il-cielo-dei-colibri · 9 months
Djewar_Criah: Vocabulário
Djewar_Criah: Vocabulário
A - Aamri - Abman - Abmiu - Abmmi - Abra - Abrei - Aceu - Adae - Aegi - Aei - Afeto - Afihe - Aflint - Afobi - Afobu - Ageffer - Agiru - Ahasab - Ahcete - Ahua - Ahuant - Ahuar - Ahuare - Ahufavuz - Ahxu - Akulb - Al - Aladewfi - Alawn - Albafi - Alenih - Alfati - Alife - Alkav - Alkonoui - Alolb - Alqen - Alre - Alrei - Alrit - Alru - Alrum - Alsunasi - Alsur - Altiv - Alxab - Amdulmri - Anda - Andan - Andwu - Anewliv - Anmru - Anmsa - April - Ar - Arafab - Arbsol - Areie - Arelb - Arh - Arha - Arhi - Arhu - Ariedale - Ariel - Arusib - Asos - Asuir - Auge - Awa - Awerib - Azaitrope - Azbaru
Baas - Baeri - Bahmu - Baihr - Balra - Bammeul - Bammieb - Bammiu - Banarab - Banca - Baret - BarsuEi - Barsui - Baseau - Bauru - Baurume - Bausou - Bausoudi - Bawab - Bawara - Bawelci - Bawihasab - Bawin - Baze - Becina - Befu - Behind - Bell - Bencheer - Bend - Beneb - Benecdi - Benferire - Benxi - Berezsib - Berilra - Bernu - Berz - Berzke - Berzla - Bey - Biaty - Bici - Bidoff - Bieiri - Biet - Bijoalt - Bilma - Bitad - Bniv - Boen - Bokru - Bone - Bonni - Bonu - Boru - Boxso - Breb - Brebne - Brehe - Breu - Brix - Brta - Brte - Bryuirt - Buopib - Burzun - Byu - ByuQiwub - Byuter
Calendario - Calh - Campo - Canti - Cantica - Cantim - Cantimi - Cantimial - Caom - Caomwila - Carteja - Castda - Cawube - Ceib - Ceilra - Celsiu - Celsiuna - Cemmnu - Cenbauru - Cente - Centena - Cerebe - Cerebile - Ceut - Ceutsu - Cewaru - Ceweceb - Chichi - Chid - Cicewí - Ciello - Cinco - Coemti - Colina - Collam - Comment - Conbine - Conconti - Concontidala - Conmati - Conmis - Conmisí - Conticena - Corrire - Court - Creela - Creend - Crestel - Criah - Criha - Cup
Dabi - Dabper - Dabperla - Dabrob - Dacav - Dacek - Dacinla - Dafoesi - Dafolr - Dafulr - Daha - Dahu - Dain - Dako - Dalcav - Dali - Dallih - Dalra - Damrica - Dandala - Dandam - Dandeila - Dandem - Dari - Darig - Darou - Dasea - Dath - Dathal - David - Daware - Daweb - Deaci - Deathala - Dec - Decna - Deepca - Deepcab - Deepcap - Deity - Delfu - Delri - Delxu - Dem - Demsi - Demûra - Dernib - Dersa - Despiza - Desvhanc - Desvhancia - Dew - Dewgoin - Didonwo - Diemifan - Dihib - Dimash - Dimasha - Dimmru - Dimnu - Diodra - Disbraid - Disbraidala - Disbraidze - Disimmu - Ditan - Djervi - Djewarala - Djewar - Docav - Dochi - Docinde - Dogib - Dojifeiri - Donchel - Doreinme - Dosee - Dubrib - Dubribhal - Duen - Duken - Dulran - Dunpi - Duphani - Dwertu - Dy - Dyubuse - Dyubusiw - Dyuube
Ecaih - Ecib - Egoist - Eigheto - Element - Elenver - Elesis - Elih - Elqu - Elraebi - Elseda - Elshow - Elwal - Enalmei - Enalmu - Endacê - Enm - Enn - Enna - Enpu - Enrave - Ensunuci - Erbu - Erib - Escol - Escolda - Éshya - Esperido - Espero - Esperodi - Esperome - Esponsi - Estôria - Esway - Et - Ewib - Eyesra - Eyesrav
Faisk - Faiuy - Falich - Fan - Farqei - Farrê - Farteel - Fartemah - Fati - Faurwa - Feito - Felichev - Fernare - Fernaremi - Ferrí - Fêrver - Fhub - Figue - Fihi - Fihuar - Filand - File - Filib - Filxi - Fitaha - Fitahar - Fiwa - Fiyi - Flubasi - Fluce - Flueb - Fo - Foab - Foeb - Foei - Foeiri - Fohx- Fohxi - Fohxu - Foicib - Fola - Folci - Fou - FragMent - Fralw - Fralwsab - Fresia - Fruto - Fulmine - Fun - Furha - Fyre
Gafih - Garde - Gardenia - Gasahma - Gengar - Geruino - Gesto - Gewe - Gher - Gherdai - Gherdy - Gherty - Girlque - Girlquell - Gofih - Gota - Gotinue - Goui - Gouia - Graduet - Gralu - Grass - Grassbou - Grassboudet - GrassGewe - Greno - Grunnire - Guardo - Guartdu - Guolvi - Gyenu - Gyurty - Gyurtyala
Hae - Hal - Hall - Halrul - Halsab - Hanpiib - Hanpliss - Harfei - Harta - Harte - Hartei - Haru - Hawa - Hawari - Hen - Heni - Hesicat - Hew - Hibew - Hibib - Hifui - Hifuini - Higu - Hilri - Hilrisu - Hilsuri - Hine - Hirib - Hisbeni - Hisveni - Hiub - Hiwbi - Hiwib - Ho - Hogo - Hohl - Holsaw - Homau - Homlu - Honelib - Hordinan - Hordinaz - Hori - Horib - Horitulra - Horiv - Hotei - Hourib - Hui - Huit - Huite - Huiteala - Hulgíe - Hulgieba - Hungar - Hunt - Huore - Huosol - Huosolri - Hyume - Hyune
Ibreb - Icnebib - Ife - Igev - Igevce - Ihsi - Ihsil - Ihub - Ihuv - Iilz - Ilsub - Imperalsei - Imu - In - Incrementa - Increnta - Indewgo - Indici - Infrenta - Inmeiru - Innauf - Inpum - Inrabbi - Inrompo - Inspí - Inspira - Insupir - Inty - Inwaesuo - Io - Irman - Ist - Itoh I- tsumono - Iu - Ixu
Jardino - JeauEi - Jeike - Jellaw - Jellita - Ji - Jibey - Jijina - Jirda - Jirmal - Jiuty - Joabi - Joaenib - Joalra - Joana - Joasab - Joasav - Joavene - Joavi - Joe - Joearu - Joehu - Juei - Junw - Jyaka - Jyua - Jyuas - Jyunteda
Kabbre - Kabbrid - Kacta - Kaidra - Kaitre - Kaitredass - Kalra - Kanamisê - Kansí - Karmazí - Karmia - Karseiman - Kartaite - Kasobi - Kasxi - Kata - Katoo - Kawab - Kawim - Kebbra - Kemodi - Kemono - Kerti - Kertiala - Keshiki - Keshivet - Kiatr - Kiatre - Kimihi - Kinetre - Klemen - Klemendo - Klementare - Koiwn - Konoui - Kopri - Koprily - Kreuya - Kreuyala - Kreuyadan - Kuru - Kwasa - Kwea - Kwei - Kwio - Kwua - Kyuniv
L - Lafire - Lafna - Lamena - Lamenala - Lamenav - Lamensle - Lament - Lamentna - Lamentza - Lanta - Lante - Laphel - Laura - Lawumu - Lecilia - Leer - Lefrâw - LEi - Leihtdala - Leihto - Leihtove - Lentdala - Lentdav - Libve - Lifetr - Lifredaz - Lifrevdaz - Lih - Liih - Limsa - Linmea - Linmi - Lio - Lioluci - Liot - Lio't - Liottala - Liumie - Liwafib - Liweu - Logo - Longe - Loty - Lowsi - Luare - Lúclesi - Luna - Luri - Luwu - Lwei - Lwu - Lwutu - LwutuEi - Lya - Lypa - Lyre - Lyubei - Lyuzi - Lyuzimi - Lyzir
Ma - Maasugu - Mabridah - Mabwib - Mafobu - Mafol - Magenu - Mahal - Mahar - Mahi - Majoa - Malá - Malwib - Mamra - Manalra - Manfem - Mangna - Manpra - Manreib - Mantem - Mantib - Mare - Marib - Masib - Mati - Matiky - Mawithyo - Mayato - Mei - Meiru - Mejoa - Memreb - Men - Mendad - Menemnu - Menham - Menreb - Meo - Meow - Merewcida - Meroisu - Message - Mewd - Mewi - Mi - Midak - Mieb - Mienu - Mier - Miere - Mieri - Mieriala - Mierida - Mierver - Miid - Mile - Milecilia - Milke - Milra - Milrib - Mina - Minamo - Minamoeiri - Minat - Minolsu - Minrib - Minute - Mipa - Mireqita - Missin - Mite - Mnici - Moiwa - Momentâne - Mon - Mone - Monnih - Monti - Mopev - Mophen - More - Moret - Mpol - Mpola - Mpolen - Mpolenver - Mrelib - Mreluy - Mriu - Mrona - Mtuy - Muhik - Muhng - Muihecika - Mul - Munreb - Murib - Mya - Myari - Myuhib - Myulant - Myun - Myuna - Myunpew
Nabru - Naebi - Nahina - Nahucew - Nahxira - Nakey - Naku - Naleli - Nalelu - Nalf - Nalra - Namere - Namini - Namnu - Nanrab - Nanrib - Nanubew - Napiyu - Narika - Narufire - Nasi - Naturale - Nebib - Nebri - Neereb - Neesu - Negebec - Neisubri - Nel - Neliwag - Nemrabe - Nemramu - Neru - Nfosca - Nia - Nibasav - Nibbie - Nibfam - Nibsilra - Niemda - Nifan - Nifei - Nifey - Nifui - Nihei - Nihxu - Niji - Nilsab - Nir - Nirmiu - Nisohib - Nisolsi - Niu - Nixi - Nixib - Nme - Nni - Nni - Nnio - Nntu - Noahe - Nobele - Noche - Nolxi - Nona - Nostalgia - Numesí
Odahib - Ohren - Olb - Olew - Oliw - Olku - Omib - On - Ondê - Ondêh - Onfeb - Onzh - Opbun - Opuo - Oreh - Orrib - Oumib - Ousu - Outtre
P - Paandz - Pabri - Paeri - Panpert - Partefwi - Pawewab - Peca - Pei - Pequeino - Pewent - Pewentda - Phantaria - Phantasia - Phantom - Pherria - Phill - Phillare - Philler - Piano - Piece - Pieces - Píuwans - Polen - Polka - Pondor - Porja - Portrait - Poutra - Ppiea - Pr - Prada - Pramaseu - Prezenc - Prezence - Prezent - Promessa - Promisce - Proxímo - Pulew - Puqt - Pyei - Pyo - Pyoi't - Pyu
Qaeu - Qalcab - Qalqz - Qalra - Qbima - Qebna - Qesee - Qeswa - Qia - Qiar - Qici - Qihie - Qilhxr - Qilhxri - Qima - Qiseh - Qiwub - Qiwuuber - Quaim - Quaphir - Quasar - Qude - Quedra - Quellda - Quellitá - Quopa - Ququ
Rabbi - Radiarala - Rainêas - Ralsi - Ramni - Ran - Ranab - Ranbey - Rartei - Rarteitoss - Ratin - Raxio - Realtiv - Reb - Rebna - Receilu - Recorda - Refleen - Refleenti - Rehib - Reicora - Reigr - Rejectio - Relinque - Renêcida - Renewm - Rennu - Rewfev - Ribri - Ribu - Rihalru - Rihi - Rilra - Rilru - Rinilyu - Rio - Risuam - Riu - Rivni - Robi - Romanti - Rosis - Rubbei - Rubriouni - Rubro - Rubse - Rulbrib - Run - Runib - Runiv - Ruvlib
Safib - Saful - Saill - Santo - Sapergi - Saseih - Savi - Sawab - Sea - Sealsei - Semibd - Senalru - Sencia - Sencial - Seravi - Serewni - Serewniala - Serewnida - Setrai - Sewa - Shibaz - Shika - Si - Sibsi - Sibsil - Sihsu - Sihulb - Sihza - Siism - Silentia - Silentiala - Silfu - Silra - Simperda - Simperdala - Since - Síncera - Singso - Síno - Sip - Sísu - So - Sobry - Socib - Soeci - Sohdi - Sohru - Sol - Solhei - Solitala - Solitu - Solituala - Somen - Sondeb - Soridaci - Sport - Stell - Sterrar - Stewar - Subbefe - Subbn - Suhban - Suiha - Sulkan - Sultah - Sulwasab - Sulwen - Sumru - Sunalsa - Suo - Suoun - Swab
Tahato - Tati - Tellanav - Tellima - Tellisa - Telx - Teria - This - Ti - Tibbo - Tighta - Tiui - Tiuy - To - To iu - Too - Topo - Tôra - Tôravi - Totinde - Trannad - Triza - Tsutoxir - Tybenala - Tybetan - Tybettan
Uatu - Ubnumesí - Ucab - Udna - Udnew - Uiatsra - Ulcan - Ulecik - Ulpacasab - Ulra - Ulruw - Ulu - Untitle - Uoweb - Upba - Upbip - Uppa - Usosib - Ut - Utaica - Utem - Utopia - Uwib
Varha - Varsoríe - Varsova - Vec - Vecke - Veizi - Veki - Velu - Venbr - Vent - Verna - Vernaren - Vernarenala - Vernarenmi - Vesnam - Vesnawe - Vetroit - Vida - Viertuu - Vilmey - Vilmsa - Vimê - Vintib - Visa - Visart - Visneri - Voi - Vouzes
Wabni - Waess - Waezuo - Wafea - Walle - Walleala - War - Way - Wazi - Wehni - Wehniala - Wei - Weini - Wemewah - Wenab - Wenariv - Wenavib - Wenib - Weu - Whusu - Wiasab - Wicek - Wifa - Wifi - Wifoar - Wifu - Wihub - Wihubet - Wil - Wilsad - Winalra - Wio - Witew - Wiu - Wolb - Wolfuul - Womoi - Woroit - Wrte - Wrteccia - Wrtei - Wrteqie - Wrva - Wuisib - Wulenia - Wulru - Wusesica - Wusu
Xab - Xacib - Xamericib - Xarih - Xarmezspíu - Xarmezspiuce - Xatr - Xentí - Xentile - Xertai - Xesta - Xirf - Xirt - Xirtariel - Xirtlwu - Xirtmi - Xirtphill - Xirtti - Xuaei - Xuart
Ya - Yacasa - Yacesid - Yacun - Yaitre - Yaitreala - Yan - Yanlypa - Yansa - Yansi - Yanyansi - Yche - Yecasid - Yodar - Yohea - Yohfir - Yolk - Yomante - Youno - Yporda - Yui - Yuitro - Yuitróut - Yujoa - Yumee - Yumi - Yuraemu - Yusib - Yusu - Yutait - Yutaitena - Yuwan - Yuzaghi
Zabterna - Zabtev - Zaeri - Zailury - Zaite - Zaitrope - Zambi - Zambid - Zarpiem - Zatro - Zequwe - Zilahi - Zin - Zincantim - Zindalcra - Zinfe - Ziniem - Zinjoearu - Zinwomoi - Zinzonru - Zipe - Ziro - Zoa - Zoetu - Zoirta - Zomru - Zufiib - Zuhri - Zuhrik - Zui
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shreeramsteelmart · 4 years
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Are you planning to build a new warehouse or a cold store that requires a strong structure and foundation? A good quality steel is all that you need! Visit Shree Ram Steel Mart and get steel with the right strength for your construction with an appropriate cost estimation. Get in touch with us today! 🔸Get a Free Cost Estimation 👈👈 #PlanningAboutWarehouse #PlanningAboutColdStore #costestimation #freecostestimation #estimation Contact us - 9871122120, 9910222120 #IndustrialSheds #WarehouseSheds #ColdStorages #SchoolCollegesBuildings #ParkingShelters #FunctionHalls #PEBaccessories #HiRib #ColourCoated #ProfileSheet #MetalDeckSheet #CurveCrimpingSheets Total Quality Solution: Design, Detailing,Fabrication & Erection #faridabad #haryana https://www.instagram.com/p/CIVL84XAaVf/?igshid=1x9bie5xj4kjj
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forcesung · 4 years
If we were given just one word of information in our entire history, how we’d treasure it! How we’d pore over every syllable, divining its meaning, arguing its importance; how we’d examine it and wring every lesson we could from it. Yet today we have trillions of words, tidal waves of information, and the smallest detail of every action our government and businesses take is easily available to us at the touch of a button. And yet … we ignore it, and learn nothing from it. One day, we’ll die of voluntary ignorance .
—Hirib Bassot, current affairs pundit, speaking on HNE’s Facing Facts —a low-audience politics show, axed shortly after this broadcast for poor ratings
—Republic Commando: Order 66, Karen Traviss
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qualr · 8 years
VIEWS4D3DEYE: Jojo Abot // Mega Kpenu Nao (Ft EA WAVE)
Recorded in Kenya, Mega Kpenu Nao meaning Let it shame you not, is a song that marks the beginning of the AFRI-NA-LADI multimedia workshop happening in Kenya (December 2015 - March,2016) Curated by Jojo Abot
The track features the sounds of Kenyan DJ/Producer collective, EAST AFRICAN WAVE. A Nairobi based musical collective Consisting of Nu fvnk , Jinku , Ukweli , Hirib∆e and Muroe with a goal to challenge existing perceptions of what African music and art is.
Keep Updated on the Residency Here : http://afrinaladi.tumblr.com/ Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/jojoabot
Sample Credit - Missy Elliot (Work It)
Directed by Jojo Abot Cinematography Jojo Abot , Ukweli Nairobi (December,2015)
Music Produced by Jojo Abot + EA WAVE
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sophialinburns · 7 years
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resistance765 · 7 years
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talkingdrumtv-blog · 7 years
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mellifluous-mood · 7 years
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shreeramsteelmart · 4 years
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Get a Free Cost Estimation #costestimation #freecostestimation #estimation Contact us - 9871122120, 9910222120 #IndustrialSheds #WarehouseSheds #ColdStorages #SchoolCollegesBuildings #ParkingShelters #FunctionHalls #PEBaccessories #HiRib #ColourCoated #ProfileSheet #MetalDeckSheet #CurveCrimpingSheets Total Quality Solution: Design, Detailing,Fabrication & Erection #faridabad #haryana https://www.instagram.com/p/CE_119jAFq6/?igshid=1luofxon7x6bs
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shreeramsteelmart · 4 years
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आप करेंगे भरोसा हम करेंगे निर्माण l आज ही संपर्क करे - 9871122120, 9910222120 👆👆 #IndustrialSheds #WarehouseSheds #ColdStorages #SchoolCollegesBuildings #ParkingShelters #FunctionHalls #PEBaccessories #HiRib #ColourCoated #ProfileSheet #MetalDeckSheet #CurveCrimpingSheets Total Quality Solution: Design, Detailing,Fabrication & Erection #faridabad #haryana Ankur Goyal Kapil Goyal (at Faridabad) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE_ns7vAntD/?igshid=xzexmnt7y282
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shreeramsteelmart · 4 years
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अब हम करेंगे आपके इंडस्ट्री बनाने के सपने को पूरा अधिक जानकारी के लिए आज ही संपर्क करे - 9871122120, 9910222120 #doyouwant #newindustry #buildnewindustry 👆👆 . #IndustrialSheds #WarehouseSheds #ColdStorages #SchoolCollegesBuildings #ParkingShelters #FunctionHalls #PEBaccessories #HiRib #ColourCoated #ProfileSheet #MetalDeckSheet #CurveCrimpingSheets Total Quality Solution: Design, Detailing,Fabrication & Erection #faridabad #haryana (at Faridabad) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE6G-y1gwrI/?igshid=46q7mdh9ftr9
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shreeramsteelmart · 4 years
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क्या आप भी करना चाहते है एक नई इंडस्ट्री का निर्माण! #doyouwant #newindustry #buildnewindustry 👆👆 . #IndustrialSheds #WarehouseSheds #ColdStorages #SchoolCollegesBuildings #ParkingShelters #FunctionHalls #PEBaccessories #HiRib #ColourCoated #ProfileSheet #MetalDeckSheet #CurveCrimpingSheets Total Quality Solution: Design, Detailing,Fabrication & Erection #faridabad #haryana (at Faridabad) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE1DgL_Acki/?igshid=fz4p2x6ktgfv
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shreeramsteelmart · 4 years
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#happyteachersday #teachersday #teachersday2020 #studentssupporter #5thseptember 🖊📕 . #IndustrialSheds #WarehouseSheds #ColdStorages #SchoolCollegesBuildings #ParkingShelters #FunctionHalls #PEBaccessories #HiRib #ColourCoated #ProfileSheet #MetalDeckSheet #CurveCrimpingSheets Total Quality Solution: Design, Detailing,Fabrication & Erection #faridabad #haryana https://www.instagram.com/p/CErMjoUAYAS/?igshid=1p56pk1ixew0f
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shreeramsteelmart · 4 years
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भरोसा आपका काम हमारा ! आज ही सम्पर्क करें - 9871122120, 9910222120 Shree Ram Steel Mart is here👈 #dontworry #workever #yourtrust #ourwork . #IndustrialSheds #WarehouseSheds #ColdStorages #SchoolCollegesBuildings #ParkingShelters #FunctionHalls #PEBaccessories #HiRib #ColourCoated #ProfileSheet #MetalDeckSheet #CurveCrimpingSheets Total Quality Solution: Design, Detailing,Fabrication & Erection #faridabad #haryana https://www.instagram.com/p/CEoJd4zArSh/?igshid=ddq4lpkcxxvz
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shreeramsteelmart · 3 years
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Shree Ram Steel mart equips you for structural steel fabricators and makes their way into the upper echelons of the industry. #factorysheds #madesheds #industrial #construction #industrialshed #strongshed #durableshed #sheets #roofsheets #BestRoofingManufacturers #Manufacturers Contact us - 9871122120, 9910222120 #IndustrialSheds #WarehouseSheds #ColdStorages #SchoolCollegesBuildings #ParkingShelters #FunctionHalls #PEBaccessories #HiRib #ColourCoated Total Quality Solution: Design, Detailing,Fabrication & Erection #faridabad #haryana Kapil Goyal Ankur Goyal https://www.instagram.com/p/CQYR7ENFmo-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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shreeramsteelmart · 3 years
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It is our responsibility to verify the quality and compliance with building Deck and site conditions. #factorysheds #madesheds #industrial #construction #industrialshed #strongshed #durableshed #sheets #roofsheets #BestRoofingManufacturers #Manufacturers Contact us - 9871122120, 9910222120 #IndustrialSheds #WarehouseSheds #ColdStorages #SchoolCollegesBuildings #ParkingShelters #FunctionHalls #PEBaccessories #HiRib #ColourCoated Total Quality Solution: Design, Detailing,Fabrication & Erection #faridabad #haryana Kapil Goyal Ankur Goyal https://www.instagram.com/p/CQdloctF9b3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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