#hokh shit oh god wh
pyrten · 3 years
mmm I was scrolling Twitter and I saw multiple posts on how Techno is too OP in the DSMP (or well I'm gonna dive into in the "generally-" part too, I suppose?). And because of class and boredom, yeeeeeeeaaaahhhhh .
The one obvious reason the guy is so OP in the storyline (and in general, to be honest) is preparation.
**There's the side of "for plot" which understandable, it was scripted for him to win (<< example). But otherwise, Techno plans and prepares.
There's a literal Sun Tzu quote "Let your plans be as dark and impenetrable as night and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt". It applies.
// Mark 1
It's the grind (m a n). Techno is willing to grind the gunpowder (+ other) for the fireworks.
Even though CC!Techno procrastinated on getting the netherite for the armour during the coup (Pogtopia v Manberg), he got them in the end and even enchanted the armour with weak enchantments just so it'd be easier to fight the person wearing it later on
(I can't tell whether it's just because he – and in extension, c!Techno – didn't have enough time to get the levels or he expected it, but I'm leaning towards the latter).
"I didn't put depth strider on those boots, Fundy!" Is a good example of – he saw this coming and acted accordingly (to his motives).
Another is positioning (PvP and odds, to put it that way) + practice. I put on his bedwars / skywars videos as background sound for homework, and sometimes watch them, because Techno content is s c a r c e lmao.
His first time playing bedwars: he was hesitant and inexperienced, definitely, but the dude decided he wanted to corner the bedwars market and, well, he did.
He's definitely confident while playing bedwars now. He would move his position just so he could knock the players into the void / off the map or into a position where the player is unable to do anything, for that matter.
I'd make, like, a parallel? Comparison?To real life of how your positioning in fencing / hand-to-hand matters? Just like parkour too, if you don't position yourself correctly, you'll face the consequences: getting hurt (or like in bedwars , having to respawn lmao). But then again, I don't know too much about fencing, fighting, or like parkour in gen, so I won't say much.
As for in Skywars, he knows when he couldn't win and he runs unless he's cornered into a position where fleeing isn't an option. He knows he wouldn't be able to win the fight and he leaves, get better gear and only then he'll take his chances because his chances are either even or in his favour (most of the time, the latter).
This could be seen during the execution (it's scripted but still-) His armour has been confiscated/taken. He doesn't have his weapons when he's being executed. He isn't in a great position, no armour, no weapons, no means of escape that wouldn't result in death –
**Okay well, if, it were possible, he could've ran back into his house and put on his spare netherite set and leave but then Ghostbur was there, and it's Ghostbur-. He could've possibly just hopped off the boat and swam back but then I'm not sure whether or not anyone in the Butcher Army had a trident or not so... Also, it's scripted and plot so eh.
– wouldn't result in death (at least before Dream and Punz came by). So he does the thing where anyone with common sense would do, he uses the Totem and he runs.
And to wrap up this part is the practice. He practiced speed bridging which is quicker and more efficient than 45-degree bridging. The bedwars win streak + Skywars + having PvP experience and practice with Fruitberries, TapL etc. This stacks up on experience man.
This is like, a small thing, but if: Quackity v Technoblade, but they have the same armour and weapon enchants, plus potion effects. It's fair (in preparation, not skill). Technoblade would've won, since he has much more experience in PvP, the guy mains it, pretty much, but Quackity would've at least had the chance to escape.
This is just in general, it's completely in disregard of the actual fight that took place (much better, it was so fun to watch. The "put the pickaxe through your teeth" line was gold, damn).
Another small thing: When Techno v The Butcher Army, I would love to factor in the fact he knew before hand (Phil) and knew he could possibly take them instead of choosing to flee.
Is it like, because he thought like, maybe his opponents may be a tad bit under-prepared.
Uhh, I'll stack on that perhaps c!Techno knew who they were beforehand. BECAUSE LIKE, L'MANBERG (wanted posters, being hunted – warned by Dream. It's not difficult to tie together honestly), and like psychology POG? I think he did mention before he nearly majored in Psychology or smth, Squid Kid profile?? How he thinks? Okay- the potato war, that part where he says that, yeah).
(This train of thought is so broken and so o l d, this took place in Dec 2020, it's 2021, what am I doing.)
Preparation can honestly take you a long way. Not everyone has the time or determination to s i t and grind for resources. Just doing that and achieving the goal of gathering, could put you in a spot where you possibly have a chance to succeed.
If you stack preparation on with: experience, knowledge and skill (even if it's not a lot), man.
Lastly, c!Techno plans ahead.
(The turtles, the honey for his base, there's more– //Mark 1, that part lol.
Hell, take his "I hid the number of potatoes I actually had and LIED because I knew Squid would be watching the video-".)
^^^ That's why c!Techno (and CC!Techno honestly lmao) seems OP.
**If Techno ever mentions being uncomfortable with , like, any analysis like this which include his actions while actually playing (basically, just, being under scrutiny like this), I'm willing to take it down, just shoot me a DM and proof and I'll get to it.
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