#him doing embroidery on the porch while joel is knitting
actual-changeling · 1 year
ellie has space socks. its a sock dark blue with stars and planets all over it and its her favorite but one day it rips or gets lost anyway she can’t wear it anymore and she knows its dumb but she’s like really fucking sad about it like really fucking sad because its her favorite sock wtf let her be sad but because joel is a fucking mother hen and hates ellie being sad he gose to maria to ask for help like “how tf where tf do i get my kid new socks ???” and good thing for joel turns out tommy can embroider (he looks like an embroidery person you can’t tell me otherwise) so with the help of maria and joel finding a few pairs of blue socks they give them to tommy and he embroiders stars, planets, sally ride (her name) and fucking everything ellie loves about space and two weeks later ellie comes home from school and sees all her new socks and just fucking cries if you ask her no she didn’t but anyways from that day on for every holiday that has presents ellie gets a few new pair of space socks (this thought came to me when i realized my space socks had a hole in them)
Tommy doing embroidery has me CRYING, I never thought about it before but it makes so much sense. Once Joel and Ellie find out it's over though, screw Uncle Tommy he is Grandma Tommy now, he is never getting rid of that nickname.
I love this little idea a lot, it's super sweet and Ellie deserves personalized clothes and belongings cause she probably never really had that outside of the few things in her backpack like her blade and walkman. Give that girl a closet full of love.
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letaliabane · 4 years
Last Connection
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warnings: MAJOR spoilers for last of us 2!!
pairing: joel miller x reader
genre: fluff, angst
word count: 2K words
prompts (If you would like to request a prompt, please include the name of the list and the number of the prompts)
21. A chaste kiss given to each other because they are in mixed company (50 Types of Kisses Prompts)
27. Kisses exchanged while one person sits on the other’s lap (50 Types of Kisses Prompts)
‘I still can’t believe that bigot Seth said that in front of everyone! Couldn’t just keep to himself could he?’
Leaning against the open doorway, I watched Joel as he paced across the back deck. He had only just returned from the small get together Tommy and Maria had put together in the main hall. 
I had skipped out due to the queasiness in my stomach that I had been feeling for the past few days. But it wasn’t too long before I heard shouts of disdain erupt from the area, watching from the bedroom window as Joel made his was back to the house, silent as many of the other men of Jackson yelling after him.
‘So he called Dina and Ellie a-’
‘A dyke, that's what he called them.’
I shook my head, scoffing in disgust. Many people in Jackson weren’t as modernised as the young groups within the settlement, and many of them were just plain old bigots.
‘Well, in that case he deserved what he had coming to him. I’m glad you knocked some sense into him.’ 
Joel just huffed, collapsing against the chair resting against the wall, running a hand down his face.
‘Y/N ... Ellie wasn’t happy. She was quite forward with me, told me to keep out of it.’
I sighed, remaining silent. 
I knew why there was so much tension between the two. When they had returned to Jackson, Joel confessed to escaping with Ellie from the hospital where she was to be operated on, explaining how he couldn’t just give up the girl he came to see as his own daughter. I didn’t question his motives, only took him into my arms, and hugged him tightly.
However a few months ago, when the two were on the lookout, they returned a week later than promised, both silent, and Ellie ignoring Joel at all costs. That’s when I realised and was later confirmed, that she had found out the truth about why they had left the hospital.
He glanced towards me, sighing heavily before tapping his thigh. I made my way over to him, sitting on his lap and wrapping my arms around him, allowing him to lean his head against my chest.
‘Just give her time. I know that’s the last thing you want to do but just allow her to come around.’
He hummed against my neck as I ran my fingertips through the ends of his hair. I looked down as Joel pulled away, squeezing my cheek gently, ‘You have any idea of how much I love you?’
I smile at his words, pretending to think, ‘Well, I think I have some idea.’ 
He chuckles, quickly pecking me to quiet me down, pressing an even firmer kiss barely seconds later, pulling me close against his chest, his hand gripping the back of my head and waist. 
It was only when the distant knocking upon wood rang through the rest of the house that I pulled away, Joel groaning as I did. ‘No, just ignore it-’
‘But darling that would be impolite,’ I say with a giggle as he rolls his eyes, shaking his head as he reached for his guitar that rested against the wooden railings. Quickly, I crossed the house, opening the door to find Ellie, sheepishly rubbing the back of her neck. 
‘Hey Ellie, how you doing this evening?’ 
She smiled gently, walking forward into my open arms, squeezing me tightly. 
‘Hey Y/N, I’m alright. Um-Is Joel back? I noticed he left early tonight and I just wanted to check in on him.’
‘Of course, come in, he’s just out back.’ She nodded, making her way in, but as I shut the door, I noticed she wavered, nervously picking at the skin of her nails.
‘What is it El?’
She looked up, wide-eyed before sighing, ‘I may have snapped at him at the dance. I’m guessing he told you.’
I nodded, still smiling, ‘He did indeed. But I think you two need to talk more than anything else. He really wants things to be good with you El. I just hope you know all he has is good intentions towards you.’
Ellie nodded, giving me a weak smile before I nodded towards the back door where the strumming of the guitar could be heard, ‘Go on.’  
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I groaned as I was shaken awake gently at the shoulder, sighing as Joel’s lips grazed my ear, ‘Sweetheart I’m heading out.’
‘Already? It’s not even light out yet,’ I murmur tiredly, barely peaking my eyes open as I glanced towards the bedroom door where Tommy stood, his gun over his shoulder. 
‘Sorry to pull him away from you Y/N, but watch just sighted a hoard of infected and we’re the next on duty so I thought we should take care of it as quickly as possible.’ 
I waved him away. ‘No, no! Duty calls Tommy. Just bring him back in one piece and I’ll spare you.’ 
He chuckled, giving you a nod, ‘Will do.’ 
I looked back up to Joel, cupping his face gently with a sleepy grin, ‘Come back to me, alright cowboy?’
‘Always,’ He said with a small smirk as he gave me a chaste kiss, pressing one more to my forehead before following his younger brother out of the room. 
I couldn’t help but wrap my shawl around my shoulders as I padded towards the window, watching as the two mounted their horses before disappearing into the thick smog. 
A few hours later, after completing a few chores around the house, I sat on the front porch, embroidering blossoming carnations into the satin Joel had found spare in one of the knitting baskets left behind in one of the houses he had scoured through on duty. 
I sighed softly as I paused, taking a look over my work with a smile when I heard shouting and cries in the distance. I peered up to see people moving towards the entrance of the settlement, discarding the embroidery ring to also follow the crowd.
As I grew closer I could hear gasps of horror, crying and yells of anguish. Pushing through I made my way to the front, stopping at the sight of Ellie. 
Blood and bruises painted her face, helped by Dina and Jesse shoulder to shoulder, barely standing on her feet. At the sight of me, a sob left her lips as she threw herself at me, clinging to me as she cried uncontrollably. 
'Ellie? Sweetheart what’s the matter?’ 
When she continued to cry, I looked towards her friends, their heads turned away with tears filling their eyes. It was only when my eyes fell upon Tommy that I noticed the wrapped up body on the back of his horse. 
It felt as if the air had left me as I pulled away from Ellie, stumbling towards Tommy as he laid the body down in the snow. 
‘Tommy who is that?!’ His eyes flickered up towards me, rimmed red, swollen as I stood before him, my chest rising and falling quickly as he just shook his head. 
‘I’m so sorry Y/N.’ 
I pulled away from him, shaking my head as I looked down once again at the body, the cloth that was tightly wrapped around it stained with patches of blood. I fell to my knees, my hand shaking as I pulled the sheet away, only for a choked gasp to leave my lips. 
The man’s face was barely recognisable, face bloodied, bruised, and crushed. It was only for the small brooch that was on the coat that I recognized instantly. A blue carnation. 
The tears fell fast as I grasped Joel’s face ever so carefully as if he was made of porcelain glass. 
‘Joel? God no please ...’ I whimpered, pressing my forehead to his cheek, ignoring the fresh blood that painted my face as I press kisses to his cold skin, gripping his lifeless hand to my chest. 
‘Darling please open your eyes. Please, please ...’ 
The cries that left me where loud, the words that left me almost inaudible as I struggled to breathe, my hands roaming Joel’s body, shaking him as if he was in a deep sleep. 
I staggered to my feet, taking a mere few steps backwards before collapsing, someone clambering to grab me, eyes slipping shut as Ellie distantly called my name. 
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I awoke suddenly as knocking echoed throughout the house, whimpering softly as I unwrapped Joel’s large coat from around me. I couldn’t help but sigh heavily, pressing the material against my cheek, inhaling the smell of wood, pine, his strong cologne- 
I flinched when a second round of knocking erupted through the house, and slowly, I made my way out of bed, pulling on the coat as I made my way through the silent house. 
Opening the door, I paused at the sight of Ellie and Dina, giving them a very tired smile. Both had dark circles under their eyes, drained and emotionally exhausted.
‘Afternoon ladies, come on in.’ 
Ellie nodded quietly, walking straight inside. Dina on the other hand, paused to embrace me, just as quickly pulling away as she squeezed my hand, leading me inside. 
‘How are you Y/N?’
‘As best as I can be Dina.’ She nodded with a smile, not pushing any further on the subject before following me to the dining room where Ellie fidgeted, once again playing with the skin at her nails as she had weeks before. 
‘The things are upstairs El, I’ll get it for you.’ 
She nodded, ‘I’ll come with you.’ 
I made my way up, distantly hearing Dina explain she’d remain downstairs. Reentering the bedroom, I made my way over to a table. As I took up the box, I glanced over the photo of Joel and Sarah, and the second of him and Ellie. 
A great sadness filled my chest as I turned once more to Ellie who stood not too far away, taking in the many carvings Joel had completed recently, some unvarnished, some half painted. 
‘Here is what I found after clearing his clothes, I think he would like you to have these.’ 
She took the box carefully, opening it with a gasp as she sighted Joel’s gun as well a pair of his jeans and jacket that I knew still had his smell. Ellie looked up at me, lip trembling as the tears filled her eyes. 
‘Y/N I’m going after Abby. I know Tommy probably told you and wants you to stop me but you can’t I’m still gonna go after them because I can’t let them get away with this-’
‘Ellie,’ I stopped her, placing my hands on her shoulders, ‘I will not stop you. And I know that even if I tried you would still go. And Tommy and Maria will completely disagree, but I would do the same thing.‘
Her eyes widened, almost hopeful, ‘Then come with us! Y/N we can do it-we can take her together-’
‘I would Ellie ... if I wasn’t pregnant.’ 
‘W-what?’ Ellie said, the box falling from her grip, slamming against the floor. I sighed softly, taking her hands into mine, ‘I found out a few days before he-you know. I was waiting to tell him when he returned from patrol.’ 
‘Oh Y/N ... why didn’t you tell me?’
‘Because you have enough on your plate sweetheart. I’m sorry for keeping it from you I just didn’t want to stop you from your journey. I would come along, I really would, but this is our last connection to Joel, and I’d hate to throw it away. But Ellie, know that I believe in what you’re doing, and always know that I will be here for you if you decide to come home because you were always mine and Joel’s baby girl.’
The loud sob that erupted from the young girl’s throat tore my heart, her arms wrapping around me, holding me tight to her as she cried into my shoulder, tears staining Joel’s jacket. I pressed a kiss to her forehead, my own tears falling against her hair, squeezing her tighter.
A/N: THIS WAS SUPER LONG I APOLOGISE. But I’ve had this idea in my head for ages I thought I’d write it. I think I may make an epilogue? We’ll see. ALSO PLEASE DON’T COMMENT SPOILERS, I HAVEN’T ENTIRELY FINISHED THE GAME STILL FINISHING IT! 
Requests are open for Last of Us Requests! You can also request with prompts just remember the list(s) and number(s) you wanna include. 
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