#him. which is an idea johnny has been kinda implying all along
persefoneshalott · 10 months
in the cobra kai of my dreams in which they let Miguel and Aisha have a villain arc during s2 they drop the romance stuff and have both of them be more involved and there's a lot more of them, tori and hawk hanging out and when Johnny tries to set him straight he just humors him, because (and this is explored a little bit in the show but not very) everything that Johnny's said up to that point contradicts what he's saying now so why WOULD Miguel not think this is just Johnny being soft about his son and being a little bit of an hypocrite instead of him having realized what he was teaching them was toxic all along?
A lot of the drama for Sam would actually her relationship with Aisha because she starts training on Miyagi-Do and sees this rivalry getting stronger between the dojos and she doesn't want to lose her best friend right after they've just reconciled and she's also jealous of her dynamic with Tori. I think it should be just like how when Robby and Miguel fight on the school it becomes very clear soon that they're fighting about Robby's dad and not really about Sam, with Tory and Sam acting like they're fighting about Miguel but actually fighting about Aisha < 3 gay
Aisha was already shown in s1 to also be on her way to a toxic path, I think they could've explored her feeling powerful and intoxicated by that with how she'd been bullied in the past in a similar way they do with Hawk. Also she's a lesbian but they wouldn't show that.
I think this would also make the school fight more interesting because instead of coming out of nowhere there'd have been a lot of tension between the dojos before it happens whereas they way it happens in canon, Miguel wasn't involved with all the cobra shit bullying AT ALL, and even though it really IS about both of them just fighting over Johnny the excuse of 'fighting over the samantha kiss' is pretty lame. And the accident and time with Johnny is what makes Miguel get that what Johnny taught them was wrong and he gets to be mad at him for a while and his dynamic with Hawk changes too because Hawk is still like in canon trying to 'avenge' him and getting more brutal because he's so mad at what they did to him and he's trying to pull him back from it but he GETS it, he was there as well, and he's actually had a full. realization. about it. whereas in canon the approach he has to try and convince Hawk is just 'well Johnny says this' and that won't work on Hawk. Also would be lovely if he tried to get Johnny to talk to Hawk, with Johnny predictably failing at being emotionally vulnerable talking to any student that's not Miguel.
I am unsure where Aisha would fall in the school fight, I could see it going both ways, with her going with Tori & Hawk or with her relationship with Sam being vital to her maybe coming back to the 'light' side... Aisha and Miguel were friends before she was friends with Hawk and Tori too... hmmmmm
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lifesver · 1 year
@johnnysslaughter said: ❛  oh, i’m not going to rush this. i’m going to take my sweet time.  ❜ @meatriarch said: [  HYDRATE  ]   after some time of torturing, sender’s muse offer’s receiver’s muse a drink of water.(maria for nosy; we can say that johnny was a lil nice after going ham w/ lee and has her try to get him to eat/drink mayhaps?)
cw for like... nothing good hostage situation (': (mostly) implied torture blood injury etc kinda emetophobia mention. sorry sorry-
❛ i thought you were tougher than that. ❜
johnny had laughed in a way that bared his teeth, when he kicked him back down into the dirt. wasn't a nice smile. it was all just fun, for him.
( you weren't tough. and it was tiring to pretend. )
this, of course, is johnny's idea of another lesson. not for escaping — which the insane bastard found positively gleeful; in being able to hunt them down and catch them again. in making them think they had a shot, only to reveal it was all a game. all for them to find dead ends, to find tunnels that went on and on like a maze in every direction.
they had only made it about as far as the slaughterhouse underground, before johnny caught up.
leland liked to think he'd gotten a few good shots in, knocked him flat, too — before he ran into the big guy. mountain of a man with the mask all but eclipsed his path. got his wrist crushed before he could even take a proper swing. got thoroughly bashed senseless into the wall — before johnny finally came to collect him again himself. dragged him, bloody and dizzy, back the way they came. and maria had just looked exhausted, frustrated, close to tears. she'd tried it all before. they should have known it wouldn't be that easy.
so, back down under johnny sawyer's heel, and then back to their god-awful basement cells.
and for you? back to being strung up like an animal.
tongue runs along bloodied teeth, feeling for damage, where fist had landed across jaw. vision sways with residual vertigo — one eye stuck shut, and the other glassy with unshed tears. he feels nauseous. feels sure there's nothing left in his stomach to throw up. he'd have to give this crusade up, if he didn't want to starve.
how long have they even been down here?
( some part of you had thought you'd be saved by now. both of you. some part of you thought they'd come back. that their friends would tell the police about this house. that someone, anyone, would come looking.
... and every day he played the radio for you. every day you never heard your names. not once. )
johnny stopped circling him — to curl fingers idly in his hair — and suddenly yank his head back. leland hisses, pulls uselessly at purple-bruising wrists, locked high above his head. johnny holds him there, to see if he'll reject the glass of water in his hand, again. ( or maybe he's merely inspecting the damage he's done to your face, this time. )
— he does reject the water again, lips pulled into a stubborn frown. johnny's expression dances in his peripherals, sharp features all unreadable. leland thinks he sees him set the water down. he'd surely get bored of playing this game with him, eventually. and though there's undeniable proof in maria, kept alive by the very monster in front of him — leland has a hard time believing that he would be afforded the same treatment, that behaving would prolong his own life in any meaningful way. as far as he could tell, the sick bastard just wanted to play with his food.
he had more to worry about than himself, though.
❝ are you done? ❞ leland bites out, eyes flicking sideways in disdain. and johnny grins like a wolf. there's a beat, where hand tightens in his hair.
❛  — oh, i’m not going to rush this. i’m going to take my sweet time. ❜
leland shudders, involuntary, eyes shut tight to avoid staring into those teeth. swears he catches the last shred of hope in him leaving the building.
johnny lets go of him — maybe deciding against pouring the water on him outright — and allows leland's head to drop between his shoulders again. blood drip-drops from his lips to the floor.
by now, feet barely want to keep him upright, unbroken wrist all but taking his weight. his entire body burned hot and cold, old and new cuts flaring with every shift in his restraints.
come on. just endure it, like everything else. you have no other choice, anyway.
from the shadows in the corner of the room, maria's softer features swim into view. sad. scared. for him. guilt curls a tight fist around his ribs. she's had to watch this entire show. and he's done his best, for her sake, not to make a sound. not to cry.
and in between, he found his mind wandering to his friends. thankful, so thankful none of them were here instead. and still, he couldn't help but wonder; if he were smarter, like connie, like sonny and julie. if he were tougher, like ana, like danny —
— he wondered if he would be able to save maria, and himself, then.
if he would have been good enough, then.
good eye flicks at johnny, hateful. and then, when he returns look to maria, he's something docile, something apologetic, again.
she doesn't fight with their captor like he does. doesn't try his patience, and try to turn the tables at every chance she gets, like he does. a miserable thought sticks in his mind; like back in the tunnels, maybe she just knew better, by now.
and leland doesn't do what he's asked — hates this man's guts.
and in return, sometimes it's the skinning knife along his arm. sometimes it's the threat of taking more than a slice off the surface. bruises, of course, would heal. a bone broken, stitches reopened and bleeding anew, ( — his own doing. he'll be fretted at, and scolded by that older woman on the property, when she sits him down to fix them again ).
and when it had been just he and maria, in the dark, finally alone for a moment — she had pleaded with him, with tear-stung doe eyes. against his stubborn pride, his anger, his nauseating bitterness. to stop making it worse than it needed to be.
he hadn't understood her, then. her acceptance. her passive method of survival. and yet, she had survived. all this time, without anyone else. without him.
( how do you survive a monster? how do you survive the dark? )
— she asks him not to fight, anymore.
then she says, like a nail in a coffin; ❛ nothing is worth losing you. ❜
and that's when he folds, then and there, silent and empty-eyed. ( if he gets tired of you, if he slits your throat in front of her? who will protect her then? )
a pause, a smile. something he hoped was reassuring; you're not gonna lose me, he had promised.
she's standing in front of him with the same glass of water he'd declined from johnny. and she doesn't even need to say anything, for him to fold for her, again. gaze moves once, sidelong, trains on johnny in the background distrustfully. wary, as ever, and being watched pointedly in return. to maria, he gives a half-nod of assent, lifts his head enough for her to tilt his chin. she's tender when she moves his mussed hair from his face, and tips the drink to his lips. he coughs a bit, choking on blood and water and acid.
once cough settles, his half-glossy gaze finds her face again.
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❝ hey, ❞ he gravels out, and somehow like a gentle, sincere apology; i didn't get us out. i couldn't do anything. i'm sorry. ❝ ... ’m fine, maria. don't worry. ❞ he forces the barest twitch of a smile, stings the nerves of his split lip. cheek settles helplessly against her palm, for a fleeting warmth in the chilled basement air. eyes rest closed, and for a moment he feels safer. for a moment he forgets about this windowless room. that they're far from home.
( how awful, that this should be the place you find her. how awful that you are not back in your dorm room together, looking over your notes for finals papers. planning summer trips. to visit julie in california, and connie in illinois. )
his vision is blurring, but he's back to watching johnny turn that skinning knife in his hands. take a step closer again; a reminder. and dull, reflexive panic reanimates leland's nerves. and he suddenly got the feeling that losing this man's interest, and patience, was a very dangerous place to find yourself.
— but you're not going to cry. not again, not now, not in front of her. not in front of him —
leland eyes the glint of the knife again.
— you promised her. don't be stupid. don't make this harder than it has to be. teeth sink into tongue, not for the first or last time, to stifle vitriol, seething, sandpaper frustration. eyes flick up, or try to. deadened in their exhaustion.
you could both still be rescued. you could still escape. if you're smart.
brows furrow down, and he forces the words;
❝ please. i-i'm — sorry. ❞
this time he addresses johnny, in something painfully stilted, and quiet. it tastes bitter. it tastes like defeat, and shame. ( you hate how it makes you feel under his eyes. ) gaze drops just as quickly, hangs on the floor, the cracks in the concrete. he's far away from himself, when his voice speaks the words aloud — just like all the other victims that came before him probably spoke it. in a whisper, in a surrender;
❝ please. just — stop. i-i'll do what you want. i swear. ❞
maybe you weren't really missing. maybe you were just dead.
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mcwriting · 4 years
The Marriage Project (9)
I’m back with anotha one! Sorry it’s taken so ridiculously long! I’ve been soooo busy that sitting down and writing or even formatting has been such a challenge. Please enjoy this chapter!
*also i watched Cherry and Tom was so good in it I’m- that film messed me up a lil bit but like it was so good. Also I’ve loved Ciara since btr and now I’m just insanely jealous and love her even more ugh 
Story Masterlist
Word Count: 2333
Warnings: Some language? I can’t think of anything else
% approximately the 3rd week of October %
Friday evening, the volleyball team arrived at the town regionals were being held at, about an hour away. You were staying in a hotel again, and as before, Julia was your buddy.
After having spent the evening laughing and having fun, your whole hotel room group was about to head up the stairs.
“Hey, y/n. Do you mind staying back for a minute?” Julia asked.
“Oh, sure. We’ll meet you guys upstairs,” you called to the other two, who waved back nonchalantly and continued walking. Julia and you went back to some empty seats near the lobby.
“What’s up?” you asked, smiling.
“Well… Sam told me he caught you and Tom yesterday and I just wanted to ask you about it…”
Your smile faltered.
“What’s there to talk about? I told him that Tom sprayed me with water so I got back at him by soaking the back of his shirt. There’s nothing more to say.”
“Well, yeah, he told me that but he also mentioned that you stayed for dinner? And met Nikki’s parents last weekend? Not trying to imply anything, but I didn’t meet their grandparents until Sam and I had been dating for like 6 months.”
You were getting annoyed, considering this was the second person in two days to ask you about Tom.
“I didn’t just meet them over nothing! Nikki took my senior pictures at the same time as Tom’s and wanted to do them there. I was just tagging along for the ride.”
“You know he’s also coming to state next weekend, right? If we pass through tomorrow?”
He is?
“Uh, no I didn’t. Doesn’t he have football stuff to worry about? It’s also Halloween next weekend, like he’d miss out on the big party.”
“They have a bye next week. Sam is going to come and I guess Tom is taking him, but Nikki might come too? I’m not sure. I guess you’d better ask him. Anyways, I just wanted to clear things up since there were all those rumors today,” she said, starting to get up.
“Wait, wai- Rumors? I never heard anything. Like about me?”
“You haven’t heard? I guess one of the freshman girls who has a massive crush on Tom was stalking Nikki’s website last night and saw some pictures of the two of you. A bunch of people think you’re dating now.”
You felt yourself pale.
“Oh no, and she changed one picture after Tom asked her to. Do you know what the picture was?”
“Something about him carrying you..? I never saw it, why?”
“Great. Now everyone is going to think she changed it because a secret got out or something. Ughhhh I just wish this stupid marriage project had never happened and I would never be in this mess.”
Julia looked at you contemplatively for a moment.
“Think of it this way, you and Tom are friends now, right?” you apprehensively nodded. “If it weren’t for that project, you two would still be fighting all the time and you wouldn’t have had the incredible Nikki Holland taking your pictures. Everyone can just get over themselves, you know?”
You snorted, then grinned.
“Yeah I guess so. You know, you’re annoyingly wise beyond your years,” you stated. “Now let’s get back upstairs. We have a long day ahead of us.”
Placing first at regionals meant two things: you were going to state, and everyone was congratulating you again when Monday came.
They also kinda looked at you funny when Tom high fived you in the hallway as he passed by, but you had decided to follow Julia’s advice and stop caring about the rumors people were spreading. 
Once the morning announcements ended, your calculus teacher stood up, a small paper stack in hand.
“Okay, everyone, since I’m your first period teacher and homecoming is next week, today you get to cast your nomination votes. Y’all know the drill: three guys, three girls for king and queen. Try to make it fast, we have a lot to do today.”
She walked around handing out half-sheets of paper with six lines on them. You and Tom immediately looked at each other.
“We nominating each other?” Tom asked before you could.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” you joked, filling out the sheet with both of your names and four others.
In home ec, you sat next to Tom cutting fabric for yet another project you had to do together, thinking about something Julia had mentioned.
“Hey, I gotta ask you something. Is it true you’re going to the capital this weekend for our state tournament?” you asked.
“Oh, yeah. This is our bye week and I promised Sam I’d go with him and mom. Plus, we can work on the project when you’re free.”
“You do realize that’s like a four hour drive, right? I mean it’s Halloween this weekend. Wouldn’t you rather make an appearance at Johnny’s big blowout?”
“Eh, it won’t be that great. I mean his place isn’t even that big and it’s in town. There’s literally no way it won’t get busted within the first half hour. The homecoming party at Tyler’s however… that’s gonna be insane.”
“Okay Johnny’s trash party aside, you really would rather spend your one free weekend of the season four hours away watching girls play volleyball then at home doing… whatever it is you do. And please don’t tell me you watch the ‘hub in your spare time.”
“Come on, y/n I’m not an animal. Even without the tight uniforms volleyball is really cool.” 
You backhanded his arm at the comment.
“Plus, I don’t need any videos to get myself off,” he added, smirking.
“You disgust me.”
“You know you love me.”
“Hmm. Debatable,” you shot back dryly, earning a chuckle and shoulder bump from him as you finally cracked.
At lunch, your friends were discussing the Halloween party when you sat down.
“Okay we really need to figure out what to wear this weekend, and we’re not going as playboy bunnies like Daisy and all her group,” said one girl.
“Well I say we dress as frat boys. It’s funny, not super sexual, and we all know half the guys are going to rush next year,” suggested Caroline.
“I like it, but what if we went a step further and dressed as dads. You know, hawaiian shirts, khaki shorts, socks and sandals. That would be hilarious. What do you think, y/n?” said Alexis.
“Sorry ladies, I won’t be there. We have state this weekend at the capital so as always, we’re driving down Friday after school. I will be at Tyler’s homecoming thing next weekend. Also, I do really like the dad thing, but I vote y’all do Guy Fieri.”
“Wait why is that literally genius,” Alexis said as the others agreed. “Of course it would suck to take your idea without you even getting to do it.”
“You guys really think I care? Just credit me in your insta captions. I’ll make the team put ribbons with flames on them in their ponytails Saturday.”
“Okay now we have to do it,” a different friend said.
“Hey, at least you won’t have to worry about Tom. I’m sure he’ll be at the party,” Caroline said. You wrinkled your nose.
“Yeah about that… His brother’s girlfriend is on the team so he’s going, too. I’m the one that’ll be seeing him instead of you guys but whatever. We’ll need to work on our project anyways.”
“Don’t you think that’ll fuel the fires people are already spreading about you? A good portion of the school thinks you’re secretly together now,” added the first friend from before. 
“People are going to believe whatever the hell they want. I honestly don’t care anymore. Oh! By the way, did I tell you guys that some freshman was the one spreading shit about me Friday? The nerve those kids have,” you said.
“Wait, what? It was a freshman that was trying to tell everyone y’all are together? Ugh why would anyone believe them?” Alexis asked, incredulous.
“I know, right? Apparently she’s like obsessed with Tom or something. She must have a backwards way of thinking if she believes spreading fake rumors will make him want her. Jokes on her when she has to see us together on homecoming court. He’s just as likely to be voted as I am, maybe even more.”
The group all laughed and continued talking about random things, and you mentally wiped the sweat from your brow now that the conversation was shifted from you and Tom.
You were nervously bouncing your leg before calculus Friday morning. You’d gotten to school early to make certain you would be there for the announcements, which is when they would be releasing the list of nominees.
Tom came in a couple minutes before the bell, hair still wet from his post workout shower. Usually he blow dried it, and he obviously noticed you looking at his curls, your knee bouncing anxiously.
“Got out of the weight room late so I rushed over here. What are you wired up about, princess?”
“Do I really have to tell you? Homecoming noms.”
“You’re actually nervous about that? Everyone knows you’re already at the top of the list.”
“Uh, no, that’s you. After everything that’s happened the past few weeks, there’s no telling how people feel about me.”
“Oh you’ll be fine. I know it,” Tom finished. You wanted to disagree with him further, but then the bell rang and announcements began. After the general daily stuff, they got to the part everyone was waiting for. 
You were on the edge of your seat. The disembodied voice began with the underclassmen’s court nominations, eventually working up to the senior king contestants.
“Alright, first up in the running for kings we have… Tuwaine Barrett!”
Tuwaine was a cool dude. He played basketball and was in theatre. You were happy to see him nominated.
“Next up we’ve got Harrison Osterfield!”
Ugh. I’d rather abdicate the throne than end up against him.
“And finally for the boys, Tom Holland!”
A small cheer went up in your classroom as people congratulated Tom and patted him on the back. You gave him a high five.
“And now for the ladies. First on the list is Zendaya Coleman!”
Ah Zendaya. You were never that close, but she was always nice when you’d had classes with her. She was way taller than you, a star player on the basketball and softball teams. Not to mention she was insanely gorgeous. This was already some stiff competition.
“Second, we have Daisy Ridley!”
And of course another likely contender. Daisy, who was planning on going to that evening’s Halloween party as a playboy bunny, was a cheerleader. She didn’t fit every aspect of the cheer stereotype, like the fact that she was actually really smart, but she definitely wasn’t the nicest person either.
“And finally, your last nominee for homecoming queen is… y/n y/l/n!”
It took a second to fully process that it was you they were talking about until there were people cheering you on like they’d done for Tom. He reciprocated the high five.
“What’d I tell you princess? Or shall I say queen.”
Tom was leaving football practice after the bell when a few of his buddies appeared next to him to walk across the parking lot.
They were talking when Tom saw you all loading the bus, and you sent each other a wave.
“Damn, y/n’s not gonna be at the party tonight? That’s rough, she always has the dopest costumes. ‘Least you will. What are you going as?” one guy, Jake, said.
“Did I not tell you? I’m going out of town. Won’t be there. I totally would’ve been Spider-Man though,” Tom explained.
“Wait you won’t be there tonight either?” another, Chris, asked. “You’re gonna miss out on some major exposure for homecoming votes.”
“Oh yeah, right. I’m pretty sure things are in the bag for me. I’ll just be gone tonight and tomorrow. Promised Sam I’d go to the volleyball thing with him.”
“Wait, wait, wait. You. Are going to the capital. Which is four hours away. At the same time as y/n. Am I hearing this right?” Jake asked as they finally reached their cars.
“Oh shut up, man. It’s not like that. Yeah we’ll be at the same place this weekend but whatever. We’re cool with each other now.��
“Cool? Is that code for ‘I want to make out every time I look at her?’” interjected Chris. He and Jake gave each other a look and laughed.
“Ugh, no. I’d kiss a salmon before I kissed y/n. I just meant we’ve come to an understanding and are somewhat friends now.”
They both looked at him funny.
“So you mean to tell me that there’s nothing going on between you two? Yeah right. We’ve all seen the way you look at her at games,” Jake said suggestively.
“What is up with you and everyone else at this school thinking there’s more to the story?! We are fake married for a school project and are nothing more than friends. You’re crazy to think otherwise.”
“Who are you planning on asking to the dance?” Chris asked, seemingly out of nowhere.
“What? What do you mean? I haven’t even thought about it.”
“I’m asking who you’ll take to homecoming. It’s y/n, isn’t it?”
“No. No, it’s not, because I haven’t asked anyone.”
“Would you go with her?” Chris continued, pressing in.
“I mean I guess so. If we’re voted king and queen then it’ll basically be an obligation.”
“And if you’re not?”
“Dude why are you asking all these questions! If she isn’t queen then I’ll go with whoever is. If I’m not king, I’ll just go solo and see what happens. Whatever, though, I need to get home. I’ll see you guys Monday,” Tom finished.
He walked off to his car, where his brothers were impatiently waiting.
A/N: Thanks for reading! Again, sorry for my inactivity but I’m hoping that writing will be a little easier as one of my classes was a half semester and I’ll now have a little more buffer room to write!
My asks and messages are always open!
Send a message or ask if you’d like to be added to my permanent or series taglists so I can verify you’ve been added!
Story tag list: @jackiehollanderr, @one-big-fangirl, @l0lmk, @primadonnasdream, @bookworm06, @thenoddingbunny-blog, @agentnataliahofferson, @spider-babe, @stxfxniexreads, @justafangirlduh,
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nicetomeetmew · 4 years
If LU was an anime (VA headcanons)
Okay so! A while back I uploaded a video (which you can find here) giving the LU boys voice actors. And in the description of said video, I promised that I was going to post a list of explanations for my voices and link it. Which I am only doing now.
These choices, bar a few, are my own personal opinion, so I'd love to hear your thoughts about them! I spent far to long working and watching anime for this but I am pretty happy with the end result, bar one (glares at Four). So I hope you enjoy! And prepare yourself. Cause this is LONG.
Legend - Vic Mignoga (Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
So fun fact. Back when I first discovered LU, I almost immediately imaged Leg with this voice. He had strong Ed vibes for me and when I started making this list, he was the only one I immediately knew was perfect. At least to me. It just has that quality; the snark with the capability of being genuine and emotional (I do apologise if the voice clips I included in the video made you sad. That's a hazard of FMA). I didn't consider anyone else for Legend, even though I did briefly consider Vic Mignoga for Warriors (more on that later).
Sky - Aleks Le (Zenitsu Agatsuma from Demon Slayer)
Man, I considered a fair few KnY voices for this list, including the voice of Tanjiro for Wild and the voice of Giyu for Twilight. But this is the one that stuck. I was struck between Sky having a youthful, soft voice or an older, soft voice (I knew his voice had to be soft. I mean. It's Sky.)
I watched the dub of Demon Slayer solely for this and it never would've occurred to me to consider Zenitsu's voice for Sky. But as the show progressed and I heard it when he wasn't... you know... begging some poor lass to marry him, I realised he actually has quite a soft voice. And when I heard it get all serious I thought "Yep. That works." And thus I placed Aleks Le as the Chosen Hero. You could argue that his voice is a bit too youthful for him but I still think it works.
Wind - Amanda Miller (Boruto from Boruto: Naruto Next Generations)
Ugh. Ugh. *increasing sounds of disgust*. I hate this.
But let's start from the beginning. Right off the bat, I was 99.9% sure Wind would be voiced by a woman. Okay so he's not 10 (that will make more sense in a second), but he's still pretty young and I imagine him with quite a youthful voice. For him, I considered Sarah Natochenny, the current voice of Ash Ketchum in Pokémon, and also Colleen Clickenbeard's voice for Monkey D. Luffy in One Piece. But these two voices shared the same problem. They were too raspy. I just cannot see Wind with a raspy voice. I guess if you really, really, really focus on it it could work but I just could get it to work for me hfff.
And then... ugh. I spoke to a mate about. He doesn't know about LU so I just told him I was making voice headcanons and couldn't think of a good one for a 14 year old boy. And he said "have you heard Boruto's English voice?" And I think my response was something along the lines of, "Ben, I have standards." But he insisted it would probably work so I watched a clip of Boruto on YouTube and much to my horror, it did seem to work. But there was problem. None of the clips had lines I could picture Wind saying. And because of that I was struggling to actually give Wind the voice. But something told me that it was the right one so... I... *shudders*... watched Boruto. I watched I think 5 full episodes before I had no more braincells and skipped thorough a bunch more and sure enough, I could finally see Wind with that voice. I think it fits him great and it honestly might be my favourite choice just because I had to watch that nightmare.
Hyrule - Justin Briner (Izuku Midoriya from My Hero Academia)
Ah. This one is much more pleasant. First of all, I never realised this at first but Midoriya and Hyrule are kind of similar. For one thing, they do kinda look alike. And for another they have the same "I will never give up" kinda thing going on.
Roolie is another one I knew would have a soft voice. I think Justin Briner was always down as a choice for him, except for when I briefly considered him for Four (more on that later *big sigh*). This is another anime I watched the dub for solely for this and there were a ton of lines right from the get go I could instantly imagine Roolie saying. So yeah. Aside from the tiny moment I almost assigned Justin Briner to Four, this was a pretty easy one. Midoriya has a soft voice that I could easily imagine Hyrule having. And when he got angry and his voice got harsher, I could also easily see Roolie like that too. Fun fact: there's another BNHA voice on this list... heh.
Wild - Michael Sinternklaas (Dagger from Black Butler)
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Ahem. Anyway. Yes Wild is British. Everyone rejoice. I was unsure of how people would react to this but I think this is the only voice on the list everyone agreed on. Which I'm happy about.
As I mentioned, I considered the English voice of Tanjiro (Zach Aguilar) for Wild. There were issues with this; mainly that it was too soft, too young, and made him sound too similar to Sky. Now here's the thing. I WANTED to give Wild a English accent. I am almost certain he would have one, like most people. However the only anime I could think of with decent English accents was Black Butler (and yes I know his final voice is from it, bear with me) and there was a problem with that. Most of the voices from Black Butler are ridiculously posh. Now you may be thinking "But Kai, Zelda has a posh English accent" and to that I would say "Ah yes but she's a princess and Wild is not". And now you might be thinking "But Kai, he's a knight an probably spent a lot of time in a place with posh English accents". To which I would say "But he wasn't always". Two words. Hateno Village.
Let me explain.
I feel like a lot of people hear the words 'English accent' and immediately think of an accent like Zelda's (and no, I am not saying everyone does and I'm also not implying that there aren't people out there who aren't British and know that there are multiple accents). Anyway, English accents are different depending on the place. And, since one can assume Wild is from Hateno Village, I would imagine their accent is different to that of those born in Castle Town. So that's why I was reluctant to give Wild a voice from Black Butler. Because all the voices that weren't insanely fancy were either far too old or did not have the right vibe.
Then one day, taking a break from this, I was watching season 3 of Black Butler (one of the only anime I watch dubbed) and I heard two voices that I suddenly thought, hang on just a second. One of those was the voice of Ronald Knox, who's a grim reaper. And the other, of course, was Dagger. I was leaning towards Dagger and what sold me was one scene in particular, which I chose as the final voice clip for Wild (you cannot tell me that is not exactly something he would say). And that was it. But Wild's was easily one of the most frustrating (not the most *glares at Four again*).
Time - David Matranga (The Father from Wolf Children)
Another tough one and also one I heavily considered for Twilight (for obvious reasons). Time's was kind of tricky because I knew I wanted it to be deep but there's such of variety of deep voices. At one point I even considered dumping the deep voice idea because it was so hard. It was a this time I thought of the voice of space cowboy extraordinaire, Spike Spiegel. But my brain said "hell no". There were other voices I considered for him, loads of which I cannot find the notes for and another one which will likely appear in part two as another character (no spoilers), but when I was picking a voice for Twi, some of the lines the father said just kept ringing big old Time vibes with me. So in the end, I decided to for it. Like I said, I imagine time with a deep voice and while to father's might be a bit more... gravelly (?) than I imagined, I think it fits him pretty well. It's serious and mature but still a certain kindness I'd imagine Time's voice to have.
Warriors - Johnny Yong Bosch (Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach)
Don't lie. You knew Johnny Yong Bosch was gonna be on here and not just because I put his name (albeit spelled incorrectly) in the thumbnail. When I started making this, I knew I wanted to fit JYB into it. In my mind, LU would be an amazing anime and almost all amazing anime have Johnny Yong Bosch in it.
Now, I spent a lot of time trying to figure out whether he would be better for Wars or Twi. At one point I was convinced he would be best for Twi and that's when I briefly thought about Vic Mignoga for Warriors (his voice for Tamaki Suoh from Ouran High School Host Club. Don't tell me Tamaki and Wars aren't at least a tiny bit similar). But I could bear to part with Vic for Legend so I decided heck it, Johnny is Warriors and I'll find someone else for Twi later. As for the voice in particular, the two voices I considered for Twi definitely did not fit Wars. And then I remembered Bleach and immediately I thought "Yep. That's the one". I imagine Warriors having an authoritative voice, not too deep and very... uh... I don't know the right word. Clean sounding? Anyway, Ichigo just seemed to fit nicely and thus it was so.
Four - Micah Solusod (Yukine from Noragamai)
Ugh. UGH. Okay. This is my least favourite. Four was, excuse my French, A FUCKING NIGHTMARES. There was not ONE SINGLE VOICE that seemed to work for him at all. I watched a bit of the Noragmai dub because I was thinking about Yato's voice for someone (I can't remember who. It might have been Wild) and I heard Yukine's and decided to put it into reserve. As in, my last resort. And I had to use it. Oh my god Four. I love you but your voice is literally a nightmare. Is it high? Is it low? Is it young sounding? Surprisingly grown up sounding? I DON'T FREAKING KNOW.
I mentioned earlier that I considered Justin Briner for him. I was thinking about his voice for Luck from Black Clover, which may have honestly worked a bit better, but I was pretty attached to Justin as Roolie by this point. So I had to whip out Micah.
Let me be clear. No, I do not think this works well at all. I appreciate the people who tried to see that good in it, but I honestly just don't think it works. The only reason I went for it is because Yukine's voice switches between older sounding and younger sounding throughout the show and since I could decide what Four's would sound like I said to myself "Fine. Four can be the same", found some clips, slapped it together and never looked back.
I am still looking for another voice for Four and if I find a decent one, I will include it in part two.
And last but not least...
Twilight - Aaron Mitchell Dismuke (Tamaki Amajiki - My Hero Academia)
Told ya there was another BHNA voice.
So Twi was another tricky one. As I mentioned, I was seriously considering Johnny Yong Bosch for him. More specifically, his voices for Giyu Tomioka from Demon Slayer and Kiba from Wolf's Rain (for obvious reasons). I did almost go for Kiba but something was stopping me. I'm honestly not sure what.
So I was talking to a mate (and by that I mean I rambled. A lot) about VA's and at one point he suggested Aaron Mitchell Dismuke but not for Twilight. I can't actually remember who he suggested it for but anyway, that didn't work out. But when I was looking through his work, I saw that we played Amajiki and I was curious. I listened to him and I liked it.
Okay to be fair I wanted a country accent for Twi. Of course I did. But I could not a find a decent one. They few I found were absolutely terrible. So I gave up on that and decided that was Amajiki. And that was that.
And that concludes the Links VA headcanons! I am happy with most of them and once more these are my opinion but I would love to hear your own ideas!
As I have said many times, I am working on a part two and as a sneak peak (sort of) I'll tell you two of the characters that will be featured (excluding Four, if I find him another voice).
Dink (even though he hasn't, technically shown up yet) and Malon (which is proving to be a lot tricker than I thought). There a couple more but my lips are sealed heh.
Oh and speaking of Dink, the voice I considered for Time and then thought it would be better for someone else? Yeah that's the voice that's currently in the lead to be Dink's :)
I hope enjoyed my long winded explanations! And thank you for reading/watching!
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Pssst Marvel editors are asleep, time to drop my calculations¹ about how old Peter should be based only on in-universe references:
Gwen died = 19²
1 Clone Saga = 21 => 1 year of grad school = 22³
2 Clone Saga = 25
Interlude until Onslaught= ~7 months⁴ = 25 1/2
Heroes’ disappearance = 26 1/2
Final Chapter⁵ = 27
Reboot⁶ = some months
Interlude to MJ’s disappearance = some months
MJ’s kidnapping = 6 months = 28
All of that shit until OMD⁷ = 29 at least (he has a birthday)
Interlude to Superior = ??? He has a birthday, which is when Marvel Otto kills him tho, so 30, at least.⁸
Superior = 1 year = 31
And then a lot of stuff happens between that and Spencer’s run that I didn’t read. I must assume that time starts running slowly backwards, if Peter’s in his mid-twenties!
Some explanations below.
¹I’m being as generous (aka making him as young) as possible to show that, giving them every advantage, Peter should still be older than they make him out to be.
²Gwen was this old, we’re assuming that so was Peter, although you could argue that he might be 20, given that he graduates shortly after the first Clone Saga two years later, so you can add one year to all of these if you want to.
³Since we know that there’s 4 years between the Sagas, the year of post-grad is kinda irrelevant to calculate his current age, but it might still be interesting to know, for example, how old he was when he was dating Felicia, when he brought the symbiote to Earth, when he discovered Matt’s id, when he killed Charlemagne, etc, especially when you consider that all of that happened before the wedding, which happened, to give time to all the shit that happened between that and the Clone Saga, at least a year before that, so you might also get an idea of how old he and Mary Jane were when they got married.
⁴We don’t know how far along Mare Jane was when she discovered she was pregnant. She didn’t show, but she was 1) under a lot of stress, which might even out the weight gained (and some pregnant people lose weight before gaining it in, you know, baby weight), and 2) she was a model, so she might’ve been regulating that extra weight before realizing its cause. Then, the disappearance of the heroes in Onslaught happens shortly before Mary Jane’s... well, what even is the word for that? Miscarriage, I guess, which happened at what would have been full term. So, again, to be as “generous” as possible, I’m shaving off two months off at the beginning and the end of her pregnancy, which marks the time frame of this interlude.
⁵We don’t actually get a time frame for this, unless I forgot, but I mean, c’mon!
⁶The timeline here’s kind of all over the place, because Johnny Storm says that it was a few months when the new run starts, he’s been gone long enough that Daredevil’s starting to see its effects on the streets and Cap’s been “following his disappearance with some concern”, and it’s pretty strongly implied that Mary Jane’s busy schedule that takes her all over the place except for New York, for all that Peter’s supportive of her, has been sort of putting some strain in their relationship. However, as the run goes on, the timeline gets shortened to a few weeks, I think. Given the reactions and all, the few months seem more likely. 
⁷A lot of stuff happens, okay? Including Civil War!
⁸I tried to read it, I did! But I couldn’t! It was bad for my blood pressure!
P.S.: This was a calculation for Peter’s current age, as you see, I’m not getting into how old he was when he started as Spider-Man. Matt Murdock sensed he was around 17 years old when they first met, which would make sense both if he started at 15, since they meet in ASM #16, around half-way to Peter’s graduation in #28, making 17 (or near 17) a good age for him to be at that time, or if he’d started as a senior (as it seems to be the original intent) at either 17 or 18 and those 28 issues were all of one year. Personally, I prefer the first one for the greater time edge over other superheroes who started after him (the difference between starting months or weeks before Iron Man, and years or months before Daredevil, is the difference between “you, new people” and “you young upstarts”), and the sheer comedy of “mean 15 year old kicking your ass”.
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greywindys · 6 years
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It’s that time of year again! I, and possibly a good number of you reading this, just spent the whole of 2018 in the Gorillaz fandom. Congratulations! You made it! Because this year...kinda sucked. Not just for the Gorillaz fandom but, if this Washington Post article is any indication, for the rest of the world too. Maybe on an individual level there were moments of light. Maybe Gorillaz was your moment of light. If it was I’m genuinely happy because that means you probably found a way to avoid or ignore all the chaos that went down this year. But overall? Fandom was rife with disappointments, confusion and conflict with some good parts (for me, at least) sprinkled in here and there. Below is a personal reflection on the top 10 significant events in fandom of 2018.
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1. Murdoc Goes to Prison
2018 started out peacefully for fandom. We were just finishing up sharing our scans of G-Magazine and theorizing over the next album when we’re treated with this - a nineteen second mocap of a frantic Murdoc accepting a Brit Award with an “oh by the way I’m going to prison.” We didn’t know why or for how long, and, though fans were confused and Murdoc going to prison is a tired, overplayed storyline at this point, it was cherished as any new Gorillaz content, especially animation, is cherished. Memes were made, most notably the #FreeMurdoc hashtag complete with a petition which was acknowledged by creators and caused the first big outburst in fandom for its messy tag. I did what I always do with Murdoc videos and went through the entire thing frame by frame to collect screenshots. Little did I know that this would be the only time I would get to indulge in this beloved past time. Little did I know that I would be wearing the same expression as Murdoc is in this screencap this entire phase.
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2. Murdoc hate
Murdoc hate has always existed. It’s also generally accepted. However, when it was confirmed that Murdoc was going to be in prison for an undetermined amount of time and that he may not even speak this phase (thanks a lot, phase 5 plot!) it reached unprecedented levels of viciousness. Some fans took every opportunity to drag him in the main tag, start debates with anyone who might mention one positive thing about him and expressed how they genuinely wanted him to die and/or never come back. It kinda reminded me of this season of MTV’s The Challenge when everyone ganged up on Johnny Bananas. Like, yes he’s an asshole and yes this was probably long overdue but also omg when is there and end point? Is there an end point? It was like some people hated Murdoc more than they liked Gorillaz. For some additional context - this tense environment was born out of an astoundingly severe conflict that happened in spring where three separate fandom storms that had been brewing since late 2017 collided into one huge mess. Discords were raided, friendships were lost, the police were called (I’m not even exaggerating). I won’t go into it more but if you were there, you know what i’m talking about. Murdoc wasn’t the cause of this, but his character was at the center of one of those storms and the canon sending him to prison only reignited the ire towards him. For awhile Murdoc fans weren’t sure were exactly they stood with the greater fandom, and new fans were confused as to why this one green character was the source of so much grief for haters and fans alike. This continued for most of the year (and still continues today), hence why it’s getting a mention now.
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3. Ace
Believe it or not Murdoc and Ace are confirmed #friends. You wouldn’t know that from all the Murdoc vs Ace content that sprung out of this year but Ace was the one who joined Murdoc for hot chocolate after he got out of prison, “they go way back” etc etc. Ace was a big deal because it was probably the only time the fandom guessed something correctly this entire year. Jamie began posting cryptic pictures of Noodle with this unidentified man, then another with only the Ace card visible. “It a Powerpuff Girls crossover!” Some people claimed. But that seemed so random? Really? A B-list cartoon villain from a cartoon targeting an entirely different demographic? More likely than you think! Ace never spoke a word and he wasn’t allowed to smoke or have sex. People obsessed over him anyways. To this day I still have no idea who he is or what kind of personality he has or really anything. But he wasn’t a bad guy (more on that later) and he was Murdoc’s friend so he’s alright with me.
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4. Messaging Denholm
By now the fandom was fraught with distress on so many levels. We were lost. We needed someone to guide us, to show us the way, to show us the #truth. I don’t know exactly who started this trend but it soon spread around Reddit and other social media sites that Jamie’s son Denholm was replying to dm’s on Instagram and soon, he was graced with a deluge of of inquiries from casual fans and Murdoc stans alike. The thing is though - he actually *did* answer them. Many of us had spoilers re: Murdoc and Ace’s friendship, Murdoc getting out of prison, etc. MONTHS before they happened. I believe he even told us that 2D was fine back in like, June or something. Denholm knew! Eventually we pissed him off but it didn’t stop him from answering. He just answered angrier. It also caused fans to argue more because people started accusing others of photoshopping his responses and nothing can ever be done peacefully here. I haven’t followed up on this story singe the end of summer but I think fans have finally scaled back on the messaging. But I hear he’s working on a Gorillaz documentary for 2019 so...I’m sure we’ll be talking again soon.
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5. Noodle
I want to take a moment here to also acknowledge the struggle AMA Gorillaz hosted on, of all places, Youtube. Thankfully, diligent redditors compiled a google doc of all the answers otherwise they would lost thanks to Youtube’s confusing interface. ANYHOW. The answer that stirred up the biggest milieu of debate and confusion came from Noodle. This isn’t exactly my lane - I don’t wade into Noodle issues and I don’t id as part of the LGBT community - so I’m not going to say much here other than, at the very least, this was the second or third time she has officially denied any interest in dating her bandmates.
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6. 2D’s journal/2Doc
Okay first of all: 2DOC...jk, jk...jk? But no, honestly, this actually did become a big story this year, much bigger than expected. The release of 2D’s journal was the catalyst here, revealing a number of drawings and images of Murdoc. “Souk Eye,” a song that came with visuals featuring close ups of Murdoc’s face and vaguely romantic lyrics was depicted in 2D’s journal next to yet another drawing of Murdoc. We were confused! 2D didn’t care that Murdoc was gone, right? 2Doc shippers were intrigued. I was hesitant. We were all called delusional. However, “Souk Eye” was later confirmed to be a love song by Damon Albarn, and Murdoc and 2D have both claimed their relationship is “better” since the end of phase 5 (hhMmMmM). Obvi, take this with a grain of salt because it’s Gorillaz but the journal was instrumental in confirming how closely The Now Now (and the entire plot of phase 5, really) was tied to Murdoc and 2D’s relationship, particularly what 2D thinks of Murdoc. Think of it as platonic if you want but they share a closeness on SOME level and the content of 2018, from interviews to the Murdoc chats to the album itself, supports this. I rest my case.
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7. Lost theories
Pour one out for all the lost theories. If you were a new fan this year you probably came up with a theory, or you got really invested in a theory. Some examples: HIM from PPG orchestrating the destruction of Gorillaz by possessing 2D and getting Murdoc framed with Ace as a double agent, or Murdoc’s imprisonment being tied to his trouble with EMI from phase 4, or phase 5 being about time travel, or Murdoc crashing Demon Dayz fest and fighting El Mierda on stage, or 2D being the one to frame Murdoc or Murdoc’s inmate number (24602) being a Les Mis reference implying that he’d get a character arc similar to Jean Valjean...you get the idea. But there are dreams that cannot beeee, and there are storms we cannot weather. You can argue about the budget or G-Shock or whatever but the truth is Gorillaz is just disorganized. This is their Brand™.
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8. The Murdoc Chatbot
Gorillaz did an interesting thing this year - it let us talk to Murdoc! Sometime around June, he writers decided that the plot of phase 5 would be best spent, not on exploring the band’s dynamic with Murdoc gone or developing Ace’s personality, but on Murdoc! Fandom spent most of the summer following Murdoc’s experience in prison and helping to “free” him via a chatbot you could access through Kik, Instagram or Facebook. Basically, Murdoc was Paddington from Paddington 2, and we the fans were supposed to be the Browns trying to break him out and prove his innocence. Other fans begrudgingly used the chatbot to make fun of him or tell him to die and follow along with the story (it was the only place you could get plot updates). It was a neat idea as well as a funny experience to pretend to be talking to him, and the plot was very engaging at times. It was the chatbot that revealed the very dissatisfying (albeit happy) conclusion that Murdoc is no Paddington and had lied about everything - being framed, El Mierda etc. - but felt really bad about it. His apology was basically this. I’m going to also tag the #FreeMurdoc merchandise debacle, how overpriced it was and how it ended up being pointless anyways because Murdoc wasn’t framed and didn’t need to be “freed” onto this, because it all falls under the same event. Oh, and you got to talk to Noodle sometimes, too. 
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9. G-shock ends phase 5
I put “ends phase 5″ in strikethrough because G-Shock on its own is actually pretty cool, and made up for the lack of videos (2 in total) that were released this year. The now Murdoc inclusive band goes to space and starts an alien war! That’s fun! Completely removed from whatever phase 5 was, but fun! (And I say that genuinely) What was messy about G-shock was that it came out of nowhere. The final Murdoc chat, that was SUPPOSED to reveal the ending to the prison arc, hadn’t even happened but suddenly, Murdoc was back to sell watches to aliens with the rest of the band and Ace was gone. But the final chat was delayed by a month and G-Shock came out anyways. Out of this came memes about how phase 5 ended so Gorillaz could try to sell us watches.
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10. Cass Browne Tells us the True Plastic Beach Ending
We ended 2018 with not one but two major interviews from the fancast, Hallelujah Monkeyz but I’m choosing to cover their latest interview with Cass Browne, writer of Rise of the Ogre. If you were new this year you probably heard older fans mention ad nauseam how much they missed this guy name Cass. Well, Cass came back and dropped actual bombs about the true ending of phase 3, Murdoc’s lost backstory and the Plastic Beach book he found AND that a sequel to ROTO was planned and dropped. Understandably, this sparked a lot of discussion and also revealed just how important Cass was to the continuity of the Gorillaz storyline. Back then, we had ROTO and Plastic Beach. Today, we have “Murdoc drowns in poop and reunites with the band offscreen”
And that’s the year! And look I’m not saying this because I’m a stan but this was a Murdoc year. He was at the center of like, at least 80% of the angst and joy of fandom and I could make separate “top 10 Murdoc moments” or  “top 10 2Doc moments.” I guess for me, on an individual level, it was an alright year. For one, I actually talked to more people this year and met some really great friends (something I don’t typically do in fandom). I also get to check “write a fanfic” off my bucket list (it’s still a WIP but it’s the first WIP I’ve ever had so I’m counting it). And personally, my life has changed and without getting into too many details I’ve overcome a lot, grown professionally and...I think I can be kinda proud of myself for that. I expect 2019 to be a slower year than this one, and, I think the fandom needs that. Hopefully I’ll still see some of you around because I’m going to be here for at least the next few months while I finish up you know what. 
Honorable mentions: 2D “Dies” of Ligma and other 2D memes, 2D writes The Now Now, Benjamin Clementine says he regrets working with Gorillaz, Noodles old VA confirms Jamie ghosted her and recast Noodle without telling her, Gorillaz delay the final Murdoc chat by a month, Demon Dayz doesn’t get streamed, Music video releases - “Humilty” and “Tranz”, Cyborg Noodle returns with boobs and causes debate, the “Let Ace Speak” petition,
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icharchivist · 5 years
Maybe the Bookman aren't human....? Okay but I could seriously see that twist coming where at least some bookman are human and some only look it. We still don't know what's up with that eye of Lavi. It's probably got nothing to do w/Innocence or Dark matter so what is it? Magic? Something that reveals his nature as something else? Since Lavi and Bookman Sr are the only bookman we've witnessed we don't know if being 'above' humanity in a way Lavi refers to is common. I do remember in Lavi's
2 flashback in the Ark where he tells Bookman all humans are stupid (obviously not including himself or Bookman). Bookman just gives him this silent unreadable look at that comment before moving the topic along. Bookman didn't discourage Lavi's initial disdain of humanity. But he never seems to share it or encourage it (if anything Bookman seems to have more pity and understanding). All we know is Lavi got picked because of his eye and he wanted to know about the world. Which leads ne to -
3 to believe Lavi lived a much more sheltered place away from much of the world. Shoot for all we know Lavi may have originally been at the Campbell mansion. Not saying he's a Campbell or was born there. But similar to Neah and Mana he could have been dropped there and taken care of until Bookman arrived. That family certainly seems involved in all sorts of weirdness and anomalies. Could even be the place Lavi reunites w/Allen if he's escaped the Noah (Allen is going there to meet Bookman).
Tbh I don’t think the Bookmen being non-human is... that good of an idea? If it goes in that direction, why not, but i think it was important for Lavi’s storyline that he is human, that just, he rejected his humanity, trying to set himself above it by arrogance. 
I mean there’s a clear parallel to have (surprisingly) with how the Noah call themselves humans while they’re also above humanity in many ways. The Noah oppose humanity, but part of them still relate to it in some extend. Lavi is... Disconnected from humanity. He believes himself above it because it’s the easiest way to cope with the fact he’s supposed to lack feelings and the attrocities he sees on a daily basis. He refuses to even pretend to relate. And the climax of the Road’s fight is to realize that he was never above them in any way, that the rejection of his humanity lead him nowhere. 
Lavi even says “I was convinced that as a Bookman I belonged to another species - what bullshit” which seems more to imply to me that this was misguided. 
Meanwhile Bookman himself letting him say this sort of things just kinda help encouraging Lavi to shut down his emotions. That’s the thing too, Lavi sees humanity as a whole and link it to emotions, and as long as he rejects his emotions he can put a safety distance between him and those attoricities. 
I think him being non-human would kinda lessen it? 
the thing is that as far as we can tell, at least for the others three, is that they’re all humans who became the vessells of something bigger. There’s even some sadness to be had to see that those little humans became the weapons of beings that are far bigger than them: part of a script that had been going on for millenium. And so far Allen remains human, as far as we know. And that’s the conflict that’s interesting, if humanity is neutral in this holy war, if it’s what’s between innocence and dark matter: then it’s where humanity becomes its own sort of importance, that’s what shows why clinging to one’s humanity is important. That’s why Allen is chosing a third path, that’s why Johnny became this important: because Allen is offered the path of the innocence or the path of the Noah, and he decided that neither were good enough for humanity’s sake, which is what he protects.
And that’s where the parallel with Lavi is worth bringing up. Because while Allen decides to walk neither path for humanity’s sake, Lavi is more ina  way of walking neither path by distain for humanity. And that’s eventually what he has to learn about, to overcome, why he’s getting heated up for the side that so far had helped humanity. 
So yeah no i’m still on the side of Laavi being human, although I do think his eye is hiding something: whenever it’s innocence related, dark matter related, or magic all together like Cross for exemple who has some.. weird magical stuff.I mean it’s no secret how I feel about Lavi maybe having the Heart of innocence, and I personally would think it would be a neat parallelism to Allen’s dark matter eye if Lavi’s had the innocence - but also, there’s holes in this theory, and still as a foil to Allen, it being linked to Dark Matter would be interesting. Albeit the only reason to think so is really more which plots Lavi had been linked to so, it’s a bit of a stretch.
For magic, if it was, it would probably have to include Cross in the equation for me to completely considering it, since Bookman knows too much about Cross’s magical stuff - and while i’m not found of Cross being the Past Apprentice theory (if only because it seems like what happened to the Past Apprentice is more tragic than just leaving the clan, especially when it’s framed when torturing Lavi saying “you wouldn’t want to lose another apprentice”) I think Cross must be linked to the Bookmen to some extend, from the shared knowledge to the access to the Campbell Mansion that we now know has the Bookmen there. 
And in which case magic is a fair guess, it’s just that that maic is still so obscure i hesitate to really theorize about it. But I would believe that it plays a part.
As for Lavi, I do think he had been sheltered. He became Bookman’s apprentice when he was 6 after all. The notes about where he and Bookman comes from say “Confidencial, but from the same place” so that links Lavi to the clan pretty much, but there must have been something to catch his eye (lol) when he was 6. Now obviously we’re in a fantasy world with fantasy rules and all, but generally people’s mind aren’t exactly formed before 7yo. So anything Lavi might have lived before becoming a Bookman may not have had him form an opinion on the world the way his travels since he was 6 started to do it. So even without being sheltered, i can see how he wouldn’t have questioned how humanity worked before he became a Bookman. 
But yeah I do think he was sheltered, and while i disagree on him not being human, i agree about everything else on your ask tbh. 
And yeah, the Campbells are definitly linked to that mess someway or another. And It’s fair to think they’re linked to the Bookmen and that therefore so is Lavi. Perhaps the confidenciality also enters in account because of that.
So i don’t know... things are tricky. 
I personally love Lavi’s reflection on humanity, and I actually think they’re kinda realistic for someone in his situation. So yeah... yaknow. 
But if he does happen to not be human, well, looking forward what Hoshino has in stock for us, I’m always willing to be proved wrong.
Take care ;O
#ichafantalks dgm#so fun fact while i.... Obviously don't feel like that anymore#when i was younger I could totally have bought Lavi's point of view of humanity and how he distanced himself from it#When I first read dgm I was 14 and I was cheering for the Noah#bc I was in that phase of my life where i hated humanity and everything#i was so exhausted of hearing bad stuff keeping happening in the news#or of history that was horrifying (my mom is a history junkie i've spent my youth watching and reading a lot of history documentary)#and i didn't have much friends nor a stable family#so i hated everything all the time and among that i had this idea that humanity sucks and nothing can save it#wouldn't say i was taking myself out of the equation but i didn't spend a lot of time considering my place in it#incidentally it was also the part of my life where i shut down my emotions the most#the person i am today is a lot of work since i'm... 17? after some stuff had me... reconsider my place and how I was seeing the world#(note to self that might have been why Allen raised in my fav characters list a lot since then bc I wasn't that found of him the first time#(even more hilarious considering I started to relate to Allen a few years ago but... I forgot why.)#(I guess re-reading will perhaps lead me on that way. Think it was the way to cope with guilt part)#and the fact i've read dgm since i'm 14 makes that i found Lavi's thoughtprocess to be perfectly reasonable#so that's why i don't see it as an implication of him being non-human#bcjust someone who studies this sort of horrors all the time without emotional support would eventually feel so#but then I can't exactly use that as a reasoning for a fictional characters who has his own reasons to behave ahah#SO YEAH.#then again like i said if he turns out to be non human#just hit me with that hoshino i'm okay and ready for it#Anonymous#ichareply
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ellana-ravenwood · 8 years
“Admit it, Bruce” - Batman x Reader (Erotica)
IMPORTANT WARNING : THIS IS EROTICA ! THIS IS NOT FOR YOU IF YOU ARE UNDERAGED, I GODDAMN MEAN IT. Like there’s cute and sweet feelings in the mix, but also...smut, so if you’re not 18 or more, or if you’re not comfortable with that sort of things etc etc, this story ain’t for you. I have tons of other very SFW story, for averyone to read, and if you wanna check those out instead, it’s right here, on My masterlist blog : @ella-ravenwood-archives.
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-Oh hello, I’m Bruce Wayne, I never have fun because I’m the dark knight, and someone dark cannot smile, like ever, and...
-Are you done ?
-Honey, I’m just warming up.
For the past ten minutes, you had annoyed your husband by (very badly) imitating his voice and just stating all of his flaws (mind you, you thought he didn’t actually have many). You accentuated your annoying behavior by tapping regularly with your fingers on the counter of his bat computer, while he was trying to concentrate.  It wasn't just because you wanted to annoy him that you did it though, he totally deserved everything. He was refusing to accept that he was wrong, and you were right, and it bothered you because that happened way too many times. He hated being wrong. You knew it, this time his stubbornness just annoyed the Hell out of you. 
-But I can stop if you...admit you were super jealous. 
-I wasn’t jealous Y/N. At all. Why would I be jealous of a guys like that ? 
-Mmmm...Because I used to be in love with him and that he’s very attractive and successful ? Funny and smart ?  
He refused to look at you, but you saw quite distinctly his jaw clenching. You smiled, oh this was gonna be fun. 
A few days ago :
Usually, Bruce and you always tried to have lunch together. With his company, your work, and the Batman issues, the both of you could go on days without seeing each other IF you didn’t keep regular dates. So for lunch, you always met up. If you missed one of those mandatory date, the deal was that next time you had sex (which was usually just a few hours after said missed date), the one who missed it had to do whatever the other wanted. That’s how you guys satisfied most of your secret fantasies. Of course you’d never do anything the other was uncomfortable doing, or just didn’t wanna do...but that never happened so far. When the one would suggest something, the other was usually super up for it. You and Bruce both knew that it wasn’t really a punishment to miss a date, but you actually rarely did it, enjoying each other’s presence too much. Besides, when you slept with each other, secret and weird fantasies or not, it was never boring. 
Today, you were running a bit early, and you decided to go wait for Bruce to your usual restaurant. As you sat down, a hand laid on your shoulder, and, thinking it was Bruce, you turned around with a bright smile. 
It  wasn’t Bruce. 
It was John Dover. Your first love. Who totally broke your heart years ago. 
He was still as handsome as ever, though there was some grey in his hair. And his smile almost charmed. Almost, you remembered the messy break up over the phone. 
-Well if it isn't Y/N Y/L/N. Fancy seeing you here. 
-John. Oh. Hey. Hum...Long time no see. 
-Indeed. So, What’s new ? Wooooow ! Is that a ring I see there ? 
You looked at the wedding ring on your finger and rolled your eyes. 
-Great observation skills as ever Johnny. 
You couldn’t help the sarcasm creeping in your voice. That man hurt you quite a lot, and was the reason you got so suspicious towards men. Bruce had the hardest time convincing you to even just grab a coffee with him because of that dude. 
-Haha, haven’t changed a bit really...So, who’s the lucky guy ? 
John turned around and had to actually twist his neck up to be able to face the man that just arrived. You smiled, your ex wasn’t short, but Bruce was a very tall man. He was also almost twice as large, and you couldn’t help but laugh a little at the sight of it all. 
-Bruce Wayne. Damn. Bingo for you Y/N.
You smiled weakly to John, and Bruce went next to you, putting an arm around your waist. You kinda wanted to slap John. He was clearly implying that you were with your Bruce just for the money, when it was the last thing on your list of things you loved about him. Actually, it wasn’t even on the list. 
-You know me and I have no idea who you are, not very polite...
-I think everyone knows you mister Wayne. I’m John. John Dover. 
You felt Bruce stiffened next to you. Of course you already talked about your ex with him, as you guys told absolutely everything to each other. He knew he broke your heart, and even though he never met him, he couldn’t stand him. He highly disliked any person who ever hurt, or disrespected you. He already scolded coldly multiple people at charity dinners and such, boring rich fucks who thought they were better than you, just because they dared to somewhat insult you. So there, faced with a man you used to love who broke your heart, he was already quite annoyed. Even more because you used to love him. The green monster of jealousy was already there.
-Well, we were about to have lunch. Do you want to join us, John ?
Bruce said, surprising you completely. You squinted your eyes at him, suspicious. You were right to be so. Your husband most definitely avenged you...During the entire lunch, he just completely humiliated your ex, going against everything he was saying, turning him into ridicule. 
At the end of lunch, you were fairly positive that John Dover was on the verge of depression...and it kinda made you feel good. Because that man really hurt you badly, and never had the guts to tell you things to your face, and because you knew Bruce gave him a hard time (rather subtly) just because of that. And also cause he was jealous, and you thought that was cute. 
You finished your lunch, said your goodbyes to John Dover, and as you kissed Bruce to wish him a good afternoon, you thanked him.
-Why are you thanking me ? I didn’t do anything. 
-Sure Bruce, if you say so. 
He winked at you and as he was leaving, you just yelled :
-You’re extremely cute when jealous honey ! 
-I wasn’t jealous sweetheart. 
-Sure Bruce, if you say so. 
He grimaced as you went your own way to your work. 
Of course, when the evening came, you just had to bring the topic back up. Your sons thought it was the most hilarious thing ever that he got jealous, and the batcave filled with giggling. Of course, Bruce was brooding in front of the batcomputer, trying to work on his current case, but he had an extremely hard time ignoring your jokes. Dick was the worst of all, and made all of you laugh by imitating rather astonishingly an angry Bruce. It went on for hours, and you squealed with pleasure every time Bruce was looking your way, clearly trying to hide the fact that he was highly annoyed. 
Fortunately for your husband, as the night went along, your four boys went out on missions one by one. Tonight was Bruce’s “time off”. You made a deal with him a while ago that at least once a week, he’d stay home. He would still stay up for a bit, making sure his sons, Batgirl, Batwoman, basically all of his “partners” were doing good, but come to bed earlier, and that’d be the only night you’d fall asleep in each other’s arms. 
You always woke up with him, but only went to bed together once a week. Which was already a lot compared to what you had at first. 
Yes, Bruce thought he was safe when he last son left the cave...but it was without counting on you. You weren’t about to let it go. 
-So, are you going to finally admit it. 
-I don’t have anything to admit to. 
-Really ? You know Bruce, I mostly find your stubbornness endearing, but this time...You’re just annoying. 
-You’re the one that’s been annoying me for the last four hours dear. 
-What ? You find me annoying ? 
You were a rather good actress. It helped you a lot when Bruce had to leave a party or charity dinner because the batsignal appeared in the sky, and you had to come up with excuses to explain his absence. And it also helped you when you wanted to make him feel guilty about something. You just spoke with a voice that sounded so hurt, that your husband stop staring at his computer to turn to you, a look of concern in his eyes.
-No, I meant...Oh my God it works every time. You ARE annoying my love. 
He always realized pretty quickly you were just messing around with him, but it was still satisfactory to see him panic a little before. You might be a bit evil sometimes. You just liked provoking reactions in him that he usually never has. Only you could make him panic, genuinely smile by just looking at you, or explode in laughter because you said a terrible joke...
-Annoyingly in love with you. 
He smiled, and intertwined his fingers with yours, pulling you close. However you wouldn’t give anything to him that easily. Not until he admitted he got very VERY jealous of your ex. So you just slipped away under his arm and started to leave the cave. He looked at you confused and frustrated, and you just winked at him. 
-Darling, if you want anything tonight, you’re gonna have to swallow your pride...and then I’ll swallow whatever you want. 
He gulped, but didn’t make a move to stop you. He just watched you leave. How cute, he thought he was actually gonna resist. But you had a plan to make him say what you wanted, and his famous Bat resolve didn’t hold a chance against it. 
You left and went to your shared room, while he sat back at the batcomputer, trying hard to focus on the videos of his sons kicking asses, but all he could think about was you. It was actually pretty rare that you weren’t in his thoughts in some way...the way he was thinking about you right now was very ungentlemanly. He scolded himself, it wasn’t  gonna help if he kept arousing himself with thoughts of what he would do to you...Suddently, his computer went haywire. He concentrated on it intensely, someone was hacking his security ! Someone was trying to get in the batcomputr ! He couldn’t let that happen, there were informations in that machine that had to be protected at all cost. But the virus invading the computer was too strong, he was about to unplug the machine when he realized who was hacking his servers. 
You. Of course. How he realized it was you ? All of his screens were suddenly covered with sexy pictures of you naked and half-naked, giving him your most sultry look ever. He was so glad Alfred had his day off today and wasn’t down in the cave...He stared at the pictures, mouth opened, and felt his member hardening quickly. No matter how many time he saw your body, he always was just in awe of it, and no one could turn him on as fast as you (which was good you thought). A message slowly appeared on the screen. 
“Don’t you dare touch yourself mister Wayne, or I’ll make sure to meet up with Johnny regularly. Well, I think it’s fine though, since you’re totally not jealous. Anyway, good night babe ;)” followed by a live stream of you taking your shower. 
He knew the movement you were doing were definitely not your usual shower movement, you were trying to drive him crazy...and it fucking worked. In an instant, he was out of the batcave, rushing through the manor to your shared bedroom, and in the bathroom, taking his clothes off in record time. 
-Fine, you won you evil wench. I was jealous. So jealous I wanted to punch the guy so hard his mother would never recognize his face after. So jealous that whenever he touched you, or smiled at you, worst, when you smiled at him, my stomach churned and made me sick. So jealous I did indeed made him miserable on purpose, and also to avenge you somewhat. So jealous I am admitting it to you, right now, while you perfectly know I hate being wrong. That’s how jealous that guy made me. And don’t you ever dare make me jealous like that again, because I don’t think my heart can handle it. You won. Here. Happy ? 
You opened the shower door, and gestured for him to come in, giving an appreciative look to his body. To his cock, so hard it was bobbing slightly taping his wonderful abs. 
-Your heart can handle anything, you’re the Batman. 
You softly trailed kisses on his chest, as you directed him with you under the shower head, warm water engulfing both of you. 
-Even Batman is insecure sometimes. 
-Really ? Well, Batman should know that that guy means nothing, not anymore. And that the feeling I had for him were so small and ridiculous compare to the one I have for the Batman. And I won’t ever have enough of him...
He closed his eyes as you got on your tip toe to kiss his neck. You stroked his cheek, forcing him to bent down a bit so that your lips would meet his. 
-Also, only the Batman is allowed to do anything he wants to me. 
You softly whispered in his ear, and with those words, he lost all control. He responded more than eagerly to your kisses, and lifted you up from under your thigh to pin you against the cold tile walls of the shower. Grinding shamelessly on you, your hand were massaging lovingly his impressive back muscle, while the pressure he had on your thighs intensified, almost hurting. It would definitely leave some marks. He broke your heated kiss and trailed kisses down your body, placing your legs on his shoulder. You grabbed his hair and neck for support, afraid you were going to fall, but he was holding you firmly. He’d never let you fall. He was kissing your inner sigh, sucking and biting, leaving little marks everywhere, except where you wanted his lips to go. However, you made him so jealous, frustrated an annoyed today, that he was in no mood to tease, and soon, his tongue was tentatively licking at your core. He felt your hand tighten in his hair and hissed at the slight pain. But he didn’t pull away. 
His tongue was slipping through your folds, entering you with slow stroke that drove you crazy. Supporting you with one hand, his other went down, and he licked his fingers before making slow circle with his tongue around your clit, while one of his finger went inside you. He was moving it inside you at a medium and enjoyable pace, while driving you nuts with his tongue on your sensitive nub. He slid another finger inside, and clutched them, hitting a sweet spot. Your scream of pleasure made him smile, and he worked you up until you reached your highs, bucking your hips in his face, coming in his mouth. Your breathing was hitched as he pulled away to reach back up and kiss your collarbones and neck. 
You untangled your hand from his hair as he raised you once more, your legs around his waist, bending his legs slightly so that you could sit on them. His kisses were perfect, that man could do so much with his tongue. You didn’t care much for the taste of yourself on his tongue, but it didn’t bothered you as much as it used to, and you savored his tongue with happiness and eagerness. 
You scraped your nails on his shoulders, knowing he loved it, and he lined himself up with your entrance. He ease you on his cock with one swift thrust, and waited for you to adjust. He couldn’t wait to take you, but would never risk to hurt you. He loved looking at you as you take all of him inside you. He was A LOT for you to take, and your small body (once again, everyone was small compared to him) made him want to protect you with all his being. 
You kissed his neck, chest, licking and sucking all equally, and he moaned. You locked your eyes with his, and nodded slowly. He took it as his cue to start to move. He started slow, wanting to enjoy it as much as he could. Your name was on his lips, and both your moans and his grunts filled the bathroom. The water between you two made your skin stick even more to each other than usual, and the sound of skin slapping skin was getting incredibly obscene. 
At your demands, his pace started to get faster, rougher. Your legs started to ache from your awkward position on the wall, and you felt kinda ashamed when you asked him to change position. Ashamed, because he was the one holding your weight with his arms and legs, and he didn’t even flinch. But the man was a force of nature, and he lifted you off the wall as if you were nothing but a twig, to place your back on the shower floor. He took advantage of the change of position to put your legs on his shoulder, and to pound even deeper into you. The new angled hit your special spot, and your screams were getting louder by the minute. His hands were on your hips, helping him to pound in you, while your arms hung, useless, above your head. 
He got your legs off of his shoulder, and leaned on you, still holding himself up with his hands on each side of your face so that he wouldn’t crush you. You grabbed his hands with your own, and intertwined your finger with his. He slowed the pace down, trying to show you how much he loved you by taking you lovingly. But it wouldn’t you for you, not tonight.  An expert roll of your hips made him moan loudly, and go a bit weak in your arms, and you took advantage of it to flip on him. Of course, he let you do it, because in reality, if he didn’t wanna flip on his back, you couldn’t have moved him. Your hand went on his chest as you started to ride him. Hard. You would definitely walk a bit funny for a bit. 
His cock was just filling you so perfectly, stretching you to your maximum in delight. If Bruce was just half an inch bigger, you were sure he could not fit in...but he wasn't. He was huge, but the perfect size to still be fully inside you, making you feel full in the best way. 
His hands were on your ass, making your hips go up and down, and you let him take control of you. You bent down to bit gently on his nipple, and he sat up. He kept fucking you in the cowgirl position for a while, until he stood up. Not loosing the connection, he turned the water off, and sat you down on the sink to ruthlessly slam into you. 
The familiar knot in your stomach was almost bursting, and when you told him, he fucked you even harder and faster, the pace almost inhuman. You came with a violent shake of your body, and he kept pounding into you through your orgasm, prolonging it. He quickly went over the edge as well, feeling your muscles clench around him, tightening around his cock in a perfect rush of ecstasy. With one last thrust his seed filled you so much that it overloaded your pussy and started to drip on the sink, mixed with your own juice. 
He cleaned you up with tender movement. The action could be filthy, after all, cleaning your partner up after sex, wiping away sperm and cyprine wasn't exactly glamorous...but even in that, he could just be so loving, that it made it hot. 
He picked you up bridal style in his strong arm, and you squeezed his biceps lightly, kissing him. He laid you down on your shared bed, starting to pull you to his chest to embrace you and fall asleep, content...but you weren’t done. He gasped as he felt your hand wrapping slowly around his cock. He was still quite sensitive from his recent orgasm, and you knew it. You knew all the right moved. Before he could even think about what you were doing, he was hard again, and you started to stroke him while licking his abs. He fell back on the pillows, and enjoyed your mouth licking his skin, and hand stroking him. Soon, your tongue swiped lightly on his freshly cleaned dick, and before he could even moaned, you took him in your mouth. What couldn’t fit, you massaged. Not on purpose, he bucked into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat and making you gag.
-Sorry, I-aaah damn that’s good- I...
With your free hand, you caressed his abs and chest, signifying to him that it was OK, it wasn’t the end of the World. You sucked on him mercilessly, torturing him with intense pleasure. He came a second time, trying to pull your head away. You stopped him and took his load in your mouth, catching everything to the last drop. You sat up, and watching you lick the corner of your lips off of him made him hard yet again...You looked at him with a sly smile, and he returned it, knowing you were about to have hours of very, VERY good time. 
That night, you came more times than you could count, and you made a mental note to make Bruce Wayne jealous more often, and to annoy the hell out of him with it. 
When your children came home, they avoided the part of the house your shared bedroom was with extra care, feeling super grossed out by the noises that were escaping it. So loud. Both of you. Damian even went to sleep in Dick’s bed, as his bedroom was just across yours. 
When he came home, Alfred made a mental note to put gloves on next time he changed your sheets...
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