#his name is leo but she also calls him bubba
mozzalu · 2 years
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Jina, another oc of mine (22, she/her)
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ofthehands · 9 months
Had the idea of a TCM vampire AU stuck in my head for quite some time now, and while I've got a fic blocked out for it and will probably draw some sketches for it soon, I wanna work on other stuff at the moment, so under the read more is a collection of ideas I've had for it that I'm throwing into the nether.
Sawyer Colony
Literal 1000 year old vampire
Supposedly super powerful (younger Sawyers hype him up so much)
Not very active (for now)
Passes on vampirism to other Sawyers either genetically or by biting them "when the time is right"
Born human, turned by Grandpa when he was pretty young bc he fell off the roof of their house and almost died
Super proud of this fact ("I'm g-grandpa's favorite!")
Survives getting hit by truck bc vehicular manslaughter can't really kill a vampire lol
Chop Top-
Born human as well, turned by Grandpa before he went to Vietnam "just in case"
Good call, he took a swinging mace straight to the forehead, would have died if not turned
Really enjoys taking part in human life/ music/ just hanging out with humans he doesn't plan to eat. Nubbins will do it with him, but isn't really social otherwise.
Hasn't actually been turned as of the start of story
Incredibly salty about this fact, is a dick to brothers in part bc of this, and is way meaner when he's been worrying about his own mortality/ potentially never getting turned
Started selling human meat as a side hustle to get rid of all the bodies his vampire brothers brought home.
Very anti-social and disconnected from his humanity despite being a human much longer than his brothers.
Bubba -
Only Sawyer brother born a vampire
Was his parents' pride and joy bc of this.
Parents didn't leave, ended up killed. Long story lol
Really wants to socialize with humans/ the outside world, but brothers have convinced him he can't.
Does self-expression (masks + little outfits + makeup + hair), listening to radio, and watching movies to simulate interaction he craves.
Vampire Hunters
Usual obsessive Lefty things.
Got fired from job bc he was constantly pursing vampires.
Only person who believed Sally when she reported vampires killed her friends.
Dying of heatstroke at all times bc he wears a turtleneck everywhere
more scared of being bitten/ turned than he is of dying (fairly confident vampires don't have souls/ can't go to heaven, and so being bitten = L + Ratio + ruined soul + no place in God's kingdom)
Got dragged into this the usual way (though a little different)
Overall the most successful hunter. (Don't worry about that lol)
Confident she can bring an end to the vampire colony and avenge those they've lost.
Only vampire hunter to actually work with all the other hunters at some point. (Don't worry about that either)
Stretch's emotional support
Has no idea how tf to deal with vampires
Beats the shit out of them in bat form with a stop sign stolen from their lair (not effective but kind of funny to watch)
Mad as hell at Lefty for dragging them into this
In psych hospital after talking about vampires killing her friends/ brother
Gets out of hospital after accepting the "truth" that vampires aren't real.
Trying to live her best life when dragged back into vampire nonsense by Lefty.
Has a service dog named Leo who helps with mental health symptoms and later with smelling/detecting vampire bats (they're stealthy little bastards)
Determined to avenge brother/ get her uncle out of the huge mess he's made
Other notes
Been working on vampire lore and making sure it all adds up. Currently they can turn into bats bc that's fun, and only the very old/ powerful vampires like Grandpa are weak to sunlight. Also a bite anywhere on the body can turn someone if they're not killed, so the Sawyers mostly cut people and lap up the blood, kind of like real vampire bats.
Also Franklin isn't on either list but he's going to be uuhhhh involved so to speak
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