#his internet access is restricted because integra doesn't want to deal with that for the love of Christ
cry-ptidd · 4 months
Fuck it, Vlad in the modern day Headcanons
- Calls every technological appliance with a screen a "pad" because Seras showed him an IPad first.
- He was shocked to know he has so much stuff written about him, and absolutely delighted about it.
- Enraptured by the idea of a grocery store. Doesn't understand why there's hungry people when there's so much food available. (No he doesn't know what a "Marx" is)
- Got a bit scared about headphones at first, denied it entirely. Prefers to listen to music on full speaker, much to Integra's frustration.
- Cries watching movies. Tries to play it off.
- Broke a phone because he wanted to understand how it worked. Got in trouble.
- Doesn't understand how a car works for the life of him. Likes the idea though, even if he misses his horse.
- Has to be physically dragged out of libraries, (all kinds of) stores and jewelry shops.
- Whenever they visit a city he insists on visiting the local church. Opinions vary, and Seras and Integra find him a bit snobbish.
- Finds modern clothes a bit boring, really wants a cape again.
- Once saw someone being unruly in the street and confronted them, leading to a physical fight. (He won, but also got in trouble again for breaking 8 bones in their body)
- Looks forward to movie night each week. Really into historical dramas/war movies and, surprisingly, animated films.
- "Seras what's a DILF"
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