takaraphoenix · 1 year
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“you're the only thing that matters” & Octavian/Percy? <3
He watched as the bloody entrails of the white dove formed the sign on the altar. Plushies were good - but nothing could be better than the still warm insides of an animal, carved out while its heart was still beating.
Still, the sign only told him what he already knew.
He glanced up, his doe-eyed hero was looking at him with concern in his pretty eyes. Octavian smirked.
"You are the only thing that matters," he stated, and Percy crumbled. The shiny hero was too loyal to beings that didn't deserve it.
But it was okay… Octavian would teach him.
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naiad-princess · 4 years
Octavian, after being redeemed by our roleplay: /crying/ I-I love you all-
His friends: AYYEEE, MY BOY TAVY-
Octavian: Yes?
Octavian: Wait-
Annabeth: Welcome to the land of fangirls.
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dtheshadows · 9 years
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This was too much fun xD thanks gay thoughts
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Submit your PJatO shipping headcanons for any pairing!
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takaraphoenix · 5 months
You've written fics of Octavian getting an apprentice that he becomes a father figure to, sometimes with Percy as his significant other. Have you thought of writing a fic where Percy gets to meet a person from Octavian's past, the former augur and the one who looked after Octavian when he first arrived in camp Jupiter? They could have s parental bond as well, since in your fics Octavian's parents suck.
Mh, that's a very interesting question, actually. While I've never put full thought into Octavian's mentor, in the back of my mind I suppose I always pictured him dead by the time the books roll around, that's why Octavian - so young himself still - is already augur. Because I am just generally against the idea that all these important rolls are naturally filled by children, in a city that does have adults.
So Octavian becoming augur was something that happened out of necessity when his mentor passed away. But I do think that he was a great influence on Octavian, and a parental one too in a way, considering that yeah, Tavy's family suuucks in my interpretation.
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So we KNOW Percy isn't stupid. BUT Percy PRETENDING to be stupid because hnnng the new tutor is hot how does reading work again--? I'm thinking Octavercy with Tavy earning money as a tutor and Luke being his boyfriend who also knows Percy through Annabeth and when he learns PERCY is Tavy's newest student he's just cackling on the floor because Percy is actually top of his class and Annie told him Percy has a crush on his tutor
I love this idea so much! I can almost see Luke dying on the floor, laughing uncontrollably xD
Annabeth: So. Care to explain why do you need a tutor when you are top of your class?
Percy: *turns around to look at his ass in the mirror*
Percy: Don't you think this jeans does wonders to my ass?
Annabeth: Seaweed Brain...
Percy: Okay, okay. So, the new tutor may or may not look like a treat.
Annabeth: So, he has blond hair and blue eyes...
Percy: I hate you.
Annabeth: No, you don't. But at least you don't go after Luke anymore, so I guess have fun?
Percy: What can I say? The way he talks about his boyfriend, shows that nobody can compete against him for Luke's affections. I hope Octavian doesn't have a boyfriend...
Annabeth: O... Octavian?
Percy: Yes? You know something?
Annabeth, pityingly: Oh, Percy...
Annabeth: I have to go, I'm meeting with Thalia, we have some... things... to discuss.
Annabeth, teasingly: Have fun!
Octavian was usually a patient man. Well, okay, that might be an overstatement, but he could be patient, when he wanted to be. He earned his money by teaching dumb idiots to basic math, after all.
But when one of said dumb idiots wanted to have his first lesson with him just before Christmas, when he could have spent his time with his sexy boyfriend, laying in the bed, having good morning blowjobs... Well, let's just say his new student laid on a very thin ice.
Octavian was sucked out of his thoughts by the familiar sounds of Ice Ice Baby his cheeky shit of a boyfriend set up for himself blared from his cellphone.
Answering the call, the Luke's chuckling greeted him.
"Good morning, sunshine." The nickname Luke used for Octavian when he was in one of his moods, grated him, but the voice of his boyfriend calmed him down.
"Why did I accept to teach this lesson, again?" Octavian asked, his voice dry and monotone, even if he wanted to whine. He had more self-composure than that.
"Because we wanted to go to ski for a week to celebrate the end of this semester, and you only want the best of everything, so we need more money?" Luke's rhetorical question pissed him off, but it wasn't like he could deny it. He wouldn't to stay in a hostel, if they could go to an apartment with private hot tub outside for the two of them!
"Mmm," he sighed.
"Anyways, can you get the groceries after the lesson with the kid?"
"Yes, after I'm done with Perseus Jackson, I'll go-"
"Perseus Jackson?" Luke interrupted. "As in Percy Jackson?" He could almost hear the perplexed smile in Luke's voice.
"He did say in his text that he prefers Percy, yes. Not that I would use it... Do you know him?"
A wheezing sound came from the speaker, as if Luke was having a seizure, or something, but when he answered, everything seemed fine. "Yes, I do, actually," he said, but did not elaborate.
"Ugh, I hate teaching spoiled, dumb, rich kids," Octavian grumbled, as he drove towards the address shown in the GPS. Even from far away, the house looked enormous.
The wheezing sound came back, which he now recognized it as Luke's repressed cackle.
His boyfriend knew something.
"Lukas, do you want to tell me something?" He asked in a dangerous, low, growling voice, but it just made his boyfriend let out his full blown laughter.
"You... Percy... I can't," snickered Luke breathlessly.
"You are lucky that I'm here and I can't be late," Octavian grumbled, even more annoyed than before. He assumed this Perseus kid was some dumb rich crackhead who needed his grades to pass the semester, or something, but Luke was far too amused and knowing to be true.
He just had to wait to find it out.
"Have fun with your eager little student," Luke teased, and before he could answer, the call was already over.
His boyfriend would pay for this, Octavian swore.
The house was even bigger from close, with a quaint path leading up to the imposing oak front door. As he knocked on the door, it gave a loud, hollow thump. A few seconds later, the doorknob turned, allowing to open the door.
And there was Perseus Jackson, standing in the doorway, his black hair artfully tousled, green eyes cheekily gleaming, pink lips opening to greet his new tutor.
Octavian was going to kill his boyfriend.
He knew.
He fucking knew that his new student was exactly Octavian's type.
At least he was dumb, so there was no chance Octavian would be honestly tempted... Right?
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“…well, there are worse ways my Christmas could’ve ended.” for Tavy/Luke/Percy??? ^-^
"Well, there are worse ways my Christmas could have ended," Luke said contently, as he laid back on the couch, sitting between his boyfriend, and the guy they had been pursuing since the beginning of the semester.
"You mean that bumping into a group of homophobe idiots and kicking their asses, then being almost arrested is not the worse it could have ended?" Percy asked sarcastically. He looked so cute with his hair tousled, sweat shimmering on his forehead, nothing like the perfect student he portrayed himself.
Luke wanted him so much, and looking at his boyfriend, he was just as enamored with their little cutie as he was.
"Well, no, because this way we have you with us," Luke shrugged.
"And we could see you being a fucking badass, which was fucking hot," Octavian added.
Well, Luke thought, so much for taking their time, and letting Percy take the first step. Even through it was clear Percy was hesitant to do that, probably because he didn't want to step into an already existing relationship. Ah, well. Maybe it can only go up from there, at least now they will know for once and all where they stood.
Percy's smile turned sharp, a heated, hungry look entering his eyes, and Luke feels his mouth water at the sight of it. Octavian's fingers dug into his tights, showing that his boyfriend was just as affected as he was.
Of course, he was. Perseus Jackson was a fucking temptation.
"So that's what really does it for you guys? Me kicking people's ass," he said with a sharp smile. Luke looked at Tavy, feeling like he was missing something.
"Not exactly know-," Octavian started, but Percy interrupted.
"That's only happening when there's no other solution. I can and will fight someone if I have to, but if I can, I will diffuse the situation differently. I'm not one for violence!" Percy's voice was strong, his eyes hard, telling a grim tale without saying anything else.
Luke sighed, and shook his head.
"It's not about you being a badass, fighting with people, running from the police. It's you being a fucking hero."
Percy's hard look faltered a little. "What?"
Octavian took his hand into his over Luke's lap, while Luke pressed their tights together more deliberately.
"I don't know if you have ever noticed, but you are somebody people are not afraid to go if they have a problem. I've seen you help out a young women by pretending to be her boyfriend when she was harassed by a guy. Young children literally flock around you to hear you telling stories and help them with their home problems. Your classmates ask you for help when they don't understand something! Older people go to you to talk, because you look trustworthy. You are an everyday hero, and seeing you kicking ass just solidified this!" At the end of this rant, Luke felt breathless, but he needed to say these. It was not because violence was a turn on for them, it was because Percy was a turn on for them!
"It's hot. You are hot. You are warm and open, genuine, and fucking amazing. You are a capable young man, yet you always allow us to help you when you need it, allow us to pamper you and spoil you," Octavian added.
Percy stared at them in amazement, his face burning up in surprise and embarrassment, eyes darting down to Luke's mouth when he licked his dry lips.
"Tonight was the same. You could have taken care of the assholes, and yes, you were fucking hot, but you trusted us to help you out. You didn't try to solve your problem alone, you allowed us to help. And we..." Luke trailed off, but Octavian continued it without missing a beat.
"...we love when you lean on us. We love you," he said, his infatuation with Percy clear in his voice as he, after months of suffering, finally confessed their feelings to the pretty little hero.
"You guys," Percy whispered, awed. The look in his eyes was heated, full of unsaid emotions. Suddenly, he pulled himself in a kneeling position, crawling over Luke's body, hands curling into both of the older guys' shirts, and pressed his mouth on Luke's.
It took more time than Luke was comfortable with to realize that he was finally kissing Percy Jackson, but when Percy's hand found its way to his hair to move his head into a more comfortable position, he quickly got on the program.
With Octavian in tow, who yanked the two of them into a three-way kiss that shouldn't have been as hot as it was, especially after Percy made an approving little sound.
Luke was right; that Christmas could have ended way worse than feeling Percy Jackson gasping against their mouths, being all relaxed and comfortable.
Merry Christmas, indeed.
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takaraphoenix · 4 years
For the Ask Game: Poseidon/Percy, Minotaur/Percy and Octavian/Percy.
Thanks for playing! ^^
The ship is my: something, alright. I dunno what, but it is my something. I have a very conflicted relationship with this ship! Because I’m a complicated person! ;D
I consider this ship’s feelings: Mutual Love | Mutual Liking |  Mixed | Strange | Awkward | Enemies | Rivals | Acquaintances | Platonic | Best Friends |  Bromance |   Sibling-like | Familiar | One-sided | They  don’t really like each other | They hate/dislike each other
I’d consider the relationship:  Soulmates | A Good Match | Healthy | More on the Romantic Side | More on the Sexual Side | Awkward | Abusive | Toxic | Unbalanced/Bad Match | Doesn’t work properly | They’d never get together |
Children: No | Yes | They’d think about it
General Opinion: I’ve been very big on this ship once upon a time and I still occasionally ship it, but I have to be in a very peculiar mood for it and overall I prefer to ship Percy with Neptune - with just how much Riordan distinguishes between the Greek and Roman aspects, the separation of Poseidon and Neptune works rather well for me. I think considering the source material we’re working with here, the ship is pretty on brand, but I honestly... I don’t like Poseidon too much in the Riordanverse, hence the me prefering Neptune for shipping purposes? Poseidon’s mostly the... absent dad in the Hawaiian shirt. Neptune is the badass sea deity.
The ship is my: guilty pleasure! ;)
I consider this ship’s feelings: Mutual Love | Mutual Liking |  Mixed | Strange | Awkward | Enemies | Rivals | Acquaintances | Platonic | Best Friends |  Bromance |   Sibling-like | Familiar | One-sided | They  don’t really like each other | They hate/dislike each other
I’d consider the relationship:  Soulmates | A Good Match | Healthy | More on the Romantic Side | More on the Sexual Side | Awkward | Abusive | Toxic | Unbalanced/Bad Match | Doesn’t work properly | They’d never get together |
Children: No | Yes | They’d think about it
General Opinion: One of the fics I didn’t want to post when I wrote it and, to this day, the oneshot with the most feedback. And I’m talking positive feedback here. I mean, monsterfuckery is fun and I genuinely find Asterion to be an interesting figure - yes, I prefer to call him by his name instead of Minotaur, it’s so degrading. I don’t know, his myth is fascinating and so tragic, I really love giving him a spin. He’s half human; why should he be a mindless beast?
The ship is my: one of my OTPs in this fandom! I looove them so much! *^*
I consider this ship’s feelings: Mutual Love | Mutual Liking |  Mixed | Strange | Awkward | Enemies | Rivals | Acquaintances | Platonic | Best Friends |  Bromance |   Sibling-like | Familiar | One-sided | They  don’t really like each other | They hate/dislike each other
I’d consider the relationship:  Soulmates | A Good Match | Healthy | More on the Romantic Side | More on the Sexual Side | Awkward | Abusive | Toxic | Unbalanced/Bad Match | Doesn’t work properly | They’d never get together |
Children: No | Yes | They’d think about it
General Opinion: One day, I got really hung up on the Roman perspective of the second war and that way, I got really attached to Octavian and somehow this ship really grew on me. I love them. Enemies to lovers. They start out with biting and scratching and then slowly soften up for each other. Also, they always end up raising the next augur together.
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takaraphoenix · 4 years
Because this is gonna be fun for you (be spiteful my favorite German!) Send Me A Ship: Octavian/Percy
*laughs* Thank you xD
Who said “I love you” first: Oh please. Percy. Like that emotinally constipated Roman would say it first *huffs amused*
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: Octavian. But he denies it ;)
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: Percy! Mostly silly, funny things. Sometimes, Octavian corrects his grammar/spelling errors :D
Who buys the other cheesy gifts: Percy! He loves teasing Tavy like that!
Who initiated the first kiss: Also Percy. It started out sweet, but Octavian quickly turned it more heated ;)
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: Neither. Their schedules are relatively different and whoever gets up first usually just lets the other sleep. Sometimes, that’s Percy who goes on an early run, other times it’s Octavian who has a senate meeting
Who starts tickle fights: Percy sometimes tries, to make Octavian laugh. Occasionally, it works
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: Percy likes to sneak into Octavian’s showers and Octavian would be a fool to deny that!
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: Definitely Percy, making sure the augur eats
Who was nervous and shy on the first date: Octavian was nervous, Percy was shy
Who kills/takes out the spiders: Percy takes them out, because Octavian finds them “distasteful”
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: Octavian doesn’t proclaim it loudly, but he does soften up when he’s drunk
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takaraphoenix · 4 years
Dear Anonymous Shithead,
person:lol no more Octavian and Percy. That's just weird. no offense 
...please do explain how that’s not meant offensively? I absolutely take offense in people thinking they are entitled to dictate how I spent my time and energy and think I owe them to only write ships and fics that are tailored to their taste, instead of mine. I take full offense to that?
You decided to go on fanfiction.net, you scrolled down all the way to September 2019, you saw a fanfiction marked as [Percy J., Octavian] in the characters, clearly indicating that it is a romantic ship, a fanfiction that includes “Octavian/Percy slash” in the summary -- and yet you decided to click it anyway.
One of the 30 fics that feature Octavian/Percy (out of all of the 888 fanfiction I wrote), instead of quite literally just reading any of the 512 other Percy Jackson and the Olympians fanfictions that I have, with all of the many, many, many different ships.
I wrote so many different ships for this fandom that 30 whole Octavercy fics barely make up 5% of my PJO works.
And instead of enjoying the other 95%, or quite frankly just going to a different author, you decided that it should be in your powers to dictate what I write and that I should listen to you, a rude stranger on the internet, and drop that rarepair because it isn’t after your taste?
I have zero patience for this clownery.
You don’t like a ship? Don’t actively seek it out - I mean seriously, Octavercy stories from 2019 are not the very first thing that pops up in the PJO section. You’re free to just go and look for a different ship!
And okay, so maybe the summer heat is making me more aggressive, or it’s the fact that you, quite literally, decided to pick on my third favorite ship in this fandom, but like... what the fuck is wrong with you, why do you think you get to dictate what other people write or enjoy? Get the fuck outta here.
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takaraphoenix · 4 years
For your ship asks game, Octavian/Percy or Jason/Percy? ^^
Thanks for playing! And why not both? ;D
Actually both of those are a 2 (I love this ship! Actively ship it!) - and really the closest to my number 1 I have among my 2 ships! Definite favorites. *^*
send me a ship and I’ll rate it on a scale from 1 to 7!
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takaraphoenix · 4 years
For the ask game, Octavian/Percy? :)
Someone beat you to that one! ;)
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
What about Ethan/Percy and Octavian/Percy for the Halloween ask?
Thanks for playing! ^-^
Which one is more fond of scary movies: Percy, mostly to annoy the living hell out of Octavian. Octavian… endures. He finds them shallow and uninteresting, however Percy manages to make them… worth the while
Which one gets the most excited about Halloween: Percy! He uses the kitten-eyes to make Octavian throw a Halloween party at the Simmons-mansion! Tavy isn’t willing, however he knows the reward he will get will be well worth it ;D
Which one would be more likely to survive the apocalypse: …sooo canonically, that’d only be one of them, huh? :D”““
Which one would literally kill for the other: Oh, definitely Octavian, yeah. He’d stab a bitch if said bitch wronged his Perseus
Which one likes to scare or startle the other: Percy learned not to, because… uh… Octavian always carries a knife and if startled, he will wield it??
Which one is more likely to need comforting when they get spooked: Percy. Octavian has… a lot to learn there. He is not an expert comforter…
Which one always puts on a brave face: Both of them, but in different ways? For Octavian, the uncaring asshole act keeps him going.
Which one would be more dangerous if they suddenly became violent: I mean, Percy. Octavian is dangerous with a knife, but Percy? He is pure, raw power
Which one would be more likely to commit a crime: Most definitely Octavian and the crime’s probably murder :D”
Which one believes in ghosts: Both know those are real
Which one likes to watch spooky show on television: Percy, mostly to annoy Octavian but also because he thinks they’re funny. Nothing in the mortal world can still scare him after the shit he’s seen…
Which one would propose the idea of holding a seance: Percy, however at one point Octavian does draw a line…
Which one has nightmares more often: Oh that’s Percy, yeah. Again, Octavian gets to hone his comforting skills there
Which one would want to explore a real haunted house: Percy thinks it’d be a cute date. Octavian finds it less cute.
Scary OTP Meme
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
Hey guys! Can you help me make a decision? I’d like to write a non-Nicercy PJO fic again for a change but, you know me I suck at making decisions.
So, would you like a vote on the matter? Then leave a comment on this post, or a note in the reblog of it, or send me an ask with your vote, or a private message with it, anything just tell me if you’d really love to read one of the following ships again for a change!
...all of the above in like one giant “Percy gets all the hot blondes” fest??
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
Choose between, sebjace and pertavian?
Thanks for asking! ^-^
Aaah. This is mean. But also a very good comparison.
Honestly, Octavian and Jonastian (…I have developed a problem with this character at this point because Will and Luke play him so differently that you can very well talk about Sebastian and Jonathan as two separate characters at this point and that makes it complicated since technically they are supposed to be one and the same character so I feel as if when I say Sebastian I only mean Will’s portrayal vs when I say Jonathan I only mean Luke’s portrayal) are somewhat similar characters.
I could also totally see blonde!Luke Baines playing Octavian, fyi. Like, he would be a dream cast for me.
But… the ships. One contains a Jace and, as we established, that means a lot. But Octavercy is like… it’s top-notch. It’s, after Nico, my favorite Percy-ship. So like, the high rank this gets in its own fandom does outweight SebJace because that doesn’t rank as high in its own fandom, coupled with the many more years I have spent invested in Octavery compared to the still rather new concept of SebJace - which is a good concept, but it’s still newish, to me.
So, Octavercy’s gotta be the winner of this one.
Make Me Choose
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