omniatlas · 5 years
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The Arctic 87 years ago today: Erik the Red's Land (12 Jul 1932) https://buff.ly/2Liubm1 In return for Denmark abandoning any claims on Svalbard, Norway had agreed to recognize Danish sovereignty over Greenland. However, northeast Greenland remained dominated by Norwegian whalers and trappers and in 1931 declared itself for Norway as Erik the Red's Land. The dispute was brought before the World Court in 1933, which ruled against Norway and led it to abandon the claim. #arctic #history #welovehistory #welovemaps #map #1930s #20thcentury #modernhistory #1932 #arctichistory #denmark #danishhistory #greenland #historyofgreenland #july #july12 #newfoundland #norway #norwegianhistory #svalbard #maps #todayinhistory #historytoday #historyteacher #historybuff #historygeek #historynerd #worldhistory #cartography #geopolitics (at Greenland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz0AmldgUeJ/?igshid=mix9v11ayt4v
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newsbreaked · 5 years
Five things to think about Greenland
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QULUSUK, Denmark - US President Donald Trump has affirmed he is quick to purchase Greenland, a self-governing Danish domain wealthy in common assets and of expanding geopolitical importance as the Arctic ice sheet liquefies. In any case, Denmark, a NATO partner, quickly countered that the island, situated between the North Atlantic and Arctic seas, isn't available to be purchased, inciting Trump to drop an arranged state visit. Here are five things to think about Greenland.
Ice-secured 'Green earth'
The name "Greenland" is deceiving as the 2,000,000 square kilometer island, the world's biggest island that is not a landmass, has seventy-five percent flanking the Arctic Ocean and is 85 percent canvassed in ice. Greenland was a Danish province until 1953 when it turned out to be a piece of the Danish Realm. In 1979, it increased "an independent area" status. Today, the island's economy depends vigorously on sponsorships from Copenhagen. Its 55,000 occupants - of whom 17,000 dwell in the capital Nuuk - are over 90 percent Inuit, an indigenous gathering from Central Asia.
Worldwide forces join
Greenland has been basic to the US barrier since World War II when it was a base for observing Nazi ships and submarines going through the Arctic on their way toward the north Atlantic. In 1943, the US Air Force manufactured its most distant north air base at Thule, significant during the Cold War as a first line of observing against a potential Russian assault. With a populace of 600, the base is today part of a NATO mission, working satellite checking and key rocket location frameworks. As the polar ice sheet softens, opening up possibly real sending courses, other worldwide forces have moved in. Russia has turned out to be progressively dynamic, and, while it has no geological case to the locale, newcomer China has additionally started to show enthusiasm for the district. China's gigantic business shipping industry would profit by the new polar courses. In January 2018, Beijing revealed its "Polar Silk Road" procedure to broaden its monetary impact through the Arctic. China started sending logical missions to Greenland as of now in 2004, and a Chinese organization has picked up digging rights for uncommon earth. A year ago, a Chinese government-upheld bunch likewise offered to assemble three new global airplane terminals in Greenland, starting caution in Copenhagen and Washington. That arrangement was at last nixed, in return for Danish subsidizing and a promise of help from the Pentagon.
At the core of an unnatural weather change
This huge domain is on the cutting edge of dissolving Arctic ice in a district that is warming twice as quick as the remainder of the planet. As per the World Meteorological Organization, Greenland's sea levels keep on ascending by about 3.3 millimeters every year. This wonder seems, by all accounts, to be quickening: ocean levels have hopped by 25 to 30 percent quicker somewhere in the range of 2004 and 2015, contrasted and the 1993-2004 period. The softening of the Greenland Ice Sheet represents 25 percent of this ascent, up from five percent 20 years prior. Also, this is probably going to increment as ice sheets and ice tops liquefy. If Greenland's ice sheet was to vanish totally, it would raise the sea level by seven meters (23 feet).
Rich soil
Regardless, Greenland's dissolving ice has a silver coating. The locale has immense undiscovered stores of oil, gas, and minerals, just as fish and shrimp stocks. Greenland's subsoil is wealthy in gold, rubies, and uranium, just as iron, aluminum, nickel, platinum, tungsten, titanium, and copper, which could pull in the remote venture. Under the softening ice sheets lies mineral-rich shake flour that could be utilized, for instance, as compost for dry soils in Africa and South America. Be that as it may, this substance rankles the Greenlanders as it stops access to the fjords.
Past US intrigue
Trump's offer for Greenland is anything but a first for the US. In 1867, the State Department communicated enthusiasm for the island, and in 1946 President Harry S. Truman offered $100 million in gold, or parts of Alaska, in return for Greenland. Furthermore, you can't reprimand Trump for attempting - Denmark has a recently offered area to Washington. In 1916, the Scandinavian nation consented to offer the Danish West Indies to the US for $25 million in gold, which at that point turned into the US Virgin Islands. Read the full article
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