overtake the pain. "You don't have to make a decision tonight, but I'm going to need a partner and you need somewhere safe to start over. We can work together to undo the damage your mom has done." Brushing the tears from Danni's cheek, Alina said, "You deserve a second chance. And maybe you can be mine, too."
Hugging was never Chrissie's thing, but maybe there was something to it. Danni moved cautiously, so slowly that Alina was confused at first. It wasn't until she had her arms looped around her, with her head resting shyly on Alina's shoulder that the hero finally got the gist. The blond shifted to hold the smaller woman, only feeling slightly out of her depth, but Danni was warm.
"Thanks," came the soggy, muffled voice from her shoulder.
For the first time in a long time, Alina felt like maybe she was doing the right thing.
0 notes
homelilys · 4 years
Cute Hammock for Pets by Cat Crib
Are you a pet owner? Then take a look at this cute hammock for cat. This is very unique ideas and they are so beautiful.
A unique idea for hammocks come from the Crib, this is a great Paint hammock for your pets. things that are unique from the bed this is located under the chairs.
Cute Hammock for Pets by Cat Crib
This idea comes from pet owners who want to always be with, by utilizing the free space on a Chair makes the hammock is the perfect solution for those of you who live in the apartment because it has no more space for it all.
I recall there was a shopify site that is selling this cat crib. However, in 2020 August, the products are no longer available, perhaps due to the fact that it is not well sold. Thus, you may want to check all other cat hammocks available for sale here. Enjoy
Bestseller No. 1
AmazonBasics Cat Condo Tree Tower With Hammock Bed And Scratching Post, 16 x 20 x 16 Inches, Gray
Elevated cat hammock with dual scratching post pillars
Plush hammock provides a comfortable space for your cat to relax
Helps keep your cat from damaging carpets, furniture, curtains, and more
Natural jute fiber scratching posts help keep nails healthy
Neutral color tones fit in with your home’s existing décor
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Bestseller No. 2
NOYAL Cat Resting Seat Perch Window Hammock Cats Kitty Safety Bed with Durable Heavy Duty Suction Cups Cat Bed Holds Up to 30lbs(Extra 2 Suction Cups)
✿【Material】: Breathable Oxford Cloth + Plastic, cat's body temperature won't overheat because of this cat window hammock breathability. In winter, add a mattress on this cat perch bed, this window mounted cat bed will be the most comfortable.
✿【Measurement】: 21 1/4" x 12 5/8" x 1 1/2" ( L x W x H ); stainless steel cord length: 26"; suction cup diameter: 3.3"; strong enough to hold your cat up to 30lbs.
✿【Safety Mounted Cat Bed】: Industrial strength suction cups hold up to an amazing 30 pounds. Your cat could jump in and jump out of this resting seat, which is another kind of exercise, keeping good healthy of your cat.
✿【Easy to Install】: Installs in seconds to glass windows or doors, please press hard 4 suction cups on smooth and cleaning glass.
✿【Easy to clean】: Cover easily comes off and can easily be cleaned by HAND WASHING.
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SaleBestseller No. 3
PETPAWJOY Cat Bed, Cat Window Perch Window Seat Suction Cups Space Saving Cat Hammock Pet Resting Seat Safety Cat Shelves - Providing All Around 360° Sunbath for Cats Weighted up to 30lb
MEASUREMENT - 22" x 12" x 1.5" ( L x W x H ); stainless steel cord length: 23"; suction cup diameter: 3.3"; strong enough to hold your cat up to 30lbs.
360° FREE OF DEAD CORNER SUNBATH - Basking in this cat window perch, your pet cat avoid moving again and again as long as the sun didn't go down. Well, it's also space saving cat bed, without taking up valuable space in your home, your cat can also enjoy a front view of nature while basking.
BREATHABLE OXFORD CLOTH CORD - Made of oxford cloth, cat's body temperature won't overheat because of this cat bed cord's air permeability; in winter, add a mattress on this pet cat hammock, this window mounted cat bed will the best cozy cat bed.
SAFETY MOUNTED CAT BED - Industrial strength suction cups hold up to an amazing 30 pounds. Your cat must jump in and jump out of this resting seat, which is another kind of exercise, keeping good healthy of your cat.
100% GUARANTEE from PETPAWJOY- If the product( window perch) is deemed defective, you can simply return to us for an No Hassle Replacement or Refund.
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Bestseller No. 4
Furhaven Pet Cat Furniture - Tiger Tough Plush Cat Tree Hammock Self-Grooming Entertainment Playground, Silver, One Size
SELF-GROOMING: The hammock bed playground features an arched brush with soft, but sturdy, bristles that help catch loose hair and dirt from a preening cat
ENTERTAINMENT: The cat playground features fun activities to keep your favorite feline entertained, such as scratching posts and a plush ball toy
SCRATCH POST: The scratching posts are wrapped in sisal fiber, which carries the rough, bark-like texture of a tree to better satisfy your cat's instinctual need to scratch; the material is also highly durable for long-lasting, economical use
COZY SURFACE: The base and hammock-style perch are lined with plush faux fur that is luxuriously soft and gentle on both noses and paws for enhanced play and lounging comfort
PRODUCT DETAILS: Silver; 15.75" x 15.75" x 17.3"
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SaleBestseller No. 5
Catry, Cat Tree Hammock Bed with Natural Sisal Scratching Posts and Teasing Feather for Kitten (Version 2)
PREMIUM QUALITY: We possess more than 20 years’ manufacture experience for pet supplies, 6 years’ pet supplies provider in United States
DESIGN: Made with Fleece and Paper Rope, stable material with Long Life, can keep great shape and provide your cat a cool place to rest!
SIZE: Overall Size 15.7-inch L/ 15.7-inch W/ 27.8-in/H. Perfect size for cats up to 10 lbs
This cat tree will provide your cat a great and comfortable place to jump, rest and play with.
INSTALLATION: Assemble needed, all tools and instructions included.
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SaleBestseller No. 6
Vea pets Luxury Cat Hammock - Large Soft Plush Bed (24x16in) Holds Small to Medium Size Cat or Small Dog | Anti Sway | Attractive & Sturdy Perch | Easy to Assemble | Wood Construction | Prime Cat Toy
2019 UPDATED ** THE PERFECT PREMIUM CAT HAMMOCK - Vea Pets Cat Hammock is made from all-natural wood that is attractive in any home. We know you and your pet will enjoy our bed, however, if you are not completely satisfied with it at any time, simply contact us.
EASY TO ASSEMBLE |STURDY CONSTRUCTION | ANTI SWAY DESIGN - Our heavy-duty cat hammock with stand is designed with your cat in mind. Carefully placed anchors are used to mitigate swaying so your cat has peace of mind when they are on the bed.
MADE FOR MOST SIZE CATS | SMALL ANIMALS - Small Dogs, cats, and any other small pets you may have will love their new bed. Holds comfortably up to 20 - 30 lbs.
GET YOUR PET OFF THE FLOOR - Sleeping or napping on the hard floors is not always the best place for your pets, get them into their own hammock to be extra comfortable.
BONUS CAT TOY INCLUDED - We have included an extra bonus for you and your cat. Make sure your best friend is happier than ever with their new bed and toy. Life cannot get better for them. **** Please watch instructional video for assembly if needed *****
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SaleBestseller No. 7
Angela&Alex Window Cat Bed, Cat Window Seat Window Perch Bed Hammock with 2 Extra Replaceable Suction Cups Space Saving All-Around 360° Sunbath Holds Up to 55 lbs for Any Cat Size
BREATHABLE OXFORD CLOTH- Made of oxford cloth which helps us never need to worry about cat's body temperature will overheat because this cat bed is breathable. Adding a mattress on this cat hammock is a great choice for a cat to rest in winter.
PACKAGE INCLUDE: One complete set window mounted cat bed + Two extra replaceable suction cup which is extra strong viscosity and extend the life of products.
360° SUNBATH: Not only saving your room space but also a great view for your cat to enjoy the sunny day and offer your cat a front-row view of nature, weather, people etc.
SAFETY CAT SEAT: Industrial-strength Suction cups hold up to an amazing 60 pounds. Your cat can jump in and jump out of this resting seat, which is another kind of exercise to keep good health of your cat.
WARM PROMPT: Before first actual pet use, put some other heavy objects (about 2KG) for roughly an hour, which will help the sucker to release tension and improve/stabilize the suction strength.  After that, your pet can enjoy the seat more safely.
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Bestseller No. 8
K&H Pet Products Kitty Sill Cat Window Hammock Perch (Heated or Unheated) Unheated Soft Fleece 14 X 24 Inches
Sturdy cat window perch offers a soft comfortable feel
Sturdy enough to hold the heaviest of cats, supports up to 40 pounds
Super-soft orthopedic foam with washable faux-lambskin removable washable cover
Give your cat a sunny seat with a great view of nature
No tools requires and only a 2" window sill is required. The legs are 3/4" wide and 8"from window sill to bottom of legs.
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Bestseller No. 9
TRIXIE Pet Products Baza Cat Tree
Wrapped in soft long-haired plush fabric
Natural sisal wrapped scratching posts
Hammock with metal rim for added support
Dangling pom pom toy
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SaleBestseller No. 10
FUKUMARU Cat Hammock - New Moon Cat Swing Chair, Kitty Hammock Bed, Cat Furniture Gift for Your Small to Medium Size Cat or Toy Dog
THE PERFECT PREMIUM CAT HAMMOCK - Pets Cat Hammock is made from pine wood and Plywood that is attractive in the home. We know you and your pet will enjoy our bed, however, if you are not completely satisfied with it at any time, simply contact us.
ANTI SWAY DESIGN - Our cat hammock with stand is designed with your cat in mind. Carefully placed anchors are used to mitigate swaying so your cat has peace of mind when they are on the bed.
GET YOUR PET OFF THE FLOOR - Sleeping or napping on the hard floors is not always the best place for your pets, get them into their own hammock to be extra comfortable.
EASY TO CLEAN - The linen cushion is reversible and can easily be removed for machine washing. And is designed to keep your dog cool during hot weather.
FOR MOST TYPES OF CATS - Small Dogs, cats, and any other small pets you may have will love their new bed. Holds comfortably up to 10 - 20 lbs.
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The post Cute Hammock for Pets by Cat Crib appeared first on Homelilys Decor.
Source: https://homelilys.com/accessories/cute-hammock-for-cats/
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rodrigohyde · 6 years
13 Best Automatic Watch Winders
Best Watch Winders
If you’re thinking about buying your first automatic watch or you already have a watch case full of great timepieces, it's about time to take a look at a good watch winder. Like a whetstone for a fine fixed blade knife or a humidor for carefully aged cigars, a good watch winder provides the proper care and maintenance for mechanical automatic watches, moving for you when you’re … well ... not. Plus, it can be a great way to put your collection on display for you and others to enjoy.
RELATED: The Best Pre-Owned Rolex Watches At Walmart (Yes — Walmart)
Watch winders can seem nearly as elaborate and ornamental as the timepieces they hold. The design of some can draw comparisons to a fine jewelry case. They certainly exhibit quite the power of attraction, making for one of the finest decorative pieces to showcase one’s personal culling. But a watch winder plays a bigger role than just a vanity item. It’s much more technical (but not too technical) than you think.
What Is a Watch Winder?
These mechanical devices are engineered to make an automatic or self-winding watch operate fluently. A bonafide watch winder not only keeps your watches’ movements going, thereby saving you from having to reset it, it keeps watches in good working order by winding the mainspring of the movement, thereby reducing the risk of poor timekeeping and more frequent repair and maintenance. It’s similar to keeping a car in good working order by driving it rather than leaving it parked and unused for months.
Contrary to popular belief, watch winders aren't reserved for the rich and famous, but are requisite equipment for even the most casual collector. They’ll work when you don’t in order to keep the movement going, which in turn keeps the mainspring of the watch wound, and keeps the hands of time running and in good working order. This eliminates the need for adjustment outside of Daylight Savings Time or time zone travel.
What to Look for in a Watch Winder
Build quality: You want something that matches the premium appearance of your watch(es) and room decor. Motor quality: Pop the hood, at least metaphorically, and examine the winder’s engine. Make sure it will run accurately and silently. Adjustability: It should be adjustable to fit bands of different diameters. Portability: Frequent flyers might seek something slim and durable that fits in a travel bag and holds anywhere between one and four watches. Special features: Extra settings like an integrated timer, extra modules, and sleep mode will prevent the stress of overwinding, protect the internal mechanism, and keep watches wound for the suggested time of 30 minutes a day. Turns per day: Otherwise known as TPD or rotations per day, this function lets users incrementally adjust rotations to their watches recommended settings. Warranty: Most of the top manufacturers cover up to two years of usage, though the highest quality models offer lengthier warranties.
You can spend a lot or a little on watch winders, and generally speaking, the more you spend, the more you get. You’ll want to get your money’s worth, which may involve dropping serious coin on a high quality piece, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t some great options for the guy just getting started. Look at the some of the following suggestions before settling on any basic, underperforming model.
Single Watch Winders
Worn & Wound Watch Winder
We’re smitten with its mid-century inspired design. It’s pine veneer exterior looks like it was pulled from a Scandinavian design catalog, yet the minimalist cube shape will complement just about anyone’s decor. The watch holder protects the watch from scratches with a soft gray microfiber lining. The unit operates with either an AC cord or AA batteries for portability. The LCD touch screen controls permit rotation settings of 50, 800, 900, 1200, 1350, or 1500 rotations per day, in clockwise, counter-clockwise, or bi-directional movement. $160 at WindUpWatchShop.com
Wolf Axis Single Watch Winder
Wolf may well be the king of winders, with the largest selection and something for every timepiece enthusiast, and the Axis is a phenomenal starting point. It comes in either a retro copper finish or a more modern black-on-black powder coat with both covered in black leather detailing. It can handle bigger, heavier watches up to 52mm in diameter and locks the cuff into the rotator drum so nothing ever comes loose. Pre-programmed settings never overwind your precious watch. $495 at Nordstrom.com
Sharper Image Black Leather Single Watch Winder
The simple black leather design of the Sharper Image winder evokes luggage of days past and, in fact, runs on electricity or battery power, so you can use it anywhere. The piece rotates up to 3,200 times per day, with four selectable winding modes: clockwise, counterclockwise, and two alternating direction modes. It also features a transparent glass door and a locking clasp. $159.99 at SharperImage.com
Wolf Viceroy Single Watch Winder
Boasting the same display, control, mechanical, and aesthetic features as the less expensive 4560-02 model, the 4561-02 benefits from a stealthy rear drawer that deploys to store three more watches. Keeping your watches wound, as well as keeping your addiction slightly secret, really is worth the extra $65. A capacity of four watches — three secured while one is winding — qualifies this as an impressive value for your space. Well, that and some of the winder’s patented innovations such as the lock-in cuff design, rotation programs (300-1, 200 TPD), and nylon gears. $349.99 at Amazon.com
Belocia Single Watch Winder
The Belocia is a veritable bargain since it’s not only gorgeous in appearance — with elegant contrast stitching — but also warrants four programmable settings for any ideal winding scenario. It can rotate clockwise, counterclockwise, and can somehow even alternate between the two. Small enough to travel with, the compact design favors business travelers with a removable power plug to service on-the-go winding; it’s something to consider if you’re looking at serious layovers. At this price point, you can forgo that bargain quartz watch and get yourself two of these winders. It’s worth noting to not manually spin the winder since it’ll damage it and void the warranty. So play nice. $69.95 at Amazon.com
Dual Watch Winders
Wolf Heritage 2.1 Dual Watch Winder
Why We Love It: Besides having room for our favorite bigger, heavier watches, the Wolf Heritage keeps life simple by being pre-programmed for 900 turns a day. A dual winder built for big-wristed sophisticates, the Heritage 2.1 has the capacity for larger timepieces — cases up to 52mm — and wrist size of more than 10-inches in diameter. It’s also got uniquely patented programming options thatinclude intermittent rotation with pause and sleep phases. The thick, glass-display front door and chrome knobs with LED indicators mean you can keep an eye on your favorite watches while they get a workout. Three power options are also at your disposal — AC adapter, D-cell alkaline or lithium-ion batteries. $386.99 at Amazon.com
Chiyoda Double Mabuchi Motors Winder
The Chiyoda Double resembles something from a fine jewelry store display, just a less dramatic. It has the look of an elegant, glossy Macassar ebony exterior that is smooth to the touch. Twin Mabuchi motors beneath soft tan pillows operate 12 combinations and customizable settings via the LCD touchscreen. Adjustability proves to be its unsung trait with these same pillows making enough room to store bigger timepieces. $79.99 at Amazon.com
Paul Design Double Watch Winder
Watch connoisseurs with distinguished taste will gravitate toward this plush dual-winder. The automatic turner is adorned in sleek aesthetics highlighted by a black and grain wood finish, and the winding bay fits just about any size watch. Reliable motors mean you can deploy one watch for wrist time, while the other carries on its circular slumber in one of multiple programmable settings. The top cover also hides three well-built compartments for additional watch or cufflink storage, along with an LCD control panel to enable daily rotations of 528 to 1,824 TPD. $329.99 at Amazon.com
Diplomat 31-497 Dual Watch Winder
If you have one watch now but plan on adding to your collection soon, go for a dual watch winder that takes up no more space than a single. This beauty does just that thanks to a vertical design, which makes it one of the best watch winders for men at its price point. The machine operates on a single motor for both watches and responds to four programmable settings. Its matte black finish is subtle and looks good just about anywhere. Don’t let the plastic casing of this Diplomat delude you; it’s a durable winder that can sustain heavy bumps. $49.95 at Amazon.com
Triple Tree Double Watch Winder
Wood shell construction, piano paint lacquer, multilayered flexible leather pillows, acrylic glass, and a silent motor — these aren’t exactly virtues one would expect from an automatic watch winder coming in under $100. Nonetheless, this chic selection continues to garner recognition based on its fine craftsmanship. It’s compact and functional enough to elevate two of your finest wrist-tickers, plus features a super-silent motor that will have you double checking to make it’s working. Powered by either an included dual-power support AC Adapter or two D batteries (sold separately), this sucker can kick into gear at will. $89.99 at Amazon.com
Multi-Watch Winders
Olymbros Wooden Quad Automatic Watch Winder
Why We Love It: For those of us who need options, the Olymbros is the perfect solution to keep sixteen different styles at the ready, with eight watches being wound at any given moment. The four winders can be set for various turns, directions, and rests, with five program settings. There’s an LED light to keep those beauties in the spotlight and there’s extra room up front to store those that are not in heavy rotation. The exterior is constructed of highly polished natural hardwood and the case can be locked for safety. It operates with an AC adaptor or three D batteries. The company offers a one-year warranty and lifetime technical support. $399 at Amazon.com
Volta Cambridge Watch Winder
The one you won’t be afraid to display and is noticeably stylish, the Volta Cambridge comes laced in a tasteful carbon fiber finish with six microfiber suede bays and four settings, serving truly purposeful for all (or a portion) of one’s watch set. At this price, why wouldn’t you make it the centerpiece to your watch collection? (That's a rhetorical question.) Convenience is where this device excels with an LCD screen on the inside to control the Japanese Mabuchi motor and a beltless winder that keeps the device in stellar shape for years to come. Speed winding and sleep mode are programmed to the preserve the internals in your timepieces. It's designed to never overwind your beauties and comes with adapters to fit larger tickers. Splurge like a boss should. $1,270.75 at Amazon.com
Whether you’re establishing a new timepiece tradition or you practice habitual horology, consider the watch winder almost as important as the watch itself. We’ll introduce you to reputable options and weed out the imposters, as well as bring you a great selection of winders at a variety of price points, even if it’s the $77,000 Scatola del Tempo, which probably eclipses the value of most watch collections.
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Best Watches Under $1,000 Choosing a Watch Winder for Your Rolex Choosing the Right Wolf Watch Winder from AskMen Style https://www.askmen.com/style/watches/best-watch-winders.html
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trendsvacuum · 6 years
Top 5 Best Vacuums For Bed Bugs You May Don’T Know
Bed bugs are always big trouble and a true nightmare for all families. Picking bed bugs one – by – one is time- and effort – consuming.
Furthermore, this traditional method could drive you crazy simply because, after a long day of picking them, there are a bunch of leftover bed bugs as this type of unbearable creature multiples as fast as light speed.
If bed bugs are clamping down on your family’s sleep and you have to toss and turn every night, we are here to help you.
In this article, we’ll recommend you top 5 best vacuums for bed bugs that we took time and effort to discover and experience. Hope you find this post informative and helpful. Now, let’s jump in!
What are vacuums for bed bugs?
When it comes to kill and clean up bed bugs, bugs killer – specialized vacuums come none to second. This is simply because they are highly effective, fast acting and super convenient. With vacuums for bed bugs, picking these hateful insects right out of your furniture is no longer a harsh task.
Step by step vacuuming guideline
In order to destroy this little – sized and bull-headed enemy, you have to buy a vacuum with sufficient power to dislodge the bugs. Recommended power is at least 110 volts. The higher the motor’s power is, the better performance the vacuum is.
Find them
Finding bed bugs with the naked eye isn’t as easy as you think, especially for nearsighted people or the elder. Bugs always shelter deeply in tears or rips in the fabric, deep wrinkles and seams of furniture and mattresses.
It is advisable to spot bugs’ eggs as adult bugs will linger in the same area with their eggs.
Take action
You are better off using the vacuum’s crevice wand to run it along crevices, seams, wrinkles or anywhere you think that the bed bugs could lurk in. Make sure to go over these areas twice or three times to completely kill them.
Run your vacuum over the regular carpets and repeat the process daily to have the best result.
Considerations when purchasing a vacuum for bed bugs
Durability and Longevity
In the current market, vacuums come in numerous functions and designs. Some are built with a small and compact design for travel; some are designed to be handheld.
Based on our experience and observation, the larger the vacuum is, the more highly functioned and long-standing it is. A large vacuum may cost more, but it’s totally worthy to invest in a high – standard vacuum.
Large ones tend to contain more dirt and water. Furthermore, you don’t have to refill or empty its trash bag while cleaning the entire house.
Honestly speaking, bed bugs are very hard to kill and heating them till die is the only way we can handle these troublemakers. A temperature ranging from 160 to 180 degrees is considered a perfect condition.
Bed bugs are a true genius species in hiding themselves in tiny cracks such as furniture, armchairs, piles of clothing or mattresses. That is the reason why killing them is highly challenging and effort – consuming.
Attachments are super helpful as bed bugs are too small, difficult to find and shelter in hard – to – reach areas. We tend to purchase vacuums with lots of attachment.
Whenever vacuuming, you could attach or take off attachments for the sake of easy cleaning.
Top 5 Best Vacuums For Bed Bugs
Here are top 5 best vacuums for bed bugs that we took a lot of time and effort to research and pick up. The table below was sorted according to the quality, from highest to lowest.
1. Housmile Anti – Dust Mite UV Vacuum Cleaner
Seek for a super helper to escape a real nightmare called “Bed Bugs,” Housmile Anti – Dust Mite UV Vacuum Cleaner is our solution.
This innovative and smartly – designed UV vacuum is ideal for cloth sofas and mattresses as it features an easy lift off UV hand vacuum.
All you need to do is detaching the UV hand vacuum and starting destroying bed bugs, mites, allergens or any little-sized odious species on toys, carpet, fabric sofas, fluffy mat, towel, curtain or underwear.
After a long time of researching, Housmile manufacturer has produced a new generation of a vacuum cleaner which is applied cutting – edge and exclusive technology.
This superb technology allows us to remove invisible mites thoroughly as the vacuum releases high – temperature hot air at 55C to damage the environment in breeding the bugs and mites.
Additionally, it’s unique pressure-sensitive rolling wheels are carefully designed to prevent UK leak, safer operation, and faster response speed.
This smart vacuum is also equipped with a powerful UV light which is able to penetrate the outer cell structure and changes the DNA molecule to kill bedbugs, microorganisms, and mites.
What we like most about this convenient vacuum is its advanced HEPA filtration system which sterilizes all types of dust carefully and helps eliminate air pollution.
As it was designed to be a handheld vacuum, the manufacturer produced a super lightweight one. Hence, doing the household is no longer an exhausting work.
Even though this cute little machine has a small size, don’t judge a book by its cover. It will absolutely give customers a big wow due to its strong suctioning power.
With the Housmile Vacuum’s support, beating the bugs out of their hiding places is easy as a pie. It could accommodate up to 160ml of pests, dust and absorb a considerable amount of material.
The Housmile UV Vacuum Cleaner has received numerous compliments on Amazon. This somehow could prove how effective this bed bugs killer is. Let give it a chance and it won’t let you down.
Product details:
Product dimensions: 9.9 x 4.7 x 6.8 inches
Weight: 3.3 pounds
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Change filter easily.
Perform well.
Use carbon filtration.
Lightweight, easy to use and portable.
Doesn’t sound loud when operating.
Sturdy and well – made.
Easy to reach hard – to – reach areas.
Doesn’t come with extra filters.
2. Atrix Bug Sucker HEPA Backpack Vacuum
Atrix manufacturer is always considered top – of – mind vacuum brand. With almost 40 years of experience, this reputable brand has generated a wide range of vacuum models.
Atrix’s products are a perfect combination between high – end quality and dedicated services.
There is no sharp-tongued when saying that all Atrix’s products win customer’s hearts. The Atrix Bug Sucker HEPA Backpack Vacuum is the obvious evidence.
It sounds like Atrix researched and understood customer’s expectation thoroughly when equipping an extra-long reaching metal wand – an item which rarely sees on other vacuum manufacturers.
This tool allows us to reach touch – to – reach and clean areas, simplify the cleaning job and save a lot of time and effort.
Furthermore, its compact design makes it ideal for mobile cleaning solution. You could make use of this Atrix vacuum in numerous locations such as warehouses, offices, hospitals, ceilings, drapes and hard to reach corners.
Especially, it possesses a 4 – level filtration system which has 8 quart HEPA bag, exhaust filter, and cloth shakeout bag HEPA pre-motor filter. This superb filtration system is highly effective in pick up machine dust, bugs, hair, and other particles.
This vacuum cleaner also has a CFM output of 106 CFM which could easily switch to a blower with 3 blower nozzles.
When purchasing all Atrix products, customers could put their mind at peace as they all accompanied by a 1 – year warranty. In case there is any failure happened, the Atrix manufacturer will repair and replace the defective product if needed or even repaid.
Even though its price doesn’t fit everyone’s pocket, you’ll get what you pay for. Invest in an Atrix vacuum and use for life, this is such a big bargain.
Product information:
Product dimension: 12” x 9” x 20”
Weight: 10.3 lbs
Included: backpack vacuum, blower adapter, 6’ hose, 22”-37” extension wand, exhaust filter cover, 2 HEPA bags, 8 nozzle attachments, set of filter plugs and hose, and shakeout bag.
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”yes” title=”Product Name…” button_text=”Buy $145.99 @Amazon” disable_button=”no” button_link=”https://amzn.to/2SCBQvn” button_link_target=”__blank” button_rel_attr=”nofollow”][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Air purifier included.
Strong suctioning power.
High function.
Useful attachments included reaching hard – to – reach areas.
Fairly expensive.
3. Verilux CleanWave Sanitizing Portable Vacuum
In case a portable and high – tech vacuum cleaner is all you are looking for, The Verilux CleanWave Sanitizing Portable Vacuum is our big recommendation.
This Verilux vacuum is pretty convenient with compact and portable design, so you could bring it to anywhere you go. It also features a bagless and easy – empty design and two-stage micro – allergy filtration.
A set of vacuum included 1 nozzle, 1 detachable hand vacuum, brush attachments, and 1 UV – C light – sanitizing head. The detachable hand vacuum is equipped for the sake of easy cleaning.
You could attach the brush or nozzle to completely sanitize surfaces like bathroom floors, furnishings, carpets and mattress cover.
This will prevent bacteria from damaging your furniture and make sure that recirculation of pollutants has never ever had a chance to happen.
When purchasing the Verilux Portable Vacuum, customers could totally feel secure as this product has been tested by the United States independent third – party laboratory.
Interestingly, it has been verified to be a chemical-free method of eradicating up to 99% of viruses, molds, germs, pest eggs on hard surfaces.
Finally yet importantly, applied germ – reducing UV technology, the Verilux vacuum is able to penetrate the cell membrane of a microorganism and damage its DNA. That is the reason why Verilux vacuum is popularly believed and used.
Product information:
Product dimensions: 13 x 5.2 x 7 inches
Weight: 5 pounds
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”yes” title=”Product Name…” button_text=”Buy $69.97 @Amazon” disable_button=”no” button_link=”https://amzn.to/2EjfLyy” button_link_target=”__blank” button_rel_attr=”nofollow”][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Proofing efficient and laboratory tested.
Germ – reduction UV Technology.
Immense power.
Easy to use.
The sensor isn’t sensitive though.
4. UV Light Bed Vacuum Cleaner Kills Dust Mites
This Anti – Allergen handheld is advertised as able to kill up to 99.9% of bacteria including Salmonella & Staphylococcus, E.coli, allergens such as bed bugs, pet hair, and dust mites.
Moreover, it comes with an Advanced HEPA filtration system to avoid recirculation. When purchasing this machine, it comes with a 2 in 1 combined crevice/upholstery tool for the sake of convenient and easy cleaning.
The UV – C Light plays an important role in eliminating particles and germs on surfaces as well as killing all types of dust mites which nestled in your furniture. It also put an end to bacteria, microbial pests, and mold.
Plus, its special design and lightweight feature make it a perfect handheld vacuum cleaner. Buy now or regret later!
Product information:
Product dimensions: 34 x 18 x 13cm
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”yes” title=”Product Name…” button_text=”Buy $50.99 @Amazon” disable_button=”no” button_link=”https://amzn.to/2SCBRzr” button_link_target=”__blank” button_rel_attr=”nofollow”][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Lightweight but powerful.
Advanced filtration system.
Powerful UV light.
Modern design.
UV light is fairly difficult to activate.
5. Taiwan Present Euleven UV Handheld Vacuum
Thanks to this vacuum cleaner, a bug-free bed is no longer a dream for those who are suffering an annoying infestation caused by a little monster called bugs.
This vacuum stands out among its’ other competitors as it kills not only bed bugs but also germs, allergens, and dust mites.
The Taiwan Vacuum possesses a high power suction with approximately 3500 RPM vibration action and 8.5kPa suction force to discover and kill all pests.
It only weighs approximately 3 Lbs which makes it portable and easy to carry around.
Like other first-rate vacuums, this cleaner has a HEPA filtration system to kill all bed bugs without escaping.
Product information:
Product dimensions: 12.6 x 7.6 x 5.1 inches
Weight: 3.1 pounds
Included: 1 vacuum cleaner, 1 user manual, and 1 extra HEPA filte
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Lightweight and portable.
HEPA filtration system.
Powerful suction force.
Easy maneuver.
Eye-catching design.
Pretty fragile.
Should I buy bagged vacuums or bagless vacuums?
In our point of view, bagged vacuums are much better as the bag could be easily detached from the vacuum and thrown out.
If you use bagless vacuums improperly, the vacuums could become infested with bugs and bugs’ eggs.
Can bed bugs stay alive inside the vacuums?
This is a good question. Everyone thinks that vacuums can kill bed bugs, but interestingly, several bugs can survive and stay alive inside the vacuums.
As I mentioned above, in order to make sure your house doesn’t have any bugs, you should buy a vacuum with a bag. After vacuuming your house, remember to zip the bag tightly and throw it into the outside trash can. Otherwise, these disgusting bugs will crawl into your house again and again.
When you are reading till this part, it’s time to stop sharing your beloved bed with creepy bugs. Just purchase one of 5 vacuums that we highly recommend above, and you can get rid of them forever.
If you ask us which one is the best vacuum for bed bugs among 5 listed models above, Housmile Anti – Dust Mite UV Vacuum Cleaner is our answer. It is durable, smartly and meticulously designed and cutting – edge.
Hopefully, after reading this article, you could grasp constructive and useful information about vacuum for bed bugs.
Thank you so much for spending your specious time to read the whole post. In case there is anything unclear, don’t hesitate to comment down below. We would highly appreciate. Once again, thanks a bunch.
See more: Top 5 Best Vacuums For Bed Bugs You May Don’T Know
source https://trendsvacuum.com/best-vacuums-bed-bugs.html
via Blogger http://bit.ly/2BWQzvr
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eddiejpoplar · 6 years
Best Cars of the 2018 Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance
The 1937 Alfa Romeo 8C 2900B Touring Berlinetta that won the Best of Show prize at the 2018 Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance is certainly an amazing machine, but there’s far more to the Concours than naming a single best car. We polled our editors and contributors for some of their favorites spotted Sunday on the 18th fairway.
Tucker 48s Take Over Pebble
It’s exceedingly rare to see a singular Tucker 48 outside of the walls of a climate-controlled automotive museum, so running into 12 Tuckers lined up like a dealership sales lot was surreal. Even in the company of Marmon Sixteens and Hispano-Suizas, the pack of earth-toned Tuckers was an unbelievably special sight. —Conner Golden
1948 Talbot Lago T26 Grand Sport Figoni Fastback Coupe
This gorgeous Figoni-bodied Talbot Lago features classic teardrop styling, elegant chrome accent trim, and even a clear pop-up sunroof, a rarity for its day. Post-war cars struggle to win Best of Show at Pebble Beach, but the Czech-based owners of this car can take solace in their First in Class win in the Postwar Touring category. —Rory Jurnecka
(Not So) Fastback
I’m with Mr. Jurnecka on this one. Predicting an overall Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance winner is never as straightforward as it seems, and the Talbot Lago is a case in point. The T26 Grand Sport Figoni Fastback Coupé seemingly has it all: imaginative styling, interesting custom details (including chrome “zippers” above its center headlamp from its original owner, the so-called Zipper King), a heroic rescue following 48 years of storage, and novel styling. Sure, the Best in Show–winning Alfa had understated qualities that could be described as safe, but it goes to show sometimes you never can tell. —Basem Wasef
The Cadillac Mind Melt Is it a Delahaye? A Delage? Or maybe some other dreamy, French Curvy scoop of rolling sculpture? This kinetic object d’art, it turns out, is actually a good ol’ fashioned Caddy—specifically a rather special, 1937 Cadillac Series 90 Hartmann Cabriolet originally commissioned by international playboy Philippe Barraud. Wrapped in fluid sheetmetal that could best be described as Figoni et Falaschi-esque and powered by a narrow-angle V-16, this particular Caddy’s impossible, 22-foot-long proportions made waves. Many wagered that this swoopy cab would win the top Concours prize, but it settled instead for the class win in its American Classic Open category. Shame, as this Cadillac seemed to have it all: a great story, stunning lines, and elegance for miles. —B.W.
1937 Cadillac Series 90 Hartmann Cabriolet I see we’re in agreement on some of these choices, which isn’t always a guarantee when it comes to the Automobile staff and its varied tastes. I think that fact speaks to just how exceptional some of these standout cars are. This Cadillac isn’t straight out of The Great Gatsby, and it was created a dozen years too late for inclusion in the novel, but it certainly channels author F. Scott Fitzgerald’s masterwork. You don’t have to have even a passing interest in cars to take note of this one: a one-of-a-kind coachbuilt Cadillac commissioned by a wealthy Swiss gentleman 80-some years ago—a car many indeed pegged as the favorite to win the Pebble Beach Concours’ top award. No, it didn’t, but it checked a lot of boxes: rarity, an interesting history, immaculate design, and meticulous resurrection. Best of Show recognition or not, no one who laid eyes on it could look away.  —Mac Morrison
1970 Ferrari Modulo 512 S Pininfarina Coupe Jim Glickenhaus, founder of Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus and owner of some very rare cars, brought this 1970 Ferrari Modulo, which he managed to wrest away from Pininfarina’s long-term ownership. This wild 1970 concept car was based on the low-slung chassis and racing powertrain from a Ferrari 512 S endurance prototype sports car. The roof slides backward to allow entry, and a perforated engine cover allows onlookers to see the race-tuned V-12 that lies underneath. —R.J.
Ferrari Modulo… You Know, for Kids Did you steal my notes, Jurnecka? Frankly, Pebble’s Pre-War-a-Palooza can alienate some of the younger showgoers who lack a penchant for brass and wicker. For the (slightly) more youthful set, the 1970 Ferrari 512 S Modulo Pininfarina Coupe owned by James Glickenhaus ticks a whole lot of boxes: pivotal role in the game-changing supercar wedge movement? Check. Just-in-time engine restoration to make it mobile and Pebble Beach eligible? Check. Racing chassis, 5.0-liter V-12 under Perspex, and boggling doorstop silhouette? Triple check. The Modulo may not have won Pebble, but it certainly did win the hearts of more than a few enthusiasts in the crowd. —B.W.
1966 All American Eagle Special
Now owned by well-known restorer, collector, and all-around performance-car guy Bruce Canepa, this All American Racers Indy car might have been overlooked, especially by some young members of the Pebble crowd. And that’s a shame, as it is flat-out gorgeous. Its provenance might not be as impressive as some of AAR founder Dan Gurney’s other racers, as it never won a race. But it is the car the man himself ran at Indianapolis in ’66. This example, chassis No. 201, is the first of six such race cars AAR built that year; unfortunately, it and Gurney were taken out in an opening-lap crash at the Speedway.
Regardless, it was a gem on display at Pebble, a race car from a bygone era when beauty was appreciated almost as much as performance. The good news is, an even younger crowd will soon be exposed to it after it won the Gran Turismo Trophy (the Concours award associated with the famous video game), meaning this sublime competition car will (sooner than later, we hope) appear in the massively popular racing franchise. —M.M.
And the Best Spare Tire Award Goes to … The 1966 Ford GT40 Mark IIB. This final version of the GT40 race car is special, even though its favored status at Le Mans was thwarted by a blown head gasket in ’66, and it failed to finish again the following year after 13 hours of competition. We love its legendary lines and sexy gold livery, but we really dig the magnesium spare wheel tucked perilously close to the drivetrain; gotta love 1960s racing. —B.W.
1966 Ford GT40 Mark IIB Coupe I’m a sucker for GT40s, and as Basem notes above, this gold-sprayed coupe with white striping is one of the most stunning I’ve seen. Seemingly every GT40 of the 1960s has a story, and this car is no different. It was driven in the ’66 24 Hours of Le Mans by Dan Gurney and Jerry Grant and started on the pole, but a radiator issue hosed its chances and it didn’t finish. After being upgraded to IIB-spec, it raced at Le Mans in 1967 but crashed out. There is some controversy around this particular car as its chassis number of 1047 was somehow mixed up with another sister car known as 1031. —M.F.
File Under: Strong Finishes As if an imposing Rolls-Royce doesn’t say enough about the class divide between rich and poor during imperialist India, this 1927 Rolls-Royce Phantom I Windovers limousine goes the extra mile with its stunning polished aluminum finish. The texture of bare metal must have required hundreds of man-hours to perfect and is just as telling of the car’s meticulous ownership history as it is about the marque’s 20th century origins. —B.W.
1958 Continental Mark III Convertible It is next to impossible to truly communicate the scale of this battleship in words and photos, but here goes. Holy hell, is this thing big, long, and massive! From the era when American land yachts roamed the interstates, as the largest unit-construction car ever built, this was one of the biggest of them all. This was the last year the Continental wasn’t badged a Lincoln, as it was its own sub-brand at the time. Powered by a 430-cubic-inch V-8 with around 375 horsepower, it is a whopping 229 inches long, but not exactly super heavy at around 5,000 pounds. Imagine trying to park this leviathan anywhere. That said, we’d love to try, after driving it everywhere, of course. —M.F.
1953 OSCA MT4 Frua Spider OSCA was a special class at the 2018 Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, and the largely open-top race cars were an impressive lot. Known officially as Officine Specializzate Costruzione Automobili—Fratelli Maserati S.p.A., OSCA was an Italian manufacturer of racing and sports cars established in 1947 by the Maserati brothers, and it lasted until 1967. This particular car caught my eye, with its stunning blue, white, and red accented livery and white wire wheels. Many aficionados consider the MT4 the most successful race car the Maserati brothers ever produced, as it became a force in the under-1,500cc class during its era. —M.F.
1949 OSCA MT4 Siluro The Concours’ clutter of OSCAs consisted primarily of itty-bitty competition barchettas, and there weren’t any eyesores in the bunch. But I took particular interest in the 1949 OSCA MT4 Siluro. Or more specifically, the Siluro’s floating shift tube that extends from under the dash. It’s a feature entirely driven by engineering, but it’s so much more dramatic than some of the aesthetic extras sprinkled on some of the flamboyant sleds on the show green. —C.G.
1963 Citroën DS19 Chapron
The inimitable Citroën DS is hardly the most highfalutin car to escape France. While not as Spartan as the 2CV, the DS was reasonably egalitarian and became a symbol for accessible design and smart engineering. Citroën made roughly 1.5 million of the things, after all.
Peter Mullin’s 1963 Citroën DS19 Chapron Concorde is a bit different. A star coachworks designer for the likes of Delahaye, Delage, and Talbot-Lago, Henri Chapron penned the near-perfect bodywork for the Concorde, reinterpreting the DS’ funky aeronautical shape into an effortlessly elegant coupe marketed toward a buyer looking for more luxury. Only a handful of these were made, so this was a rare chance to see a Concorde in public. —C.G.
1935 Rolls-Royce Phantom II Continental Gurney Nutting Streamline Coupe There was a special class at the Concours d’Elegance this year, “Motor Cars of the Raj,” featuring a number of incredibly elegant coachbuilt models like this magnificent example of a Rolls-Royce Phantom II Continental, all brought over from India just for the show. (Apparently, all of the cars’ owners had to ship them to Pebble three months prior to the big day—quite a commitment.) This particular car won its class and also the Lucius Beebe Trophy as the best Rolls-Royce of the Concours, and it’s easy to see why, looking resplendent in its green and yellow paint scheme. In fact, this car is so fabulous, it was chosen as the cover car for this year’s official Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance poster. —M.F.
0 notes
anthonybialy · 6 years
Idea Deficit
People who eat food will never make up the deficit from buying all those groceries.  Sure, you got delicious provisions which staved off hunger while providing the energy to continue existing.  But the supermarket got money out of it, which makes it seem like they ripped us off.  Getting hungry again means they're going to exploit us even more.  They'll be wealthy and all we'll get is to be not starving.
Well, I guess avoiding death is worthwhile.  We get something from trade. Whatever that something is may be interesting to the involved parties, but the point is it's valuable to them.  The fact we have to explain this explains the present.  
There's not a deficit if you buy something.  As a hint, look at the item you now possess.  I know the missing money hurts, but that's what a trade is.  Next, explain to Donald Trump how the cashier isn't stealing from you.  The purchaser wouldn't have given up currency for a thing without finding it valuable.  Also, a dollar may in fact be worth more than a comparable piece of paper.
The principle of getting cool junk back applies even to countries. There's no reason to get upset about how much we send to other nations in exchange for things.  That's unless we're trying to rip them off, and that wouldn't be good for international relations. Buying their offerings best sort of foreign aid, as inferior non-American countries have to make our stuff inexpensively without experiencing the joy of ample amendments or Super Bowls.
Selling out is the worst sort of transaction.  It's astounding how principles change when party labels get inverted.  Democrats are suddenly upset that the government is meddling with financial interaction, which shows how irony can be more valuable than any item.  You'd think they resided in Chicago, Austria based on how fiercely they defend open markets against that dang protectionist Trump.  All it took for them to admit their own ideas are nonsensical is a president they despise holding them.
Meanwhile, Republicans now think patriotism means embracing a powerful government that keeps dim citizens from getting fleeced.  Fellow alpha males wait for Trump to announce what he believes that minute so they can agree wholeheartedly.
It's beyond cute to think this deal is artful.  Trump wants you to think there's some genius strategy of issuing preposterous remarks to sucker the other negotiator.  The dubious claim would be slightly more plausible if he hadn't constantly praised trade wars for years.  But I'm sure he's only fibbing to trick others.  Doubting him is disloyal.  Wait until you experience the joy of purchasing without the president telling you what's on your list.
The supposed revolutionary president sure is wed to ideas from decades ago.  It's his only marriage that lasts.  Trump's really changing things up by sticking with wholly discredited ideas from the 1930s and 1980s.  He selflessly needs to protect America from those sneaky foreigners and their affordable goods.
Fears about an Asian economic powerhouse surpassing aren't quite novel. He's switched from fretting about Japan to becoming a cranky grandpa railing against the Chinese.  He's only prejudiced against commerce.
Many trade deals are one-sided.  Don't tell them we're the side that's fortunate.  Its the loss of stupid countries if they inflict tariffs on their pitiful subjects.  We still get to buy what we wish while they don't have access to our awesome goods, so they can keep suffering.  They probably don't have Sonic, either.
Bitching about fairness is this era's way of showing appreciation. Gracelessly argue with merchants in order to get the best bargains. A president dedicated to insulting whoever doesn't like him sets the tone.  Rising above invective is portrayed as weakness, so argue with countries who make life affordable to teach them a lesson.
To be a millionaire, get a million dollars.  Everything's so obvious to those obsessed with establishing smartness.  Our brainiac overlords never thought to check what we get in return for purported trade deficits.  A guy with a history of sticking his name on shoddy junk doesn't grasp getting value back.
We can negotiate ourselves.  That's the free market's point.  At least half the major parties used to pretend to respect that.  Now, we have to beg Republicans to stop helping us, as well.  Those interested in buying property hope Trump will stop harassing on our behalf.  Maybe it'll work if we claim he inspired us.
Why is the paper clip factory idling?  Trump acolytes lament lost manufacturing jobs after claiming the unemployment rate can't get any lower.  They may as well moan about buggy whip craftsmen rendered homeless.
Some jobs are more economically viable for machines or Second World hellholes to staff.  Fear of losing what's obsolete is the most fearless way to move into the future. The president decided on our behalf we're getting ripped off on merchandise we voluntarily acquire.  There sure are lots of casualties for winning a trade war.
0 notes
enviroscapesnw · 7 years
Whatever You Have Always Aspired To Learn About Desktop Computers.
Teach Yourself About Desktop Computers Today!
Like a lot of people, you could prefer using a computer across a laptop and there is certainly not wrong with this. But, to ensure that you really understand desktops, you have to know several things. This article you need to read offers a great deal of advice about desktop computers.
Consider the disk burning capabilities for any desktop computers that you are considering. Consider whether you plan to merely watch media or even to help make your own CDs and DVDs. If you intend on doing the latter, make certain sure the pc that you want supports it. Not every desktops include these capabilities.
Take an audit of the purposes of a computer before choosing one. This is important so that you can really understand how much power you actually need. More power means more cash. If super powerful desktop won’t be of any real use to you personally, why shell out the additional funds?
Before you purchase a computer, look at reviews at various reputable tech websites. There are numerous choices, however when you locate a comparison article or “best of” editors review, it will create the research easier.
Make sure to examine the web ahead of spending money at a traditional tech store. Usually the prices you’ll find on the net will be a lot less expensive compared to what you’ll see in stores. If you can wait the extra day or two to your desktop, it will save you a ton of money.
If you have a home office or a small venture, a laptop computer probably will not meet all your needs. While a portable computer is great when you find yourself out and approximately, a desktop model is better if you require a printer, copier, fax and scanner. Also, many people find typing on the regular keyboard is much easier than working on a laptop.
For the best deal when purchasing a new computer, shop during and after returning to school time or perhaps before Christmas. These are the basic instances when computer companies offer great deals on several of their finest selling computers. Computer companies may also offer bundles of desktops and printers that could help you save additional money.
Many computer manufacturers now limit the quantity of information inside a manual that are included with their computers, preferring instead towards the put the info on the web. Make sure that you don’t end up in a bind should you can’t get online.
As you may select your desktop computer, pay attention to the types of software that happen to be included, particularly if you want a word processing package. You have to be aware of regardless of whether you will receive a complete version of those software, or maybe you can expect to just get yourself a trial version that will require that you spend additional money at a later time.
One advantage of getting a desktop rather than a laptop computer will be the wider array of choices. Should you buy a laptop, you happen to be limited by the screen, keyboard and trackpad that may be built in the appliance. If you buy a desktop, select the system and peripherals you need most.
Simply how much hard drive space do you require? Look at the sizes available in terms of just how many photos they are able to hold for an easy reference. A 500GB harddrive holds 100,000 photos, for instance, or even the equivalent of 38 hours of video or 125,000 MP3 songs, which is more than sufficient for many.
Refurbished computers are a fantastic choice when searching for a cheap machine. You know that they will work effectively as they are rigorously tested before being offered available for purchase. Additionally, they often have upgrades which make them just like new devices out there.Desktop Computers
Find individuals who are desktop computers getting rid of their desktop computers. Quite a few people will be going for tablets and laptops, and due to this you will discover a great desktop computer in a good price. They’re great machines and ideal that you can snap up.
Take into account the disk burning capabilities associated with a desktop computers that you are considering. Consider whether you intend to merely watch media or even to make your own CDs and DVDs. If you plan on doing the second, ensure sure your computer that you would like supports it. Not all desktops feature these capabilities.
In the event you aren’t a gamer, don’t get suckered into gaming desktop computers. These computers have been souped up with the biggest and baddest video cards, sound cards, and processors. If all you could do is email and light-weight photography, this power is major overkill. You are better spending your funds on a lesser computer and buying some peripherals.As this article has shown, there homeimprovement.com are lots of things you can study about desktop computers. Learning these matters will allow you to get more away from your desktop computer. Whatever your own personal purpose for needing to use a desktop, take advantage of the tips above to aid take full advantage of its many uses
from Enviroscapesnw http://enviroscapesnw.com/whatever-you-have-always-aspired-to-learn-about-desktop-computers/
0 notes
trendsvacuum · 6 years
Top 5 Best Vacuums For Bed Bugs You May Don’T Know
Bed bugs are always big trouble and a true nightmare for all families. Picking bed bugs one – by – one is time- and effort – consuming.
Furthermore, this traditional method could drive you crazy simply because, after a long day of picking them, there are a bunch of leftover bed bugs as this type of unbearable creature multiples as fast as light speed.
If bed bugs are clamping down on your family’s sleep and you have to toss and turn every night, we are here to help you.
In this article, we’ll recommend you top 5 best vacuums for bed bugs that we took time and effort to discover and experience. Hope you find this post informative and helpful. Now, let’s jump in!
What are vacuums for bed bugs?
When it comes to kill and clean up bed bugs, bugs killer – specialized vacuums come none to second. This is simply because they are highly effective, fast acting and super convenient. With vacuums for bed bugs, picking these hateful insects right out of your furniture is no longer a harsh task.
Step by step vacuuming guideline
In order to destroy this little – sized and bull-headed enemy, you have to buy a vacuum with sufficient power to dislodge the bugs. Recommended power is at least 110 volts. The higher the motor’s power is, the better performance the vacuum is.
Find them
Finding bed bugs with the naked eye isn’t as easy as you think, especially for nearsighted people or the elder. Bugs always shelter deeply in tears or rips in the fabric, deep wrinkles and seams of furniture and mattresses.
It is advisable to spot bugs’ eggs as adult bugs will linger in the same area with their eggs.
Take action
You are better off using the vacuum’s crevice wand to run it along crevices, seams, wrinkles or anywhere you think that the bed bugs could lurk in. Make sure to go over these areas twice or three times to completely kill them.
Run your vacuum over the regular carpets and repeat the process daily to have the best result.
Considerations when purchasing a vacuum for bed bugs
Durability and Longevity
In the current market, vacuums come in numerous functions and designs. Some are built with a small and compact design for travel; some are designed to be handheld.
Based on our experience and observation, the larger the vacuum is, the more highly functioned and long-standing it is. A large vacuum may cost more, but it’s totally worthy to invest in a high – standard vacuum.
Large ones tend to contain more dirt and water. Furthermore, you don’t have to refill or empty its trash bag while cleaning the entire house.
Honestly speaking, bed bugs are very hard to kill and heating them till die is the only way we can handle these troublemakers. A temperature ranging from 160 to 180 degrees is considered a perfect condition.
Bed bugs are a true genius species in hiding themselves in tiny cracks such as furniture, armchairs, piles of clothing or mattresses. That is the reason why killing them is highly challenging and effort – consuming.
Attachments are super helpful as bed bugs are too small, difficult to find and shelter in hard – to – reach areas. We tend to purchase vacuums with lots of attachment.
Whenever vacuuming, you could attach or take off attachments for the sake of easy cleaning.
Top 5 Best Vacuums For Bed Bugs
Here are top 5 best vacuums for bed bugs that we took a lot of time and effort to research and pick up. The table below was sorted according to the quality, from highest to lowest.
1. Housmile Anti – Dust Mite UV Vacuum Cleaner
Seek for a super helper to escape a real nightmare called “Bed Bugs,” Housmile Anti – Dust Mite UV Vacuum Cleaner is our solution.
This innovative and smartly – designed UV vacuum is ideal for cloth sofas and mattresses as it features an easy lift off UV hand vacuum.
All you need to do is detaching the UV hand vacuum and starting destroying bed bugs, mites, allergens or any little-sized odious species on toys, carpet, fabric sofas, fluffy mat, towel, curtain or underwear.
After a long time of researching, Housmile manufacturer has produced a new generation of a vacuum cleaner which is applied cutting – edge and exclusive technology.
This superb technology allows us to remove invisible mites thoroughly as the vacuum releases high - temperature hot air at 55C to damage the environment in breeding the bugs and mites.
Additionally, it's unique pressure-sensitive rolling wheels are carefully designed to prevent UK leak, safer operation, and faster response speed.
This smart vacuum is also equipped with a powerful UV light which is able to penetrate the outer cell structure and changes the DNA molecule to kill bedbugs, microorganisms, and mites.
What we like most about this convenient vacuum is its advanced HEPA filtration system which sterilizes all types of dust carefully and helps eliminate air pollution.
As it was designed to be a handheld vacuum, the manufacturer produced a super lightweight one. Hence, doing the household is no longer an exhausting work.
Even though this cute little machine has a small size, don’t judge a book by its cover. It will absolutely give customers a big wow due to its strong suctioning power.
With the Housmile Vacuum’s support, beating the bugs out of their hiding places is easy as a pie. It could accommodate up to 160ml of pests, dust and absorb a considerable amount of material.
The Housmile UV Vacuum Cleaner has received numerous compliments on Amazon. This somehow could prove how effective this bed bugs killer is. Let give it a chance and it won’t let you down.
Product details:
Product dimensions: 9.9 x 4.7 x 6.8 inches
Weight: 3.3 pounds
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Change filter easily.
Perform well.
Use carbon filtration.
Lightweight, easy to use and portable.
Doesn’t sound loud when operating.
Sturdy and well – made.
Easy to reach hard – to – reach areas.
Doesn’t come with extra filters.
2. Atrix Bug Sucker HEPA Backpack Vacuum
Atrix manufacturer is always considered top – of – mind vacuum brand. With almost 40 years of experience, this reputable brand has generated a wide range of vacuum models.
Atrix’s products are a perfect combination between high – end quality and dedicated services.
There is no sharp-tongued when saying that all Atrix’s products win customer’s hearts. The Atrix Bug Sucker HEPA Backpack Vacuum is the obvious evidence.
It sounds like Atrix researched and understood customer’s expectation thoroughly when equipping an extra-long reaching metal wand – an item which rarely sees on other vacuum manufacturers.
This tool allows us to reach touch – to – reach and clean areas, simplify the cleaning job and save a lot of time and effort.
Furthermore, its compact design makes it ideal for mobile cleaning solution. You could make use of this Atrix vacuum in numerous locations such as warehouses, offices, hospitals, ceilings, drapes and hard to reach corners.
Especially, it possesses a 4 - level filtration system which has 8 quart HEPA bag, exhaust filter, and cloth shakeout bag HEPA pre-motor filter. This superb filtration system is highly effective in pick up machine dust, bugs, hair, and other particles.
This vacuum cleaner also has a CFM output of 106 CFM which could easily switch to a blower with 3 blower nozzles.
When purchasing all Atrix products, customers could put their mind at peace as they all accompanied by a 1 – year warranty. In case there is any failure happened, the Atrix manufacturer will repair and replace the defective product if needed or even repaid.
Even though its price doesn’t fit everyone’s pocket, you’ll get what you pay for. Invest in an Atrix vacuum and use for life, this is such a big bargain.
Product information:
Product dimension: 12” x 9” x 20”
Weight: 10.3 lbs
Included: backpack vacuum, blower adapter, 6’ hose, 22”-37” extension wand, exhaust filter cover, 2 HEPA bags, 8 nozzle attachments, set of filter plugs and hose, and shakeout bag.
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title="yes" title="Product Name..." button_text="Buy $145.99 @Amazon" disable_button="no" button_link="https://amzn.to/2SCBQvn" button_link_target="__blank" button_rel_attr="nofollow"][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Air purifier included.
Strong suctioning power.
High function.
Useful attachments included reaching hard – to – reach areas.
Fairly expensive.
3. Verilux CleanWave Sanitizing Portable Vacuum
In case a portable and high – tech vacuum cleaner is all you are looking for, The Verilux CleanWave Sanitizing Portable Vacuum is our big recommendation.
This Verilux vacuum is pretty convenient with compact and portable design, so you could bring it to anywhere you go. It also features a bagless and easy – empty design and two-stage micro – allergy filtration.
A set of vacuum included 1 nozzle, 1 detachable hand vacuum, brush attachments, and 1 UV – C light – sanitizing head. The detachable hand vacuum is equipped for the sake of easy cleaning.
You could attach the brush or nozzle to completely sanitize surfaces like bathroom floors, furnishings, carpets and mattress cover.
This will prevent bacteria from damaging your furniture and make sure that recirculation of pollutants has never ever had a chance to happen.
When purchasing the Verilux Portable Vacuum, customers could totally feel secure as this product has been tested by the United States independent third – party laboratory.
Interestingly, it has been verified to be a chemical-free method of eradicating up to 99% of viruses, molds, germs, pest eggs on hard surfaces.
Finally yet importantly, applied germ – reducing UV technology, the Verilux vacuum is able to penetrate the cell membrane of a microorganism and damage its DNA. That is the reason why Verilux vacuum is popularly believed and used.
Product information:
Product dimensions: 13 x 5.2 x 7 inches
Weight: 5 pounds
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title="yes" title="Product Name..." button_text="Buy $69.97 @Amazon" disable_button="no" button_link="https://amzn.to/2EjfLyy" button_link_target="__blank" button_rel_attr="nofollow"][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Proofing efficient and laboratory tested.
Germ – reduction UV Technology.
Immense power.
Easy to use.
The sensor isn’t sensitive though.
4. UV Light Bed Vacuum Cleaner Kills Dust Mites
This Anti – Allergen handheld is advertised as able to kill up to 99.9% of bacteria including Salmonella & Staphylococcus, E.coli, allergens such as bed bugs, pet hair, and dust mites.
Moreover, it comes with an Advanced HEPA filtration system to avoid recirculation. When purchasing this machine, it comes with a 2 in 1 combined crevice/upholstery tool for the sake of convenient and easy cleaning.
The UV – C Light plays an important role in eliminating particles and germs on surfaces as well as killing all types of dust mites which nestled in your furniture. It also put an end to bacteria, microbial pests, and mold.
Plus, its special design and lightweight feature make it a perfect handheld vacuum cleaner. Buy now or regret later!
Product information:
Product dimensions: 34 x 18 x 13cm
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title="yes" title="Product Name..." button_text="Buy $50.99 @Amazon" disable_button="no" button_link="https://amzn.to/2SCBRzr" button_link_target="__blank" button_rel_attr="nofollow"][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Lightweight but powerful.
Advanced filtration system.
Powerful UV light.
Modern design.
UV light is fairly difficult to activate.
5. Taiwan Present Euleven UV Handheld Vacuum
Thanks to this vacuum cleaner, a bug-free bed is no longer a dream for those who are suffering an annoying infestation caused by a little monster called bugs.
This vacuum stands out among its’ other competitors as it kills not only bed bugs but also germs, allergens, and dust mites.
The Taiwan Vacuum possesses a high power suction with approximately 3500 RPM vibration action and 8.5kPa suction force to discover and kill all pests.
It only weighs approximately 3 Lbs which makes it portable and easy to carry around.
Like other first-rate vacuums, this cleaner has a HEPA filtration system to kill all bed bugs without escaping.
Product information:
Product dimensions: 12.6 x 7.6 x 5.1 inches
Weight: 3.1 pounds
Included: 1 vacuum cleaner, 1 user manual, and 1 extra HEPA filte
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title="yes" title="Product Name..." button_text="Buy $189.95 @Amazon" disable_button="no" button_link="https://amzn.to/2EgwGC9" button_link_target="__blank" button_rel_attr="nofollow"][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Lightweight and portable.
HEPA filtration system.
Powerful suction force.
Easy maneuver.
Eye-catching design.
Pretty fragile.
Should I buy bagged vacuums or bagless vacuums?
In our point of view, bagged vacuums are much better as the bag could be easily detached from the vacuum and thrown out.
If you use bagless vacuums improperly, the vacuums could become infested with bugs and bugs’ eggs.
Can bed bugs stay alive inside the vacuums?
This is a good question. Everyone thinks that vacuums can kill bed bugs, but interestingly, several bugs can survive and stay alive inside the vacuums.
As I mentioned above, in order to make sure your house doesn’t have any bugs, you should buy a vacuum with a bag. After vacuuming your house, remember to zip the bag tightly and throw it into the outside trash can. Otherwise, these disgusting bugs will crawl into your house again and again.
When you are reading till this part, it’s time to stop sharing your beloved bed with creepy bugs. Just purchase one of 5 vacuums that we highly recommend above, and you can get rid of them forever.
If you ask us which one is the best vacuum for bed bugs among 5 listed models above, Housmile Anti – Dust Mite UV Vacuum Cleaner is our answer. It is durable, smartly and meticulously designed and cutting – edge.
Hopefully, after reading this article, you could grasp constructive and useful information about vacuum for bed bugs.
Thank you so much for spending your specious time to read the whole post. In case there is anything unclear, don’t hesitate to comment down below. We would highly appreciate. Once again, thanks a bunch.
See more: Top 5 Best Vacuums For Bed Bugs You May Don’T Know
from Trends Vacuum - Feed http://bit.ly/2SAivLk via gqrds via Blogger http://bit.ly/2L3lo4L
0 notes
trendsvacuum · 6 years
Top 5 Best Vacuums For Bed Bugs You May Don’T Know
Bed bugs are always big trouble and a true nightmare for all families. Picking bed bugs one – by – one is time- and effort – consuming.
Furthermore, this traditional method could drive you crazy simply because, after a long day of picking them, there are a bunch of leftover bed bugs as this type of unbearable creature multiples as fast as light speed.
If bed bugs are clamping down on your family’s sleep and you have to toss and turn every night, we are here to help you.
In this article, we’ll recommend you top 5 best vacuums for bed bugs that we took time and effort to discover and experience. Hope you find this post informative and helpful. Now, let’s jump in!
What are vacuums for bed bugs?
When it comes to kill and clean up bed bugs, bugs killer – specialized vacuums come none to second. This is simply because they are highly effective, fast acting and super convenient. With vacuums for bed bugs, picking these hateful insects right out of your furniture is no longer a harsh task.
Step by step vacuuming guideline
In order to destroy this little – sized and bull-headed enemy, you have to buy a vacuum with sufficient power to dislodge the bugs. Recommended power is at least 110 volts. The higher the motor’s power is, the better performance the vacuum is.
Find them
Finding bed bugs with the naked eye isn’t as easy as you think, especially for nearsighted people or the elder. Bugs always shelter deeply in tears or rips in the fabric, deep wrinkles and seams of furniture and mattresses.
It is advisable to spot bugs’ eggs as adult bugs will linger in the same area with their eggs.
Take action
You are better off using the vacuum’s crevice wand to run it along crevices, seams, wrinkles or anywhere you think that the bed bugs could lurk in. Make sure to go over these areas twice or three times to completely kill them.
Run your vacuum over the regular carpets and repeat the process daily to have the best result.
Considerations when purchasing a vacuum for bed bugs
Durability and Longevity
In the current market, vacuums come in numerous functions and designs. Some are built with a small and compact design for travel; some are designed to be handheld.
Based on our experience and observation, the larger the vacuum is, the more highly functioned and long-standing it is. A large vacuum may cost more, but it’s totally worthy to invest in a high – standard vacuum.
Large ones tend to contain more dirt and water. Furthermore, you don’t have to refill or empty its trash bag while cleaning the entire house.
Honestly speaking, bed bugs are very hard to kill and heating them till die is the only way we can handle these troublemakers. A temperature ranging from 160 to 180 degrees is considered a perfect condition.
Bed bugs are a true genius species in hiding themselves in tiny cracks such as furniture, armchairs, piles of clothing or mattresses. That is the reason why killing them is highly challenging and effort – consuming.
Attachments are super helpful as bed bugs are too small, difficult to find and shelter in hard – to – reach areas. We tend to purchase vacuums with lots of attachment.
Whenever vacuuming, you could attach or take off attachments for the sake of easy cleaning.
Top 5 Best Vacuums For Bed Bugs
Here are top 5 best vacuums for bed bugs that we took a lot of time and effort to research and pick up. The table below was sorted according to the quality, from highest to lowest.
1. Housmile Anti – Dust Mite UV Vacuum Cleaner
Seek for a super helper to escape a real nightmare called “Bed Bugs,” Housmile Anti – Dust Mite UV Vacuum Cleaner is our solution.
This innovative and smartly – designed UV vacuum is ideal for cloth sofas and mattresses as it features an easy lift off UV hand vacuum.
All you need to do is detaching the UV hand vacuum and starting destroying bed bugs, mites, allergens or any little-sized odious species on toys, carpet, fabric sofas, fluffy mat, towel, curtain or underwear.
After a long time of researching, Housmile manufacturer has produced a new generation of a vacuum cleaner which is applied cutting – edge and exclusive technology.
This superb technology allows us to remove invisible mites thoroughly as the vacuum releases high – temperature hot air at 55C to damage the environment in breeding the bugs and mites.
Additionally, it’s unique pressure-sensitive rolling wheels are carefully designed to prevent UK leak, safer operation, and faster response speed.
This smart vacuum is also equipped with a powerful UV light which is able to penetrate the outer cell structure and changes the DNA molecule to kill bedbugs, microorganisms, and mites.
What we like most about this convenient vacuum is its advanced HEPA filtration system which sterilizes all types of dust carefully and helps eliminate air pollution.
As it was designed to be a handheld vacuum, the manufacturer produced a super lightweight one. Hence, doing the household is no longer an exhausting work.
Even though this cute little machine has a small size, don’t judge a book by its cover. It will absolutely give customers a big wow due to its strong suctioning power.
With the Housmile Vacuum’s support, beating the bugs out of their hiding places is easy as a pie. It could accommodate up to 160ml of pests, dust and absorb a considerable amount of material.
The Housmile UV Vacuum Cleaner has received numerous compliments on Amazon. This somehow could prove how effective this bed bugs killer is. Let give it a chance and it won’t let you down.
Product details:
Product dimensions: 9.9 x 4.7 x 6.8 inches
Weight: 3.3 pounds
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”yes” title=”Product Name…” button_text=”Buy $59.99 @Amazon” disable_button=”no” button_link=”https://amzn.to/2EjnfSo” button_link_target=”__blank” button_rel_attr=”nofollow”][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Change filter easily.
Perform well.
Use carbon filtration.
Lightweight, easy to use and portable.
Doesn’t sound loud when operating.
Sturdy and well – made.
Easy to reach hard – to – reach areas.
Doesn’t come with extra filters.
2. Atrix Bug Sucker HEPA Backpack Vacuum
Atrix manufacturer is always considered top – of – mind vacuum brand. With almost 40 years of experience, this reputable brand has generated a wide range of vacuum models.
Atrix’s products are a perfect combination between high – end quality and dedicated services.
There is no sharp-tongued when saying that all Atrix’s products win customer’s hearts. The Atrix Bug Sucker HEPA Backpack Vacuum is the obvious evidence.
It sounds like Atrix researched and understood customer’s expectation thoroughly when equipping an extra-long reaching metal wand – an item which rarely sees on other vacuum manufacturers.
This tool allows us to reach touch – to – reach and clean areas, simplify the cleaning job and save a lot of time and effort.
Furthermore, its compact design makes it ideal for mobile cleaning solution. You could make use of this Atrix vacuum in numerous locations such as warehouses, offices, hospitals, ceilings, drapes and hard to reach corners.
Especially, it possesses a 4 – level filtration system which has 8 quart HEPA bag, exhaust filter, and cloth shakeout bag HEPA pre-motor filter. This superb filtration system is highly effective in pick up machine dust, bugs, hair, and other particles.
This vacuum cleaner also has a CFM output of 106 CFM which could easily switch to a blower with 3 blower nozzles.
When purchasing all Atrix products, customers could put their mind at peace as they all accompanied by a 1 – year warranty. In case there is any failure happened, the Atrix manufacturer will repair and replace the defective product if needed or even repaid.
Even though its price doesn’t fit everyone’s pocket, you’ll get what you pay for. Invest in an Atrix vacuum and use for life, this is such a big bargain.
Product information:
Product dimension: 12” x 9” x 20”
Weight: 10.3 lbs
Included: backpack vacuum, blower adapter, 6’ hose, 22”-37” extension wand, exhaust filter cover, 2 HEPA bags, 8 nozzle attachments, set of filter plugs and hose, and shakeout bag.
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”yes” title=”Product Name…” button_text=”Buy $145.99 @Amazon” disable_button=”no” button_link=”https://amzn.to/2SCBQvn” button_link_target=”__blank” button_rel_attr=”nofollow”][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Air purifier included.
Strong suctioning power.
High function.
Useful attachments included reaching hard – to – reach areas.
Fairly expensive.
3. Verilux CleanWave Sanitizing Portable Vacuum
In case a portable and high – tech vacuum cleaner is all you are looking for, The Verilux CleanWave Sanitizing Portable Vacuum is our big recommendation.
This Verilux vacuum is pretty convenient with compact and portable design, so you could bring it to anywhere you go. It also features a bagless and easy – empty design and two-stage micro – allergy filtration.
A set of vacuum included 1 nozzle, 1 detachable hand vacuum, brush attachments, and 1 UV – C light – sanitizing head. The detachable hand vacuum is equipped for the sake of easy cleaning.
You could attach the brush or nozzle to completely sanitize surfaces like bathroom floors, furnishings, carpets and mattress cover.
This will prevent bacteria from damaging your furniture and make sure that recirculation of pollutants has never ever had a chance to happen.
When purchasing the Verilux Portable Vacuum, customers could totally feel secure as this product has been tested by the United States independent third – party laboratory.
Interestingly, it has been verified to be a chemical-free method of eradicating up to 99% of viruses, molds, germs, pest eggs on hard surfaces.
Finally yet importantly, applied germ – reducing UV technology, the Verilux vacuum is able to penetrate the cell membrane of a microorganism and damage its DNA. That is the reason why Verilux vacuum is popularly believed and used.
Product information:
Product dimensions: 13 x 5.2 x 7 inches
Weight: 5 pounds
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”yes” title=”Product Name…” button_text=”Buy $69.97 @Amazon” disable_button=”no” button_link=”https://amzn.to/2EjfLyy” button_link_target=”__blank” button_rel_attr=”nofollow”][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Proofing efficient and laboratory tested.
Germ – reduction UV Technology.
Immense power.
Easy to use.
The sensor isn’t sensitive though.
4. UV Light Bed Vacuum Cleaner Kills Dust Mites
This Anti – Allergen handheld is advertised as able to kill up to 99.9% of bacteria including Salmonella & Staphylococcus, E.coli, allergens such as bed bugs, pet hair, and dust mites.
Moreover, it comes with an Advanced HEPA filtration system to avoid recirculation. When purchasing this machine, it comes with a 2 in 1 combined crevice/upholstery tool for the sake of convenient and easy cleaning.
The UV – C Light plays an important role in eliminating particles and germs on surfaces as well as killing all types of dust mites which nestled in your furniture. It also put an end to bacteria, microbial pests, and mold.
Plus, its special design and lightweight feature make it a perfect handheld vacuum cleaner. Buy now or regret later!
Product information:
Product dimensions: 34 x 18 x 13cm
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”yes” title=”Product Name…” button_text=”Buy $50.99 @Amazon” disable_button=”no” button_link=”https://amzn.to/2SCBRzr” button_link_target=”__blank” button_rel_attr=”nofollow”][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Lightweight but powerful.
Advanced filtration system.
Powerful UV light.
Modern design.
UV light is fairly difficult to activate.
5. Taiwan Present Euleven UV Handheld Vacuum
Thanks to this vacuum cleaner, a bug-free bed is no longer a dream for those who are suffering an annoying infestation caused by a little monster called bugs.
This vacuum stands out among its’ other competitors as it kills not only bed bugs but also germs, allergens, and dust mites.
The Taiwan Vacuum possesses a high power suction with approximately 3500 RPM vibration action and 8.5kPa suction force to discover and kill all pests.
It only weighs approximately 3 Lbs which makes it portable and easy to carry around.
Like other first-rate vacuums, this cleaner has a HEPA filtration system to kill all bed bugs without escaping.
Product information:
Product dimensions: 12.6 x 7.6 x 5.1 inches
Weight: 3.1 pounds
Included: 1 vacuum cleaner, 1 user manual, and 1 extra HEPA filte
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title=”yes” title=”Product Name…” button_text=”Buy $189.95 @Amazon” disable_button=”no” button_link=”https://amzn.to/2EgwGC9″ button_link_target=”__blank” button_rel_attr=”nofollow”][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Lightweight and portable.
HEPA filtration system.
Powerful suction force.
Easy maneuver.
Eye-catching design.
Pretty fragile.
Should I buy bagged vacuums or bagless vacuums?
In our point of view, bagged vacuums are much better as the bag could be easily detached from the vacuum and thrown out.
If you use bagless vacuums improperly, the vacuums could become infested with bugs and bugs’ eggs.
Can bed bugs stay alive inside the vacuums?
This is a good question. Everyone thinks that vacuums can kill bed bugs, but interestingly, several bugs can survive and stay alive inside the vacuums.
As I mentioned above, in order to make sure your house doesn’t have any bugs, you should buy a vacuum with a bag. After vacuuming your house, remember to zip the bag tightly and throw it into the outside trash can. Otherwise, these disgusting bugs will crawl into your house again and again.
When you are reading till this part, it’s time to stop sharing your beloved bed with creepy bugs. Just purchase one of 5 vacuums that we highly recommend above, and you can get rid of them forever.
If you ask us which one is the best vacuum for bed bugs among 5 listed models above, Housmile Anti – Dust Mite UV Vacuum Cleaner is our answer. It is durable, smartly and meticulously designed and cutting – edge.
Hopefully, after reading this article, you could grasp constructive and useful information about vacuum for bed bugs.
Thank you so much for spending your specious time to read the whole post. In case there is anything unclear, don’t hesitate to comment down below. We would highly appreciate. Once again, thanks a bunch.
See more: Top 5 Best Vacuums For Bed Bugs You May Don’T Know
source https://trendsvacuum.com/best-vacuums-bed-bugs.html
from WordPress http://bit.ly/2E6ewlr via IFTTT
0 notes
trendsvacuum · 6 years
Top 5 Best Vacuums For Bed Bugs You May Don’T Know
Bed bugs are always big trouble and a true nightmare for all families. Picking bed bugs one – by – one is time- and effort – consuming.
Furthermore, this traditional method could drive you crazy simply because, after a long day of picking them, there are a bunch of leftover bed bugs as this type of unbearable creature multiples as fast as light speed.
If bed bugs are clamping down on your family’s sleep and you have to toss and turn every night, we are here to help you.
In this article, we’ll recommend you top 5 best vacuums for bed bugs that we took time and effort to discover and experience. Hope you find this post informative and helpful. Now, let’s jump in!
What are vacuums for bed bugs?
When it comes to kill and clean up bed bugs, bugs killer – specialized vacuums come none to second. This is simply because they are highly effective, fast acting and super convenient. With vacuums for bed bugs, picking these hateful insects right out of your furniture is no longer a harsh task.
Step by step vacuuming guideline
In order to destroy this little – sized and bull-headed enemy, you have to buy a vacuum with sufficient power to dislodge the bugs. Recommended power is at least 110 volts. The higher the motor’s power is, the better performance the vacuum is.
Find them
Finding bed bugs with the naked eye isn’t as easy as you think, especially for nearsighted people or the elder. Bugs always shelter deeply in tears or rips in the fabric, deep wrinkles and seams of furniture and mattresses.
It is advisable to spot bugs’ eggs as adult bugs will linger in the same area with their eggs.
Take action
You are better off using the vacuum’s crevice wand to run it along crevices, seams, wrinkles or anywhere you think that the bed bugs could lurk in. Make sure to go over these areas twice or three times to completely kill them.
Run your vacuum over the regular carpets and repeat the process daily to have the best result.
Considerations when purchasing a vacuum for bed bugs
Durability and Longevity
In the current market, vacuums come in numerous functions and designs. Some are built with a small and compact design for travel; some are designed to be handheld.
Based on our experience and observation, the larger the vacuum is, the more highly functioned and long-standing it is. A large vacuum may cost more, but it’s totally worthy to invest in a high – standard vacuum.
Large ones tend to contain more dirt and water. Furthermore, you don’t have to refill or empty its trash bag while cleaning the entire house.
Honestly speaking, bed bugs are very hard to kill and heating them till die is the only way we can handle these troublemakers. A temperature ranging from 160 to 180 degrees is considered a perfect condition.
Bed bugs are a true genius species in hiding themselves in tiny cracks such as furniture, armchairs, piles of clothing or mattresses. That is the reason why killing them is highly challenging and effort – consuming.
Attachments are super helpful as bed bugs are too small, difficult to find and shelter in hard – to – reach areas. We tend to purchase vacuums with lots of attachment.
Whenever vacuuming, you could attach or take off attachments for the sake of easy cleaning.
Top 5 Best Vacuums For Bed Bugs
Here are top 5 best vacuums for bed bugs that we took a lot of time and effort to research and pick up. The table below was sorted according to the quality, from highest to lowest.
1. Housmile Anti – Dust Mite UV Vacuum Cleaner
Seek for a super helper to escape a real nightmare called “Bed Bugs,” Housmile Anti – Dust Mite UV Vacuum Cleaner is our solution.
This innovative and smartly – designed UV vacuum is ideal for cloth sofas and mattresses as it features an easy lift off UV hand vacuum.
All you need to do is detaching the UV hand vacuum and starting destroying bed bugs, mites, allergens or any little-sized odious species on toys, carpet, fabric sofas, fluffy mat, towel, curtain or underwear.
After a long time of researching, Housmile manufacturer has produced a new generation of a vacuum cleaner which is applied cutting – edge and exclusive technology.
This superb technology allows us to remove invisible mites thoroughly as the vacuum releases high - temperature hot air at 55C to damage the environment in breeding the bugs and mites.
Additionally, it's unique pressure-sensitive rolling wheels are carefully designed to prevent UK leak, safer operation, and faster response speed.
This smart vacuum is also equipped with a powerful UV light which is able to penetrate the outer cell structure and changes the DNA molecule to kill bedbugs, microorganisms, and mites.
What we like most about this convenient vacuum is its advanced HEPA filtration system which sterilizes all types of dust carefully and helps eliminate air pollution.
As it was designed to be a handheld vacuum, the manufacturer produced a super lightweight one. Hence, doing the household is no longer an exhausting work.
Even though this cute little machine has a small size, don’t judge a book by its cover. It will absolutely give customers a big wow due to its strong suctioning power.
With the Housmile Vacuum’s support, beating the bugs out of their hiding places is easy as a pie. It could accommodate up to 160ml of pests, dust and absorb a considerable amount of material.
The Housmile UV Vacuum Cleaner has received numerous compliments on Amazon. This somehow could prove how effective this bed bugs killer is. Let give it a chance and it won’t let you down.
Product details:
Product dimensions: 9.9 x 4.7 x 6.8 inches
Weight: 3.3 pounds
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title="yes" title="Product Name..." button_text="Buy $59.99 @Amazon" disable_button="no" button_link="https://amzn.to/2EjnfSo" button_link_target="__blank" button_rel_attr="nofollow"][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Change filter easily.
Perform well.
Use carbon filtration.
Lightweight, easy to use and portable.
Doesn’t sound loud when operating.
Sturdy and well – made.
Easy to reach hard – to – reach areas.
Doesn’t come with extra filters.
2. Atrix Bug Sucker HEPA Backpack Vacuum
Atrix manufacturer is always considered top – of – mind vacuum brand. With almost 40 years of experience, this reputable brand has generated a wide range of vacuum models.
Atrix’s products are a perfect combination between high – end quality and dedicated services.
There is no sharp-tongued when saying that all Atrix’s products win customer’s hearts. The Atrix Bug Sucker HEPA Backpack Vacuum is the obvious evidence.
It sounds like Atrix researched and understood customer’s expectation thoroughly when equipping an extra-long reaching metal wand – an item which rarely sees on other vacuum manufacturers.
This tool allows us to reach touch – to – reach and clean areas, simplify the cleaning job and save a lot of time and effort.
Furthermore, its compact design makes it ideal for mobile cleaning solution. You could make use of this Atrix vacuum in numerous locations such as warehouses, offices, hospitals, ceilings, drapes and hard to reach corners.
Especially, it possesses a 4 - level filtration system which has 8 quart HEPA bag, exhaust filter, and cloth shakeout bag HEPA pre-motor filter. This superb filtration system is highly effective in pick up machine dust, bugs, hair, and other particles.
This vacuum cleaner also has a CFM output of 106 CFM which could easily switch to a blower with 3 blower nozzles.
When purchasing all Atrix products, customers could put their mind at peace as they all accompanied by a 1 – year warranty. In case there is any failure happened, the Atrix manufacturer will repair and replace the defective product if needed or even repaid.
Even though its price doesn’t fit everyone’s pocket, you’ll get what you pay for. Invest in an Atrix vacuum and use for life, this is such a big bargain.
Product information:
Product dimension: 12” x 9” x 20”
Weight: 10.3 lbs
Included: backpack vacuum, blower adapter, 6’ hose, 22”-37” extension wand, exhaust filter cover, 2 HEPA bags, 8 nozzle attachments, set of filter plugs and hose, and shakeout bag.
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title="yes" title="Product Name..." button_text="Buy $145.99 @Amazon" disable_button="no" button_link="https://amzn.to/2SCBQvn" button_link_target="__blank" button_rel_attr="nofollow"][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Air purifier included.
Strong suctioning power.
High function.
Useful attachments included reaching hard – to – reach areas.
Fairly expensive.
3. Verilux CleanWave Sanitizing Portable Vacuum
In case a portable and high – tech vacuum cleaner is all you are looking for, The Verilux CleanWave Sanitizing Portable Vacuum is our big recommendation.
This Verilux vacuum is pretty convenient with compact and portable design, so you could bring it to anywhere you go. It also features a bagless and easy – empty design and two-stage micro – allergy filtration.
A set of vacuum included 1 nozzle, 1 detachable hand vacuum, brush attachments, and 1 UV – C light – sanitizing head. The detachable hand vacuum is equipped for the sake of easy cleaning.
You could attach the brush or nozzle to completely sanitize surfaces like bathroom floors, furnishings, carpets and mattress cover.
This will prevent bacteria from damaging your furniture and make sure that recirculation of pollutants has never ever had a chance to happen.
When purchasing the Verilux Portable Vacuum, customers could totally feel secure as this product has been tested by the United States independent third – party laboratory.
Interestingly, it has been verified to be a chemical-free method of eradicating up to 99% of viruses, molds, germs, pest eggs on hard surfaces.
Finally yet importantly, applied germ – reducing UV technology, the Verilux vacuum is able to penetrate the cell membrane of a microorganism and damage its DNA. That is the reason why Verilux vacuum is popularly believed and used.
Product information:
Product dimensions: 13 x 5.2 x 7 inches
Weight: 5 pounds
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title="yes" title="Product Name..." button_text="Buy $69.97 @Amazon" disable_button="no" button_link="https://amzn.to/2EjfLyy" button_link_target="__blank" button_rel_attr="nofollow"][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Proofing efficient and laboratory tested.
Germ – reduction UV Technology.
Immense power.
Easy to use.
The sensor isn’t sensitive though.
4. UV Light Bed Vacuum Cleaner Kills Dust Mites
This Anti – Allergen handheld is advertised as able to kill up to 99.9% of bacteria including Salmonella & Staphylococcus, E.coli, allergens such as bed bugs, pet hair, and dust mites.
Moreover, it comes with an Advanced HEPA filtration system to avoid recirculation. When purchasing this machine, it comes with a 2 in 1 combined crevice/upholstery tool for the sake of convenient and easy cleaning.
The UV – C Light plays an important role in eliminating particles and germs on surfaces as well as killing all types of dust mites which nestled in your furniture. It also put an end to bacteria, microbial pests, and mold.
Plus, its special design and lightweight feature make it a perfect handheld vacuum cleaner. Buy now or regret later!
Product information:
Product dimensions: 34 x 18 x 13cm
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title="yes" title="Product Name..." button_text="Buy $50.99 @Amazon" disable_button="no" button_link="https://amzn.to/2SCBRzr" button_link_target="__blank" button_rel_attr="nofollow"][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Lightweight but powerful.
Advanced filtration system.
Powerful UV light.
Modern design.
UV light is fairly difficult to activate.
5. Taiwan Present Euleven UV Handheld Vacuum
Thanks to this vacuum cleaner, a bug-free bed is no longer a dream for those who are suffering an annoying infestation caused by a little monster called bugs.
This vacuum stands out among its’ other competitors as it kills not only bed bugs but also germs, allergens, and dust mites.
The Taiwan Vacuum possesses a high power suction with approximately 3500 RPM vibration action and 8.5kPa suction force to discover and kill all pests.
It only weighs approximately 3 Lbs which makes it portable and easy to carry around.
Like other first-rate vacuums, this cleaner has a HEPA filtration system to kill all bed bugs without escaping.
Product information:
Product dimensions: 12.6 x 7.6 x 5.1 inches
Weight: 3.1 pounds
Included: 1 vacuum cleaner, 1 user manual, and 1 extra HEPA filte
[joomdev-wpc-pros-cons disable_title="yes" title="Product Name..." button_text="Buy $189.95 @Amazon" disable_button="no" button_link="https://amzn.to/2EgwGC9" button_link_target="__blank" button_rel_attr="nofollow"][joomdev-wpc-pros]
Lightweight and portable.
HEPA filtration system.
Powerful suction force.
Easy maneuver.
Eye-catching design.
Pretty fragile.
Should I buy bagged vacuums or bagless vacuums?
In our point of view, bagged vacuums are much better as the bag could be easily detached from the vacuum and thrown out.
If you use bagless vacuums improperly, the vacuums could become infested with bugs and bugs’ eggs.
Can bed bugs stay alive inside the vacuums?
This is a good question. Everyone thinks that vacuums can kill bed bugs, but interestingly, several bugs can survive and stay alive inside the vacuums.
As I mentioned above, in order to make sure your house doesn’t have any bugs, you should buy a vacuum with a bag. After vacuuming your house, remember to zip the bag tightly and throw it into the outside trash can. Otherwise, these disgusting bugs will crawl into your house again and again.
When you are reading till this part, it’s time to stop sharing your beloved bed with creepy bugs. Just purchase one of 5 vacuums that we highly recommend above, and you can get rid of them forever.
If you ask us which one is the best vacuum for bed bugs among 5 listed models above, Housmile Anti – Dust Mite UV Vacuum Cleaner is our answer. It is durable, smartly and meticulously designed and cutting – edge.
Hopefully, after reading this article, you could grasp constructive and useful information about vacuum for bed bugs.
Thank you so much for spending your specious time to read the whole post. In case there is anything unclear, don’t hesitate to comment down below. We would highly appreciate. Once again, thanks a bunch.
See more: Top 5 Best Vacuums For Bed Bugs You May Don’T Know
from Trends Vacuum - Feed http://bit.ly/2SAivLk via http://bit.ly/2KPJgqE
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