#hikarino shu
centuriantalevevo · 2 years
Welcome to the Eveland line is bizarre situations similar to Apocalypses or just with not so very good people in general- mostly the world ending so laws don't matter... or just.... normal but... stupid
Featuring Ike Eveland, Ivy Eveland, Eki Eviland/Eveland, and Halo- mE cuz fuck you-
Also featuring Shu, Hikarino... etc etc
Eki in the background dancing and singling to 4BLOOD casually- like
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Ivy watching like
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And Ike is just
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There's a BIG group of people who- for one reason or another- want to kill them...
Eki is absolutely losing it, itching to just stab them- you know the video of the dog THIS FUCKING CLOSE to speaking cuz he wants the bacon? That's Eki. Like Halo's saying "why you sound like a dog- a dog so excited for bacon HE'S WHINING LIKE P L E A S E I'LL SPEAK 10 LANGUAGES!!"
"Please- please please- I wanna- just- can I? Can? I? Stab? They deserve it anyways!! PLEASE I'M LOSING MY MIND YOU'RE TORTURING ME!!" The literal embodiment of keyboard smash-
Ike sighs "fine..." YOU KNOW THAT "self destruct" "FINALLY HEHEHAJCJHQHSHQ" from like Invader Zim? ThATS FUCKING EKI-
"YEEEEESSSSS!!!! FINALLY!!!" This mans kills that entire group in about 5 seconds flat and there had to be like 10 people at least.
He's like running and jumping in them, stabbing them like a whole ass velociraptor
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He just stands in the middle of the carnage with a grin- a very happy grin. A lopsided grin even
And Ivy is just deadpanning while simultaneously losing her shit.
Hikarino is.. similar? Most if the person is an asshole and he just can't stand them.
"Yamino- yamino- please- can i?- let me just hurt them once! Can I snap them out if existence?" "No!" "But.... they're a danger to us..."
The people try to attack
"Have at them I guess"
The people are dessamated. There's absolutely nothing left. Nor even ash, blood. THEY'RE GONE! THEY DISAPPEARED!!
Ivy is literally holding Eki by his collar as he's trying to stab someone DESPERATELY. "Please- just one stab?" "No, that won't be enough for you. I give you an inch, you take a mile. I give you one stab, you'll take a million." Ivy responded.
Y'all know this?
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More like
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Ivy & Ike: No, you can't kill people every 5 seconds
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Shu: No, you can't consume the souls of the innocent
Hikarino, knowing full well he lied about consuming souls:
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This just became a fucking meme dump lmao-
At this point this is Vtuber and alter ego shenanigans
Eki comes up behind Ivy, trying to stab her
Ike wasn't kidding when he said Ivy throws him!
You know the image of the kids scared if a rabbit? The kids are Ike and Eki, the rabbit is Ivy-
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fakesimp · 1 year
Twisted Passion
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Warning !
Nsfw ; Yandere! Eki ; Dark Sorcerer! Hikarino ; Mentions of Blood, Killing, Kidnapping ; Mentions of Cursing ; Knife play ; Unestablished Poly Relationship
I am writing this, outside what I usually write, I will write a bit of gore at the beginning in this fic, and if you're uncomfortable with it apologies
A/n !
Seeing everyone want to read it so willingly, I am glad everyone is up for the Idea fuu..
And this, might be almost the same with The Sorcerer or The Demon fic, split into parts so—
Laughter, the sound of flesh getting stabbed again, and again,
And again,
And again,
Soon followed with the sound of fire burning, something, or a person to be exact.
The sound of screaming, can be heard echoing from the dark.
. . .
Trembling, closing your eyes tight, covering your mouth, trying not to let any sound out from your lips.
Footsteps slowly echoing louder, and louder, going towards your direction, soon it stopped, stopped right behind your hiding spot, taking a deep breath, you were planning to peek over, you see a shadow looming above you.
But before you could react, it was already too late.
"Found you, little bunny."
. . .
Gasping for air, as if you were drowning, looking around you, scanning the room you're in, none of this are familiar to you, you're all alone.
But then, somebody walked into the room, his eyes are green, he looked over at you, his stare felt cold. He walk up to your figure on the bed, his hand slowly reaching out towards your face. Making you flinch backwards, and that successfully made him stop half way.
He retracted his arms, eyes narrowed slightly, he then massaged the bridge of his nose, you can sense the annoyance in his action, he then turned around, walking back towards the door, he look over his shoulder, "I'll confront him about his actions, now rest." His voice, sounded angelic when you heard it, despite his, not so friendly appearance.
After he said that he walked out from the room and closing the door behind him, "... How did I ended up here..." You whispered to yourself as you stared down at the blanket covering half of your body.
. . .
Hikarino, slams the door open with a bit of force from his sorcery, "Eki." He said as he barges into The grey-red haired male's room, "What the fuck Hikarino? Are you trying to split my door into half?" Eki, growled.
Eki was wiping his lovely knife in his hand with a napkin, wiping the blood off his beautiful knife. "They flinched when I tried to reach out to them, what did you do to them before they passed out? They're now scared to be touched." The green-purple haired male bites back, making the other look over at him, blankly staring at Hikarino. Slowly a smirk creeps up, "Yeah? They're lucky I didn't cut their legs off" "Eki." The dark Sorcerer growled.
"Okay okay, I maybe a bit rough on them before I bought them here" Eki admitted, making the sorcerer sigh, "Next time, I'll be the one to pick them up if they are to escape our grasp" Hikarino walked out the room, leaving the door open behind him, also a grumpy Eki.
"At least close the damn door Hikarino, fuck sake."
. . .
Hikarino went to the kitchen, summoning his shikigamis to cook, and no, he doesn't really trust himself to cook for humans. After awhile, the food is done and he led the Shikigamis to your room.
He knocked and walked in, you're nowhere to be found. "God, now where did they go." Hikarino wave his hand towards his shikigamis to put the tray of food down, Hikarino walked out of your room.
"meht dnif." Hikarino chanted, and with that his shikigamis spreads throughout the mansion, it doesn't take him more than a minute for him to got information from his shikigamis that you're with Eki.
"Not again." He sighed in frustration and immediately went to the red head's room.
. . .
"Aww.. are you scared little bunny?~ I haven't even done anything bad to you" He said, but may the Gods help you, since lord that sinister sadistic smile of his just. Make you feel so much emotions.
Only you and God knows what's happening to you, You don't know who to trust amongst these guys, that man with a piercing green eyes? Or this man in front of you who had the most sadistic smile.
"Oh don't worry, as long as you listen to what I say, nothing. Nothing bad will happen to you, at least." When I tell you his knife is dangerously drawing closer and closer to your neck, and he slowly showed his wicked smile.
Your body slumped down as you heard a familiar voice coming behind the grey-red haired male, making this man called 'Eki' dropped his knife down, his smile also disappeared. "Get off" The green purple haired male demanded and then, "You're no fun Hikarino, Maybe I should've gone out from the Mansion so I can have much more fun" Eki said as he moved away from you.
Hikarino blankly stare at you, "How did you got here" "I, I was told to come here.." you replied a bit hesitant. "Who told you to?" You didn't reply, instead you just glance at Eki who's been staring at you sinisterly on his chair, his chin resting on his palm. Hikarino, doesn't even need to spare a glance. Even only for a moment, he knew who's the culprit.
"Why did you told them to come here," he paused, "Eki? " Earning a low chuckle from the red head, "Again, It's because I want to have fun and," he trailed off for a moment, "Know them even more" he smirked as he stare at you before glancing over at the green-purple haired male.
You stare at these two men glaring at each other, burning holes to each other. You gulped, then gather up some courage to ask, "Why, ...why am I here?"
Both of them stopped and look over at you, Eki' stare is so, cold, also threatening, for a moment. "Little bunny want to know?" He asked, making you now regretting your choice to ask. "It' simple," he shrugged and leaned back to the chair even further,
"It's because I am interested in you" he said, it took you a moment to process what he just said. This psychopath? Interested, in you? Why? Does he want to torture you and find pleasure from it? Questions after question started to appear one after another.
"Don't mind him, come, I'll take you back to your room" Hikarino said as he gently put his hand on your back, leading you out of Eki's room.
After walking in silence for who knows how long, you've finally arrived at your room. "Am I, going to be.. killed?" You hesitantly asked Hikarino who's reheating your food, "No, what made you think of that?" You went silent. "Don't mind Eki, he won't kill you. You're lucky enough to get into his good side"
His good side?! What good side is there from him smiling like a sadist while pointing his knife at you???? Or perhaps, maybe you do kinda like how he threatened you. Maybe.
"Once he said he's interested, that means you're on his good side, because, if he's not. You won't be here, breathing." The green-purple haired male continued bluntly as he put down the plate and placed a small table in front of you, "Eat, I'll wait for you to finish"
And somehow, you peacefully ate the food, also his presence, Hikarino, bought you solace even for a moment. His aura, is just different from Eki.
Hikarino have only been minding his own business in the room, silently reading a book? No it' some type of scrolls. He noticed you staring at him, "What? Are you also Interested in dark sorcery?" You blinked and immediately shook your head. "N, no.. sorry for staring" you apologized as you averting your eyes away from him.
He's quiet for a good minute, but then he spoke up, "It's fine"
. . .
If only you can see his eyes glisten in curiosity, seems like you got yourself some handful men to deal with.
"Stop smiling, To see how down bad you are, made me pity you, for not being able to receive anything back from me" Eki said, "Who am I talking with?" He smirked, "You, of course."
"Yeah, you who's reading this, and stop looking around like an idiot, stop smiling too, that smile only reserved for me no one else should see that, even the fucking ghosts in your room"
©fakesimp . 2023
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Wew ! That's quite a journey, I'll post the next part after a few days ! And It'll probably the last part fufu~ but who knows, we'll see..
|| -> Part II
A/n !
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wiryuu · 1 year
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hikarino? Don’t know him
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shuchu · 10 months
Any thoughts on shu hikarino? (sfw and nsfw are fine!)
hikarino is... attractive...
his voice does things to me... his voice sounds slightly silkier than shu's regular voice and it sounds so nice uwaaa
i've seen a few people say that hikarino would be more of a mean, tsundere lover that is a hard dom in bed but i personally feel that he wouldn't necessarily be mean but i agree with the tsundere vibes and the hard dom
i also feel like hikarino would always make fun of yamino for being so shy with saying sussy things and calling him a wuss. hikarino would gladly say lewd and sussy things in front of yamino making yamino flustered and frantically trying to get hikarino to shut up >▽<
hikarino is basically mr steal your girl, the rizz is unmatched
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incorrectluxiem · 1 year
Rias: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me?
Eki: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re all just imagining it.
Rias: Three of us saw it, Eki. How do you explain that?
Eki: *points at Hikarino* Sleep deprivation. *points at Kanekuro* Paranoia. *points at Box* Delusional personality disorder.
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gal044 · 2 years
Happy late Halloween ✨👻
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chronoblossom · 1 year
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Can you beat these bosses?
My long time project,,, Luxiem Alter Ego charms, but it’s a boss fight (you don’t win)
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tadsdy · 2 years
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shu as haru from 50 % off is real to me
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snoreyawn · 1 year
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Hikarino edit with the new outfit
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centuriantalevevo · 1 year
Everyone look now immediately
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fakesimp · 1 year
Twisted Love
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Warning !
Slight Nsfw ; Yandere! Eki ; Dark Sorcerer! Hikarino ; Established Poly Relationship
A/n !
I'll indulge into y'all wish upon me making another part of Twisted Passion, this is the sequel of Twisted Passion !
<- Part II ||
Ever since you are in relationship with the two, Eki and Hikarino, not a day goes without them fighting over who you're spending time with.
Hikarino the mysterious Dark Sorcerer that manage to pique your interest, at first he is quite hard to understand. It took awhile for you to actually understand what his true intentions are, when you understood him enough. He is actually pretty cute himself, how is he cute? It is very subtle, but he is actually trying so hard to impress you.
Wanting to look cool, and mysterious in front of you. And it did work, but only for short amount of time since slowly, you started to see his true intentions behind his subtle actions. His actions speak louder than his words, you can notice how he constantly checking up on you. Even if he did already check up on you like what, an hour or two hours ago.
There are also times where he just visit your room, and just. Silently sat down at the chair in your room, reading quietly. Minding his own business, why did he do that? Because he longs for your presence, he unconsciously seek for your warm and welcoming presence. So don't point it out if you want him to keep coming to your room, if you did he will literally stop visiting.
He is shy okay? Spare the Dark Sorcerer.
Eki meanwhile, this red head is quite dangerous to be around. And yet here you are, indulging his crazy minds. He knows you like it, the more you deny the more feisty he gets. Especially his teasy remarks, it's increasing much more as the time goes by.
He is a messy guy, you can tell by how messy his room is, messy but also not that dirty. Does that make sense? He knows where his things are placed even in his room, don't even bother to clean it up. He'll mess them up in the end anyway.
He loves spending time with you, suddenly barging into your room and just walk up to you, dragging you to bed and just laid on top of you. He loves headpats from you, he often hold your hand too. Why? Because your hand are softer than his, at least that's what he thought. His hands are way rougher than yours.
He is more touchy than Hikarino, clingier too.
. . .
There are also days where both of them came to visit you in your room, cuddling together on your bed, Eki behind you while Hikarino in front of you. It's always like that.
These days are the most peaceful day, where these two doesn't quarrel over who' spending time with you. And you're more than happy to indulge these two on these days, where they'll just silently seeking for your presence, and love.
And that day is today.
Hikarino gently pulling your hand up to his lips and kissed your knuckles, his piercing green eyes flickered up from your hand to your eyes. You then felt someone's hand grips your hips slightly tighter,
It's Eki's hand.
You felt Eki's lips on your earlobe, he chuckled softly into your ear, leaving you shivering from head to toe.
"Little bunny "
He kissed down to your exposed shoulder, you were distracted by Eki's lips, but soon you felt a tug on your hand. You look back towards Hikarino who's in front of you, "Pay attention to me" he whispered as he graze his lips at the tip of your fingers, he then pulled your hand placing them on his cheek. He kissed your palm as he glance towards you.
You heard a faint growl behind you, you can feel these two are glaring at each other, looks like the two are in need of your attention.
Now who would you pay attention to?
The Desperate Dark Sorcerer? Or, The Clingy Yandere?
Good luck fufu~
©fakesimp . 2023
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A/n !
It's not a whole fic but I hope everyone likes this ! Apologies if y'all expected more (⁠╯⁠︵⁠╰⁠,⁠)
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neyuse · 2 years
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indecisive-v · 2 years
luxiem miis!
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want a mysta mii without glasses? remove them from "edit mii" so you don't have to delete every individual piece! but once they're gone, they are gone- if you want the glasses back, save a backup ^^
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incorrectluxiem · 11 months
*Meixul are at a dinner party but Reimu has been murdered*
Eki: You’re acting pretty carefree for someone who’s life’s at stake. Who’s to say you aren’t the killer?
Box: It’s a murder, not a tax audit. I’ll be fine.
Rias: What about Hikarino? Nobody ever suspects Hikarino!
Hikarino: Well what about Kanekuro? He has a gun!
Kanekuro: Eki has a knife.
Eki: Yeah, for fun, not for murder! *stabs Rias in the arm*
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gal044 · 1 year
For my fanfic Alter Ego x Reader
It’s about partner in crime 👀✨
(Sorry it’s a Thai fanfic tho 😢)
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magnolia-spree · 2 years
this post is a dump dedicated of (mostly has shu + mysta) ideas i had. think of it as a list... a very disorganized list ill edit more as i continue having them.
some of them might not be safe for work though, so please bear in mind.
they will be placed under read more.
-> cat owner ike eveland with his 2 cats, shu and mysta (myshu focused)
-> unhinged couple, shu and mysta. where shu observes to see if a person is worth their time, if not he tells mysta to beat them up with no mercy.
-> ike and shu gives mysta plushies just to see mysta's eyes sparkle with joy
-> eki and akarino first meeting starting off wrong but as time goes on, eki becomes protective of akarino.
-> yamino bridal carrying hikarino.
-> eki giving akarino long dresses (mostly in white) just to see how pretty akarino is, but akarino trips a lot so it gives eki an excuse to carry him around and get blood on the white dress.
-> shu and mysta starcrossed lovers. mysta being brought to a magical world and has to make a contract with shu, a resident of said magical world to survive. as everything comes to an end they both have to say goodbye as mysta is an alien to the magical world and shu can't follow because of his duties in the magical world.
-> akarino being pink on the face because he's easily flustered and hides behind eki whenever they meet someone new, and eki think akarino can't get any cuter until akarino tugs on his sleeve and smiles at him.
-> (NSFW) rias and hikarino hate sex. they get so infuriated with each other they fight to the point of making out to get the other to shut up, realise it's addicting and fight again for dominance.
-> shu and ike meeting one summer day, ike needs inspiration for his new novel and he hears shu playing the violin at the park. after shu's performance he tries to talk to shu until shu tells him he's going to quit music and leave the musical world. making it ike's first and last performance shu is ever going to play.
-> mysta who met shu and ike when they were all young, mysta and shu always sharing popsicles and ike always narrating the stories from books be brought. then mysta wakes up and wonders if shu and ike were actually real or it was all made up by him.
-> mysta who doesn't remember his childhood and shu who never had a childhood, both of them watch silly kids cartoons and get toys they never experienced as children.
-> mysta and shu incredibly sweet tooth all the bakeries know them as the "couple" who orders a lot of sweets to the point they get a discount from them. mysta and shu go to different bakeries one time and order something the other likes.
-> where ike goes to a bakery to give luca, who broke his leg, a get well soon cake and meets mysta, the one whos running the bakery and thought mysta is cute. they talk until vox calles ike via his phone on where is he and the cake.
-> sun mysta and moon ike. that's it.
-> nijien but theyre in some sort of hospital. (will make a separate long post soon and link it here)
-> mysta receiving gifts from everyone in nijien, and cries because he's unused to being loved other than his mom and rarely receives presents.
-> nijien helping shu with everything and shu being incredibly confused until they tell him its because he's the one helping so they want to pay him back.
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