#hold me to it
If Joe wins, I will go outside in the freezing cold and piss my shorts
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girl-please-study · 11 months
Tomorrow will start an 11 days productivity challenge
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quaranmine · 4 days
back to writing 🥳
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lemonisntreal · 2 years
Help it was just supposed to be a sketch-
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Ok I know I should be drawing literally anything else [draft ideas, specific fanart pieces, Tone Deaf itself- lmao] but I saw a comic sample that had a really cool aesthetic with the ben-day dots and stuff- with backgrounds like this one, and I just had to try it out-
And look who spent like 4 hours taking their sweet ass time on a drawing instead of doing any of the aforementioned things :>
[ok, but to my credit, this was a sketch for a frame in a comic I was doing for an aesthetic test for Tone Deaf. Can'ttttt decide if I should do it in color or not tjhgfdhjkbnojidesfdxcg98765tthgftrfthygftdhit'slike2:00amI'mgoingtobedbye]
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salteytakesonmanga · 1 year
Hey, remember how you said Gov probably controls maps/knowledge? I think you might like (some of at least) the Netflix show. xD
Oh ho? 👀👀👀 I’m planning to watch it tomorrow so I’ll keep that in mind!
I tried to protect my heart and keep my expectations low, but the cast (and Oda’s endorsement) ruined any chance of that. Which is kinda a good thing, I guess? Mostly I just hope that the show is able to capture even a tiny sliver of what’s special about One Piece, so that more people will love it like I do.
Just as a tip, in case people didn’t know this already: I have heard the metric Netflix uses to gauge the “success” of a show is how many times it’s watched all the way through in the first 30 days. So if you want to support the One Piece live action and increase the possibility of a second season, the strat is to turn on One Piece and let it play through all 8 episodes multiple times. (Caveat that I can't find the source for this anymore so I could be wrong/misremembering.)
And that’s the last I’ll say about the live action here haha. I will probably yell about it more on my main blog once I start watching.
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mirrortouchedsea · 9 months
Day 5
Madara is running, mind trying to keep up with everything that just happened. Take a left and then a right, there’s a contact there that can help. He feels blood dripping down his arm but he has to keep going. The shouts behind him are getting louder so he takes a left instead of a right, hoping to find a place to hide for a moment and catch his breath. 
He has to make it to the meeting point and get his arm checked out before his date with Leo later. If he has to cancel again over this… He’ll make it. He has to.
Madara must have bled more than he thought at first. He’s stumbling and it’s harder to breathe and he almost doesn’t notice when he runs into someone else until that familiar voice cuts through the fog. 
“Mama? Mama are you okay?” Why is he here? Did he have something going on? Madara tries to turn around, find a different place to hide. He can’t talk about this right now, not with Leo. Leo grabs his hand and Madara is too weak to pull away. 
“I’m fine, Leo-san.” The shouts that were following him seem to be getting quieter. They must have taken the bait. He relaxes just a little bit. “I have somewhere I need to--” He collapses before he can finish, everything goes blurry and he has to force himself to focus on Leo’s voice. He can tell that someone’s speaking but he can’t tell if it's himself or Leo. Stay awake stay awake stay awake. 
He feels his lips moving and he’s trying to say something while Leo is on the phone and applying pressure to Madara’s arm. Please don’t leave. I love you I love you I love you. Leo places a hand on his face and forces Madara to look up at him. Leo is saying something but Madara can’t hear it. I’m sorry you had to see me like this. Leo looks stressed. Madara caused this. He needs to leave before he makes it worse but Leo pushes him down when he tries to stand. His arm is throbbing. 
Someone hands Leo a bottle which Leo then puts to Madara’s lips, cool water quenching a thirst he didn’t realize he had. His head clears just a little bit and he can hear Leo finally. Stay with me Mama, please stay awake. I love you too. 
There’s more talking and Leo is pulled away while the emergency responders put Madara on a stretcher and put him in the ambulance. He tries to grab Leo, get them to let him into the ambulance as well, but they just strap his arm to his side and begin to assess the damage. 
Madara wakes up in the hospital, Leo sitting in the chair next to his bed. Leo tackles him in a hug before he can say anything and the nurses are running in to check on his vitals. He’ll be okay but he won’t be released until tomorrow. 
“I’m sorry, Leo-san. I really wanted--” 
“What’s going on? Don’t lie to me.” Leo’s voice cracks. 
“I was… trying to protect you. There are a lot of people who want to hurt you and I can’t…” 
“I can make my own decisions, Mama.” 
Madara doesn’t speak. He opens his mouth but any words he could say die on his lips. 
“I know you want to protect me but I don’t want you to get hurt because of me either.” 
“I know.” 
There’s silence and Madara is afraid Leo might finally break things off. His cheeks are wet and he refuses to look at Leo. Instead, Leo grabs his hand and squeezes it. 
“I love you. I don’t want to see you hurting.” 
He was much more serious than the Leo Madara knew and loved. He couldn’t bear to see Leo hurting either, especially if he was the cause. 
Madara squeezed Leo’s hand and made a silent promise that he’d be more careful from now on. Something had to change and continuing to get hurt like this wasn’t helping anyone. Maybe someday they could be happy together with nothing to worry about, but he would have to work to make that happen. 
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flightyfinch · 11 months
it turns out that having a wonderful wedding and honeymoon is not the same as actually being rested 😔
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Oh I just love when creative burnout hits...
(Tag rant below / why am I like this...)
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joeloverture · 4 months
im almost a month late but im gonna use my spoons to respond to the fairs fair reblogs & comments later today ❤️
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9florwax · 10 months
Self love,
And my success come first.
I will not sacrifice peace of mind and progress for a brief infatuation and fleeting validation.
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dilf-din · 1 year
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flashingmarkii · 1 year
( i will redo my multimuse and stuff sometime around this week i swear. )
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quaranmine · 7 months
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doefrost · 1 year
Reclaiming my room from the evil today
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ua-moved · 2 years
interaction call.     im doing my curatorial final on paleontology 😳 which means my jurassic muses*  are awake.     like this for a small thing from them   (  could be a starter,  could be an ask   ...  ).
*  still working on the gsite so here’s the roster :     s.oyona santos,  y.asmina fadoula,  k.ayla watts,  z.ia rodriguez.
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