#hoepian flora
kihaku-gato · 1 year
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kihakugato-art · 7 years
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Day 31- Spirits Leak, Beasts Creep
Kabakin Pumpkin alone in the woods.... or is it?
While my work has been far from following the probable rules of Inktober, I still am glad I could get myself to draw daily for once in a long long time (and for that matter daily for an ENTIRE MONTH). While it will be no longer under a “daily draw challenge” with a day number attached, I hope to continue drawing on a daily basis from here on out. Perhaps with that more pieces like this can end up resulting.
Thank you to those who’ve been liking much of the stuff I’ve been putting out.
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kihaku-gato · 1 year
Y'know it's kind of hilarious that I don't have any Hoepian OCs that are like horticulturalists or botanists considering the amount of fictional flora I've crammed into that world.
Gertrude is sort of a botanist/horticulturalist (taking the role from a group/guild/culture of traveling space botanists) but her sci fi world/universe being so dang new in contrast to Hoep, doesn't have any created spec alien/space flora yet (excluding the plant that up the inside of her robotic hull and said plants are kind of treated atm as very mysterious yet generic).
One world- all the plants but none the plant specialists
Another world- plant specialists but none of the plants
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kihaku-gato · 10 months
Cool Hoepian world Plants (no images cause too tired to hunt through the ones that exist)
Demon Rose- A thorn-venomous plant that can only grow parasitically on the bodies of dragons and humans. Despite the need to partially feed off its host it is a symbiotic relationship, and can only have an easy time bonding onto a host with a physical disability (immunity or neurologically related being the most common cases). Can grow rapidly and is connected to the nervous system (generally the base of the plant grows along the spine of the host) enough that one can somewhat feel the plant like an extension of their body. Unlike the majority of Hoep's plants, it was created (the only other known Created plant being the more down-to-earth crop plant the Bananachoke). Probably the most un-plant-like of Hoepian Plants.
Kabakin Pumpkin- "It's just a stupid pumpkin" "it's not just a pumpkin. It's a gourd!" pretty unassuming but is more than just a glowy funky pumpkin plant. As a defense its anatomy is designed to deflect all forms magic, making it useful for magic containment with the gourds and textiles from the vines. Among wilder properties has been found to even be able to distort the spell that gives Hoepian dragons their human forms in the right concoctions (leading to both cool and terrifying new forms). The jungles they reside in get very dangerous during the Wraith Eclipse due to the fact that spirits often refract through the plants during that time of year like a spiritual megaphone.
Snow Candle- basically skunk cabbage on steroids; found in the icelands of the south, they help extend the very short growing season by warming up and melting away the snow meters away from said plants from their furnace-like heat, making room for a micro ecosystem of other flora and fauna that would not thrive in any other way.
Glasshouse Tree- first time trying to name it even though its been in the mind for a long time. A tree adapted to cold climates and grows huge thick translucent foliage that it surrounds itself in to create its own greenhouse. Not found in the wild as much as Snow Candle but is definitely a plant of choice for those trying to settle into a place in cold climates as a way to grow food out-of-season.
Bladdernet- maybe I should call it something nicer like Networt or something. The most exotic of carnivorous plants. It's a supersized Bladderwort where its bladders have grown to be more like fish baskets. Domestic forms are more common and are used to trap fish for food in coastal/oceanic and lakeside settlements. The scraps from gutting the fish are often given back to the plants for nutrients in exchange.
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kihaku-gato · 3 years
OCs their symbolic flowers and the Hoepian floral equivalent
Dusting off old brain notes, cause of a time I’d include/place a “symbolic flower“ for every OC just cause.
Terra- Tiger Lily
“ these flowers are representative of pride. ”
“this particular lily is more often associated with the more aggressive feminine characteristics.“ [x]
While the first line actually works for Terra well (she does hold fondness for her own hard work) I’m pretty sure I chose Tiger Lily for her cause of the latter line way back- though one could very strongly argue Terra might not fit the bill of Aggressive Femininity (idk what that’d even be visually) I’m pretty sure I took the line literally at the time as “a woman who’s strong/aggressive“.
Outside of that I probably chose Tiger Lily cause the orange/black pattern of the flowers match with Terra’s red/black clothes.
“The Tiger Lily is said to mean "I dare you to love me"“ [x] Terra is not really one after romance, yet this feels very weirdly Terra-esque.
Hoepian Tiger Lily (Lilium flareonsis)
“Evolved from the Earth Tiger Lily (Lilium tigrinum), the physical differences between the two are surprisingly few. Found in open woodlands, fields and meadows, it absorbs the sun's rays and converts them into flame magic which is stored in it's bulbs. The flame magic makes the bulbs rather spicy, hence they are a very delicious (but common) delicacy. They are also used to start campfires and bonfires. Although harmless alone, they can be potentially dangerous when growing near the magically impressionable Soul Daisy.” [x]
One of the few species of Hoepian flora to not diverge much from its Earth ancestors (two of the others being Ginkgo macrophylla and Ginkgo triloba from Earth’s Ginkgo biloba). They have a huge morphological similarities with Lilium tigirium and Lilium superbum, but the petal patterns are very different; black spots towards the center alike to L. tigirium but also have stripes widthways nearer to the ends of the petals (a characteristic not at all like any Earth lily species). Also like most Hoepian flora, Hoepian Tiger Lilies do not have green foliage, and instead have red foliage.
Kayla- Daisy
"Daisies symbolize innocence and purity.” [x]
Being that Kayla is considered one of the more innocent and purer characters (at least to a degree) this is not a huge surprise this flower ended up being her flower.
Soul Daisy (Magiflora australis, M. borealis)
[My old excepts on this flower is a bit hefty so let’s make it shorter-] Soul Daisy flowers/seeds are harvested for purified magic- so is often grown agriculturally for mana-based industries. Being the magic in question is in its purest form, it changes/meshes to whatever element/magic that’s in its presence (ex- a breeze could become a strong wind gust due to the magic making Wind Magic) making it potentially hazardous if one is late to harvest fields of this plant.
While an agricultural crop it is not entirely domesticated; the outer edges of Soul Daisy fields develop needles to make a protective barrier in the masses from herbivores.
The flowers look very similar to Earth daisies; a pinwheel of long white petals with a faint blue/cyan stripe that makes a ring when all the petals are together on the flower. If altered by magic Soul Daisy flowers change colour to closely resemble the magic they are changed to. All but 4 of the petals are rounded, the said 4 are spit on the ends, making a mild resemblance to a cross.The stems are black on older growth, while younger growth is a vibrant pink. The leaves are violet in colour and look like rounded fern fronds.
Despite the name “Soul Daisy“ there is not much spirituality involved for this flower when it comes to Hoepian culture. It may be named so cause of the cross pattern, or cause of it producing the purest form of organic magic (like the “soul of magic”).
Unlike Earth Daisies, Soul Daisies also have the symbolism of impressionablility due to the pure magic that so easily changes to the elements around it.
Harriet - Sunflower
“Many groups associate sunflowers with prolonged constancy and loyalty,“
“Various faiths have adopted sunflowers to express a symbol of worship and faithfulness, as in the flower’s faithful dedication to the sun.“ [x]
Harriet is very loyal and ride-or-die for her friends so the former goes without saying. Harriet can be very idolistic towards very beautiful women (like Riivar) so worship might be a lil on the nose. I actually chose Sunflowers for Harriet cause of her sunny attention-seeking disposition, akin to the bright attention grabbing sunflower.
Water Sunflower (Haquanthus volitariflora)
While descended from Earth Asteraceae, this plant has adapted to the ocean and looks like a blend of sunflower and kelp. Sparse in rich sunny aquatic groves, but are in larger thickets/forests (of its own species) in colder/sparser waters. They are grown in some coastal settlements as the oil rich seeds are a food source. They are also a favoured snack for amphibious animals.
While the roots are anchored to the rocks, the leaves and even the flowerheads are full of air to keep the rest of the plant afloat. The large flowers are very resembling of Earth’s Mammoth Sunflowers.
The flower/seedheads are large and full enough of air to hold a small person afloat, though it would be a very bad raft alternative.
Riivar- Forget Me Not
“Forget-me-nots represent long lasting connections that can exist between not only lovers, but also friends. This connection can’t be broken or shaken by anything or anyone.“ [x]
Back in her child/teenhood she was head-over-heels in love with Terra, who was Riivar’s first love too. It didn’t work out but she still holds a tenderness for Terra and will not forget that first love.
Memberance Tree (Neomyosotis flexilis)
“A tree descended from the annual Forget-Me-Not plant (Myosotis spp.). They are sexually dimorphic flora; the female plants/flowers stay short and small like their Myosotis ancestors, while the male plants grow into gigantic willow-like trees, which spread their pollen around through the wind. Also like their ancestors they are most commonly found closeby waterways and marshes. On Hoep they have similar symbolism to the Earth Forget-me-not.“ [x]
The stems/wood are a deep purple while the leaves are a dark pink. The flowers are identical to Earth Forget Me Nots.
Riivar has a large tattoo on her back that’s a broken heart surrounded by Memberence tree flowers. It’s multiple layers of symbolic; it represents her first love (Terra) but also represents her remembering her roots she left behind. The broken heart has an additional meaning; her stepping down from her royal heritage.
Demauria- Venus Fly Trap
Sadly could not find an applicable symbolism; I don’t even remember why I chose Venus Fly Trap for Demauria (a more ice/cold thematic flower would’ve perhaps been a better choice). Perhaps I wanted a ferocious plant for a ferocious personality. I may change this if I ever find a better flower to represent her.
Gator Jaws (Lagartofolia dentislux)
“A carnivorous wetlands species that is found in abundance in the country of Swamani, and in lesser frequency outside the country’s borders. They are quite common in unlit rural areas and rarer near urban areas especially if the cities are illuminated at night. It is a plant that has adapted to attract insects for nutrition at night by illuminating it’s “jaws” during dark hours. Light illuminates on the tips of the “teeth” of the modified leaves as well as inside in leaves itself. Like the Venus Fly Trap which it evolved from, it has hairs inside it’s jaws to help detect and trigger the mouth to close and digest its prey while inside. Also like it’s ancestor, it flowers infrequently and younger specimens tend to die after flowering. The foliage colour of Gator Jaws can range from red/purple to green/orange, and it is not uncommon to find an entire range of different coloured specimens in one area.
There isn’t much agricultural or herbal significance for this plant, however it is still commonly used in Swamani to edge along and illuminate major roads and routes so that the paths can be easily seen and used at night. The macrophylla form of the plant is most commonly used for such paths, and is rarely seen anywhere else compared to other Lagartofolia forms.
In some places Lagartofolia is also known as Growlroot, named so for the growling sound that emanates from the roots of the plant when stepped on. The growling is caused by air pockets among the roots which are released out of the ground when the roots are compressed. It is unknown if these air pockets among the roots are an adaption to give the roots oxygen in watery habitats or if they exist to makes the growling sound as an attempt to scare off potential grazers of the plant.”
They greatly resemble Venus Fly Traps, except that the “trap“ is longer and resemble a crocodillian’s mouth, and the “teeth/hairs“ have bioluminescent bulbous tips.
Anne- Protea
“Diversity – The Protea flower is certainly different and it stands out from the crowd. This unusual flower is attracting attention no matter how beautiful the other flowers next to it are. There is simply something beautiful and mysterious about its appearance and it is a perfect gift for someone equally unique.“
“Courage – Gifting someone the Protea flower is also a symbol of courage. This flower symbolizes overcoming obstacles and finding courage inside of you to make a difference in the world. This flower has a very strong message“
Admittedly not unlike Demauria’s flower, Anne’s was also on a mildly mysterious whim. Unlike Demauria’s though, Proteas do have some symbolism attached to them, which also could be applied to Anne. She does indeed stand out from the crowd (though she may not want to), and the courage works as she throughout the story has to get the courage to open up to others as well as to face the Fallen Slayer destiny/responsibility which she is very scared to face.
Molten Protea [new af so no botanical name]
I still haven’t made up much for information/ideas on this Hoepian equivalent. Just that simply it grows exlusively in hot volcanic habitats (lava flows, volcanos, and in rare cases hot geysers). Probably has a visual molten motif similar to lava/magma. Probably blooms or goes to seed after events like volcanic eruptions.
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kihaku-gato · 5 years
:0 what are you writing? i read through your word building tag and it all sounds so interesting!
3 different stories in a fantasy world with potentially a side of WLW.
The best TLDR of the world itself that I can do (cause it’s a LOT) is that the world (named Hoep) is one which long ago dragonkind and mankind seeked refuge on it from Earth and brought the little they could with them, then an apocalypse occurred during settlement/establishment, wiping away all of mankind and a major chunk of dragonkind, the world from there basically evolved from the survivors (both Draconic and the imported plants/animals).
The stories are set hundreds of years after this major near-world-ending event, and the cause of the ancient apocalypse is trying to destroy those who can stop it so that it can rise again. Each of the 3 stories focuses on a different pair of dragonladies who have stumbled upon each other and discover that one of the pair is descended from those who are supposed to stop the apocalypse. Self discovery, slow burn romance(? I hope), and shenanigans ensue.
“why the weirdly evolved plants if most are generally background/worldbuilding fodder tho? That does not seem to be the main focus of the stories at all“ I like my what-if fantasy evolved plonts and ecologies yo
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I recommend the Hoepian flora tag and/or search results if you wanna see more about those botanical specifics for the world.
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kihaku-gato · 3 years
Zea nana- baby corn, baby
Zea palustris- what the fuuaAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!??!??
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kihaku-gato · 5 years
Two current additional Hoepian flower concepts;
Dwarven Corn- literally the only corn that exists on Hoep but it’s SUPER short, like the mutant corn that Botanyshitposts talked about.
Water Sunflower?- like a blend of Kelp and Mammoth Sunflowers; grows under the sea like Kelp, but blooms a huge sunflower on the surface that floats like a raft via air bubbles in the back of the flower.
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kihaku-gato · 5 years
@ifuckingloveplants​ replied to your post “Here’s something that might make the askbox tick with an ask or two;...”
what's your favourite plant in fiction/mythology?
When it comes to the stories I’ve consumed, Needlethorns and Numbweed (two alien ethnobotanical plants) from the Dragonriders of Pern series are what pop to mind first. I have otherwise not had as much exposure to fictional plants as much as I would actually like to (like there’s this one Sci Fi series with a freaking electrical tree called the Telsa tree?? What have I been missing), so those two being the default is no surprise as its the one series I had been in the longest and was the only series I got into that had fictional plants (The Warriors cat series had plants for herbalism, but those were plants that exist irl. The plant icr the name of’s berries that was used by the medicinecat to kill someone still sticks to my mind).
Among my own fictional flora roster of Hoep, its hard to really pin a favourite as its just as hard for me as it would be for IRL plant fav choices. The Demon Rose  (Neorosa ferox) would be my favourite for being the most “out there” of the Hoepian plants (a plant that may even bring in legends in the Hoepian world itself), whereas the Hoepian Tiger Lily (Lilium flareonsis) is a favourite for me out of looks alone (and due to my bias for the Lililium genus irl)
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kihaku-gato · 5 years
@doubleplusunlucky replied to your post “Here’s something that might make the askbox tick with an ask or two;...”
Are there any carnivorous plants on Hoep? And are they, ah, a bit more dangerous than what we have on Earth? (Is there a sundew equivalent??)
I currently have one for certain “registered”; Lagartofolia dentislux (Gatorjaws) which is like a biomlumiescent Venus Fly Trap. I’ve considered Pitcher plants of some form (which may be carnivorous or just take on a different niche while keeping their carnivorous look), I have only just now thought about Sundew now that you’re sparking the idea up (if I do maybe I’ll make it small but overpowerfully venomous, like but unlike the blue ring octopus irl, idk). I’ve even thought of somehow putting a form of Bladderwort into Hoep’s niches (perhaps a larger domestic form that’s used to trap/net in seafood for local fishers).
If we consider just Gatorjaws, they are no more dangerous than Terran carnivorous flora of our own world, but that’s not to say the idea is not on the table. There are definitely dangerous plants on Hoep, so it’d be a bit of a shame if there weren’t at least ONE carnivorous species that was dangerous. I just have been avoiding the thought cause the idea of a plant being threatening enough to trap/catch and digest a person (whether small dragon form or large human form) makes me..... super duper uncomfortable/squeamish.
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kihaku-gato · 10 years
List of Hoepian Flora (vote for which you want to see next!)
Since my newest additions have been profiled, it is now time to decide which of my older/preexisting fantasy flora should be drawn/profiled next. Since I have so many to choose from, I decided that you guys should have a chance to choose which you'd like to see first!
Here is the list (note that the ones with an *asterisk are ones I have never drawn before, so those in particular will take longer to make a post for compared to the others). Just reblog/reply on this post whichever one(s) you wish to see~
*Aconitum umbratoxicum (Shadow Aconite)
Droupanea argentus (Ghost Leaf)
√ Kissumeria cordeflorum (Kissumeria Tree)
√ Lagartofolia dentislux (Gator Jaws)
Lilium flareonis (Hoepian Tiger Lily)
Magiflora sp. (Soul Daisy)
*Nebulifloris altissima (Cloudflower)
Neorosa ferox (Demon Rose)
Rilium sp. (Spiral Rily)
*Nyxiana sp. (Ktullybell)
*Nepenthes pterofolia (Pitcher Wings)
√ Sceleriarum edulis (Chocolate Arum)
*Heliapetalum sp. (Sunmilla)
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kihaku-gato · 10 years
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Hoepian Flora- Suncup (Feroeranthis iclanis)
It is one of the prickliest plants of all of Hoep! The yellow flowers are surrounded by hard, pointy red sepals, four of its 12 purple-pink leaves are covered in sharp defensive spines, and even the delicious tubers are covered with painful thorns as a defense against hungry animals and travellers. It is found only in the in melted winterspring zones of the Icelands, and is usually found growing in very close proximity to Snow Candles. Boiling the tubers of Suncups softens the thorns, making the starchy tuber easier to eat as a bite-sized snack. Harvesting the said tuber without getting pricked however is a different issue entirely.
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kihaku-gato · 10 years
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Hoepian Flora- Snow Candle (Nivaliarum calorflora)
Also known as Blueflower or Thorn Cabbage, it is a plant native to the Icelands in the southern hemisphere of Hoep. In winterspring it emerges with thick leathery flowers that are light-blue interlaced with black stripes and spots, and has spines lining along the back center of the these floral structures. As the flower fades, it develops into a large spherical seedpod filled with fluffy seeds which will get blown away in the wind. as winterspring ends and summer begins, the large red rubber-textured spiny leaves unfurl out of the season. When the sudden winter begins the plant dies down and go into dormancy until next winterspring. The plants produce huge amounts of heat with fire magic stored within the rootstock during the growing season, helping the plant thrive in the harsh habitat it grows, and as it grows it absorbs the sun and soil's nutrients to store additional magic for the next season. The size of the flowers can range from 16 cm to 59 cm while the leaves stay within the range of 40 cm x 40 cm to 50 cm x 40 cm.
It is a vital keystone species in its arctic and mountainous habitat; in winterspring it emerges to flower and begins to produce heat, melting the snow around it as far as 5 meters away around the plants. These snow-melted zones are vital islands for other native plants such as Icelands Neogalanthus, and Feroeranthis. The heat also warms up Snow Bee nests underground, awakening them, and as such helping pollinate the flowers around these snow-melted zones. The nectar in the gigantic flowers is food for southern rabbirds and migratory glider wasps. Even for the native peoples the plant has a vital role as a food source in areas where it abounds; with proper counteractive magic against the fire magic (which may burn anyone who attempts to damage the plant), the bitter blueberry-tasting nectar that pools within the flowers makes a strong fortifying vitamen-rich drink, and the leaves make a tough yet juicy vegetable green full of vital minerals.
Without the Snow Candle, the majority of the Icelands ecology would collapse.
This is definitely my favourite among my new fantasy plants. Shame I couldn't design a seedpod that I felt was proper for spreading seeds in a mountainous biome, but hey, can't get everything to detail lol.
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