#his last thoughts would have always been AnniešŸ„ŗ
fantasybuff96 Ā· 6 months
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ā€œMy love, you have my heart for all eternity. And if I die in that arena, my last thought will be of your lips.ā€
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themirokai Ā· 3 years
POI 02x13: Dead Reckoning Part 1
Alright friends, the rooftop scene obviously and appropriately gets all the attention in this episode but there was a lot of other good and notable stuff going on before (and after) that! Sooo Iā€™m going to do a 2-parter. The next post will be The Rooftop Scene, and this one will be everything else. (This is the only way Iā€™m going to be able to deal with the 10 image limit. I need at 10 GIFs for the rooftop alone, yā€™all.)
I am pretty sure (with standard request for yā€™all to correct me) that when Carter woke up in the wrecked car and answered Haroldā€™s call, it was the first time he called her Joss. He knows that sheā€™s disoriented and scared and probably hurt though sheā€™s denying it, but she needs to MOVE in order to stay safe and out of the FBIā€™s clutches. And so he talks her through it.
And later, Harold tells a sad Bear ā€œWeā€™ll get him back Bear. I promise.ā€ šŸ„ŗ
Like ok I know Bearā€™s ā€œjustā€ the dog but by that point Harold already knew John was walking around with a bomb strapped to his chest and Harold had to be so worried, but heā€™s being strong for everyone else and is just completely focused on how to get John back.
This includes, apparently, hacking into the DOD from Times Square because of course it does.
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GIF by @gifsontherun Original
Letā€™s have some appreciation for the performance Annie Parisse gives as Kara. She is cold and brutal, but she also conveys an exhaustion that makes it seem like she wasnā€™t always this way. Without knowing any more of her backstory I got the impression that she wasnā€™t just naturally an evil psychopath but had been chewed up and spit out by the world. And in her turn, she chewed up and spit out John. But thatā€™s how abuse works a lot of the time, right? Not in any way making excuses for her being evil, but I thought it was a really well-done, nuanced performance.
Kara: Something funny Mark?
Snow: Youā€™re both damaged goods. Having you take each other out wasnā€™t just efficient. It was poetic.
Kara: So why the cruise missiles?
Snow: Had to be sure.
Kara: And howā€™s that working out for you?
John Reese would not stop trying to get Kara and Snow to see the light. Harold saved him and gave him a life that doesnā€™t include killing civilians and only involves killing bad guys as a last resort and this sweet man who is truly good at heart was HAPPY before everything went to shit in Shadow Box. Happy enough to figure out that thatā€™s what the strange feeling was and remark on it to Harold.
And because John is such a pure and decent human being, when heā€™s interacting with these people who have hurt him both physically and emotionally time and again, he keeps trying to show them thereā€™s a different way: the way Harold gave him. And like yes, he is also trying to escape. But he could have just shot Snow. Kara probably wouldnā€™t have blown him up for that, since she still needed him to do the job. But instead he insists that Snow not kill anyone. Notably with the guards at the DOD facility, when Snow says that they could wake up and cause trouble, John responds ā€œTheyā€™re just doing their job and I donā€™t know them.ā€ At the end he tried to get Snow to come with him to the rooftop to do the right thing and get away from civilians.
Even with Kara, when sheā€™s uploading whatever it was, heā€™s trying to tell her that she doesnā€™t have to do it, that she can walk away.
John: Kara, listen, I know how you feel. I was in Ordos too, remember? And yes, we were burned. Betrayed. But we survived. You can let it go. Itā€™s not too late. You can end this.
If John can find another, better path, then maybe she can too. Itā€™s desperate and thereā€™s some part of him that knows thereā€™s no way itā€™s going to work, but he tries anyway.
ā€œIf you think I work for the government I really must fire my tailor.ā€
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GIF by @irrelevantcrimes Original
Another new big bad? Even with Kara and Snow out of the picture, thereā€™s a lot of them running around now!
Head of HR who is definitely not named Lester Freamon
The British guy from Critical (though thanks to IMDB I know he never makes the threatened reappearance)
Elias (though heā€™s in a category of his own and not exactly a big bad at this point)
This many threads hanging out there could either make for a great wild ride ā€¦ or be a little frustrating. Iā€™m banking on the former.
This gorgeous man with his gorgeous smile and gorgeous dog.
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GIF by @virmiired Original
And that megawatt smile is aimed right atā€¦
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GIF by @mementomcri Original
Aside from the standard great soundtrack, there wasnā€™t music that I found particularly notable this episode.
Side note: Part 2 - The Rooftop Scene is here.
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by-kilian Ā· 3 years
Hello! I have been on and off tumblr cause Iā€™ve been busy irl, and I just havenā€™t commented on the last two fantastic fics you have put out. First off, Haircut was such an adorable story. I love fluff and I always read it the most because itā€™s just the go-to for happiness šŸ’•šŸ¤I love the relationship between Eli and OC the most. In your first Dad-vi part of the series you made, you mentioned how Eli thinks about OC a lot and has a special connection with her simply because itā€™s his mum and he loves her šŸ„ŗšŸ¤I couldnā€™t help but be reminded of that fact when I read this:
ā€œAnd he had to agree with you that it was getting in the way of seeing properly. Even if it didnā€™t, Eli wouldā€™ve been happy to cut his hair had you simply requested he do so.ā€
Finally, I cannot with this next part of LDBSšŸ¤I loved Petra, Annie, Isabel, and just all of it in general. These characters are so well-written and in tune with their canon personalities! You really have a talent of sticking true to their character when you write their actions and every action they do makes sense! Im so interested in Zeke and Kilianā€™s dynamic.
ā€œZeke said softly, trying his best not to let his lips stretch too much when he saw your eyes getting glassy. ā€œ
ā€œHe placed his hand on your shoulder for a secondā€”an action that was uncharacteristically affectionate for himā€”then he headed towards the door.ā€
Overall, beautiful writing pieces! Canā€™t wait to see what more you have in store šŸ˜ŒšŸ¤
Awwww, THANK YOUU! and no worries, I appreciate you sending me anything at all! I hope you have been well. And yes, Dad-vi family is my fav to write about, especially Eli + the OC. I think Iā€™ve mentioned before he absolutely adores his mom. It isnā€™t that he doesnā€™t like Levi (he obviously admires him so much) but heā€™s just a simple mamaā€™s boy. šŸ„ŗā¤ļø
And eeee, thank you so so much my love. I tried really hard to keep them to their characters and I am always so happy they feel that way. I like characters to feel a lot like themselves cause then you can imagine them easier, imo.Ā Ā 
Also I can actually answer that without giving anything away cause itā€™s already there! The two of them know each other from a very long time ago. Kilian already confirmed she knew Zeke since she was a child, and he confirms it here too. They also have a long HISTORY together and Zeke is using something/someone from their past to manipulate her because it is a huge driving factor into why Kilian is the person she is today and he says everything leads back to him. You can surmise whatĀ ā€œheā€ meant to her if you think back to older chapters and see in this one because she says it, and you will also see soon exactly what happened.Ā Ā 
Zeke tries not to smile cause heā€™s so happy his manipulation tactic worked, and he purposely places a hand on her shoulder to further that but not because he actually cares about her as a person. I thought long and hard about their relationship together, and he cares about her the way youā€™d treasure an asset whereas Kilian genuinely used to care about him as a person.
When she commented on his smoking before, it was because she thought it was a bad habit (even though she knew Zeke would do whatever he wanted) and was showing it in her own way of being ā€˜concernedā€™ although thatā€™s not the right word. When he picks it back up again now and she sees it for the first time in a long time, she doesnā€™t even say anything.Ā 
Because Zeke is such a twisted person though, he thinks the way she ā€œcaresā€ about him equates to how he cares about her as he tries to reason when heā€™s on his way to get her. But the reality is he cares about what she can provide for him, but there is no genuine fondness there on his end where there used to be on hers.Ā 
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