#zuko looks cute tho
starlitrise · 4 months
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short haired zuko you mean the world to me
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robynrileyart · 2 years
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grgie · 6 months
reached the beach episode of my avatar rewatch! simultaneously the best and worst episode!!
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aleatus177 · 5 months
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hehehehehhee i got obsessed with Zukka so i drew them (obviously still not finished), i started it in pencil cus i was at school when i got the ✨motivation✨ and then i went digital to make it easier to draw (cus i’m sure the paper was going to break from all the erasing i was going to do)
designing Sokka’s clothes was really fun, i tried to combine some Inuit’s clothing with Water tribe’s and just some extra details for fun and i really like how it turned out, tho with Zuko is another story, it was a pain making his clothing, first trying to find out if which culture was the Fire nation clothing based on, if it was Japanese or Chinese, then second i got frustrated trying to find good references so at the end i just grabbed one clothing i liked, fire nation clothes, and some details from other Zuko drawings, i obviously tried to make it as original as posible, i made lots of designs but with similar ideas in some parts, i ended up really liking it but i feel like i could have done a lot better to make it more fire nation or chinese/japanese (i don’t fucking know)
i like Sokka more cus he still looks like himself and the clothes still look like water tribe, Zuko thankfully still looks like himself because of the scar and his clothes don’t really say fire nation, but if it had nothing to do with the clothing looking like the fashion from their respective place and the characters looking like themselves, i prefer Zuko
BUT ANYWAYS, THEY’RE SO CUTE AHHHHHHHHHH i sometimes surprise myself with how amazing my drawings can look, i just hope i still get enough motivation to finish the drawing, cus its gonna be a lot of details and colors… haha, i love colors thats my fav thing when drawing😄😄 😃😃😀😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
i’m still not sure if i should add a background and lights and stuff, i need to improve drawing those kind of things
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demaparbat-hp · 8 months
What are your other ATLA ships?
Zutara is my ATLA OTP, of course. As for other ships, I'm pretty flexible, depending on the story. I love Tokka, but Taang is also really cute and I can see it work. Sukka is wonderful, and Yuekka has a special kind of bittersweetness that I love. Jet also has a major crush on both Katara and Zuko in my mind, but idk if that counts as a ship (it'll definitely be fun to write in the Lee and Kya AU, tho).
I guess I just look for good characterization and storytelling. If the fic or idea is good, then I'll ship almost anything, unless I can't wrap my head around it because, let's face it, that happens.
On the rare ship spectrum, I've come to appreciate Jet/Suki, and decided to include it in one of my AUs. Aang/On Ji is one of my fav ships, too. They're so wholesome.
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dosai-maavu · 7 months
finished the atla live action (even tho i literally have a chem final tomorrow LOL) and i've got some thoughts.
visually it looked incredible. when i saw the first images, i kinda felt that that costumes seemed too cosplay-ish but it actually blended quite well with the backgrounds. bending was very well done and looked natural for the most part. but at times the water bending felt kinda weak? like it felt like there was no force behind the movements. this might be nitpicking tho.
the acting was very good for the most part. dallas liu is FANTASTIC. gordon cormier was very cute. kiawentiio and ian ousley were really good too and i think they did the best w what they were given. i wasn't too sure of lizzy yu was the best choice as azula but she really proved me wrong - definitely think she has the potential to shine in the later seasons (if they get made). my fav out of the younger cast definitely has to be sebastian amoruso tho; he was PERFECT as jet. the older actors were amazing too, but that's was pretty much a given
the writing really let the show down imo. wayyy too many exposition dumps. the pacing was also kinda weird and it felt like we were being given TOO much information at times. sometimes it was boring. liveaction!katara is like a watered down version of the og katara. kiawentiio did her best, but she felt like a less cringey version of the ember island players katara. aang is more preachy than he is goofy. sokka delivers a few laughs, but it didnt have the same charm the og sokka did. also, why did aang learn no waterbending throughout the season?
episode 6 was a masterpiece. easily the BEST episode of the season. zuko's backstory somehow became even more heartbreaking.
overall. i'd give it a solid 6.5/10. maybe a 7 if i'm being generous.
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wolfinshipclothing · 3 months
Rewatching Avatar: the last Airbender (WITH MY MOM!)
Ok so i convinced my mom to watch ATLA with me. she's 68, but with the mind (and the looks mind you) of a 40y/o woman who loves cartoons, so it was quite the blast.
i'll go Book by Book and tell you guys her very amusing (and accurate) thoughts.
So here i go.
-first coment is when she saw Zuko and it was like "ooh, he's hot!" and i was like "he's a teenager" and she was like "he's also not real" so point for her.
-IMMEDIATELY after learning the Avatar has to learn the four elements, she already knew Zuko was going to chance sides and teach Firebending to Aang.
-First episodes were a bit slow but she caught onto it because of the fantasy elements. she had a bit of a hard time picking the whole bending thing. not the bending itself, but the fact that not everyone who lives in the earth kingdom or wears green is an earthbender, but she catch it up quickly.
-she pointed out that Aang's airbending is not very consistent. "Why doesn't the Avatar just blow them away?! he did so in that other episode" and well, its kinda true.
-when it was Haru's episode i said "you're gonna like him". and when Haru showed up she was "ooooh i like him! not as much as the prince tho."
-"you realize its the brother (sokka) who things all the plans, right? he's the brains" she said, halfway through Book One. she's a smart one my mom.
-"when is the earth master going to appear?" "aang has to learn waterbending first" "well but he could appear!" "just wait, mom -.-"
-she is dumbfounded and amazed at the creatures of the Avatar World. "i don't know what the heck that is but is cute/ugly as fuck".
-"this girl Katara is gonna end up with the prince right? Fire and water, perfect match" oh mom. you're in for a dissapointment.
-in the fortune teller episode "but aang's too young for katara! he's twelve right? and she's, fifteen or something?" and i said "yeah, it was kind of a thing at the time" and she said "makes no sense. also, the Avatar is like a superhero. those people... belong to the world, you know? they cant be with anyone". she's pretty wise my mom.
-"I LIKE JET!" then Jet tries to kill the old man "i dont like Jet" then Jet tries to blow up the dam "i hate Jet."
-She thinks Uncle Iroh is the best, specially after he was kidnapping. "He sure knows how to fight" she said. "he's a bit of a goof chummy guy but he gives good advice" (remember this is still Book One).
-she was mindblowed by "the storm". "poor prince. no wonder he's always so mad. still, i like his scar. it looks like a flame."
and i was like "what?" and i realized that, yes, zuko scar sometimes looks like a flame when looked from the side. my mom had to point that out to me T.T.
-after roku's episode "poor aang. he's gonna do all that, learn all the elements, fight that son of a bitch, and all that before summer? its too much" :(
-during Bato's episode "nah. nah, you can't do that Aang, come on." "he feels left out" "but that scrolls is important right? its about the guys father!" right she was. also she didn't stop laughing at Uncle Iroh flirting with the bounty hunter girl.
-she was having none of Master Pakku bullshit. when katara confronted him she was "hell yeah, show him whats good!" and when we found out master pakku was gran gran old 'boyfriend' "OH, now he's gonna teach her just because she's the grandaughter of his lost love. right. -.-" and i was laughing mad because dont we all know its the truth? XD
-when she saw the fire nation armada she was like "O.O HOW DO YOU EVEN BEAT THAT?"
-and when zuko ship exploded "noooooo! dont kill my princeee, he's so preety! :("
-she doesn't know why sokka felt in love so fast with Yue, and neither do I.
-she got repeatidely frustrated by Aang not taking serious the situations that should be serious, but she shrugged it as "he's twelve".
-at the end of the season, when we see Azula for the first time i told her "i cant BEGIN to tell you how long we had to wait to see how this turned out, because season two took forever to air (we live in latino america)". she was just as excited as i was and wanted to see more.
-as a personal note, i watched this series as a kid and its wild to rewatch it as an adult becase, like, you can apreaciate how well paced and well thought everything is, and how the characters actions NOW reflect what we will learn from them later.
All in all , my mom liked it Book I A LOT, and we waited little in watching book II.
its late so i'll talk more about the other books in other posts. let me know my thoughts so i can pass them onto my mom! :D
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survivalove · 1 year
Kinda random, but what made me really start shipping Kataang was how determined Aang was to get Katara's necklace back from Zuko, especially when we know how important said necklace is for her both as part of her family and part of her culture. And the thing is, Aang is always doing nice things for Katara without expecting any reward, like offering to fly her to the North Pole and refusing to train under sexist Pakku. Things that made me go from "this is a cute ship with good development" to "this is my OTP."💙🧡
So true, anon that’s a great scene!! Hmm I don’t know what made me ship it cuz I was 5 when I watched it for the first time so I really didn’t care about ships. But as I got older I started watching the show for Katara and she kept touching him and asking him how she looked dhdjfj it was beyond obvious TO ME (bass amplified).
That and every time she cried over him. It just felt really intense I’d be like why are you crying queen 😫😫😫 she’s so extra I can’t.
But I think a singular scene that really made me ship them was in The Serpent’s Pass when he said she made him believe in hope and she cried. When I think about it, Aang’s opinion seems to mean a lot to Katara and I think he notices that and makes sure to praise her so she won’t doubt herself. I liked seeing the fmc be praised and loved by the boy she liked without having to grovel and look pathetic, you know?
That reminds me of a meta I read the other day about how Sokka (yes I have to mention sokka or katara when I talk about the other 🤪) doesn’t really take compliments and I think Katara is also like that in a less extreme way.
Like when she tried to discredit herself when she revived him with the spirit water and Aang was like hello you literally saved my life??? dhdjdj I don’t care what delusional fanon shippers have to say, Aang compliments and appreciates Katara more than anyone, and that’s my fave part of their dynamic.
Anyways yes I agree with you. Aang always does what Katara wants simply because he wants to and she wants to. They don’t really force the other to agree with them either, even tho they both clearly care a lot for each other’s opinions. I think the show does a great job of setting the foundation for their romantic relationship this way through all these platonic moments.
Back to my fave scene in the Serpent’s Pass, I especially like how that scene shows Aang letting go of one of his beliefs for Katara which is linked to bigger moment of him refusing to let go of her to master the avatar state in the Guru, and eventually finding a whole new way to end the war while still staying true to himself. I don’t wanna say Aang and Katara getting together is integral to his arc or her arc, but I do think they link it in this way on purpose, and it’s why a lot of people that claim “Aang never changed” often don’t ship Kataang and the same for people that hate Katara and call her annoying then say they didn’t understand the ship. Like clearly my guy.
Anyway, to sum up this ramble 🤭 this is why I love the Serpent’s Pass scene and think it’s very underrated among kataang fans. I’m curious to know what kataang scene made oomfs ship too? I loved this ask and thank you for sharing that with me anon xx
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nemkero · 5 months
BRO your art of sokka picking zuko up… need you to understand zuko looks like such a pathetic wet cat and i love it. absolutely living for it. giggling kicking my feet over your art style too, etc etc
I UNDERSTAND!!!! I UNDERSTANDDD!!!!! tysm tho 🫶 i get such bad cuteness(??? its more of ugliness) aggression from zuko that i genuinely have to take breaks from drawing him bc i start going insane enough that i scratch up my tablet screen 💀 so im glad my art shows that and gives others the same feelings...❤️ crumpled up used napkin zuko is the only correct intepretation of him
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unfriendlyamazon · 15 days
i watched a bunch of videos on how bad the netflix adaption of atla is and anyway here's my ygo atla au thoughts
i guess yugi making the avatar is the easiest solution he is extremely aang-like (aang's kuzon speech and saying to zuko "do you think we could've been friends" is a stand out moment) and actually you know what his play tactics of evade and weave work well with aang's airbending (i was going to point to a specific fight with zuko but actually i'm watching the first episode it's every fight with zuko) so okay airbender it is
(i also like the idea of maybe pulling in some season 0 ideas of this alternate side of him that takes revenge and it's possible maybe he finds relief in his avatar state maybe he's so used to being powerless that feeling that powerful feels good and it scares him)
anzu is also a really good katara stand in ("DON'T YELL AT HIM") ultimate he asked for no pickles energy i actually think she'd do better as an airbender it would match her fairy deck and i think it'd be cute for yugi and anzu to grow up together in the air temple maybe he took her with her when he ran away it kinda muddies the whole "last airbender" thing and i like the idea of the yugi gaang representing all four elements so i'll stick with waterbender for her
honda is easy he's an earthbender look at him i do like regular guy honda and generally try to keep him un-magical in magical settings but that boy is an earthbender signed up with the earth kingdom army to fight firebenders and probably has a good reason for leaving and joining up with the gaang
katsuya firebender we all saw it coming i think it might be interesting to make him "mixed" and that also lets me do other things with serenity so maybe he's from an occupied earth kingdom town he definitely struggles to control his firebending he just gets too excited and isn't patient (much like aang when he learns firebending) and much like his arc in the show he gets stronger and more in control
seto kaiba is a zuko-esque figure to me, motivated by all the wrong things, pushing him to take extreme and harmful actions, even though deep down he is a good person, but actually you know who i love not giving magical powers to in a magical world? seto kaiba babyyyyyyy he has to scrap and create and bring himself up in a world where people have inherent magic abilities and that's just so him isn't it? i think it's possible he's a non-bender from another nation (i'm thinking earth kingdom? put your own thoughts in the replies) much like the mechanist from the northern air temple he was pulled and adopted by gozaburo for his technological mind and to create war machines, giving a position but no power, but seto kaiba is anti-war so he bounces the fuck out of there i guess that makes him not a villain and just like part of the gaang? maybe? idk i don't actually have like A Plot for this
yugi being the avatar sets up yami/atem as a roku mentor figure which i actually like
mai is just jun that's the character
make ryou a spirit i don't know which just do it
duke in a fire nation circus non-bender probably also an assassin sent to kill yugi it's okay tho they become friends
uuuuuh who else there's like 12 whole characters in yugioh i don't see any characters as a stand in for ozai except maybe alexander from capsule monsters??? is that a weird pull??? yeah i watched capsule monsters and not the final season of the show fight me nerds
pegasus.... definitely a sell out to the fire nation i don't know if i want him to be fire nation i kinda like the idea of him being like i see the way the wind blows maybe it's his quest to find the avatar and track down yugi that would put him in a better antagonistic role and have a reason for them to keep running into him
mokuba earth bending prodigy probably why seto had to get him out of there i guess that makes him the toph of this au??? unclear will reexamine
zigfried fire nation shill has a beach episode with seto who spends the whole time trying to drown him in the ocean
uuuuh got nothing for the ishtars sorry feel free to reply
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tachiha3 · 7 months
My thought for the third episode of natla are all over the place so please bear with me. I think my personal feelings are also gonna be involved in here.
• FINALLY Katara's useful!!!
• Remember my one post about some people erasing every bond between aang and katara? Yeah..
• But fr tho Jet taught her how to control her bending 😭😭😭😭 atleast give us aang and katara's friendship!
• They nerfed Bumi's rule They nerfed Bumi's rule They nerfed Bumi's rule They nerfed Bumi's rule They nerfed-
• The thing I loved most about the original show was the friendships and the relationships between the characters. Their is little to no gaang's friendship development.
• I was skeptical about Azula's casting cause I thought she'd look too innocent and cute but I was proven wrong. It was amazing.
• Mai would not put down Zuko cause she's scared of Azula. She DOES NOT CARE.
• Apart from that, Mai was solid too. I couldn't see much of Ty Lee's personality so idk.
• I'm feeling a little salty? But I guess it's maybe cause I'm a kataanger so that's why lol. PLEASE GIVE US SOMETHING
• Sometimes I feel like I'm only watching this show for Sokka, Zuko and Uncle Iroh.
• Pretty pissed at them cutting out the northern air temple arc. We got insight on Aang and Sokka's relationship, a character arc for both of them, and a pretty solid lesson on change (and science!)
•Please care about Aang, your... um.. protagonist.. and.. um.. titular character.
• No Katara simping after Jet... Me sad.
• The old woman beating up Zuko scene was GOLD lmao
• Katara would NOT say that!! She would also wanna stay in Omashi to help people aksgdaksgsjsgshshsgsgjsjsskdkdjh
• Why do I feel like they just don't want Aang and Katara to agree on stuff 😭 Like first the staying in the village to help people thing and then trusting Jet. But okay maybe I'll give them that one cause Aang didn't hang out with Jet in this one.
• That reminds me, Jet's dynamic with Sokka and Aang!! Gone!! (Btw check out my jetaang blog @jetaangxx Hehehe)
• The fight scene was nice. (Both Katara and Sokka's argument and Aang and Zuko's fight.)
• Atleast we got to see Katara being angry.. Just a smidge but we still saw it.
• MY CABBAGESSSS!!!!!! YESSSS Finally an iconic dialouge!!!
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thepringlesofblood · 1 year
The Ravening War Heroforges
so I’ve made over 100 guys in Heroforge, and dimension 20 uses Heroforge as a tool when making their minis. this means that I’ll be going along watching and see our boy Raphaniel and go “oh shit that’s my favorite Tunica Skirt from the ancient Roman update!”
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i decided to put this weird talent to (good??) use for any folks out there looking to make their own minis/fanart/whatever, and made Heroforge builds of our PCs, using all the pieces I recognized, or their closest equivalent. where I couldn’t find footage of certain angles, I went off the character art.
disclaimer: dimension 20 uses a LOT of resources other than Heroforge to make their spectacular minis (e.g. paint!). this isn’t a ‘aha i’m bootlegging the minis 1:1’ situation - there’s a lot of cool stuff on these gorgeous lil guys that isn’t in Heroforge, which I’ll try to note next to each one. these are approximations of potential base models, not exact copies - all kudos and respect to Shane Brockaway and the other amazing miniature artists on dimension 20 for their exceptional work on the minis this season!
let’s rock n roll!
a few things that are different on every build
color (obvs) - I still colored in each guy, mostly based on character art, but obviously the minis are painted (beautifully!)
food stuff - generally, any sort of food-y features (Deli’s toasty Leia buns, Raphaniel’s big ol radish head) are going to not be in Heroforge, for obvious reasons - I still tried to approximate the vibe, but our radish man is simply not going to be as wrinkly as we want him to be
poses - I put each guy in what I think the base pose was, but advanced posing is not an exact science. also, it takes a really really long time. mad props to the crew for some of these excellent poses!
faces - it’s really really hard to tell what face base they might’ve used on the minis. I chose primarily based on vibes and my best guesses. this means sometimes the face changes b/w different versions of the same character. it is what it is baby! also obvs the minis don’t have specific eye color so I went off the art.
Let’s start with the first battle!
Bishop Raphaniel Charlock (link)
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Main differences
his big wrinkly radish head. he’s rocking the zuko season 1 haircut for now, and I tried to give him some subtle decal wrinkles. I tried just making his head bigger, but it made the face bigger too - think bobblehead, not megamind - so not the look we’re going for.
his crozier (the only hoe on Heroforge is me *badum tssssh*)
whatever is going around his neck on his chest - it’s all round and pretty and I do not recognize it. used a cowl instead.
the end of his beard - it looks all like roots and is very cool. I put what I think the starting beard was, but I can’t recreate those spindly lil roots w/out some serious clipping
Skald Colin Provolone (link)
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Main difference
I’m not 100% certain those are his gloves. the ones on the mini are so much thicker! hmmmmm
I’m sorry about the beard situation. the mini itself has painted-on scruff so I just did a decal, but I’m aware it is. not necessarily as good a look up close.
Thane Delissandro Katzon (link)
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Main differences
those gorgeous slices of rye. the crown thing on top of em isn’t in HF either. I used some swirly horns to approximate, though i was considering earmuffs. they looked too silly for me tho lol.
the toothpick - Detriter, as we now know it is called. I used a javelin and put a lil blue decal at the end to represent the frillies.
the shield - couldn’t find one with those random spikes of bone (nice one d20 crew!), so I used a scutum, a Roman shield of about the same size and shape, bc hey, he’s also Ceresian, which is based on Rome.
Lady Amangeaux Epiceé du Peche (link)
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Main differences
the d20 crew has hair magic that I do not. also some sort of cute flower behind her ear, which I approximated with a broken off horn posed weird to look like a rose.
Karna Solara (link)
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Main differences
the chili pepper hood w stem. I finagled a horn up there but it just aint the same.
the hair. idk what the d20 crew does to make HF show hair after a hood has been equipped but they crushed it.
2nd battle!
Archdeacon Raphaniel Charlock (link)
(i have this pic on my computer named “poor little meow meow raphaniel”)
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this pose is a work of art unto itself. I can only hope to get in the vague aura of it.
same as before mostly - the hoe, the beard, and the big ol radish head. you can’t really see the mystery chestpiece anymore.
his head got so much bigger and saggier I felt like I had to give him something, so I upped the head size a few notches and gave him a little flesh beret with a couple of limp “leaves” coming out of it
you don’t really see it from the front, but there’s a shot where you can see the back of the mini and he has a lil book on his shoulders. iconic.
Sir Colin Provolone (link)
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Main differences
I probably could’ve made him grimier, but I prioritized face scars. I figure since becoming a knight maybe he’s cleaned up a bit
it is surprisingly hard to get a heroforge person to frown or look sad
shhhhh dont look at the shoulder pauldrons too closely they’re fine its fine
fun fact: the undershirt that looked most mini-accurate was the pajama shirt. colin out here wearing PJs under his armor, who is doing it like him?
update: relistening to ep 1, I forgot we actually get a description of the Fontina banner (”a dotted mountain atop an island”)! so for funsies I gave him a lil banner on his back and attempted to recreate it, using the Dairy Islands banner as a background. go thru the link to check it out, I don’t want to attach yet another image to this monster of a post.
Warlord Delissandro Katzon (link)
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Main differences
still those toasty slices o rye.
that glove. folks, that glove dealt me psychic damage, because it was on the very edge of my memory but I couldn’t quite grasp it, until I realized they probably added the spikes afterwards. also, I used the ol’ robot hand trick to make it look like he has like a metal gauntlet attached to it. (you replace one hand with an artificial robot hand in the prosthetics/amputation menu)
the decals I used to give him rye bread arms continue onto his chest more that they should (which you couldn’t see when he was wearing a breastplate) c’est la vie.
I couldn’t embed spiky things on the frilly part of Detriter like Lou said in the episode :/ they weren’t on the mini anyway at least
this pose is wild. I think I found the original pose they based it on, but I could very well be wrong. applause to the d20 crew for the sick look!
Amangeaux (link)
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Main differences
she still has the flower in her mini, but now it’s on top of her bun - a good look! Alas, no hat options matched, and my mediocre posing-a-horn-weird-until-it-clips-through-the-head skills were not up to the task, so for the moment this HF build remains flowerless.
In her opening shot of the battle (which I included) you can see a big ol’ crossbow on her back, but it is removed in other shots (presumably, it is a separate piece they moved out of the way when she wasn’t using it). so, I did not include it.
fun fact: the rapier the mini is using is much thicker that how the rapier looks on HF. why? Bc most of the older HF sword designs are thicker, so I think they spliced the basket handle of the new rapier with the blade of an older sword, to make it more sturdy for play. or maybe I’m just misjudging blade-to-handle ratio - I’ve never actually 3d-printed any of my HF guys ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Skald Karna Solara (link)
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Main differences
the scar - in the character art it’s one straight streak, but on the mini it looks like there might be more (it’s hard to get zoomed in enough to tell). I compromised with one main dark one, and then a lighter, more subtle one going the other way.
the way her burning hand is blackened as the fire rages around it...poetic cinema. transcendent. I used a splatter decal to approximate but seriously it looks so dope on the mini - look!
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that’s all for now, lmk if any of the links dont work or anything. can’t wait for the finale this week!
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Also a very minor throwaway part of that post but it annoys me so much that line “not sexist like the water tribe” like I cannot Stand when ppl act like the FN is actually superior in that regard bc they allow women on the frontlines of their imperial death machine … (tho ig it could fit w like. what you were talking about like how western countries like to brag about how they’re so much more progressive when they’re not- like ig the FN could try and spin things that way? but ugh)
(sorry, you don’t have to answer this i just got annoyed lol)
no i thought about this too because even if you see allowing women in the military as the pinnacle of equality, if you actually look there aren't many (if any at all) female soldiers when the gaang runs into fire nation troops in the earth kingdom, you mostly only see them in the fire nation domestic forces and as prison guards at boiling rock and iroh's prison. and they're wearing skimpy midriff-baring uniforms. the artbook even says that women make up a majority of the domestic forces. wow, there's absolutely no sexism in having women only in the domestic forces in special revealing uniforms. it totally means there's gender equality.
also everything about how azula and her girl squad conduct themselves speaks to how women learn to navigate sexist systems. all the other firebending threats are these brash, aggressive men (zhao, ozai, zuko), but azula schemes and plots and takes down ba sing se not with brute force, but by infiltrating in makeup and dresses, by taking advantage of people underestimating her. they really do stage a coup with the power of their gossip giggles! the pressure mai was under to be quiet and compliant, ty lee's cultivated cute and ditzy persona hiding how she can fuck you up, and azula's ability to scheme, all reflect how women in sexist societies are treated and cope with that treatment.
furthermore, i think water tribe sexism might be kind of overstated because we don't get much southern water tribe development. yes, sokka was sexist, the men of the tribe left to go to war and the women stayed behind, but in hama's flashbacks waterbenders of all genders are seen fighting the fire nation raids. kanna fled the north for the south - surely she wouldn't do that if she knew she'd be faced with exactly the same treatment. katara is totally surprised to find out that women aren't trained in combat waterbending. my guess is that while there were roles, they weren't nearly as rigid. sokka, having put all his eggs into the basket of "be the male warrior and protector while the men are gone" is perhaps taking this to a greater extreme than the average water tribe member, and he unlearns it pretty quick - almost as if it wasn't THAT entrenched, and it was more about his personal worldview than his cultural beliefs.
the main change i would make to atla is adding another episode between "the waterbending master" and "the siege of the north" where we get -
a) some insight into why the two water tribes have grown so different. i think likely the war had an impact on gender roles in both nations, with the north retreating from the world and becoming stagnant and traditionalist while the south had to have everyone fight out of necessity. maybe some flashbacks to life in the southern water tribe, a kanna appearance maybe.
b) an improved pakku storyline, where he's more sympathetic and interesting. if we're going to have him be katara's waterbending master and a member of the white lotus, he needs to be less of a jerk for no reason
c) aang learning healing from yagoda. we need to establish that the problem is gender roles, not that healing is an inferior form. maybe we see other men joining him in yagoda's class and women joining pakku's class, as he and katara learn from both of them. when they see pakku at ba sing se in the finale, he tells them that yagoda is at the white lotus camp too.
(and this scene happens offscreen)
d) some cute scenes of sokka & yue bonding
i think another water tribe centric episode would do a lot to make fandom less weird about things like this. it wouldn't entirely fix the problem - the problem is that we live in a racist society - but it would at least give us more canon evidence to refute it.
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jiabeewrites · 1 year
ATLA Pride Headcanons, but cleaned up a bit/updated from this post
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stan the cabbage man
AANG 😇 - hoo boy - i still stand by my position that this smol child is aroace - but he's in a qpr with katara - bc yeah they're kinda cute - probably pan in terms of attraction - cisn't - genderflux. yes yes yes genderflux aang - probably doesn't give a shit about pronouns - and literally glows whenever someone calls him they/them, esp on days where the male-ness is low - because yay! ur right! - he's so precious aghsklfdjslk
KATARA 🌊 - she's also aroace - stfu - *proceeds to aroace the entire atla crew* - qpr with aang - they are very cute but not in the romantic sense - i feel like she'd be bi in terms of attraction tho - pan aang 🤝 bi katara - cisn't - genderfluid! all waterbenders are now genderfluid, change my fucking mind - any/all pronouns :)
SOKKA ⚔ - my friend said that he was the straightest one there - I DISAGREE - he's so BI - BISEXUAL DISASTER SOKKA MY BELOVED - i ship sokka and zuko so hard it's not even funny - but sokka and suki are also very cute so i kinda can't choose - extra heapings of internalized homophobia - bc he thinks it makes him less manly or some shit - i like to think that toph smacked it outta him - i said before that i was waiting for him to get smacked in the face with gay panic when he sees zuko, and like i mean get an ACTUAL GOOD LOOK AT HIM - sadly it didn't happen - anyways - cisn't, i think he's also genderfluid - genderfluid sokka would be so FUN omfg - pronouns change depending on the gender
ZUKO 🔥 - he's so GAY OH MY GODDDD - but i still feel like he'd be asexual - massive ace vibes throughout the entire fucking show - also demiromantic - sokka was his gay awakening fucking FIGHT ME ON THIS - bc you will see my corpse on that hill - and you'll realize that i was right - cis(n't) - i feel like he doesn't care enough to figure it out or put a label on it
TOPH 🪨 - I FUCKING LOVE HER OMG OMG - that being said - her favorite color is green how can she not be aro - giving me aroallo vibes tbh - probably sapphic oriented - cisn't - i headcanon that she's enby as well as transmasc - probably she/they pronouns
AZULA ⚡ - oh dear - i love her sm - she's a lesbian - like how can she not be smh - she's so gay - asexual in the "fuck you but not literally" sense - cis - azula and zuko are the perfect example of wlw & mlm hostility and i love them - they're like this
MAI 🔪 - aroallo mai aroallo mai AROALLO MAI - mai is aroallo and i will DIE ON THIS HILL - probably omnisexual if i hafta specify - prefers females - cisn't - agender. mai has no gender. fuck you.
TY LEE 🌸 - ty lee is a lesbian - like how can she not be tell me now - i kinda ship her with azula (mainly bc of this fic you should def go read it it's so GOOD) - cisn't. - ty lee is genderfluix/fluidflux but never tells anybody her pronouns because she likes to fuck with people that way. - mai always seems to know which ones to use tho
SUKI 🤺 - she is also bi - suki & sokka are bi4bi and i love that for them - pretty sure the kyoshi warriors are just one giant polycule but whatever - suki is trans fucking fight me - transgender suki transgender suki TRANSGENDER SUKI - she's also asexual :D
APPA ☁ - lmao there's nothing for him - i just love appa sm
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My favorite things about all my Skyrim followers:
-wicked ass armor and weapon with fucking tigers on it
-realistic cursing in life or death situations
-literally the most realistic male dialogue ever with his corny ass innuendos. ‘This monument, does it remind you of me, love? Just kidding.’
-so goated in battle. Mans can kill a dragon so easy and i don’t need to do anything but look pretty
-his hair is so fluffy. I bet it smells like roses and vanilla bean, what’s your secret bb
-such a sweetheart all the time. No wonder he can’t be Thalmor, he has too much heart for it
-fucking backstory. It’s very Zuko without villain redemption arc, and the fact that he still worries about the LDB thinking worse of him for being Thalmor royalty is just *chef’s kiss*
-ACE REP. I really fucking love how he can dress like a hoe, flirt like a hoe, and look so hot but have no interest in sex. Mmm that’s my jam that’s what I like.
-boob window
-Kaidan interactions! Proving that Altmer can be kind and sweet and not lighting-shooting British assholes
-the backstories for everyone are so damn tearjerking but this guy?? Don’t even get me started on this mans scars I will cry
-literally autism. Says everything on his mind. Sir you are me
-blue. And a cat. What else??
-Lucien and him have a bromance that hits so good
-suplexes Nazeem with only his vibes
-sings original songs, where’s his soundcloud
-okay first off i was writing a character just like her for the daughter of my LDB and Revyn. Never knew about her but this is Leeta come to life and i crave it
-Kaidan Big Bro protection dialogue
-so happy when she kills things
-literally exactly what I expected a baby Argonian to sound like. So cute. So grumpy
-her outfit is just on point. If i hadn’t transitioned i would be cottagecore peasant dress woman with cats
-like Cary, he is just sweet himbo no brain
-kid in a candy shop vibes. He is amazed by the wonders of this world
-the nerdiest mans you know, would probably never shut up about shit with Auryen but i haven’t gotten that far yet
-bottom energy
-AUTISM once again
-also sings!! Can sing ‘Toss a Coin to Your Witcher’ parody!!
-she is the Moment
-eats people and only meat. Wanna see someone react to ThatVeganTeacher with her as a vtuber model oml
-bullies Lucien (affectionately)
-cool pod
-looks like she could kill you and could actually kill you
-slams ALL haters and unworthy into the ground with her dialogue. Faendal ily but you don’t deserve her
-a sweetheart himbo
-very Skilled with magic, specifically bound weapons. As someone who uses conjuration as their main line of magic, because dremora and bound bow go brr, I LOVE THAT
-not really good at speaking poorly of anyone tbh
-like lucien, he’s optimistic and fun to be around
-very…earthy. Jank. Grungy. Not what you’d expect from an Altmer, to be living as an adventurer mercenary, and i like that for him
-eats in bed, brain too empty to clean for long periods of time
-polyamorous pansexual King
-says Z like zed, which makes linguistics in Skyrim lore interesting
-literally me
-sarcasm to the max
-name means ‘foreigner’ or ‘scorned’ or something transgender. anyway, king nihilist shit
-only wants the good wines
-also, the Accent, very good very sass
-Shakespearean insults for days
-also regular insults
-mystery and striking fear into the hearts of all
-i thought no one could top Revyn in vibes of what Elder Scrolls character i would kin but then ✨he✨ came along
-no idea why Altmer are Brits but with him, i can vibe with it he sounds so good
-giggles evilly in fights
-s a s s
-pansexual!! We are putting queer in the game! (Even tho all vanilla spouses are, in the most Basic sense, bisexuals)
-the spice he can add with Cary as a protector/snarky best friend. I Need their backstory
-afraid of dogs, cat person
-just an absolute bitch to the Dragonborn but like in a way my gay friends are to me
-eyeliner on fleek
-silly voice go brrr
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kaifish-pond · 10 months
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Howdy Hai! I’m Kai (Oshun/Fox also work!)
I’m a regressor, but this blog is not ONLY regression, but I try and keep it PG, PG-13 at absolute most (Social Justice Stuff gets posted here which is why it gets bumped in rating)
I don’t often look at messages, but I dont mind if you send me a message, it just may take a LONG time for me to get back to you!
I am a relic in internet terms ig. I’m 27 (So I’m a Zillennial, was born at the VERY tail end of ‘96)
I am nonbinary, I was raised as a woman, and still ID strongly with femininity and girlhood, BUT I am still nonbinary bc I do not feel fully woman. I’m like a femme genderflux person with a leaning towards agender. I also use Neopronouns; Pupself and Oceanself, but you can also use She/They and sometimes he
This account is my main account and is the one I follow from. 
I LOVE invertebrates! Right now I’m obsessed with Eresus hermani and Arthrosphaera fumosa. They are BOTH so cute it's maddening! My Nonnie says in the next couple years I will be able to build my own Invertebrate shed!
I have a GREAT love for the Devonian Period, it is ABSOLUTELY FASCINATING! My favorite animal from the period is Dunkleosteus, they were TANKS, just so badass! I also have a soft spot for Tikaaliks (Look em up! They are so cute)
Disability Corner!
I have several Disabilities/Disorders here’s a short list:
AuDHD, BPD, Schizoaffective, C-PTSD, Colitis, NAFLD, COPD, Spondylolisthesis (Anterolisthesis), Asthma, GERD and more :/
I am considered Medically Crippled as I have a disc slippage and pars defect. The cushioning thats supposed to be inside my disc or whatever is squeezed out and pressing against my spinal cord/nerve…
My Pain Management Doctor suggested I get a cane/walker. So hopefully next month I can get a walker/cane
I was kicked in the head by my old horse when I was in the 6th grade and got some nice TBI from it. So I’m a bit messed up in the head, and it kinda changed my personality as well as gave me severe memory loss
I have Learning Disabilities, and was supposed to be on a IEP growing up, but my grandma wouldnt allow me to be placed on one bc I was also very smart in other aspects, such as being incredibly Hyperlexic and teaching myself to read and talk, etc
If I tag something incorrect PLEASE gently correct me, I promise it was NOT intentional. I just am incredibly new to this and social media in general as I grew up UBER religious and was not allowed to have social media much, and when I would sneak and get on it, I would be punished and yelled at. 
I LOVE learning and getting better as a person!!
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My Regression Fandoms
Just a smol list of fandoms I like to create Age Regression content for!
ATLA (regressor Zuko and cg Sokka are my faves, but also Flip Katara and Regressor Aang! And Regressor Toph and Cg Sokka)
Scooby Doo (I havent watched every movie/series/etc. I WILL NOT do content for that Velma Show on Max)
Breaking Bad (Transmasc Flip Jesse Pinkman FOREVER + CG Jane)
Dr Who (I have BARELY watched this show, but it consumes my brain)
Sally Face (I havent watched a Sally Face Playthrough since I was a kid and really dont remember much beside wanting Larry/Sal to be my big brothers)
Steven Universe (I have SEVERE issues with this show, but I still love it)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid (I’ve only seen the first movie, but Devon Bostick as Rodrick was AMAZING + Him as a big brother CG would be AWESOME)
Metalocaylpse (Toki is a canon age regressor!!) 
The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings (I havent read/watched in FOREVER, i used to use the movies to help me fall asleep tho xD)
Degrassi (OMG THIS SHOW RULES MY LIFE! I’ve watched from Jr High to Next Class COUNTLESS TIMES)
Teen Titans (Basically any one being a CG for Regressing Raven!! SSsssssSSssoooo CUTE!)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (Bratty Regressor Catra and Stern CG Adora)
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