#his name was not emerald. it was emrald.
squirmydonnie · 8 months
CW: unreality
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Decided against hair or any other features I could obviously see as myself so they are just bald.
I did all smiles so I don't give myself the wrong impression. Though it kind of freaks me out.
I would rather draw everything in full, but I have the limits for a reason.
I did daydream yesterday, but it wasn't Cookie 12 related.
I did make it for a little while but too much tension is going on right now.
Too messed up for my head.
I did add a frown sometimes. But everytime I realized I did it, i just turned them into cat mouths.
Of course I wish that I could be there. But he would hate that. So I'll stay away.
I'll probably steal some of his outfit looks too. Just to make me feel better.
But I'll need to remind myself they are my clothes. Which gets very annoying.
I don't know of anyone else who has to do this. And say- these are my hands! These are my clothes! This is my hair!
And it doesn't help no one knows about it irl.
I could say it. But I don't see why I would.
Doesn't make much sense.
Once I start talking it gets hard to lie.
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shadowonwater · 4 years
Ponk lore stream 2/2/21 Jack’s Diary
This is just the text from Jack’s diary from today’s stream, I’ll post a recap of what happened soon though. This will say exactly what the book said including any spelling and grammar errors.
Day 789
The potato harvest is a abundant the village will be happy!
Day 790
The strange man is back, his body made of straw but eyes of emrald
Day 795
The strange man is strangly facinated by lemons. I sense a great opportunity in the horizon!
Day 800
A NEW LAND! A land that uses sand as stone! Gold.... GOLD EVERYWHERE!
Day 840
The Strange man has returned his name still unknown.... BUT! he has brought a caravan of good! he talks about ancient magic and gifts 21 statues transported in make shift boats.
Day 845
The statues make a great decor . it makes produceing my speical fertilizer quite calming!
Day 855
Day 900
murder ... the cats murder  ... the people I showed Shrimpy my satues he seems too interested BUT THEY ARE MY SATUES
Day 905
(there are two blank pages)
Day 1040
Just me and Shrimpy and the cool statues life is good go od goo d g ood goodgood g oodg ood good good goo dgood goo  dgood g  ood good good good goodg ood go od g ood go od dgo od g oogo od go o d 
Other useful info that adds context:
there are 21 villagers trapped in boats in Jack’s basement (same number as the statues given to Jack)
Jack is a farmer that mainly produces potatoes but also loves lemon trees. He is said to be Ponk’s ancestor.
Ponk keeps hearing a cat in the wall while in Jack’s basement
Ponk calls the “land that uses sand as stone” the land of sandstone.
Jack, Helga, and Shrimpy are from Tales from the SMP: The village that went mad
Theories from chat:
The strange man might by Foolish or connected to Foolish or totems in some way(emerald eyes)
The land of sandstone is probably the desert
the statues were probably totems of undying, but they somehow might have been turned into villagers
Jack went crazy
the good good good stuff might be in some kind of code
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vulpixisananimal · 7 years
Emerald asks Open
ID: P-V:001
Sign: Δ
Name: Emerald
Race: Human
Pronouns: He, him
Residing universe: Pokemon
Personality/Bio: Emerald is a highly esteemed 12 year old pokemon trainer from the Hoenn region, he has beaten the pokemon league in the Hoenn, Kanto, and Alonan regions. He is extremely nice to people and pokemon, making battling to win second to taking care of people and pokemon.
Skills: Emerald is a normal human who does not have any adverse powers. However he is a pokemon trainer, and can safely rely on his pokemon for help if need be. His pokemon include:
A Lv.67 Lucario (Rohnlin)
A Lv.66 Primarina (Perminda)
A Lv.66 Zoroark (Zeen)
A Lv.66 Lycanroc (Danny)
A Lv.65 Eevee (Oril)
A Lv.65 Audino (Ana)
Current Cross-Universe Interaction Status: Emrald is a special case, he has interacted with ultra beasts, which come from ultra space, a universe outside the normal pokemon universe, but, since it is first discovered in an original pokemon universe, it is technically still in the pokemon universe. Emrald also seems to be an important figure in [DATA MISSING].
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