#him just sighing and shaking his head as cellbit screamed at him
petrichormore · 1 year
Cellbit: I’m going to defy life and death to make my partner happy again!
Bad, a Grim Reaper: Sir. Um. Sir? They’ll fire me? Sir? I spent 5 centuries getting this job I’m not losing it to a lovestruck mortal.
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anonymous-dentist · 6 months
But also:
It’s a little funny how Penacony is intergalactically-renowned as a ‘dream world’ when everything in it is a goddamn nightmare.
The lights? Too bright, flashing, colorful: red and blue and pink and orange and colors that can only exist in the distorted subconscious that the dream realm is built upon.
The sounds? Too loud, too everywhere: cars honking and bands playing and people screaming and advertisement boards chasing you down begging for you to check out their home store because even a dimension entirely made out of dreams has fallen into the immoral clutches of capitalism.
Cellbit hates it. He hates everything about it, actually, down to the strange fluttering in his stomach every time he passes by a sentient traffic cone and the buzzing in his head when he drinks too much SoulGlad.
But the IPC has their eyes on the planet, and so Cellbit is here before Cucurucho and the rest of the IPC Census Bureau can arrive and take stock of the people they’re ready to enslave. You can’t die in a dream, but maybe Cellbit can kill Cucurucho good enough in the dream realm that she’ll wake up in the hotel and have a heart attack at the memory of their own death.
Wouldn’t that be nice?
Cellbit sips at his SoulGlad with a faint smile on his lips. Penacony is supposed to make his dreams come true, right? Maybe the Family can allow him just one little murder before sicking their Bloodhounds on him.
“This stuff sucks,” Roier complains, slumping against the bar with his still-full glass in hand. “Why don’t they just serve water here?”
More important than the IPC and Cucurucho, however, is the Fool by Cellbit’s side. It’s Roier’s birthday, and he wanted a nice vacation to get away from the whole ‘revenge quest’ thing they’ve been doing for the past couple of common galactic month cycles. He wanted his dream vacation, and so Cellbit got him just that: a vacation inside of a literal dream.
“You’re in a dream, and you just want water?” the bartender incredulously asks. She shakes her head and walks away to the other end of the bar to handle a drunk wine bottle complaining about her ex husband the whiskey.
“It’s my birthday!” Roier whines. He smushes his cheek against the sticky bar top and squeezes his eyes shut. “Even the water tastes like shit! It’s all sparkly and stuff!”
Cellbit rolls his eyes. “It’s sparkling water, pendejo. I don’t think they even have water on Penacony. Just alcohol.”
Roier groans dramatically. “I want to go home!”
‘Home’ being Cellbit’s ship, the Ordem. It’s a tiny little thing- so small that he and Roier have to share a bed in the closet pretending to be sleeping quarters- but it sure beats trying to hitchhike between planets. (Cellbit knows from experience.)
Cellbit gently pats Roier’s back. “If you aren’t having fun here, we can go somewhere else. Unlimited dream worlds, remember? There’s gotta be something you’ll like.”
Currently, they’re in Golden Hour. But Cellbit thinks there’s a dream realm that’s one big huge restaurant somewhere, Roier should like that. He likes food, and he likes the natural chaos that comes with a restaurant full of rich entitled people.
But Roier just shakes his head and cracks an eye open to look up at Cellbit.
“Can we just… go back to our room?” he asks. “Maybe we can come back later, but only if they have actual fucking water!”
He sits up and shouts that last bit at the bartender, who just sighs and continues consoling the wine bottle. (Apparently, the whiskey cheated on her with a bottle of champagne from the amusement park realm. Wow, what a piece of shit.)
Cellbit’s face softens, and he nods. “Of course. And maybe we’ll get to kill Cucurucho when we come back.”
Roier smiles at that. “Ay, don’t get my hopes up.”
Because Roier’s best friend and son have been ‘acquired’ by the Census Bureau, and Cellbit’s whole planet was destroyed by the Census Bureau’s actions. Cucurucho needs to die, simple. And they’re going to make it happen, even in their dreams.
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solaneceae · 10 months
a team bolas oneshot. q!baghera centric (read on ao3) hurt/comfort, found family
Day Five is technically one of the good ones, because their minds are not drowning in bloodlust and fog-mist, Foolish is making great progress on the castle off in the desert, and the other teams have been leaving them alone for the most part.
Doesn’t mean it’s a good day for Baghera, though. “My body’s so far away,” she whines, rummaging through the chests in search of iron armor and food. “You need help getting back to it?” Phil asks. The duck shakes her head, because she refuses to make him waste twenty minutes just chaperoning her as she stumbles around the map looking for her corpse. “I’ll be fine,” she sighs, picking up a diamond sword and fastening her mask onto her face. It requires some adjustments, with her having a beak and all, but she makes it work. “I’ll be okay.”
(Ten minutes later, her eyes open to dark cave ceilings and glittering gemstones, body tingling from respawn. She wants to scream.)
Phil is back with more resources, and Baghera feels strange. Not bad, just… strange.
It’s a feeling that’s been lingering even since they all fell into Purgatory, growing stronger or weaker in no discernable pattern, always somewhere at the back of her skull. Like a voice almost, not also not that, because there are no words being whispered, only vague drives. And right now, as their fearless leader busies himself at the crafting table, she gets the uncontrollable urge to get his attention. Hello, she chirps, walking up to him. He hums, but doesn’t acknowledge her further, too focused on his task. Her hindbrain gives unhappy. Hi, hi, she tries again, getting into his personal space and jumping around him and what is she doing? “Phil, Phil,” she quacks, look at me, pay attention to me! She forgot what she needed, what did she need? Hi, flock, dad, dad! 
“You’re— Jesus Christ,” Philza bursts into laughter, evading her smaller form as he moves to a nearby chest. “You’re getting in the way, Baghera.”
“Do you have a boat?” she asks, and right, that’s what she needed. He cocks his head, an amused smile on his face. “Do I have a boat.”
“I don’t— I mean, sure, I can make you one.” She makes a happy sound, bounces off her heels as he gets to work. Flock, dad. Hello. “I’m not, you know I’m not gatekeeping crafting shit,” he laughs as he hands her the boat and she magicks it into her inventory. “You could make your own.” And yes, that’s true, she could. But she likes it when Philza hands her things, like earlier when he dropped food onto her when she was stuck in that hole. It makes her brain happy, somehow.
It only hits her later, when Phil has gone off somewhere, that she had started to truly associate him with that hindbrain-thrum of dad, not as a bit, but something way too real for her taste. She resists the urge to crawl into a hole and shrivel away, and decides to make one last attempt to recover her old body.
(It fails, as things tend to do today. But at least she got distracted.)
The silence is deafening. She can hear the occasional grumble in Portuguese coming from her earpiece as Cellbit works on the maze inside the castle, and she wishes she was there making traps instead of getting dirt all over her wings. “I want to kill some people,” she huffs as she digs through rich soil to plant yet another tea sapling. At least farming she could do without messing things up. “I wanna just— run at them and scream.” Can she have that? Can she have this one thing, can she have a little bit of fun today before her timer runs out?
Cellbit hums into her earpiece. “I don’t think it’s a good idea,” he says, and she can feel another part of her wilt at his final tone. “Death counts too much today, you know?” (You will die, his words twist in her tired mind. You’re weak. You can’t be left alone. You’ll drag us down.) “And Phil did so much for us this morning, I don’t wanna disappoint him.”
Well I already did! she wants to scream. I’m just a dead weight, and I waste everyone’s time and don’t accomplish anything on my own! “...Okay,” she replies instead, whisper-soft, and just keeps planting.
(She misses the rest of the family-flock. She misses Jaiden, and Charlie, and Carré, all asleep inside the nest with no sign of waking up anytime soon. She wishes she could join them, put an end to this cursed day already — but she clings onto her fear of letting Cellbit down even more than she already did, and presses on.)
Cellbit renames Iris after a commercial mascot, and that’s the straw that breaks the camel’s back. And she knows she shouldn’t be mad, because he doesn’t know she’s just spent twenty minutes having a breakdown over them and imprinting like crazy, but she just feels so dismissed by that. So she buries herself somewhere in the desert and screeches out her frustration where he can’t hear her, comms off.
Her ear feathers twitch. She looks up from the little cozy spots she had made for Iris (they’re gone now. Probably with Cellbit, helping him withe the maze. the maze she wanted to help with. She wishes Charlie had woken up earlier, so they could commiserate over their shared feelings of inadequacy.) “Phil…?” she sniffles, quickly rubbing at her cheeks to erase the evidence of her breakdown. Didn’t the crow run out of time earlier today? She hears a ch-ch-chrrrrp, and she mimics it without thinking, hindbrain buzzing with something soothing. Philza Minecraft appears from behind a corner, and his eyes are soft  or maybe he’s just tired. “Come here,” he beckons, and she finds himself getting to her feet and stepping up to him. “Something wrong?” she cocks her head at him, and he chuckles lightly. “Nah, mate. Just come over here.”
He leads her out of the alcove and into their… sleeping quarters, which was just another part of the cave with their nest in the middle. “Kay, sit down,” the crow says, patting the side of the nest, and part of her panic with the childish fear of oh shit, am I in trouble? “You’ve got sand in your feathers. Lemme help you get that out before you bring it with you in the family pile, yes?”
Oh. She glances at her comm, realises she only has about twenty minutes before it knocks her out for the day. She clacks her beak in frustration — she had accomplished a whole out of nothing today. Fais chier. “...Okay,” she sighs, because at least a little preening sesh would be a decent way to end this shitty day.
“I noticed you were having a rough time,” the crow hums, carding his claws through the down on her arms to dislodge a few pebbles. “Thought you could use some TLC.”
She blinks owlishly (duckishly?). “I don’t know what that means.”
“Ah, like, just taking care of you a little. You felt sad and frustrated all day.”
She deflates, ear feathers drooping. “Didn’t think it was that obvious.”
“It’s not. I just notice this shit better than most,” Phil hums, dislodging more sand that drop outside the nest and digging his claws further in. Baghera closes her eyes — it feels nice. Her wings had been so itchy all day. “Especially when it comes to other avians.”
Right. Philza had retained more memories of his time outside the island than most of them, that made sense. “I’m sorry for calling you dad,” she blurts out, before she loses the nerve to. “I know everyone… I know everyone did it, for the joke, but I think I forgot it was a joke.” (“Dad, are you proud of me? I killed a silverfish!”) 
She remembers Charlie belting out a ‘papa!’ when Phil came back with apples and berries two days ago. She remembers Jaiden calling him dad when he bandaged her left wing after a bad fall, Cellbit’s whiny ‘daaad, when are you gonna come pick me up?’, Carré jokingly moaning out a ‘gracias papi!'. Foolish is the only one that didn’t follow the pattern at this point, probably because he, too, is an immortal being… and the only one free of daddy issues and trauma, apparently. “I don’t mean to,” she breathes out. “My brain’s been all weird since we came here, and I don’t… I don’t mean when we get all starved and murder-y.”
Phil hums, plucks out a loose feather. “Yeah, same. Something about this place is fucking with our code I think. Mob code, specifically. That’s why they’re buffed to hell, It’s not your fault.”
“But it’s,” she groans, struggling to find the right words, both because of the language barrier and her own messy feelings. “You already have kids. I’m an adult. I can’t force that role on you, but my stupid bird brain keeps screaming at me. It’s embarrassing.”
“It’s natural, Baghera. I don’t mind. And… forgive me for pointing it out, but if what you said yesterday was true, then you’ve never had an older avian to imprint on as a child. So it’s no wonder your instincts are going crazy now.”
She freezes. “...Oh,” a quiet realization, shame, regret. “You, um. You understood that.” You took it seriously. You remembered. Somehow, that makes her feel… a bit better. Seen. Despite the fact that she just blurted out her deepest darkest secret as a bit, and lo and behold, consequences. Phil shrugs. “If it makes you feel better, I don’t think anyone else did,” he hums, smoothing out her left wing with a satisfied croon. “Gimme the other one? Good, nice.”
“You’re not mad?” she asks, so quiet and hesitant Philza stops and looks up at her. “That I’m a clone. That I’m… Federation property.”
“Don’t say that shit,” he bares his teeth, puts his hands on her shoulders to squeeze them tightly. “They don’t owe you. It doesn’t matter if they made you or whatever, you’re not them. If anything, you’ve got even more of a reason to hate them as the rest of us.”
“I don’t know…. I don’t know what they did, to me. I don’t even think I’m a real avian.”
“What makes you say that?”
“I’m not like you. Or like Jaiden.” she gestures to her left wing. “I have a bill, you have… human face. Mostly human.” She makes a strangled sound. “Your wings are on your back, mine are just my arms, they’re just this. And even if— even if they weren't clipped, I couldn’t fly with those, only glide, maybe. I know that. They made me wrong.” Her eyes well up with angry tears. “They all… my siblings, they’re all dead, Phil. They all died, and I’m the only one left, and I’m not even good. I’m defective. Maybe that’s why I mess up everything. Maybe that’s why I’m such a burden for you guys.”
“Dude, stop.”
Philza closes his mouth before he can protest, both pairs of eyes turning to a sluggish Charlie, sans glasses, pushing himself up from his blankety prison without rousing Jaiden or Carré. “That’s… that’s the biggest load of crap I’ve ever heard you say. And we debated about human milk cheese and the ethics of eating your own eggs, so that’s saying something,” he mutters, more serious than the duck has ever seen him. The effect is a little diminishes by his squinty, smaller-than-usual eyes (she was so used to seeing him with her glasses permanently stuck to his face) and the yawn that drowns out the end of his tirade, but it still makes Baghera’s breath hitch and her throat close up with emotions. “Charlie…”
“Okay look— I barely feel real right now, yeah? I just woke up, and I haven’t got a modicum of context here, but I’m not letting you talk shit about yourself.” The slime hybrid hauls himself up with a wince, the corruption on his arms and face buzzing and writing angrily for a second. “G-ah. T-Thisssss is gon-gonna b-be a bad, ba-aad day, hu-uuh.”
“Slime— wow, mate, maybe you should lay back down and wait it out.”
“S-Sorry d-aaaad, I’m going th-through mmmmy rebell-bellious phase.” Charlie staggers up to them and sits across Baghera movements stilted and visibly uncomfortable. The duck hybrid opens her bill to tell him off — no no stop it, you’re hurting yourself — but he wraps both arms around her and rests his forehead against her shoulder, the tingle-freeze of his codified parts stunning her into silence. It doesn’t hurt, and she’s not about to refuse a hug from a constantly touch-starved Slime, but it does sting a little. Like static shock, but not quite. “You’re so fucking great dude,” the man says, corruption leaving his voice as the glitches diminish in intensity. “I never told— never told you this, but the first day we met. The wedding? That was the first time in a while that someone was willing to go along with my bullshit.” He squeezes her a bit tighter. His face feels a bit wet agaisnt the feathers of her shoulder, and Baghera lets out a string of hurt? hurt? no, flock, clean. “It felt good. And— hey, not only that, but you were also the only one where who didn’t have pity, or scorn, or, or distrust written all over your face. But maybe I just didn’t know how to read duck body language at the time, haha.”
“I wasn’t pitying you,” Baghera murmurs, trembling arm coming to rest against her friend’s back. Words feel like jagged rocks going up her tight throat. “I didn’t know anything about you. I just found you funny, and you listened to me when we talked about the elections. You kept making sure I was being heard, and… and you were nice to Pomme on her birthday, too. That was enough for me. You know?”
Slime chuckles wetly. “Yeah. She’s a great kid. We’ll fucking get her back, okay?”
“I hope so…”
“Hey. Listen.” He draws away to cup Baghera’s face, squishing it slightly between his hands. Her feathers puff up as a result, it’s funny. “Listen well, Baghera Jones. My—” a sharp intake of breath. “M-My Flippa’s fine, yeah? She’s just waiting for me back at the island, she’s not in danger. But your kid is. And if… haha, if I can be sappy for a sec. With Jaiden, you’ve been the closest thing to a real friend I’ve had for a long time. So I’ll help you get Pomme back, alright?”
The duck’s green eyes well up with tears, some of which start painting dark streaks down her face. “Of… of course I’m your friend,” she sniffles, and she keeps making low chirp-trills Charlie doesn’t understand. “And you’re mine too. I care about you, Charlie.”
“I know. I… I know. And I won’t have you saying bad things about yourself either. You’re litterally so fucking cool, and you put up with my bullshit like nobody else, and I feel safe blurting out the most unhinged crap on God’s cubic Earth because I know you’ll just double down and make me question my sanity, in the best possible way.” He giggles, an unsteady, wild little thing slightly cut up by a stray glitch. “Or whatever’s left of it.”
Baghera’s comm beeps, startling the three of them. Philza approaches (had he moved away to give them space? Aw.), scoffs, glares at the bright red numbers on her wrist. “Fuckin— stupid-ass time limit,” he curses. “We don’t have much time, but we can end your day on a good note, okay?”
The duck hybrid glances at Philza, then at Charlie, pupils so wide the green can barely be made out. She takes a deep breath, thinks of the team. Of her children, waiting for her somewhere. Of everyone else that they lowkey hated right now. And she nods.
“Do it Baghera, do it!”
“That’s right, fuck ‘em up!”
“I’m doing it!” the duck woops, pouring the final bucket over the structure and watching it roll across the soil and crops who quickly start to catch on fire. “It’s working, it’s working!”
“Baby’s first lavacast,” Phil coos fondly from his roosting spot, wiping a fake tear from his eye. “I’m so proud.”
He and Charlie watch as Baghera cackles madly, her eyes alight with the fires of war, staring down at her handiwork. “They are so gonna know it was us,” Slime hums, a huge smile on his face as he marvels over Blue’s farm being covered in ash and cobblestone. Phil shrugs. “Yeah, there’s no way. Worth it though.”
“So worth it,” the slime hybrid nods approvingly — Baghera was finally having fun, and seeing her smiling was definitely a highlight of today. “Oh we’re gonna get fucked in the ass tomorrow. No lube, all diamond sword just like God intended.”
Philza bursts into mad, crow-like cackles at that, hitting the slime hybrid’s shoulder to push him off the perch. Charlie falls with an indignant, high-pitched scream that makes Baghera laugh even harder. “How much time left?” the Crowfather calls out at her, and she turns to him with a mad ducky grin. “Eleven seconds!” she quacks back, and Philza’s eyes widen. “What?!”
“Yepp! Gonna pass out now see you tomorrow catch me or let me die I don’t care I have nothing on me!” she sing-songs rabbit-quick, pulling a little jig on top of her dirt tower before her body seizes with a gasp, her comm shocking the literal daylights out of her. Slime lets out a loud oh shit and takes off in a mad sprint as Philza jumps down as well, managing to cushion the duck’s fall with his own goopy, goopy body. “Ow,” he whines, voice muffled by the loose dirt he’s faceplanted into. “My sometimes-existing bones.”
“You good mate?” Philza reached them both, kneeling to check on Baghera — not a single heart of damage on her, her face neutral and peaceful in electronically-induced sleep. “Good catch.”
“Thanks.” Charlie lets his friend roll off his body with a grunt, pulling himself back together quickly before, hauling his friend on his back. “Mission accomplished, Crowfather Phil! Now let’s skedaddle the fuck outta here before Tubbo or BitchBoyHalo shows up.”
“Yeah, time to dip. Back to base, Bolas!”
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And done! Mostly archivists, some Roier, Fit, and the rest of deathfam at the end. TW: aftermath of torture, major character injuries, fantasy sickness, ooc warning for probs everyone but the situation is fucked so who knows. It's 6638 words please just take it as it is and love it or at least the idea for me <3
The doorbell rings, and it pulls Cellbit from his sleep. He’s curled on the floor of the fear room, having never quite made it to bed last night. With a bit of effort he pulls himself to his feet, cursing out whomever decided to wake him at this hour.
If it isn’t important, he’s starting another murder spree.
“Coming!” he calls, unsure if it will reach, as he takes the elevator up and then stalks down the hallways.
He gets to the doorway, and rips it open. With a sigh he prepares to berate them, only to freeze as he opens the door.
It’s Philza.
Philza. Who has been missing for a little over two months.
Philza, dressed in rags and smelling of blood.
“Philza?” He asks, looking over him, looking for his wounds. “We missed you; where've you been?”
And it doesn't matter that Cellbit had been asleep, because Philza is somehow alive and somehow back, even after so long. He can’t be angry, not seeing him wide eyed and like this.
He doesn't get a reply, just a shake of Philza's head. He sways in place, stumbling into the wall. Cellbit reaches out, taking his arm and trying to support him.
Philza looks at him, and there's a purple taint to his eyes.
Some sort of void sickness?
What the fuck.
Cellbit wants to ask, wants to scream and to shout, but there are clearly much more pressing problems here. Instead he takes a deep breath, and tries to position himself to take more of Philza's weight.
Cellbit is a wet tissue of a man, strength wise but he could swear Philza was never this light before.
Philza, who flinches at the touch, then all but collapses against Cellbit's side.
“Do you have a warpstone?” Cellbit asks, already thinking through if he has the supplies to make a spare. “We should probably get you to the infirmary…”
The weight on Cellbit's side is suddenly gone. A trail of bloody footprints stain the stonework as Philza stumbles backwards, rapidly shaking his head. All until he's pressed against the wall and the… then he just shakes.
And, fuck, Philza is usually a sensible one. But it's been months, and he's wounded, and Cellbit can see the signs of torture and knows the obvious culprits but…
“Okay,” he thinks, and thinks again. “Okay. My drawing room then. I have the first aid kit Mike made for Richas somewhere.”
Philza calms, and hesitantly nods, and goes as if to stand before leaning back against the wall, and offering out hands instead.
Why isn't he speaking? Void-sickness, possibly, but if so Cellbit would expect the taint to be visible on his lips or throat. Roier would probably say something about trauma, but Roier isn't here right now - he's taken Richas and Pepito for a sleepover at Foolish's dragon and, hell, at least the children aren't here to see the blood on the floor.
He'll have to clean before they get home.
Still, Cellbit takes Philza's arm, helping him drape his weight across Cellbit. He drags more than carries him, and most of their movement is kept going only by Cellbit.
Beneath his hands, Cellbit can feel things - too thin, but then the Federation has probably starved him (why is he void-sick, if the Federation took him? That doesn't add up but who else would it be?). There's dried blood beneath his fingers, and some tacky like the scabs have not quite been able to set. There are ridges, too, new scars born across his skin. Philza’s own fingers are weak against Cellbit’s arm, hurting and blistered and the skin scraped like he had been scrabbling in gravel.
Torture. Cellbit knows what torture is.
He wonders if Philza remembers any of it, or if he is like him.
Either way, Cellbit is going to find Cucurucho, and rip his spine through his neck.
With a trail of bloody footprints they make it to the drawing room. Cellbit helps Philza sit, making sure he is steady before letting go. There's a water jug left on the table, so he gets Philza a glass, and hands it to him.
Cellbit doesn’t ask ‘where the fuck have you been’ like he wants to, nor does he comment on the man’s state, instead he says “wait there. I’ll get some potions” before turning and sprinting back up the stairs.
Potions, bandages, stuff for stitches, water and soup - he grabs two buckets of water and a bottle or three of antiseptic, too, just to be sure. Did the Federation have him? It’s the only answer Cellbit can think of - from just a brief look Cellbit could see he was covered in wounds, friction burns on his ankles and wrists while his feet bled, and he looks half-starved. He’s pale, too, too pale, and he isn’t sure whether to hope it’s blood loss or lack of sunlight as both options suck.
He messages Roier, just in case - Missa he’ll worry about later, once he knows what is going on. No need to worry Philza’s loved ones in the middle of the night, and certainly not when they’re surrounded by people.
HIs knife goes in his belt - there’s no room for mistakes.
And then it’s sprinting back to his front room, only to find Philza is… gone?
He would call it a hallucination, if not for the bloody footprints still all over his carpet, and the still-full glass of water beside the sofa.
“Philza?” he calls, swallowing the crack in his voice.
Did the Feds steal him back from his own damned house?!
There’s a shuffling nearby. Cellbit turns, looks up, sees Philza perched on his toes, bloodying the top of his bookshelf.
“Sit back down and let me see where you’re hurt,” Cellbit points to the chair.
Philza looks about and around, curling tighter into himself. He stares at the window.
Jumps down.
Bolts towards it.
Crashes into the glass.
There’s a very definite noise of main, but it’s muffled and something about it is /wrong/.
Cellbit grabs his shoulder, steadying him, leading him back to the sofa. His own hands are shaking, and Philza keeps glancing back to the window.
What about the window is wrong…?
As soon as he sits down, Cellbit goes to examine it. He cannot see anything odd, but pulls tight the curtains just in case. 
“Better?” Cellbit asks.
He does not get a response, so he just hopes that he is.
The next question is… What first… Philza’s body is an itinerary of injuries - his face and his wings suspiciously intact but for the exhaustion and the void-sickness in his eyes, the stain also dappled across his nails and small patches of skin - but Cellbit knows what he wants first.
Everything is bad, but it is Philza’s feet that are bleeding.
So he grabs everything and kneels before the sofa. Carefully, watching Philza as closely as he is watched in return, he takes one of his feet. Cellbit has to pick the remains of utterly ruined shoes away, just tiny scraps of the fabric which once made up the uppers and soles. Beneath that are the wounds, and around it the blood.
Some of it is stones, and mud, and sticks, and dirt.
Some of it is blisters, a mark of how long Philza must have been walking.
Some of it looks suspiciously like very, very deliberate slash marks - all across the soles of his feet, and across the backs of his ankles. They’re deep, and surrounded by cross-hatched scars of equally thin slashes, like the wounds have been applied again and again and again.
If Cellbit were to cut someone’s feet like that, it would be to stop them from running. With how deep the slashes are… He doesn’t think that Philza was ever supposed to walk again.
“Fuck,” he feels himself swear and this… this doesn’t look like the Federation at all.
The friction burns around his wrists and ankles, looking like chains, sure, but the slicing…? They’d trust their bars, and they’d torture with something bigger, and if you are genuinely a flight risk they lock you away. Not… Not this.
It’s just as cruel, but not really in their style.
So he’s killing Cucurucho and someone else, then. Just got to work out who, because he cannot think of anything else on the Island which would trap someone in the void.
Still he slowly works on picking out the debris, doing his best to clean the wounds with a cloth dipped in clean water and antiseptic poured on it as he goes. The wounds are so extensive, though, and dirty, that…
Well, Cellbit isn’t a doctor; he pours the entire other bottle of antiseptic into one of the water buckets. Once he’s done all he can with his fingers and the cloth, he shoves Philza’s foot into the bucket.
Philza makes a strange noise; Cellbit checks, but he is gestured at to continue, so… So he repeats the actions.
The second foot is, somehow, worse; the cuts are shallower, but there’s barely skin between them.
Cellbit is out of his depth, he’s so far out of his depth, but they need treating now, and Roier has yet to answer the message - he’s probably, like everyone else, already asleep.
He picks out the gravel, and places this foot more carefully into the antiseptic bucket, and prays it’s enough to avoid an infection.
From there he moves to where he felt blood before, tracking the wounds. These ones are smaller, simpler, much more like their usual issues. Cellbit knows how to clean up a cut and bandage an awkward shoulder wound - he’s done it before. He can bandage to give pressure to a sprained wrist, and he’s certainly had his fair share of blistered fingers in his life.
The quantity is wrong, all wrong, but actually tending the wounds is something anyone of the island could have done.
And then… And then he must get carried away, too busy charting them, too busy tracking the black-ish stains on Philza’s stress and trying to calculate how bad the void-sickness is, too occupied to be taking proper care.
Because he does not mean to scrape a blister on his palm, tearing it open and letting the fluid leak out.
But he does.
Philza screams, but it does not come fully out. Neither do his lips open, the sound trapped in his throat and his nose, and Cellbit…
Cellbit has a horrible realisation.
“Philza,” he asks. “Philza, can you open your mouth for me?”
Philza shakes his head.
Wait, English is ambiguous, maybe… Maybe he’s not…
“You can’t, or you won’t?”
One shaking finger is raised.
And Cellbit slowly nods.
He’s known things like this before, he’s seen it before - he’s done it to people before - but think of it being done to someone who has only ever trusted him, only ever tried to help or be his friend…
“Can I touch your lips?” he asks.
Philza doesn’t react at all. He stares at Cellbit and barely even breathes.
Still Cellbit approaches, hesitant hands reaching out. He cannot see anything, not like this, so…
So if he’s right…
It’s not glue.
He’d be able to feel it if it were glue.
Slowly, carefully, he pushes a finger between Philza’s lips
and there, at the back, he finds the stitches. Thin but strong, pulled extremely tight and narrowly sewn. There’s not even space for a straw, and Cellbit knows how to fix this but he’s not sure he /can/.
He doesn’t even know who he needs to dissect.
“I…” he stares at it, leans closer to look, examines the thread - it was white, once, but it’s brown with dried blood and spit. They’re set so far back that they’re sewn more into Philza’s gums than the skin of his lips.
Cellbit pulls his hands away, “I don’t think I can help without hurting you.”
Philza tilts his head to the side, and gestures with bandaged hands.
He seems… resigned. Like he expected this.
Scared, too, glancing now at the door.
Who can Cellbit ask for help? Philza would probably want Missa, or maybe Fit or Etoiles or… Someone else early. But Fit is helping Missa protect Chayanne and Tallulah, and Etoiles is knee deep in /something/, which…
Roier might know. Pac and Mike are scientists, they could. Foolish has all sorts of strange skills, as does Bad.
He could just put a message in the general chat, but he really, really doesn’t want to do that…
And, there is also the problem that everyone is asleep.
“I’m going to get you some pyjamas,” Cellbit decides on, rather than making a decision before he’s worked out the right answer. “Will you be alright?”
Philza nods, his eyes already drifting to the door.
Cellbit hates it, hates how wrong this all is; Philza should not be curled on his sofa, clutching at himself, injured and shaking in fear. But, he is, and there is very little that Cellbit can do about it.
Something to wear is a start though - he heads back to his room, leaving Cellbit behind. Nobody on the island has a lot of spare clothes, but he manages to find a clean and relatively soft nightshirt at the bottom of a chest. He shakes out the worst of the creases, deems it serviceable enough, and heads back.
Philza is gone.
This time Cellbit checks for the footsteps - wet and still slightly tinged pink. Cursing the man and everything else he runs after, hoping he didn’t get too far.
He finds him very close to the bridge’s warp plate. Cellbit grabs his arm and, this time, Philza fights back.
It’s not a long fight, only seconds before Philza is limp in his grip and doing his best to snarl despite his sewn together lips.
The stitches don’t tear, but his skin does.
“Stop that!” Cellbit tries. “You’re making it worse.”
Philza /freezes/ when Cellbit yells, and his heart drops somehow further into his feet.
“Just… Come back inside? Please?”
Cellbit is so fucking tired.
Philza… Shakes his head.
He pulls away his arm, and tries to run.
It’s not…
“Why are you running?”
It is far from the tone that Cellbit usually asks that question in, but it’s still one.
Philza… Does pause. He can’t even mouth his words, but he gestures to his eyes, and then to the darkness around them, glancing over his shoulder as he does.
He’s been looking around a lot…
“You’re being chased?”
Given someone was clearly trying to keep him wherever he was, it’s the obvious conclusion.
He nods - once, twice, gestures harder at the darkness and makes to keep running.
And then his eyes catch on a rose.
Missa had mentioned something about roses, how they were supposed to protect the family. There had been a garden of roses, the children asleep and Philza and Missa sat talking beneath the moon. And then Phil just… Dropped through the floor mid-sentence. Gone, before Missa could grab him. Gone, just like that, from a garden that should have been a sanctuary but whose leaves were withered now.
They’d looked and they’d searched and they’d hunted, and all that could be found was a small hole, with purple-touched darkness beneath.
Much the same colour as the void-taint in Philza’s eyes.
Cellbit picks a rose from the bush, and hands it to Philza, “Missa mentioned they’re… protection charms for you?”
At the mention of Missa, Philza's eyes snap from the flower to Cellbit, eyes suddenly much wider and Cellbit…
Cellbit maybe should have said sooner, because all he would want to know if he’d been tortured is if Roier and Richarlyson were safe.
“He’s safe,” Cellbit promises. “Foolish is hosting a sleepover for the Eggs tonight - he took Chayanne and Tallulah.” 
Philza doesn’t look like he believes him.
So, Cellbit presses on.
“He showed me the rose garden, though the flowers were dead,” he continues. “And the… hole? Portal? Void-patch?”
Philza wriggles his hand, holds up three fingers, and huh. Between the rose and talk of Missa, he at least seems to have calmed a tiny bit. The talk of a dead garden seems upsetting, but he clings to the rose in bandaged hands like something precious.
“It was very small, very precise. Clearly whatever took you only wants you,” and Cellbit is spitballing, only hoping he is on the right track both emotionally and logically as he still pieces it together. “It hasn’t taken anyone else, either; even if you stay in my house, it’s unlikely it will take me.”
Frankly, Cellbit doesn’t care if it does - all the more chance to create a distraction for one of them to kill it - but he knows Philza will.
Because it’s Philza, and he’s a better person than Cellbit ever had the chance to be.
“So, please, come back inside?”
Philza looks at the rose, then at Cellbit’s hand, then hesitantly, very hesitantly, takes it.
It’s hard work, leading Philza back into the safety of the castle. He’s edgier than before, and keeps being startled by the slightest sounds. He is usually vigilant, noticing the smallest of oddities, but to jump at every animal scurrying in the underbush…
Cellbit sees him reach for an axe which is not there, and maybe that’s part of the problem too.
They make it back to safety, and Philza clings to the rose even as his feet are cleaned again - bandaged this time - and he is helped into the nightshirt. Cellbit has always been the taller of the two, but they were once of similar builds - it should not hang nearly as loosely as it does.
With his lips sewn shut… Cellbit isn’t sure he can help.
“They’re probably asleep, but do you want me to text Missa? So he can bring Chayanne and Tallulah in the morning?”
Philza hesitates - if he’s still being chased… Well, Cellbit can guess why the concern.
“I can put some wards down, and ask them to come with Roier? He’ll look after them.”
He gets a nod this time, though it is slow.
Cellbit pulls out his communicator, focused as he tries to think of how to tell Missa - it’s not even a case of what would he want to know if Roier was in Philza’s situation, because Missa… Cellbit doesn’t know the man well, but they certainly have very different personalities.
In the end he settles on ‘Philza appeared at my place last night. He’s hurt, but I’ve been looking after him. Get Roier to show you over. Doesn’t have a communicator or anything.’
He shows it to Philza, who hits send, and then with clumsy, bandaged fingers writes ‘Did HE hurt you? Be safe - HE still wants me.’
That message is sent, then another is typed. It’s just as slow, Philza obviously frustrated as he has to delete duplicated letters. Still, he turns Cellbit’s communicator towards him, and shows him the message.
‘Cut it’
That those words took three minutes and clear /pain/ to write cuts deeply into Cellbit.
Just being stabbed is too kind for whatever did this. Cellbit will tear it apart with his /teeth/.
“Cut what?” he asks.
Philza hesitates, before stealing Cellbit’s knife, and bringing it to his lips.
“Stop!” Cellbit grabs his wrist, disarming him far more easily than he should have been able to. “You’ll hurt yourself.”
The reply he gets is a withering glare.
It’s good to see him have some confidence back, whatever the roses mean, but if he’s going to use it to hurt himself…
“I don’t… Think I can do this,” Cellbit licks his own lips, running a thumb of Philza’s.
His hand with the knife in it is grabbed, and tugged on.
“Fine!” If he doesn’t, Philza’s going to do it as soon as his back is turned, isn’t he? “God, I’ll try. But just enough to drink something, okay? I don’t trust myself.”
There’s a long pause, but eventually Philza nods. Cellbit swaps his knife for a smaller switchblade, flicking it open and peeling Philza’s lips open. He aims for the centre where there is least risk of damaging other things, carefully slotting the knife through…
He manages to cut a few of the strings, but in doing so he catches Philza’s lip. It’s not a deep cut, but he can see the blood bubbling.
He wants to lick it.
He presses a tissue there instead.
“Hold this, just let me get you a straw.”
Cellbit waits to make sure Philza has the tissue held in place - he’s smiling at him, how is Philza smiling at him when he /cut/ and /torture victim/ - before running to the kitchens.
How is he being trusted like this? He’s a fucking murderer, a heartless, cruel man; he isn’t…
He isn’t someone you fucking trust with a knife near your face.
What has this island done to him? He doesn’t mind it, doesn’t… He doesn’t hate it, he actually likes it - the having friends, the having family, the people relying on him.
It’s fucking terrifying, though.
This has only proved that.
He still needs some moments to calm down. His hands shake with the memory of blood on Philza’s lip, and it’s all he can do to pour some soup into a saucepan, and set it on the hob. Half-remembering the last time he starved he adds extra water, thinning it down. While it cooks he makes himself tea, and fetches Philza water, apple juice, and a selection of straws.
It takes a few minutes to warm the soup through. Once it has, Cellbit has just about found his footing again. He serves it up, and carries everything through.
“Here, sorry about the wait,” he says.
Philza has somehow found a second rose, and is awkwardly braiding them together. With his hands it is loose, but Cellbit can see what he’s trying for.
His lip has stopped bleeding, at least.
Neither is put down as he’s handed the glass of water. It takes Cellbit a few moments to work out the problem, but eventually realises; with his own fully functional hands he helps Philza angle the straw through the gap in the stitching, and lets him drink.
He drinks like a dying man, and Cellbit supposes it’s close enough to true. He doubts either of them have any idea how long his lips have been stitched together, but it’s long enough that the thread is stained…
Philza manages the water, then looks curiously at the rest of the tray. Cellbit offers it to him; he hesitates over the juice, but points at the soup.
Cellbit checks the temperature first - drinking the water had been slow enough to cool it down a little at least - before helping Philza once again. This time he has to help support the bowl as well as the straw. It’s awkward, but they manage it between them.
About a third of the watery soup is managed before Philza refuses more.
Cellbit has no idea if that’s good or not.
Still, they’re both exhausted, and it’s something to keep him going, and Roier will be here in the morning. Roier isn’t a doctor, of course, but Cellbit trusts him with significantly more delicate things than himself.
Cellbit can be dexterous, but delicate is for investigations not handiwork.
Forcing Philza to walk again on his injured feet seems needlessly cruel; the sofa is not the comfiest place to sleep, but Cellbit would put money on it being the comfiest place he’s slept in a long while.
“Sleep here - I’ll go grab some blankets,” Cellbit says, and he leaves, and by the time he returns Philza has already passed out on the couch.
He tucks the blankets around him, making sure he will stay warm overnight; the castle is draughty at the best of times, and when someone is sick and injured is not the time to tempt fate.
Then he sits on the floor beside the bed, knife in his lap, meaning to think and meaning to keep guard.
Most of Philza’s injuries are just torture wounds. They say little about his captor, or what they want. He’s clearly been in the End or the Void for too long - his eyes have a hint more purple, there’s dappled stains across his skin, and Cellbit isn’t sure which symptoms he has but it will probably make him struggle for warmth and fuck with his brain. That should be something like proof against this being a Federation ploy - they don’t seem to have easy access to other dimensions - but is not definitive.
The slicing on his feet despite the lack of it on his wings also is not definitive, but does not fit their usual goal. Unusual location and unusual goals? Probably not them. Stitching inside his mouth… Adds to that, really, the Federation are more cut your tongue out or sedate people sorts, not sew them up.
A goal, a goal… Philza’s face and his wings are mostly untouched, which would imply some awful… display piece, Cellbit supposes. The rags of his clothes would count against it, but perhaps he was only allowed to wear them when he was needed. Despite that appearance he could not have been that highly valued - the stitching in his mouth prevents drinking, so he would have died in another few days. Mentally scattered, but does seem to recognise people and places still - Cellbit rules out brainwashing, or at least if they tried it they failed. The injuries don’t imply anything sexual, which leaves…
Cellbit runs through it all again. Nothing quite makes sense, except…
End entities don’t like water, do they? Maybe they don’t need to drink.
Do they even need to eat? Or do they exist on some other sort of sustenance?
If he was held captive by something with no need to eat or drink, the sewn up mouth is no longer incompatible with the idea of a trophy, or a prize…
At some point Cellbit must have fallen back to sleep, because he wakes up to yelling. He doesn’t even think - he grabs the closest item - bucket of water - and throws it in the direction of the assailant.
He recognises the voice about three seconds later, when Roier shrieks.
“Fuck! Sorry!” Cellbit’s awake now, hair stuck to the side of his face as he scrambles up.
“Bitch!” Roier shakes off the water then, realising Cellbit is getting up, latches onto him.
Now they are both wet.
“Are you okay?! Roier’s revenge is had, or maybe not as wet hands trail all over him. “Fuck, Gatinho, don’t message me asking for medical advice at 3am and leave blood on the carpet! Come wake me up next time!”
“I’m fine!” he promises back. “I’m sorry, I’m okay, I’m fine - is Missa with you?”
Roier left before Missa was awake. Fuck. Hopefully he works it out, because Cellbit’s too asleep for this.
“It’s Philza,” Cellbit replies, dropping his voice at the secret. “He woke me up last night, looking for help. I think?”
Roier’s lips form a perfect O, as he turns and finally spots Philza still sleeping on the couch. Cellbit watches as he looks him over - most of the injuries are beneath the blankets, but he is still clearly unwell - and then sees the straw in the part-finished bowl of watery soup.
A rose is still clutched in Philza’s hand, just visible where it slips out from the blanket.
“How bad is it?” Roier asks, quiet.
“They sewed his fucking mouth shut,” Cellbit replies. “I cut a little so he could drink, but stopped when I caught his lip. Cuff burns on his wrists and ankles, fucked hands, they sliced up his /feet/ so he couldn’t run, then he ran on them barefoot anyway.”
“Stupid Feds,” Roier’s nose twitches.
Cellbit shakes his head, “there’s void-taint on his chest and in his eyes. No idea how sick he is, but the Feds don’t have End access.”
“That we know about.”
And Cellbit has to concede that point - still, he talks Roier quietly through Philza’s other injuries, and explains what he did. At the end, his husband looks about as helpless as he feels, but does pull a small pair of scissors out of a pocket.
“We should probably give him, I dunno, antibiotics or something,” Roier pulls a face. “For his feet. How do we treat void-sickness? Is it just keep him away from it?”
Cellbit has no idea - it’s not like he has spent prolonged periods of time in the End, “someone will know, right? Maybe when Missa gets here?”
Roier raises an eyebrow and, fair, Missa also has likely never been to the End, but Cellbit thinks the man deserves more credit than he ever gets. If it’s for Philza, he can probably brute force his way into the answer by sheer stubbornness alone.
That entire family is a bit like that.
“If not… We can at least ask who they want telling,” Cellbit concedes. “I didn’t want to just put anything in general and have everyone on my house.”
“We’re going to murder whoever did this, right?”
“Of course.”
Roier kisses his cheek, and once Cellbit is done blushing he finds Philza watching them.
“Morning,” he says, as Roier notices and waves.
“Hey Philza,” Roier drawls on the name. “Cellbo says you got something stuck in your mouth?”
Philza flips him off. It’s a clear struggle for him to sit up, but he manages it.
“Is it okay if Roier takes the stitches out?” Cellbit asks, getting a withering look from both of them at how soft his voice turned as he said it.
Despite that, Philza nods. Roier nudges him into a different position, and sits opposite on the sofa; he actually remembers to wash his hands before peeling back Philza’s lips, and Cellbit feels a bit stupid for not thinking of that.
As he watches Roier carefully use the tiny scissors to cut the threads, Cellbit keeps guard. His fingers flick back and forth over his knife but there’s no target, nobody who isn’t dear to him here to use it on.
He’s helpless, and he knows it; hopefully between them they can work out who he needs to kill and how.
The threads are cut, and Philza is allowed a drink as Roier finds the tweezers in the first aid kit. Pulling out the threads comes with flinching and bleeding wounds, and there’s only so much that antiseptic-soaked cotton wool can do.
The thread-holes are small enough that they stop bleeding quickly, but the blood from Philza’s mouth is horrific.
There’s a thread or two left to remove when Cellbit hears the door, and remembers he should have checked his comms. He leaves Roier treating Philza to head down.
This time he opens the door to find Missa, Chayanne and Tallulah - and an awkward looking FitMC, hanging towards the back.
And Cellbit suddenly realises it’d be a really bad idea to let the children see their father while Roier’s still treating him.
“Is Phil…?” Missa asks.
“Roier’s treating some of his injuries,” Cellbit replies. “Do you want to help me make breakfast for everyone?”
The sign Chayanne slammed down is put away in favour of nodding, and grabbing his sister’s hand. If Missa bought Fit, even if only for directions, Cellbit is happy enough to let him in - he gestures for him to follow, and leads everyone to the kitchen.
It’s awkward, and quiet, and nobody seems to know how to break it. Still, Cellbit shows them around and admits “they sewed his mouth shut. Roier’s fixing it, but we need light and easy food, okay?”
For all he nods, Chayanne seems to misunderstand. There is some simple stuff, yes, but a flurry of activity and complicated dishes too. Tallulah arranges them on the plate with extreme focus, and Cellbit…
Cellbit takes the two adults, and uses the stove.
Quietly, while the children are occupied, he explains what he knows. They listen, Missa frets, and Fit’s face is grim.
“I want to check with him first,” Fit looks at Missa, who gives him a nod. “But I think I know what bullshit he got himself into.”
“You do?” Cellbit asks.
Fit shrugs, looks uncomfortable. “He was scared, thought he was being threatened… We’ll explain later.”
And that’s the sort of shit Cellbit could have done with knowing before this shit happened. He’d like to strange someone, but he knows why he wasn’t told; Purgatory was… rough, to say the least.
“We didn’t tell anyone,” Missa adds, in Spanish, Fit glancing at his wrist to read the translations. “Fit only knows because it started when I was gone and the kids were missing.”
Cellbit doesn’t feel much better - the egg cracks with a little too much force, and he imagines it’s a skull.
It takes a little while for breakfast to be ready, and Cellbit hopes it gave Roier enough time. He warns the children their father is probably hurting, so be gentle, and also his mouth and hands hurt so he may not say much.
They consider him with far too much seriousness for their age; Tallulah writes a sign for them both, simply reading ‘I know’.
He leads them back through. Philza is holding some gauze to his lip, curled up in the corner of the sofa and watching the room. Roier sits on the other corner, sword clearly in grabbing range even as he tries to keep up low and playful chatter. It goes quiet when everyone else enters.
Chayanne and Tallulah move first, running to their father’s side. Neither of them touch him, though, waiting for the quiet ‘hello’ spoken in a deeply hoarse voice, and for Philza to offer them each a hand. Missa follows, taking the middle spot on the sofa. He hesitates, barely risking moving, but Philza leans his head on his shoulder and so Missa snakes an arm behind his back.
Every one of the four of them is either carrying or wearing a rose. Now he looks, Fit has one too.
“Was it him?” Fit asks, sitting heavily on a chair opposite.
Philza nods.
“Well, fuck,” Fit sighs, and looks around. “I’m gonna guess you need stuff for void-sickness? Anything else I should ask Pac e Mike for?”
And of course Tazercraft are the obvious people to ask. Scientists with a habit of breaking reality have likely seen this before.
“Antibiotics,” Roier adds. “For preventing infection in wounds dirty for too long? And painkillers.”
Philza gives him a withering glare at painkillers, but his hands are busy with his children and even if his lips are now free, it must /hurt/.
Chayanne distracts him by placing a huge amount of food both on his lap, and the floor all around. Missa laughs and Philza looks fond, but shakes his head softly. Missa takes one of the broths, though, and offers it to him.
Despite having his mouth free, Philza still reaches for a straw.
And Cellbit, Cellbit wants answers, but Fit is texting his boyfriend who Cellbit hopes has Richarlyson, so there’s not really anyone to ask.
Roier pulls a silly face at him.
Cellbit likes to think he’s above pulling one back, but whatever he does, Roier laughs anyway.
But, he does have breakfast for everyone else, so he hands it around and drinks his coffee and waits impatiently patiently for the family to quietly sort themselves out.
Eventually, Philza looks at Cellbit, mouthing ‘thank you’ and then, “I… you want to know?”
Philza looks at Missa, then Fit - both of them nod.
“Fit,” Missa says. “Can you? I am not sure all of how to say it in English.”
Fit sighs again, puts his communicator away, and nods.
“What do you know of the Ender King?” He asks.
It’s a name that Cellbit has never heard before, but ideas are already forming; Roier is also shaking his head, a shrug on his arms and confusion in his eyes.
“Right,” Fit pulls a series of faces. “Now, I don’t know a lot. But, couple of months ago, Phil called me over to his house. It’s happened a few times - seeing messages and structural changes in the bunker I couldn’t see. One time Pac was with me, and he was just weirded out-”
Philza butts in, with a quiet, “it was Rose.”
Philza nods, Chayanne slams down a sign.
‘She looks after us!’ the boy writes. ‘All of our familia.’
“She’s a goddess,” Missa adds, slowly, clearly thinking about his words. “But her powers are weak here… She looks after four, King only wants one.”
Tallulah adds ‘it’s why the bad things can’t find us’, and Cellbit isn’t quite sure which bad things Tallulah means, but it has to mean something.
Eye workers, maybe.
The idea of a goddess protecting a family is… Not exactly strange to Cellbit; he’s dabbled in the occult enough to know what sort of entities would do that, at least.
“She’s my,” Philza coughs, harsh, his throat not really ready for talking. “Spawn goddess. Where I come from.”
That’s stranger, but explains why she might like that.
“Right,” Fit says. “That one turned out to be less a problem, but the one that followed… When I went over Philza was in the middle of a panic attack, only not crying because Chayanne and Tallulah were there. He said a being from his dreams had contacted him, one more powerful than anything, against which there’s nothing we can ever do. Something about a war, and wanting Phil for himself. Phil made me promise to look after the kids if he was taken, that he’d find some way back but we were /not/ to go after him.”
And they listened? Cellbit is mostly surprised that they listened, but then Philza and his friends are more practical sorts than himself and Roier.
“There were more letters,” Missa says. “He started… corrupting Rose’s letters? Because he couldn’t find Philza.”
“And then he found you.” Cellbit finishes.
And it’s not the whole story, he knows it isn’t the whole story, but he’s got enough for the themes - a being which calls itself a god wants Philza for some reason is hunting him. That being comes from wherever Philza was before here, and has plans for him. Perhaps he is trapped as a pawn in a war between the gods and a war prisoner you are trying to sell makes sense for his treatment.
Perhaps he did something to piss off the god.
“My memory is,” Philza gestures to his head, and Cellbit knows the amnesia affecting many islanders touched him too, so he nods. “I don’t remember but…”
There’s a sign, turned to Philza where Cellbit cannot see.
Philza’s face shifts, and softens, and he reaches out for his children again as he says “I promised, didn’t I?”
“Does he have weaknesses,” Roier asks. “Everything has weaknesses!”
Philza laughs, bitter and dry. It turns into another coughing fit, one that leaves him shaking and leaning on Missa for support.
Cellbit notes Fit texting again, and has his suspicions as to what it says.
Once Philza recovers, he says, “the Ender King is fucking dead, mate. Water burnt him, but now he has no body… He’s weaker, can’t steal entire cities anymore, but he lost his weaknesses to.”
Worse than a god, it is the ghost of a god.
Has no body, though?
Cellbit looks at Philza again, and wonders - the void sickness has clearly done more to his mind than his body, and a deity of the End could likely manipulate it. If it had left him a functional body but empty mental shell…
War prisoner or flesh suit, either way Cellbit needs to work out how to kill a god’s ghost.
[Notes - void sickness. I’ve not really developed it but tldr overworld bodies are not well adapted to other realms. Too long in the void (also the End, where the atmosphere is void) fucks you up. Purple rash-like staining across skin, purple tint getting into your eyes. Common symptoms include dissociation, derealisation, and a susceptibility to the cold. If it reaches organs it can cause them to shut down, though always works from the outside in (or if caused by eating too much chorus fruit, which is an option, from your digestive tract out). The comment about Philza’s lips or throat with not speaking is if the taint had reached either his voice box or the muscles controlling his lips. Philza’s actually pretty fucking resistant to it, by a combination of genetics and very slowly increasing his exposure over time. Most people would be dead from that long, he’s just… It’s deep enough to cause muscle weakness in places, but it isn’t yet deep enough to cause damage like ‘lungs cease functioning’. The ‘bonus’ of his mouth sewn shut is they couldn’t feed him end-food, so it was only working out-in not in-out. Much like with fairies if you eat of the end bad shit happens.]
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Small little thing I wrote based on Richas and Quackity's relationship as for now, with Richas following Quackity around <3
“Vámonos, El Vacas! Vámonos!” Quackity exclaimed, rushing through the forest, while Richas made an effort to keep up, barely having time to close his backpack before his pa disappeared from his line of sight.
His pa… could Richas even keep calling him that?
Richas sighed again, caught up with Quackity as he waited for him on a boat, not wasting time before starting the engine and zoom across the sea. Quackity was excitedly speaking over his own words in spanish, talking about a pretty biome he’d seen in his map and wanted to explore before going back with their findings and show to ‘Cajita Feliz' and ‘Lentes'.
The kid smiled, nodding along. Yeah, that was still his pa. Same old excitement and love for the world, praising even the smallest things. They drove the boat over a whale, listening to its call disappearing as they kept going.
Quackity seemed more relaxed whenever he was only with Richas, probably because the kid wasn’t constantly asking him questions. And ever since Richas just stopped trying to make him read his signs, Quackity also wasn’t trying to run from him since he couldn’t understand. It was okay. Really. Of course it was.
Except when it wasn’t. But Richas would rather not think about that.
Instead, he picked his flute from his backpack, taking a couple of tries before setting on a song, the one that always made him remind of his pa Quack.
Quackity bobbed the head along, fingers tapping the wheel. Songs were the easiest way to make Quackity speak and understand English, Richas couldn’t really understand why, but he wasn’t gonna complain about a gift given, even if it wasn’t perfect.
“I would like to… reach out my hand…” Quackity mumbled, almost as if he didn’t noticed he was singing. Richas immediately perched up with that, playing together with tapping his feet to do some percussion job. “I may see you… I may tell you to run…”
Richas did his best to keep his hands from shaking, focused on the song. He gave Quackity an encouraging nod as he slurred the other lyrics, apparently noticing he had been singing and tensing up with the way he was speaking words he couldn’t understand for now. Quackity relaxed with Richas excited taps and more nods, letting the words just come to him, flowing out his mouth as if second nature.
“Well, I would like you to hold my little hand!” Quackity sang, and Richas knew the lyrics were wrong, but no way he’d correct Quackity. “How we will run we will! How we will crawl, we will?”
Honestly, not even Richas knew of those were actually the lyrics, but he didn’t mind, flute only being accompanied by Richas' feet taps and Quackity's voice and taps on the wheel.
“Send me on my way! Omaway!” He slurred lyrics together, but it wasn’t there was someone to complain about it.
The sun was setting, and Quackity wasn’t slowing down, neither the boat or the singing. Richas had never seen him this happy, seeming more excited on the fact he could scream the lyrics for only the stars and Richas to listen. They did a hard turn, flute almost flying from Richas hands.
“I would like you to hold my little hand!” he sang loudly again as the chorus restarted. “How we will run away, we will! How we will crawl, we will!”
Richas had his eyes closed. If he kept them like this, he could almost pretend he was younger, and his backpack only had his clothes and toys, not a survival kit for two. He could pretend they were just leaving the Favela and not an isolated place in the middle of nowhere. He could pretend his pa had just picked him up and promised an adventure, he could pretend his only heartaches were pai Forever and pai Cellbit fighting, when only pai Felps was gone. He could pretend Bobby’s death was recent, and he still hadn’t healed from that (But had he really?).
He could pretend his pa Quack still loved him and wanted him safe, far away from the fights and yelling and danger.
“Mira! Mira!”
Richas opened his eyes as the boat softly crashed against the sand, Quackity already jumping out and running into the prairie. Richas took a moment to dismount the boat and follow his pa through the tall grass. Richas stopped in a halt and watched Quackity smiling with delight when a couple of fireflies had landed on his arms.
“Luciérnagas…” He whispered, not wanting to scare them off. “Los vi desde el barco.”
Oh, this explained. He had saw them from the distance.
Richas softly smiled, and quietly took of his camera from his pocket. He took a photo without his pa noticing, and then quietly chirped for him to look up, taking another picture.
“Ven aquí!” Quackity called, and Richas slowly approached as he asked, wondering what it was.
He watched as Quackity quietly nudged the fireflies onto his arms, and without a word, opened a hand. Richas gave Quackity the camera, and so his pa walked a couple steps behind, taking a picture of him and the fireflies.
“A tu papá le encantará esto.” Quackity smiled, and Richas' own smile weakened. He chuckled still, nodding quietly. Quackity noticed his mood down, frowning at him. “Que te pasa?”
'What is wrong?’
What wasn’t?
Richas just looked at Quackity, and wanted to write books upon books about him and their family. But he couldn’t, because Quackity wouldn’t read, and would push him away.
So, instead, Richas just plopped on the floor, to Quackity’s surprise, and pointed to his prosthetic. He took it off, making a pained face, and Quackity carefully approached, trying to understand what Richas was trying to tell him.
“Esto duele?” He pointed to Richas' leg, and the small dragon put all his acting into pretending it was hurting more than it actually was from using it the entire day.
Richas pointed to the prosthetic, and then pointed to his watch as if he had a clock, then to the sky, making an arch above his head. ‘From using the entire day'.
Quackity still had a frown on his face, but soon it melted into understanding, mumbling some swears to himself about not stopping to rest.
He sat by Richas' side, carefully and gently, smiling. “Te voy a esperar.” He said, making himself comfortable on the grass.
Richas widened his eyes, not expecting to hear that. Quackity was gonna wait? He had been the entire day running ahead, not waiting for Richas to catch up. Why was he going to wait now?
He soon could feel the tears starting to fog his vision, not knowing how to stop them. He laid his head on Quackity’s shoulder, not being pushed away, and a couple of them quietly ran down. He didn’t know if Quackity knew he was crying, and if he did, his pa decided to not comment on it.
“Pan con aguacate?” He asked, offering one, Richas gladly taking and chewing on it, Quackity following suit, looking around while they ate.
The sky was changing colors, the sun was about to rise. Richas sniffed while finishing his avocado toast, Quackity rested his head on top of Richas'.
“Yo te espero, hijo…” Quackity’s voice was quiet, and Richas felt as if receiving a punch. “…hijo de Cajita Feliz” He corrected himself, and Richas closed his eyes again.
It was okay. It was okay. It was okay.
They ended the avocado toast, and they stayed quiet as the sun rose.
Pa Quack was right there. He was just…. Lost.
Yeah. He was right there. It was all okay.
Richas always loved playing pretend.
@kqluckity @mincebarge @aurora-bore-aura @shortystack75 @justagoopyguy @susie-dreemurr @tu-es-gegg
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