#hlh rapid
hlhrapidlimited · 1 month
Most Popular Tooling Materials in Injection Moulding and Their Typical Tool Life
When it comes to injection moulding, the mould tool is the most critical and costly component in the process. There are many tooling material options to choose from: aluminium, soft and semi-hardened steel, and hardened steel. While mould makers like HLH can assist you in choosing a suitable tooling material for your project, it’s worth gaining a basic foundation and understanding your options to avoid costly errors, waste, and defects down the road.
In this article, we will look at the most popular steel and aluminium tooling options available for plastic injection moulding, their typical tool life, the pros and cons of each, and scenarios in which each is best to use.
Popular Tooling Material Options for Injection Moulding
1. Aluminium
Aluminium (AL) is often used as a quick and lower-cost alternative to steel tooling. AL has good machinability and excellent heat transfer properties (cools quickly and efficiently), which makes it a good option for prototyping and low-volume production runs. A main drawback is that the tooling life is generally shorter, and not all grades of plastics are suited for aluminium tooling; for instance, materials that require high mould temperatures.
Soft tooling option.
Commonly used for prototype and low-volume tooling — with an average life of 10,000 shots depending on the grade and part complexity.
Easy to machine and offers excellent turnaround times.
Less durable than steel tooling and not suited to plastics that require high mould temperatures like polyetherimide (PEI), polyether ether ketone (PEEK) or polysulfone (PSU).
2. S50C
S50C is a ‘soft’ steel option that is especially popular in China for prototype tooling. It is a great for general applications and a good alternative to aluminium. However, if the part material or surface finish calls for a hardier tool, P20 steel is used.
Soft steel.
Commonly used for rapid tooling tooling applications — with an average life of 50,000 shots or less depending on the grade and part complexity.
Less expensive than P20 steel.
Less durable than P20 and not suitable for materials with abrasive additives.
Pro Tip: You can often get Chinese tools like S50C and P20 at the price of an aluminium tool. Most Chinese tool shops prefer working with steel tools for rapid tooling because they are harder, more robust, and easier to weld.
3. P20
P20 is a ‘soft’ steel often used as a standard steel tooling option and is the first choice for materials without abrasive additives. For prototype or development tooling, P20 steel offers several advantages over aluminium: it is stronger, more durable and offers a longer tool life; it is less costly; and it is generally more resistant to scratching than aluminium. A main drawback is that P20 is not very resistant to erosion or chemical corrosion, which can impact its tool life.
Soft steel.
Commonly used for prototype tooling and intermediate quantities — with an average life of 50,000 cycles or more, depending on the part’s geometry and tolerances.
P20 is harder and more durable than aluminium, with approximately a 5x longer tooling life.
May require coatings or surface treatment to protect against corrosion and erosion.
P20 Application Case Study: HLH Rapid Uses P20 Steel Tool For SOL Reader’s E-Ink Glasses.
 4. NAK80
NAK80 is a semi-hardened tool steel typically used for more demanding applications. NAK80 is typically used for higher quality parts and transparent and high-gloss components. It also works better with resins with glass fibers or hard, engineering-grade plastics like Delrin or Aceral (POM). Although it’s more corrosion resistant than P20, one key drawback is that it takes longer to machine.
Hardened steel.
Commonly used for bridge tooling and production tooling — with a typical tool life of 300,000 to 500,000 shots.
NAK80 takes polishing well, and produces optically clear and high glossy parts.
Costs more than P20 steel tool and typically takes 20-25% longer to produce.
5. H13
H13 is a ‘strong’ steel that is robust and have exceptional resistant to heat. It is most commonly used for high production quantity tooling and to address wear when running abrasive materials. H13 also works well for materials that require high tool temperatures like polyamide-imide (PAI), PEEK, and liquid crystal polymer (LCP).
Strong steel.
Commonly used for high volume runs of several hundred thousand to 1 million cycles.
H13 is best for aggressive resins and optical parts made of clear plastic like acrylic (PMMA) or polycarbonate (PC).
More expensive than P20 and NAK80 steel.
6. S136
S136 is stainless steel that offers excellent hardness and is mainly used for speciality cases in high production tooling. It has good corrosion resistance, which makes it good for corrosive environments or materials such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polypropylene (PP). It also has excellent polishability and is a good choice for large-size precision parts. The main drawback is that S136 costs the most and has the lowest thermal efficiency, so unless you require a high production run, it may not financially make sense.
Hard stainless steel.
Commonly used for high volume runs of 1 million or more.
S136 is best for corrosive plastic materials like PVC and PP.
Most expensive steel tooling option among the five options.
Other Tooling Material Options
Above, we’ve listed the 5 most commonly used aluminium and steel tooling material options for injection moulding projects, however, there are many other tool material options for special cases and applications. Check them out in the list below.
A2 tool steel
2083 HRC48-52
2344 (HRC48-52)
Custom tooling & injection moulding
Submit CAD, get a quote within 24-48 hours or less
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The Typical Tooling Game Plan at HLH
Typically, our clients begin with single-cavity S50C or P20 steel tools for prototyping and developmental applications—S50C for our rapid tools and P20 if the part material or surface finish calls for a hardier tool. For applications requiring engineer-grade or glass fibre resins, or for moulds necessitating a higher level of polishing, NAK80 steel is preferred.
Often, for niche market or specialized products, P20 or NAK80 steels may be all the client needs to satisfy demand. These steels require a lower investment than full production tooling, helping customers minimize costs in the early stages and get initial products to market faster.
If the product demand is high and where it makes sense, customers may move on to H13 or other hardened steel, production multi-cavity tooling.
Fast Tooling & Injection Moulding With HLH Rapid
At HLH, we make prototype tooling, bridge tooling and production tooling in-house for simple to complex injection moulding projects. If you are unsure what tooling material to go for, get in touch with our engineering team at [email protected].
To get started on your next injection moulding project, simply submit your 3D CAD along with any project details like material, surface finish or quantity, to our contact form. Our team will get back with a quote within 24 to 48 hours or less.
Visit our website: https://hlhrapid.com/blog/injection-mould-tooling-material-steel-and-aluminium-tools/
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drkarunakumar · 3 months
How to Spot HLH Disease?
Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a severe condition where the immune system becomes overactive, attacking the body’s tissues. Early identification is crucial to prevent rapid progression and severe illness. This guide outlines the symptoms and early warning signs of HLH, helping you understand when to seek medical attention.
What is Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis?
HLH is a disorder where the immune system attacks healthy cells, causing excessive inflammation and tissue damage. It can be inherited (Primary) or acquired (Secondary) and often resembles severe infections or inflammatory conditions.
Types of HLH
Primary (Familial) HLH: Genetic, diagnosed in infants and young children.
Secondary (Acquired) HLH: Triggered by infections, autoimmune diseases, or cancers, and can occur at any age.
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Symptoms of HLH
HLH symptoms can be nonspecific and similar to other conditions. Key symptoms include:
Fever: Persistent high fever, unresponsive to treatment.
Fatigue and Weakness: Extreme tiredness and difficulty performing daily tasks.
Enlarged Liver and Spleen: Abdominal swelling and palpable organs.
Rash: Red or purplish skin spots, usually non-itchy.
Swollen Lymph Nodes: Tender lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, or groin.
Neurological Symptoms: Persistent headaches, seizures, and mental changes.
Early Warning Signs of HLH
Recognizing early signs can be lifesaving:
Persistent High Fever: Lasts more than a week, unresponsive to medication.
Fatigue and Loss of Appetite: Sudden fatigue and weight loss.
Unusual Bruising or Bleeding: Easy bruising and frequent nosebleeds.
Abdominal Pain and Swelling: Discomfort and swelling, especially in the upper left side.
Neurological Symptoms: Persistent headaches, confusion, and seizures.
When to Seek Medical Attention?
Seek medical help if you notice severe and persistent symptoms, rapid symptom progression, or multiple HLH symptoms simultaneously. High-risk groups, including those with a family history of HLH or underlying conditions, should be particularly vigilant.
Wrapping Up
Early detection of HLH is crucial for effective treatment. Recognize the symptoms and seek timely medical help to avoid severe complications. Awareness and prompt action can make a significant difference in managing HLH effectively. If you notice persistent or severe symptoms, consult a healthcare professional immediately.
Read the full blog here.
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hlhproto · 4 months
Empowering Connectivity: HLH’s Role in Advancing Communication Technologies
Communication technologies are crucial to daily life. As products such as smartphones, laptops, audio devices, gaming consoles, and others evolve, so do manufacturing solutions that support this connectivity. HLH Proto leads in this area with its CNC rapid prototyping solutions.
HLH understands the importance of communication products and is committed to staying updated on industry developments and practices. The company has collaborated with leading industry figures and is known for delivering precise, high-quality results swiftly and economically. You can rely on HLH Proto for the most effective prototyping and manufacturing technologies for your projects.
Top applications
Over the years, HLH Proto has supported communication companies by helping them build their housing and enclosures. The company has extensive experience in making custom prototypes and precision parts, whether one or up to 100,000 pieces. Its CNC rapid prototyping solutions also help make cutting-edge smart devices with complex parts and designs.
Advancing communication technologies
CNC machining is one of the sought-after prototyping services for making one or multiple parts because it’s fast, repeatable, and consistently fulfills precise and high-tolerance specifications. HLH Proto offers a wide range of plastics and metals to make prototypes and end-use parts for communication technologies. Plus, the company has precise tools and machinery, including surface grinding machines, sink and wire EDMs, CNC mills, and lathes, to deliver flexible custom turning and milling solutions.
How communication technologies benefit from HLH Proto’s CNC machining services
CNC rapid prototyping delivers elaborate and precise components that can support the communication industry. Communication companies require high-quality parts when designing new equipment to avoid interruptions, equipment failure, poor video and audio transmission quality, and other issues. HLH Proto’s CNC machining ensures accurate parts and prototypes of telecommunications equipment, no matter how simple or complex.
Discover HLH’s solutions today.
Make HLH Proto your partner for CNC rapid prototyping. The company’s extensive experience in communication technologies makes it capable of understanding your industry’s ever-evolving landscape and demands. Its experts will work closely with you to meet and exceed your needs each time. Request a quote now to discover how HLH Proto can help your business.
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y2fear · 9 months
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[INTERVIEW] HLH Rapid: rapid prototyping and high-mix, low-volume production under one roof
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biomedicool · 7 years
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome is a complex and rare congenital heart defect in which the left side of the heart is critically underdeveloped, and cannot effectively pump blood to the body so that the right side of the heart must pump blood to the lungs as well as the rest of the body.
Medication to prevent closure of the ductus arteriosus between the right and left sides, followed by either surgery or a heart transplant, is necessary.
HLHS affects a number of structures on the left side of the heart that do not fully develop, for example:
left ventricle is underdeveloped and too small.
mitral or aortic valves are not formed or are very small.
ascending aorta is underdeveloped or too small.
atrial septal defect often also present
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Grayish-blue skin color (cyanosis)
Rapid, difficult breathing
Poor feeding
Cold hands and feet
Being unusually drowsy or inactive
HLHS occurs during foetal development and the cause is unknown. There is likely a genetic component, as HLHS has been shown to be heritable and associated with specific gene mutations (GJA1 (connexin 43), HAND1, NKX2.5, 10q, and 6q). One study found that babies with HLHS were more likely to be born in summer months, suggesting that seasonality and environmental factors play a role in causation. HLHS usually occurs as an isolated cardiac defect. 
Multiple surgeries are needed to increase blood flow to the body and bypass the poorly functioning left side of the heart, but these do not cure HLHS, only help restore heart function. 
Norwood Procedure
done within the first 2 weeks of life
create a “new” aorta and connect it to the right ventricle
place a tube from either the aorta or the right ventricle to the vessels supplying the lungs (pulmonary arteries)
 right ventricle can pump blood to both the lungs and the rest of the body
Bi-directional Glenn Shunt Procedure
4 to 6 months of age
creates a direct connection between the pulmonary artery and superior vena cava (returning oxygen-poor blood from the upper part of the body to the heart)
reduces the work the right ventricle has to do by allowing blood returning from the body to flow directly to the lungs.
Fontan Procedure
18 months to 3 years of age
connect the pulmonary artery and  inferior vena cava, allowing the rest of the blood coming back from the body to go to the lungs
Once this procedure is complete, oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood no longer mix in the heart and an infant’s skin will no longer look bluish.
A heart transplant may still be needed, and medication will be taken for the rest of the infants’ lives to prevent their body from rejecting the new heart..
Without surgery, hypoplastic left heart syndrome is fatal, usually within the first few weeks of life. Most treated infants will have complications later in life. Some of the complications may include:
Tiring easily when participating in sports or other exercise
Heart rhythm abnormalities (arrhythmias)
Fluid buildup in the lungs, abdomen, legs and feet (edema)
Formation of blood clots that may lead to a pulmonary embolism or stroke
Developmental problems related to the brain and nervous system
Need for additional heart surgery or transplantation
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michael-jarda · 4 years
Beberapa hal yang membuatku khawatir dengan relawan Covid 19 di kampungku.
1. Di antara mereka, dua bulan sebelum pandemi ini booming, banyak yang meremehkan virus ini lewat postingan-postingan hoaks yang mereka konsumsi di media sosial;
2. Tiba-tiba menjadi orang yang paling paham soal virus ini, hingga kecurigaan berlebihan pada orang dari kelas pendidikan/status sosial rendah. Kalau mau adil, dari mereka (relawan) itu juga ada yang baru pulang awal Maret saat virus ini sudah menyebar, tanpa swakarantina;
3. Mayoritas minim pengetahuan, susah bedakan swakarantina dengan minta pemeriksaan pada dokter. Tadi kuuji dengan bertanya, kapan hasil SWAB yang positif rapid diumumkan. Mengejutkan malah tanya balik, "Apa itu tes swab atau PCR?";
4. Memandang orang yang baru pulang dari Pulau Jawa dengan sinis dan takut berlebihan. Waspada boleh saja, tapi tolong pikirkan kata-kata yang pas untuk memberi pemahamaman jauh kesan judge, untuk yang ngeyel tak mau periksa, coba peras lagi otak memikirkan edukasi efektif, sulit sih, tapi usaha tetap dong sampai tetes terakhir, lha kamu RELA-WAN;
5. Bekerja sama dengan ACAB dan Manusia Barak. HLH maaf, kalian harus berdaya dan bisa ajak tenaga kesehatan untuk sosialisasi;
6. .... (demi keutuhan, selebihnya silakan intros sendiri).
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Balloon Atrial Septostomy Treatment In India
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Congenital Heart Defect is a condition, which includes a defect in the valves, arteries, walls, and veins of the heart in a newborn baby. This imperfection in heart structure can possibly decrease the blood circulation or make it stream in the wrong direction or get completely blocked. This is a rare disease and approximately 9 out of 1 thousand kids are born each year, with a poorly structured heart.
 Kinds of well-known Congenital Heart Blame
 Coarctation of aorta
 Aorta is the main and biggest blood vessel that transports the blood from the heart to several parts of the body. In the Coarctation of the aorta, a section of aorta remains constricted or narrow, at birth. It becomes difficult for the heart to pump blood out via the aorta. This heart problem is found in folk with a particular genetic disorder such as Turner syndrome.
 The curved part of aorta points upwards to the head and straight part points downwards. Coarctation of the aorta can occur anywhere within the vessel. However, its tendency to happen at the top or aortic arch (C-shaped curve) is more. This makes it hard for blood to go out, so the blood pressure (BP), before the narrowed segment is high, and after the constricted part, is low.
 Headaches from high blood pressure (HBP)
Camps in legs
Cold legs or feet
Abnormal heart sounds
Poor weight gain in children because of difficulty in feeding
Fainting or dizziness
Symptoms happen only when the narrowing is severe in the aorta.
The narrow section is repaired before the kids' age turns 10. It can be repaired via balloon angioplasty or open-heart surgery.
 Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS)
 'Hypoplastic' means 'underdeveloped'. In Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) the heart's left side includes the left ventricle, aortic valve, mitral valve, and aorta don't get developed in the fetus. A healthy heart has 2 ventricles. The right ventricle pumps blood towards the lungs to get oxygenated, whereas the left ventricle pumps the oxygenated blood to the other sections of the body.
In HLHS, the left ventricle is very little to pump blood effectively. Ordinarily, there is a hole in the wall that divides the right ventricle and left ventricle.
In the womb, the fetus receives oxygen from the mother's circulation through the placenta. In a couple of days, after birth, the Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome symptoms can be seen. This happens because the placenta is disconnected and the newborn has to rely on its own heart for oxygenated blood circulation.
Rapid heartbeat (RHB)
Rapid breathing
Cool, clammy and pale skin
Blue color lips and face
Weak pulses in arms and legs (because of poor circulation)
The infant with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, at birth, will be given an IV (intravenous) to enhance bloodstream. A series of heart surgeries are performed to reroute the blood in the right ventricle. The right side will perform the functions of both ventricles. Even if possible, heart transplant surgery can be performed to provide the infant with a well-functioning heart.
Patent Ductus Arteriosus
In the womb, ductus arteriosus permits the blood to evade the lungs of the child. After birth as soon as the child starts to breathe, the responsibility of ductus arteriosus gets concluded and it shuts down automatically, in some days. In certain cases, ductus arteriosus remains open and can cause abnormal blood circulation. This condition is called a PDA. The cause of Patent Ductus Arteriosus is still unknown.
 Shortness of breath or rapid breathing
Sweating with playing or crying
Fast heart rate
Tire out easily
Poor eating & poor development
Patent Ductus Arteriosus treatment focuses on the closing ductus arteriosus to prevent complications. Closing of Patent Ductus Arteriosus is done either via medication, catheter, or surgery.
Tetralogy of Fallot
A group of four heart defects at birth is called Tetralogy of Fallot. The stream of blood gets deteriorated, due to these defects causing a reduction in oxygen level.
The four defects are -
1. Ventricular septal defect - There is a hole in the muscle wall between the left and right sides of the heart.
2. Pulmonary valve stenosis - It is the narrowing of large blood vessel entrance.
3. Over-riding aorta - Basically, aorta function starts from the left ventricle but in the Tetralogy condition, it begins from the center of the heart, just over the hole between 2 sides.
4. Right ventricular hypertrophy - Due to the upper 3 heart defects the right side has to overwork, so the heart muscle on that side gets developed.
 Bluish tint on the lips, fingernails, and skin
The tint darkens during activities such as crying
Abnormal heart murmur
While feeding the baby gets tired easily, which hinders the growth
Fingertips have an abnormal rounded shape
Open heart surgery is applied to repair the defects of the Tetralogy of Fallot. The pediatric cardiologists continue to check the baby regularly, even after surgery. Occasionally, the kid may need additional surgery, as they grow up because sudden complications may evolve.
 Transposition of great arteries (TGA)
Basically, in normal conditions, the blood from the heart goes to the lungs to get oxygenated through the pulmonary artery. After it comes back the aorta pumps the oxygenated blood via the body. In TGA, the blood comes to the heart but is pumped out directly without going towards the lungs for getting oxygenated.
 The child has bluish-colored skin
Rapid heart rate and breathing
The child receives intravenous medication, shortly after birth. If a hole is present in the hearts mid-wall then a hole will be made surgically. This permits the oxygen to mix with blood that is pumped out. The balloon atrial septostomy technique is used. Although this is a temporary treatment the child will require open-heart surgery called arterial switch operation within four weeks after birth, to correct the defect.
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tierannical · 7 years
The Big Sick.
I finally saw this movie. I knew it would parallel my recent journey with HLH - but oh my god I could not have been prepared for just how much. The slight symptoms followed by a rapid decline. The familial confusion on how to handle it, trying to deal with social interactions afterward and just not finding it worth my energy all the time. Physical rehab, being proud for the small things like peeling a damn orange. My sister started crying so hard when she heard Staph Aureus because I just fought that off. Just. Watching these people go through all this pain and fear on screen so soon after we just went through it in real life. I wish I could get in touch with the real life couple this is based off of in order to tell them how much it means to see my struggle reflected in popular culture. I’ve never really seen representations of things like my ulcerative colitis - my poop disease isn’t very dramatic or pretty though, so I doubt I ever will. But HLH was traumatic. There was a night where everyone thought I would die, and I woke up just in time. And for mine, that night was the same as my sister’s wedding, so it was like. Super dramatic. I joke that it should be a movie, and, well, Hollywood obviously agreed. Of course I’m not dating a Pakistani guy whose family would disown him for dating me, and Grant and I were in a fairly stable spot when I went into the hospital. But the first “I love you” was said in a hospital room. And my boyfriend did think he’d lose me at a few months in. And we did almost break up because I was just overwhelmed afterwards - which was similar to how Emily was in the movie. I don’t know. It’s just bizarre. I left the theater, went into the bathroom, and just cried. I feel better now, but it was a lot to take in. I know this is kinda just rambling at this point, but I’m so glad this movie was made. Please support it if you have the means to. My story and the stories of those who have struggled deserve to be told and heard. And not just in a pity olympics way. It can be a romantic comedy, it can have humor because real life is like that. Not everything is all fun or all drama. It was 8 months of my life in and out of hospitals, there have been good and bad moments. And it's okay to do that - to have it be dynamic, just like real life. It means so much to see that and for the movie to be a success. To hear the audience laughing and crying at the struggles I've lived through. To know able bodied people are finding truth in this as well. It’s a wonderful story that shows part of my life which I never expected to see on the big screen reflected back at me.
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freeminimaps · 5 years
HLH Prototypes Co LTD
HLH Prototypes Co LTD is a bespoke rapid prototype and rapid low-volume manufacturing solution provider. We are a Chinese prototyping company who can deliver with the speed and quality your project deserves. We provide rapid part manufacturing solutions via core services like 3D printing, CNC machining, rapid tooling, rapid injection molding, vacuum casting (urethane), and sheet metal work.
We provide services for one-man inventors, fortune 500 companies, and everyone in between. Our customer base is diverse, but our focus is servicing larger companies who have multiple projects yearly that require a rapid manufacturing partner. We offer a western manufacturing experience in China.
HLH Prototypes Co LTD was originally published on Business directory and remarkable travel blog!
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First Application of CVVHDF, Plasmapheresis and "Cytosorb Absorber” to Solve a Pediatric Haemophagocitic Histyocitosis Case-Crimson Publishers
First Application of CVVHDF, Plasmapheresis and "Cytosorb Absorber” to Solve a Pediatric Haemophagocitic Histyocitosis Case by Milella L in Research in Pediatrics & Neonatology
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Hematologic filtration techniques increased very quickly in interest and application as adiuvant treatment for systemic Hyper inflammatory conditions. "High Level” mortality conditions as Septic Shock and Sepsis are still highly present if we consider the continuous therapeutical progress.
This is the clinical-therapeutic report of a female patient observed in September 2016, aged 4 ,affected by HLH secondary to bacterial infection ; the patient also developed a secondary SDR with abnormal us macrophagic activation during septic shock and sepsis with MOF evidence status. The patient received mechanical controlled ventilation, strong cardiovascular drugs support, increase of volemia , CRRT, CVVHDF, intermittent plasmapheresis; a "Cytosorb Absorber” was added to the plasmapheresis circuit.
There was no Ethical Committee consent and the use of "Cytosorb”, not approved for pediatrics weighting less than 40kgs, has been done in ”Emminentia Mortis”. We observed, after the first 12 hours of Conventional Hemodiafiltration plus Cytosorb application, a very rapid improvement of cardiovascular and respiratory patterns, a rapid decrease of hyperammonemia, improvement of renal and hepatic functionality, a quick decrease of inflammatory markers. The hemodiafiltration was continued, Cytosorb was added with a 24 hrs interval and Plasmapheresis treatment was continued. In a few days there was a normalization of clinical condition with resolution of sepsis and MOF.
Conclusion: There is a very little experience in the use of pediatric purification techniques especially in the use of Cytosorb. This is the first pediatric treatment with Hemodiafiltration, Plasmapheresis and Cytosorb in a case of a confirmed Hamofagocytic Histiocytosis disease. Further studies and informations are required.
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hlhrapidlimited · 2 months
How to Design Ribs for Plastic Parts: Injection Moulding Design Guide
Ribs are thin support features frequently found in plastic injection moulded part designs. They are often used strategically to replace thick wall sections to avoid sink marks, warp, and voids, and help improve overall part function. In some cases, ribs also act as decorative features.
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To fully benefit from the capabilities of rib features, it is important that your injection mould model is designed according to a number of recommendations. This article covers the scenarios in which ribs should be used in injection moulding and offers a comprehensive guide to the best design practices for rib features.
When to incorporate rib features in your design
We’ve listed several scenarios below in which rib features work particularly well for:
Plastic parts that require maximum strength without increased wall thickness
Plastic parts that are subject to pressure, torsion and bending
Plastic parts that are complex and large
Plastic parts needing extra strength without increasing overall weight or material usage
Rib Design Guidelines
Rib Height
Rib height should not exceed 3 times the nominal wall thickness. Ribs that are too long will increase the difficulty of injection moulding, causing problems like voids and sink marks. Ideally, you want to keep ribs as short as possible while still being functional.
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Rib Thickness
As a general rule of thumb, ribs should not be thicker than 60% of the nominal wall thickness. Maintaining an appropriate rib-to-wall ratio is essential to prevent issues such as air bubbles, shrinkage patterns and stress concentration. Ultimately, avoid thick ribs whenever possible.
Rib Radii
The base of a rib should always be rounded with a radius to prevent an area of concentrated stress in the part. This radius should typically be 0.5 to 1 times the thickness of the part wall to increase rib strength.
Rib Spacing
When incorporating multiple ribs, it’s recommended to space them out at least 2 to 3 times the nominal wall thickness. It’s essential to leave adequate space, as ribs placed too close together can create cooling issues, which can increase cycle times and sink risk.
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Rib Draft
A draft angle of at least 0.5 degrees on each side should be incorporated to allow for easy part ejection from the mould. Only crush ribs should be made without a draft angle.
Summary of Rib Design Guidelines
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Injection moulding rib design best practices
Incorporating ribs is a critical feature that should be carefully considered for nearly all enclosures, housings, casings and other plastic parts where wall thickness is important. In order to ensure successful moulding of rib designs, it is important to closely follow best design practices.
Avoid Excessive Ribbing: Overloading a design with excessive ribs can significantly prolong cycle times, heighten ejection risks, and increase material usage. Instead, focus on strategic placement of ribs only where necessary to provide the required structural support while minimising these drawbacks.
Ensure Adequate Vents: It it essential properly vent around ribs in injection-moulded parts, as improper vent will cause excessive injection pressure, short shots, burn marks, sink and splay.
Maintain Uniform Wall Thickness: Variations in wall thickness can lead to uneven cooling rates, warping, and dimensional inaccuracies. Maintaining uniform wall thickness is crucial to enhance mould filling, minimize cycle times, and improve overall part quality and appearance.
Avoid Abrupt Transitions From Thin to Thick: Sudden changes in thickness from thin to thick sections can result in uneven filling, increased shrinkage, and potential defects such as sink marks or warping. Gradual transitions help promote uniform material flow and reduce stress concentrations.
Follow Rib Design Guidelines: Considering factors like rib height, length, placement, and orientation helps optimize part design for efficient moulding and superior mechanical properties.
Injection moulding & DFM feedback with HLH Rapid
Use the Rib Design Guidelines above to help design your parts for manufacturing then export your 3D CAD files in an STEP format. Submit your drawings to our site contact form and our engineering team will get back with a quote and comprehensive DFM (design for manufacturing) feedback.
Visit our website to Learn More: https://hlhrapid.com/knowledge/rib-design-guide-injection-moulding/
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hlhproto · 5 months
Subtractive Manufacturing Mastery: CNC's Role in Rapid Prototyping
Many innovators and manufacturers turn to rapid prototyping to speed up product development. Through subtractive manufacturing, these professionals can streamline their time to market without compromising the strength and quality of their parts. This fast-evolving technology delivers CNC machined parts and helps businesses cut manufacturing and development costs.
Subtractive manufacturing is set to drive the growth of the rapid prototyping market by 14.9% from 2022 to 2031, with the aerospace industry likely being the largest contributor. Moreover, the increased availability of CNC machining services in China should encourage more industries to adopt and benefit from this rapid prototyping solution. Continue reading to learn more about CNC machining’s role in rapid prototyping.
A great way to make physical models
CNC machining is a subtractive manufacturing solution that helps manufacturers, product engineers, production planners, and designers make a tangible model, prototype, or sample of their product. These professionals can save time and money by using CNC machined parts to test and review their products in the real world.
Subtractive manufacturing creates a prototype by removing material from a block or billet of metal or plastic. That said, the process is fully automatic and computer-controlled, making it more reliable and capable of delivering results faster than hand-carving and other manual processes. Some service providers can even reduce lead times to 4 business days with CNC machining.
Ensuring accurate, high-quality parts
Rapid prototyping with CNC machining delivers robust, high-precision parts, especially when service providers apply industry-standard tolerances. The best CNC machined parts are controlled to DIN-2768-1 Medium for plastics and Fine for metals to ensure accurate-to-CAD results. In addition, manufacturers use the latest and proven equipment and tools, such as sink and wire EDMs, CNC mills, and surface grinding machines, to deliver CNC milling and turning solutions.
How it benefits rapid prototyping
CNC machining supports rapid prototyping because of the following reasons:
Quick and repeatable, making it ideal for low-volume manufacturing.
Delivers on high tolerance and precise specifications.
Service providers offer a wide range of rapid prototyping materials.
Master CNC machining with the experts
Learn more about subtractive manufacturing and get high-quality CNC machined parts from the experts at HLH Proto. The rapid prototyping and low-volume manufacturing company has extensive experience in providing custom solutions to various industries, including automotive, aerospace, electronics, industrial automation, robotics, oil and gas, and medical. Request a quote now to see how they can help your next project!
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ampled1 · 6 years
1800W ELectric Infrared Strip Patio Heater HLH-1800-AL
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Vendor: DSV Type: None Price: 113.99
1800W ELectric Infrared Strip Patio Heater
The patio heater works to provide soothing sun like warmth that emits no odour, fumes or carbon dioxide emissions. Rather than warming the air around something the heater works by warming up the object. With its more targeted and rapid heat up build up, the eco-friendly heater is energy efficient and cost effective. It comes with an IP65 rating that makes it ideal for outdoor or indoor use and the heater can be wall or ceiling mounted to suit the space requirements. There are no moving parts making it operate silently and is low maintenance.
Features: * Rapid heat-up * Reflective heating technology * No odors, chemicals, fumes or carbon dioxide emissions * Long-lasting 5000-6000 hours infrared golden halogen tubes * IP65 weather-proof rating * Indoor or outdoor use * Adjustable swivel brackets * Wall mounted or ceiling mounted * Easy DIY installation * SAA, CE, EMC, RoHS Approved
Specifications: Cable Length: 186 cm
Package Content: 1x Infrared Radient Panel Heater 1x Mounting Bracket 1x User Manual
from Ampled https://ampled.com.au/products/1800w-electric-infrared-strip-patio-heater-hlh-1800-al
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thesunshinereporter · 5 years
HLH Prototypes Co Ltd Is Now Offering Rapid Prototyping Alongside Free Project Review Services
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thealphareporter · 5 years
HLH Prototypes Co Ltd Is Now Offering Rapid Prototyping Alongside Free Project Review Services
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Pancytopenia Market : Review with Forecast Research Report 2018 - 2026
Pancytopenia is a medical abnormality related to the blood, wherein the number of blood components, i.e., red blood corpuscles (RBC), white blood corpuscles (WBC), and platelets decline below normal limits. The condition could be life-threatening, if not treated. The condition is characterized by fever, chills, fatigue, weakness, breathlessness, lymph nodes swelling, and splenomegaly.
The disease is classified into two types: idiopathic and secondary. The mechanism of idiopathic type is the inapprociate activation of T-cells due to autoimmune response, which leads to rapid hemophagocytic activity. The essential blood components, such as, RBC, WBC, and platelets are engulfed and destroyed at a rapid pace through the over-phagocytosis process. Pancytopenia further leads to a disease, called hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH). Major causes of pancytopenia include bone marrow suppression, heavy and long-term administration of drugs, such as antibiotics (e.g. chloramphenicol, linezolid), BP regulators, chemotherapeutic agents, other viral diseases such as HIV and hepatitis, and blood cancer. Diagnostic tests include complete blood count (CBC) and immunoassay. Treatments include immunosuppressant (cytophosphamide) and bone-marrow stimulators (epoetin alfa).
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In some mild cases of pancytopenia, treatment may not necessary. In moderate cases, transfusion of blood may restore blood cell counts; however, over a period of time, blood transfusions may become less effective. In severe cases of pancytopenia, stem cell therapy and bone marrow transplant technique may be used to restore the ability of bone marrow to develop blood cells. Normally, these techniques are quite effective in younger patients; however, older patients may also require this technique along with a combination of immunosuppressant drugs, which stimulate the bone marrow.
The global pancytopenia market is anticipated to expand in the near future, owing to major drivers such as increased incidence rate of chronic diseases, rise in number of therapeutic products that suppress bone marrow activity and increased R&D practices and rise in awareness among the global population about blood-related disorders. According to estimates of Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS), around 150,000 people in the U.S. are estimated to have been diagnosed with blood cancer, in 2013. Thus, high proportion of blood cancer patients is expected to boost the pancytopenia diagnostics and treatment market. However, high cost and long-term duration of therapy, side-effects associated with some treatment regime, and lack of reimbursement policies in developing countries are major restraints of the global pancytopenia market.
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The global pancytopenia market can be segmented based on diagnostic test, treatment, and end-user. Based on diagnostic test, the global pancytopenia market can be classified as complete blood count (CBC), immunoassay, and others. In terms of treatment, the global pancytopenia market can be segregated as immunosuppressant (cytophosphamide), bone-marrow stimulators (epoetin alfa), and others. Based on end-user, the global pancytopenia market can be segregated into hospitals, diagnostic centers, academic & research institutes, and others. By end users, Hospitals and diagnostic centers are anticipated to dominate the market in comeing years due to increase in number of hopistals and adopation of new technquies.
In terms of region, the global pancytopenia market can be split into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa. North America leads the global pancytopenia market due to the presence of key players, technological advancements, and better infrastructure. The market in Asia Pacific is also expanding at a rapid pace. Key elements which drive the market in Asia Pacific include rise in global geriatric population, increase in number of blood-related disorders & infections, technological advancements in developing countries such as India, China, Japan, and government initiatives to support healthcare investments by key players in the region.
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Some of the key players operating in the global pancytopenia market include Abbott Healthcare Pvt Ltd, Life Technologies Corporation, Roche Holding AG,  Beckman Coulter Inc., Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., and Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics.
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