#hiro fukui
wisteriavines · 2 years
Discontinued Writing (idk you yet)
original prompt
“Hey guys look! They still sell sugar-free gummy bears!”
“Of course they do. The company went out, er no, will go out in a few years.” 
“This is great, I love this stuff! I have to stock up!” 
“Didn't the company go out of business because they found something wrong with the ingredients of the food?” 
“...He’ll be fine.”
“...Yeah, okay. Hey, Hiro-!”
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“Oh shit, oh shit-”
“We’re gonna die-ie! Someone hold me!”
"Why did we ever think this was a good idea!?"
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“Someone please explain to me, why, exactly, we are doing this.”
“Because it’s the right thing to do and we are good people.”
“Bullshit. I saw Daichi walk past and steal a child’s ice cream once.”
“Hey, come on! That was my nephew and he was being a little shit, I was perfectly within my rights to steal his ice cream!”
“He was five and you were twenty for fucks sake.”
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“What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck-”
“It’s just a bug, what are you screaming for?”
“It’s a fucking abomination is what that is!”
“Oh come on! Charles isn’t that bad!”
“‘Charles’ is a fucking crossbreed of a spider with a cockroach!”
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“Akira, I swear on Ume’s dog’s grave, if you don’t-”
“Woah, hey, why my dog!?”
“Idiot! Ume’s dog isn’t dead yet! The mutt has no grave to swear on!”
“Oh my god! My dog isn’t dead!”
“Ume, get back here! You can see your pet later!”
“Maa, that’s kinda cruel, Yuri. Especially since I remember you crying at Sunny’s funeral.”
“When did Sunny have a funeral? And why wasn’t I invited? What the hell guys! I loved that dog too, ya know!”
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“We don’t got this, holy shit, we are way in over our heads,” Tanaka Akira, (future) roast chef, moans pitifully in his arms, hunched over the cafe table. 
Fukui Sayuri, (future) magazine manager, scowls in irritation while reaching over to smack her peer on the head. “Shut up, dammit. Your quick-to-depress attitude isn’t what we need right now.” 
“Ahaha, that’s a bit harsh, don’t you think, Yuri-chan?” Yamamoto Takeshi, (future) physical therapist for athletes, laughs awkwardly. 
Nakamura Taiyo, (future) translator, snorts in disbelief. “No, Yuri-chan is right. Getting depressed is the last thing we need to be doing.” 
“My name is Sayuri, dammit! Stop shortening it!” 
“Ano,” Ito Rin, (future) veterinarian, speaks up hesitantly. “Should we really be fighting right now?” 
“Yeah, come on guys, be serious about this,” Kimura Hana, (future) lawyer, pipes up before taking an obnoxious sip of her drink. 
Inoue Nobu, (future) math professor, looks on disapprovingly but ultimately decides not to comment, turning his attention to conversation at hand. “Why are we even meeting at such a small cafe anyway? There’s twenty of us for God’s sake.” 
And there are twenty of them. The entirety of Yūei’s (upcoming) General Education Class 1-D is clustered together in a corner, garnering more than a few stares. A few of them shift and smile sheepishly while the others either glare at or ignore their surroundings. 
“Ah, that’d be my fault,” Shimizu Isao, (future) dentist, raises a hand in embarrassment. “I forgot this place used to-, er, will be? Uhm..well I just remember it to be a large but affordable restaurant.” 
Most of them sigh, waving his unspoken apology off. It wasn’t his fault, they’re all still getting used to being more than 10 years in the past. If there’s one good thing about being in the past, it’s the fact that it’s currently the brief break before their first year at Yūei starts and after the entrance exams. Being accomplished adults doesn’t necessarily mean they remember middle/high school science, math, history, etc..
“Look,” Ikeda Satoshi, (future) radio host, sighs while waving his hand around to gather everyone’s attention. “We need to figure out what exactly we’re going to do.” 
“What’s there to figure out?” Aoki Nanami, (future) politician, argues with crossed arms. “What’s there to do? We’re fifteen again. We have to go through high school and college and job applications all over again.” 
“Exactly!” Takagi Ume, (future) accountant, cuts in. “We have to go through high school again! Do you remember what that was like?” She fixes a glare on her (past? future?) classmates, making them shift and grimace in remembrance. 
How could they honestly forget? It was the most formative three years of their life. It was the only time most of them have been so close to danger. Close villain attacks aren’t exactly forgettable, especially not the panic attacks that developed with them. 
“So, what? We transfer out of Yūei while we have the chance? Move out of the city? Country?” Ando Osamu, (future) CEO of his own company, questions harshly, bringing down a silence on the group. It wasn’t a secret that Osamu started his own company, one meant to help victims and families of victims, because he lost some family in the various public attacks on Yūei’s hero students. 
“Don’t be stupid,” Ogawa Misaki, (future) pastry chef, scoffs. “We’re fifteen now. The chances of us convincing our families to flee the country for no palpable reason is comparable to picking a single grain of flour out of a pile with an entire hand. Next to impossible.” 
“Hey, let’s calm down a little,” Ishikawa Hiro, (future) ER nurse, frowns. “Getting so worked up so soon isn’t gonna help.” Sweeping everyone with a disappointing stare, he continues after a minute. “Let’s start with the facts first, okay?” 
Hasegawa Daichi, (future) doctor, rolls his eyes at the familiar routine but leans forward to start. “Fact: we’re past Yūei’s entrance exams,” he drawls, leaning his head against his hand. “Fact: it’d be suspicious to decline an acceptance into Japan’s leading school. Especially since I remember everyone here being so excited to have attended.” 
“Fact: we’re attending Yūei,” Ishii Tomiko, (future) film director, groans in realization. She startles, looking up as someone gently removes her hand from her hair, a stress habit of hers. 
Yamaguchi Ryuji, (future) fashion designer, offers her a tired and apologetic smile. They’ve worked together during the few times he was asked to help with the clothes designs of various productions. Being classmates and working together, he recognizes when Tomiko is about to start stress-spiraling. 
Matsumoto Chizu, (future) chemical engineer, observes the interaction with a roll of her eyes. Those two have been dancing around each other for years. It was funny at first but after more than a decade? She really just wants to lock them in a closet for a couple of hours. 
“So, we’re going to be dodging villain attacks again?” Hayashi Aiko, (future) pediatrician, whines in disbelief and frustration. For living in a society where everyone experiences a villain attack at least once in their lifetime, it really isn’t something to complain about. But getting targeted for attending a specific school? That’s different. That’s being reluctant to step outside the school gates because of the fear that they’d be attacked. That’s worrying about their families for simply being related to them and sending them off to school. 
Mori Ena, (future) web designer, reaches over and comfortingly rests a hand on her shoulder. Looking at her classmates, at their defeated, resigned, bitter expressions, she straightens her back and takes a deep breath. 
“Or,” she starts, making sure everyone’s attention is on her. “We do something about it.” 
They pause, staring at her in confused anxiety. They know what she’s suggesting, they’ve all had the same line of thinking before meeting up. But, could they? They were Gen Ed students for a reason. 
“Why should we?” Hana argues, always willing to play devil’s advocate. “We aren’t heroes, or even hero hopefuls. We’re civilians despite our collective experiences and the training Yūei provided us after the threat level rose. We also aren’t exactly good people.”
“While Hana has a point, so does Ena,” Rin speaks up, shifting when everyone turns to look at her. “We’re adults, even if it's only in mind. They may have been Hero Students but they’re just kids now and we have valuable knowledge that can save them a lot of grief.”
“And who would believe us? What proof do we have?” Nanami shoots down. “Yeah, we’re adults but to the whole world, we’re also just a bunch of brats.”
“We also have no connections to get us any proof,” Osamu adds, getting a few agreeing nods in return. 
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iamapoopmuffin · 7 years
So I tend to nickname anime characters. It might be because I can’t remember their name or I’m too lazy to say their name or a lot of the time just for the hell of it and this is my list of every nickname I have ever given to an anime character. Some of these are outdated and not used any more, some characters have multiple names and I still use all of them, some are ones I started using today, couldn’t stop using and though ‘well hell, now that has to go on the list because it’s stuck’. Some are combination nicknames (for multiple characters as a group) and some are nicknames used for multiple characters separately to each other. I am happy to explain the origins of any nicknames anyone is curious about. Enjoy the stupidity that awaits you below the cut!
Also @pilotpig​ here you go! A gift of dumb nicknames!
Ed Boy (Edward Elric, Fullmetal Alchemist - You have to say it like Rolf from Ed, Edd n Eddy)
Bleach Mibuchi (Ayasegawa Yumechika, Bleach)
Archie Snape (Mibuchi Reo, Kuroko no Basket)
Satan (Karen Lilica, Fairy Tail)
Shimada-Bro (Shimada Kai, Corpse Party)
Tweedle Douchebag (Shimada Kai, Corpse Party)
Tweedle Nutcase (Kizami Yuuya, Corpse Party)
Glasses Guy (Fukuroi Masato, Corpse Party, Ryugazaki Rei, Free!)
The Dating Sim Nerds (Combination of Katayama Ryosuke and Ohkawa Tomohiro from Corpse Party)
Miniature Aomomo (Combination of Momomiya Ichigo and Aoyama Masaya from Tokyo Mew Mew)
Mura (Murasakibara Atsushi, Kuroko no Basket)
Numa (Kishinuma Yoshiki, Corpse Party)
Barry the Bae (Barry the Chopper, Fullmetal Alchemist)
Barry the Butterfly (Barry the Chopper, Fullmetal Alchemist)
Corndog (Cornello, Fullmetal Alchemist)
Princess (Barry the Chopper, Fullmetal Alchemist)
Scary Spice (Sawamura Daichi, Haikyuu)
Cinnamon (Motherglare, Fairy Tail)
Bubbles (Levia, Fairy Tail)
Phoenix McGhostrider (Atlas Flame, Fairy Tail)
Spiderweb (Scissor Runner, Fairy Tail)
Abominable Snowman (Unnamed dragon, Fairy Tail)
The Mask (Zirconis, Fairy Tail)
Strawberry Batman (Unnamed dragon, Fairy Tail)
Shig (A variety of roles voiced by Kakihara Tetsuya)
Shino (A variety of roles voiced by Kakihara Tetsuya)
Kiba (Acnologia, Fairy Tail)
Best Character (Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Haikyuu, Akimichi Choji, Naruto)
Monologuing Marshmallow (Sugawara Koshi, Haikyuu)
Anxiety Ball (Azumane Asahi, Yachi Hitoka and Yamaguchi Tadashi, Haikyuu)
Lizard Man (Nishinoya Yuu, Haikyuu)
Prehistoric Anxiety Ball (Azumane Asahi, Haikyuu)
Decoration (Shimizu Kiyoko, Haikyuu)
Yacchan (Yata Misaki, K Project, Yachi Hitoka, Haikyuu)
Flaming Red Chihuahua (Yata Misaki, K project)
Baby Wrath (Wrath (2003), Fullmetal Alchemist)
Kamamama (Kamamoto Rikio, K Project)
Yuuri (Kain Fuery, Fullmetal Alchemist)
Sashimi (Fushimi Saruhiko, K Project)
The Great Dork King (Munakata Reisi, K Project)
Creepy Twins (Combination of Minato Hayato and Minato Akito from K Project)
Rock Lee (Hayakawa Mitsuhiro, Kuroko no Basket)
Crazy Stabby-Stab Girl (Kirisaki Tohko, Corpse Party)
Crazy Stabby-Stab Guy (Kizami Yuuya, Corpse Party)
Slut King (Shimada Kai, Corpse Party)
Crazy Pants Kizami (Kizami Yuuya, Corpse Party)
Crazy Ass Kizami (Kizami Yuuya, Corpse Party)
Moto (Kamamoto Rikio, K Project, Yamamoto Mitsuki, Corpse Party, anyone else I might find with a surname ending in ‘moto’)
Nagi (Kusanagi Izumo, K Project)
The Gays™ (Any combination of Kuroko, Kagami, Takao, Hara, Mibuchi and Nebuya from Kuroko no Basket.)
Atsu (Nakajima Atsushi, Bungo Stray Dogs, Murasakibara Atsushi, Kuroko no Basket)
The Grinch (Fukui Kensuke, Kuroko no Basket)
Byakudan Bae (Any Byakudan Senior High student from Corpse Party)
Moon-Child (Tsukishima Kei, Haikyuu)
Charizard (Nishinoya Yuu, Haikyuu)
Adorableness (Yamaguchi Tadashi, Haikyuu)
Mako-chan (Hanamiya Makoto, Kuroko no Basket)
Kagz (Kageyama Tobio, Haikyuu, Kagami Taiga, Kuroko no Basket)
The Bae(s) (Any member of Kirisaki Daiichi, Kuroko no Basket)
Seri's Husband (Kusanagi Izumo, K Project)
Awashima's Husband (Kusanagi Izumo, K Project)
Satoshi (A variety of characters voiced by Shimono Hiro)
Butthole Face (Tobi, Naruto...this one was originally by my mother though. She said his mask looked like a butthole.)
Hinz (Hinata Shoyo, Haikyuu)
Imayoshi (Ichimaru Gin, Bleach)
Lieutenant Jiggletits (Awashima Seri, K Project)
Brock (Tsuchida Satoshi, Kuroko no Basket)
Dei-chan (Deidara, Naruto)
Saso-chan (Sasori, Naruto, some other characters voiced by Sakurai Takahiro or Aoyama Yutaka until I learn their actual names or come up with a new nickname)
Pretty Boy (Unnamed character, Bungo Stray Dogs)
Kazu-chan (Hara Kazuya, Takao Kazunari, Kuroko no Basket, Yanagihori Yoshikazu, Corpse Party, anyone else with 'Kazu' in their first name tbh)
Nahoebag (Saenoki Naho, Corpse Party)
Shikaboo (Nara Shikamaru, Naruto)
Temari Balls (Temari, Naruto)
Captain of the Utter Bastards (Hanamiya Makoto, Kuroko no Basket)
The Rainbow of Basketball (Another  name for the Generation of Miracles, Kuroko no Basket)
Trash King (Hanamiya Makoto, Kuroko no Basket)
Drama Nerd (Morishige Sakutaro, Corpse Party)
Bitchin’ Mermaid (Aquarius, Fairy Tail)
Mountain Dew (Dewa Masaomi, K Project)
Shark Boy (Matsuoka Rin, Free!)
Lava Girl (Matsuoka Gou, Free!, given by my friend in response to me referring to Rin as Shark Boy.)
Kuzu (Kakuzu, Naruto)
Smokey McSunglasses (Kusanagi Izumo, K Project)
The Naked Cat Lady (Neko, K Project)
Angsty McBitchface (Yamazaki Sousuke, Free!)
Yams (Yamazaki Sousuke, Free!)
Kakz (Kakuzu, Naruto)
Hidz (Hidan, Naruto)
Detective Hanamiya (Matsuda Touta, Death Note)
Sass Cake (Uchiha Sasuke, Naruto)
Plankton (Uchiha Shin, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations)
Tobito (Tobi, Naruto)
Weasel (Uchiha Itachi, Naruto)
Team Dewey (A combination of any members of Kirisaki Daiichi, Kuroko no Basket)
Fuse Dyke (Fuse Daiki, K Project, ‘Fuse’ pronounced like fuse box)
Walking BDSM (Musashi, Nanbaka)
Hand Face (Shigaraki Tomura, Boku no Hero Academia)
Potato Girl (Sasha Blouse, Attack on Titan)
Orochimama (Kubota Shigemi, Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, nickname created by suitcasesoffeathers)
Kakihara (A variety of roles played by Kakihara Tetsuya)
The Camp-Ass Bitch Brigade (A combination of Honey, Trois and Mitsuba Kiji, Nanbaka)
Mama Kiji (Mitsuba Kiji, Nanbaka)
Lurch (Youriki Daisen, Nanbaka)
Peppa Pig (Hachiman, Nanbaka)
Slagon Drayer (Any dragon slayer, Fairy Tail)
Saberbabies (Sabertooth as a whole, Fairy Tail. On rare occasions, may refer to single member as one Saberbaby)
The Kisaragi 3 (The combination of Kishinuma Yoshiki, Mochida Satoshi and Morishige Sakutaro, Corpse Party)
Prince of Dorks (Loke, Fairy Tail)
Loke 4 Ears (Loke, Fairy Tail)
Ass Boy (Loke, Fairy Tail)
Peter Pan (Karatachi Yagura, Naruto)
Lemon Bomb Guy (Kajii Motojiro, Bungo Stray Dogs)
(Team) Rescue Imps (Carla and Pantherlily, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Strip Club (Loke and Gray Fullbuster, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Always A Duo Anyway (Natsu Dragneel and Happy, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Hilarious Height Difference (Gajeel Redfox and Levy McGarden, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Get Your Drunk Ass Out Of My House (Lucy Heartfilia and Cana Alberona, Fairy Tail)
Drunk Ass (Lucy Heartfilia and Cana Alberona, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Should’a Seen It Coming (Freed Justine and Bickslow, Fairy Tail)
The Thunder Dork Tribe (The Raijinshuu as a whole, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Mystogan Fans (Doranbolt and Wendy Marvell, Fairy Tail)
(Team) People Ship It (Evergreen and Elfman Strauss, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Edolas Abridged (Lisanna Strauss and Juvia Lockser, Fairy Tail)
Brendon Urie (Urie Kuki, Tokyo Ghoul)
The Nice Guy™ (Yamazaki Hiroshi, Kuroko no Basket)
Wakamatsu (Muscular, Boku no Hero Academia)
Dead Fish Eyes (Furuhashi Kojiro, Kuroko no Basket)
Gucci Boy Taguchi (Taguchi Shougo, Corpse Party)
Taguchi-Ass Lookin’ Motherfucker (Yumasaki Walker, Durarara!!)
Kusanagi-Ass Lookin’ Motherfucker (Heiwajima Shizuo, Durarara!!)
Aubergine (Kiryuu Isana, Free!)
Katz (Katayama Ryosuke, Corpse Party)
Best Boy Fukuroi (Fukuroi Masato, Corpse Party)
Haruki Murakami (Unnamed character, Bungo Stray Dogs)
Captain Inappropriate (Unnamed character, K Project)
Yuri Plisetsky-Ass Lookin’ Motherfucker (Albert Wahlander, Free!)
The Alien (Albert Wahlander, Free!)
Baseball Haru (Furuya Satoru, Diamond no Ace)
Taima (Unnamed character, Free!)
Cannabis (Unnamed character, Free!)
Camel-Dude (Isurugi Shizuru, Free!)
Creepy Dude (Kinjou Kaede, Free!)
Scarecrow (Kinjou Kaede, Free!)
Bovril (Lovro Brovski, Assassination Classroom)
Scrub (Tatebayashi Motonari, Yowamushi Pedal)
Garfield (Bluenote Stinger, Fairy Tail)
Evil Grinning Motherfucker (Future Rogue, Fairy Tail)
Snakey Motherfucker (Ichimaru Gin, Bleach)
Toneri Byakuganfetish (Otsutsuki Toneri, Naruto)
The Dragonpuff Fairies (Natsu Dragneel, Gajeel Redfox and Wendy Marvell, Fairy Tail)
Hacchan (Hachiman, Nanbaka)
Cumgirl (Juliet Sun, Fairy Tail)
Bondagegirl (Heine Lunasea)
Dragon Kiba (Acnologia, Fairy Tail)
Dragon Fang (Acnologia, Fairy Tail)
My Lesbian Crush (Dimaria, Fairy Tail)
Pigtails (Lindel, The Ancient Magus’ Bride)
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enzuigiripuro · 6 years
Sendai Girls Results from October 2018
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- 10/14 Sendai Sun Plaza, Miyagi (15:00) (SamuraiTV 10/20) - Womens Wrestling Big Show in Sendai (1.950 Fans) * Mikoto Shindo, (W)Mio Momono  def. (L)Ami Sato, Mei Suruga - Armbar (13:50) * (W)Hikaru Shida, KAORU, Riho def. (L)Sakura Hirota, Eiger, Alex Lee - Tamashi no Three Count (10:34) * (W)DASH Chisako, Hiroyo Matsumoto def. (L)Millie Mckenzie, Rhia O’Reilly - Hormone Splash (13:13) * Sendai Girls Junior Championship : Ayame Sasamura def. Manami - Armtrap Osotogari (10:54) TITLE CHANGE!!! * (W)Meiko Satomura, Aja Kong def. (L)Mika Iwata, Hana Kimura - Death Vallet Bomb (15:14) * Sendai Girls World Championship : Chihiro Hashimoto © def. Cassandra Miyagi - Waterwheel Drop (20:02) ~ Info : Kagetsu appeared on this event today to sent a message to Satomura to prepare for war, in this case they will bring back Sendai Girls fight against Stardom this year. also Satomura Challenging Hashimoto for Sendai Single Belt on the line in Osaka on 11/17. and match has been settled!  - 10/25 Miyagi Central Service Center Open Jubilee, Miyagi (15:00) - Igarashi Shokai Halloween Festival 2018 - Day 1 (1.000 Fans) * (W)Cassandra Miyagi, Rydeen Hagane def. (L)Mei Suruga, Mika Iwata - Missle Dropkick (13:45) * (W)DASH Chisako, Chihiro Hashimoto def. (L)Heidi Katrina, Aja Kong - Cradle Pin (13:47) - 10/26 Miyagi Central Service Center Open Jubilee, Miyagi (14:30) - Igarashi Shokai Halloween Festival 2018 - Day 2 (1.000 Fans) * Mika Iwata def. Mei Suruga - Bow & Arrow (9:14) * (W)Aja Kong, Cassandra Miyagi, Heidi Katrina def. (L)DASH Chisako, Rydeen Hagane, Chihiro Hashimoto - Pinfall (11:45) - 10/28 Miyagi Central Service Center Open Jubilee, Miyagi (16:30) - Igarashi Shokai Halloween Festival 2018 - Day 3 (1.049 Fans) * (W)Mei Suruga, DASH Chisako def. (L)Manami, Ami Sato - Torture Rack (14:48) * (W)Aja Kong, Cassandra Miyagi, Heidi Katrina def. (L)Mika Iwata, Chihiro Hashimoto, Rydeen Hagane - Uraken (10:17) - 10/28 Fukui Industrial Center, Fukui (17:00) - Chihhiro Hashimoto Fukui Local Triumphant * Ryo Mizunami def. Mio Momono - Lariato () * Midget Wrestling : Pretty Ota def. Mr. Buttaman - WAR Special () * Rin Kadokura def. Mei Suruga - Boston Crab () * (W)Hikaru Shida, Yumi Ohka def. Eiger, (L)Sakura Hirota - Tamashi no Three Count () * (W)Kaoru, Alex Lee def. Rina Yamashita, (L)Hiroe Nagahama - Valkyrie Splash () * (W)Chihiro Hashimoto, Mika Iwata def. Aja Kong, (L)DASH Chisako - Albright () ~ Info : Meiko Satomura will be missed this event due receiving Invitation to appear in WWE Evolution Pay per View
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onagos · 7 years
Fairweather, How To HANDLEBAR BAG+ from fairweather on Vimeo.
Editor : Hiro Fukui Director : Keita Nakayama Producer : Naoto Ishizuka ... Narration : Brad [FREEWHEELING] freewheeling.jp Music : bensound.com
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filmkomik · 7 years
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Chihayafuru Part I / Chihayafuru Kami no Ku (2016)
Suzu Hirose as Chihaya Ayase Shūhei Nomura as Taichi Mashima Mackenyu as Arata Wataya Mone Kamishiraishi as Kanade Ōe Yūma Yamoto as Yūsei Nishida Yūki Morinaga as Tsutomu Komano Hiroya Shimizu as Akihito Sudō Mayu Matsuoka as Shinobu Wakamiya Miyuki Matsuda as Taeko Miyauchi Jun Kunimura as Harada Hideo Ryōtarō Sakaguchi as Hiro Kinashi Alice Hirose as Chitose Ayase, Chihaya's sister (cameo) Masane Tsukayama as Hajime Wataya
When Chihaya Ayase was in the 6th grade of elementary school, she met Arata Wataya. Arata Wataya transferred from Fukui Prefecture. Taichi Mashima was Chihaya Ayase’s friend since they were little. Arata got close to Chihaya and Taichi from the card game karuta.
Four years later, Chihaya is a hight school student. Chihaya learns that Arata, who went back to Fukui Prefecture, doesn't play karuta  anymore. Believing they will meet Arata again, Chihaya and Taichi starts a karuta club at their high school
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