#hitoya: *just wants to work in peace*
doppotranslations · 1 year
Why didn’t you ask Ichiro?
Hypmic ARB in-game event story (Doppo, Saburo, Hitoya)
Recording Link: https://youtu.be/PCP9jVypO6Q (in case you wanna read along with the in-game voice lines and sound effects :D)
Warning: mentions of stalking, mentions of attempted suicide
Chapter 1
Ichiro: Jiro, well done! Seriously, you were a great help!
Jiro: Hehe… It wasn’t that big of a deal!
Saburo: Ichi-nii, what did Jiro do?
Ichiro: Umm? Oh, I got a pretty troublesome odd-job. Jiro managed to take care of it all by himself. I really needed the help since I’m getting lots of jobs lately.
Saburo: I see…
Jiro: Big bro, you can count on me for any job! I can help you again any time!
Ichiro: Haha! As long as you do your best!
Jiro: Hehe!
Saburo: (That damn Jiro… getting carried away so easily… I am so much more talented than you!... just you wait and see!)
[The next day, at school]
Saburo: (... I wonder what I could do to prove I am way better than Jiro…)
Schoolgirl: Ummm… Saburo-kun, do you have a moment?
Saburo: Hm? What is it?
Schoolgirl: There is something I want to talk about with you.
Saburo: I’m thinking right now, so do make it quick.
Schoolgirl: …Thanks! …I actually got stalked recently…
Saburo: Huh?! Stalked?
Schoolgirl: Umm… Yeah, I need you to help me with it by introducing me to your older brother Ichiro.
Saburo: …Wouldn’t it be faster to go to the police?
Schoolgirl: Every day… in the morning and on my way home I receive a silent phone call… It feels like I am being followed every time. I don’t think going to the police will be of any help.
Saburo: It’s pretty hard to believe with no evidence…
Schoolgirl: But, I’m so scared…
Saburo: Sounds pretty bad… I guess it’s too late to get evidence after something had already happened. Understood. I’ll talk to Ichi-nii- (Wait… If I can solve this issue all by myself then I could prove to Ichi-nii that I am better than Jiro, right?)
Schoolgirl: Saburo-kun…?
Saburo: Actually, I’ll be the one helping you instead.
Schoolgirl: Whaat? Really?
Saburo: Yes, of course! I can’t let my classmate’s troubles go unnoticed.
Schoolgirl: Thanks, Saburo-kun!
Saburo: For the sake of my classmate, I’ll even make the fee a little cheaper.
[At the park]
Doppo: Phew… Finally reached a deal… I’m so tired of having so many troublesome projects… really. (Lately I’ve been coming to Ikebukuro so much for business that the morning and evening coffee I drink in this park have been my only way to relax.) It sure is a nice and peaceful park… (Every morning, every morning, taking the same train at the same time, following the same route and spending time in the same park to relax…) Ahaha… what the hell… Isn’t it bad to be like this just before 30… even my fellow classmates are married and have kids. Meanwhile, I was scolded by my bald boss and even my clients were making fun of me… Maybe I should go drinking after work…
???: Hey! You, over there!
Chapter 2
Hitoya: I’ll be returning home tomorrow. Maybe I could get a drink on my way back to the hotel. *his phone starts ringing* …Jyushi? *picks up the phone* Hello?
Jyushi: Oh! Hitoya-san!
Hitoya: Can I help you?
Jyushi: Hitoya-san, you’re now in Tokyo on a business trip, right?
Hitoya: Yeah… how the hell do you know that?
Jyushi: When I passed by your office the receptionist told me.
Hitoya: How many times have you come to my office for no reason?
Jyushi: Hitoya-san! If you’re in Tokyo could you buy me something?!
Hitoya: What is it…?
Jyushi: Dreams and Gods’s new album!
Hitoya: You can buy it in Nagoya too… Why are you nagging me about buying it from here?
Jyushi: The store Tower Records in Ikebukuro has special offers for the latest musical releases!
Hitoya: Oh, is that so?
Jyushi: It’s all I could ever wish for!
Hitoya: Guess it can’t be helped… I’ll buy it for you then.
Jyushi: Thank you so much! As expected of Hitoya-san! Hitoya-san’s kindness is unmatched in all 3000 worlds!
Hitoya: 3000 worlds…? I don’t understand what the hell you’re saying. *enters the store* Woah, this place is huge… I guess it would be faster to ask than to search around?... Umm, excuse me.
Store employee: Yes?
Hitoya: Do you have the latest release from the band “Dreams and Gods are imitations”?
Store employee: I’m sorry, sir. I’m afraid it’s sold out.
Hitoya: I see…
Store employee: However, we’ll bring in more stock tomorrow. Shall I reserve the CD for you?
Hitoya: That would be great.
Store employee: Alright, then please come over to the counter, sir.
Hitoya: Sure thing.
Store employee: We’ll be waiting for you tomorrow then.
Hitoya: (...It’s such a pain that I have to come back tomorrow… however, Jyushi’s reaction to me not buying his CD would be an even bigger pain in the ass…)
[Back to the park]
???: Hey, you! The salaryman over there!!
Doppo: Uh!
Saburo: …
Doppo: W-wha-... you are Ikebukuro’s…
Saburo: You are… Kankonsosaizaka…Doremi?
Doppo: It’s Kannonzaka Doppo…
Saburo: Shut the hell up! I don’t care what your name is!
Doppo: Ah…ahaha… that’s right… my name truly doesn’t matter.
Saburo: Hey! Shut it! I know you’re a stalker!
Doppo: Huh? What… stalker?
Saburo: I’ll report you to the police!
Doppo: P-please w-wait a s-second… I don’t remember doing any of this at all!
Saburo: Get the hell out with that business talk, you stalker! You can’t fool me this easily!
Doppo: *gasps* (W-What the hell… what the hell is he saying?!… What did I do?!... this is it. I’m gonna get accused of a crime I didn’t commit, then I’ll lose my job and my life will be over… I hate this.)
Saburo: Come on! Let’s go!
Doppo: Uh! *runs away*
Saburo: Hey! Wait! Where the hell do you think you’re going!?
Doppo: *pants* (Run until you die! No, run even if you die, Doppo Kannonzaka!!! If you get arrested your whole life will have been a joke!!) UWOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
???: Woah!
Doppo: *bumps into him* Ow-! It huuurts… H-hey, I’m s-sorry…Oh! You are…
Chapter 3
???: Woah!
Doppo: *bumps into him* Ow-! It huuurts… H-hey, I’m s-sorry…Oh! You are…
Hitoya: Owch… watch where you’re going…!... Oh, you are Shinjuku’s…
Doppo: H-hello… I am Kannonzaka… um… I am truly sorry for this!
Hitoya: Oh… no, it’s fine… What were you in a hurry for?
Doppo: Oh, r-right!... *sighs* looks like he’s gone…
Hitoya: Was someone chasing you?
Doppo: Ahaha… I am in a pretty strange situation right now. (I can’t just tell him I was mistaken for a stalker and then chased by a middle schooler for it…) W-well… Hitoya-san… was it? Why are you in Ikebukuro?
Hitoya: I have a little work to do around here.
Doppo: I s-see… I’m really sorry for bumping into you at such a time then!
Hitoya: Right… don’t worry about it anymore. I just wanted to go out for a drink anyway.
Doppo: Is that so? … well… 
Hitoya: What is it?
Doppo: As an apology for running into you, could I buy you a drink?
Hitoya: You don’t have to go that far...
Doppo: No, I truly feel sorry about it, so please let me treat you!
Hitoya: Alright, if you say so, then I’ll take it.
Doppo: Thank you very much! Let’s go then!
Hitoya: Why are you thanking me if it's your treat?
Saburo: *pants* …Damn! I lost him! (But that guy… is he really a stalker?... According to her story, it’s a salaryman in a dull suit who always sits in that park… Maybe I should check tomorrow too…) This case… I absolutely have to solve it by myself!
[At the bar]
Hitoya: …
Doppo: Puwa….! That’s right, Hitoya-san! I’m alwaysh always alwaaays being treated like shit by that fat bald boss!!!
Hitoya: You’re right… that’s so weird, isn’t it…?
Doppo: Weird doesn’t even begin to describe it! At this rate I’ll end up being just as bald and short as that short bald bastard!
Hitoya: If it brings you so much pain, why not sue him for power harassment? If you’d like, I can give you a consultation for cheap.
Doppo: Thank you for the offer… If I do that, my position at the company…
Hitoya: If they lower your score on the performance review for this, then you’d better consider changing jobs as soon as possible.
Doppo: Aaaaaa! How easy would it be if I could actually do that!! I cannot change jobs so easily... I have no time to look for a new job…!! AAAAAAA! I hate it! I hate everything in this world!! Aaaaa, at this rate, my spirit is going to collapse!
Hitoya: Calm down, Kannonzaka… 
Doppo: How the hell should I calm down!!? Today, as I was hanging out in East-Ikebukuro Park as usual, a middle schooler kept calling me a stalker, so I had to run away!!
Hitoya: You were chased by a middle schooler?
Doppo: Uhhh… what could he possibly have had against me…
Hitoya: What the hell, that’s all kinds of weird…
Doppo: Fuck… Now I have to watch out both for that bald bastard and for this middle schooler… even if by some miracle things got better… I don’t think I could forgive them even if they apologized.
Hitoya: Look, Kannonzaka. We’re drinking here! Let’s have some fun, ok?
Doppo: Y-you’re right… I was getting really embarrassing there… 
Hitoya: Hey, if you’re not guilty of anything you should feel proud, right? Riight?
Doppo: R-right! I should feel proud… how hard could that be, right? I’ll do my best!
Hitoya: Yeah! Well, then, cheers again!
Doppo: C-cheers!
Chapter 4
[At the park, the next morning]
Doppo: Phew… After the incident that happened yesterday, Hitoya-san advised me to be more bold, so I’m going to drink this coffee proudly. Yeah! That’s right! I’m sure the whole thing was a misunderstanding! I should just stop overthinking it and focus on doing my best for the work I still have to do!
Saburo: Are you sure the guy sitting over there is the stalker? 
Schoolgirl: Yeah… For sure… 
Saburo: As I thought… that perverted bastard… You should wait here. I’ll go confront him by myself.
Schoolgirl: Thanks!
Hitoya: Hello…
Store employee: Thank you, sir~!
Hitoya: (Alright, now I can go home) Oh, there seems to be a shortcut here.
Doppo: Alright! I’ll do my best to reach an agreement on that contract!! *gets grabbed by Saburo* Uh! W-what the…!
Saburo: Don't play dumb! You fucking stalker!
Doppo: Waaaah!! Get away from meeee!!
Saburo: Woah, stop acting like you just saw a ghost!
Doppo: O-ok… tell me what I did.
Saburo: Shut up! I’ve caught you once and for all! You can’t escape now!
Doppo: B-but…I haven’t done anything…
Saburo: Shut up and come with me!!
Doppo: N-noooo! Somebody! Help me~!!
Schoolgirl: KYAAAAAAAAAA!!
Doppo and Saburo: !!
Stalker: Fuuu… Fuuu… you’re so bad… because you made me come this far…
Schoolgirl: Hey, let go!!!
Doppo: Woah, he has a knife!
Saburo: Oi! Let go of the girl!!
Stalker: Tch, don’t get close!!
Hitoya: Hey, what’s going on?!
Doppo: Oh, Hitoya-san!
Stalker: T-this girl and I will be together in eternity!
Hitoya: O-oi! Put the knife down…!
Stalker: Shut up, shut up, shut up!!! I’ll kill this girl and then myself!!!
Schoolgirl: H-help!!!!
Doppo: H-hey… I-If I die and go to hell with you instead, will you release this young girl with a bright future…?
Hitoya: W-who the hell would want to pass away with an old man like you?!
Doppo: U-uhhh… You’re right…
Hitoya: Oi… do you guys have your mics with you?
Saburo: Y-yeah…
Doppo: Y-yes…
Hitoya: Since it came to this… let’s beat the crap out of this guy.
Stalker: L-let’s go then!!!
Schoolgirl: Kyaaaaaaaa!!!
Hitoya: OOOOOO!!
Saburo: Haaaaa!!
Doppo: Waaaaa!!
Stalker: Ugyoraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Hitoya: Phew… somehow we got out of that ruckus…
Doppo: R-right…
Saburo: Are you ok?
Schoolgirl: Y-yeah… ummm, thanks!
Saburo: You should thank those two guys instead… so it turns out that guy was the stalker. Why did you think Kannonzaka was the stalker?
Schoolgirl: It’s because… I felt like he was following me every single morning in the same vehicle, and then on my way home I saw him every time in this park, always sitting on the same bench…
Doppo: I d-didn’t do all that…! I was really just going to work at the same time, taking the same train, and then resting in the same place at the same time…
Hitoya: In other words, it was just a misunderstanding.
Schoolgirl: I… I’m sorry!
Saburo: Same here… Kannonzaka… I’m sorry I doubted you….
Hitoya: What will you do, Kannonzaka? Will you sue Yamada Saburo for defamation?
Saburo: Uh! … I was the one who caused all this. I’ll accept any punishment.
Doppo: H-hey, what’s with all this talk of suing…?! Anyone can make mistakes. Not to mention, he’s just a middle schooler… I’m not angry about this.
Hitoya: Right…
Saburo: I appreciate your generous response… however…
Doppo: ?
Saburo: Don’t go treating me like a child! You damn underpaid salaryman!!
Doppo: Underpaid, huh… T-that’s true, but truth can sometimes feel like a blade stabbing you deeply in the heart…
Saburo: Shut up! I’m not a child!!
Doppo: W-why do I feel like I’m getting angry now…
Hitoya: Heh…what the hell are you two fussing and crying about? You’re acting like I’m not even here.
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
Can I request hitoya and ichiro with an introvert anxious reader who's afraid to communicate please
Hitoya and ichiro with an introverted! GN! s/o
GNreader, fluff, just wholesome stuff;;
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-Hitoya doesn't tolerate any weakness and whines from people around him, but he does understand the difference between abuse of victim status, when someone just keeps hiding behind this wall, without any tries to change and actually a soft person who's just much more pacifistic than this world will tolerate.
-Overprotective af, always asking about your well-being. Quiet introverted people get bullied for their behavior too often for your boyfriend not to think about it, and everytime he looks at your face he can't help but worry about your life when he's not here.
-"How are you today? Is everything good?" - his always perpetually furrowed brows relax a little when Hitoya gets closer to you, watching your eyes very vigilant. - "Mm, I'm glad to hear that.."
-That's why Hitoya is trying to spend more time with you in the evenings after work. Your presence in his house as you sit together soothes his nerves as much as his unspeakable care relaxes you.
-With your fear of communication, he wouldn't get too touchy, as this peaceful atmosphere in still air is enough expression of love for you both. No words, only clothes rustling and his muffled coughs as Hitoya reading something with a serious face.
-But that doesn't mean he wouldn't be glad to listen to your mumble about the day or some special thing that impressed you. Difference between your and his attitude is actually so amusing, and seeing you being so open to him, without any anxiety or shyness makes corners of his lips lift up.
-And if you actually feel bad, Hitoya's here, ready to hold you tight in his warm protective hug. He's an experienced old man and knows how to choose the right words to calm someone down, especially his own partner who his value more than anything.
-"Come here, my dear.." - voice so soft as he pressed a small kiss to your forehead, hand on your back, stroking your trembling shoulders. - "Shh, I'm here.. I'm here for you."
-Life already gives him too many lessons about how important our everyday casual words are, and despite him still acting so grumpy and harsh with people around, for you Hitoya is the most soft person in the world. Never raising his voice or roasting you for your fears, only scolding with tired sighs yet without any rancor. -Cause you are you, and he loves the way you are, with your wrong and weak side. But that doesn't mean he wouldn't guide and help you to get rid of it, starting with your communication problems. Hitoya's hand always holding your own so tightly whenever you two in public, slow drags of his thumb around your knuckles soothes your trembling in fear soul. And if you get in a crowd he would push you closer, murmuring that everything is okay and you shouldn't be afraid. He's here, after all.
-And if someone even dares to laugh at you, this person is dead. As your boyfriend can deal with such disgusting people very easily and only in one way.. and they should thank goddess if Hitoya wouldn't be able to find too much info about them that would be enough to send them to prison. Well, but at least he ruined their reputation very well.
-Cause, after all, Hitoya's here to help you get through any problems you will have during your differences from this cruel world.
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-As a more easygoing and cheerful person it's hard for him to experience the full depth of your fear yet Ichiro can understand this mood when you don't want to see anyone, as he can enjoy some alone time too sometimes.
-Well, that means you both will find joy in quiet dates in his house, watching another anime your boyfriend finds..! As a hardcore nerd, he really appreciates such quality time together all alone, especially if you find it more comfortable than an energetic date on the loud streets of Ikebukuro.
-"Here, I'm sure you would like this one..!" - his casual big smile always turns into some soft and gentle one whenever you two were so close.
-Cause despite his ebullient soul, Ichiro is very attentive and compassionate to other people, and especially you. Even if he is your boyfriend now, he's still kinda nervous to bring some uneasy feelings to you, that's why he treats you like a porcelain doll sometimes, all tender and caring.
-Also, Ichiro himself gets kinda nervous when it's about something more romantical.. You're sitting here, all coy and timorous, he's sitting next to you, with an awkward smile and uncertain with his sudden shyness, and you both have no idea how to ask for some hug or even kiss without falling unconscious.
-Yet from his perspective, it's even better that you both are so insecure - it means you can help each other improve yourself! Slowly surmount step by step in this path together, hand in hand.
-Of course he finds it really cute when you cling to him like that, anxious from the amount of people on streets, of course he loves to calm you down, showering you with soft attention and care when you feel sad.. Ichiro fell in love with you because of who you are, after all, for this difference between your fragile soul and his more stoic character.
-Yet as your lover, Ichiro wants to see your sincere smile more often, and fill your soul with confidence, so you wouldn't be that afraid to look at the world outside your room.
-"Come on, you can hold my hand.." - his voice almost drops to whisper as he pat your head, soothing your trembling body. - "Just breathe deeply and don't pay attention to people, okay? No one would hurt you, I promise.."
-He know how to calm you down with his small but deep speeches that come from his golden heart, and it feels like he put piece of his sincere love in every words.
-And the fact that you find peace in his words warms Ichiro's soul very much, as he promises you again and again to be the best boyfriend you will ever find, who's will protect you from any troubles, showing you how to see a bright side of this world.
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hypnomicimagines · 3 years
Can I request HCs for Jyuto, Rosho, Ichiro, Hitoya and Tom (if you write for the Secret Aliens) being caught making out with their S/Os by their other division members? (Hope I did this right 😶 pls ignore this if no)
(I don’t feel like I have a grasp on Tom’s character like at all so I don’t wanna butcher him, sorry!)
Amaguni Hitoya: 
Hitoya generally didn’t let himself get too caught up in a moment when you were in a place where you could be walked in on. He preferred affection behind closed doors but unfortunately a closed door never seemed to stop Kuko or Jyushi. He hated Jyushi’s squealing over what a cute couple you were but the fact Kuko’s loud mouth would end up telling half the office that Hitoya, who was supposed to be working, was actually making out with his significant other while they visited him. He wants to toss both of them out immediately but you were always nicer about it than him, ignoring your burning cheeks and asking how the two of them were doing as if they hadn’t just made themselves total nuisances.
Iruma Jyuto: 
Samatoki doesn’t even have to open his mouth, his smirk telling Jyuto all he needs to know about the comments he was going to hear out of his mouth once you had left the room. It’s surprisingly peaceful and Jyuto nearly forgot that he was rudely interrupted until Samatoki lets slip a sly comment, with Rio disputing it by saying it was quite natural for two people to be attached like that when they were kissing. He doesn’t know what’s worse, being obviously insulted or being compared to an animal who only acts on instinct from someone who means no harm, but what he does know is that he doesn’t want to speak about his romantic life with either of them.
Tsutsujimori Rosho: 
Rosho is embarrassed not because he was caught making out with you like some type of teenager but because he knew the heckling that would come because of it. There wasn’t a chance in hell his teammates would ever consider letting him live this down, his only consolation being that your kisses were so heavenly they could cure him of any ailment. When you don’t seem bothered by the other two walking in on you Rosho decided it was best to just let the situation slide, knowing there were far worse things that Sasara and Rei could’ve walked in on (and grateful that they hadn’t).
Yamada Ichiro: 
Ichiro has never been more mortified. He’s pretty sure he’s just scarred his baby brothers for the rest of their lives, even if Jiro was almost an adult and Saburo was mature for his age. He never wanted them to see him like that and he had always been so careful but it was hard not to lose himself in you, not when it seemed so rare that you got to spend time together. He’s apologetic about the situation but teetered on the edge of having the birds and the bees talk even if that wasn’t exactly what they had walked in on, knowing it would have to happen eventually but also realizing the three of them would all much rather forget what had happened and move on with their lives.
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Hey slug, thanks for the hard work you and your team do for the fandom!! me and some friends were discussing this and i thought it would be nice to see ur answer to this (only if it doesn't bother u, of course!!): what characters do you think parents would give a big thumbs up if you introduced them as your partner (in terms of personality and traits)? I personally think Hifumi or Ichiro would be the best son-in-law...
What an entertaining question. Believe it or not, I’ve given the matter some thought before for reasons entirely unrelated to this, so presenting: Hypnosis Microphone Men and Whether or Not You Should Bring Them Home to Your Parents.
Since there’s a wide age range among the cast members, assume that the “you” in question is roughly each character’s age.
Ichirou: Absolutely. This man is objectively a dream boat. Runs his own successful business? Check. Respectful to people of all ages? Check. Cooks? Check. Cleans? Check. Good with kids? Check. Take Ichirou and marry him before your parents marry him themselves.
Jirou: As far as high school boyfriends go, Jirou’s not a bad choice. He’s a sweetheart, popular, plays music. Doesn’t do drugs in the school bathroom. Could have better grades, but hey, you can’t win them all. He seems like he’d have you home by 8 pm. You know what? Sure. Why not? You could do worse.
Saburou: Saburou is the kind of middle school boyfriend that your parents openly like and privately dislike. What I mean is that he’s very polite to most elders and super smart, so he’s the kind of kid who is entirely unobjectionable, but he’s also the kind of kid who would try to mansplain your parents’ jobs to them. Worst of all, he would be entirely correct in what he’s saying. Your parents probably want to punch him, but they don’t because assaulting children is illegal, not to mention immoral. They will breathe a collective sigh of relief when he finally breaks up with you so he can focus on studying for the Science Bowl nationals.
Samatoki: I am so torn on this one. On the one hand, he’s every parent’s worst nightmare. He smokes indoors, has an awful temper, and is a fucking gangster, for pete’s sake. Yet he can also be a sweetheart who cooks for you and does everything to treat you right. I’m really stumped. Probably the best solution, if you’re really wanting to get in on that Aohitsugi ass, is to cut out the middle man and date Nemu instead. She is perfect in every way, so your parents will love her.
Juuto: If your parents watch Antiques Roadshow, then he will have a lot to bond with them about. Otherwise I think he’d be that kind of person who tells stories about himself way too loudly at family dinners, and after he leaves, one of your parents pulls you aside to say, “Your boyfriend’s really kind of an asshole, don’t you think?” I guess date him if you’re okay with your parents thinking you have cruddy taste.
Riou: I feel like the hard part here is luring him out of the woods and into a family dinner, but from there, it should go great. He’s over 6 feet tall. He can cook well. He has a strong sense of purpose and knows what he wants to do in life. Most importantly, he has a wonderful heart AND every survival skill known to man. He will change the oil in your parents’ car, fix the leaky pipe you’ve been meaning to get around to for six months now, clean the hood above the stove, and then swap recipes and heartfelt compliments with whichever parent does the cooking. Who cares if he doesn’t have a stable income? You don’t need that with guns like those. (insert flexing Riou image here)
Ramuda: I’m trying to think about the concept of a) dating Ramuda and b) introducing him to a set of parents, and I’m drawing an utter blank. There is nothing but “???” in my mind. I’m going to hazard a guess that this one would be a terrible idea.
Gentarou: Wow, your parents had no idea you were dating a prince of a tiny little kingdom in the Mediterranean AND a Harvard law graduate AND the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize AND the man who discovered a cure for cancer in an expedition deep into the heart of the Amazon rain forest. Look at you! What a catch. Only attempt this if your parents are gullible.
Dice: As much as I love Dice to death, this one is a no. Your parents do not want you dating a homeless man with a gambling addiction and bad table manners. Plus, the MIL here seems hard to get along with. Nuh-uh.
Jakurai: Absolutely. You’re in your 30s, so your parents are at least middle-aged. Probably they have some joint problems or some back pain. Jakurai can let them kiss that pain goodbye, and in return, they can let him kiss you! A win-win. He also boasts a handsome salary, has a lovely house, and seems like he’d be super respectful in a relationship. Yes. Go. Marry him.
Hifumi: If you’re a girl, you’re probably going to have to sit this round out. If you’re a guy or nonbinary... yeah, you’re probably going to have to sit this round out too. See, if you have a mom, how is Hifumi supposed to meet her? I guess you could... idk... stick a lampshade on her head and expect him not to notice. That could potentially work, but it’d raise a few awkward questions. If you do happen to live in a female-free household, though, you’ve hit upon the golden opportunity to make this man yours. You can replace every instance of the word “wife” in Judy Brady Syfer’s famous essay “I Want a Wife” with the word “Hifumi” and still have it make perfect sense, and it shows.
Doppo: I can’t in good conscience recommend this one. Sure, he’s hardworking and certainly polite enough, but does he have the time to respond to your emotional needs? Hell, does he have the time to respond to his own? If you invited him to family dinner, there’s a good chance that he’d need to work overtime and miss it. He’d apologize and buy you flowers to make up for it, but you know he’d also be worrying about the cost of those flowers, so... is it really worth it?
Kuukou: For some reason, my parents actually like Kuukou (although I think he’s also the only character they know besides Ichijiku), but I don’t think this would hold true for most parents. He sounds good on paper, but he’d probably make a disparaging comment about someone’s ass in the first five minutes. Perhaps if you tape his mouth shut and tell your parents he’s doing a vow of silence, then yes.
Juushi: As far as high school (is he still in high school?) boyfriends go, Juushi’s not that bad either. He’s shy but sweet. Respectful. In a band, but the kind that makes money and doesn’t operate out of someone’s garage. Yeah, you know what? Go for it. You could do worse. Just scroll up on this list if you need proof of that.
Hitoya: Yeah, absolutely. Hitoya has a great career and a fantastic attitude. He doesn’t take shit from anyone but can still be polite in the correct contexts. He also seems like the type who would get into a serious relationship and treat his partner right. Fuck it up. I support your love.
Sasara: Yes. He has the exact type of humor favored by parents of the father variety. Plus, he’s a famous comedian. There is good money to be had right there.
Roshou: Absolutely. Rather shy but very talented, hardworking teacher who obviously puts his heart and soul into his job? Of course. As long as he doesn’t death glare your parents, it will work out fantastically. Plus, he can talk about sports! That’s a thing that parents like, right?
Rei: Absolutely not. You remember last May when your parents answered a call from the IRS telling them they were about to lose all their money unless they gave the nice man on the phone their bank account password right at that very instant? He was the nice man on the phone. Why the hell would you bring this threat into your parents’ home? Look, you’re in your mid-40s. Your parents are getting up in years, and they want to see you settle down and be happy with someone. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this is not it. Why are you with Rei in the first place? Is it the fur coat? Listen, you are a grown-ass adult, and you can buy yourself as many fur coats as you want. I believe in you. It doesn’t have to be this way - you deserve better.
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saiyuki · 3 years
no repost/rework/typeset without my permission.
purchase & read the chapter here!
Hitoya: Jyushi, this is about you. You decide.
Jyushi: I, I...
Jyushi sneaks a stare Kuukou's way. Kuukou doesn't react all too well.
Kuukou: Whhwhhw hwhwh hw!!!!! Hwll bwhh t'dhwhwh!!! (What are you looking at! I'll beat you to death!)
Jyushi: Eeeep!
In turn, Shakku smacks Kuukou in the head.
Kuukou: Whw'r wh dhwn!! (What're you doing!)
Shakku: This blockhead! What if he feels threatened!?
Jyushi wails, and Hitoya gives him a pep talk.
Hitoya: Calm down. Nothing will be resolved if you cry.
Jyushi: Y-yes...
Hitoya: That guy mat-wrapped guy over there, though he looks like that, he's capable. Trusting him won't amount to anything bad... I think.
Jyushi: You think!?
Hitoya: Going ahead with this or not depends on you.
Jyushi: ...!! I... I want to move forward!
He bows passionately in front of Shakku and Kuukou (obviously going ???).
Shakku: I understand.
Shakku removes the cloth covering Kuukou's mouth, and Kuukou immediately yells out his objections.
Kuukou: What's up with you lot deciding things as you like! I didn't get to say shit!
Shakku: You don't get to say no. If you don't do this, you cannot be allowed to enter priesthood.
Kuukou: That's dirty play, you shitty old man!
Shakku: If you become a priest as you currently are, you will turn to be a worm inside a lion[1]. There is no way I can let you enter priesthood. Not to mention...
Shakku: You owe Amaguni-kun a lot more than you can repay, don't you?
Kuukou: Tch. Fine... I'll do it! I just have to do it, right!
Shakku: Good. I will leave the rest to Kuukou. I shall take my leave here...
Hitoya: Now then. It's been a while, Kuukou. You're the same as ever, brings me a peace of mind.
Kuukou: And you're the same as ever, making use of law to cover for your gangster work. Divine punishment will one day descend upon the likes of you. Look forward to it.
Hitoya: Bluffing while being mat-wrapped like that, you...
Kuukou: Grrr, shut your mouth!
Kuukou: By the way, who's this flashy fellow?
Jyushi 14th Moon: Heh heh heh. I am the Vocalist of Romancia and Melancholia - Aimono Jyushi! I shall allow you to bear the responsibilities of my training! Let us haste and begin... the union of madness!
Kuukou: ...hey, what's up with this maniac! Do I really have to train this crazy fellow!?
This time, Hitoya smacks Jyushi in the head.
14th Moon Jyushi: Ouch!
Hitoya: He's going to look after you from now on, show your respects properly.
Jyushi: Y-yes.
Jyushi: Um... I'll be in your care...
Kuukou: Don't mind things like that, just untie me quick.
As he requests, Kuukou is finally let free.
Kuukou: Free at last.
Jyushi: By the way, Hitoya-san, how did you get to know Kuukou-san?
Hitoya: This idiot and I...
Kuukou: Who're you calling an idiot, you damned lawyer!
Hitoya: You, it's you! You're a brat still, but who do you think wiped your ass when you were even more of a brat!
Kuukou: Hitoya, here's a saying for you: "Bright tomorrows do not arrive in front of those who bring up tales of the olden days".
Jyushi: What happened...?
Hitoya: I was in charge of an incident with casualty that this guy did when he was in junior high.
Jyushi: Casualty...
Kuukou: Hmph.
Hitoya: Don't be so afraid, Jyushi. This guy would never commit unjustified violence. The people he knocked down were like the ones who hurt you in the past.
Hearing Hitoya mention the last sentence, Jyushi looks horrified.
Jyushi: Eh...!?
To be continued.
[1] 獅子身中の虫 'worm/insect inside a lion', also 獅子身中の虫獅子を食らう 'worm eats a lion it resides in'. The worm/parasite inside the lion causes its demise. Originally a Buddhist term to refer to Buddhists who cause harm to Buddhism. I translated this directly because I can't recall a similar expression in English - maybe 'thorn in one's flesh'?
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chicchanooliner · 4 years
Apparently, I have officially upgraded my dream levels to being able to sit down with my own doppelgängers (yes there elwas like 5 of me) , have shouting match over life and come up with headcanons for my fanfics.
According to last night’s meeting , me and myself and I(s) came up with this:
Ichijuku is actually a really nice woman and she just want to live in a peaceful world (she absolutely deserves it)
Nemu’s bakary’s baked goods sell off really fast and at this point in Yokohama, whomever manages to get their sugar donuts is considered the luckiest.
Rio works at the bakery. Thats it.
Jyuto can and will curse in French while fighting with Sama
Sama decided to pick French so he can understand what the bunny man says.
Sasara orders breakfast from the bakery like every single day. So at this point, he has someone (Jyuto) to deliver his order to Osaka, he sometimes pops up to spend the day there just to annoy Sama
Because of how much I get concerned at the inhuman amount of champagne, Hifumi drinks (CKD is a bitch yall— I get worried whenever I get presented with a patient with CKD), Hifumi is the baker/cook for Nemu’s bakery, Shinjuku branch (god I should name the bakery)(someone help)
Because I also worry for hypertension (that sucks even more than CKD) Saburo helped Doppo get fired from his company (his boss is shitty what can I say) and now Doppo works as a manger in Nemu’s bakery - Shinjuku branch
Jiro helps out sometime at the Shinjuku bakery as a server
Yotsutsuji volunteers to be the barista during holidays
Ichiro serves Curry when he visits either Yokohama or Shinjuku branch and now the bakery owns its limited time items that everyone fights for.
Jiro doesn’t hate Ichijuku as much as Saburo and only hates her bc she didn’t offer him a spot in the music club again.
I will make Hitoya quit smoking cuz that’s nasty, and totally replace it with coffee beans like you know sucking on one.
And that concludes what happened in my dream last night. :)
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selfship-loving · 5 years
Gimme all the candy asks for Jyusa!!! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)
Chocolate: What’s the best gift your f/o has given you?
The best gift I’ve gotten from Jyushi has to be the time he showed me his other eye. It’s not an actual gift but it was a gift to my eyes. It felt so nice knowing he trusted me enough to show me.
Butterscotch: What’s your go-to date night idea with your f/o?
Our go-to date night is definitely going to a local karaoke spot. Although I’m not as talented at singing as Jyushi, we still have fun and he seems to enjoy hearing me sing.
Saltwater Taffy: Have you and your f/o ever gone to a beach? What do you like to do there?
We’ve been to one once. We usually like to hang out, talk, and people watch. Maybe take cute pictures. Although I don’t like being there for too long since I tan easily and I don’t like getting too tan (even though Jyushi says I look cute when I tan).
Jelly Bean: What’s a quirk/little detail about your fave that you think is cute?
I think everything about him is cute but I especially love his voice when he isn’t forcing it to be all weird and deep. I know it isn’t little but I do adore it. It makes me want to hug him and protect him and never let go.
Cotton Candy: Who’s better at carnival games, you or your f/o?
I am! Jyushi isn’t super strong or coordinated so I’m usually the one winning some stuffed animals for Amanda to play with.
Peppermint: Have you and your f/o ever fought?
We have...it was really scary and I was so sad. The idea was brought up of what would happen if a war against Chuuoku was waged and I was asked which side I would be on. It’s a hard question having to decide between my love and my family so I stuttered. I know Jyushi was having a stressful day because he had a big concert the next day so I guess my hesitance got answer made him upset. We ended up arguing about some stuff. Jyushi ended up leaving Amanda at my house on the day of his concert and I was in visiting another division so I couldn’t bring it to him. He ended up not being able to perform. Apparently if he has either me or Amanda he can perform but he had neither that day so. After a while, Hitoya forced us to get together to talk. I cried and so did he but we worked it out. He eventually wrote me an apology song to make up for putting me on the spot like that.
Sour Patch: Is there a jealous one in the relationship? You or your f/o?
Jyushi is the jealous one. He can be kinda insecure at times which lead to me cuddling him and attacking him with compliments.
Candy Buttons: Who’s the more affectionate one?
I’m more physically affectionate. I’m always throwing myself on him for hugs and kisses and showing him off when we go out but Jyushi gives little meaningful gifts like little songs and stuff along those lines.
Licorice: If there was an element in your fave’s canon you could change, what would you change?
The overall depressing storyline and the probability that my favorites are going to die. I would change it so they don’t have to try to fight and kill each other and eventually the men and Chuuoku can come to a compromise and not have a big civil(a theory of mine).
Ring Pop: Are you and your f/o married? If not, are there any plans to be?
Nope but we are engaged! Wedding is postponed since I’ve been having a rough time in the mental health department but I’ll keep y’all updated!
Caramel Corn: Who gets jumpy while you watch scary movies?
Jyushi gets jumpy but he just hugs Amanda while I hug him and he’s fine. Truthfully, I’ve watched a bunch of horror movies so I’m a little tired of them but I love how he jumps in my arms so I don’t mind rewatching them a few times.
Scottie Dogs: Do you and your f/o keep any pets together? What are they?
Jyushi is too busy with his band and I’m too busy with school but I would love to have a cat or a snake. I’m not sure how Jyushi would feel about a snake though.
Chocolate Pretzel: Who’s the big spoon, and who’s the little spoon?
Usually I’m the big spoon and Jyushi as the little spoon but when I’m stressed, Jyushi is the big spoon. He just wraps himself around me and holds me close. The best stress releaver.
Jawbreaker: Do you have any angst written about you and your f/o?
Yes. Yes I do.
Skittles: Do you have any headcannons for your f/o?
I headcannon that Jyushi has some sort of scar under his hair. He hides his eye and he was bullied a lot so why not have some sort of scar from a bullying incident.
Lollipop: Who’s the more forgetful one in the relationship?
Jyushi isn’t exactly forgetful as much as I am distracting. He always leaves Amanda and some stuff at my place when he comes over so he always has to come back.
*Mumbles* not an accident…..
Maple Candy: Who wakes up first? You, or your f/o?
Definitely Me! I’m an early riser! Like, really early but this means I get to watch Jyushi’s peaceful and adorable sleeping face.
Swedish Fish: Who’s the one who stares at the fish in pet stores?
We both do. We like to go with Amanda and hang out. Sometimes we name them. But I mostly look at the snakes.
Bubble Gum: Do you have any AUs of your self ship?
Yes! A Stella! AU and a BNHA AU.
Lemonheads: Any risque headcannons about your f/o?
👀👀👀yes I do
Wax Lips: Have you ever done your f/o’s makeup?
I have. It was a silly, badly done look with kids makeup because I was bored.
Atomic Fireball: Who’s the more protective one in your self ship?
I’m definitely more protective! When Jyushi isn’t acting all over eccentric, he's just shyer so it’s my job to protect him and help him come out of his shell a little.
Airheads: What was your first interaction with your f/o like? Did you always like each other?
My first interaction with him was kinda sorta not the best. I kinda introduced myself as the overexcitable daughter of the assistant prime minister and a big fan of his and he kinda freaked out a bit. He thought I was tryna spy on him or something along those lines. I always liked him but he unfortunately didn’t always like me. He was skeptical of me at first.
Now and Later: What was your first self ship, do your still ship with that character?
My first official self ship was with Jiro Yamada! And yes, I do still self ship with him~
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akkivee · 2 years
the sasara kuukou drama track is top 3 best kuukou tracks and here’s why lol:
kuukou out-terrorises the local terrorising delinquents
who knows if this track was the first time sasara and kuukou had seen each other since the true hypnosis mic happened??? but if so, the first thing sasara did upon seeing kuukou was to teasingly praise him to point kuukou felt he should hit him to shut him up lol
kuukou says his equivalent of ‘that place is ass because the vibes are wack’
kuukou’s pleased and proud little giggle when sasara praises a joint he likes
upon hearing sasara say he has to over exaggerate his praises to entertain and impress, kuukou immediately decides to take sasara to his teammates’ gigs to drum up business for them 🥺
the implication that while hitoya was on his business trip, kuukou has stopped by enough times to visit that the receptionist has become exasperated that kuukou keeps forgetting hitoya isn’t in office 🥺
the equally likely and more probable implication that kuukou didn’t believe the receptionist that hitoya wasn’t in because hitoya has told the receptionist once before that he wasn’t in because he didn’t want to be bothered by kuukou and now kuukou will never believe that lol
kuukou just calling hitoya to tell him he’s giving away hitoya’s alcohol, not to ask permission lmao
sasara told one (1️⃣) funny joke to kuukou and that was enough to memory wipe all of sasara’s unfunny jokes and told him to entertain jyushi’s crowd
kuukou basically: BE FUNNY DAMMIT
kuukou not remembering the delinquents he beat up literally a few hours ago and justified by saying ‘why should i remember some trash i threw out 😈’
kuukou attempting to hijack sasara’s tv show for taking over the betterment of the world lmao
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hypnomicimagines · 3 years
The Aftermath
(love u guys and to everyone who’s sad about their fave team losing...... please have some comfort!!)
Harai Kuko: 
Kuko always reflected on his losses, his outward response was so calm it was near impossible to tell what he was thinking. You knew how excited he was to take on the former champs and how much it must have frustrated him to lose, but there’s also a spark of determination that can’t be smothered. You sat beside Kuko without interrupting his quite moment, knowing he was done when he leaned against you so you were now shoulder to shoulder. You turned to meet his gaze and smiled, knowing there was no way in hell Kuko would ever just give up, and that he was probably ready for round two.
Aimono Jyushi: 
The bold face Jyushi puts on for the sake of his team and his fans is brave, something you tell him when you’re finally alone together. It’s when you acknowledge his strength and how hard it must be for him to hold back his sadness that he finally loses it, tears streaking down his face as you hold him. You don’t know how Kuko might feel about it but you think in the face of such a loss that he should be allowed to show his emotions, stroking his hair and promising you wouldn’t rat him out. His tears dry up surprisingly quick, his resolve to win the next time around clearly reflected in the speech he gives you as he refused to let you down (and show you weakness) a second time like this.
Amaguni Hitoya: 
Your arms flung around Hitoya despite the grumble of a greeting he gave you, knowing that the way he was acting was totally justified. It’s hard not to be disappointed but there’s a sense of peace that comes with knowing he, and his team, had tried their hardest and fought to be the last one standing. His hands settle on your waist and there’s a question on the tip of his tongue, are you disappointed in him? But with the way you’re looking up at him, eyes sparkling like he’d just won the entire damn DRB, he can’t help but feel somewhat placated. You couldn’t be a winner in all walks of life, not that he wouldn’t keep trying, but it helped to have a cheerleader as dedicated as you.
Aohitsugi Samatoki: 
You expected the anger and the holes in the wall, but you’re surprised when Samatoki isn’t yelling his head off when you enter the room. He gives you a cool stare but nods to show he sees you’re there before turning away, words escaping him at the present moment. There’s a lot of things that pissed him off about how that rap battle went but you don’t think the fact Ichiro got through was helping him take it any better. You’re careful with your movements but you go to hug him from behind, surprised when he not only allows it but settles his arms over yours to keep you against him until he was ready to face you again.
Iruma Jyuto: 
You’re almost proud of Jyuto for showing his true feelings on the situation rather than keeping it all inside to an exploding point. You know his teammates liked to poke fun at him and had done so despite their own frustrations, it had probably stopped a full-on brawl from breaking out between them. Jyuto sighed when you approached, rubbing his temples like he had a headache which you were glad to take over for him. Feeling your fingers massage his head helped him feel more relaxed than he had for weeks and he leaned into your touch, thankful to at least have this moment of peace.
Rio Mason Busujima: 
The disappointment is rolling off Rio in waves and despite trying to remain the backbone of his team, you knew he deserved at least someone to lean on. He seemed surprised when you called him out on his emotions, looking as if even he had forgotten they existed before nodding to show you were on point. He thanked you for your consideration and for the endless support you offered him, telling you that you had made a huge difference whether you realized or not. His thanks are so genuine it leaves you flustered, growing even more so when Rio brought you into his warm embrace.
Nurude Sasara: 
Sasara is hard-pressed to think of jokes in the moment, you can see him stumbling over his words to fill the silence but there was nothing funny about how he was feeling now. He worked so hard to put up this front, to be a person he might not actually be, and you placed a hand over his mouth for just a moment of silence. You knew he hated it, hated to be left alone with his thoughts, but some reflection would do well in this situation. Plus, you were here for him now and you wouldn’t leave him floundering around in the dark; you used your fingers to drag up the corner of his mouth in a smile, a way to say you’ll help him keep moving as long as he lets you be there for him.
Tsutsujimori Rosho: 
You can see the struggle to keep it together on Rosho’s face, his fears having been realized despite how hard he had fought. He wasn’t someone who cried often so he didn’t like the thought of putting on a show for you now, turning away as he felt the tears finally force their way to the corner of his eyes. You don’t want him to be ashamed of the hurt he’s feeling, you want him to remember this feeling so he’ll fight even harder with his team the next time around, but you especially don’t want him to just give up. You guided his head to your shoulder and placed your hand in his hair, holding him there to comfort him while also allowing him to still hide his tears.
Amayado Rei: 
You have a hard time gauging what Rei is thinking but there was nothing unusual about that. You detected a hint of something on his face as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you against him like he was trying to hide his expressions from you. What could it be? Was he proud that, if he was to be beaten, at least it was by his own kin? You didn’t know and you doubted Rei would ever confide his true thoughts to you but at least he allowed you to be by his side as he accepted his loss. He even offered you a glass of champagne, and you couldn’t find it in you to deny him that at least. 
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hypnomicimagines · 3 years
Well if you insist...Headcanons for a nice summer evening beach date with Hitoya? 🥺👉👈
(You know EXACTLY what I'm about)
Amaguni Hitoya:
Hitoya didn’t often take vacations, he’d rather store that money away for something big he really wanted, but with you in the picture the thought of a vacation was a little more tempting. Getting to be alone, away from prying eyes in a place where he knew your time together won’t be interrupted, was a little too tempting for him to care about the money. A beach vacation wouldn’t be the first on his list but the nice weather and your puppy dog eyes quickly convince him that it’s the best option.
He finds a nice place that’s beautiful but not so incredibly popular that it’s flooded with people, meaning he might actually get some peace and quiet as you relax together. He’s the type to want to take it easy and though you might have to confiscate his phone from him so he doesn’t work, he’s perfectly happy taking a seat in a comfortable lounge chair and just sitting out enjoying the weather. You think you both look like American tourists who have never been to a beach before, the colorful shirt you bought for Hitoya something out of a comedy movie but he didn’t seem to care since it made you happy. He just wanted to catch some extra shut eye and drink along the ocean, eyeing you warily when you try to coax him into it.
Night time is when it’s easier being outside and the ocean breeze even causes a shiver to run through you, Hitoya wrapping an arm around your shoulder to hold you closer to him as you continued your walk along the ocean. Doing so with the twinkling stars overhead made the moment feel even more romantic, thanking Hitoya for doing so much research into finding the perfect place. He sheepishly tells you it was nothing but you can tell he’s happy that you’re happy, making a note to return here again in the future. 
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hypnomicimagines · 4 years
Hello, can i have M,Y,Z for hitoya? Thank you so much
Amaguni Hitoya: 
Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Hitoya thinks marriage might be nice but it’s not high up on his priority list. Getting married means finding a partner that can deal with his long work hours and mildly difficult personality, both things he doesn’t want to actively deal with ever if he can help it. As he gets on in the years his family has begun to pester him about it too which makes him even less willing to find a partner he wants to marry as he doesn’t want to give them anything though he’d like to finally have peace at some point (but then the conversation would likely just move from marriage to kids so he’d never have the peace he so desired). 
Hitoya’s proposal is a more lowkey occasion even if the ring is disgustingly expensive, preferring it be more personal and less for the public eye to see. He’s always been a private person so it’s no surprise that he proposes in your happy little home, the conversation you were having beforehand clearly leading up to it though you’re still stunned. He had gone out of his way to spend the entire day with you, he rarely took off work so you knew something must be happening, and he had even cooked you dinner (another rarity as it seemed you ate take-out more often than not if you didn’t cook). He wanted your good day spent together to end on an even happier note but you can tell from the beads of sweat on his forehead that he was actually stressed about the entire ordeal, knowing you were truly important to him from how much work he was putting in to making it all perfect. 
Hitoya would try not to make it obvious that he spoiled you but he absolutely spoiled you with just about everything you wanted; you were never the selfish time who endlessly tried to take from him which is what made him want to give you the entire world. He’s a husband who is always taking care of you, who assures that you’re happy, healthy, and well-taken care of even if he’s not around often as he’s still quite the workaholic. He doesn’t want to have the ‘absent husband’ label attached to him due to his career but you understood what you were getting into the minute you were dating a lawyer, which is perhaps the reason the two of you work so well together as you didn’t expect him to drop everything just to constantly be by your side. He was there when it mattered and that’s what counted the most. 
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
You don’t truly appreciate what you have until it’s no longer there and this is something that hits Hitoya hard when you’re away for awhile. He doesn’t remember his bed feeling this empty or meals being this boring without you, only able to look forward to work which surely wasn’t as exciting as looking forward to seeing you. Focusing on finding new cases is generally how he copes and his secretary can always tell when you’re away or if you’re fighting as Hitoya seems to actively seek out a heavier work load until you’re home. 
Zeal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
If you weren't willing to work hard and do all that you could for the other person then why even be in a relationship? There was a reason Hitoya had put it off for so long and it was due to the time and effort he knew he would put into it. He’s a dedicated man and finding someone worth his time wasn’t something he would take for granted, he knew there might be times where it felt like giving up was the easier option but he’d never give up on his relationship with you so easily. 
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hypnomicimagines · 4 years
🌟Fluff Alphabet: A🌟
A – Affectionate (How affectionate are they with an S/O?)
Yamada Ichiro
Ichiro tries not to constantly be in your space out of respect, worried about smothering you to the point you can’t stand being around him at all. He really likes to just sling an arm around your shoulder and pull you close to him, using the closeness to press a kiss to your cheek or temple when conversations go idle. He’s naturally affectionate to the point he doesn’t even notice he’s touching you or pulling you close half the time, simply liking to touch you in some way as it’s comforting to him. It’s gotten to the point where his brothers stick their tongues out at his behavior, making the eldest laugh as he tells them they’ll understand when they’re in love.
Yamada Jiro
Jiro wishes he was smooth enough to put the moves on you without second-guessing himself, especially in public when it could stop being from bothering you, but the bravest thing he can do is reach over to hook his pinky with yours. He generally hopes you’ll be the one to take the hint that he wants something more and grows frustrated if you don’t, trying to hype himself up to get to a full hand-holding session. He craves being more affectionate but he’s awkward about it, not knowing how to just admit that he wants it. He gets slightly better the longer you’re together but Jiro still prefers you just initiate so he can be reassured you want it, too.
Yamada Saburo
Saburo is the Yamada brother that values his space the most and isn’t as openly clingy as his older brothers. He likes existing in the same space as you and finds comfort in even the slightest touches like when you rest your head on his shoulder or hook arms with him. Cuddling or even asking for a hug feels like more advanced intimacy that he’s not fully prepared to ask from you, always fidgeting and glancing at you when he wants to do something but can’t bring himself to just act. It’s easy to read him to figure out when he wants some affection and even a simple kiss can tide him over for days.
Aohitsugi Samatoki
Samatoki’s got an image he at least semi-attempts to keep up but generally fails around you as he can’t find it in him to deny you. If you pout enough he’ll give in and give you a quick kiss (heavily depending on who’s around) but he won’t do much more unless you’re in a more relaxed setting. If you’re in the VIP section of a club with the others in MTC he doesn’t care nearly as much since they both know you belong to him and often times you ended up on his lap, one hand on your thigh as he continued conversing with them like nothing happened.
Iruma Jyuto
Jyuto likes to keep a comfortable distance when you’re out in public together and he doesn’t feel the need to show you off like some others might, more affectionate with his words as your petname from him tends to slip out whether he intends it to or not. But in private there’s something about being cuddled up together that makes him feel at peace, arms solidly wrapped around you and refusing to let go unless one of you had something really important to do. There are some days where he comes home from work so exhausted all he wants to do is be held and to forget all the unfortunate things he’s gotten himself into.
Rio Mason Busujima
Rio goes back and forth but he’s always consistent with the fact he cares about you in his own way. He’s far better at taking care of your needs, like keeping you well fed and cleaning your clothes, compared to being physically affectionate just due to how awkward he is. He needs to be prompted to do anything even as simple as a hug and he’s always a gentleman, asking before he kisses or hugs you just to assure that’s what you want from him. It can be embarrassing how he always feels the need to call attention to it but Rio doesn’t like ‘reading between the lines’ preferring if you blatantly tell him what you want so he can be more efficient at fulfilling your needs.
Amemura Ramuda
Ramuda is more affectionate when he’s playing his ‘cutesy’ role out in public, constantly clinging to your side, showering your face in kisses (enjoying the jealous squeals of the other women at what a cute couple you were), and openly talking about all the things you did for him to Dice and Gentaro (also to make them jealous). Behind closed doors when he feels like he can act more himself he tends to like his space, enjoying being alone with his thoughts from time to time and given a moment to breathe even though it’s him trying to keep up this act. Granting him this space just leaves him ready to come curl up with you at night, mumbling sweet nothings and wondering how he’d managed to find someone this understanding.
Yumeno Gentaro
Gentaro is someone more independent, who doesn’t feel the need to see you every day and understands that adults have their own agendas to attend to. He can’t say he doesn’t miss you during these periods as being able to walk to a different part of the house that you’re relaxing in while he’s suffering from writers block just to exchange a few kisses can make a world of difference for his emotional state, but he doesn’t want to appear to reliant on you. But he loves quiet simple moments where you’re sitting on a couch watching a movie together, fingers interlaced as you turn to each other from time to time to offer up a comment.
Arisugawa Dice
Dice doesn’t notice that he’s constantly touching you or just incredibly close because he’s always been that way, even before you were dating; he just naturally finds himself drawn towards you and accepts that that’s where he’s supposed to be. He can be quite needy when you’re alone together, whining that he wants your attention if you’re too focused on some other task for a while, nudging you, leaning against you, doing anything he can to be a distraction to get the love he craves.
Jinguji Jakurai
Jakurai is awkward and bumbling with his affection, liking to brush hair out of your eyes or indulge in gentle touches, cupping your face, stroking your cheeks, showing his subtle doting care style. He wants to do so much more but he always talks himself out of it, worried it’ll be too much or that he’d be pushing some boundary that he didn’t know about. Openly communicating and letting him know he can, indeed, reach out to hold your hand or hug you from behind without having to ask permission first (situation permitting) will do wonders for the relationship and you’ll find Jakurai is actually far more affectionate than he’d originally shown.
Izanami Hifumi
Hifumi’s affection is a little more downplayed when he’s not in ‘host mode’ but not by much, his affection generally coming out more when he does things for you rather than physically (not that he’s lacking in that department either). Hifumi’s lovin’ can be quite sudden as he likes to come up from behind you suddenly, arms wrapping around your waist as he asks what you’re doing, sometimes even extending to him jumping on your bed to wake you up and ending up falling asleep with you again because of how comfortable it is to lay with you.
Kannonzaka Doppo
Doppo second-guesses himself a lot which stops him from doing some of the things he’d like to do but he tries to be affectionate, wanting to show you how you make him feel and also wanting to show he can be a good boyfriend (just in case you had doubts). He feels like he could probably do better, he could probably hold you or kiss you more, but you don’t seem unhappy with how things are. The easiest time for him to express his feelings for you are in the morning or at night after he’s finally home from work, so sleepy he doesn’t even care if he appears like a clingy nuisance, just wanting his daily dose of your love to help lull him to sleep.
Harai Kuko
Kuko isn’t the type to hold back so you can guarantee that if he wants to do something, he’s gonna do it. He’s been scolded before for just going for it instead of acting and he tries not to just go off his instinct, carefully reading the situation to see what might be most appropriate. He doesn’t think you should lie to him either and if you want him to back off some he won’t mind; he likes being left alone too and has his moods where he also doesn’t want to be touched, having no issue with telling you he wants to be left alone.
Aimono Jyushi
Jyushi really, truly, just wants to shower you with all the love he has in his heart for you (which is a lot) but he can’t always bring himself to act on it, instead using his dramatic words to let you know how highly he thinks of you. He likes the cuter shows of affection and always seems stunned that you want to kiss or hold his hand in public, tearing up as you’re holding hands and loving when you give him that reassuring squeeze that lets you know even if he cries a bit you’re not embarrassed to be there with him. It goes a long way with Jyushi to be able to act loving towards you in public and though he seems to make a mad dash out of your personal space after giving you a smooch, you can’t say you don’t love it.
Amaguni Hitoya
Hitoya values his own space, he likes to be left alone and at night he gets too hot to constantly be cuddled up with you, but he knows how to take care of you. Cuddling is probably his favorite thing to do and he doesn’t mind it when you pull him away from a heavy case momentarily, arms draped around his shoulders as he leans back against you with closed eyes, simply enjoying the closeness. He’s the type to just like when you’re near him, in the same house, not really minding if you’re doing separate activities.
Nurude Sasara
When you’re alone you and Sasara could practically morph into one being with how often he wants to just be close to you, even if his job is partially to blame; there are so many nights where he comes home and you’re already out cold, or you’re working when he’s finally got a day off, so he tries to make it count. He jokes all the time about being clingy but you hadn’t realized the joke had plenty of foundation in reality until you’d moved in with him. He’s not above backing off when you want space but it seems like he’s always in the mood to cuddle, jumping into action when you get into cuddle position without you even having to say a word.
Tsutsujimori Rosho
Rosho loves when you’re sitting next to him on the couch when you’re either watching something or he’s just reading and you sling your legs across his lap, showing how comfortable you truly were with him; he likes resting a hand on your knee (sometimes feeling spicy enough to get slightly further up your thigh) and just feeling you, knowing you’re there even if you’re not talking bringing him immense comfort. He can’t say he’d reject cuddling ever either but he prefers keeping it toned down in public where his students might see him, knowing how invested in his personal life the nosier ones can get even with something as simple as holding hands.
Amayado Rei
Rei’s affection level heavily depends on the relationship you have and how much you actually want out of him. If you’re the type who needs to be loved constantly, who wants to have him holding you at every moment, he can work with that just as much as someone who doesn’t want to be touched at all. He doesn’t have a personal preference and finds fulfillment in the relationship either way though he’s notably more affectionate when you’re his actual significant other compared to someone he considers just a fling or a friend with benefits.
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