#his brain would go ''I'll show that stupid Percy Jackson what I can do
the-ghost-king · 3 years
wait abt ur tags on my post yes percy and minos broke his trust but even after that hades still tricks him into bringing percy to him in TLO so like nico IS wary of ppl but he’s still always got this natural naïveté to him and i don’t think he realizes it. he’s wary of the wrong people and trusting of the wrong people he thinks percy is out to get him but all these manipulative old dudes are helping him somehow
Hmm, not exactly, I don’t think it’s naïveté so much as Nico is just a trusting person- he gives people the benefit of the doubt (which is good not bad, kindness and naïveté aren't the same) until they hurt him, and then his fatal flaw comes in and he holds an intense grudge.
He was confused by Percy, Percy had hurt him and “lied” to Nico, so he didn’t really know how to trust him again, or necessarily want to do so. On top of that there’s this weird thing internalized homophobia makes you do, which is push away things you like, and unrelated traumas mean you may try to save yourself from a situation by pushing people away. Nico’s constant rejection and turning away from Percy is because Nico likes Percy therefore Percy makes him happy, but all of this makes Nico feel weird- if it’s a crush like feeling, then he probably feels weird and disgusted with himself at that point, if it’s a more casual generally good feeling then he probably feels some form of “I hate him, I won’t forgive him, I can’t forgive him, he lied, I can’t trust him”- which feeds that spiral and the internalized homophobia so it all just keeps building. 
He avoids Annabeth, but he doesn’t react so harshly to her, he is slightly more giving when it comes to her... Which I think says something about his feelings towards her vs. Percy. Nonetheless though, Nico is somewhat avoidant of Annabeth as well, and generally everyone- not just Percy.
I also think sometimes people choose to align themselves with what is familiar and comfortable rather than what is right for them; we don't know Nico's past and older strict (and maybe abusive) male role models may have been his norm. I also don't think he ever went into that whole situation with Minos believing it was a great idea, but Nico was getting something out of it, and he's shown before that he can sort of weasel his way around if he thinks it's worth it. Nico was getting trained by him, and no it definitely wasn't perfect at all, but to him it was better than figuring it out himself.
With Hades Nico did go into it "naively" but who wouldn't? It's likely he hardly knew his father (Lethe) and when he knew him before Hades was probably fairly kind to him when Maria and Bianca were still around- but Nico comes to learn Hades never loved him but both of them. He was thinking "my father will help me out, it will be okay" and his father turned around and told him he loved Bianca more and that he wouldn't help him at all. Eventually Nico learns what Hades is like, and uses this to his advantage to get Hades to do things ("the gods will love/honor you if they win because of you") and they do eventually make steps to fix their relationship some. The whole situation with Hades is far from perfect, but Nico seems to have chosen to take him as he is/make amends, which is his choice in canon text. Nobody can really fault someone for choosing how they want to deal with something/someone, it's his choice.
I think there was 2 key factors in Nico not siding with Kronos, and maybe another.
The first two are his feelings for Percy, which I covered a bit above, but we constantly see Nico attempting to "please" people as an act of love (I would go to the ends of the earth for you, I would let you kill me to make you happy, etc). By siding himself with Percy, this would appeal to Percy, making him have appeal.
But a much bigger equally ever present aspect of Nico, is his want to belong. While obviously there's a chance for that in Kronos' army, there's two reasons he wouldn't take it, the above bit with Percy, and his desire to prove everyone wrong. If Nico were to have joined Kronos's army, he's proving what everyone already "knows"- children of Hades are bad. Nico doesn't want that, he shows time and time again he doesn't like being boiled down into that- he is better than that- it's a matter of convincing everyone else to see it too. (I get into this idea, albeit not perfectly, a bit more here)
The other other reason which is possible but don't have canon evidence because we don't follow Nico around enough in series, is that he could have started having some sort of memories returning from the Lethe. It's possible his amnesia was decreasing at this point, and he grew up during a war, I'm sure he was taught about it.... This could very easily have been another reason if he noticed patterns in the armies, or if he kept thinking something like "what would Mamma do?"
He has a questionable characterization, "bittersweet", and it means that he makes a lot of questionable choices but still comes out looking like a hero figure at the end. Nico's arc points just ever more so to the gods over titans because of his need to please, and his idolization/love for Percy. Nico is stubborn, and if everyone is saying he's x and he knows that's not true, he's going to want to prove them wrong. It could possibly be argued that Nico's hero arc is some form of revenge arc, "I'll show you."
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So we KNOW Percy isn't stupid. BUT Percy PRETENDING to be stupid because hnnng the new tutor is hot how does reading work again--? I'm thinking Octavercy with Tavy earning money as a tutor and Luke being his boyfriend who also knows Percy through Annabeth and when he learns PERCY is Tavy's newest student he's just cackling on the floor because Percy is actually top of his class and Annie told him Percy has a crush on his tutor
I love this idea so much! I can almost see Luke dying on the floor, laughing uncontrollably xD
Annabeth: So. Care to explain why do you need a tutor when you are top of your class?
Percy: *turns around to look at his ass in the mirror*
Percy: Don't you think this jeans does wonders to my ass?
Annabeth: Seaweed Brain...
Percy: Okay, okay. So, the new tutor may or may not look like a treat.
Annabeth: So, he has blond hair and blue eyes...
Percy: I hate you.
Annabeth: No, you don't. But at least you don't go after Luke anymore, so I guess have fun?
Percy: What can I say? The way he talks about his boyfriend, shows that nobody can compete against him for Luke's affections. I hope Octavian doesn't have a boyfriend...
Annabeth: O... Octavian?
Percy: Yes? You know something?
Annabeth, pityingly: Oh, Percy...
Annabeth: I have to go, I'm meeting with Thalia, we have some... things... to discuss.
Annabeth, teasingly: Have fun!
Octavian was usually a patient man. Well, okay, that might be an overstatement, but he could be patient, when he wanted to be. He earned his money by teaching dumb idiots to basic math, after all.
But when one of said dumb idiots wanted to have his first lesson with him just before Christmas, when he could have spent his time with his sexy boyfriend, laying in the bed, having good morning blowjobs... Well, let's just say his new student laid on a very thin ice.
Octavian was sucked out of his thoughts by the familiar sounds of Ice Ice Baby his cheeky shit of a boyfriend set up for himself blared from his cellphone.
Answering the call, the Luke's chuckling greeted him.
"Good morning, sunshine." The nickname Luke used for Octavian when he was in one of his moods, grated him, but the voice of his boyfriend calmed him down.
"Why did I accept to teach this lesson, again?" Octavian asked, his voice dry and monotone, even if he wanted to whine. He had more self-composure than that.
"Because we wanted to go to ski for a week to celebrate the end of this semester, and you only want the best of everything, so we need more money?" Luke's rhetorical question pissed him off, but it wasn't like he could deny it. He wouldn't to stay in a hostel, if they could go to an apartment with private hot tub outside for the two of them!
"Mmm," he sighed.
"Anyways, can you get the groceries after the lesson with the kid?"
"Yes, after I'm done with Perseus Jackson, I'll go-"
"Perseus Jackson?" Luke interrupted. "As in Percy Jackson?" He could almost hear the perplexed smile in Luke's voice.
"He did say in his text that he prefers Percy, yes. Not that I would use it... Do you know him?"
A wheezing sound came from the speaker, as if Luke was having a seizure, or something, but when he answered, everything seemed fine. "Yes, I do, actually," he said, but did not elaborate.
"Ugh, I hate teaching spoiled, dumb, rich kids," Octavian grumbled, as he drove towards the address shown in the GPS. Even from far away, the house looked enormous.
The wheezing sound came back, which he now recognized it as Luke's repressed cackle.
His boyfriend knew something.
"Lukas, do you want to tell me something?" He asked in a dangerous, low, growling voice, but it just made his boyfriend let out his full blown laughter.
"You... Percy... I can't," snickered Luke breathlessly.
"You are lucky that I'm here and I can't be late," Octavian grumbled, even more annoyed than before. He assumed this Perseus kid was some dumb rich crackhead who needed his grades to pass the semester, or something, but Luke was far too amused and knowing to be true.
He just had to wait to find it out.
"Have fun with your eager little student," Luke teased, and before he could answer, the call was already over.
His boyfriend would pay for this, Octavian swore.
The house was even bigger from close, with a quaint path leading up to the imposing oak front door. As he knocked on the door, it gave a loud, hollow thump. A few seconds later, the doorknob turned, allowing to open the door.
And there was Perseus Jackson, standing in the doorway, his black hair artfully tousled, green eyes cheekily gleaming, pink lips opening to greet his new tutor.
Octavian was going to kill his boyfriend.
He knew.
He fucking knew that his new student was exactly Octavian's type.
At least he was dumb, so there was no chance Octavian would be honestly tempted... Right?
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valgrace-d · 7 years
hi this is for the "send me a ship and i'll tell you" thing. can u plzzzz do percico?
i can indeed!! :Dwho is more likely to hurt the other? oh god i hate thinking about it either way but percy is more likely to hurt nico. nico is much more reserved in terms of his feelings and of course he's working on it, but he's had issues in his past which definitely haunt him.who is emotionally stronger? this is a case where i would like to say neither. they are both very emotionally damaged people and i can't imagine them being very good, but they definitely learn together how to manage their emotions and make each other strongerwho is physically stronger? oh def percy. he got them muscleess boiiiwho is more likely to break a bone? oh god probably percy. he tries hard but he will probably do it on accident doing something stupidwho knows best what to say to upset the other? ehhhh eeeee both? they've been through some shitty things together so it wouldn't be hard to find something, though they would definitely not want to upset each other of coursewho is most likely to apologise first after an argument? percy def. he wants to protect nico as much as he can and will do what he can to fix things who treats who’s wounds more often? they're both prone to injuries due to their demigod status, so i can't really say one more than the other who is in constant need of comfort? ehh i want to say nico due to his past, but really both-ish. i mean they both went through Tartarus (i mean not together, but you know), they're not going to just be magically unscathed from nightmares and ptsd. they're both going to need a lot of comfort to get through what they've gone throughwho gets more jealous? pffft nico. he's been crushin on percy for YEARS. and i mean, it's percy; he's a hunky guy. he will definitely help him not be so jealous, but he can't help but think it's really adorable and he enjoys it to a certain point. who’s most likely to walk out on the other? ...nico. he has major insecurities and it's likely he just wouldn't return when he said it would do to them, unfortunately. who will propose? PERCY. he gonna put a rock on that boy's fingerwho has the most difficult parents? is there really a question here? their dads both SUCK. i mean they try as much as they can for shitty godly parents, but they do have great moms. we all know the amazing sally jackson, but we really didn't get to learn about mama di angelo :( but it sounds like she was a really lovely lady. so it evens out really. who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? ehh i wanna say percy. he wants to show off his cute bfwho comes up for the other all the time? mm i'm not entirely understanding this one, but i'm thinking nico? who hogs the blankets? NICO THAT COLD CHILD PLEASE KEEP HIM WARMwho gets more sad? probs nico. i don't need to add more to this one. who is better at cheering the other up? they're both really good at cheering each other up, but probably percy. he really puts aside his own feelings to help nico feel betterwho’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes? nico he's sick of percy's fucking shit fiebdufbrhd (he really loves it secretly) who is more streetwise? mm both? maybe nico more? percy grew up in new york and was branded a trouble kid so of course he knows some, but he also had his mom to help him out whereas nico didn't really have anyone after bianca died and he didn't like to hang around camp for long. who is more wise? nico. percy's seaweed brain for a reason pfffwho’s the shyest? nico the little beanwho boasts about the other more? percy is so proud of his bf he will shout it to everyone "i loVE NICO DI ANGELO" "WE ALREADY KNOW PERCY SHUT THE FUCK UP"who sits on who’s lap? percy pulls nico into his lap constantly he loves it so much
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