#his love for elena was the trigger to give it away as a shield of protection
high-supernatural · 3 years
Kai Parker x Female Reader/Character
Word Count: 1918
Warnings: typical tvd themes, S.Assault hints, crying, soft kai, a lil boob touching, Stephan drives her off a bridge
Summary: She finds out the real story of what happened to her after a near-death experience. Kai agrees to comfort her in her own way.
(I wrote this with “she/her” instead of “V” because this is the last part I’ll be writing as a series, the rest will be written as one shot’s with she/her pronouns because if I continue to work on the series it’ll become an entire novel. So instead of writing a novel, I’ll just write the big plot points as one shots after this)
Another couple of weeks had passed since their ritual. Almost every day that would pass, they would go out and look for answers for what they saw and would come up empty handed.
One day they finally found something that could lead them to another lead for answers – an ancient necklace that was owned by a witch in her distant bloodline that could allow her to connect with the original owner. The only problem was that the necklace was worn religiously around Elena’s neck as a gift from Stephan.
That wasn’t really a problem for her. She didn’t really like Elena much, and Elena didn’t like her, but it wasn’t hard to get close enough to grab it since they both hung out with the same people.
That’s exactly what she did. She kept it with her for a week, waiting for a specific celestial event to happen for the spell all while dodging calls from Stephan and Elena accusing her of taking it.
She took to the woods by herself on the night before the celestial event to find the perfect spot under the moon to preform it. Just as she was about to make her way off the trail she was struck by a tranquilizing dart in her neck, knocking her out cold.
She woke up in the passenger seat of Stephan’s car, “oh, good, you’re up,” he said shutting his phone off.
Her vision was blurry, but she knew who it was and was annoyed to say the least.
“Have you seen Elena’s necklace?” He asked as if he already knew.
She blinked to focus her vision, “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she rubbed her eyes.
Stephan leaned in, “here’s what’s gonna happen… you’re either going to tell me where it is, hand it over, or I’m going to hold you here until you do.”
“You’re really about to do all this for a damn necklace?” she asked, still very annoyed.
They went back and forth for a while about how it’s “Elena’s necklace,” and how crazy Stephan was to host a hostage situation over it before he turned the car on, “ok, you don’t wanna tell me where it is, fine,” he slammed on the gas, “you’ve been a cosmic pain in everyone’s ass since you showed up in Mystic Falls by the way. We’re trying to rid the town of chaos and mischief and here you come…”
Stephan was driving at what seemed to be over 100 miles an hour with a crazy look in his eye, “so nobody wants to tell me where it is, I’ll drive you off the bridge and find it myself,” he spat.
“You’re bluffing. You wouldn’t drive someone off a bridge over a damn necklace, Stephan, plus if I do have it, you’d be losing your chance to get it back if you do,” she said unphased by his threat.
“That’s only if nobody wants to tell me. It’s really no sweat off my back if you live or die but… hey maybe Kai knows where it is,” he said as if he had just thought of the most iconic solution and dialed Kai’s phone.
As they approached the bridge, she began to take his threat more seriously. All she heard was muffled noises as adrenaline of being driven off a bridge kicked in.
She yelled panicked knowing Kai was on the phone, “Kai just tell him where the stupid necklace is he’s gonna drive me off the bridge.”
“Too late,” Stephan muttered with a smirk as the car flew into the water after he jumped out.
She tried to roll her window down before the car hit the water and was fully submerged, but Stephan had the window locks on, so she had to crawl over to the driver’s side to roll it down, throwing her against the wind shield and knocking her unconscious again as she got the window halfway down.
Just like the time she held her breath and an unknown entity came over her when she rescued Enzo, the same thing happened here. While she was unconscious the car fully submerged into the water for minutes until the entity awoke her and struggled to break the window open through the slowness of the water.
She remembered none of this. She awoke on the rocks only remembering being driven off the bridge and a replay of the things that had happened to her that Kai made her forget.
She sat there coughing up water and trying to catch her breath as the replays engrained themselves deeper. She knew she couldn’t deal with it right now though, she needed to get back to the motel for the necklace, so she started walking her way back to the road.
She walked expressionless until Kai drove up beside her and got out,
“What happened,” he asked throwing his hands up as he walked towards her.
“I don’t know, Stephan threw a fit about the necklace and thought it was reasonable to drive me and his car off the bridge,” she said silent and expressionless, darting her eyes not to look into Kai’s.
Kai looked at her, realizing that for the first time in probably forever, he was pissed about something because it had happened to somebody he cares about, but he still didn’t know what to say other than, “well, are you okay,” silently kicking himself for asking after he realized how big what happened was compared to the question he asked.
“Yeah, I just wanna get back,” she mumbled and went to open the door, but Kai grabbed it quicker.
She was silent the whole way back, something that was unusual for her normally.
They drove into the parking lot of their motel and Kai stopped her before she could open the door by grabbing her arm, “hey, are you good,” he asked, “you didn’t say anything the entire way back and you love to talk.”
She was still expressionless, “I’m good, I just need a minute,” her voice was almost robotic.
“Talk to me…” Kai tried to speak but was cut off.
“I’m about to freak out, and it’s not gonna be cute,” she spoke with a little more seriousness to her robotic tone, “so just give me a minute,” she began to walk towards their room.
He had never seen her like this before. They would usually make jokes the whole night whenever something that would typically be traumatic happened, but this time she seemed as though she was here physically but elsewhere mentally.
She made a beeline to the bathroom before Kai called out “let me know if I can do any—” she shut the door, “—thing.”
She stood at the sink and placed her hands on it to steady her balance as things began to look blurry and lightheaded. She tried rubbing her eyes to make the feeling go away but it kept getting stronger as her chest felt heavier, head felt heavier, and memories of that night months before screamed at her.
Kai leaned on the doorframe to hear what was going on but couldn’t hear anything.
She stood, taking deep breaths before it got increasingly harder to breath and gave into the onset hyperventilation and inevitable tears.
Kai knocked but she didn’t answer so he opened the door to find her with her hands in her hair, breathing fast, with a concerned expression.
She didn’t even hear him walk in at first until she felt a presence behind her as he went to touch her arm. She sat on her knees slowly before Kai could touch her, “Kai I can’t breathe,” he sat on his knees in front of her and put his hand on her head, unsure of what to say.
Grabbing his wrist to pull his hand into her lap, gripping it tightly she put her other hand on her chest and coughed, “I can’t breathe…. Why can’t I breathe…” she let the tears fall before placing her arms over her head and leaned forward until she was leaning against her elbows on the floor so she could catch her breath without having Kai see her cry.
Kai gripped her shoulders and pushed her up to look at him. She covered her mouth with one hand and squeezed her eyes tight, trying to return back to the position he moved her from before he stopped her by keeping his hands on her shoulders, “tell me what happened,” he spoke softly, gently removing the hand she had over her mouth.
“I remembered everything—” she sobbed harder and put her hand back over her mouth, leaning into Kai, “tell me it didn’t really happen,” she sobbed.
Kai knew what she was talking about now and pulled her to lean against the wall with her head on his chest as she sobbed more.
“Tell me I’m making stuff up, or that Stephan has sick humor, tell me someth—” she couldn’t finish her sentence before burying her face back into Kai.
He stared at the wall in front of him as if he could feel what she was feeling, “I can’t,” he whispered, causing her sobs to get louder,
“That couldn’t have happened… I wouldn’t have let that happen… it couldn’t have been me, maybe I just witnessed—”
He wrapped his arms tightly around her as she hid her face in her hands on his chest, “it did, V… I’m sorry, I wish I could tell you different… I’m sorry…” he had a look of remorse as she moved her hand to her scalp as if to cover her ears from what he was saying and placed his hand in her hair with her.
“I gave you different memories, I didn’t want you to remember but something must have triggered it earlier…” he spoke fast and buried his forehead onto the top of her head when she kept sobbing harder, “I should’ve been there…”
“What do you need me to do? Tell me and I’ll do it, anything… let me make it better,” he rubbed his hand on her back to comfort her, but she was too lost in her mind to notice, “you can’t make it better,” she cried.
He sat with her and let her cry until she couldn’t anymore before taking her to their bed.
She pulled his arm as she laid down or else, he wouldn’t have know if he should lay beside her or not. This whole situation was completely new to him, and he only wanted to make it better but had no idea how.
She laid on her side and pulled his arm around her for comfort.
Kai buried his face in her hair by her ear, “what can I do?” he asked again.
“Make me feel something else…” she teared up again.
“What do you mean?” he whispered and rubbed his hand on her upper arm.
“All I can feel is their hands on me and I cant get rid of it,” she choked up, “so maybe if I feel yours instead—” she placed her hand over her face to avoid crying again.
“shh… it’s okay,” Kai whispered surprisingly sweet and kissed her hair, “where do you want ‘em?”
She lifted herself up to place an arm under her neck, laying her head in the crease of his arm and slid the other to her chest.
She fell asleep as Kai gently rubbed from her chest to her stomach repeatedly, occasionally kissing her hair in between.
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vampirrediaries · 5 years
This Isn’t You : The Vampire Diaries Imagine {Part 3}
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The effects of the vervain in your system were slowly wearing off as you regained consciousness, your vision adjusting to the sight of Stefan and Damon hovering over you.
“I think she’s starting to wake up,” Stefan said with relief as you failed to get up, weakness still prevailent. You saw Damon standing by the door looking distressed as ever at the sight.
You croak out a laugh as you lay helplessly on the cellar floor, where they had put you to avoid trouble with the bloodlust. “Locking me in the cellar, seriously? You two are pathetic” You weakly say with a smirk.
“That was desperate,” Stefan shoots back “Don’t you think that we can see right through you?”
“All i think is how the pair of you could be so stupid ” You chuckle humourlessly “I’m assuming you didn’t kill Katherine, meaning she’ll come after you when she wakes up”
“We’ll deal with her,” Damon says in a low voice to his brother, who solemnly nods in response. You feel your strength slowly return, but you made sure not to let them know.
“All i’m worried about is that pesky humanity switch, Y/N,” Damon says tauntingly “All the ways we get to torture it out of you, fun!”
Now, Damon hated the idea of hurting you in the slightest but he had to put on a show to make sure you knew what was in store for you. He was trying to trigger fear, rage. Anything at all.
You scoff at this, rolling your eyes at the dark haired vampire “You wouldn’t,”
“You think we want to do this?,” Stefan says with distress “We hate the thought of hurting you, Y/N. Just turn it on and we won’t have to!”
“Even if you manage to make me turn it on, i’ll remember all of this and i’ll hate you both for it,”
Damon shrugs at this, turning to his brother with an unbothered look on his face. “It’s worth the risk”
The vervain had weaned its way out of your system at this point, and you felt strong enough. With Damon and Stefan turning around to leave you in solitary, you gathered all of your strength and picked yourself up.
“You should’ve vervained me more” You hiss as the brothers look at you with surprise. You suddenly use your inhumane speed to flash towards the cellar door, away to your freedom, but instead you’re pushed back when you do manage to reach the door. Stefan had acted quickly by taking the syringe he had kept with him for this very reason, and jamming the poisonous substance in you once more.
“Now, that must hurt,” Damon says nonchalantly as you fall down in pain. You look at him incredulously as Stefan painfully shuts the cellar door on you. They were going to dry you out to weaken you before the whole ‘humanity switch flip’ process as Damon had put it.
You had no choice but to lay in solitary with your weakened state, waiting for the brothers to either take you out or a certain curly haired vampire to break you free. Katherine should’ve woken up by now, and she was probably furious. The Petrova vampire was ruthless when she didn’t get what she wanted.
You feel the effects of the vervain shortly after, slowly drag you into darkness once again. you close your eyes as you fall unconscious on the cellar floor.
“Wake up, little Y/N”
You groggily open your eyes after what seemed like forever. Damon and Stefan looked at you with determination as you slowly look around to assess your surroundings. The brothers had tied you to a chair, with your arms up in chains.
“This the best you got?” You manage to let out with a breathy laugh “I didn’t think the pair of you were this amateur”
Damon’s infamous smirk appears as he approaches you “Oh, we’re just getting started Y/N. You of all people should know how creative i can be when i want something”
“Let me guess,” You groan “For me to turn on my humanity again?”
“And we have a winner,” He grins “The real question is if you’re gonna comply this time,”
You roll your eyes in response, not capable of feeling anything and not wanting to. Damon had gotten his answer when he gives his brother a solemn nod. Stefan grimly walks towards the large curtains in the living room which were drawn.
Stefan slightly parts the drawn fabric, allowing a little sunlight to almost reach you. You look confused when Damon glances at your hand with furrowed brows.
“You know the rules, bad girls don’t get nice jewellery”
You realise they had taken your daylight ring, meaning you could burn in the obvious sunlight that was shielded.
“You took my ring, i’m devastated” You say dryly “And bored. Can I go back to solitary now?”
“No, I kinda like you in the hot seat,” Damon shrugs as he looks at Stefan “Whenever you’re ready, brother”
“Am i supposed to be scared? You wouldn’t burn me, Stef” You say, still as emotionless as ever.
“You will be,” He says grimly “And when you are, focus on that fear Y/N. It’s the key to getting your humanity back”
With that being said, Stefan pulls back the curtain, allowing the light to escape and touch the skin of your arm which was still trapped in chains. You feel the searing pain of your flesh burning instantly, screaming in agony as it catches fire.
Damon quickly grabs the fire extinguisher, spraying your arm as Stefan quickly closes the curtains. He looked as disturbed as you’d ever seen him. Damon on the other hand, was determined as ever to see if he’d brought some emotion out of you.
You had felt rage, anger slowly building up at the sight of your arm slowly healing itself.
“I’m gonna kill you” You mumble under your breath. Damon throws his hands in the air “See? There’s a little rage. I should’ve known that would be the first emotion to get out of you.”
You were about to fire back with another angry comment when the door to the salvatore house suddenly flies open. Damon and Stefan quickly turn their heads.
“Now, the pair of you honestly didn’t think this would be the last time you’d see me now did you?”
Katherine Pierce looked as done as ever, with her hair all messed up and clothes dirty. She had a look on her face which screamed ‘Revenge’, and you couldn’t be happier for a vampire with no emotions.
“Katherine,” Damon hisses. The curly haired vampire glances at the sight of poor, tortured you.
“It’s funny, actually. I never thought you would hurt Y/N in a million years,” She says with malice. Stefan and Damon instantly flash in front of you, to prevent Katherine from freeing you. She chuckles humourlessly, stepping in front of the Salvatore boys.
“Give me Y/N, and I wont kill you for snapping my neck. Deal?”
“Like hell,” Stefan hisses protectively “She’s not going anywhere with you.”
You roll your eyes at the inability for the brothers to let go of you. “It’s pathetic how the pair of you can’t leave me be,” You spit out “I’m gone and i’m not coming back, and if you can’t accept that, it’s not my problem.”
Damon rolls his eyes at this, knowing better than to believe anything that comes out of an emotionless vampire’s mouth. Stefan however, looks hurt at your words. You couldn’t care less at this point, and all you wanted was to be free of these chains.
“See?,” Katherine counters “Free her before someone dies”
“I have a better idea,” Damon says with hostility “How about we don’t free her, and you can go rot in hell”
You suddenly hear a familiar voice as the doors of the mansion open once again, footsteps approaching the living room slowly where all of you resided. “Hello?”
You instantly knew who it was, a wide grin forming on your face as Elena Gilbert strolls in, as clueless as ever. Her calm features turn horrified quickly at the sight of the lot of you. Damon and Stefan match her expression.
“Y/N-” Elena begins saying, but Damon knew better than to wait another second with Katherine free to hurt her. It happened fast after that.
He quickly flashes towards the hostile Doppelgänger, holding a stake to her heart before she could make any other moves. You hear Stefan screaming for Elena to run in the midst of this, but you had other plans. With the Salvatore boys being distracted with the situation, you quickly took advantage by using the strength you had left, pulling hard on the chains and surely, they had broke you free.
You quickly pull yourself up, and catch Elena helplessly trying to get out of the house. You flash towards her before she could run towards safety, swiftly grabbing hold of her arm as you drag her back towards the living room following the screams of help. Damon had only just started to dig the stake deeper into Katherine, who only gave out sounds of pure agony when you stood in front of the vampires with your old friend struggling against your grip.
“I wouldn’t,” You spit out mercilessly, referencing towards Katherine “Unless you want the human blood bag to die along with the rest of you”
“You wouldn’t,” Damon breathes out, clearly scared for Elena’s life “You wouldn’t kill her”
You swiftly pull Elena towards you, holding her head sideways so her neck is exposed to you. Elena cries out in pain, but you were far from feeling anything at this point, with your eyes turning red and fangs growing out.
“Oh, I promise you I would,” You hiss “Let Katherine go and I won’t rip into her throat in front of you.” Stefan couldn’t move, since you had Elena. Damon couldn’t move because he had Katherine. They knew they had to let you go at this point.
Damon reluctantly takes the stake out of The Petrova, letting her heal before she could join you. Elena didn’t stop struggling against your grip until Katherine was next to you. You roughly push her towards the Salvatore brothers, who protectively stand in front of her.
You glare at the trio as they look at you with horrified expressions. They hadn’t seen a vampire so ruthless with their emotions turned off until you did it. Truth was, you loved it. You loved not feeling anything, and damn it if Stefan and Damon made you go back to the way you were.
“I expect you to not follow me this time” You finally say with a smirk before you flash out of the house with Katherine following. The pair of you get into her car, driving away to god knows where before the brothers had any second guesses. “We’ll find her again,” Damon says solemnly when you leave. Stefan nods grimly in response, his arms around a shivering Elena. “That wasn’t her, that was a monster,” She shakily says.
“You need to get her back, both of you”
“We will,”
“Thank you for saving me, Cupcake” Katherine grins at you from the drivers seat. “I owed you one,” You reply with a smile “Besides, i like my partner in crime”
“So, where were you thinking of going next? Preferably somewhere far from here,”
A sly smirk appears on your face, a city coming to mind where you know you’d have fun.
“I was thinking New Orleans”
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agl03 · 5 years
What do you say our chances are of FitzSimmons getting a happy ending? Who do you think won’t get a happy ending? A lot of people are saying Daisy will die, do you know why? Do you think the ending will be the team has to go their seperate ways?
Hi Anon,
Bearing in mind there are still 16 episodes to go and a heck of a lot can happen this is my hot take after watching/reading many of the SDCC interviews, chatting with the CTT, and my gut (if that counts for anything).  
I do think that part of the “Bittersweet” ending that the cast and EP’s are referring too is that we will see the team, for the most part, going their separate ways as the final credits roll.  I also won’t rule out them pulling some sort of “19 Years Later” kind of thing and we get flash forwards for the teams as to where they land. 
Right now here is my hot takes on the Main Cast and a few bonuses.
Fitzsimmons:  Yes, I do think they will get a happy ending.  Loop Fitz was doomed from the beginning, as soon as the writers realized they could kill him and have a way out.  Even more evidence for that to me is the difference between how they have written Season 5 vs Season 6 Fitz.  Those who follow my blog know that with Iain running back and forth so much mid season I am expecting something to happen to Fitz be it he goes on an undercover mission or gets kidnapped again (really I’ll be shocked if he (and Jemma) aren’t grabbed or go in the finale).  And this final separation and likely a few other tipping points such as a the death of someone really close to them or Baby Bomb is what seals the deal for them leaving active duty.  I think they do leave either to help at the Academy or start their own company and will have a family.  
May:  Like Fitzsimmons will get out of Shield.  For her it will be time to pass the torch to another generation and she’ll want to fulfill Coulson’s legacy with the Academy.  
Sarge/Coulson:  If I am right and we end the season with Sarge trying to come to terms with having ghosts of Coulson’s memories and now not having a mission we’ll likely see him hang around with Shield to fix whatever poop gets triggered in the finale....still looking at you Chromicons.  However I need to see how this shakes out before I can theorize much ore where he’ll end up.  But I still maintain we wont’ see him turn into “our” Phil Coulson again.  
Deke:   I won’t lie, I do have concerns about Deke surviving the series finale.  He’s toeing the line a bit of a hero arc similar to Mace’s back in Season 4.  I do think that as we finish Season 6 and move into 7 he will at the very least find his place with his grandparents  and likely more of the Shield team as well.  Since we’re seeing him and Fitz get close now we’ll see him and Jemma getting closer, especially when Fitz is missing (the annual Fitznapping is a tradition after all).  I also don’t see Deke hesitating for even a second to sacrifice himself to save someone he cares about, especially his grandparents.  My ideal ending is he buys Nana and Bobo that castle in Scotland and the live there inventing all sorts of stuff safe and happy but I also know this show.
Daisy:  I do see Daisy making it to the end and I actually feel that they’ll finish the arc they started her on and we’ll see her at some point be the Director of Shield.  She wasn’t ready in Season 5, but the mission in space saving Fitz plus whatever is to come I feel will finally have her where Coulson saw her being and ready to lead.  
Mack:  Which brings me to the one I”m gonna get yelled at over.  Because for Daisy to be director, means that Mack needs to retire or fall....and I think unless we have a massive flash forward, that we don’t see Mack retiring so soon after taking over as Director.  I could see something horribly personal happening as well that would have him walk away but no one is going to like that one either is I feel Elena is the only one close enough to him he’d hang it all up for after losing.
Elena:  I worry about Elena too.  No question that something Major happens to her in the Season 6 finale, perhaps a death and miracle safe and she joins the been dead club.  In the comics she dies sacrificing herself as part of a mission 
Essentially I do see who is left from OT6 making it out.  Again I could change my mind with so much real estate to go.
I do think that somehow we’ll see old faces return as things wind down.  Ward, Davis, Piper, Bobbi, and Hunter (for the love of all things writers just give me one ONE scene with Fitz, Deke, and Hunter...preferably sassing the Hades out of a baddie) are the big ones for me right now...and no i have no clue HOW yet just its on my radar and we have time travel now so sky is the limit.  
As I watched interview something that jumped out at me was that Jed, Mo, Jeph, and Jeff felt a lot of pressure to “stick the landing”.  As finales get so much attention and those who miss we can all name off the tops of our heads and even ruined the series for long time fans. 
Even though they wrote Season 5 as a potential series finale they left that loop hole with Fitz and that was an arc all ready to go for Season 6.  It was them wanting to find a way to keep Clark but not bring back Coulson and throw away what they felt like was his perfect ending, that gave birth to the absolutely facinating Sarge arc.  I for one am really enjoying it and I love Clark being allowed to stretch his wings a big and how many complicated layers there are to this.  
This time they aren’t leaving any loop holes they need to clean up.  Yes things will be left open but not to the point where we won’t know someone’s final fate.
Another comment that stuck out was “We don’t want to do the same thing again”.  For me that takes killing Fitz, someone getting eaten by a space rock, mass kidnapping, and dropping Sarge and May off in Tahiti off the table.
While I will never ever ask you guys to trust the writers and I’m super leery about it myself.  I do feel that they saw the um lets just go with feedback after the Season 5 finale.   They saw the comments on the internet, they got the comments we sent to ABC, they know they hurt the fandom something fierce.  And while seeing where they went with the whole Space Arc and we got the masterpiece that is Inescapable out of it I’m okay.  Again had they not told me the’d written that as a series finale and just season the upset wouldn’t have been nearly as bad.  I get that it is still hard to trust them especially when Loeb uses words like heartbreaking.  But remember they have a different dictionary with us I simply refer too “soon” and “Satisfying” as examples of this.
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theartofbeinganerd · 7 years
Oh I just adore all the prompts you are doing. Thank you for doing them! I really love the Au ones with fitzsimmons/Aida. Can I ask for a "he's mine now" where Aida gets away with fitz at the playground but as the team tries to save him Aida is taunting jemma.
Guess who’s back with the angst!! This one got away from me a little bit, but hopefully it’s still close to what you were looking for, anon, and thank you!! :)
“--” indicates that it’s switching from Jemma’s POV to Fitz’s
Jemma could hear the gunshots, the blood-curdling screams,and the inhuman shrieks of AIDA through Talbot’s radio, and she was aching to find Fitz, to push her way pastthose soldiers and rescue him herself. Though they’d sent Piper, Prince, andDavis after him, she wouldn’t be convinced that he was safe until he was backby her side, in her arms – where he belonged. His words to AIDA were stillringing in her head, a constant reminder that he believed that their future togetherhad ended the same moment that he’d pulled the trigger and ended Agnes’s life.
But, as long as she was in his heart, Jemma knew that theycould still fix this, that she could still do her level best to convince Fitzthat he wasn’t at fault for what happened in the Framework, that he was still agood man (the best she’d ever known).
When the containment module began to rise into the Zephyr, sheturned to face it hastily, already beginning to feel relief washing over her –but it stopped cold when she saw only Piper behind the glass window.
No. No. Nonononono.
“What happened?” she demanded, her voice nearly breakingunder the strain of her pounding heart, “Where’s Fitz?”
Piper shook her head, her eyes wide as she explainedhurriedly, her words constantly stopping and starting again, “She…she blew upthe…I mean, lightning came out of her hands and she…she disappeared with himbefore we could…”
Jemma’s knees grew weak, and she just barely heard Daisygasping about AIDA having Lincoln’s powers, and Coulson realizing that she hadcontrol over more than one Inhuman power. It was only distantly that shenoticed May dashing off to get them out of there as soon as possible and Daisythreatening the soldiers with a raised hand.
He was gone. AIDAhad taken him, god knew where. They hadn’t been able to save him, they’d lost him again.
She had lost himagain.
All of a sudden, she felt a foreign presence at her back,followed by the sound of guns cocking and sharp gasps echoing through the cargohold. However, all of it was drowned out by the sinister whisper at her ear of,“He’s mine now.”
And before anyone could react, before anyone could get off asingle shot, she was gone.
Abruptly, Jemma’s fear for Fitz was joined by a surge ofpure anger, and she whirled around toface the place that AIDA had been, curling her hands into tight fists. She wasgoing to find that tincan, and tear her apart with her bare hands – Inhumanpowers be damned.
“What the hell was that thing, Coulson?” Talbot demanded.
“Something we need to get far away from as fast as possible,”Coulson replied, his voice tight.
“Drop your guns and you can come with us,” Daisy told them,still holding her hand out defensively.
“I don’t suggest staying, but the Zephyr’s leaving with orwithout you.”
It was a tense moment before Talbot ordered his men to fallback, and once they all had safely exited the Zephyr, they fled the base.Almost immediately, Jemma turned to Coulson and said hurriedly, “We have tofind Fitz. He could…he could be in danger – we have no idea where she’s takenhim or what her goals are or…”
“I know,” Coulson assured her, stepping closer so that hecould place a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Finding AIDA will be our firstpriority. She still has the Darkhold, after all, and we can’t let her doanymore damage with it.”
With that, he gave her shoulder a quick squeeze, and headedoff further into the Zephyr, no doubt to find May to start talking strategy.Daisy seemed about to follow him, but paused and turned back to Jemma with adetermined smile. “We’ll find him,” she told her reassuringly, and only onceJemma had managed a small nod in response did she follow Coulson.
Jemma only had to hope that Daisy was right – she wasn’tsure how much more of this she could take, constantly being separated fromFitz, always having to find each other, only to be torn apart once again bysome new horrible, unbelievable circumstance.
She wasn’t sure how much more of this she could take, andshe knew that eventually she and Fitz were going to have to have a longconversation about it; for now, though? She was going to rescue Fitz from thattwisted robot if it was the last thing she did.
Sometime later, after Jemma and Daisy had spent a fair bitof time doing their best to keep the Framework from collapsing in on itselfbefore Elena could extract Mack, Daisy returned to the Zephyr with a very muchalive Robbie at her side.
Jemma could barely wait for him to finish conversing with Coulsonand Daisy about the Darkhold before she stepped in, trying to keep thedesperation out of her voice as she questioned, “You saw AIDA, didn’t you?”
He nodded and crossed his arms over his chest, rattling thechain wrapped across his body as he did so. “Almost had her, too.”
“Did…did you see Fitz there?” she asked, unable to help thepleading note in her voice as she spoke his name. It’d been hours since they’dleft the Playground, since AIDA had disappeared with him, since Jemma had lastlaid eyes on him; she hadn’t even gotten the chance yet to speak to him, totouch him, to tell him that she loved him.
Robbie seemed to hesitate, but he ultimately admitted, “Yeah,I did, but when she disappeared, she took him with her.”
Jemma pressed her lips together, attempting rein in her spiralingemotions for the umpteenth time, before she asked in a small voice, “How did helook?” All she wanted to know was if he was okay, if AIDA had hurt him in anyway,if he’d only gotten worse since she’d watched his breakdown in the Inhumancontainment room.
“He looked pretty shook up,” Robbie offered, shrugging oneshoulder.
Inhaling a quiet breath, Jemma nodded. “Thank you,” shewhispered, then turned on her heel and climbed the staircase back to the secondlevel of the Zephyr to continue her vigil over the Framework.
It wasn’t long after that Daisy, Coulson, May, and Robbie wentoff to try and intercept Ivanov at the international meeting, leaving Jemmaalone on the Zephyr to watch over Elena and Mack. She was giving all she had tokeep it going long enough, to give Elena the time to convince Mack to leavewith her, but her computer skills were nowhere near Daisy’s or Fitz’s;truthfully, she wasn’t sure how much longer she could keep it up.
“You’ll never see him again.”
Jemma’s eyes grew wide, a chill running down her spine atthe mocking voice coming from just over her shoulder. She spun around to faceher, but she was already gone.
“He belongs with menow.”
Once more, Jemma nearly tripped herself in her haste tofollow AIDA’s voice, and once more, she was just a moment too late.
“It’s time for ourepic love story to begin, and time for yours to come to an end.”
That time, Jemma was quick enough to catch a glimpse ofAIDA, her lips curled into a sickeningly smug smirk, and it was clear that shebelieved she’d already won. Without giving it a second thought, Jemma lungedforward to try and grab a hold of AIDA, to try and do something to stop her only connection to Fitz from disappearingwithout a trace.
But, AIDA was gone before she could touch her, her fingers slicingthrough thin air.
Even still, with AIDA gone, Jemma couldn’t help but snapinto the emptiness around her, “I never wantedan epic love story – all I’ve ever wanted was Fitz!”
The words echoed in the empty room, only serving to remind herof how alone she truly was.
Fortunately, not much more time passed before the othersreturned to the Zephyr, more ready than ever to find AIDA and destroy her. WithCoulson’s declaration that they were no longer on the defensive, that they werereturning to the base and setting a trap for AIDA, he stepped up to Jemma andasked lowly, “What can you do to get AIDA where we need her?”
Without even having to think about it, Jemma replied, “Weneed to use what she wants most against her.”
Fitz didn’t have the first clue how much time had passedsince he and AIDA had left the Playground – it felt as though days had come andgone, but that couldn’t possibly be right; time seemed to be dragging on as hewas forced to watch AIDA plotting to turn their world into the Framework, asshe planned to take down SHIELD and find his team, attempted to stop thembefore they could stop her.
When she’d returned to the submarine where she’d stashed himwith a half a dozen LMDs to make sure he stayed complacent, he wasn’t even surewhere they were going this time, nor did he really care anymore. Truthfully, allhe really felt was empty inside after the emotional turmoil of the past fewdays, of the fallout from his time in the Framework, of seeing Jemma again, ofbeing kidnapped by AIDA once more.
However, when they appeared in what he instantly recognizedwas the server room of the Playground and his eyes quite suddenly fell uponJemma, his emotions burst to life inside of him – gut-wrenching fear and guiltswelled inside of him until he felt that he was being choked by the strength ofit.
“This would be much easier if Fitz were here,” Jemma hadbeen mumbling to herself as she worked on one of the servers, looking exhaustedand more than a little worse for wear (but she was still alive, still in onepiece, thankfully).
“Well, here he is,” AIDA taunted, taking a step toward Jemmathat had her turning hastily to face them. Instantly, her eyes locked with Fitz’s,and he tried to infuse as much apology into his gaze as he possibly could.
“No, no please, just leave Jemma alone,” Fitz pleaded,nearly tripping over the words in his haste to get them out before AIDA didanything to harm her. “You have me, alright? What more do you want?”
“I want her out ofthe way,” AIDA snapped, taking another threatening step in Jemma’s direction. “Iwant you to watch her die so that you knowshe’s gone, so that you can see her suffer because you rejected me for her.”
Fitz’s hands began to tremble as he hurried to follow AIDA,begging, “Please don’t do this Ophelia, please.I’ll go quietly, I promise I will.”
“It’s not worth it, Fitz,” Jemma informed him in low, tightvoice, shaking her head as she narrowed her eyes in a fierce glare directed atAIDA. “She’s just a soulless machine – she doesn’t understand mercy.”
Snarling, AIDA began to stalk toward Jemma. “My only regretis that you won’t be able to watch as I take him for myself, as we have a lifetogether – the life you tried tosteal from me.”
“No!” Fitz felt as though he’d run a marathon the way thathe was gasping for breath, and he took another halted step toward where AIDAwas too close to Jemma. “Please, I know that you must be overwhelmed with allof these feelings, but –”
“It is overwhelming,” AIDA told him, turning back around toface him as she scowled. “There are too many feelings, which is why I’vedecided to only feel one of them: vengeance. It’s hot and clean and sharp likea knife. And my vengeance is going to make yousuffer the way that I have suffered.”
At that moment, Jemma suddenly struck with what appeared tobe a screwdriver, obviously intending to stab AIDA in the neck with it.However, AIDA was too quick for her, grabbing Jemma’s hand and twisting themaround until the point of the screwdriver was poised before Jemma’s heart. Andthen, before Fitz could even take a breath, she’d stabbed her directly in thechest.
“NOOO!” The screamwas torn from Fitz’s throat, leaving it raw as tears sprung up in his eyes.Bending over double and catching himself on the server bank, he fought forbreath. All he could do was watch as Jemma’s face contorted in pain, as shestruggled, as she bled – it was theworst torture imaginable, it was his worst nightmare come to life.
“Beg me to let her live,” AIDA commanded harshly.
Feeling as though he was about to be sick, as though hisheart was going to burst right through his ribcage, Fitz pleaded desperately, “Lether go! Just…just let her… Don’t dothis! Please! I’ll do whatever you want, I swear, as long as you please let her go!”
With a smirk, AIDA informed him plainly, “Too late.” Turningher head to look at Jemma, she added, “This is making me feel better. Fitz, whydo we feel better when we make someone else suffer?”
“Because there’s something wrong with you, you psych-oh,” Jemma’s insult ended in a cry ofpain as AIDA twisted the screwdriver, and Fitz physically flinched away, moretears rolling down his cheeks as he was brought back to the year before, whenhe’d had to listen to Jemma’s screams of pain and had been unable to doanything to help her.
And though he’d vowed to never let it happen again, to protect her, there he was, unable tostop her from being hurt, from being tortured once more.
“Stop! Stop!Please, please just spare Jemma,” he continuedto plead, hoping and praying that he’d say somethingthat might get through to AIDA, that might cause her to give up on hervengeance long enough to let Jemma get away.
“So it’s Jemma now? Trying to humanize her? I’m afraid you’regoing to have to do better than that.” And then she twisted the screwdriveronce more, causing Jemma to let out another sharp cry.
“They have the Darkhold!” Fitz reminded her, grasping atstraws now. “We can go get it, then we can leave!” He knew that helping AIDA toretrieve the Darkhold was the last thing he should be doing, that he was verylikely sacrificing the rest of the world for Jemma, but in that moment he would’vegiven anything to insure her safety. “Please,let Jemma go, then we’ll find the Darkhold and we’ll leave.”
“Fitz, Fitz,”Jemma gasped out, lifting her eyes to meet his as she managed to whisperpainfully, “I…I love you.”
And then, without even giving him the time to assure herthat he still loved her, that he always had and had never stopped, even thoughhe shouldn’t, even though all his love seemed to do was hurt her, AIDA liftedher hand, and zapped a bolt of energy straight through Jemma’s body.
“JEMMA!” Fitzshrieked, his heart freezing in his chest and his stomach plummeting to theground as he watched Jemma’s body jerk with the surge of electricity, beforeshe hit the floor in a heap. Immediately, he dropped to his knees beside her,heedless of AIDA’s continued presence.
“I’ll be back for you,” AIDA warned him before teleportingaway, but he barely heard it as he focused solely on Jemma.
With trembling hands, he cradled Jemma’s cold fingers,bending his head to drop tear-soaked kisses against her skin. “This is all myfault,” he murmured shakily, “I’m so sorry,Jemma. It should’ve…it should’ve been me,not you – it never should’ve been you.And now…now I’m out of time to make it right. You deserved so much more thanthis…you deserved the world, Jemma, and I never should have tried because…becauseI was never enough – this was always going to happen because of me, because I’ma bad person, and you…you just got caught up in it.”
For a moment, he was unable to go on, choking on the sobsbuilding up in his throat. He stroked the back of her hand with his thumb, muchlike he’d done so many times before (Jemma had always found it soothing), ashis chin wobbled with the force of his tears.
“I…I don’t know what to do now,” he admitted in a hoarsewhisper. “What am I supposed to do now that you’re…” He shook his head, closinghis eyes tightly to try and stem the flow of the burning tears, to no avail. “Iknow I shouldn’t but…god Jemma, Ilove you. I love you so much and I…I would give everything I have for you tocome back to me – I’d offer my own life if I could. I swear Jemma, I would.”
“That won’t be necessary.”
At the soft murmur, Fitz let out gasp of violent shock, hiseyes tearing open to find through the haze of his tears that Jemma was standingin the doorway with a small, albeit concerned, smile on her face and not a dropof blood in sight. He dropped his gaze to the body on the floor, and now thatthe panic and grief had faded somewhat, he could tell that it was an LMD, not the real Jemma.
Hastily stumbling to his feet, Fitz caught himself on thebank of servers, gasping for breath as he held a hand to his rapidly beatingheart. “Are…are you alright? Where’s…”
“AIDA’s been taken care of,” Jemma informed him simply. “We’reall alright now.”
His shoulders slumping in relief, he released a shaky sighand nodded in understanding. Then, his head jerked up, and he told her sharply,“Don’t ever scare me like that again, JesusJemma.”
Jemma took a small step toward him, arching an eyebrow asshe replied, “As long as you promise never to scare me like that again; I’ve been so worried about you since AIDA tookyou. I…I was so afraid that I’d never see you again.”
Nodding toward her lifeless LMD, though he refused to lookat the gruesome sight any longer, he told her lowly, “I know the feeling.”
She took another, slightly hesitant step in his direction asher brows drew together pleadingly. “Fitz…we can’t keep doing this.”
Fitz’s eyes fell closed then, only for images to flashacross the backs of his eyelids; Jemma with a gun to her head, Jemma with ascrewdriver sticking out of her chest, Jemma lifeless and crumpled on the floorin a pool of her own blood. He knew then what he had to do to ensure that noneof it ever happened again.
So, he gave a short nod and agreed firmly, “It has to end.”
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aheartshapedgun · 7 years
The Fate of the Furious: Dom and Letty
This will be full of spoilers, so I’m gonna cut it, but I’ve been bombarded on Instagram with questions that I hope this post will answer… Feel free to ask anything it doesn’t. My inbox’s always open. It’s a very fangirl-ish post.
So, someone asked me how the movie can still be worth seeing, if Dom’s the father of Elena’s baby - which he is - and here’s why:
You have to keep in mind that I met Vin like 15 minutes before the screening started, so it was very hard for me to focus during the first 20 minutes or so, and basically the duration of the film. This might not be a 100% accurate cuz I’m sure I missed some of the details, but it’s still what happens in the movie... One way or the other.
First of all, the scene we’ve been waiting for - the bed scene. They were SO IN LOVE in that moment, like two teenagers, that I can accept the fact it was way too short. Letty mentions them seeing a dad and his son and that she thinks he’ll be a great father, and then, if I remember correctly, he lifts the blanket a little and touches her belly and she laughs and says she’s not pregnant and that cute little laugh of her KILLED ME! So sweet omg! She also kisses his chest and touches his chin which I thought was just super adorable. She says “Look at that smile” when she sees that lovey dovey look on his face and that she loves seeing him happy or he says he’s happy. Can’t remember the exact words but one of them definitely mentions happiness and it was so fucking cute, y’all gonna squeal, trust me! Also, when Letty tells him she’s not pregnant (THAT CHUCKLE THO 😍) and says “We need to think about why we never asked the question” or somethin, his smirk was so fucking cute! I DIED! The happiness that radiates from the both of them is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life I really can’t! And when she mentions his smile I was beyond done!!! FUCKING OMG!
My second favorite scene is when they reunited… or the alley scene… I’m not sure yet… THEIR REUNION CUZ OF THE SMOOCHES AND THE HUGGING! I CANNOT DEAL! So, as we’ve seen in one trailer, Dom jumps his car over the sub and it crashes, but he manages to get out before that happens. Then the sub blows up and since he has no cover, the team shields him from the heat with their cars. I really liked that scene, ‘cause it shows how much of a damn family they are even after all this shit Dom pulled! Then Letty gets out of her car and walks towards him while he’s getting up from the ground and he’s like “I have a lot to explain” and she goes “Starting with that bitch” 😂  They kiss and it’s so cute! Camera focuses on Rome (their faces are blurry but you can still see them smooching) and he says something like “Now THAT’S the Dom I know” That was so sweet and funny! And then the focus goes back on Dom and Letty and they hug and it’s not just any kind of hug but one of those I’m holding the most precious human being in the entire universe in my arms kinda hug and he tells her “You know I never left you… I never will.” and they kiss again…… The way she chuckles mentioning that bitch! She just seems so happy, so relieved! They both do! I think they give each other like 3 little kisses or so and the hugs are emotional af! I think they even let go for a quick second and then hug again, because it feels so damn right. And I was sitting there like CAUSE OF DEATH: CUTENESS! And when he’s already back with the fam and Letty’s in danger but then saves herself by pulling a stunt with her car he’s like “That’s my girl” and I literally squealed so hard cuz HE WAS SO GODDAMN PROUD OF HIS GIRL! I NEEDED JESUS!
Also there’s one point where he’s still bad and they drive next to each other and the looks were killing me! Them too, I think! But then later you have like almost the exact moment where he’s back with the team and I just fucking LOVE how different it is. Letty’s smile!!!!
The scene in the alley where he’s chasing after her cuz she got the case was so intense! I imagined it to be, but it was NOTHING like I imagined it to be. It was WORSE! Even more intense than I ever could’ve imagined! I had TEARS in my eyes during that scene! He sees her getting away and you can tell he’s torn, like he doesn’t wanna stop her but he knows he has to, and so he fires his gun in the air and then happens what we see happening in the trailer. They talk and she tells him “I don’t know why you’re doing this, but I know one thing… You love me and you are not gonna shoot me.” And when she walks away and turns the corner, Rhodes is there putting a gun to Letty’s head. And then Dom puts a gun to Rhodes head (I SCREAMED BECAUSE YAY DOM!) and he’s ready to pull the trigger. You gotta love that no matter how much he wants to protect that baby, his and Elena’s baby, he’s willing to risk that baby getting killed to save his wife. Y’all go watch that scene and tell me it doesn’t mean that his wife is more important to him than that son he’s got and I call you a fucking liar because DAMN! LETTY IS HIS HEART! Anyway, Letty lets go of the case and Dom and Rhodes leave, and the moment Dom’s out of sight, I WAS CRUSHED cuz she breaks down crying I mean she tries not to cry but that doesn’t work very well. She literally tries to steady herself grabbing the wall cuz she knows if she doesn’t do that, she’s gonna fall to the floor and drown in her puddle of tears. It broke my fucking heart! SERIOUSLY I ALMOST CRIED WTF IS MITCHY DOING KILLING ME WITH DA ACTING! 😭 Her emotion in that scene! Dammit! I was a 1000% done!
When Ramsay says they might have to accept the fact that Dom really has gone rogue and insinuated that they should give up on him you hear a loud bang which is Letty slamming the car door shut and then she says like “You wouldn’t even be breathing right now if it weren’t for Dom. He saved you!” and walks past her bumping her shoulder! QUEEN! And Roman goes “You’re just gonna let her do that? Bump your shoulder like that? I mean it was pretty aggressive” Ramsey sits down in front of her laptop and Rome says “What? You’re gonna write her an email?” 😂😂😂 Honestly, even though I kinda knew what to expect, that movie made me feel uneasy af, so every lil’ laugh I could get out of it was a true blessing! So, thank you Roman.
One thing that absolutely disgusted me was the emotion between Dom and Elena. You gotta prepare for that. That was honestly the ONLY thing I didn’t like. And well, the fact that he calls the kid Brian, which is stupid af, but I just pretend his name is Marcus, and Marcus only, so it’s cool. Smh. But about that emotion… When Dom is on the plane and Cipher’s like “I think I have to remind you why you choose to do this” he gets to see Elena. And his face when he sees that baby was a bit odd to me cuz I thought he saw that kid already when Cipher handed him that phone in Cuba… Maybe it was seeing him face to face for the first time, Idk… Anyway, Elena puts her hand up to the glass that separates them, he puts his hand up too. So they touch but not really, you know? And I was screaming internally like WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING THAT YOU IDIOT!!! There was just too much emotion… It kinda grossed me out. It felt pretty intimate to me and I don’t like to think of those two that way. There wasn’t a longing look on his face or love in his eyes or anything, but there definitely was SOMETHING in his eyes and I didn’t like it. I didn’t want him to be looking at Elena that way. Whatever way! I hated it! And I also kinda hated seeing him cry when he sees his kid and him telling Cipher that the most painful moment for him was his son reaching out for him and Dom not being able to touch him… I wish his painful moment had been about Letty… Oh, and Dom looks up to the sky during the BBQ scene (to dead!Elena) and says “I’ll take good care of OUR son” Ugh like why the fuck did he say that? But well, I realized fairly quickly that there’s a solution to this problem and it’s to focus on what’s happening between Dom and Letty cuz if you’re able to ignore that Dom and Elena shit by focusing on the emotion between Dom and Letty, you’re gonna experience one hell of a ride going through all kinds of emotion and it’s fucking epic!
                                                                                                                                                                           Anonymous said:                                                                      Were dom and letty together at the end of the movie?            
The end scene needs to go up on that list of scenes that are my fav, because it was really beautiful! I always said to people who asked me that I might be able to accept this baby, if I truly believe Letty’s happy and if I don’t have the feeling like this was something that was forced on her, y’know? And tbh, she is so very happy in that last bit! It IS a matter of opinion after all, I guess, but to me, she only seemed a little bummed out that the baby isn’t hers. Just a wee bit. She did seem more like she was just happy to have him back and see him happy and I also think it helped her that the baby was so cute and there was no drama with the baby mama to expect because Elena’s dead.  The ending wasn’t even that out of character for me. For Letty, I mean. Just something about it made me feel like I understood why she doesn’t freak out or get mad at him and leaves his sorry ass… Like I said, whatever talk they had about the baby, she didn’t seem like she was pushed to be there. She seemed like she totally wanted to be there. By Dom’s side. With this baby.
When Dom waits for Deckard to arrive with his kid, she stands next to him, and she gets close to him and smiles, saying “Dont worry, he’ll be here soon” and then she pecks him on the arm and that was such a sweet little thing she did there, such a sweet little kiss… I STILL CANNOT! And the moment when Dom introduces his son to her and says she’s the most important person in his universe she got so shy and her smile was so sweet! It was so fucking adorbs HELP ME 😍😍😍  There’s another scene where Dom holds the baby and she says he (the baby) looks cute and then Dom tightens his grip around her and it is such a beautiful moment tbh… They looked so happy omg 😭❤ Maybe she says he’s adorable but she definitely says something about the baby that just makes him so fucking smile and happy and God it is so sweet you don’t wanna miss it for the world! That’s why I’m saying you gotta see it! It’s so easy to ignore the whole Elena thing cuz our babies are so so fucking cute in that movie and precious and THE FOCUS OF ATTENTION! So many times where the camera’s on Letty and we see how she feels even if she’s not saying anything and with Dom too and the vibe they were giving me in that last scene was like they went right back into honeymoon mode after that BBQ like they probably gave the baby to the guys and got right on to that 😂 They really seemed like they couldn’t wait to get back to that thing they were doing in Cuba 😏👉👌😇
                                                                                                                                                                           Anonymous said:                                                                      doesn’t a part of you still just want to scream at vin and the writers about the faults in the timeline that they had to make in order for this storyline to be true?! or for writing something like this at all?!            
Only like a very tiny part of me. I didn’t know I’d be feeling like this after watching it tbh. I expected to be disappointed. I’m so glad I saw it because I’m really not that pissed anymore. A little maybe. I’m still pissed they did this baby thing, they should’ve casted an older baby not to mess up the timeline (Elena says she found out before he went to get Letty back so at least he’s not a cheater!), but I do love the movie. A LOT. Simply because it’s all about them. About their love and how strong it is. Can’t hate that can ya? Those scenes between Dom and Letty are full of love, hurt, desperation, longing, … so many things, and F. Gary did an awesome job capturing that. And I swear, Vinchelle brought their A-fucking-game! Their acting is off the charts! Insane! Especially in those moments they have together. So yeah… Letty not being the mother of his first child sucks an awful lot, but that movie screams! It screams, Letty is his true love, his one and only, and they literally can get through anything. Any. Fucking. Little. Thing. They love each other so much and they’re my babies and like I said I cried at some points 😭❤ Seeing the movie was really good for me. It helped me cope with this huge mess we were thrown into. I seriously can’t wait to see it again! I wouldn’t be surprised if you feel the same but OMG the scene where they reunite is absolutely beautiful! All the smooching and hugging and the way they both chuckle! God that was the fanficiest moment of them all I think 😂
                                                                                                                                                                           Anonymous said:                                                                      What happens in the after credit scene in F8?            
There wasn’t a tag ending, but I felt like there was still more story to tell, so I really hope they’ll do at least ONE movie after this… I mean to hell with it, gimme both! And I hope she’ll get pregnant. I’ll be sad if she won’t.
                                                                                                                                                                           Anonymous said:                                                                      Is Luke Evans in Fast 8?
He has a small cameo, yes. It was awesome!
                                                                                                                                                                           Anonymous said:                                                                      do you think ramsey is gonna be anyones love interest in fast 8?            
Ramsey is not anyone’s love interest, but there’s a funny scene between her and Tej and Rome at the end. I won’t spoil that 😋
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geektified · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.geektified.com/2017/05/06/the-geeckap-roundup/
The Geeckap Roundup
Supergirl “Alex”
During a police standoff, Maggie attempts to negotiate with a hostage situation, only to have Supergirl intervene which leaves a sizable rift between the two with Alex. However, Alex is then kidnapped by former Midvale High classmate Rick Malverne who blackmails Kara with the demand to let his father out of prison. While Maggie continues to interrogate him for information, Kara immediately follows a signal sent out by Alex, but the location is revealed to be a trap that triggers Alex’s cell to begin filling with water, giving them only four hours to find her. Meanwhile, Rhea offers a business proposition for a transmatter portal to Lena at L-corp, but Lena rejects the offer after discovering Rhea’s plans have alien proponents that cannot be harnessed on Earth. Though Lena questions Rhea’s motives, Rhea insists that she has been honest in her offer and presents an opportunity without judgement. Unsure about the deal, Lena calls Kara who is too busy handling Alex’s case to give advice.
With Alex’s situation becoming direr, Maggie nearly gives in to Malverne’s deal and prepares to release his father Peter Thompson. Kara catches her in the middle of the act and, following her example, begins to talk to Thompson, appealing to his role as a father to Malverne and the devastation to turning him into a terrorist for his own sake. After hearing Kara, Thompson gives Alex’s real location, just in time for Supergirl to save her. They return Alex to the DEO where she and Maggie exchange their first “I love yous” to each other. J’onn then returns Malverne to jail after wiping his memory of Kara’s secret identity but not before Alex gives the criminal a punch to the face. Kara finally contacts Lena on her decision, but Lena admits that she no longer needs help, having already agreed to Rhea’s deal.
Kara references Clark’s ability to fly and turn back time from Superman.
Rick Malverne was revealed in a flashback to Kara and Alex’s childhood from season one.
Photo Credit: DC/CW
The Flash “I Know Who You Are”
To try and stop Savitar, Barry, Cisco, and HR attempt to find Tracy Brand, the scientist who helps Barry trap Savitar in the future. Unfortunately, they find that Tracy has not even completed her dissertation yet, years away from helping them. Nevertheless, she soon finds herself being hunted down by Killer Frost who has orders from Savitar to kill the future scientist. Although she is apprehensive about the situation, Tracy opens up to HR about her research regarding speedsters, revealing her own knowledge about the Speed Force. With Caitlin now working with Savitar, Cisco and Julian debate over how to deal with their former friend with Cisco unable to fight Caitlin. Meanwhile, Joe struggles in his relationship with Cecile after she tells him she loves him.
The team ultimately reveal the future to Tracy Brand in hopes that she can expedite her work, but the impact of the future intimidates Tracy, leading her to leave. HR eventually finds her and persuades her as the team soon discovers Cecile has been kidnapped to exchange for Tracy. The group confronts Killer Frost with Cisco successfully incapacitating her before Savitar speeds her away, leaving behind a sample of her blood that Julian hopes to help cure Caitlin. After the rescue, Tracy soon theorizes that perhaps the team could use Savitar’s armor to turn on himself, trapping him in the Speed Force. To help his relationship, Joe ultimately confesses his feelings to Cecile and reveals Barry and Wally’s identities as the Flash and Kid Flash respectively. Upon realization, Barry confronts Savitar once again, revealing he knows his true identity: Barry himself in the future.
Wally reveals to have been visiting Earth-3.
Savitar is revealed to be a future version of Barry Allen, though his identity in the comics is actually an unnamed Cold War pilot.
Photo Credit: DC/CW
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. “Farewell Cruel World”
Elena and the remaining SHIELD agents are forced decloak the ship to power the virtual device as they wait for Daisy and Simmons to return from the Framework. This act leads to them being tracked as they try to fight off the threat. Inside the virtual world, Daisy reveals Aida’s plan to Simmons, and the team begins to plan to move to Radcliffe’s backdoor. Simmons, however, becomes determined to reach Fitz and confronts his father at gunpoint to meet him. Unfortunately, Fitz’s father fights off Simmons, forcing her to shoot him in defense. Against Madame Hydra’s orders, Fitz begins a hunt after the agent behind his father’s death. Under Fitz’s threat and the promise of new world, Radcliffe reveals the location of the backdoor to Fitz. As the team regathers at the backdoor site, revealed to be a steel mill, Aida prepares her machine to create a new body.
Hydra agents swarm the team as Daisy opens the portal through a molten pot. In the fight, Coulson makes it through the portal, causing a ripple effect that reveals the Framework’s digital creation to May and Mack. Fitz then corners Simmons, threatening to kill her despite her pleas. Radcliffe then turns suit and forces Fitz through the portal to the real world, revealing his betrayal of Fitz to Simmons and reassuring his good nature. Despite learning about the Framework, Mack declines to leave, preferring to stay in the same world as his daughter. Daisy returns to real world just as Fitz wakes up with Coulson and May, horrified at the things he did. Aida then enters the room, revealing to now have a real body. Before the others can react, Aida grabs onto Fitz, and the two disappear.
Coulson briefly remembers his death from The Avengers after being shot in the Framework.
Trip references looking good in a uniform, the same reference he gave in the season two episode “Heavy Is The Head.”
Photo Credit: Marvel/ABC
Arrow “Underneath”
Chase sets off an EMP that takes out all electronic devices in the bunker, including the spinal chip that allows Felicity to walk, and traps Oliver and Felicity inside with the doors sealed. The rest of their team eventually discover the trap and race against the clock to rescue them before they run out of air. Meanwhile, Lyla and Diggle argue over their compromised morality they’ve experienced in their work. Oliver attempts to escape through the elevator shaft despite Felicity’s warning, but a trap set by Chase sets off, wounding Oliver. Another attempt to restart the power leads to a methane pipe explosion which As Oliver begins passing out from the effort, he reveals to Felicity his confession to enjoying killing his victims. Felicity responds that despite his experiences, he never turned into a monster, showing that he is better than he believes. In a flashback eleven months earlier, Oliver and Felicity reexamine their relationship which leads to an impromptu date and sex inside the bunker.
Using Curtis’s T-Spheres, the rest of the team is able to provide an exit for Oliver and Felicity, but the mainframe is set to cause an explosion. The team then rushes to manually turn the vents back on as Diggle goes to retrieve the two. Despite his exhaustion, Oliver is able to help Felicity escape before he is rushed to emergency surgery. Lyla offers the use of ARGUS for a temporary base as Diggle apologizes for his lack of trust. In the flashback, Felicity ultimately still rejects a new relationship with Oliver after his lack of trust in revealing his son but keeps the option open for the future. As Oliver recovers, Felicity apologizes for working with Helix, saying she finally understands his own unwillingness to trust. In the final scene Chase finds Oliver’s son William.
Oliver’s son William returns for the first time since the season four episode “Taken.”
Photo Credit: DC/CW
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/agents-shield-worlds-end-finale-good-not-great/
'Agents of SHIELD' World's End finale good, not great
Agents of SHIELD Season 4 ended on a very high note with World’s End. The season began with Ghost Rider and ended with Ghost Rider; and as a Ghost Rider fan, the action in this season’s last episode is the best GR action I’ve seen since the first movie. I’d go so far as to say that the action and effects here are better. Well, compare the technology from 2007 to today and the fact that Agents of SHIELD is a TV show, AOS has really delivered. Hopefully, Robbie Reyes continues to show up in Season 5, or this particular episode paves the way for Marvel to greenlight a separate Ghost Rider series. Let’s recap for a bit while reviewing the episode at the same time. First the obligatory warning, SPOILER ALERT!. But if you can’t wait to know what’s happened, and since our livelihoods here depends on your flaming devil-may-care attitudes, please read on. The episode picks up where the last one left off. Robbie Reyes returns in the SHIELD base and takes his car. The scene quickly shifts over to the Zephyr to May and Coulson. This episode, by the way, feels rushed and would have been better off as a two-hour special like what Supernatural’s going to or has done (depending on when you read this). They talk about keeping out of both Aida’s and the US government’s radars. May is still pissed about that bottle of alcohol (Hague is it?). I’ve yet to try Anton’s vodka with onions. Have to find some pure vodka first. We the shift over to Fitz and Jemma discussing on how to kill Aida. Fitz is still guilt-ridden while Jemma is anxious if Fitz is okay with killing the love of his alternative life. Their discussion is cut short when Jemma is alerted to the gradual erasure of the Framework. Yes, the Framework won’t continue as an alternate dimension within the show. Either it’s due to Aida’s anger, or the point of its existence was simply as a vehicle for her become a real person. The end of the framework, however, means the end of any hopes for a good LMD Grant Ward or the return of Tripp. Sorry, Skyward and Tripp fans. Then again, Ward hasn’t been around for a couple of episodes. Maybe it’s been done off-screen? We’ll be doing a lot of speculating later. Now the degradation of the Framework can’t be good for Mack and Yoyo who just entered it in the previous episode. Last we saw Yoyo, she was strapped to a chair after entering the Framework. Radcliffe comes to her rescue thanks to Daisy guiding him from the other side. The road to redemption has been pretty long for this character and quite dramatic. Radcliffe tells Yoyo that it may be too late as he notices the gradual degradation of the Framework. Fitz and Daisy do what they can in the background to delay the process and provide a way for Yoyo to escape. Aida’s own journey with human emotions continues to be unpleasant as she let herself be consumed by anger, rage and regret. She and Anton discuss their plan to remake the world but their discussion is interrupted with the arrival of Robbie Reyes in his flaming 69 Charger. Haven’t seen those flaming wheels since the first episode. Yes, yes. Budget, we know. He really needs his own series. Anyway, he tries to take the Darkhold and fights an Anton LMD and an unidentified one. He kills both and injures Aida in the arm. Robbie notices that Aida has become a real person and she shoots him with lightning, triggering a full transformation. Aida is shocked that her lightning doesn’t hurt the rider and teleports away with the Darkhold. Ghost Rider is furious that she got away. This sequence is perhaps more action-packed than the Ghost Rider fights in the first film. The effects look more realistic too. General Talbot calls Coulson to attend an international intelligence inquiry that wants to investigate the recent events. Coulson says no because of the threat of Aida. Daisy then tells Coulson that Robbie is back. The next scene shifts to Daisy meeting with Robbie. Like we said, this episode is fast-paced. Robbie explains that he’s back because of a tear that Aida created when she created her new body. The same effect when Eli was conjuring carbon spikes out of thin air. The tear was big enough for him to escape. Meanwhile, Aida is puzzled that her healing factor (probably taken from Jia Ying) has no effect on the wound inflicted by Ghost Rider. Anton explains that her body and Ghost Rider come from the same place. Which means, if anyone can stop Aida, it’s Ghost Rider. The other guy with Anton was actually duplicated from a Russian analyst supposed to be in the SHIELD inquiry. He and Anton show up at the inquiry and state their intentions that SHIELD must be brought down and even urge everyone there to read from the Darkhold. Talbot objects but then Daisy Johnson suddenly shows up and shoots Talbot in the head. Luckily, Talbot is still alive and that the Daisy that shot him was one of Aida’s Daisybots. The team shows up shoots the two Russian LMDs. They escape but leave behind the Darkhold. Daisy catches up to her double and meets Aida as well. Robbie however quickly destroys the double, and he and Daisy dispose of the other LMDs. Aida escapes before Robbie can kill her. The team determines that Talbot’s assassination was to be Aida’s ‘Cambridge Incident.' If the security footage leaks to the world, it would become the root of the Framework. Coulson suggests using the Darkhold to bait Aida since she’s afraid they might use it against her. Daisy also suggests that Aida’s terrified of Robbie. Robbie tells Coulson that Ghost Rider is thirsting for Aida’s destruction. Something Coulson keeps in mind. He suggests going back to the base and face their problems head on. He also tells Fitz and Jemma to temporarily get over themselves and work as a team again. It’s strange to think that they used to just be the team pop tarts who would always be in the background last Season 1. If there’s one thing we learned from The Flash, background characters can be made more interesting, but SHIELD does so without having to give them powers. Back at the Framework, Radcliffe becomes Yoyo’s guide and tries to help her win over Mack. He really doesn’t have to but he tries to make up for the damage he has done. At the other SHIELD HQ, things and people also continue to disappear and Radcliffe tries to talk Mack into leaving the framework which he refuses. Mack tries to evacuate the refugees to a safer place on a bus. Elena tries to re-acquaint herself to Mack to make him remember and convince him to leave. Their talk is cut short as everything continues to disappear including the people in the bus leaving Mack, Yoyo, Radcliffe and Hope. Mack decides to take Hope home and wait it out. Back at HQ, Coulson and May scout the area and talk about the bottle Hague and how to proceed with their relationship while Jemma and Fitz are busy keeping the framework intact for Mack and Yoyo. Aida suddenly appears threatening to kill Jemma. At Mack’s house, Hope overhears Yoyo and Radcliffe talk about that everything’s not real including her. Both continue to try convincing Mack to leave the Framework through a doorway Daisy just created, but Mack can’t leave Hope alone. Elena too decides to stay as everything in the house slowly disappears until at last Hope does too. Elena staying and Hope’s disappearance become the most intense emotional moments in this episode. Equal to the previous where Jemma tries to comfort a crying Fitz. SHIELD’s writers are really giving it their all assuming they know the show might not get renewed while others slack into complete disinterest. Back to the story, at SHIELD HQ, Aida confronts Jemma intending to kill her while Fitz tries to talk Aida out of it. But Aida is clearly psychotic. Jemma tries to stab her with a screwdriver, but Aida uses Vijay’s power to turn the tables and stabs Jemma instead. Fitz tries to get Aida to spare Jemma and offers her the Darkhold, but Aida electrocutes Jemma to death, intending to kill everyone in front of Fitz. Aida teleports to Coulson’s location. This scene felt odd as if the writers could do better. Fitz didn’t seem be as emotional as he should, but it turns out that Simmons was an LMD. But still, Fitz could have done better and made this scene more emotional. Simmons’ ‘death’ didn’t shock me as much as it should have but because the writers know it to be false and seem to be telling the viewers the same thing. Don’t worry, Simmons is okay with all the LMDs walking around. True, a smart viewer would have seen through the death immediately. It’s worth a try to shock them just the same. At the portal, Aida shows up in front of Coulson intending to get the Darkhold. She suddenly gets shot from behind by Jemma. But before she can go to kill Jemma, Coulson stops her and surprisingly transforms into Ghost Rider. Yes, it’s a big surprise. Could Robbie actually change his appearance? No, it turns out, Coulson gambled the spirit was desperate enough to get a hold of Aida to move to another body, the same way it did to Mack when it wanted to get to Eli. Aida teleports to various places trying to get Ghost Rider to let go. They end up back in SHIELD HQ where Fitz and Jemma witness how Aida gets burned alive. Unfortunately, this is the part of the episode I was disappointed in. I’ve grown to love Aida but we know she has to go, unfortunately in a very anti-climactic way. The same anti-climactic way the show got rid of Lucy Bower.  I wished there was more action but if the Rider lets go, Aida would have teleported away. But there could have been more drama as she could have begged Fitz to help her or told Fitz that she loved him. But her passing really felt like a loss though as you’ll feel sorry for an android who wanted nothing more than to be human. Like if Disney burned Pinocchio after becoming a real boy. But Ms. Mallory Jansen did a great job with what she was given. Fitz didn’t feel all that sorry though as he may have sifted through his emotions faster than expected, except for the guilt. Back at the Zephyr, Yoyo wakes up from the framework having managed to leave at the last minute. It seemed for a moment that Mack would become a casualty, but he wakes up as well. It was also an emotional moment for Daisy seeing them lose Hope and almost losing Mack. We then see Coulson and Robbie discussing Coulson’s deal with Ghost Rider. The spirit returned to Robbie after killing Aida. Aside from Jemma and Robbie, Coulson opts to keep it from the team, though they’ll surely ask how Aida was defeated given that Robbie was with Daisy at the time. Perhaps they know except for the real nature of the deal which we may later see in Season 5. Speculation here, Coulson’s going to start seeing visions soon. As a nature of a season-ender, this episode closes the tension between Yoyo and Mack’s relationship after they discuss Hope, Mack realizes he can still have a future with Elena, perhaps to have a daughter again with her. Robbie says goodbye, hopefully temporarily, taking the Darkhold with him to keep it out of the wrong hands. Robbie surprisingly uses his chain to create a sling portal to another location. They really made a couple of Doctor Strange connections here with the portal and earlier telling Coulson about the never-ending war between dimensions. Before leaving, Robbie tells Coulson that he doesn’t envy him, meaning Coulson’s deal with Ghost Rider could have implications in the future. Mack and Yoyo arrive to tell the others that the government is on its way and that Talbot is still alive. Fitz volunteers to stay behind and explain everything but Daisy convinced him otherwise, that separating one’s self from the team because of guilt wasn’t the answer. Back at the framework, Radcliffe drinks whiskey at the beach regretting that he passed on the chance at being immortal and lamenting the loss of Agnes. It’s quite a shame to lose this character introduced last Season 3. He’s as quirky as he was in The Mummy trilogy but a flare more dramatic in AOS. His performance was great especially in Farewell Cruel World as he took Fitz to the portal sincerely saying that the Framework as it was then, was never his intent as he only wanted everyone in it to be happy. Radcliffe raises his glass and just disappears. In the penultimate scene, the team eats together in a diner. Completely together for the first time. The lights suddenly turn off. The team surrenders to their unknown captors, but they turn on a device similar to the one used in Iron Man 1. The team is then taken away. In the last scene, we see Coulson waking up from a bunk bed, seemingly imprisoned. He gets up and opens a window to reveal that they’re now in space. Overall, the finale is good but not great. It was a little too fast-paced and could be more nicely done as a two-hour special. But it would be tough to cram expensive effects in a two-hour TV show. Robbie wielding his chain while untransformed is clear evidence of working with the budget while those moments with him transformed were awesome.
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agl03 · 6 years
I wonder if this whole Graviton thing is a fake out, like the Earth's destruction is going to come out of left field somewhere, from something we never expected. Feels like the writers do that a lot. Do you think everything we've been speculating about are just a few huge red herrings? Have you gotten any leads on the connection between Coulson's death and the loop breaking? (also thank you for all the Fitzsimmons gifs, I'm super emotional about them haha *crying*)
Hi Anon,
I can’t take credit for the lovely gifs, I merely reblog others amazing work.  
This season has been full of red herrings, every time I think I have a pretty good handle on where things are going they take a quick left turn.  Some I’ve caught at the last minute and others not.  Tablot going Graviton wasn’t even on my radar until not long before it happened.  
One of the things that has given me the most fits theory wise is just how saving Coulson ends the world.  Because so far Robin has given no indication of how this happens.  May and Daisy believe her visions are saying just the opposite, that he’s the one who will save it.   Coulson’s fate, when/how he fell, was never revealed via flashbacks or drawings.  Loop Elena never said when he actually died or how….we don’t know if she was actually with the team/Coulson when it happened.  Is she assuming it was this decision or was she actually there. 
Now we can argue that its already began/happened, I’ve been chatting with @fitzsimmonsavengers about this the last few days.  There have been definite times where the decision to pursue saving Coulson’s life took them closer to the earth’s destruction.
In 15/16 When Daisy chose to go get him from Hale.  This brought the Trojan Horse that was Talbot into the base and set in motion the series of events leading him to be Graviton.  It also allowed for another of the red herrings to hit in Ruby making it to and eventually getting into the Machine.   Had Daisy listened to Fitzsimmons and at least sent a team to get the machine they could have been there and gone with it well before Ivanov and later Ruby showed up.
In 19 when Daisy was off the base, dark, and getting the Centipede components/digging up her mother.  As Elena said had Daisy been at the base she could have made a massive difference in the siege and perhaps Talbot wouldn’t have had to go into the Machine in order save everyone.  Him becoming Graviton setting off the next series of events.   
In 20 when they team docked at the Alien ship to rescue Coulson it was one of the final straws for the paranoid Talbot who felt Coulson was going to betray him and sealed Shield being a threat to him.
Graviton listened more to Papa Kasius than he did Coulson and is now what looks like on course for what could be a world ending event…getting himself MORE Gravitonium.  That or the process could easily be what ends the world and thus saving Coulson led to the world ending. 
Daisy and May’s quest to save Coulson has also been a huge factor in the rift within the team which is also a contributing factor of what is to come.
But it could be yet to set in motion.  Looking at the pieces here is what I have on my radar as how saving Coulson could lead to the Worlds End.   
The Centipede plan backfires.  Either Graviton or another baddie uses it and sets off some sort of massive explosion or Coulson’s system can’t handle it and the Extremis goes off with him by Talbot.
In saving him it takes people away from where the need to be to stop the loop.  Daisy is a big one here, that rather that going where she is needed she goes to save Coulson.  
Centipede is the key but previous loops were missing a vital piece, the Odium perhaps.  
One of the original theories I’d had came after Ruby died and we saw that when she died the Gravitonium more or less harmless after the pulse and the pulse didn’t do that much damage, certainly less than the world ending.   And I’d theorized that somehow Coulson would take on the Gravitonium and that him dying was the only way to take the Gravitonium out of commission for good.  
Given the unstable nature of Graviton and his powers this one is still on the table I just don’t know how that would happen.
Coulson dying somehow snaps Talbot out of it or distracts him long enough that the team can contain him or his powers.  
Coulson is being held hostage and used to keep the team at bay while the baddie destroys the world.  
Coulson has somehow placed himself between the catalyst, IE that trope of someone triggering a trap, where if they move too much it sets it off.  So however they extract Coulson from what he is stopping will make or break it.  
ALL those beach pictures that Robin has drawn and we haven’t seen so much of a grain of sand come into play yet.   This could speak to something about Tahiti.  
And yes, Graviton could be the next in a line of red herrings because he very clearly has the power and was the one who went through the Destroyer of Worlds Machine.   I could absolutely see this all being some sort of long game by lets say Papa Kasius.  Kasius said that Shield stopped his father in the past, so he’s most definitely up to something.  He’s tricked Talbot into thinking he needs more Graviton and I’m guessing that is for his own gain.    
IE he destroys the earth to dwindle down Humanity where they are helpless and easy to ‘harvest’ for the Inhumans from the Lighthouse.  
Even more its Papa Kasius that sets Daisy and Shield up to take the fall for the destruction so that Shield can’t rally and to help convince the Humans to give up the Inhumans as part of their bargain.  
Crazy I haven’t had enough sleep thought/theory and it would be quite the plot twist.   Papa Kasius’s earth project goes WAY BACK….Tahiti (tie back to the beach pics) was part of that….set in motion in order to kickstart the Inhumans again for him to harvest.
“The End” – Coulson’s life or death is the challenge the team finds themselves in, as the wrong decision will cause the destruction of Earth, in the spectacular season finale
Based on the synopsis its going to come down to the wire in how the team proceeds with their decision on Coulson will make or break the loop.   They have to make the decision they haven’t made before.  I feel like they are really going to fake us out with Coulson’s death too.  I’m very prepared for it to look like the Centipede didn’t work/was too late.  Or that Coulson dying somehow saves himself and the world and there is a good minute where they let us think he’s really dead.
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