stacywaters · 8 months
Falling for You (JHOPE)
Hoseok stands idle in the locker bay, watching her from afar. She grabs her notebooks and slams the door shut, promptly walking away to class.
"What are you- oh" Jimin says as he tracks Hoseok's gaze.
"What?!" He jumps in surprise. Awkwardly, he fixes his hair and adjusts the straps of his backpack.
"Dude, if you like her, why not just ask her out?"
"I don't like her! N-not like that. We're just... friends"
"When was the last time you talked to her"
Hoseok pouts, "I... haven't"
"Well then," Jimin straightens his back, "you wouldn't mind if I asked her out?"
He jumps, "y-You're not... not really her type. I wouldn't" the bell for class suddenly rings out. Hoseok begins racing to his class, yelling out a quick, "I gotta go! I'll talk to her today!"
He then proceeds to drop his notebook, and then trip directly after picking it up. Flashing a thumbs up to Jimin, he stands and continues the race.
Jimin smiles softly, "you got this, Hobi"
Hoseok shuffles into class late.
"Jung Hoseok, you're late again," the teacher scolds, "one more and you'll have after school detention"
"Sorry.." he stumbles to his seat in the back. Glancing to where you sit by the window, he sighs. You're busy highlighting your notes, and didn't even notice him. Do you ever notice him?
Class seems to go by quickly, but maybe that's just because he fell asleep. Suddenly, that wretched bell is screeching through the small classroom.
Hoseok is sleepily walking to the door to exit, when a book falls flat at his feet. He goes to pick it up. Unfortunately, he drops his books as well, making a mess.
"Ah, I guess I just made it worse" he laughs, "maybe I'm not the one to be..."
He looks up to see who he's talking to, finding your eyes staring back at him.
"Two peas in a pod, aren't we?" You laugh.
You sit down next to him and sort the books.
"I'm Y/N" you said.
"I kno- I mean, I am.." He stutters out, mesmerized by your smile, "I'm Hobi"
He doesn't even realize he offered you his nickname until the syllables spill out sweetly from your lips.
"It's lovely to meet you, Hobi"
With a smile, you stand and walk out of the classroom, leaving Hoseok lovestruck on the ground with his pile of books.
"Ugh, why does math always have to assign so much homework?" He mutters to himself as he opens his math book.
As he works his way through the assigned problems, he finds a slip of notebook paper folded between the pages. He curiously opens it, finding a drawing of his side profile. You must have sketched it while he was asleep in class today.
The drawing is paired with a short note: I can't seem to tell you how I feel in person, so this is the best I can do. I like you, Jung Hoseok.
His smile grows into a big grin, eyes shimmering, "she's liked me all this time?"
He lovingly holds the drawing to his chest, pacing around his room.
"Wait," He stops, "did she... drop her books on purpose?"
"So she beat you to it?" Jimin laughs.
"Don't make fun of me! I still talked to her, didn't I?"
"Sure.." he laughs. Something catches Jimin's eye in the distance, "it looks like you'll get another chance"
"What? When?" Hoseok asks.
On cue, Jimin walks away. Hoseok's eyes focus, and he gasps as soon as he sees you walking towards him. It must have really shocked him, because he steps on his shoelace and falls face-flat on the ground. His math textbook falls from his hands. The carefully-folded drawing he cherished also flies out right as Y/N got to him.
Her eyes widen. He makes a grab for the drawing, but she scoops it up quicker and hides it in her pocket.
"Wait! Give it back, I-"
"N-no.. it's stupid. It was a dumb idea" she looks away.
"Hey!" Hoseok defends, "it was not dumb! I loved it, and it was a perfect way to confess! It was unique, it was you"
She looks at him a bit confused, probably thinking something along the lines of, so do you like me back? Or do you just like my drawing?
He brushes off his knees and stands. Trying to muster up as much confidence as he can, he says, "I like you, and I know that I haven't had many proper conversations with you, but I've been watching you for a while and... no! That sounds weird. What I mean is- I notice when you talk in class, I love your smile, especially when you laugh, I always check to see if you notice me, and I wish I didn't fall so much in front of you"
You stand there shocked. Hesitantly, you pull the drawing out of your pocket and hold it out to him with both hands. He takes it gracefully. You two stand there for a moment, just two kids in love.
Then the bell rings. "We're going to be late!" You say.
"That's okay. I don't wanna miss this moment"
You walk together through the empty hallways.
"So, I didn't know you were an artist!"
"I dabble. Now, I have to know, do you fall so much in front of every girl?"
"No, I save that just for you"
Sunlight peers in from the windows as two pairs of shoes tap through the halls. Notes of their laughter can be heard, soft echoes on the hazy afternoon. In this moment of bliss, Hoseok thought, falling really isn't so bad when it's into love.
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stacywaters · 6 months
Seeds of Hope (JHOPE) CH6 - A Traced Reflection
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As I wake up, I reach for my phone to text Hoseok. Except I don't find it on my nightstand where I left it last night.
Opening my eyes as I sit up in bed, I find myself in a completely different room. This isn't my bedroom...
I find a phone on a desk. Walking to the far side of the room, I pick it up and open the recent texts:
April 8, 4:35 pm Namjoon: Hey this is Namjoon from the cafe! Now you have my number too!
Me: Ah! Thank you :) were you able to finish the song you were writing?
Namjoon: Well, there's still quite a bit of work to be done on it, but I showed it to some higher-ups and they loved it!
Me: That's great! I'm happy for you :>
Namjoon: yeah... hey, are you open to meeting again? Maybe at the same cafe?
Me: Without spilling my latte on you? That'd be lovely.
Namjoon: Great! Does this Saturday sound good?
Me: Yep! See you then!
Namjoon? Cafe? Yesterday I was having dinner with Hoseok and my mom... what happened? Where am I now?
Frantically I run out into the hall, a studio apartment awaiting me. It was nice, but it wasn't mine. I walk towards the calendar.
April 4 - meeting with board directors April 7 - Final Project Due!!! April 9 - Dinner w/ mom April 12 - Date with Namjoon!!!
Hearts were drawn all around April 12. Was today Friday? Was today the day of the date? Or another day?
I run back into the room to grab the phone. Unlocking it, I notice the date. April 12, Saturday. I run my hands through my hair in panic, trying to form a game plan as a new message pops up:
Today, 8:53 am Namjoon: We're still on for later, right?
Shoot. That's today. Cleary I was very excited to meet this man, and he seems kind, but how do I tell him I have no idea who he is? Much less who I am!
I scramble into the bathroom. In the mirror I find the same face I've always had. At least some things stayed the same. Bringing my hand to my face, I notice faint markings on it. Looking closer, I discover that it's the same number Hoseok had previously written there. As it was in permanent ink, it was going to take a while to wash off.
I start cleaning up the lines with a new pen to ensure I have it in case I wake up in another new universe. After that, I go back to the phone.
To Hoseok's phone, I send a quick message:
Me: Hello! Is this Hoseok?
Going back to Namjoon's chat I face a harder situation:
Today, 8:53 am Namjoon: We're still on for later, right?
Me: The date later?
Within seconds, he responds:
Namjoon: Yeah, it's Saturday? Did you forget ㅠㅠ
Me: Well.., I did forget, but would you believe me if I said I forgot everything else too?
Namjoon: What do you mean? You forgot you're identity haha
Me: Kinda...
Namjoon: Don't tell me you're serious?
Me: I woke up this morning and didn't know anything about this world! Who I am, where I was, who you are!
Namjoon: ..this world? Namjoon: what was the last thing you remember?
Me: being at my house with my parents last night and my friend...
Namjoon: okay, do you have anything to prove it? Maybe any of their phone numbers so you can ask? Maybe you just got a small concussion and they can tell you what happened..
Me: I have one of their phone numbers, I already reached out to him. But it was real! My memories, my life, I'm sure this girl is nice but she is not me!
Namjoon: okay... relax. We'll figure this out together. Can you meet up a little earlier? I can give you directions
Me: yes!
Looking around the bustling cafe, I tried to find the face of the man I'd never seen.
"Stacy! Over here!" A voice called.
I looked over to find him. He was tall, very handsome. He seemed way too good for me. Somewhere I felt like I'd seen him before, but maybe it's just a head injury. Clearly I'm not thinking clearly.
He walks up to me, "Ah, I guess you wouldn't know. I'm Namjoon, nice to meet you"
I shake his hand, "did she look like me? How did you know?"
"I've been thinking of your face since we last spoke" he smiled.
I just stared up at him.
"Er-,.. I guess that's a weird thing to say, considering...."
"It's okay, Namjoon. I'm sorry, you do seem really nice. I think I must've really liked you"
He spoke, "well, maybe you still can"
He noticed you bite your bottom lip, looking down.
"I know, it's just," I gulped, "I don't want to lose everyone I've ever known"
The two of us sat down at a table after ordering our drinks. We discussed simple things. He was easy to converse with.
"So, you said you had a friend that you'd messaged?" He asked.
I flipped my hand to show him the writing on my palm, "yeah, he had written his number down a week or so ago. Luckily I could copy it while it was still visible"
"What was his name?"
"Oh... his name wasn't Jung Hoseok, was it?"
"Yeah, it was! Yeah, he was a trainee for a K-POP group? Also with two other guys, Jimin and Taehyung"
He stares at me, his mouth wide open.
"Was their group's name BTS?"
I think back to when I saw them practicing, back when I first met them, "hmm, I'm not sure. I don't think I ever got the name of his group"
He pulls out his phone and starts typing, "I'm telling Hoseok to come over right now, this is crazy"
"What? You have Hoseok's number too?"
"Yeah? I'm in his band? Of course I have his number."
Namjoon quickly texts back the friend. And yet, Hoseok still hasn't responded to me. He sets down his phone.
"So, Stacy, how do you feel about going on a little trip?"
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stacywaters · 6 months
Seeds of Hope (JHOPE) CH5 - Your Numbers
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(Stacy POV) Dinner was awkward, to say the least. My moms seated me next to Hoseok at the small table. Every now and then when one of us would reach for something, our arms would brush against each other. Leading to my mom and eomma giggling at us.
They asked him questions, mostly about where he's from and why he started dancing. I wasn't listening to most of it. I was distracted with fretting about my midterm tomorrow.
Eventually we finished dinner, and as the final plates are picked up, I lead him to the door.
"I hope you do well on your test tomorrow!" He leans against the doorframe, "It was fun tonight; having other people to talk to and eat with. Felt kinda like home"
I smile, "Yeah. Thank you for helping me with my dancing, by the way! I never would've been able to do this without you. You're a life saver"
"Maybe next ti-" He's interrupted by my Eomma, yelling to us from the kitchen.
"You should get his phone number, Stacy! In case you need help again"
I start to blush, hiding my face in my hands.
He laughs, "here. Give me your hand"
I pull my shaky hands away from my face. Immediately they're engulfed by his warm hands, gently writing out his phone number on my palm.
"Call me if you need help again. Or if you just wanna chat" He pulls his hands away. Without another word, he is gone. Back to his apartment.
In reality, he's only next door. The thumping of my heart pulls me towards him, but my brain forces me back a million miles away.
"He was cute, Stacy. Do you know if he's single?"
"Eomma!" I shout, "Stop being so blunt with everything! Gosh, this is so embarrassing.."
Things were going well. I finished my midterm for dance and surprisingly got an 87%. I began talking to others in my dance class. I made friends with two of them, Taehyung and Jimin, who apparently were in the same group as Hoseok.
They told me funny memories about the band and I told them about America. We got along really nicely. It was pleasant to have someone to sit with at lunch.
It had been around a week since I'd spoken to him. Getting home, my mind wandered back to our conversations. Eyes lingering a little too long on Hoseok's door, I miss the part where it opens.
"Oh, hey Stacy" He greets.
I don't miss the sorrowful glint in his eyes. He seems sad, or nervous, or maybe just tired. I pretend to not see it, "I got an 87% on my dance test a few days back! My teacher even complimented me, saying I did well. Thank you again for helping me!"
For the first time, I see him smile.
"That's great! I knew you'd do well. I know you don't love dancing, but you do have good rhythm"
"Thank you, but really it's all thanks to you" I said.
"Um, so I asked some of my friends in my group and they are actually in one of your classes! Do you know Jimin and Taehyung?" He asks.
"Yeah! We're good friends now, surprisingly" I laugh.
"Oh" He responded, "That's great."
Again I see that darker look in his eyes. I finally remember.
"I'm sorry I didn't text you, Hoseok" I mumble.
"Hm? Oh.... It's fine. I didn't notice"
He didn't notice? I fumble with the keys on my lanyard. He is pretty friendly, he most likely has a ton of friends. He probably isn't waiting on my calls. Still, he seems unwell. I try one last time:
"I did save it on my phone though! I just forgot to actually send the text." I fake a laugh, "You're always welcome to dinner, though. My moms definitely love you."
I continued, "I know, I know it sucks to be alone all the time. This is actually the first time in a while that I've had friends"
He glances up, dark eyes meeting mine. For a second, it feels like we've known each other for years and this is just a moment like any other. It feels like for the first time, I see a layer of him past the happy smile. I see him.
"Yeah, sorry..." He brings his hand to rest on the back of his neck, "I just, it's hard living on my own all the time. I kinda feel like I don't know anyone. Like maybe.... No one really knows me"
"That makes two of us" I said.
"It's not like I had many friends back home, and moving to South Korea?" I snicker, "Sure, I know some Korean, but I haven't made any friends at that school. Everyone there is so.. So artsy and cool and I just-, I'm just kinda basic I guess"
"You aren't basic" He smiled. I smiled back.
"Let's be each other's friends?" He suggested.
"Only if you'll have dinner with us tonight"
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cutiedoki · 5 years
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Alright, here’s the complete and clear video of BTS’s SNL performance courtesy of snl! . . My fan-girling moments is unstoppable even the husband can’t help but just eye roll 🙄! Hahaha. . . . #cutiedoki #btsxsnl💜 #boywithluv #mapofseoulpersona #btssnl #btscomeback2019 #btsarmy #jhope #hobijhope loveyourself #beautyblogger #discoverunder2k #skincarecommunity #abcommunity #kbeauty #kbeautyblogger #skincare #bblogger #skincareroutine #instabeauty #skincareblogger #kankenbackpack #btsfan #btsjhope #vegetarian #crueltyfreebeauty #proudpinay #crazyasian #gainesvillefl #gogators (at Gainesville, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwPt4yaH6gQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=62opo608m9uj
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cutiedoki · 5 years
People, this right here is the latest tea 🍵 😉🥰😜!!! I’m so proud of my boys!!!! . . . . . . #cutiedoki #btsxsnl💜 #boywithluv #mapofseoulpersona #btssnl #btscomeback2019 #btsarmy #jhope #hobijhope loveyourself #beautyblogger #discoverunder2k #skincarecommunity #abcommunity #kbeauty #kbeautyblogger #skincare #bblogger #skincareroutine #instabeauty #skincareblogger #kankenbackpack #btsfan #btsjhope #vegetarian #crueltyfreebeauty #proudpinay #crazyasian #gainesvillefl #gogators (at Gainesville, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwOUdJ3nc73/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11qtwo1zg5q4v
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