#his hairs super long and i dont think that matches the time period considering he still looks youngish
linzumi · 2 years
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silly advisors with their silly questions
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zip-toonz · 7 years
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Posting this again but with all the info I currently have (Set Up as close to the DanganRonpa Wiki As Possible (minor edits and no japanese as i'm not a native speaker and know minimal words) @official-kodaka What do you think 
Edit: Edited this to say science/pet sitter since I had an encounter where she was called invalid for not having her title be a school subject so she uses both depending on who is calling her. at times its Li’l ultimate science and at others  its li’l ultimate (class) pet sitter 
The inbetween for this (since some thin it has to be school related and others do not is lil ultimate class pet sitter. since some schools have class pets that are taken home over the weekend and watched by a student)
what i mean by science is mainly the Biology aspect of it and by pet sitter i mean class pet sitter mainly but she also deals with pet care business as a whole
Quote- Bork! Animal Abuse Is A Big No No And Adults Who Think Its Okay Deserve To Be Hit By A Car! Bork Bork!! ` Fanganronpa Another Episode
Sugimura Yamazaki Is a character featured in Fanganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls
Sugimura is one of the Six members of the Warriors of Hope, in charge of the “Pet Master Class”. She has the title of li’l ultimate Science/pet sitter (Super Elementary School level Class Science/pet sitter).
Sugimura has a robot called “Beast Robot Hell Hound Fenrir”, with special attacks such as Slash Attack Punishment (Physical Attack) and Hell Hound Howl (Indirect attack that Involves Fire being expelled through the mouth of the robot). 
Sugimura Is executed by Monokuma Kids after she lost her fight against Komaru Naegi and Toko Fukawa in chapter 3 (shifting Kotoko’s & Nagisa’s Fights back), but somehow survived and was seen with the other Warriors of hope members at the end of the game. 
Sugimura is an elementary school-aged girl. She has Long purple hair pulled into bun pigtails similar to a character from a magical girl anime and darker purple eyes with paw prints acting as irises. she wears a silver unbranded paw print hair clip since their is no confirmed “pet master emblem”.  (she considers the pawprints the emblem in themselves) 
she wears a pleated black skirt with matching black suspenders which have silver paw print clasps and a black cat hoodie similarly attached with round silver clasp. As well as a white long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled and a black choker that resembles a color with a silver dog tag engraved with a heart. she wraps her left arm with a bandage to cover the scars of an animal scratches. she completes her look with black calf high boots and white knee highs. The silver Warriors of Hope badge is located on her brush bag attached to a right side belt loop on her skirt. 
Sugimura is a mild manner girl who love all animals. she collects stuffed toys that resemble her favorite animal bears as well as any others she can get her hands on. she has a thing for Organization and tidiness especially when it comes to ones physical appearance specifically hair or fur. Thus she always carries combs and brushes 
Sugimura has a “furry” or “animal” like speech pattern as she often starts sentences with an animal like noise  such as “bork” or “mew” and ending them with “bork” or “grr/hiss” depending on the context of the sentence. 
Sugimura Is Cheerful, Well mannered, meek at points, and is probably the most childish of group. She has a caring personality most likely due to her title and is the kindest to Jataro out of the six. she however doesn't get along well with Nagisa due to his harsh reactions hes has with kurokuma. Like the others she tries to stay on Monaca’s good side and often brings her small tokens of their friendship when ever she has something to offer.
Sugimura loved taking care of animals and would take in any stray she found for as long as possible. Now that most animals are absent shes taken on the job of caring for kurokuma constantly brushing his fur when the opportunity arises. she also uses a damp towel or rag to “wash” his fur fearing a full plunge in water will short circuit him. A lot of her behaviors are just habits created during her time as an animal care taker especially animals that need regular grooming or bathing. Her “animal” like behavior is also a habit created during her time caring for animals as she thought they could understand her if she responded with their “native tongue”  and has never developed the habit. She Enjoyed science especially biology and excelled in the subject giving her a dual title.
Sugimura is one of the stronger members of the group as she’s grown use to picking up larger and heavier animals and fighting against them to get them into a tub. she is capable of picking up Kotoko, Nagisa and Jataro but has a more difficulty with picking up masaru. She helps with heavy lifting Gladly but some things are impossible with just her and masaru. “ Its a team effort!” ~ sugimura
Due to trauma caused by parental abandonment, Sugimura has a Strong fear of abandonment by adult figures and has an occasional  trigger for people leaving for long periods of time and any thought of being abandoned by another being.But its nothing compared to Kotoko’s “gentle” Trigger. Supposingly because of junko’s influence she wants to make adults exclusively the ones she considers  Demons experience what she had by killing their loved ones isolating them and making them feel alone and forgotten.  she is bitter and untrusting of adults fearing that they’ll abandon her too if she happens to get to close.
Skills and abilities 
Li’l Ultimate Pet Sitter 
Sugimura was an extremely talented child Scientist/pet care specialist who grew popular though her knowledge on even the most exotic of animals. shes cares for all animals exceptionally. during her introduction she is shown caring for a group of animals cheerfully. 
Prior to tragedy 
Sugimura was born and raised in Towa city. she was a Science/animal care prodigy who’s talent shone after she showed advanced knowledge of a wide variety of animals on a zoo trip. Her mother was a Teacher and her father a lawyer. 
when she was about 10 her parents left her under the care of her grandparents who later passed causing her to be admitted into an orphanage. Her parents never returned for her but were never confirmed dead or alive. she felt abandoned Thus loathed and lost hope in them returning. despite her talent her parents grew to believe she was a burden. Holding them back in a way and left her under someone else's care so they could pursue greater career opportunities. she didn't mind at first as her grandmother was someone she loved dearly and she believed her parent would return but after her passing she began to grow bitter with her only joy coming from science books/caring for animals. due to the experience she developed athazagoraphobia as a result. 
Sugimura didn’t want to ever be abandoned again so she distanced herself from adults and even certain groups of children. she wished her parents would come back for a small amount of time before giving up hope entirely. The Fear made it hard for her to be adopted by another family
Sugimura was also part of Hope’s peak Elementary school  and was put in the class of troublemakers alongside Monaca Towa, Nagisa Shingetsu, Jataro Kemuri, and Masaru Diamon. 
Although Sugimura was on the verge of committing suicide along with the others, Junko enoshima appeared and convinced the children the adults were wrong and that they should create a paradise for children. shortly afterwards she tracked and murdered her parents. she reveals that she would never regret it and that they should have stayed if they wanted to live. 
(Skipping in game actions for now)
Main article: Punishment Of The Master
Kurokuma was Sugimura’s advisor. Unlike the others she adored him finding his jokes funny and his company pleasing. She argued that they should keep him as he kept her company when the others were gone and gave her something to care for. Kurokuma enjoys that someone likes him and find him entertaining. 
Monaca Towa.
Sugimura always feared monaca and always tried to stay on her good side. she sensed that their was great power in monaca and despite her fear she trusted that monaca could make their paradise a reality
Jataro Kemuri 
Sugimura pitied Jataro and wished he let her get closer to him. However she understands his boundaries as she has her own too. she cared about Jataro when the others did not and seemed to be distressed by his death
Masaru Daimon 
She was really attached to Masaru considering him a great leader albeit a little whiny at times. They got along quite well and she admired his strength and agility calling him “A Cheetah!”. she was affected the most by his death and genuinely weeped at his funeral. 
Nagisa Shingetsu.
She had the worst relation with Nagisa having a distaste for his strict nature and cruel nature towards kurokuma (whom she adored). she would rather spend a year with monaca than an hour with Nagisa. she never picked up on his crush for monaca claiming he was incapable of loving something. She was bitter towards him considering him to be more like an adult than even Komaru at times
Ultimate Despair 
Junko Enoshima 
Sugimura, like the other four, have a special respect and love for Junko. She stopped their joint suicide by means of jumping off the elementary school’s roof and convinced them to not only kill the source of their despair, their parents, but to create a paradise for children by murdering all adults
(and thats it for now hope you dont mind all the reading )
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hrk297 · 6 years
Jack Harlow Concert Recap
I’ve been pretty uninspired and overwhelmed the past few weeks and my constant input has definitely been affected because of it. I actually typed out a whole music review including albums by Anderson .Paak, Jaden Smith, and Lido but it unfortunately it got deleted before saving it as a draft/posting it. I tried to rewrite it but it sounded less passionate and more like I was trying to regurgitate what I had written originally- so I scraped it. 
I figured to catch me up on my weekly input I’d write a little review/recap of the last 2 concerts I attended which happen to align with the missing weeks of input. 
August, 2018: My best friend picked me up one day in August and played the song PICKYOURPHONEUP by Jack Harlow. I didn’t think much of it until it played again. And then again. I asked her “so, we’re just gonna keep listening to the same song huh?” because typically when this happens it just means she forgot to put her phone on shuffle. She remained unwavering as she said, “yeah”, in response before adding: “I love this song”. She played another song off his Loose album after that fourth play of PICKYOURPHONEUP and I immediately realized this kid was special. I got home and listened to almost nothing but his projects for the next 3 weeks. 3 weeks is a long time to listen to an artist without getting sick of their sound, at least for me. 
October 20, 2018: A couple weeks into October, Harlow posted a picture on instagram featuring his Loose Tour dates. I screenshotted it and sent it to my best friend and we spent the next 20 minutes deciding if I should go to Boston or if she should come to New York based on what days worked for us. Ultimately, we ended up getting tickets for his NY show on the 21st of November. The next month was filled with anticipation as we’d constantly share his posts with each other and talk endlessly about our personal desired set lists. I even ended up tweeting at him telling him we’d dress up as stewardesses as a reference to his lyric, “I got a crush on a stewardess, her outfit got something to do with it.” Now, my best friend and i have been to many concerts together, typically for more well established artists who have stronger fanbases so I think part of what was so thrilling about seeing him was that it meant we were catching a star before the hype. 
November 20, 2018: I had a Computer science exam at 12:30pm that I absolutely failed. I think I walked out of the room with a solid 14/100. Michelle (my best friend) had a 12 hour long period of interviews for her professional years. She hops on the 8pm bus from Boston to New York and arrives home around 2am as I fall asleep while decompressing from my headache of an exam. I know we are both still super excited for the day ahead of us despite the overwhelming days we just had.  
November 21, 2018: My alarm goes off at 9:30am. I consider hitting snooze and falling back asleep like i do every day of the week but I cant, this morning i actually have the drive to get up. I havent seen Michelle or been to a concert/show in over a month. So I get up, realize I dont know what to wear and facetime her. The next 40 minutes is spent cracking jokes about what we’re going to say to make him fall in love with us. We plan to leave our suburban town at 12:30 in hopes of being at the venue by 2pm. Doors open at 6:30pm. We’re a bit dramatic. We reach the venue and are the only ones in sight for the show, we realize its way too cold to stand outside for 4 more hours so we go to starbucks, insomnia cookies, marshalls (3 times, it was warm), and a couple other random stores before finally deciding to head back to the venue around 4:30. around 5, we see his sprinter van and a few members of his team are moving boxes of merch into the venue. We patiently wait, speaking softly while asking each other if we think he’s also in the van. Finally, after what feels like a half hour, we see a tall white boy with curly hair walk out of the van. We expect him to at the very least stop and greet us, but he walks straight into the venue, offering a weak, “sup y’all” with a hint of his Kentucky accent. We wait for the door to shut before looking at each other in shock. That was not the energy we expected out of an up and coming rapper. Its evident we’re both a bit discouraged and as we linger in the dissatisfying encounter, we see him and his best friend walking out again, not offering a single word this time. The next fans to join the line arrived around 5:30pm, they were a couple who immediately started a conversation with us despite their slightly standoffish demeanor. They tell us that they saw him live over the summer at a festival and after his set and they got the chance to speak to him. They said he was super sweet which restored some faith within us again. Maybe the Kentucky boy just really cant stand the cold and wanted to rush into the venue. 30 minutes prior to doors, Harlow and his friend come back, this time he has a girl under his arm who is not his girlfriend, the line which has accumulated has a moment of silence as they walk in. Once the clock finally hits 6:30, it begins to snow a little and the line passes comments about how annoyed we are that we arent being let in yet. His younger brother and a couple of his friends show up outside the venue and are immediately let in by his best friend. At this point, the overall experience is at a 6/10, max. Between the cold weather and energy we received from Harlow, the only redeeming things are the fact that I’m with my best friend and the company of the couple who joined us on line. 
6:42pm: the doors to the Mercury Lounge open and we scan our tickets. We make our way to the dead center of “barricade” and wait while we defrost. We weren’t anticipating enjoying the opening acts as we couldn’t find their music on any streaming site prior to the show, and granted the first act was a bit messy as he constantly began inviting his friends on stage, goofing around more than they were really performing but nonetheless the energy was exciting. The second act was truly enjoyable and I’m sure I’ll be looking out for his releases on spotify. I checked my phone for the time and realized it was almost show time. The music started for his song SUNDOWN as he shimmied on stage with his signature intro. We knew every word. Behind him, his best friend was recording the whole thing on a camcorder, mouthing along the lyrics. Despite not having much to say inbetween songs, let alone allotting time to even say anything between songs, Harlow’s performance was exactly what we thought it would be. Aside from the random “louisviller” as she called herself, who kept asking me questions about my height during his set while sprinkling in the fact that she knows Jack from Kentucky, his stage presence and connection with the crowd brought the experience up to an 8/10. He sang some of his OG songs and painted his face with a smile as he listened to the crowd sing along to even his lesser known stuff. A sense of pride clearly overtaking him- and rightfully so. Although the encounter with him earlier left a bitter taste in my mouth, hearing his lyrics about struggle and work ethic live reminded me why i admire him, and why i was so quick to become a fan. Once the show was over and he came back out for another round of SUNDOWN as the encore, we made our way to the merch table where I complained about how much I hated the design of the hoodie and refused to give in and buy a matching one with Michelle. The show ended around 9:30pm and we got back to our hometown around 11pm before taking a drive to our favorite place to eat. There we ate and discussed our experiences, comparing opinions on his performance and admitting that we were both still in love with him despite our rough first encounter. A perfect end to an eventful day. 
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