#hob ch.24
avelera · 1 year
Can I just say - the entirety of GS chapter 15 was spectacular and I loved every word of it, but above all my favourite line was Dream saying “my eldest brother does very little”
I just - love all the sibling pettiness that single line contains. I’m very much with Hob in thinking that Dream’s exasperation is charming. Like Dream just eyerolling 🙄 and telling Hob - “yeah yeah my big brother’s destiny or whatever but don’t be fooled - he’s not that important and he’s not cool and maybe I love him but he’s also kind of a prick.”
Also… Dream rejecting Destiny’s offer of dinner by saying “I have better uses for my time” and squeezing Hob’s hand?? Why do I feel like he’s planning something?? Maybe it’s just me but I’m side-eyeing Dream (and you by proxy lol). I feel like some sneaky courting may be afoot (or maybe that’s just wishful thinking).
Whatever happens I know it will be wonderful because it’s you writing it!! Thank you so much again for the delight you give through your stories!!
:D :D :D Thank you!
I mean, I admit, I did some due diligence, and as far as I can tell Destiny... reads. But he is the workaholic of the family, which is saying something in a family that also contains Dream and Death. But I like to think of Destiny as that older brother who is at the office 24/7. You know he's always at work but... why? What is he doing there? What's his day to day? No one knows. He just lives there so he has to be working all the time... right?
(Oh great, now I'm imagining Destiny as completely obsessed with Farmville or some other game you can totally get away with playing at an office job, lol.)
Now, I will say because it's not really a spoiler: Dream is not planning anything new with Hob. There's no grand courting plan coming out of nowhere to anticipate, though more plot-y stuff is coming down the pipe soon.
If we were to be in Dream's head in that moment, we would see that he's thinking about the initial bargain to look after one another. He's thinking about Hob's panic attack on the beach in Naxos, and how one of the nightmares (aka, PTSD but the term hasn't been invented yet) that haunts Hob's waking hours was caused by Dream abandoning him and leaving him alone at his lowest moments in the 1600s, when the reason Hob was immortal at all to go through all of that was Dream's fault (as Dream sees it) and he didn't help this person he's now in love with out at all. And he feels immense guilt for that now that he's realized he's in love with Hob! (Bro fell fast and hard at the meeting in Ch. 1.) He's thinking about how he feels he owes Hob his undivided attention for at least a little while, and we're talking cosmic scale here with the Endless! Dream is like "Maybe in a century I'll have cuddled Hob enough to feel ok with leaving him home alone for a night if he wants me here, ok, Destiny? You can wait until then, I've got better things to do and people I'd rather be spending time with if this isn't urgent."
Not that this is a burden for Dream! He just genuinely means he's busy right now looking after Hob as part of the agreement where Hob looks out for him and he sees that as higher priority, especially after Hob's very recent panic attack about Dream abandoning him, than a dinner that isn't even a formal Endless conclave and where Destiny won't tell him what it's for. So yeah, Dream is being a bit of a salty younger sibling about it. (As the oldest in my family, I am looking forward to writing some high-handed oldest sibling shenanigans for Destiny lol)
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xx-vergil-xx · 2 years
currently constructing ch 24, but here’s a teaser that I feel something over
“All I know,” Dream says, tightly, “is that you are the place to which I would always return.  The start and end of the circle.  It is.  A privilege.  To cross once more your threshold.  To run again to you.” 
“I would run to you always, Hob Gadling.  Until the end of all things.”
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HOB ch.23-24
FINALLY, i’m back to hob’s universe. i had to stop reading this because university, but now that i’m freaking done with my exams, i can enjoy it as i wanted *^*
aaaaah, i missed xie lian and hua cheng SO MUCH- just look at my beautful san lang taking that strange plant and going to cure his gege’s hand immediately as if that’s the only thing that matters. god, i love him
San Lang didn’t respond, and after applying the powder he let go of Xie Lian’s hand. Xie Lian couldn’t help but think his attitude and this weird atmosphere between the two of them was really off, but didn’t know how to ask about it without sounding weird. This wasn’t something anyone else would notice either and couldn’t possibly understand.
(he just hates you putting yourself in danger for the sake of other people, he waited too much for you, gege! aaaaah they are beautiful, help me-)
EDIT: awkward hualian is making me wanna hug those two, i need them to remain alone and more of san lang protecting his gege 
EDIT 3: omg okay, if i already didn’t love san lang, i would fall in love with him right now. he went for a version of that plant that had not been fertilised by humans ‘cause he knew xie lian wouldn’t like it, and that’s so thoughtful and beautiful and i feel blessed. BLESSED.
Ever since Xie Lian had gotten stung by the scorpion snake, San Lang had behaved like this. A couple days ago it was all ge ge this, ge ge that, but now he barely called him ge ge anymore. When they first met, San Lang had avoided his touch and seemed weary of contact with Xie Lian, but that seemed to have gone away after spending so much time together. Now, besides sucking poison and applying herbs, San Lang was once again avoiding touching him, and that made Xie Lian feel weird. He’s not used to this distance.
i am getting so freaking emotional, this is so angsty and bittersweet, i love hearing sl calling him gege, it’s what keeps me alive, so i want them to talk and figure this out pls make it possible please please please-
EDIT 4: 
The mud face replied, “There’s someone amongst you I’ve seen before… fifty to sixty years ago.”
A shiver went down everyone’s back and made their hairs stand.
No mortal in present company should be aged over fifty. That means whoever this person was that was here then was not human.
this is getting creepier by the minute, what the fuck- i love this. I LOVE THIS.
EDIT 5: i think the face is talking about san lang? since, you know, he is a big deal in the demon world and long. HE WON’T HURT ANYONE AS LONG AS THEY DON’T HURT XIE LIAN, CHIIIIILL.
EDIT 6: 
Xie Lian pushed himself off the ground about to walk away before the mud face raised his voice, “Do you really not want to know who it is? He will kill all of you.”
yeah, i think he really is talking about him. though i don’t trust some of the merchants? and a-zhao? mmmmh
EDIT 7: okay, tha face? that face is getting unsettling me so much WHY DO THOSE MERCHANT IDIOTS GET CLOSER??? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THEM!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Xie Lian grabbed the merchant by his collar and backed up, but the tongue that flew out was freakishly lengthy and barged right into the merchant’s ear!
Xie Lian felt the body in his hold convulse violently, the merchant’s limbs writhed nonstop, and the man let out a short agonizing scream before falling to the ground. That long tongue dug out a large chunk of something bloody from his ear and and brought it back to the mud face’s mouth.
sorry, see you later, i’m gonna throw up-
EDIT 9: 
He was about to attack the repulsive monster when the mud face screamed again, “GENERAL! GENERAL! THEY’RE HERE! THEY’RE HERE!”
A deafening cry more savage than beasts blared in the distance.
EDIT 10:
The massive nine feet man they called ‘general’ seemed to have found the squirming mud face deeply disgusting, and swung his mace towards him, smashing his face into a bloody mess, the teeth of his mace piercing his brains. When he pulled up his mace again, the entire body was pulled out with it, fulfilling his wish of “let me out!”. And the body that was unearth was not a full human body, but a skeleton.
(okay, now i feel... uhm, i feel a bit sad. yeah, sorry annoying-face-in-the-mud, i think i jinxed you?
THAT FACE IS STILL ALIVE WHAT THE HELL. well, “alive” is probably too big of a word, but... *sugh* i am gonna refer to this as the annoying-face-in-the-mud arc from now on.)
The mud face countered immediately, “That wasn’t odd! It was just… a tongue a bit longer than average!”
*hysterical laugh* SERIOUSLY?
EDIT 11:
He said in a small voice, “Don’t worry. If anything happens I will go forward first.”
Xie Lian thought if they must all fall, then he might as well be the first one to check things out. It couldn’t be worse than venomous snakes and beasts, menacing ghosts and demons. He couldn’t die from falling, he couldn’t die from poison, he couldn’t die from bites, and he couldn’t die from getting hit. As long as it wasn’t some pool of corpse dissolving water, his body shouldn’t be damaged too horribly.
NO OKAY? NO. SOMEONE STOPS HIM RIGHT THIS INSTANT I KNOW SAN LANG WON’T ALLOW SOMETHING LIKE THIS TO HAPPEN OR WILL AT LEAST GO WITH HIM OMG why does xie lian talk about himself like that, i hate this, just because you can’t get hurt doesn’t mean you have to care so little for yourself, babe, i love you so much-
EDIT 12: okay, wow, a-zhao went down and i... did not expect that, since i was suspicious of him too, so now i feel guilty. again. ugh. also, that pit sounds even more scary now that, supposedly, a-zhao’s body has been teared apart.
EDIT 13: THE SOLDIERS ARE INSULTING HIM AND I AM GETTING MAD HOW  D A R E  Y O U- also, bitch? you wanna die, you are freaking asking for it-
EDIT 14: 
There was no helping it. Xie Lian was ready to jump if all else fails anyway. Behind him San Lang stepped forward.
Xie Lian’s heart lurched and turned around.
With his arms crossed, the boy was nonchalantly looking over the dark, bottomless pit with an air of intrigue. This wasn’t a good sign, and Xie Lian called out, “San Lang?”
Hearing his call, San Lang looked over and smiled softly, “Don’t worry.”
(WHATEVER YOU ARE GONNA DO, DON’T DO IT. I’M NOT GONNA READ IT SO IT WON’T HAPPEN. I AM FREAKING SCARED BUT- well. san lang won’t get hurt, right? BUT I DON’T WANT HIM TO SUFFER EITHER. just look at this cutie pie smiling at his gege and telling him not to worry i’m done-)
San Lang took another step forward and was teetering dangerously on the edge. Both Xie Lian’s head and heart started pounding, and he called again, “Wait, San Lang, don’t move!”
At such height at the brink, the boy’s red clothes danced in the night breeze. San Lang glanced at him again with a smile, “Don’t be scared.”
“Come back here. Come back here and I won’t be scared.” Xie Lian said.
why did no one tell me this was so painfull-
EDIT 16: okay, why is a dead girl throwing them all down-
EDIT 17: 
He thought he was going to crater and flatten like a pancake like many times before when suddenly, in the darkness, there was a flash of silver.
A pair of hands lightly caught him.
Whoever it was caught him perfectly, as if this person was made just to catch him at the bottom. With a hand across his back to grasp his shoulders, another under his knees to support his weight, the dreadful gravity of the fall was dissolved to nothing. Still dazed and confounded from falling at such a height, Xie Lian unconsciously held on tight to that person’s shoulders and called, “San Lang?”
The pit was filled with darkness, nothing could be seen, including the person. But Xie Lian still called that name. The other didn’t respond so Xie Lian patted and squeezed the chest and shoulders just to make sure. “San Lang, is that you?”
I am not sure a posses the words to explain how i feel, but even if i knew san lang was gonna catch him (that he was fine), my heart is pounding so hard and i love how strongly xie lian is reacting to him, unconsciously feeling him up to make sure he is fine. i didn’t know it’d be like this, they are gonna be the end of me.)
It took a moment before he heard the boy’s low voice from very close to him, “I’m ok.”
Xie Lian didn’t know why, but this voice was curiously different than before.
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thenightling · 4 years
The Sandman audio drama opinion so far
I’m only about half-way through listening to The Sandman audio drama.  So far I really love James Mcavoy as Morpheus.   Cain is great too. It sounds like Abel’s voice actor had a little trouble finding his footing because his brief appearance in The Doll’s House is a little better than Imperfect Hosts.  I love how they did Imperfect hosts, by the way.   The Harpsichord (or was it organ?) music while introducing the houses was perfect.  And the man voicing Cain does a delightful attempt at a Vincent Price impersonation. I love it.
  Death is... Not as good as I hoped.   The little bits of added dialogue for her about picking the flower makes her feel like she just doesn’t give a shit about what Morpheus went through.  She comes off a bit cold.  There’s a “motion comic” of Sound of her Wings on Youtube and though it’s an unknown voice actress in that I think she’s better than Kat Dennings. Here Death just rubbbed me the wrong way.  They probably should have used Jamie Chung (the actress from the Death animated short that appeared on the blue ray for Wonder Woman: Bloodlines).  Sometimes lesser known actresses are better.  
Everyone (for the most part) is great.   Gilbert is delightful.   I’m not sure about Andy Serkus as Matthew.  He kind of sounds how I imagine Merv would sound, to tell the truth.
Most of this is wonderful though.   I didn’t expect Morpheus to go “Hmm” so often.  It’s like he’s been hanging out with Geralt of Rivia.
I don’t know why people insist that the audio drama is “too slavishly faithful” to the original source material. There are some very distinct changes. 
One change I don’t like (and this is petty) is Morpheus’ escape.   In the original Sleep of The Justice the circle around the cage had to be breached before he could even try to enter one of his guard’s dreams.  I don’t like that this was changed.  Alex’s wheelchair is mentioned  so why not leave the breach?
 There are other changes too, not bad, just different.   I mentioned the added dialogue from Death. Other added things are twice confirming that Alex and Paul are lovers.  
Ironically the Polygon review of The Sandman audio drama claimed Neil killed the first LGBTQ+ character in the story and that this is something they should have changed. (Judy in 24 Hour Diner) but we’re literally told Alexander and Paul are lovers twice in this thing, it’s literally spelt out.  I argued in the comments that Paul and Alex are lovers and got a reply of “Yes, but that isn’t confirmed until The Kindly Ones.”  Umm...  In this audio drama (which that review was for) we are told they are lovers twice.  It’s spelt out.
Another change (and this confirmed a theory I had but then recanted because I thought my math was poor) is Doctor Destiny and Alexander Burgess are brothers.   Maybe I missed it in the comics but I don’t remember that being in there.  I know (from the grapevine) that the new Netflix show will have Alex be the younger brother of a deceased heir to Roderick, so maybe this is a baby step toward expanding the Burgess family tree.  
Poor Alex, I do pity him. I keep hoping some version of the story will have Morpheus show mercy on him faster, before Daniel becomes the new aspect of Dream. 
One change that I don’t mind is the story that introduces Hob Gadling comes earlier.  It’s chapter 10 in the audio book and issue 13 in the comics. I understand why this change was made and it fits fine where it is now.  It was a pleasant surprise to get it early. 
I also like how they managed to insert the T. S. Elliot “terror in a handful of dust” line.    
Some name pronounciations caught me by surprise.   I thought for sure Choronzon was pronounced Chore-on-zon.   Turns out the “CH’ makes a “Kah” sound like Cthulhu.  One name pronounciation that I actually am a little bothered by is Lyta.  It’s being pronounced here as Lee-ta.   Her name is supposed to be short for Hippolyta as (in her original continuity) she was named after Wonder Woman’s mother.  There was even a silly pun about Lyta the Lighter. Oh, well.
Some people are surprised by Constan-tyne being the pronounciation of Constantine (Often pronounced now as Constan-teen in DC properties) but I know T”I”ne (Tyne) is the original British pronounciation so I’m not at all bothered by this.
The extra dialogue between The Corinthian and his already blinded victims was incredibly disturbing.
I’m only half-way done listening to it.  Most of it I enjoy very much.  
  But so many reviews complaining about the faithfulness don’t seem to realize there are a lot of changes in this and it really should be faithful whenever possible. There are small changes. Not excessive, but they are there.  
James is doing a great job as Morpheus. Goldie is unavoidably adorable.   Lucien is great.  Cain is great.  Abel took a little time to find his footing.  He sounded dopey at first but by the time he appears in The Doll’s House he seems a bit better.  And I’m not thrilled with Death but Morpheus is great.  Alex was great.  Cain is perfect.   Lucien is great.  Matthew takes some getting used to since he sounds like he chain smokes and probably should be Merv’s voice but I still like him.   The Corinthian is chilling and disturbing, which means he’s great.  
 I’m having a fun time listening so far.   So far the only ones that felt like they dragged a bit were chapters 6 and 7, which is odd because so many people love those two in comic form, but maybe I got spoilt by a very well made 24 Hour Diner fan film.   
I should go back to sleep but I wanted to write this down.
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khadij-al-kubra · 6 years
Can I Bar-row Your Attend-tion (ch. 5)
Pairing: Roman/Patton
Characters: Roman, Patton, Logan, Virgil, Thomas, Dio (Deceit), (OC)
Word Count: (Eh, I give up XD)
Summary: Roman and Patton are two bartenders at a local bar & grill with some serious chemistry. However, the only people who don’t realize it are each other, and one of them is in a relationship…on the rocks.
Author’s Note: Hey friends! This is it. The Final chapter! I know it’s been forever and I am SO SORRY!! Thank you so much for your patience and for sticking with the story ‘till the end. I am SO grateful to you all!! It means so much to me that you all enjoyed my writing, more so than you could know! If you’d like to be in the tag list for any other works I may write in the future, please let me know. If not, no worries! Just knowing that this story was able to make people smile and laugh is enough for me. And as always feel free to leave a comment in the messages or reply if you have any notes or constructive critiques. I’m always open to writing advice. Enjoy!
Chapter 5: Make it a Double (POV- Roman)
“Greetings hungry and thirsty patrons! Logan, I got your text and lucky for you my rehearsal got out early tonight. Apparently the director ate a bad—“
Roman had expected it to be a busy night at the bar & grill. He had expected everyone to be a bit wound up and stressed from work. The last thing he ever expected to see when he walked through the door was Patton in front of the bar crying in Virgil’s arms. The sweet man before him, the object of his affections and who always wore a smile, looked so broken and vulnerable before him.
It shattered Roman’s heart.
He rushed to Patton’s side immediately and gently cupped the other bartender’s face in his hands.  Roman tried to wipe away some of the stray tears with his thumbs. They did not belong there.
“Patton, what’s wrong?” Roman asked. “Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you? Are you sick?”
Patton didn’t seem to be injured yet his wracked sobs continued as he shook his head. The sight of his beloved so distraught twisted Roman’s chest and made him want nothing more than to fight whatever had cause Patton so much pain.
“Virgil, what on earth happened!?” he asked, turning anxiously towards his friend.
Virgil signed. “You’re not gonna like this…”
Roman listened as Virgil filled him in on what he’d witnessed in Archwood Park. How he’d spotted Dio kissing someone else, proof that he’d been cheating on Patton for who knows how long, and how Virgil immediately went to Sanders’ to tell Patton the truth as gently as possible. It wasn’t that Roman couldn’t believe that Dio was capable of cheating. Far from it to be honest; after all, both Roman and especially Virgil had good instincts about people and neither had ever liked the dancer. What shocked and revolted Roman was the fact that Dio had been so villainous as to do such a thing to someone as kindhearted and loving as Patton. Poor sweet Patton who would never hurt so much as a fly; heck, he would likely nurse one back to health. How DARE he betray the trust of my precious Patton!
It took every ounce of strength not to erupt in righteous fury then and there. Right now Patton needed him. He took a breath to quell his anger for the moment and stepped back to properly look Patton in the eyes with all the tenderness he could convey. Although his honey eyes were waters and his freckled face blotchy, Patton still looked to Roman like the most sublime creature in existence. Roman searched for the right words to best comfort Patton, to reassure him that he deserved so much better that this act of betrayal, that we was worthy of the most true and faithful love.
Before he could however, Patton caught him in an embrace with such force that he had to take a step or two to regain footing. The heat rose to Roman’s cheeks. Sure they’d hugged before, but never so intensely as this. He could feel Patton trembling as he cried. Screw not crossing any lines. Roman wrapped his arms around Patton and held his trembling figure close, stroking fingers through his soft wavy hair in the hopes of soothing his wounded heart. Patton…can you feel how much I love you? And he did love Patton, so very much…and he would avenge his love’s broken heart even if it was the last thing he did.
Reluctantly, he pulled away. Roman took Patton’s hand and kissed it before nodding to Virgil. ‘Take care of him for me,’ he mouthed, and Virgil nodded back ‘I will’. Reassured that Patton would be in good hands, Roman turned to the door, clenching his fists.
“I’m going to kill that creep.” Roman marched forward, a man on a mission.
“Roman where are you going? You just got here,” said Logan.
“Sorry boss. I’ve got a knuckle sandwich to deliver!”
Roman held tight to his anger as he walked out the door, barely registering that Patton had called out to him.
He held onto his anger as he got into his car and drove over to Archwood Park where his co-worker has often mentioned that his boyfriend (ugh! he doesn’t deserve that honor!) often performed at this time of night.
He held onto his anger when he parked his car in a 24 hour spot, just in case things got ugly and he hoped they would get ugly for a certain snaked faced prick.
He held onto his anger when he marched through the park until he found his target in question, surrounded by a small audience that watched him breakdance and contorted his shoulder in a crude fashion. Roman shuddered, disturbed. I’ll never understand what Patton saw in him.
He just barely held onto his coiled up rage until he forced his way through the crowd and finally unleashed the full force of it through his fist onto Dio’s tattooed face.
“THAT IS FOR PATTON!” Roman shouted.
The crowd around them gasped. Some took out their phones. Roman took great pleasure in seeing the look of surprise and pain on the dancer’s face as the force of the blow knocked him to the ground.
“What the HELL was that about, Prince?” asked Dio, wiping the blood from his lip. A bruise was already blossoming on his cheekbone.
“You STAY AWAY from my Patton, you lying, cheating, slimy SCUMBAG!”
Dio stood wobbly back up and straightened his bowler hat.  “Why does everybody call me slimy? I’m not! I just have large sweat glands.”
“You betrayed the trust of your boyfriend, the most pure hearted person on the planet, and cheated on him with some other man. You’re a two faces LIAR and that is what makes you a slimy boi, you villainous serpent!”
“Look, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said. Roman saw with satisfaction that he’d managed to chip a tooth. “But he isn’t your Patton, and you’re interrupting my performance. So why don’t you do yourself a favor and—“
“The only favor I’m doing,” said Roman, grabbing him by the shirt, “is telling you one last time. Stay. Away. From Patton!”
“Wait, Patton from that old dive bar downtown?” said an audience member.
“That really sweet guy from Sanders’?”
“This guy cheated on him?”
Dio looked nervously around as his audience went from cheering for him and tossing dollars into his hat to whispering about him. He was really sweating now.
“No way to save face now.” Roman smirked up at Dio as he looked around him frantically. “Can’t lie your way out of this one you son of a—”
A fast and painful knee to the side from Dio silenced Roman. He let the other guy go and clutched his stomach in pain. That was definitely going to bruise later. At least he didn’t get me in the face.
“What I do in my private life and relationship is non of your business. Besides, Patton will never believe you over me. He trusts me too much. It’s not like we both don’t know he’s a naïve lovesick—“
Roman tackled him to the ground. “YOU AREN’T WORTHY OF PATTON’S LOVE!”
Roman and Dio rolled on the hard concrete ground trading blows. Dio was fast but the actor was stronger and madder, so he landed more hits than the dancer beneath him. He got some good shots to the ribs that would surely leave his pale form black and blue for days, as well as a nice shot to the eye. Dio got in some scrapes and gave Roman a split lip (he did manage to get the face), but by the time someone pulled Roman off him Dio was the worse for wear.
“Alright, alright, break it up!” Roman turned and, to his dread, saw that the voice belonged to a park police officer. “What the hell is going on here?”
“Officer,” said Dio, who was also being held up by another policeman. “This crazy stranger just came out of nowhere and assaulted me! Arrest—ow.”
“Stranger? You’ve known me for months you liar!” Roman scoffed. “And I did not assault him for no reason, officer. I came here to defend the honor of my friend, whom he has been cheating on! If anyone deserves to be arrested it’s him for crimes against love and all that is decent!”
“Enough!” said the female officer holding him back. “Did anyone see who threw the first punch?”
The crowd of onlookers seemed, for the most part, to be on Roman’s side more than Dio’s. Roman even recognized one or two faces from the bar. However, no one wanted to lie to the police so they mumbled and reluctantly pointed to Roman. That was enough for the officer.
“That settles it. Looks like I have to take you down to the station. Officer Hobs, looks like that one needs a doctor, so make sure he finds a ride. Show’s over folks.”
The officer placed her handcuffs on him, lead him to her car nearby, and read Roman his rights. Sufficed to say, it was the most terrifying drive of Roman’s life. Ohhh sweet Sondheim, I’ve really gotten myself into trouble this time. Even so, he couldn’t help thinking that it was worth it. At least, he hoped it would be…
…They soon arrived at the police station, yet to Roman it all felt a bit unreal. Having his mug shot taken (worst headshots ever), taking his thumb print, giving them his personal information, and having the handcuffs removed when brought to a grey walled room. It was only when he was sitting beneath those fluorescent lights and saw his battered reflection in the double sided window/mirror (sweet mother of hairbrushes, what was his hair!?) that it hit Roman just how much shit he’d landed himself into.
“Listen, I can explain—I didn’t mean—don’t I get a phone call or something?” Roman rambled nervously.
“No,” said Officer (according to her badge) Rivera. “Personal calls are restricted to persons in custody and questioning…Relax kid, this isn’t Law & Order. I’m just going to ask you a few simple questions and have you explain to me in full detail what happened and why. Clear?”
Roman gulped. “Crystal.”
So he answered her questions first. Then he told Officer Rivera about his day, told her about Patton and his relationship with Dio as well as his own personal feelings for Patton. She took notes in her pad as he spoke and didn’t seem very partial to whatever he said in his defense. However, when he got to the part about Virgil and his discovery of Dio’s infidelity, it seemed to strike a chord with her. True, the officer hid it behind a professional demeanor, but Roman was a good enough actor to catch subtle expression changes in other people.
“So that’s what happened,” Roman finished with a deep breath. “Am I…going to jail?”
Officer Rivera finished jotting her notes and steepled her fingers before answering. Good lord this woman knows how to leave you in suspense.
“Ordinarily you’d be tried under charges of assault.” That sent a chill up his spike. “However, the other guy didn’t make any official charges against you and since there were no reliable witnesses or officers on scene at the time, this could be classified as a misdemeanor. Which we don’t make arrests for. So you won’t be prosecuted.”
Roman released the breath he’d held. “Oh thank goodness!”
“That being said we’ll still have to keep you here overnight as protocol. Unless you can pay the fine for bail.”
“I’m a part-time bartender and community theater actor. Do I seem like I have that kind of money?”
“Wait, community theatre?” At this she let her impartial police demeanor slip. She looked down at the file with his man on it. “Roman Prince…You wouldn’t happen to be part of the RENT production going on, would you?”
“Uhh I am?”
“You wouldn’t happen to be friends with my daughter Krystal, would you?”
“Why yes, she’s out Mimi—Wait, you’re Krystal’s mother?” Didn’t see that coming.
“I am. So you’re the new friend that she keeps talking about. My daughter says you’ve got quite the acting chops, and that you’re a pretty stand-up guy.”
“Well, I think you’re daughter is pretty fantastic too. Probably one of the best actors I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Not to mention one of the best singers I’ve ever heard. I mean seriously, she can hit an A about high C! Do you know how HARD that is? She’s SO talented!”
The policewoman chuckled. “She did say you were pretty over the top. And yeah, that she is.”
Officer Rivera seemed to be regarding Roman in a new light. He shifted awkwardly in his metal chair as she stared him down, drumming her fingers on the table. Then she sighed loudly.
“So, technically you aren’t allowed to make any calls…I on the other had am free to,” she said. “So, if I happened to know the number of a certain family member of yours or a friends or…”
She slyly slid a piece of paper and her pen across the table to him. Ohhh! Catching on, Roman wrote down the number of Sanders. It was one of the few phone numbers he’d remembered off the top of his head (they’d confiscated his cell phone along with his wallet), and surely Thomas or Logan would still be there at least. Ah geez, he is not going to be happy about this. He finished and slid the paper back over.
“I can’t thank you enough Officer Rivera ma’am.”
“Don’t thank me yet. I’ll see what I can do. Meanwhile, I’ve gotta take you to a holding cell here for a little while. Don’t panic, it’s not a jail cell. Think of it as a really small boring waiting room.”
Roman nodded his understanding and allowed her to take him to a small room with one crosshatched window on the metal door. With an apologetic face, Officer Rivera locked him in. He looked around at the grey stained walls and dented metal bench against the wall. Might as well have a seat. The bench was cold and uncomfortable, yet as tired as Roman felt he could’ve probably taken a nap then and there. That is, if he wasn’t feeling the aches from his fight setting in on him finally.
All the adrenaline and anger form before was gone, leaving him all aware of the bruise on his side, the scraped skin of his knuckles and the iron taste of dried blood on his cut lip. It was worth it. It was SO worth getting to punch Dio in his stupid face. At least, that’s what Roman kept telling himself. Being in such a solitary quiet place gave him too much time to think about whether or not he had acted too rashly. Yes he has done it with the intent to defend Patton’s honor, but was there a bit of selfishness to it as well? After all, he’d never liked that Dio got to be Patton’s boyfriend and not him. Was it really right of him to have stepped in on Patton’s personal life like that? And what would Patton think of him after he found out Roman had basically kicked his boyfriend’s ass, even if it was for good reason? The first thing Roman would do once he got out of this place is apologize to Patton.
If I get out of this place…
…Roman must have dozed off at some point for a bit. He was suddenly jarred awake by the screeching sound of a metal door unlocking. He sat up with a grunt.
“Prince, you made bail,” said Officer Rivera.
“Wait, really? But who—“
Before he could finish Logan stepped in from behind the policewoman’s back. Roman had never been happier to see his stoic face.
“Roman. How are you?” asked Logan, scanning Roman’s injuries. “I apologize I was unable to come sooner. I had to stop at the bank first.”
The tone of his voice revealed how concerned he truly was. No doubt Roman must have looked a wreck. He gave Logan a guilty half smile as he stood up from the hard bench and met him at the door.
“Trust me, I look worse than I feel. A lot better than I left Dio looking,” he said.
Logan nodded to him and, to Roman’s surprise, gave a flickered grin. “Good.”
Logan turned to Officer Rivera. “Since I made the payment in cash to your chief officer, I trust he won’t be called in again?”
“Given that there wasn’t any police witness at the scene it could be classified as a minor offence. Besides, the other guy neglected to place any official charges against your friend, so as far as we’re concerned he’s free to go.”
“Thanks again Officer,” said Roman. “If there’s any way I can repay you, I shall.”
“It was no trouble. Just tell my daughter to call her mother more often,” she said with a wink.
“Consider it done.”
He gave a mock bow that made her chuckle deeply and Logan rolled his eyes. That is, until they saw how Roman winced from the motion. Guess Dio had put more of a dent in him that he’d realized.
“We should get going Roman,” said Logan. “Thomas, Virgil and Patton are waiting back at the bar & grill. I have my car.”
They retrieved Romans things before leaving the police station and headed to Logan’s parked Volkswagen. Logan filled him in on what had occurred at Sanders after he’d stormed out. How he’d closed up early, the way their regulars had stood up and vouched for Logan and getting the call from the police station. It left Roman both surprised and in awe. He knew that their customers were loyal, but it warmed his heart to hear just how much. Not to mention the way Logan had put himself out there for his employees. Guess the cyborg had a heart after all. Roman always suspected as much.
When Officer Rivera said she’s make a call to Sanders’ for him, he’d thought that Thomas or maybe Virgil would be the ones to come to the station, even if the couldn’t get him out. Roman never expected his boss and friend to be the one to come to his rescue, let alone go above and beyond by paying what must have been quite the pricey bail. He’d never be able to repay him enough.
“Logan,” said Roman. “I didn’t get to properly thank you back there. For what you did, I mean. Paying my bail like that, it was, I can’t thank you eno—“
“Just for the record, the price of bail will be coming incrementally out of your next few paychecks,” said Logan. “And I do not care if we are friends. If you ever pull such an impulsive stunt like that again, even if it was for a noble reason, I will NOT let it slide and I WILL be forced to have you find work elsewhere. Understood?”
There was a stern bite to each word that came out of his mouth, and Roman couldn’t help shrinking a bit in the passengers seat. It felt like when he was scolded by his mother as a young boy for standing on the dinning room table reciting soliloquies.
Roman gulped. “Clear as crystal.”
“Good,” said Logan. After a pause he turned to Roman on a stoplight and his face actually softened up again. “Speaking outside of being your boss, however…that was a noble thing you did. Defending Patton’s honor.”
“Wow…Thanks specs,” said Roman, humbled.
“Of course,” Logan said, with a smile. Then he turned back to the road. “Once I had learned the details of the reason behind your sudden departure and Patton’s distress at the hands of Dio, I too had the urge to smite him down like the hand of God. Albeit in a much less physical manner than you opted for.”
Roman gulped when he caught the icy glint behind his glasses. He made a mental note to never get on Logan’s bad side.
“So, we are friends then?” Roman asked teasingly.
“That was the impression I’ve been operating under. However much I attempt to remain impartial during business hours.”
“Come on poindexter, you love us. Admit it. You’re a big ol’ softy.”
“Falsehood.” Logan couldn’t hide his faint blush.
Roman laughed. “So, as friends, can I ask you something that I’ve always been curious about?”
“Of course,” said Logan, keeping one hand on the steering wheel as he pushed back up his glasses.
“Why did you decide to own a bar and grill? I mean with your brains I would’ve imagined you’d want to be some sort of teacher or a chemist or something.”
Roman was afraid he had stepped too far into personal territory. However, Logan simply smiled and even gave a low chuckle.
“I can understand why you would think that, and truth be told I had considered being a mathematician for a long time.”
“So why a restaurant owner?”
After a pause Logan said, “As you know, I have aspergers syndrome, and as such I have never been the best at picking up on social cues or reading people. That doesn’t mean I have no desire to connect with people, it just makes it more difficult. Growing up, people were like a puzzle that I need to solve—that I wanted to understand and connect with better.”
Logan made a turn signal before continuing. Gee, the ride from Sanders to the park to the police station hadn’t felt half as long to Roman the first time around. Then again, I guess time moves a bit differently while in the back of a police car.
“Something I learned from growing up in a large family–aside from the fact that little brothers are demons–was that people seem to connect more openly over a shared meal in a comfortable environment. Thus over time I thought to myself, what better way to combine my love of mathematics and my desire to better observe and understand others than by operating my own business, specifically a food establishment? So I earned my GED, bought Sanders from an old family friend, and turned it into a bar & grill.”
“And…did you get what you wanted out of it?”
“Indeed. Running Sanders’ and familiarizing myself with our customers has helped me to connect with people better than I ever could have. Tonight was proof of this.  Granted the lot of you exacerbate me to no end some days but…becoming friends with you, Joan, Talyn, Virgil, Thomas and Patton especially has helped me tremendously in this regard.”
He noticed how Logan had made no attempt to hide the warmth behind those words and even smiled more openly than he’d ever seen. Perhaps it was because they were speaking outside of work that he’d let himself do so. Here he wasn’t Logan the boss man, he was Logan the friend. Either way, Roman had never felt closer to the big nerd. However, the mention of Patton brought Roman back to reality.
“How…how is Patton? Did he say anything when I left?” Roman asked. “About…me?”
Logan breathed out through his nose. “It’s difficult to say. He was a 9 on the emotional pain scale regarding Dio’s betrayal, and he seemed distraught over you after hearing about your temporary incarceration. I can only imagine how he will react upon seeing your current state.”
Roman gulped at hearing his fears confirmed and silently cursed his own impulsiveness. He didn’t regret throttling Dio, but the last thing Roman had wanted was to cause Patton further pain, yet he did just that. Still, he had to face Patton eventually. They rode in silence the rest of the way.
“Oh Patton,” he whispered to himself, “please forgive me.”
* * * * *
They got back to Sanders about 15 minutes later. It was strange going back into the bar & grill when it was all closed up, yet the light peeking out from inside through the blinds reminded Roman that his friends and crush were waiting for them inside. Logan unlocked the door and Roman followed him inside.
The bar had been cleared, the floors mopped and the chairs stacked atop the tables. Virgil was nervously scribbling on a napkin while Thomas was telling him something, likely going over breathing exercises judging by the rise and fall of their chests. Patton was pacing over by the bar and nervously fiddling with the sleeves of his favorite grey cardigan. Roman guessed he likely had changed out of uniform into his own clothes, given that Patton was also wearing a blue polo instead of his black t-shirt. When Logan shut the door with a clank all three heads shot up.
Roman only had eyes for Patton, who looked both relieved and about to cry. He felt so guilty for causing Patton further grief. Surely he must be mad or at least disappointed in Roman for going off to fight for him. Roman prepared for the worst.
“Hey, everyone…” Roman rubbed the back of his neck. “Patton… I’m so—“
Patton’s arms were around him before he could finish. The force of his hug could’ve knocked the wind out of a football player. He pulled back when he heard Roman groan. Patton’s hands gently probed over him as though he were made of fine china.
“Roman, thank goodness you’re alright! Are you hurt? Did Dio hurt you? Did they press any charges? I’m SO glad you’re not in jail anymore! Oh, what happened to your lip? And just look at your knuckles, they’re swollen!”
Roman blushed at being fussed over in such a way, but at least Patton wasn’t angry. “Patton, I’m alright, I promise. Just a couple of bruises and some scrapes here and there, nothing major. Logan took care of things with the police, so it’s all good padre. I promise.”
At this Patton finally relaxed a bit. Virgil and Thomas came over to him as well once Logan caught them up on everything that happened back at the station. They were clearly irritated at Roman but seemed just as relieved.
“That was a really stupid thing you did dude,” said Virgil.
“Roman, buddy, I know you’re all about the chivalry, but don’t go running off and getting into fights like that,” said Thomas.
“Not without us as backup at least,” said Virgil.
“Indeed,” said Logan.
“Okay?” asked Thomas.
Roman knew full well that neither of his friends were fighters in the slightest. Still, the gesture meant a lot to him. Looking at Logan, Virgil and Thomas standing around him, he felt incredibly grateful to know they’d always have his back; even when he was being an impulsive love struck idiot.
“I swear,” said Roman. “And listen, Patton, about…about Dio—“
“I don’t care about him. Not anymore,” said Patton. “I’m done with him. Officially and for good.”
There was a hard edge to his voice that Roman had never heard before. He looked to Virgil for confirmation if this was true and the artist gave him a nod, smiling at his stepbrother proudly. Although they weren’t good circumstances by any means, Roman couldn’t help but feel proud of Patton for standing up for himself like that. The sweet bartender was a lot stronger than he let on. Aaand Roman wasn’t ashamed to admit to himself that he was incredibly happy that Patton was now free to court. Of course, all that could wait till much later. They had time. He could wait.
“Well then,” said Roman, “I’m proud of you Patton.”
“As am I,” said Logan, placing a hand on Patton’s shoulder. “I don’t know very much about the complexity of your relationship, but I think it’s a fair assessment that Dio was a raging douchbag.”
Virgil laughed. “Couldn’t have said it better myself. He was never good enough for my brother.”
“Heck yeah. You deserve way better Patton,” said Thomas. “We’re all proud of you.”
“Yeah, I’m proud of me too,” said Patton.
Roman caught a flicker of sadness in Patton’s eyes. He was about to ask if Patton was truly all right, but before he could Roman found his hands gently being cradled in the other mans. A blush crept up his face.
“I’m just glad that you’re safe,” said Patton, kissing his scraped knuckles. Roman winced, but he’d never felt happier. “Come on. Let’s get you fixed up.”
Patton gently dragged him by the hand to Logan’s office in the back. Roman would have followed that man anywhere he’d asked. The others didn’t follow and frankly he was glad of it. Roman wanted to talk with Patton in private.
Patton closed the door behind them and gently sat Roman down while he got out the first aid kit from their bosses/friend’s desk. Logan’s office much like his personality: clean, organized, and precise. Roman did however notice there were three framed photos on the desk next to a stack of documents. One was of a rather large family standing in front of a Christmas tree with Logan amongst them. Another was of Logan standing with a proud smile in front of a newly opened Sanders bar & grill, and the last one looked to be a candid photo (no doubt taken by Patton) of Logan with every one of the Sanders’ employees as they laughed at some statement or other. The photographer had even managed to capture the rare laugh from Logan frozen in time.
“Alrighty, now lets get you cleaned up,” said Patton as he took a seat across from Roman. He took out antiseptics and bandages from the kit. “This might sting a little.”
The swabs did sting a bit, but Roman sat patiently as he let Patton nurse his battle wounds with all the focus and tenderness of Florence Nightingale.
“So…it’s truly over between you and Dio now?” Roman tentatively asked.
“Yeah,” said Patton as he wrapped bandages around Romans knuckles. “I called him up after I found out about your guys’ fight and ended things.”
“Oh...” Roman gulped. “I’m sorry. I-I din’t mean to be the cause of—”
“Oh no, no, it wasn’t about you Ro!” Patton said quickly, placing a reassuring hand atop Roman’s. “It was about Dio. After he cheated and hurt you—hurt someone I cared about, well, that was the last straw.”
Roman’s shoulders relaxed. “Ah, then…good. So, how are you feeling?”
Patton paused for a moment and then took a deep breath. “Lighter. Like I can breathe again. Honestly, I hadn’t let myself realize how unhappy I started to feel towards the end of the relationship, how over it truly was, until tonight.”
Patton finished taking care of Roman. Then he put the first aid kit on the desk and scooted his chair closer to Roman before continuing.
“I think part of me suspected he’d been cheating, but I…just thought it’d be easier to…avoid all those nasty feelings, y’know? I hate to admit it, but I’m not sad about it being over…which makes me feel guilty because I’m the one that ended it and it-it was my first real relationship so i—so what does that say about me?”
Roman used the pad of his thumb to gently brush away the tear that streaked down Patton’ cheek. Hesitantly, he cradled it in his hands. To his pleasant surprise Patton actually leaned into the touch. The gesture choked Roman up a little.
“Patton, you have every right to feel however you feel…but if you think it means there’s something wrong with your heart, then you could not be farther from the truth.” said Roman, looking him in the eyes. “You have the strongest, most pure heart of anyone I’ve ever known. You deserve someone who recognizes that. Who treasures your heart and treats you like the most sublime creature in all of existence! And if someone isn’t doing that or isn’t meeting your heart’s needs, then you have every right to walk away without guilt. You deserve to be happy!”
Patton let out a sad laugh, but at least the silent tears ceased. Roman saw a sad smile creep up the other’s face.
“Thanks Roman. I don’t need all that wooing though. All I want is someone to be present with me, to spend time with. Someone who I can be playful with and share things with and we’d take care of each other. Someone who, maybe, finds me…desirable, somehow? Someone…”
Patton looked up at Roman with, perhaps, something akin to hope in his eyes. It made Roman blush, the intensity of that hopeful yet open look humbled the young man as he waited patiently for his secret love to finish.
“Someone who…loves me…as much as I love him. Do you…think there someone out there like that for me?”
Roman’s face was hot as a hearth now and he couldn’t stop the frantic flutter of his heartbeat. It’s not like he was new to the ways of love and he certainly had never been the shy type. Yet Patton’s words had submitted something within him and he couldn’t for the life of him find the right words or poetics to say to the man before him. So, he went with instinct.
“There is…”
Roman leaned in slowly. Patton seemed to have edged in as well, until finally Roman closed the distance between them. He felt Patton stiffen only for the slightest of seconds before melting into the kiss with equal measure. Perhaps it was his overactive imagination but Roman could’ve sworn he also heard a small whimper from the other. Patton’s lips were softer than Roman could have ever imagines, and there was a faint lingering flavor of chocolate sweetness there as well. No kiss had ever felt like this before, with so much underlying knowingness that this thing between them was right. It felt like a drop of honeyed milk on the tongue of his parched heart. Kissing Patton felt like coming Home.
I’m going to be by this man’s side for as long as he wants me, Roman vowed.
Sadly though, breathing was still a thing. Patton was the first to pull away. He touched his bottom lip with the tips of his fingers. A rosy blush colored his freckly face and he gaped at Roman, which made him panic.
“I—I’m sorry! I thought you—I should’ve asked your consent first—I—“
“Your lips, they…they taste like chai. Spiced and sweet and warm.” Patton smiled warmly at him. Roman melted. “I like it. I like you Roman. More thank like you, I…love you.”
“I love you too Patton,” Roman beamed. “So very much!”
A giddy laugh spilled from Patton’s lips and Roman just wanted to drink it in with his own mouth. They’d have all the time in the world for that though. Roman beamed at his beloved and they touched their foreheads together. Their silent reverence of each other was interrupted however by the sound of a slow clap coming from the door.
They both turned to find their friends peeking in through the office door. (Roman could have sworn they’d closed that) Thomas peeked in from the right beaming at them, Virgil leaned against the doorframe arms crossed and grinning cheekily, and right in the middle giving the slow applause was Logan; a satisfied smile upon his face as well. They really are a bunch of snoops, Roman thought slightly irked. Still, he couldn’t help smiling as well. He was just too gosh darn happy to care.
“How long have you all been there?” asked Patton.
“Long enough bro,” said Virgil.
“No way we were gonna miss this!” said Thomas. “Virgil, you owe me twenty bucks.”
“Damnit,” Virgil grumbled.
“Language, kiddo.” Patton said, eliciting a laugh form them all.
“How about you Logan. Do you have anything to say about this?” asked Roman.
“Well,” Logan said, adjusting his glasses, “it is certainly about time!”
Roman barked a laugh at that. Yet he knew now that it came from a place of caring. In less than 24 hours he’d been called form rehearsals, gotten in a fight, taken to jail, bailed out, and now here he was in the afterglow of his first—and hopefully not last—kiss with the love of his life surrounded by his dearest friends. In the back of an old hole-in-the-wall bar and grill no less! It was almost too much drama even for the actor. Yet when he felt Patton slide a hand into his and saw his beloved angel smiling back at him, he knew that it had all been worth it.
“Sure is specs,” Roman said, yet his eyes were all on Patton. “It sure it.”
The End
Last Author Note: I just want to say again that I am SO grateful to you all for sticking with this story!!! There has been so much crap going on in my life in the past month. Through all the emotional strife and drama with my family, the one thing that’s kept me sane is my writing and knowing that you all were here waiting for the ending of this fanfiction. Knowing that this story has actually make people laugh and smile made me want to keep doing what I love and that helped me through everything. So I want to thank each and every one of you for your patience, kind words and support. It means so much to me that you all enjoyed my writing, more so than you could know! Lots of Love to you all.
- Khadijah
Tag List: @altruistic-skittles @thekeytohappiness-is-you @canadian-crofters@icecoldparadise @bluebloodstains@purpleshipper@patchworkofstars@axyzel @hissesssss@beautifully-terribly @pink-and-purple-flowers@jynxlovesluck@thatsanswitch @6tick6tock6 @hanramz-the-fander @azlinne @helplesscreator @thestoryofme13 @bibbidi-bobbity-booyah@accidental-sanders @moonstonefox12 @hissesssss@smokeyrutilequartz @phlying-squirrel @madly-handsome @puns-and-patton @notveryglittery @eequalsmcscared @safesandersides@lizziepopanime @anxiously-unsatisfied-world @beautifully-terribly@justisaisfine @ab-artist @helplesscreator
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porchwood · 6 years
THG Reread: Interesting Tidbits from Ch 1
Disclaimer: I’ve never taken part in any official THG reread/discussion and I essentially read the book in isolation, so anything I say in these posts may well have been discussed and dismissed years ago.
When I wake up, the other side of the bed is cold. My fingers stretch out, seeking Prim’s warmth but finding only the rough canvas cover of the mattress. She must have had bad dreams and crawled in with our mother.
I find it interesting that Prim leaves Katniss to find comfort with their mother, especially since Katniss seems to see herself as Prim’s sole protector and provider. Are Prim and Mrs. Everdeen closer than Katniss realizes (having such an abrasive relationship with her mother as she does) or is it simply that Mom will always be Mom and in a moment of terror most children prefer the embrace of their mother over a sibling?
Also: sleeping directly on a rough canvas-covered mattress? Are bed sheets are that great a luxury in the Seam? :(
I swing my legs off the bed and slide into my hunting boots. Supple leather that has molded to my feet. I pull on trousers…
So she gets out of bed and puts on her boots, then her trousers... So...girl’s a firefighter, right? :D
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(Sorry for the crummy pics. Apparently the Tumblr presence of the Emergency! fandom is microscopic at best - I guess that happens with a ‘70s show :P - so these are screenshots I made from the S1 DVD, because yes, I’m that big of an Emergency! fangirl and you can never have too much Johnny Gage!)
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It gives “girl on fire” a whole new meaning!! ;D
All merriment aside, we know that fire was a constant danger in the Seam, with its “old wooden homes embedded with coal dust,” so it’s entirely possible that residents slept with trousers and boots in readiness at the bedside, to be stepped into at a moment’s notice for a rapid escape if needed.
I…tuck my long dark braid up into a cap…
This has been discussed in previous rereads so it really isn’t news, but I’d love to see more Katniss-in-a-cap popping up in fics and fanart. THG opens in summertime and she’s still wearing the cap, so it was definitely a staple of her wardrobe! (And it brings us a little closer to the girl-disguised-as-a-boy trope, which is one of my all-time faves! :D)
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(Behold this adorable @ghtlovesthg rendering!)
Our part of District 12, nicknamed the Seam, is usually crawling with coal miners heading out to the morning shift at this hour…
Somehow I had always (erroneously) assumed that there was just one twelve-hour shift that all the miners worked (ex. 6am-6pm). Since artificial light would be required inside the mines anyway, I suppose they could work around the clock with no regard to the sun and stars. Folks who live in/near coal mining communities: do they generally operate 24 hours a day or is there some arbitrary cut-off point in the evening? (I’m sorry I’m so ignorant about this!)
Most of the Peacekeepers turn a blind eye to the few of us who hunt…
Has anyone else figured out who these mysterious additional hunters are??
I watch as Gale pulls out his knife and slices the bread. He could be my brother. Straight black hair, olive skin, we even have the same gray eyes. But we’re not related, at least not closely.
First off: it truly befuddles me that Katniss’s hair color is stated on page 8 of THG (though, interestingly, never explicitly afterward) and yet it’s unusual - maybe even rare - to find fanart or even fics that depict her with black hair. Why is that? I was in love with her long black hair from moment one (truly black hair is unique, at least in my part of the world, and so striking to boot) so I probably belabor it a bit in my own writing, but it’s such an exquisite feature, why would you not?
Secondly: “He could be my brother.” That feels significant, and not merely in the “we look alike” sense. I’ve been working on a post about how Gale came into Katniss’s life in a very significant fashion after her beloved father’s death and she was drawn to him because of certain (I would venture to say striking) commonalities, but as I was wrapping it up last night (and sharing various details with my favorite sounding-board @ghtlovesthg), I realized there was a whole - vitally important - flipside to my theory that absolutely cannot be overlooked. So I might not get that finished till we’re on CF or even MJ. (No spoilers just in case someone pips me at the post - pun inadvertent ;) - but I think it’s pretty cool!)
And thirdly, because I can’t resist: I headcanon that Gale and Katniss are cousins through their great-great-grandfather (Galen Greenbrier, if anyone cares :D), who had two daughters (Aisling and Elspeth), who each had a daughter (Wren and Ashpet), who had Hazelle and Jack (Mr. Everdeen), who begat Gale and Katniss, respectively. Ergo: related but “not closely,” per canon. :)
With both of us hunting daily…
I’d always thought Gale and Katniss only hunted a few times a week, with Sundays being their largest haul/best trading day. (“Usually we devote all of Sunday to stocking up for the week.”) I know Twelve is an unusually permissive district at this point in time, but if two Seam kids were sneaking back and forth under the fence every single day and (forgive me) flaunting the fact by selling game in town (and when did they do this? before school, after, both?), surely, inevitably, the Peacekeepers would have been obliged to do something about it. Or were there some trips where Gale and Katniss only brought back enough for their own families, making their illegal activities not quite so blatant?
Cross-referencing with Catching Fire, I find Katniss saying, “Back when we were in school, we had time in the afternoons to check the lines and hunt and gather and still get back to town to trade” - exactly what time did they get out of school and how late were they doing these trades (not to mention, when did anyone get homework done)?? - but she also says it’s “an hour-and-a-half trek” just to check the snare line. I guess it isn’t impossible, but it seems a much more extensive (and time-consuming!) arrangement than I would have thought they could get by with, even in Twelve.
We easily trade six of the fish for good bread…
Like the rest of you, I’m trying to figure out who’s selling this “good bread” at the Hob. For some odd reason, at one point I thought maybe the bakery’s day-olds were sold there, à la:
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They could potentially sell said day-olds at less of a discount than merchant clientele would demand but the reduced prices would be low enough for some Seam clientele to afford, and of course, even day-old bakery bread would be superior to homemade tessera bread (and therefore: “good bread”). 
I’m not sure where I got the “bakery outlet” idea (I think it was all the early canonverse fics where Katniss ran into Peeta in the Hob, so I figured he was running a day-olds stall or something) but having been away from it for awhile, I actually kind of like it! :)
You become eligible for the reaping the day you turn twelve.
I’m going to wax exceedingly about reaping ages in another post, but for the moment: I presume this rule means that anyone who turns twelve between reaping days becomes eligible for the subsequent reaping, correct? So if we arbitrarily set the reaping at, say, June 1, someone whose birthday is on June 2 wouldn’t be eligible till the following year. (Which would be especially terrible for your 18-yr-old reaping: being a day away from 19 and freedom, of a sort, but still having to go through one last reaping.) Now I think of it, it’s possible Career districts took advantage of this. Highly invested parents in a Career district could have planned their pregnancies with the intent of a late summer birth (i.e., a month or two after reaping day) so the resulting children would have the advantage of extra months up on other tributes in their same age group.   
On the flipside of this: Prim, whose birthday is in late May, would be an especially young tribute, since she’s only just turned twelve (think school kids with summer birthdays who don’t turn the “right age” for their grade till 1-3 months after school is out), and similarly Katniss, whose birthday is May 8, would be on the young side of the group of sixteens. 
“Pretty dress,” says Gale.
Madge shoots him a look, trying to see if it’s a genuine compliment or if he’s just being ironic. It is a pretty dress, but she would never be wearing it ordinarily. She presses her lips together and then smiles. “Well, if I end up going to the Capitol, I want to look nice, don’t I?”
Now it’s Gale’s turn to be confused. Does she mean it? Or is she messing with him? I’m guessing the second.
Gaaah, so much going on here! I can’t decide if I want to make a proper Gadge post, so in the meantime, here’s some food for thought:
1) Why does Gale remark on her dress? Really - give me suggestions, because I’ve been turning it over in my head. If it’s meant to be ironic and she gives him sarcasm in reply (as seems to be the quintessential Gadge dynamic :D), it’s odd that he would be confused and not have a volley/riposte/etc of his own on deck. I mean, Katniss doesn’t seem to know (or at least, doesn’t clarify in her narration) whether or not it’s a compliment -
2) Which is interesting, because she guesses straightaway that Madge is “messing with him” in reply. ;)
3) Gale gives Madge what outwardly seems like a compliment and this is what ensues. One might surmise they’ve done this before... :D I mean, if there was no precedent, Madge would’ve just said “thank you” and exchanged money for berries. Since the mayor is such a valuable customer (being one of very few who can afford their asking price for strawberries), it’s interesting that Gale would antagonize Madge and risk losing the strawberry trade - not to mention bringing up the subject of tesserae at the mayor’s back door on reaping day! Does he take similar potshots at other merchants or is it just Madge? Is he irked (even threatened) by Katniss’s friendship with Madge? (I love that Katniss immediately defends Madge in the face of Gale’s tesserae rant. ♡) Does he feel like he can sound off at her (with impunity) because she’s Katniss’s friend? Or is he secretly crazy about her and resigned to the fact that he’ll never get her but the reminders of the impassable gap between them still incense him? Sorry, my hand slipped there for a sec. ;) 
Gale knows his anger at Madge is misdirected.
I didn’t recall this line from previous reading and it just makes me happy. :)
To my surprise, my mother has laid out one of her own lovely dresses for me. A soft blue thing with matching shoes. [...]  For a while I was so angry, I wouldn’t allow her to do anything for me. And this is something special. Her clothes from her past are very precious to her.
I’d never caught the “matching shoes” bit before! Do you suppose Katniss means dyed [blue] to match/covered with matching fabric (so that’s what they do at the shoe shop!) or simply that they go well with the dress? And if she means that the shoes literally match the dress: is this a particularly special dress (hence particularly special shoes) or is it customary for merchant girls to order shoes to match their dresses?
And further: why this year? It doesn’t sound like Mrs. Everdeen has offered one of her apothecary-era dresses before, which could have been due to Katniss’s repeated rebuffs, but still: why offer one of those very precious dresses this year? Did she have a feeling about this reaping? Or is she starting to see Katniss as a young woman, not just an angry, resourceful child? (Coupled with the fact that she subsequently puts Katniss’s hair up, the latter makes a lot of sense.) 
On a sidenote: Has anyone written meta on the significance/usage of braids in Twelve? (Notwithstanding WTM: Ch 13 and all that Mellark bridal braids/braid coils/engagement hairpin business.) Ex. Does a girl "graduate” from pigtails to a single braid around puberty and then to a crown braid as a young woman/wife, or does she/her mother simply style it however she feels on any given day? I’m just now realizing that I consistently picture reaping day!Prim in pigtails because of the film, but it doesn’t state in the text how her hair is styled, so it might be in a single braid or held back at the temples with a clip or even worn loose.
The square’s surrounded by shops, and on public market days, especially if there’s good weather, it has a holiday feel to it.
I’m really curious about “public market days,” since the Hob seems to be Twelve’s primary market - or at least, has become so in fanon - but Katniss makes a clear distinction between them (“Make only polite small talk in the public market. Discuss little more than trades at the Hob, which is the black market where I make most of my money”). Is this public market like a farmer’s market or a craft fair - or a bit of both? Is it simply the “merchant version” of the Hob? How often are they held? Who gets to sell at this market, and what sort of wares are we talking about? (Is it just merchants bringing their product outside, like a sidewalk sale?) Does the Capitol/Justice Building collect a fee from everyone wanting a stall/booth/table?
Edit: While looking up details for a different post, I found this passage:
Gale and I went to the market on the square so that I could buy dress materials [for Prim].
So apparently they sold fabric and notions in the public market? (Not at, say, a mercantile/general store?) I’m wholly confused now!
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onestowatch · 6 years
Q&A: The Night Game Releases “Do You Think About Us” From Forthcoming Album - And It’s About a Real Girl
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Last year around this time, I headed to the Roxy Theatre in Hollywood to catch a show for a band called The Night Game. Admittedly, I didn’t really know who The Night Game was at the time, but I ran into several of my hard-to-impress music friends during the opening act, who filled me in that this mysterious musician was the best thing they’d seen in a while. Chatterings of Mr. Night Game spread through the audience while we awaited his set, hearing mention of “He’s best friends with John Mayer,” to “He used to be in an emo band, but not sure which one...”
Looking around, I wondered how someone I’d never heard of could sell the place out and manage to bring all the hipster musicians boys to Hollywood all the way from Silverlake — this dude must be something special.
The stage was covered in a thick haze, and when The Night Game finally took the stage, he was only lit in silhouette and appeared to be a tall, slender guy with a mullet. His guitar player was sporting a nascar jacket and a cowboy hat, and he was legitimately one of the best guitar players I’d ever seen. For a moment, I wondered if this was a Bruce Springsteen tribute band, but just then, they started to play their single, “The Outfield,” and my friend leaned in and said, “You know that’s Martin Johnson from Boys Like Girls, right?”
Over the next few months, I would listen to the new singles by The Night Game, “Kids in Love,” “American Nights,” never fully making the connection to the former Boys Like Girls vocalist in terms of recognizability. I would later find out that this was done on purpose — since the brand’s aesthetic was initially born out of trying to trick people into NOT knowing it was him, in an effort to simply let the music speak for itself.
After almost a year of ultimately confusing most listeners, and having fully knocked his mid-2000’s “affected emo vocals” of the past, The Night Game unknowingly created one of music’s best executed identity coos ever — and the mysterious one will release his debut album on Sept. 7, followed by a hefty tour in both the US and Europe. Today, he released one of the stand out tracks from the album titled, “Do You Think About Us?” featuring Caroline Polachek from Chairlift. If you’re at all a sap, this song will definitely make you cry for the boyfriend (or girlfriend) you don’t even have.
The new single is rumored to be about a real girl in young MJ’s life — who also makes lyrical appearances in various other songs throughout the album. As far as the connection between the old “emo Martin” and the new “Night Game” Martin, there’s no doubt that there’s obvious musical growth in every way possible — and we’re loving all of it. In the end, MJ claims his return to the spotlight was because he wanted to sing again but mostly it was a way to “see if I could love music again…” If that statement doesn’t break your heart, you’re likely not human.
Take a listen to “Do You Think About Us?” and peep our Q&A with Martin Johnson of The Night Game below.
OTW: The sonic vibe of "Do You Think About Us"  is still in the same ‘80s vein as all your other songs so far — but with slightly more synth production. How did you land on the production you've used in the final version?
Martin: It’s funny — a lot of journalists are talking about this “80’s vein.” I suppose it was the choice to make most of the album’s sounds with analog synths and drum machines as opposed to simulations in the box with midi. The choices were less about finding the right sonic brand and more about how the song makes you feel...like, “Is that guitar part saying something or is it just filling space?” Francois (the albums’ co-producer) and myself wanted to put in the time to be respectful to the stories. On “Do You Think About Us?” the verses are a bit sad and melancholy; the vocal is wet in reverb and it feels like another time — Maybe in the past, with a bit of longing and nostalgia. Then the hook dries up and gets a lot louder,  and almost feels like a BPM jump — which sort of makes it go into the “Now;” [it] jumps out of the fantasy of what could have been, and becomes a direct question to a lost lover.
OTW: How does the song tie into some of your previous songs like "The Outfield" and "American Nights"?
Martin: I suppose there are some big broad stroke themes on this album: sports, sex, nostalgia, loneliness and searching for love/lost love (sometimes in the wrong places); searching for the American dream (what is it exactly? is it just a mirage?). I think this song fits into the sex, nostalgia, and searching “boxes,” but could probably also fit into the sports box depending on what type of sex you’re having.
OTW: We were lucky enough to preview the album which comes out on Sept. 7. There are references to remembering "being 18" in other songs on the album.... is there a specific person this song is about?
Martin: Depending on the day, it’s more the “being 18” than it is the girl, but yes, there is a specific girl for this one. She just had her second kid and is very in love with her husband — I’m happy for her. “Do You Think About Us?” is less an “I want you back” and more of a “sliding doors” type fantasy. What would it have been like if I went with her to that college instead of getting in a 15 passenger van with some boys back in ‘04?
OTW: Caroline Polachek is featured on this track and has a great voice, what made you decide to feature her on the track?
Martin: I tried a couple different features on this song but believability and vulnerability were both really important to me. I needed the right voice to tell the story. I had been working with a version of the song where I was temp singing the female part for months when Caroline and I met in Eastside LA with a group of people and became fast friends. We went for a hike the next day and were talking about writing together, and I played her the song in my car. She said “I like this. Do you want me to try to sing it?” — it was as simple as that. I’m really grateful to have her a part of it — she’s an incredible vocalist and performer both in the booth and on stage.
OTW: What are you most excited/nervous about for when the album comes out?
Martin: You know that feeling when you’re a kid: it’s sunday night at 10:30pm and you have an essay due the next day that you haven’t started yet, and you’ve had a week to work on it? I’ve had that feeling for four years. I think the thing I’m the most excited about is just actually being done with it. I’ve been picking at it for quite a while. Once it comes out, I can’t work on it anymore — it just is what it is. I’m doing my best to disconnect from the immediate results. I didn’t make this album for financial gain or to earn praise, I made it to see if i could love music again. I’m still not sure about that one, but I’m hoping the answer is out on the road.
OTW: Speaking of which, you’re about to go on a pretty big tour starting around the time of album release. What are you most excited about for the new tour?
Martin: I’m hoping they put some ice backstage in Europe. usually It's pretty hard to get ice in Europe.I like cold beverages. Sue me, I’m American.
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EUROPEAN  &  FESTIVAL  DATES 9/8  Berlin,  DE 9/10  Vienna,  AT  -  Flex 9/11  Zurich,  CH  -  Plaza 9/12  Dresden,  DE  -  Beatpol 9/14  Gottingen,  DE  -  NDR  2  Radio  Festival 9/15  Baden  Baden,  DE  -  SWR  3  Radio  Festival 9/16  Munich,  DE  -  Strom 9/18  Frankfurt,  DE  -  Zoom 9/20  Hamburg,  DE  -  Reeperbahn 9/22  Cologne,  DE  -  Gebaeude  9 9/24  Amsterdam,  NL  -  Melkweg  Upstairs 9/27  London,  UK – Electrowerkz
NORTH  AMERICAN  TOUR  DATES 10/8  Vancouver,  BC  -  Vogue  Theatre* 10/9  Portland,  OR  -  Wonder  Ballroom* 10/10  Seattle,  WA  -  The  SHowbox* 10/13  Sacramento,  CA  -  Ace  of  Spades* 10/14  San  Francisco,  CA  -  August  Hall* 10/17  San  Diego,  CA  The  Observatory  North  Park* 10/19  Los  Angeles,  CA  -  The  Novo* 10/20  Anaheim,  CA  -  House  of  Blues* 10/31  Denver,  CO  -  Larimer  Lounge 11/2  Chicago,  IL  -  Chop  Shop 11/3  Pontiac,  MI  -  Pike  Room 11/4  Cleveland,  OH  -  HoB  Cambridge  Room 11/7  Brooklyn,  NY  -  Warsaw 11/8  Boston,  MA  -  Great  Scott 11/9  Washington,  DC  -  Rock  n  Roll    Hotel 11/10  Charlotte,  NC  -  Visulite  Theater 11/12  Nashville,  TN  -  Basement  East 11/13  Atlanta,  GA  -  The  Loft 11/14  New  Orleans,  LA  -  Gasa  Gasa 11/15  Houston,  TX  -  The  Studio  at  Warehouse  Live 11/16  Dallas,  TX  -  Trees 11/17  Austin,  TX  -  The  Parish 11/20  Phoenix,  AZ  -  Valley  Bar *  Supporting  St  Lucia
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avelera · 2 years
There's going to have to be a time skip at some point in "Come live with me and be my Love" because there's no way I'm showing 365 days of Dream and Hob living together, as lovely as that would be, since we've barely hit 24 hours and already broken 30,000 words, and yet... every time I consider skipping forward the first scene that comes to my mind is the one immediately following the previous one. So uh... I might actually be writing out the scene that's in the coda of ch. 5 because I have some fun ideas for where that banter goes? (Hint: it's sexy) (I'm basically gonna put sex scenes wherever I feel like in this fic because first of all, it's fun and second of all, these two can't seem to keep their hands off each other. It's a good thing Hob is immortal, is all I'm saying lol)
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thenightling · 4 years
The Sandman audio drama (my review)
I just finished listening to The Sandman audio drama.  What complaints I have are small and petty.  In general I love it.
 I really love James Mcavoy as Morpheus.   Cain is great too. It sounds like Abel’s voice actor had a little trouble finding his footing because his brief appearance in The Doll’s House is a little better than Imperfect Hosts.  I love how they did Imperfect hosts, by the way.   The Harpsichord (or was it organ?) music while introducing the houses was perfect.  And the man voicing Cain does a delightful attempt at a Vincent Price impersonation. I love it.
 Death is... Not as good as I hoped.   The little bits of added dialogue for her about picking the flower makes her feel like she just doesn’t give a shit about what Morpheus went through.  She comes off a bit cold.  There’s a “motion comic” of Sound of her Wings on Youtube and though it’s an unknown voice actress in that I think she’s better than Kat Dennings. Here Death just rubbbed me the wrong way.  They probably should have used Jamie Chung (the actress from the Death animated short that appeared on the blue ray for Wonder Woman: Bloodlines).  Sometimes lesser known actresses are better.  
Everyone (for the most part) is great.   Gilbert is delightful.   I’m not sure about Andy Serkus as Matthew.  He kind of sounds how I imagine Merv would sound, to tell the truth.
Most of this is wonderful though.   I didn’t expect Morpheus to go “Hmm” so often.  It’s like he’s been hanging out with Geralt of Rivia.
I don’t know why people insist that the audio drama is “too slavishly faithful” to the original source material. There are some very distinct changes.
One change I don’t like (and this is petty) is Morpheus’ escape.   In the original Sleep of The Justice the circle around the cage had to be breached before he could even try to enter one of his guard’s dreams.  I don’t like that this was changed.  Alex’s wheelchair is mentioned  so why not leave the breach?
There are other changes too, not bad, just different.   I mentioned the added dialogue from Death. Other added things are twice confirming that Alex and Paul are lovers.  
Ironically the Polygon review of The Sandman audio drama claimed Neil killed the first LGBTQ+ character in the story and that this is something they should have changed. (Judy in 24 Hour Diner) but we’re literally told Alexander and Paul are lovers twice in this thing, it’s literally spelt out.  I argued in the comments that Paul and Alex are lovers and got a reply of “Yes, but that isn’t confirmed until The Kindly Ones.”  Umm...  In this audio drama (which that review was for) we are told they are lovers twice.  It’s spelt out.
Another change (and this confirmed a theory I had but then recanted because I thought my math was poor) is Doctor Destiny and Alexander Burgess are brothers.   Maybe I missed it in the comics but I don’t remember that being in there.  I know (from the grapevine) that the new Netflix show will have Alex be the younger brother of a deceased heir to Roderick, so maybe this is a baby step toward expanding the Burgess family tree.  
Poor Alex, I do pity him. I keep hoping some version of the story will have Morpheus show mercy on him faster, before Daniel becomes the new aspect of Dream.
One change that I don’t mind is the story that introduces Hob Gadling comes earlier.  It’s chapter 10 in the audio drama and issue 13 in the comics. I understand why this change was made and it fits fine where it is now.  It was a pleasant surprise to get it early.
One change that I was actually hoping for (and got) is A Midsummer Night’s Dream.  I felt that should be the story to go out on.  I was never fond of the Elemental Girl story. And to my relief they did as I had hoped.  A Midsummer Night’s Dream was a great spot to serve as the finale.  
I also like how they managed to insert the T. S. Elliot “terror in a handful of dust” line.    
Some name pronounciations caught me by surprise.   I thought for sure Choronzon was pronounced Chore-on-zon.   Turns out the “CH’ makes a “Kah” sound like Cthulhu.  One name pronounciation that I actually am a little bothered by is Lyta.  It’s being pronounced here as Lee-ta.   Her name is supposed to be short for Hippolyta as (in her original continuity) she was named after Wonder Woman’s mother.  There was even a silly pun about Lyta the Lighter. Oh, well.
Some people are surprised by Constan-tyne being the pronounciation of Constantine (Often pronounced now as Constan-teen in DC properties) but I know T”I”ne (Tyne) is the original British pronounciation so I’m not at all bothered by this.
The extra dialogue between The Corinthian and his already blinded victims was incredibly disturbing.
Most of it I enjoy very much.
One complaint I have is Jed’s “Stepfather.”   I REALLY, really, really, really hate when people confuse stepfather, foster father, and adoptive father.  That man and wife who were raising Jed were FOSTER parents, not step-parents.   A step-parent is someone who marries one of your biological parents.  A foster parent is paid by the government to look after you.  There is a considerable diffrence.   
So many reviews complaining about the faithfulness don’t seem to realize there are a lot of changes in this and it really should be faithful whenever possible. There are small changes. Not excessive, but they are there.  
James does a great job as Morpheus. Goldie is unavoidably adorable.   Lucien is great.  Cain is great.  Abel took a little time to find his footing.  He sounded dopey at first but by the time he appears in The Doll’s House he seems a bit better.  I’m not thrilled with Death but Morpheus is great.  Alex was great.  Cain is perfect.   Lucien is great.  Matthew took some getting used to since he sounds like he chain smokes and probably should be Merv’s voice but I still like him.   The Corinthian is chilling and disturbing, which means he’s great.  
I had a fun time listening.  The only ones that felt like they dragged a bit were chapters 6 and 7, which is odd because so many people love those two in comic form, but maybe I got spoilt by a very well made 24 Hour Diner fan film.  
So yes, The Sandman audio drama is wonderful.  My only petty complaints are the lack of breaking of the binding circle before Morpheus entered his guard’s dream and the annoyingly common mistake of using “Stepfather” to man “Foster father.”  There is a difference. It might not seem important but it is.
Otherewise it’s pretty much perfect.
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