#his hatred for yuji just feels like hatred for himself to me i don't know!!
epickiya722 · 5 months
At first, I thought I was just seeing things but no I'm not and I don't even know how to feel about it.
And it's been a thing since chapter 248, which is the chapter Sukuna realizes why he is so frustrated with Yuji. I thought about that and I realized what's wild about Sukuna upset that no matter what he does, Yuji won't break is that Sukuna is no different from that. Sukuna sticks to his own ideals. And here he is! He's actually upset that the one person who won't and isn't trying to convince him change his mind about anything or break him (Yuji just wants to kill him) is the one person Sukuna wants to break but can't... and again he is no different!!
That's not all! Since he realized that... Yuji's hair has been pushed back just how Sukuna's is!
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Even in Choso's dying moments!! (YOU WILL FOREVER BE BEST BIG BRO IN MY HEART! Honestly, the only good big bro in JJK, let's be real.)
The only times I saw Yuji's hair down is in flashbacks! The final panel of 259 don't make it any better! LOOK!! Both got the hair pushed back, right side of their face bleeding, scatched up... at remember, Yuji is now considered to be equal to Sukuna.
In a way, to me at least, it's like... on Yuji's side he's fighting a curse that needs to be put now. On Sukuna's side, he's fighting a distorted reflection of himself.
He's getting more frustrated and angry at Yuji. He calls him "boring" but Sukuna sticks to "I do whatever I want" which is just a repeating cycle of fighting whoever challenges him, doesn't that sound "boring"? Like... I don't know! That's just how I feel!
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yuujiheart · 2 months
JJK 265
This chapter felt like a reward to me who after 214 abandoned the siblings/ twins agenda ( it's not that I don't like it but I didn't want the rage ,hatred whatever feelings they share to be mellowed down simply because they are brothers) and decided to put my stocks in yuji and sukuna's ideological clash alone.. I wanted to see how yuuji and sukuna challenge each other's beliefs, personality, ideals/ reasons they stand for.. Ngl i was fed good ..... I loved everything about this chapter.
Yuuji from thinking himself as cog to realizing that people aren't supposed to be tools shows how much he has evolved and is evolving.. One of the reasons I was never worried about him thinking himself of cog because in my opinion it was his way of coping through the grief and pain and at that moment he needed something to hold on.. But yuuji by nature can't be a cog, he is the type to break the wheel through his sheer will plus I see it as something that was significant for yuuji's growth.
I have always believed yuuji will be the only one who will truly understand sukuna. The fact that it was him who wanted to talk to sukuna , showed him parts of his life which probably no one has seen , tried to show him / convince him that people's lives do have value no matter how much insignificant it looks from outside... tells me that there is something yuuji knows about sukuna which prompted him to do all these things in first place....
He never did this for mahito, it was the same for sukuna so what changed???? Why does he suddenly want to show compassion to sukuna ?? I do have some ideas but I will wait for gege's explanation.
For some reason Yuji pities sukuna and wanted to show that life has value with or without strength unlike others who valued sukuna only for his strength and sympathize with him and sukuna rejected them but he's enraged with yuuji coz he's just a brat, weak and isn't supposed to give mercy to him which sukuna clearly isn't used to.
I really enjoyed their interaction.. One minute they are going for each other's throats and the next moment they are fighting over crayfishes. I remember once I talked about in one of my posts who annoys sukuna more yorozu or yuuji which I think yuuji wins easily, sukuna being disappointed over yuuji not being angry enough from him kinda made me proud that yuuji is more emotionally mature than sukuna...
Last but not the least yuuji asking sukuna to come back to him with eyes like that was really cold.. Those eyes promised sukuna that yuuji isn't one to back off... He is merciful but not an idiot or delusional... He is ready to trade but megumi isn't the price.
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distortedkilling · 8 months
Spoilers are about to exist in this headcanon.
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I've been thinking about the moment in the manga (and anime) this icon is from. Depending on the translation, Mahito tells Todo "I improved it for you" or "I made it prettier for you" after using his Idle Transfiguration on Todo's arm - forcing him to cut it off. While it's very like Mahito to just be a jackass and mock someone like that, it got me thinking further.
Outside his fellow curses, I think individuals he finds more interesting are those who are similar to him. They look human but there's something different. With Mahito, he has deep stitches that are normal to him, but if a human bore them there would be a perspective something happened or was wrong. On the lighter note, his heterochromia isn't common among humans and is a trait that could make a human more of an outlier to what society considers normal. We're not getting into his hair because anime hair means nothing, lmao.
Everything about Mahito is meant to disrupt and go against the norm. Obey within a certain limitation what is acceptable to society - he'll tell you to do what you desire (Junpei). He accepts what kind of curse he is, acting as a mirror for humanity and curses alike. He is what humans don't want to acknowledge about themselves a lot of the time (Yuji). If he is hatred and mistrust between humans, then it means that he represents those very things they reject in themselves (also Yuji).
Mahito looks at weakness as something useful to take advantage of. Whether it's with manipulation for a longer game or something shorter, a quick kill. But it's always useful in some manner to him because he understands human weakness and all the negativity they feel. Human fragility is amusing to him more than it disgusts him.
So when I say I think, on a physical and visual level, his interest leans towards people like him - what I mean is they are very human but something makes them an outlier, too. It can be they are so very plain they become invisible. They could be missing a limb or some other part of themselves, have scars, etc. It can be something they are born with or something that happened to them that resulted in a physical trait that would turn someone's head, make them squint at best or at the worst be bothered over.
Junpei with the cigarette burns on the one side of his face is a prime example. It's easy to see he covered himself for a reason. Why. Finding out is fun. Knowing is fun. Figuring out what to do with that information is fun.
Mahito is constantly comparing himself to curses and humanity because he's a human born curse. Something that would make a human go, "Why do you look like that?" is what will turn his head. We all know people can suck and even natural (and lovely) differences people have, like Vitiligo, will garner negative reactions from (ignorant or plain dickbag) humans. However, it's those people Mahito is more likely to have a conversation with or take an interest in.
Of course, I'm not saying just a visual difference is what gets his attention. If you don't have some personality traits to capture his interest, he's not going to last long and then you're fair game. You gave him a pause at best. This applies whether or not you can see him, as well. Sometimes he'll follow around a human who can't see him if they are curious enough, sometimes he lets them go on in life and other times he'll be the unseen force that kills them. It depends entirely on what he deems as fun. Though we know, if you can see him, you're elevated already when it comes to his interest.
I'm talking about this in a general sense, by the way. I used Junpei, Yuji and Todo (who is of age but still young) as examples so this is more of a general 'what interests Mahito' post than it is 'what would Mahito find attractive?' post. I think this definitely applies to the latter and it's why I don't have any JJK related ships with his character by default.
That being said, a headcanon for a different time: I don't think Mahito would immediately be able to tell if it was the latter. He'd have to do his creeping around, research and observations for a while to figure it out - regardless if it's a human or curse (or something else). Hence my inability to just make this post attraction-based only and why I find it more important to look at it overall with potential attraction as an inclusion.
All in all, these are just thoughts for my interpretation of Mahito's character. I think he takes an interest in noticeable physical differences in humans most of all. Strong personalities seem better for him to bounce off of, but he also values uncertain individuals and seeing how they process and move forward - because he's doing the same. If you're fun, that's all he cares about.
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dblfaced · 3 years
"You look tired." /From Nanami
He feels weirdly brittle, like a dry branch about to snap into jagged splinters. It's something he hasn't truly experienced before- this cold, yet smoldering anger inside.
Waves of aggression and hatred crash down on his neck and shoulders, then slowly drag back into shallow pools of self-loathing and numb bitterness. He was sure that Nanami was checking up on him, showing concern in his own stodgy way- but he couldn't muster the emotion to feel grateful just yet.
"I don't know, I guess," Itadori mutters, no real conviction behind his words. Everything was a tangled mass of volatile emotions pulling his mind in all directions.
Hey, Nanamin- How am I supposed to feel after watching someone I care about die right in front of me? Oh, and letting his killer get away scot-free.
"I'm sorry," he apologizes, even if he'd only viciously lashed out in his mind.
It wasn't fair- Wasn't fair of him to be like that towards Nanami, the situation hadn't been fair to Junpei or his mother, or to Yuji himself. This entire rotten situation just--
"This sucks," the young student manages to grind out, his voice thick with resentment and grief.
"All I did was preach and criticize him and the whole time, I didn't know what he was going through. I wasn't even there when he needed someone the most and I'm the one who acted betrayed."
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fuwushiguro · 3 years
OMG IM BACK AND I CAUGHT UP. Ahhhhhh psycho Megumi is back at it again!! I knew it he does have some sort of feelings. Or maybe he just lost control idk. Either way Megumi def uses these opportunities to start feeling her like boy you not slick. 👀 Your actions are not matching your words. I love how Y/N stood up for herself though! She’s growing ☺️
Also I love how sweet Toji is. 🥺 The only one besides Yuji sticking up for Y/N. And the ending please 😭 now I have a feeling the zenin family might push them to get married since her parents hate Yuji and they want their families to mesh or something. And I have an inkling that Megumi might push for it and agree too maybe? Using “I get to ruin her life” as an excuse OMG and Noaya maybe pushing for it too?? Like yes Megumi marry her so we can ruin her.
This story is getting better and better. Thank you for this masterpiece. You are amazing and your writing too 💖 also i love how sweet your responses are hehe. ❤️❤️
OMG YAY!! I hope you enjoyed catching up/reading the chapter!!
He is back at it again the mf just can't help his self. He's obsessed like... damn. There's so definite feelings there that he simply does not understand and I don't think he wants to understand them. In that moment where he kissed her it was very heated and he was so confused that his control over her wasn't working anymore. I think at the point in time he just lost himself a little? It was the most powerful thing he could do at that time I suppose and neither of them were expecting it. Having such intense feelings of hatred mixed with feelings you also don't understand is a very confusing cocktail for all parties involved! And again, he's obsessed. He thinks about her a lot whether it's just wondering where she is or wondering how he can mess with her next. He loves touching her up because he knows it makes her feel small and intimidated and he knows she blames herself. (Although it isn't her fault at all) but whenever he does those things to her she feels like she's betraying Yuuji and it does hurt her a lot. So for him to take it a step further and kiss her... it's going to be very draining for her to handle. But yeah she really is growing!! As I mentioned in another ask, having the support of an authority figure (Toji) and the support and an adult taking her seriously it's definitely added a new layer of confidence to her. You're right btw Toji is so sweet in this AU I love him 😭
Everything else you've said!!!! AAAA ur so cute I love your little theories! However my lips are SEALED! 🤐
I'm so glad you enjoy the series and you think it's getting better and better that is actually beyond sweet to say I appreciate it so much, thank you nonnie 🥺 I love writing it and your lovely messages make me feel so happy and give me the motivation to carry on this series!
And of course I wanna be nice with my responses! I'm so grateful to each and every person who reaches out to me. Whether it's just to chat or to talk about my writing or wusyaname!! It makes me so happy and I love talking with you all. I want to do everything and anything I can to give your wonderful asks my full attention. It means a lot to get to chat with you all like this and I want you all to know I really do take the time and effort to sit down and answer your asks, particularly when they're long and detailed like this one!
Sorry for rambling!! Have a lovely day nonnie u deserve it, take care of yourself 💖
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distortedkilling · 4 months
What do you think is Mahito's vision about half-curses, like the death paintings? In canon he was very friendly towards Choso and they worked together, but this was never too much delved upon. Especially if Mahito was alive to see Choso switch sides and start considering Yuji his family and fight alongside the sorcerers and slowly become more "human leaning". Feel free to ignore if it's a dumb question lmao
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The question isn't dumb.
I think half curses are a weird blend he doesn't quite know how to perceive yet. Choso's protectiveness over his brothers crosses into foreign territory for Mahito, but nonetheless he vaguely understands it in the form of comradery so it isn't too bizarre. Seeing as Choso is sided with them and doesn't really exhibit many human qualities in the time they knew of one another, I doubt he really had time to perceive death paintings much differently.
It'll forever amuse me that people will call out Mahito for being a child but overlook Choso (and the cursed womb: death paintings) for awake and existing for like, a few months only. I think Mahito was probably thrilled to have someone 'younger' than him around. Despite Choso being old, he was still in a stasis-like state. Not aging, not learning anything. Just birthed/aborted and on standby essentially.
So excuse me if I regard Choso as young, like I keep in mind for Mahito. Approaching it this ways makes sense to me as to why Mahito may overlook what he'd normally view as negatives (aka, the human condition). The half curse is basically a blank canvas whose sole existence is dedicated to defending his family. That means potentially endless fun in seeing what makes him tick, what he likes and dislikes, playing games together, etc.
I do believe that if Mahito survived to see Choso switch sides he'd view it as a betrayal but not be surprised by such. And not even for the Yuji factor but just because of the half human part. After-all, betrayal is something Mahito understands well. Choso being on the curse's side, exhibiting curse-adjacent mannerisms and engaging in a way they all did simply made sense at the time. It garnered no negativity from Mahito. After-all, if Choso wanted to be a curse - then that meant he was denouncing his humanity. To continue on that path made sense. To become a worse curse made sense to something like Mahito. His best self was to be a curse, in his perspective.
If he lived to see Choso disregard that, it wouldn't be something he'd understand. The only way to understand that would likely be to fight Choso and see the lengths he'd go to in order to upkeep the newfound belief.
I don't think he'd take this betrayal personally. As in, I don't think he'd be like, "You betrayed ME/US!" more just. Shrug. Like, "You betrayed us but I guess that's just the human part of you." I say that because Mahito's disregard for life and negative view towards human has me thinking of Goto (the main villain from Parasyte) and Agent Smith (the main villain from The Matrix trilogy) a little here. Not as heavy but similarly just as nasty, you know? That mentality of 'humans are the virus' but not as direct or fully conceptualized.
It's a perspective I think he could run on while the disaster crew was alive, feeding him their ideals. But without them, I think his general hatred for humanity becomes far more pure and broad. Choso's betrayal just would factor into that. It's not personal because it's just human nature - something he knows well and is directly birthed from.
So my perspective is that he doesn't quite get Choso but sees he's alive young like himself, which means there's plenty to explore together. So long as Choso chooses to follow his curse half, he has no qualms. Should Choso follow his human half more or outright, he's pretty much dead to Mahito. Just part of the humans to cull, which is absolutely fine by him.
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