#hiss is my ride or die btw I love that guy
soulsty · 9 months
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Today I offer up some doomed lovers, who are also gay old men… now, do you have any idea who these characters are?
I’m sure you don’t!
These two are from Frogger: The Great Quest. Do you have any idea what that game is?
I’m sure you don’t!
If you know, you know. And if you don’t know… you’ll probably never know.
Uhh the green one is named Hiss the Cat Dragon, and the purple one is named Bone Cruncher. There is no canonical love between these two in game, they don’t interact a single time, sorry to disappoint(?)
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adorejungkook · 2 years
Baby got Back!!
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Synopsis; Jeon Jungkook has the fattest fucking crush on you meanwhile Jimin and Taehyung don’t find you too hard to look at either. Now Jungkook has to find a way to confess his feelings, maybe even show you, before the other two find their way into your pants during your “staycation”. 
Warnings; series, eventual smut, pining, the boys are horny they talk a bit raunchy about you, big dick!jk, you canonically have a nice booty <3, still exposition but expect smut within the next two chapters... maybe, this chapter seems shorter so I may also update tommorow
chapter. 1 , 2, 3
Jimin somehow felt like the worst friend at the moment, but also the luckiest man alive. He couldn’t decide if having his hands around your waist was better than the look on Jungkook’s face when he pulled you closer.
 “Hyung,” Jungkook said flatly, lip between his teeth as he lifted your bags into the trunk of Jimin’s van, “Come help me with the bags for a second,”
 “Oh wow, the gym rat can’t lift a few bags? I’m comin’,” Jimin chuckles, squeezing your sides one more time before strolling over to the back of the car.
“Thanks for letting me ride with you guys, I was not trying to drive,” You laughed, peeking your head around to give Jungkook a wave and a smile. You don’t notice the shade of red his ears have turned when you look away.
“You can’t get mad when we’re around her if you don’t even talk to her,” Jimin sighed, nudging his doe-eyed friend who was still staring at the place you had been standing, “You’re like the only guy who can cockblock yourself and everyone around you at the same time!”
“Holy shit, can you be any louder?!”, the younger boy hissed, slamming the trunk closed. 
“Yo, do not fuck up my car cuz you wanna act like you’ve never met a girl before,” Jimin warned, pushing him toward the front of the car. 
“I’m sitting up front this time, Kook,” Taehyung called out, waving him off when he came towards the door.
“Oh. Okay!” 
Oh, not okay. You were in the back of the car so obviously, he couldn’t be back there! Jungkook was sure that if he even looked at you while you were both sitting back there he’d either nut or die…probably both at the same time. 
This was so weird. He’s known you for the longest and he’s been into you for just as long but for some reason, he could barely give you a hello when he saw you lately.  He knew he had to get over it before Park fucking Jimin eats your ass or somethi-
“JK, I got peach gummies anddd barbeque chips!” You say excitedly, shaking the gummy bag before popping a ring in your mouth.
Your warm voice brings him back to earth and makes him realize he was the only person not in the van. Way not to draw attention to himself, right?
“W…wait for me!”
About ten minutes into the car ride, Jungkook started to relax a little bit. He was still a nervous wreck, but he managed to push out little jokes albeit very corny jokes but at least now he had a reason to be staring at your lips.
[Tae-Hyung 🤠] : Ur Stuttering btw😶(Sent 9:46 AM)
[Me]: Focus on the road pls? 😐
[Tae-Hyung🤠]: Jimin is driving not me hehe 
[Me]: EW you typed out hehe
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Thank you all for the love on the first chapter of baby got back! please anticipate the third chapter :)
@yourbobaeyestell @coralmusicblaze @koikooky @jjkrinvgs @distinguisheddestiny @theladyblue @yopjm @jungkooksseuphoria @hollowtree10 @livorna @slutforwwh @hopewxride @namjoonimtheman2 @kooscameras @treethatswithpetra @canarystwin @idkreallys-blog @daisies-and-dandelionpuffs @jalexd @emeraldjade23 @jaehyunsbreadbasket @thatfatbussy01 @bigbootyjoonie @jiimtaee @boys0verflowers @kooklovesu @petalsofink @tornparts @telepathytae @jkjeon9709 @uarmyhopelover @multilingual-kpop @swga-recs
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rysko · 3 months
stalked ur profile and noticed the fandom fave ask games, Peaky Edition?
This is going to be difficult. Am i allowed more than one character per category??? (also tytyty for the ask muah muah)
(tagging @red-riding-wood because i know you love these)
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Listen, if you've been on this blog for more than five seconds, this will be no surprise. It's Luca, that goddamn fruit bastard<3
The moment he lifted that hat and spoke in his tony-soprano-meets-the-godfather-esque voice I knew I'm going to be obsessed but HOLY SHIT. The brainrot, it's on another level.
And Arthur, oh Arthur...
Most tragic character in the whole show, so full of love, hate, anger, EVERYTHING. He's as entertaining as he is tear-worthy, and theres no scene with him i dislike. Baby...baby boy...
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scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Again, everything i said above. I want to make him soup and hug him, then maybe hiss at Tommy (selfcare)
He makes me kick my feet, and his scenes with May make me wish he had more screen time. I need him to give me a tour of Small Heath. I'd die a happy man.
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scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
His death made me actually cry (i still don't see it as canon shhh), he was my favourite since he appeared in season 1 and has been my obscure love ever since (still want to write something for him, but i have so much stuff i need to write first)
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glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Johnny Dogs!!! My dude! My man! My silly little horny guy!
I want a compilation of him. I want to drink some booze with him and for him to tell me shitty life advice that I would NEVER actually implement.
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poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Y'all cannot handle nuanced/flawed female characters and it shows. Linda has my heart. I love hypocritical Catholics, we are not the same.
Live, laugh, love Linda <3
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horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
This man. He deserves nothing more. I love him, but i also want to see him suffer. That's Tommy Shelby, i want him covered in his own blood, in a mental breakdown, screaming, crying, throwing up.
Im mentally sane btw.
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eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
We don't like nazis in this house, not only am i sending him to superhell, I'm shooting him first and throwing salt over where the body was. I LOVE his actor to death, but my 1. History obsessed 2. Polish ass has always had a personal vendetta against pre-war western fashos
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yikeswtfmate · 4 years
main masterlist
Anon asked: Hey love! Could you possibly do #6, #8, and #48 for Raymond! I think they’d flow well together! Love your writing btw. You write these characters so well.
6. Let’s make a deal shall we?
8. I know of your reputation all too well.
48. Do you have any idea who you’ve just pissed off?
warnings: alcohol consumption; swearing; sexual references
(goddamit, i’ve forgotten about #48, i’m so sorry, love, i hope you’re still gonna like this!)
The pub is crowded, louder than it would be on a regular Friday afternoon, but Y/N is a bit too buzzed on bubbly to care. Her friends are cackling loudly, grabbing the attention of the men sat at the next table, and Emma even manages to get herself a date for the next day. Some of the shrieks die abruptly, however, and Y/N turns in her seat, curious at what or who might be the culprit. There are too many people coming and going to pinpoint an exact location.
“What’s wrong?” Liz asks, just as confused.
“Remember we’ve told you we three shagged the same guy in the same week?” Amelia laughs.
Y/N and Liz nod slowly. They’re both still incredulous at the odds of that happening. They do remember very well how all three were adamant in agreeing that it must’ve been the best sex they’ve had, although none of them would ever want to get more involved. Apparently the guy’s loaded, smart, sexy and funny, but there’s a danger to him that made them steer clear. Especially after Grace shared that she’s seen two guys with machine guns leaving the house with only just a nod in acknowledgement from the man.
“Well, yeah, he’s just sat the bar. The blond one with the glasses.” Emma points. “He’s talking to the married cutie.”
There’s no point in asking how the hell she could notice the wedding ring so fast, so Y/N chooses to follow her still pointing finger instead. A long exhale leaves her lips in a hiss, which only makes the girls behind her cackle louder. The noise grabs the man’s attention, who throws a glance in their direction with a raised eyebrow. He examines them each in turn, no flash of recognition whatsoever before his eyes land on Y/N and he smirks; and he bloody fucking winks, the smug arsehole.
“So I guess you’ll be the fourth then.” Grace snickers.
No amount of denial or offended scoffs might change their minds, but an hour and many flutes of fizz later Y/N can’t help but admit the arse is hot as fuck.
“Yeah, yeah, you’d like to pull on that pretty hair while riding his face, don’t deny it, baby!” Emma shouts, earning her an ocean of wolf whistles, which only make her shout louder. “Yeah, Y/N, the beard burn is glorious!”
Y/N is forced to leave the table, before one of them gets the bright idea to do something stupid – like cut her dress shorter (which they’ve done a couple of months back) or pulling her top so low, half of her bra would be on display (which they’ve also done before). She shakes her head, making her way towards the bar, where it’s quieter, less likely to be filled with crazy drunk friends who only like to embarrass her. She asks for a bottle of water, intent on sobering up, right as another flute of bubbly is set before her eyes.
“I didn’t order this.”
“No, Mr Smith did.”
A confused second later, Y/N is faced with the subject of her current fantasy. She’s already seen the guy and she truly did think that he was attractive even from a distance, but seeing him up close – sweet baby Jesus, he is gorgeous. There’s a churn inside her belly, and a blush would’ve crept up her neck if she were just a tad more sober. Those blue eyes are narrowed down, hooded behind his glasses, watching her reaction. His smile turns into a smirk when she grabs the glass and takes a seat right next to his.
It’s a good thing the stools are not that high because she would have definitely fallen over the second he started speaking – fuck, does she love a good commanding tone.
“You really shouldn’t be accepting drinks from strangers, love. What if I’ve had that spiked?”
“You don’t strike me as the type of man who’d need to spike a drink to get a girl in bed.”
He tilts his head to the side, raising his whiskey tumbler in a salute. Y/N is vaguely aware of the snickers that are coming from her friends’ table, but he doesn’t seem to mind it; it rather amuses him.
“I see my reputation precedes me.”
“I know of your reputation all too well, Mr Smith. So if you’re trying to get in my knickers tonight, save it for the next girl.”
His attention is fully focused on her now. Raymond’s never met a challenge before, if only he’d call this a challenge. She’ll fall in his arms eventually, like they all do, but he’s never been met with resistance up until now. He likes it, but he suspects there’s a reason behind it; another glance at her friends and that’s all he needs – the reason she’s holding back.
“I’d wager this has something to do with your friends over there?” The flicker in her eyes confirms his suspicions. “I’m fairly certain none of them would be against you having a good time, considering all the whistles and shouts.”
Y/N takes in a deep breath. This man is infuriating, but she’d much rather have him between her thighs than have this useless conversation with him right now. She does not, however, think she should make it that easy for him.
“Let’s make a deal, shall we?” She says, after a moment of consideration. “If you can tell me which of my friends over there you shagged, I’ll go on a date with you. A proper date, with flowers, a good restaurant where they serve expensive wine and you dropping me off at home at 11.”
“Oh, love, but that sounds like a very boring date. Let me show you what a proper date is, and I won’t just be dropping you off at home, because you’ll invite me in.”
It’s her turn to raise an eyebrow. She doesn’t deem it necessary to probe him further. He has to either play by her rules or count his losses.
“You’re something else, aren’t you? Fine, I’ll bite. Out of the four that are watching us like hawks right now, the blonde one, the one with the sleeve tattoo, and the one with her hair in the ponytail.”
He rattles the answer like a machine gun and Y/N has to blink a few times just to process it.
“I must say I’m impressed. I thought you’re the hit it and quit it type.”
“Only until now, I suppose.” His murmur is laced with intrigue and he’s still watching her through narrowed eyes. A riddle for him to solve? Oh, he’d love it. “So now that I’ve answered your question, I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 7.”
“Don’t you need my phone number? Address? Name?”
“I already have all of those.” A wolfish grin over the rim of his glass. “Y/N.”
“Ok, yeah, that’s not creepy at all.” She says with a roll of her eyes.
“And yet, you’re still going to be wearing a tight red dress tomorrow night.” Raymond stands up, stops with his face right next to her ear and she can smell his cologne, making her feel dizzier than any alcohol she’s drank. Cold fingers slide over her bare shoulder and he takes his leave with a last whisper. “I’ll even let you pull on my hair all you want.”
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softspiderling · 5 years
swanky fortune - part three | t.h.
Summary: you catch a glimpse of Tom’s private life and are torn between letting your guard down or keeping it up (being surrounded by four boys who have nothing but nonsense in their head certainly did not help your case).
Pairing: Tom Holland x reader
Song I listened to while writing: Heatwave by Robin Schulz feat Akon
Author’s Note: AAAHHHH this chapter turned out way longer than I intended, I hope you enjoy it anyways! BTW obviously the FFH premiere was ages ago and we all know the winners of the raffle did not get to spend as much time with Tom as I’ve been writing here, so pls remember this is all fiction!
Warnings: cursing, swearing, honestly it wouldn’t be a fic of mine without a good old ‘shit’
Word Count: 4,4k
Teaser | Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten 
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After lounging around for a while you got changed, ready to hit town. You just spent nine hours on a plane and you were desperate for some exercise. Grabbing your purse and phone, you exited your room and rode down the elevator to the lobby.
With a wave to the receptionist, you walked out of the hotel and exhaled deeply, perching your sunglasses on your nose.
The sun rays hit your bare skin, leaving you warm and you were glad that the weather was so nice. You didn’t have a lot of time in Los Angeles, so you wanted to make use of all the time you got, plus you still were hoping to find the perfect dress for the premiere the next day.
A couple hours later you returned to the hotel, stomach filled with coffee, various baked sweets, shopping bags dangling from your arms. You got really lucky, too. You’ve been strolling through a few stores and smaller boutiques when a pale blue dress caught your eye.
The straps were thin with a classy V-neck, it was tight around the chest and falling in a loose skirt, just above your knees. You’ve immediately fallen in love with it.
Arriving back in your hotel room, you placed the shopping bags on the bed and you pulled out the dress, holding it against your body. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you sighed wistfully. You were really nervous because of the premiere, especially with all those celebrities that were going to attend. You knew you had nothing on them, considering they were styled professionally and you were going to style yourself, but you still wanted to look your best.
Grabbing a hanger out of the closet, you hung your dress on it and put it back in, mentally noting down to ask the hotel for a pressing iron. Plopping down on the bed, you kicked off your shoes and got comfortable, pulling your phone out.
You scrolled through Instagram, looking at different pictures on your feed. You probably should do something more exciting, but you felt awkward walking around by yourself or eating alone in a restaurant. You knew you shouldn’t, you were a grown woman, yet you couldn’t help yourself.
A sudden vibration of your phone startled you and caused you to almost drop the device on your face, but gripping it with your fingertips, you clicked on the notification that just got in.
Tom: We’re heading out to Griffith Park. Do you want to come along? 🤗
Sign me the hell up, you thought at first and then pulled a face while typing a reply to Tom. You really shouldn’t be acting like a crazy fan, that’d probably weird everyone out.
You: Yeah, that sounds cool! I don’t want to impose, tho🤔
Tom: Nah, you won’t impose, I’m inviting you. We’ll pick you up in twenty🤙🏼
You stilled, rereading the text. We? Oh no. Did this mean that you were going to meet his family now? Oh shit.
Jumping up, you went to the bathroom, frowning at the mirror. You hadn’t bothered putting any makeup on before you went shopping, knowing it was going be warm out. But meeting Tom Holland’s family? Your hand hovered over your makeup bag, before you decided against it.
Splashing some cold water on your face to calm yourself down, you shook out your hands and then dried your face off.
“You’re going to be fine, Y/N. They’re just normal people, like you are,” you mumbled under your breath, exiting the bathroom.
You stuffed your things in your backpack and slipped into your sneakers, grabbing the deodorant to prevent any embarrassing armpit stains of nervous sweat breakouts that you knew were coming.
Shaking your head, you grabbed your phone and headed out of your room. In hopes of walking off your nerves, you opted for the stairs instead of the elevator.
Slightly out of breath, you reached the lobby for the second time that day and went out to wait by the sidewalk. You squinted your eyes, looking down the street before taking a seat on the bench, glancing at the watch and putting your sunglasses on your nose.
As you sat on the bench, waiting, sweat started building up in the nape of your neck. You twisted your hair to the side, but after a while you got tired of it, so you bent over and combed through your hair with your fingers.
Your sunglasses perched dangerously close to the edge of your nose so you grabbed it, sticking the temples in your mouth.
While you gathered all your hair in one hand, you heard a car pulling up to the curb and a distinct:
“Is this her?”
Followed by some muffled voices and then a: “Oi, Y/N!”
Looking up with one hand around your hair and your sunglasses dangling from your lips, you saw Tom through an open car window, three eerily familiar looking boys squeezed in the backseat.
Tom lifted his sunglasses to look at you, a smirk gracing his lips. “You okay, love?”
“Just peachy,” you bristled, while the boys laughed and you tied your hair with an elastic, getting in the passenger seat after having put the sunglasses back on your nose.
“Y/N, this is my best mate Harrison and my brothers Harry and Sam,” Tom introduced you and you waved at the boys with a small smile.
“Hey, Y/N,” they chorused. “Nice to meet you,” Harrison added. Dude had crazy blue eyes. “Tom’s already told us a lot about you.”
“Shut up, Haz,” Tom hissed and you glanced at him, cheeks tinging. Tom told his best friend and brothers about a fan he just met and picked up from the airport? That straight up sounded like a scene from a bad fanfiction.
“So how come I get to sit in the front?” you asked as Tom pulled away from the curb. “I am pretty sure I am the shortest out of all four of us.”
“What, you want to be squeezed in with two boys in the backseat?” he asked back and Harrison jolted your car seat, which made your whole body shake. Jeez.
“I can sit up front if you don’t want to sit next to Tom, Y/N,” he said and you clicked your tongue dismissively.
“I told you, she doesn’t even like me,” Tom teased and you groaned, covering your face with your hands.
“Stop saying that! Everyone will think I am so ungrateful,” you complained and he laughed, glancing at you.
“Nah, you’re fine.” He gave you a soft smile and you heard suppressed laughter from the back.
“His game is so bad,” Sam whispered and Tom slammed on the breaks, causing the three boys to jolt forwards, hitting their heads.
“What the hell!”
“Fuck you, Tom.”
“You div, learn how to drive!” Harrison yelled, his hand reaching out to swat at the back of Tom’s head, but he dodged his friend’s hand with a snort.
“Should’ve put your seatbelts on, boys,” Tom said with a shrug, a shit eating grin on his face.
Hiding your laughter behind your hand, you turned away, before clearing your throat. “Don’t you have another brother though?”
“Yeah, Paddy. He’s with my parents. Why?”
You shrugged with your shoulders. “Just wondering. He’s the cutest out of all four of you.”
“WHAT!” the three brothers shouted indignantly and you bit back a grin.
“It’s true though. He has that kind of charm that none of you possess.”
“That’s the rudest thing I’ve ever heard,” Harry stated and Tom nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, you’re cancelled, Y/N.” 
“Don’t act like babies,” you snickered and shook your head at them.
“I can’t believe you’re so cool, most fans would die being in the same car with their favorite actor,” Sam said and you squinted an eye at him, pursing your lips.
“I never said that Tom is my favorite actor though,” you pointed out and the three boys in the back howled out in laughter.
With a chuckle you glanced at Tom and noticde his reddened cheeks, his gaze fixated on the street. “I’m just kidding, you’re my all-time favorite actor,” you assured him and he grimaced at you, shaking his head fondly.
After a drive filled with easy conversation, much to your luck, Tom pulled into the parking lot next to a black car, three people waving at you.
“Oh there’s Paddy!” you exclaimed and got out of the car, trailing behind Tom as he greeted his parents.
“Hey mum, dad, Paddy, this is Y/N,” Tom introduced you and you smiled, suddenly shy, the false bravado you’ve grown during the ride disappearing.
“Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Holland. It’s so nice to meet you,” you said, reaching out to shake their hand.
“Oh please, call us Nikki and Dom,” Tom’s father insisted and shook your hand, his mother doing the same. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Thank you so much for donating to the Brother’s Trust, Y/N it means the world to us. How has LA been treating you so far?” Nikki asked you and you shrugged with a smile.
“Oh no need to thank me, your family is the one being so amazing, helping out others and spreading more light on smaller charities. And LA has been great so far. It’s really nice of you to let me tag along with you. I’d probably waste away in the hotel room if it wasn’t for Tom inviting me,” you said and she laughed, putting her hand on Paddy’s shoulder.
“You must be Paddy,” you said with a big smile, shaking his hand too. “I am. Nice to meet you!” he said and Harry nudged him with a grin. “Y/N thinks you’re cute,” he told his youngest brother and Paddy’s eyes widened, blushing furiously.
“You’re embarrassing him,” you chastised Harry and Paddy ignored you, punching Harry on the shoulder.
“Guys, stop joking around, we don’t have all day,” Harrison called and you winked at Paddy before you were being dragged off by Tom.
“The poor guy’s going to have a heart attack,” he said and you grinned, walking in step with him.
“Aw, no, I don’t want that,” you laughed and Tom chuckled, stuffing his hands as he walked. “What Sam said about you being so cool is true though. It almost feels like we’re friends and met under normal circumstances and not this crazy one,” he told you and you smiled at him, ducking your head.
“Thanks?” you said, the word trailing into a question. He gave you an easy smile and before you could say anything else, the rest of the group joined you.
Everyone decided to take a hike up a trail in the park and when you’ve reached the top, you looked down the city with a big smile on your face.
“This is awesome,” you pressed out, still catching your breath from the hike up. Grabbing your phone, you snapped a few pictures of the view of the city.
“You want to take a picture together?” Tom asked you and you looked at him in surprise, before nodding with a grin.
“Yeah sure, that sounds nice.”
“Oi, Harry, come take a picture of us,” Tom yelled, waving his brother over. Meanwhile, you wiped the sweat off your forehead, hoping you looked decent.
“Come on here,” Tom urged you and placed an arm around your shoulders. You shuddered a bit and smiled up at Tom, when you heard a click of a camera.
“Hey! I wasn’t ready yet!” you protested, but Harry just smirked at his camera, before looking at you. “You ready now?” he asked teasingly, lifting his camera, ready to snap another picture.
You and Tom both smiled at the camera and Harry snapped a few pictures, before showing them to you.
“They look really cool, man,” Tom told his brother with a clasp on his shoulder, before he walked off to find his parents. As soon as he was out of earshot Harry looked up to you with a grin and showed you the first picture he’s taken:
Tom was facing the camera, his smile wide, while you were looking at him with a dopey expression on your face.
“Do not show him that picture!” you hissed, cheeks warm from embarrassment. If it weren’t for the situation you were in right now, you’d consider asking Harry for a copy of that picture. It did look pretty cute. But it was also very obvious that you had a fat crush on Tom. And asking Harry for a copy of that picture would be you admitting it. So, no. There’s no way that that’s happening
Harry laughed and shook his head. “Okay I get it now. You are totally in love with him, but you vehemently deny it.”
“Shut up, this isn’t funny. I am just another fan, don’t make it a bigger thing than it is.”
Harry tilted his head and hummed, glancing at Tom who was goofing off with Paddy and Harrison before looking back at you.
“I don’t know. I’ve never seen him act like this around a fan before. There’s something about you, that makes Tom feel at ease.”
You swallowed thickly, what did this even mean? Clearing your throat, you shrug, hoping these stupid butterflies would disappear from your stomach. “I did put some sedative into his water.”
Harry slapped his hand on his forehead. “Oh yeah, I can see it now. You’re a dumbass, just like him,” he groaned and you laughed. “That must be it.”
After taking a few more pictures on top of Griffith Park, you started heading back down the trail, stomachs grumbling.
“Oooohhh let’s get some ice cream!” Tom suggested, pointing to the ice cream cart a few feet away.
“But we’re having dinner soon,” Nikki pointed out and Tom threw an arm around his mother. “Aw, come on mum. You’re attending the movie premiere of your famous son tomorrow. Let’s celebrate with some pre-dinner ice cream!”
“Geez, when did you get so big headed?” She teased, though the tone in her voice was fond. “But fine, let’s go get some ice cream then.”
With a cheer, the group headed to the ice cream cart, everyone talking about what flavor they were going to pick.
Peeking into the cart, you eyed the different colored ice cream flavors, before deciding for one.
“What’re you gonna get, Y/N?” Harrison asked, leaning over your shoulder. “Vanilla?”
“Nah, I never really was a fan of vanilla,” you mused, ordering a scoop of chocolate ice cream and Tom snickered when you glanced at him.
“Duly noted, Y/N.”
“Oh you pig!” You scolded him with red cheeks, thanking the ice cream vendor when he handed you your ice cream.
“I just said, noted as in, I will not bring you vanilla ice cream because you don’t like it,” Tom argued with a laugh and you shook your head at him.
“Just- don’t, Tom,” you groaned and waved your hands at his face to stop him from talking.
Tom and Harrison laughed and you rolled your eyes at them, waiting for everyone to get their ice cream. When everyone was served, you all started walking back to the cars, talking about the restaurant you were going to have dinner at and what everyone was looking forward to eat, when you noticed a group of girls staring.
“Oh my god, it’s Tom Holland!” one of them exclaimed and you winced, when people started crowding around Tom.
“Hey guys,” he greeted them with a bright smile, cleaning his face off with a wipe. The people started talking, everyone vying for his attention.
“Can we take a picture with you?”
“Can I get an autograph?”
“Where’s Tessa?”
The crowd started getting bigger and your eyes flitted around, looking for an exit. You weren’t a big fan of growing crowds. Noticing your discomfort, Tom handed you the keys of his car, giving you a comforting smile.
“Why don’t you go ahead and wait in the car?”
“Yeah, that sounds splendid,” You muttered, taking the keys and headed to the car with quick strides. You noticed a few girls looking at you and you ducked your head, not wanting to deal with so many people.
“Tom! Who was that?” a girl asked and Tom waved her off with a laugh.
“Just a fan. She’s the one who won the brothers’ trust competition,” he replied and you grimaced, feeling like a bucket of ice water has been dumped over you.
Tom joking around with you and Harry telling you, Tom was at ease around you, was a stark contrast to what he’s just told the girl. Even though you knew you were merely a face in the mass, it still hurt to hear it out loud like that.
Clicking the button of the car keys, you opened the car door and got in, groaning into your hands. This was the worst.
You went into this with no expectations, but Tom’s behavior around you was confusing you so much. You didn’t know what to think.
Playing on your phone, you waited until the boys got back into the car. You exited out of Homescapes when the car doors opened and the boys tumbled in, talking loudly.
“I can’t believe that girl wanted you to sign her boobs!” Harry giggled and you gave them a look.
“Sorry love, couldn’t get away,” Tom told you with red cheeks and you snorted. “Don’t worry about it,” you said as he started the car, driving back into the city.
The excitement of being recognized soon died down and exhaustion took over the car, the music on the radio being the only sound, with the boys in the back dozing and you and Tom driving in silence.
“Hey, so how about I drop the boys off at my place and come with you to the hotel? I’ll wait for you to get changed and then we drive back to my place so I can get dressed and we don’t have to drive twice,” Tom suggested and you turned to look at him, puzzled.
“You sure you want to come with me instead of chilling at home?” you asked him and he shrugged, before nodding.
“Yeah I’m sure. You’re cool,” he replied and you narrowed your eyes at him, a smile spreading on your face.
“Fine. Have it your way, movie star.”
You saw the corners of his lips quirk up and your heart warmed, hoping that that sight will ingrain itself in your brain. A few minutes later, Tom pulled up in front of a luxurious looking apartment complex.
As the car skidded to a stop, the sleeping boys lurched forward and Harrison rubbed his eyes sleepily, looking around in a daze.
“Wha- Is Y/N not getting changed for dinner?” he asked while Sam and Harry climbed out of the car.
“Yeah, I am taking her to the hotel and then we’ll be back to pick you guys up,” Tom said and his friend yawned, shaking his head.
“Why don’t you just get changed now and then drive her to the hotel afterwards? The boys and I can squeeze into the car with your parents or take a taxi,” Harrison suggested and Tom glanced at you. “You mind?”
“Why in god’s name would I turn down the opportunity to see your apartment?” You asked, already unbuckling your seat belt.
“Alright, alright tiger. You go ahead with Harrison, I’ll go park the car,” he told you and you gave him a thumbs up, getting out of the car.
“Let’s go in,” Harrison said and gestured for you to follow him. You briefly watched Tom drive off in his car before you followed Harrison inside the building.
The door was already open and Harrison pressed the button for the elevator. While you waited, you looked around the building.
“So what exactly is the deal with this apartment? Does Tom actually live here or does he live in London?” you asked, stepping into the elevator when the doors open.
“Marvel provided him with this apartment in LA. But he actually lives back in London,” Harrison told you, winking. “He actually lives pretty close to his parents’ place.”
He pressed the button of the penthouse (figured Tom Holland was living in the penthouse) and the elevator doors closed, riding up.
“And you’re all staying with him at his apartment?”
Harrison nodded, leaning against the wall of the elevator. “Yeah. We wanted to get a hotel, but Tom insisted. Was saying that he barely sees us and wants us to stay with him, so we did.”
“Makes sense.”
You headed out of the elevator when it reached the penthouse, looking around in wonder. It looked modern and sleek, a few clothes scattered around the living room, but it didn’t really look like someone actually lived here permanently. You guessed that Tom didn’t stay at this apartment very often, considering he spent most of his time on working and at his actual home. It was still nice to see how he spent his downtime.
“You feel at home, I gotta go grab a shower,” Harrison told you and you sat down, dicking around on your phone while everyone else got ready.
A few minutes later, Tom trickled in, tossing his wallet on the kitchen counter.
“I don’t need long, just want to freshen up and get a change of clothes.”
“You take your time,” you said, waving your hands offhandedly, watching as he disappeared into the hallway. You checked the time on your phone and pulled a face. You wished you hadn’t just told him to take his time; you were told that the reservation at the restaurant was at seven thirty and it was already past five. You still had to drive back to the hotel and get ready there.
Leaning your head back on the headrest, you stared at the ceiling.
You heard steps coming closer and when you turned your head, you saw Nikki walk in the living room, toweling her damp hair.
“Oh Y/N,” she said when she noticed you. “I didn’t know you came here with us.”
“Nikki, oh, hi!”
You quickly sat up straight and gave her a sheepish smile.
“Yeah, I’m just waiting for Tom and then we’ll drive back to the hotel,” you told her and she hummed, disposing of her towel before she joined you on the couch.
“I’m sure he’ll be right out. So… Tell me a bit more about yourself. Are you in school right now?” she asked you and you nodded.
“Yeah, I’m in university for my business major right now. It’s really interesting but so much work. I had to do a lot of assignments to be able to come here, or else I wouldn’t be able to catch up with the amount of work I have to do when I go back home.”
Nikki grimaced good naturedly and clasped her hands over her knees. “Geez, that sounds tiring. I hope you’ll get everything done in time. What about your personal life though? Any significant other? We did offer you to bring someone along, right?”
You snorted out a laugh and leaned forward a bit, your hair covering your heated cheeks. “I know yeah, uh. My friends were busy and I don’t have a boyfriend- or girlfriend, for that matter. With school, and my job on the side, I just don’t have the time to look for someone I like.”
She smiled at you and shook her head. “You’re not supposed to look for someone actively, Y/N. If it’s supposed to happen, it’ll happen.”
“I guess I never thought about it like that,” you admitted, tucking your hair back. With tinder, bumble and Instagram DM’s, you’ve never actually thought about just waiting and seeing where things would take you. Even though you weren’t a big fan of online dating, you’ve downloaded tinder one time.
It lasted about a week before you got sick of the unsolicited nudes and the weird pick up lines. Though you weren’t sure if you could fit a relationship into your life right now, you barely were able to squeeze in the two days for the premiere.
“Just keep your eyes open, how does that sound?” Nikki suggested as Tom walked in, a pair of glasses perched on his nose. His hair was still a little bit damp and instead of some shorts and a shirt, he was dressed in a striped polo shirt paired with some dark pants.
“Hey, Y/N, you ready to go?” he called out to you, before giving a look to his mother, a look you couldn’t quite decipher. Nikki only smiled innocently at her son and you eyed them while you got up.
“Yeah, I am ready to go.”
“I’ll see you kids at the restaurant, drive safe!” She gave you and Tom a hug before you two headed out of the penthouse, taking the stairs to the ground level.
“What’s the deal with those glasses? Too lazy to put your contacts in?” you asked him when you exited the building.
“Oh no, I don’t actually need glasses,” Tom told you with a grin. “They’re a fashion statement.”
You snorted and rolled your eyes at him. “Geez, movie stars are so vain. Having to wear glasses is such a bother, I don’t understand why you would willingly put up with that.”
“Because I look great with them,” he pointed out and laughed, getting into the car after he’s unlocked it.
“It’s true though, admit it,” Tom teased you and you narrowed your eyes at him, huffing with a blush.
Tom snickered and started the car, wiggling with his shoulders. “You totally think I am handsome.”
You didn’t bother with a reply and he’s left grinning to himself as he drove back to your hotel. When you’ve reached the hotel, you made your way up to your floor, chattering about idle things. Entering your hotel room, you kicked your shoes off and tossed your backpack on the bed while Tom took a seat on the couch.
“So I’ll just take a quick shower and get changed, it won’t take long,” you told him, gesturing to the bathroom.
“Sure, I’ll wait here!”
He gave you a thumbs up and turned back to his phone while you disappeared into the bathroom, locking the door behind you.
You quickly stripped off your clothes and stepped into the shower, not wanting to waste any time. You didn’t want to make anyone wait at the restaurant for you. After washing the sweat and grime from the hike off, you turned off the shower, shaking off the remaining water. Drying yourself off, you wrapped your hair in a towel, stilling when you looked into the mirror and saw your naked body. Something was wrong. You felt like you were missing something important. Your cheeks grew red when you realized your mistake.
You had forgotten to bring a change of clothes into the bathroom.
to be continued...
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