#hm on second thought. its a bit scary that i spent the majority of my teenage years feeling like this
sodrippy · 8 months
that vibe youre on when its summer holidays and youre unmedicated and hyperfocused on something and going to bed at 2am every night and time is bending away and reality starts getting kind of wavy actually still fucks. this energy stands the test of time all my mutuals should do this
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mintchanniemint · 4 years
pairing: [coffee shop! au] Bang Chan x reader
wordcount: ~1.3 k
mood board
[09:37 a.m]
It was a sunny morning and you and your friend were lucky enough not to have any lessons to attend in university that day. She had asked you to go to a coffee shop nearby, and it was really easy to convince you since you always drank unimaginable amounts of coffee and hot drinks, and in less than ten minutes, you were already on your way to the shop.
The streets were not as busy as usual, and the light spring breeze was gently moving the pink flowers that were adorning the trees on the sidewalk, some of them delicately leaving the branches, swinging down to touch the grey, hard concrete ground.
The coffee shop was in a little corner, it wasn’t as big as you imagined but just seeing that it was right in front of a park, made you feel warm inside.
The two of you entered, welcomed by the pleasant smell of hot, sweet drinks, and some acoustic music playing in the background. The big windows by the entrance made the whole place look brighter, making the atmosphere even more welcoming. There weren’t many people; some of them were sitting by the counter, sipping some hot drinks while chatting, others were occupying tables with books and laptops, a dark, stressed aura around them as they were definitely college students facing scary exam sessions.
You and your friend took your seats and quickly one of the waiters greeted you: his face was quite familiar, but it wouldn’t really be a surprise if one of the students of the college you attended was working there.
His short curly hair was dyed in an aggressive, rebel red and covered by a black cap, his eyes were clearly signed by tiredness and you could feel he was mentally screaming about how bad he wanted to go home.
You raised your eyebrows in surprise as your friend casually started a conversation with him, signaling how they were probably friends.
“Hey, Chan! It's been a while. Perfect morning to be here, huh?”
“Yeah, sure, tell me about it. Now, let me get your orders before I fall asleep right here.”
He mumbled in response, biting his lip to stop himself from yawning, as he got a notebook and a pen from the pocket of his dark blue apron. You tried not to giggle since he looked both cute and tired; working during weekdays in a shop right next to a university was definitely boring since the majority of students wouldn't populate the shop that much during those hours.
Your friend quickly ordered a simple cappuccino while you were still checking the various options that were written on a blackboard on the wall, right above the counter. You somehow got lost in your own thoughts as you noticed the beautiful handwriting in which those names and doodles were made. You wondered if those were written by one of the workers there.
You were still staring distractedly at a random point in that blackboard when the red haired guy waved a hand right in front of your eyes.
“Hello? Anyone there? You wanna order something or…”
He asked, his voice not filtering his annoyance anymore, as he started tapping on the little notebook with a pen.
You cleared your throat, a little embarrassed, and focused your gaze on the tissue box on the table right in front of you.
“I’ll go with a caramel macchiato…”
The young guy nodded, scribbling quickly on the little notebook in his hand.
“...with twelve pumps of caramel syrup.”
He suddenly looked at your friend, slowly pointing at you with the pen, a smile gradually painting his lips.
Not really a beautiful smile -you had to admit- since it was definitely there to hide the rage that wanted to leave his mouth but, unfortunately, he was not allowed to do so.
Your friend shrugged, not able to stop a little giggle from leaving her mouth, and he just shook his head, sighing.
“Anything else? No? Perfect.”
He barely gave you the time to tell him your name to write on your cup as he went back to the counter to prepare your orders. You could feel his gaze on you and when you gathered enough courage to look in his direction, you noticed he was literally glaring at you.
“What’s wrong with him? I only asked for my usual…”
You mumbled, feeling quite annoyed at the huge dramatic scene he caused, and looked outside the window, letting your eyes distractedly follow people walking on the street.
“Don’t mind him. He's just like that.”
She giggled, enjoying the whole situation. You sighed and shook your head, your eyes moving back to your friend sitting in front of you.
“I bet he’s a Music major.”
You mumbled, biting your lip as you smiled, trying not to laugh too loud as your friend gasped and lightly hit your arm, laughing.
“How did you even know that!”
“You know, they’re all, like, amplifying their reactions and tapping everywhere to make music… plus, his hair is red. But not a normal red. It's highlighter shade of red.”
“Oh, stop it!”
The two of you were still laughing and joking around, now showing each other some random pictures and messages on your phones as you were waiting for your drinks.
The red haired guy arrived at your table, his eyes spilling annoyance everywhere as he left the two drinks in front of you.
“Enjoy the inhuman quantity of caramel, weirdo.”
He said after looking at you with a sarcastic smirk.
You reciprocated the smile and nodded, and once he left, you quickly brought the cup to your lips, the sweet taste of caramel filling your senses. It was really good, and the quantity of caramel in it was just right.
You and your friend spent some time chatting while sipping on your drinks, when suddenly the red haired guy, now without the dark blue apron and the cap covering his hair, decided to sit right next to you.
“Finished your shift, Chan?”
Your friend looked at him before drinking her coffee. He nodded and fiddled with the tissue box on the table.
“Gotta get ready for class... I have a two hours long Physics lecture, does that even sound legal to you? I hate that subject, no wonder why I suck so much at it even though I need it for music-”
“It’s interesting, though.”
You distractedly said as you were focused on drinking your caramel macchiato, and since the silence that slowly appeared as a result was lasting for too many seconds, you glanced at them, seeing that they were both looking at you with a little bit of disgust and disappointment in their faces.
“Not only you order uncomfortable amounts of caramel in your drinks, but you also like Physics? Knew there was something wrong with you the second you stepped into this damn shop.”
He shook his head and you gasped, lightly offended by such a comment and looked at him, slightly pouting, some whipped cream on the corner of your mouth. He pointed at your lips and shook his head, even more disappointed than a few seconds earlier.
“You sure you’re a senior? You look like a total child to me.”
He said, getting a tissue from the box and giving one to you.
“Get lost, brat!”
“What a nice way to introduce each other, hm?”
He sarcastically said right before getting up. He stopped for a second, his gaze moving from your friend to you for a couple of times. He shrugged and, hands in his pockets, walked away.
“See ya’.”
He mumbled, getting his black bag he had previously left behind the counter and leaving, the sound of the door closing right behind you.
“What a guy.”
You mumbled, making your friend laugh.
Your eyes focused back on the cup in your hand as you noticed a black doodle on it. It was a smiley sticking its tongue out, a few words scribbled right next to it:
"senior with malfunctioning taste buds"
A big sigh left your mouth, as you continued sipping your drink, your gaze once again drifting to the street outside, and catching the figure of the red haired guy getting more and more distant as he walked on the grassy path of the park right in front of the shop.
As a first meeting it was way chaotic, but you had to admit that the thought of visiting this shop again just because of him popped up in your mind and, for sure, wasn't going to easily leave.
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