#holi ka dahan
saurabhshelar · 2 years
होलिका दहन कब है? क्या है शास्त्र और पुराणो के विधान? | Holika Dahan Kab...
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shut-up-rabert · 2 years
You fucking piece of propagandist shit…..
So I has this muslim propaganda channel in my recommendation (I literally watch videos from Sham Sharma Show youtube the fuck is wrong with you?) called Smile 2 Jannah and he had a video about molestation relating to holi 🤡 So original, amirite?
(I’d suggest watching the stupid video before going into the rant for being able to understand what in the bullshit is written below here)
First of all brother in Christ no one is asking you to play, are they? It is good to raise issues, yes, but if you are a propaganda channel earning from polarising a group of induviduals via one sided narrative, it does put your intentions under skepticism. Hmmmmmm.
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Intro (dhakan)
Now, for his first point:
India’s ruling party blah blah blah, RSS blah blah blah, Hindutva blah blah blah main gadhe ka bacha hun blah blah blah
How. Does. Molestation. On. Holi. Relate. To. Fucking. Central. Government.?.
Do you honestly think that once voting was completed on that fateful afternoon of May 2014 these perverts rose from the earth or something😭 bhaiya thode restarted ho kya?
Sounds ridiculous, right? My thoughts exactly while hearing you utter those goddamn words.
Next, he shows a clip of said molestation. Those of you who know me already understand my stance on this, but lets get into this when he does. Now, onto this idiot’s next segment:
Story of holi (haan bhai tu bata hume tujhe zyaada pata hai)
Hiranyakashyap yada yada yada holika yada yada yada Holika Dahan blu bleh flu fleh
First of all, my dear friend. We don’t celebrate holi faag due to those reasons— that would be holi dahan, it precedes Holi faag aka the day you are covering in this video by one whole day. Great research 👍🏼
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Holi Fāg is celebrated because Lord Krishna and his friends used to pluck flowers of early spring, extract colour from them via pestling and smear it on each other as a childish game. Completely harmless, no? Unless you have issues about teenage boys and girls playing around or something XD
And lets not end it here, my man has some
opinions about Holika Dahan aswell
Holika was manipulated into burning her own nephew alive, poor woman🥺
Same level of intellect as “Ravan was just a good brother who wanted to exploit a married woman totally against her wishes for his sis’s perverseness UwU”
Holika has nowhere been mentioned to be manipulated. If anything, the texts say that she was willing for it to happen. Imagine trying to defend a literal demon who was trying to burn her own nephew alive, for fuck’s sake my man…
now, onto the story of powder (sorta disclaimer: I’m writing the points while watching the video myself, so if there’s inconsistencies and incidents of me jumping the gun, I’m surry ;-;) This is a believed story aswell, true, but the reason he chose this one over the flowers one is veryyy clear; its easy to propagate :D
Krishna liked Radha, skin colour diffrences, maiyya Yashoda, Oh my Him he’s doing rAcIsM—
First of all, his original form isn’t even black; he’s actually blue. Blue of the Sky, he is described as. He incarnates in various shades from dusky to midnight dark to sky blue to green to milky white. Why? Because all the shades are same to him. We literally have gods who are called Bhadra Kāli (beautiful black woman), Krishnā (her with a dusky tone), Shyam Sundar (Black skinned in handsome) , Sundar Sanvaro ( Handsome and Dusky) but of COURSE our gods are doing racism. No propaganda here guys, none whatsoever
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(there was no need for this pic here but y’all LOOK AT VASUKI T-T)
One thing he IS surprisingly right about is how colonisation had an effect on our perception of beauty, because ancient Indian texts are all praises about Krishna’s own beauty, going to the lengths of showing that he was so beautiful that he stole the maternal affection from his playmates mothers aswell. So no, he wasn’t sending any wrong messages by acting as an oblivious child because colourism wasn’t an issue back then.
Second of all, The story is incorrect. He did not “long” for Radha. They were literal little children in this one, unlike the other one where they are teens. This is just childish curiousity at play, about tall and short, about fair and dark, about this and that. We literally have a renowned lullaby about this, where Krishna is curiously asking his Mother why him and Radha are two different shades and she lovingly gives creative answers about the same.
What he was doing was, he wanted to play with Radha, but was afraid she would not play with him because they look “different” (NOT because he thought his skin was inferior to hers, he literally chose that skin) so Maiyya Yashoda told him to play with coulours so they are all the same shade (neither dark nor fair, just plain colourful). This man is so shameless he’s glossing over everything just to degrade us. Imagine being so fucking insecure that you need to actively bring other religions down to feel devotes. You don’t need youtube my man, you need Jesus.
…..He literally degraded christianity RIGHT after I said Jesus. How is he so fucking vindictive? Jesus wasn’t black OR white, he was *drumroll please* Brown! My man Yeshua was from Nazareth, he wasn’t technically black. Do you want him to have Vitiligo to prove that he doesn’t chose one colour over the other?
Christian Jesus isn’t white: Western Jesus is. African Christians have portrait of him as a black man, Chinese scriptures show him of Asian features. And while you may like to think its problematic, I think its beautiful and Jesus wouldn’t even mind people of that time interpreting him such to be close to him. Humans are spiteful PoS, Gods are not! Imagine personifying your own Prophet because you are just that hateful.
Like I already pointed out, that’s not it my man. Refer to the points above the Jesus rant. Trying to twist things won’t work here, maybe you think you can put words in God’s mouth but all we see is an audacious piece of crap trying his best to change a narrative we are well versed in and attached to for his own interests.
The reason he knew she “liked” (as much as you can “like” someone in a childish way) him back was because their minds were connected. They knew each other’s thoughts and feelings. Why? Because she is his soulmate. She is Krishna’s other half, she is Goddess Laxmi in a human form, The wife and eternal Love of Lord Vishnu, who is the one incarnated as Krishna.
And was this a grown man touching a grown woman? No, it wasn’t. It was a kid playing with another kid, think a little boy throwing water balloons on a little girl. He never touched her inappropriately even in their teens, when they were actually in love with each other. Them not having had a sexual relationship is one of there core factors that strengthens their bond as lovers.
See how he doesn’t even mention the second story aka the one I mentioned in the Fāg segment? Yeah, me too.
And while we are at it, can we please talk about how (not so) subtely he is trying to degrade our Gods here? Accusing someone people worship as Supreme of racism by hiding facts, questioning what kind of message he is sending to a population that does not even practice the said religion, saying stuff like ‘quote unquote God’, accusing someone’s God of sexual harrasment (this is a new low guys) . Yeah, we see your motives here asshole.
Your genuine curiosity on stuff you think is not cut out for you or is questionable is welcome, your passive agressive comments on someone people worship are not. You do not follow the said God, Your subscribers don’t follow him, we who do are not running a cult here either. What is your position to discuss someone else’s God in a humanising way where you put him in a position akin to humans? Having a one sided dictate based on half assed reasearch , furthered with nitpicking of negatives and adding your own “thoughts” on it to make it sound bad, and putting your personally motivated views to a biased audience is very much crossing the line of civil. Fuck off already.
Now, back to what my man has to say:
Where Holi went wrong
according to Smarty Pants McAllknowing here, the Japanese girl incident is reflective of what Shree Krishna was upto. Is it? We know its not, but is the audience that he is trying to not so softly influence aware? Nope.
Molestation and Roadside Romeos causing chaos on holi are common occurences. People get gropped, harrassed, and has even resulted in crimes like rape and death. There’s a fine line between being playful in a way that is enjoyable and being a nuisance, and people with malicious intents are likely to cross it on purpose. Most of us were playing with our family and friends and having fun instead of going out of our way to bother strangers, that’s basic decency on any given day and Holi doesn’t change that for most of us ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ So majority of us celebrate it like any other festival, given with a lot more excitement and carefreeness, but that too is constricted to our peers.
Also, lets make one thing clear shall we: people with bad intentions don’t just ‘pop-up’ on occassions, they are actively looking for a loop to be perverts without consequences.
It is not that Holi was created to give perverts ammo, it is that holi is being used as a shield by people who are generally deviants aswell. It is an issue amongst the Hindu community and trying to make us the perpetrators as a whole in our own personal matter which we are trying to solve is not only intrusive, its disrespectful aswell.
You think people are fine and good all 364 days and decide to become hornie motherfuckers just when holi is around the corner?? Its the fucking perverts, not Holi and other Hindus playing. No, and trying to defame holi which again 95% of us play normally without all that gropping is nothing short of an attempt to defame the festival.
There are women who have reported being raped while on Pilgrimages (including Hajj, highlighting for my self righteous friend here), does that make the pilgrimage spot evil? Huh?
Now, going on to what happened to those women. Its bad, and those people deserve to be punished by the law because of outraging a woman’s modesty. But tell me with a straight face that the rest if is who were just having fun with our family are responsible, or all of us collectively playing holi are responsible?
Reminds me of this honestly:
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Same with the muslim woman being attacked, its shameful that these perverts would go to such lengths, and again deserve to be locked up, but your accusations at the government controlling news is so ridiculous its laughable.
The government would have done a better job hiding its cracks at Farmer’s protests and Hijab issues now, would they have not? They would have censored The Hindu, whose head is a member of communist party, TOI and IE. And what is the point in leaving NDTV up there who would give you more fuel for your accusations if you only look? The government has many active critics, and a lot of anti hindu media exists, but sure, we are controlling XD
Lynchings are harmful and are should be condemned, so I feel reluctant questioning you here, even though your intentions of bringing lynching in a video not even related to it is peculiar, to say the least. Why did you suddenly go off the tangent to tackle crimes against muslims in a video regarding Hindu festivals? Everything we do and have is connected to Islam on such mind bending rationales it doesn’t even surprise me anymore.
……..The beef being talked about is BUFFALO BEEF?! LMFAOOOO this guy isn’t even trying to hide his agenda anymore😭😭😭 jaa bhai, galti meri hi hai
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Connecting it with Islam AGAIN? Man, this guy’s victim complexion is strong, yikes.
They are not allowed to grope or touch us non consensually. Infact, Shree Krishna whom you so conviniently insulted killed a man because he said illicit words about his best friend who was a woman. The said Woman also resulted in a kingdom’s fall because she was manhandled by the princes. Furthermore, in his previous incarnation Krishna killed a demon who had tried to molest his wife. If you think that anyone can grope us and not get slapped into the stars, then you have no clue what our scriptures teach us to be like.
Look, I respect your religions ways of treating women as sacred or pure or what it is that you guys believe in (and totally disrespect your ways of trying to glorify your religion in a video that is already degrading another one), but that’s where we vary. If an educated Hindu man saw me extending my hand for a greeting, he would take it. Why? Because I am an equal. I’m just another human if I’m not a woman he is platonically or romantically related to. In the ancient days we all folded our hands and greeted from afar, now we shake hands when meeting professionally. I like it this way, you like it yours, how about not try to patronise us?
Me trying to find where this sudden hype of Islam is coming from in a video not even related to it:
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Okay, that accusation about hindu men fondling people left right and centre? Aren’t you inflating things a bit a lot? Is it too much to ask you to stop speaking over us??
Everything was (still kinda) well and good up until you decided to drag hinduism again. Why did God allow Holi? To celebrate with your family like Diwali and Navratri? We don’t go out bothering strangers on other two and Holi was specifically being played between Krishna and his friends? No one outside was being bothered.
Also, if you really need to toot your religion’s horn by a (biased) comparison with someone else’s, then believe me when I say that your faith in God isn’t half as strong as you like to think, since you need a catalyst that requires you too be a shit person. We never asked what your religion is like, we don’t even care, that’s your personal matter. Why try to grab our attention by falsely accusing what we believe in and force us to form a negative opinion on you? Who do you think you are, to drag my gods into this?
Also, is it just me or does it seem like this guys is talking about women but not to them? Its like he hasn’t addressed women in this video even once and thinks men are the primary ones concerned with issues like groping and how women are to be touched or not. He is literally using women as a bait without really bringing our psychology regarding all this into play. Am I the only one who finds it concerning?
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This guy has his head so far up his ass, he can’t stop talking about things he thinks make him superior. I swear to God, don’t feel surprised if he makes a video about why guys with (whatever was his first tricycle) fucking stomp over others who grew up with “girl bikes”.
I know its not my place to say it, but I just wanna bust this guy’s bubble so I’m sorry to any muslim reading it: Its the fastest growing religion because it has the highest birth rate, and conversion for sake of marriage. And about his point regarding women converting, Not saying that there aren’t those who genuinely do and good for them, but whose gonna tell him about the dark stuff happening here💀 A part of me thinks he already knows but thinks its wonderful.
So yeah, that was all from this asshole. I hope this white bearded man baby grows up and learns to reach God with his chosen path, without requiring to bring others down. All in all, my last words to this guys are:
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dekho humare yahan toh aaj choti holi hai kal dulhendi hai
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thebobby1432world · 2 years
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gadgetsforusesblog · 2 years
Click to read #Aaj Ka Panchang: Before playing Holi, be sure to know the auspicious and inauspicious time, read the March 08, 2023 Panchang. Daily Panchang Holika Dahan March 08, 2023 Wednesday Aaj Ka Panchang Shubh muhurat Rahukal in Hindi
To know what time will be favorable and what time will be unfavorable to do any work on Pratipada (Purnima) date of Krishna Paksha of Chaitra Maas 2023, Panchang of March 08, 2023, Wednesday, must see. Panchang before March 08, 2023 Image Credit source: tv9hindi.com Today’s Panchang March 08, 2023: Every work in Hinduism is done by observing an auspicious day, auspicious date, auspicious time…
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amit-convent · 2 years
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"Holi ka Dahan" is that celebrates the victory of good over evil. It involves lighting a bonfire to signify the burning of evil and the beginning of spring.
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mogossip · 4 years
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kashishipr · 3 years
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May you be blessed with colors of joy and showered with the love of your dear ones. Happy Holi 2022!
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jainifashion · 3 years
Holi Ek Bharat me Manaya Jane wala Rango Ka Tyohaar Hai
Holi Ek Bharat me Manaya Jane wala Rango Ka Tyohaar Hai
   Holi Ki Katha, Kyu Manate hai Holi ? Holi ke tyohaar se kai kahaniyan judi hui hain. Inmen sabase prasiddh hai Prahlaad ki katha. Aisa maana jaata hai ki prachin kaal mein Hiranyakashyap naam ka ek bahut shaktishali asur tha. vah apani shakti ke ahankaar mein svayan ko bhagavaan maanane laga. usane apane raajy mein bhagavaan ka naam lene par pratibandh laga diya tha. Hiranyakashyap ka putra…
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erothegreat · 2 years
Isang malakas na sipa ang binigay ni Shay kay Bart, nalaglag ang lalaki sa kama. "Shay bakit mo ako sinipa?"
"Pvtang ina ka, kung kakain ka ng pvke brotsahin mo. Kung kailan libog na libog na ako, saka mo kakagatin tinggil ko. Eh kung ulo kaya ng burat mo kagatin ko?" Inis na sabi ni Shay saka tumayo.
"Baby naman, sorry na. Nadala lang ako." Paglalambing ni Bart. "Tang-ina kasing tinggil mo na yan eh, nakakagigil. Maga na nga sa libog, mas malaki pa rin ang utong ko kaysa sa tinggil mo. Ang liit, nagtatago pa."
"Wag mo akong tawaging baby. I told you, call me bitch, slut, whore." 
"Hindi ka ganoon." 
"I am, I slept with different guys."
"Nope, those bullshits names ay pantawag sa mga bayaran, hindi ka bayaran, makati ka lang talaga. So. Ikaw ay isang liberated."
"Fine, sige pagaanin mo pa loob ko. Oh. Paborito mo." Sabay abot ng yosi na may sindi. Ngumiti naman si Bart saka kinuha ang yosi. Inabot na rin niya ang posas para ibigay sa lalaki.
Dumapa si Shay sa kama, pumatong naman si Bart mula sa likod. Pinosasan niya sa Shay at nilagay sa headboard ng kama. "Go."
"Sweety, saan ko ipapasok?" Tanong ni Bart.
"For fvck sake, sa puwet, sa pvke, kahit saan. Basta bilisan mo. Go!" Sigaw ni Shay. Mabilis naman na sumunod si Bart. Binuka niya ang hita ni Shay at ikiniskis ang kanyang oten sa pvke ng babae. Dahan-dahan na pinasok ang ulo sa butas ng puwet ng babae kasabay ng pagpaso ng sigarilyo sa likod ni Shay.
"Ahhhh, fvck." Idea ito ni Bart. Sadista si Bart sa kama. Noong una ay galit na galit si Shay, pero kalaunan, hinahanap hanap na rin niya. Kakaiba pala ang binibigay na sarap kapag sinasaktan ka. Ayaw lang talaga niya ang nakakagat sa tinggil.
"Don't leave me empty asshole, put that fvcking dildo in my pvssy." Sinet ni Bart ang dildo sa strong saka pinasok sa pvke ni Shay. "Oh god, fvcking god, fvck my fvcking ass harder!" Sigaw ni Shay.
"Peste ka talaga. Ang sarap mo talagang kantvtin. Nakakalibog, nakakaulol, tang-ina maging asawa lang kita, kahit ihi hindi ka makakapagpahinga."
Nakalimang paso ng sigarilyo si Bart sa likod ni Shay bago tuluyang namatay ang yosi. Sinasakal pa ni Bart si Shay, hinahampas ang puwet, kinakalmot, nilalamutak ang malambot na katawan, hinablot ang buhok. "God Bart, pinapatay mo ako sarap. Pvtang ina, ibaon mo pa."
Ganoon nga ang ginagawa ni Bart, binabaon niya ang oten sa puwet ni Shay. "Holy god Bart, fvcking asshole, ohhhh shiittttt, I'm cvmmiingggggg. Fvck my ass and my pvssyyyyy. Godddd!!!" Nangisay si Shay. Maya-maya lang ay sinakal na siya ni Bart.
"Pvtang ina, saluhin mo tamod ko sweety. Ahhhh." Saka sila sabay na nilabasan at parehong hiningal. Pinakawalan naman ni Bart si Shay saka binalutan ng kumot.
"Shay, bakit ba ayaw mo sa akin na maging bf mo?" 
"Hindi kita mahal. Malaki lang yan oten mo at gusto ko ang paraan mo ng pagkantot sa akin, pero hindi kita mahal. Pang fvck buddy ka lang."
"Shay naman, mahal na mahal kaya kita. Tanggap ko naman kahit ano ka, kahit sino ka."
"Alam ko, kasi wala ka ng magagawa. Saka ayoko nga, minsan umaandar kalibugan ko at nagpapa gang bang ako hanggang tatlong lalaki, minsan threesome. Kaya mo ganoon ang gf mo?"
"Oo, basta kasama ako at ako pipili ng kasama natin."
"Wow, dakilang loverboy. Kahit hanggang sa ikasal tayo?" 
"Oo." Walang takot na sagot ni Bart.
"Malupit, then noooo, ayokooo. Someone like you did not deserve someone like me. Aabusuhin lang kita at paulit-ulit na saktan. Makontento ka na lang sa pagkantot sa akin. Don't worry, kahit mag ka gf ka, you can call me anytime para pawiin yang kalibugan mo."
"Ayaw mo ba sa akin dahil adik ako? Nakokontrol ko naman Shay. User lang ako pero di pa addictive."
"Tss, wag ka magdrama. Hanggang fvck buddy mo lang ako. Round two?" Saka siya pumatong sa lalaki.
"Shay. Ahhh, tang-ina ka talaga." Mura nito nang ipasok ni Shay ang oten nito sa pvke niya.
"Like it Bart?" Tanong niya habang gumigiling sa ibabaw ng lalaki.
"Sobra Shay. Sobrang gusto. Ahhh"
"Oh Bart, gustong gusto ko sa ibabaw mo. Sagad na sagad ang oten mo. Ohhhh ahhhh. Why so fvcking big Barty, it feels so good."
"Ahhh, Shay, ang galing mo talaga. Dammmmnnnn." 
"You too." 
"Ahhh, Shay, shitttt ahhhhhh ang sarappp ohhhh."
"Bart sweety, ang sarap talaga ng oten moooo. Kahit saan, kahit kailan magpapakantot ako sayooooo."
"Ohhhh Shay. Ahhhhhh!"
"Ohhhh Barttttt. Aahhhh ito naaa.".
Panay ang bayo ni Shay sa ibabaw ni Bart hanggang sa pareho ulit silang nakaraos.
Nagising si Shay sa sunod-sunod na tawag. Dinampot niya ang cellphone nang tinitingnan ang tumawag. "Hello."
"Where are you? Nakalabas na ang mommy mo sa ospital. Pero hindi ka man lang nakadalaw." Umirap lang siya sa sinabi ng ama. Ten days na pala siyang hindi umuuwi. No, umuuwi naman siya, para maligo at magpalit tapos aalis din.
"Uuwi na ako mamaya."
"Dad, Chelsea and I can sleep in my room. Malaki naman ang bed kaya ok lang." Biglang kumalabog ang puso niya. 
Four years na silang hindi nagkita, pero kahit nakapikit alam niya ng boses ng kapatid niya.
"Umuwi ka na, para may sabay-sabay tayong maghapunan mamaya. Kahit ngayon lang, para sa Mommy at KUYA mo, at sa magiging anak nila ng ATE Chelsea mo." Saka ibinaba ng daddy niya ang tawag.
He's good at masaya, he's moving on. Tapos ako, until now nasasaktan pa rin. Fvck them all. Fvcckkkkkk sigaw ng isip niya.
"Sweety." Tawag ni Bart sa kanya. 
"Fvck me more Bart. More, deep, fast, sadistic, do want you want. Bite my clit go. Just let me feel that I am important." Sabay halik kay Bart ng puno ng kapusukan at nilabanan naman ng lalaki. Saka inumpisahan ang ikatlong round na punong puno ng init at kalibugan.
Author: May nagbabasa ba?
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rochakbook · 5 years
Interesting Facts About Holi
Interesting Facts About Holi
Holi is a pageant of colors and love that is well known on the full moon of the month of Phagun. In step with the English calendar, Phagun month often comes on the cease of the month of March and the start of April. Holi festival starts with Holika Dahan in India, the second one day is referred to as dhundi, in which all Indians are drenched in shades. This festival has been celebrated in India…
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anihan-spills · 5 years
Girl in the Mirror (Part IV)
VI.    Maria
A large number of people assemble every Sunday to celebrate mass in the Quiapo church. While most celebrate mass to continuously become closer to God, it is obvious that Senator Magglabo is on his third time celebrating mass that year — first when he was running for senator, second when the ballots were being counted, third (that day) being the day he won as a senator.
   Maria knelt quietly, still in deep prayer after taking the holy host in her communion. Most churchgoers were already loud and noisy, talking about their daily gossips.
   Father Arnaiz entered the post and said his closing remarks. “Go in peace! Love and serve the Lord.”
   “Thanks be to God!” all except Maria say, for she was still kneeling and deep in prayer.
   Senator Magglabo turned to his daughter. “Ang saya, hindi ba!? O, senador na ako! Hays, ang biyayang binigay ng Diyos... at sa sambayanan, ako ang biyaya ng Diyos! Maraming taong naghihintay na bumati sa akin sa labas. Mahal, gusto mo bang sumama?”
   Maria turned to her father, smiling politely. “Paumanhin, itay. Maaari po ba akong magdasal pa?”
   Senator Magglabo frowned at this, but accepted it anyway. “Sige. Sa labas lang ako. Oh! Sina Tita Cori at Tita Rani! Ibabati ko na muna sila.”
   Senator Magglabo sat up from his pew and went to Tita Cori and Tita Rani. He soon proceeded into having a small talk with them.
   Maria continued to sit down in prayer.
   “My Father, you are the light of my life, the light of my love, and the love of my life. You have never failed to listen to my pleas. You were always the one I could trust. I long for you as the deer longs for the stream's water. I long for you as to how King David's subjects long for the notes he plays on the harp. I long for you as much as Bathsheba longed for you when she was betrayed by the same king.
   My Lord, I know I am just a woman, but I'm tired. I need your presence. I need you.  Help me try to forgive. Help me try to live. Protect me, my Father. Protect me. Amen.”
   I remember Maria standing up, tears still welling down her face. She walked to her father and soon overheard his conversation with Tita Cori and Tita Rani.
   “Pero alam mo, parang nagbago na si Maria. Maslalo na noong pumasok ka sa pulitika.” Tita Cori remarked.
   “Oo nga, eh. Parang hindi siya kasing sigla noong bata pa siya eh. Naging mas mahinhin pa.” Tita Rani added.
   Maria interjected in the conversation. “Nahihinayang lang po ako, tita. Parang nahahawa na ako sa pagod ng aking tatay. Ngunit, walang dapat pag-abalahin sa akin.”
   Tita Cori, Tita Rani, and Senator Magglabo laugh at this.
   “Alam mo naman ang mga babae: napaka-emosyonal.” the Senator smiled, going behind his daughter.
   The comment made Maria laugh uneasily. She turned to her father and said, “Magpahinga na po kayo, itay. Maraming nangyari kahapon. Senador ka na at dapat masmarami na ang paghinga mo.”
   “Siguro nga. Maraming salamat.”
   The four bade their farewells. Maria and Senator Magglabo walked together on the street on the way back to their house.
   “Anong pinagdasal mo kanina?” her father inquired.
   “Nagdasal ako para sa inyo, at kung gaano akong kagalak maging anak mo.” Maria replied with a smile.
   Senator Magglabo blushed. “Aww…”
Senator Magglabo and Maria were surprised to see four Japanese soldiers inside their home. Senator Magglabo was not scared, however. He was actually very delighted.
   “Mr. Akinari!” Senator Magglabo smiled, extending his arms, “Good to see you! How was Bulacan?”
   “Good to see you, Senator Magglabo. I heard of your victory.” Mr. Akinari nodded to him. He turned to Maria. “Good to see you again, Maria.”
   Akinari held Maria’s hand and kissed it. He turned to Senator Magglabo once more. “Bulacan was great.”
   Maria gulped. “I should probably go to my room.”
   “Wait!” Akinari stopped and turned to the other soldiers, signaling them in.
   The soldiers brought in the mirror and removed the cloth that covered it.
   “This mirror is taken from one of the American bases. Some would say it dates back to the Spanish era. But it's still so beautiful.” He turned to Maria and smiled, “As beautiful as you.”
   Maria gulped once more. She inquired, “Where will you put it?”
   “Inside your room, of course.”
Maria and Akinari watched two Japanese soldiers bring the mirror in before exiting. Akinari moved closer to Maria.
   “I missed you.”
   “I didn’t.”
   Akinari tried to moving closer again but Maria resisted.
   “Not right now, please.”
   Akinari nodded before leaving the room.
   Maria lied on her bed and quietly cried.
   I remember her face when I appeared in front of the mirror. I remembered looking for Eugenie and then seeing her.
   She stared at me a bit, quietly. It was almost scary.
   “Oh wow. I’m surprised. You didn’t scream.”
   Maria gulped. “I’m turning mad now, am I?”
   “Mad?” I frowned, “Oh no, honey. I’m afraid you are.”
   Maria sighed and turned over. “Yes, I am.”
   I smiled at her, trying to radiate comfort. “If it could make you feel any better, I can introduce myself. Hi! I'm Lucia. I'm no ghost. I don't think I'm reflected light either. I'm just… Lucy.”
   She smiled at me as she sat up, “Hello, Lucy. I'm Maria.”
   “Yay!” I grin, “Now we’re friends!”
   It was late that I realized her tears. I frowned and breathed in deeply. “You’re crying. Is there anything bothering you?”
   Maria sobbed and nodded.
   I asked, “What’s wrong?”
   She sobbed once more before looking away and shrugging.
   I deduced. “Was it the man who tried advancing on you.”
   She sobbed in the very same manner as she did before. “My father can’t know what happened two weeks ago. My father can't know that I was raped by Mr. Akinari! What my father did, his election, his position, what he stands for — all of it would just be lies.”
   I frowned before a knock on the door was heard. I disappeared.
   Senator Magglabo entered the door, gleefully. “Akinari is inviting us to a party,” he announced.
   Maria was in sudden shock for a while. She looked at the mirror, and then at her father, and looks at the mirror, then at her father once more. She smiled at him. “Tell him I'll be happy to see him.”
   As he left, she went to the mirror to fix herself.
Akinari and Senator Magglabo laughed and drank on the same table. A Courier entered and gave a document to Akinari, who then passed it to the senator. Magglabo laughed and jokingly elbowed his Japanese friend. The two had a soft conversation, pointing at each other as if offering each other the honor to announce something. In the end, Akinari stood up, making Senator Magglabo applaud.
   Akinari announced with enthusiasm, as he held his glass up high. “I have an announcement to make…”
   Maria climbed downstairs just in time to hear the proclamation. After observing Akinari standing, she turned to a waiter to ask what was happening.
   Akinari continued, “I am to ask Ms. Magglabo’s hand in marriage.”
   Maria’s heart wrenched. She felt everything fall down — as if Atlas had decided to let the heavens go.
   Akinari met eyes with his betrothed. She went up to her, held her hand, and kissed it.
   “No need to worry, my love.” Akinari told her in assurance, “You’ll be in safe hands.”
   Maria stared at Akinari, waiting for him to release her hand. She gave up waiting after a while. The night continued, strings latched all over her numb body.
Maria arrived in her room. She laid down, face flat on the pillow. The nap broke when she heard the door opening, making her jot up.
   Akinari opened the door and smiles at her. Maria started to breathe heavy.
   “What are you doing here in my room?”    “Am I not allowed?”
   “Kind of not.”
   Maria breathed in heavier as Akinari sat beside her.
   “What’s your goal with me, exactly?”
   “You’re just really beautiful — and easy to acquire. Who would want to pass the chance on that? I know I wouldn’t.”
   Hours passed. Akinari awoke, got up, and put on his clothes. Maria stirred, panting heavily, before waking and getting up.
   As soon as Akinari exits, I appear in the mirror.“Hey,” I smile at her, “How was the party?”
   “Tiring.” she told me, “I’m marrying him.”
   I frowned. “Did you consent to it?”
   “When did I ever?”
   I sighed and sat to listen to her.
   “I pray to the Lord every day. I pray that I could have the strength to move on. I pray that I could have the strength to forgive. I pray that I could have the chance to live with my shame.”
   “Being a victim does not put you to shame. Being raped does not make you any less of a person. Raping does. You’re human. You get hurt. You feel lost. You feel abandoned. You feel shamed. You think this is your fault, but it’s not. I believe in you. You can always choose to move on. You can always choose to forgive. But that choice is yours. Even if you do or don’t it still does not make you any less of a person.”
Maria walked through the bustling streets of Manila, carrying a basket of crops with her. She notices the glum, monotone environment despite the vibrant, colorful harvest of produce the summer had to offer. After a moment of brief observance, she bumps upon a woman her age, wearing a shoal around her face. The woman’s fruits fell from her basket. The two knelt down to pick up the fruits. The woman, however, was stopped by people passing by her, “accidentally” kicking and hitting her along their way. Maria notices this, and then the two stand up, the woman is pushed once more.
   “Dahan-dahan lang!” the man shouted violently at the woman.
   The woman stood up and wiped a tear from her face. She quietly walked out of the scene.
   Maria watched the covered woman go before realizing that, in her hand, was a tomato that did not belong to her. She grabbed her basket and called out for the woman.
   Upon nearing, the woman looked worriedly at Maria. Maria approached the woman and was about to give the fruit to her, before being pulled over to an alleyway.
   The woman hushed Maria beneath the darkness the building had constructed for them in the deep corner. “Please be quiet.” the woman pleaded, “I’m not supposed to be outside.”
   Maria frowned and handed over the tomato, which the woman accepted.
   “Where are you taking the foods?” Maria curiously asked.
   “To my friends…” the woman answered, “for us to eat.”
   “Where are you going?”
   The woman hesitated to answer before sighing. Maria noticed tears rushing to fall from the woman’s eyes as the woman shook her head. Maria went over to the woman to hold her.
   “To the fort.” the woman answered.
   Maria knew exactly what fort. The fort that had been the torture place for so many years. In that fort were churches that should have served as a place of protection for its people, but instead were converted as sites of hell.
   “I-Inside?” Maria asked.
   The woman just nodded. “Why did you think people shoved me away?”
   Maria frowned and watched the woman go. She then felt the urge to run up to the woman to hold her. She fed into that urge.
   The woman cried in reply.
   “It’s okay,” Maria said. “I know that feeling.”
   The woman laughed. “Really? Have you ever felt what it’s like seeing your husband tortured and whipped in front of you while you were being defiled? Have you ever felt what it’s like witnessing your father skinned alive, and your brother being stabbed? Have you ever—”
   “No.” Maria pulled away, shaking her head. “But I know what it feels like to be abused. This is not a competition.”
   The woman was silent. She stared at Maria as she continued.
   “I’m sorry this happened to you. But it’s not your fault. Being a victim does not put you to shame. Being tortured like that does not make you any less of a person. Torturing does. You’re human. You get hurt. You feel lost. You feel abandoned. You feel shamed. You think this is your fault, but it’s not. I believe in you. You can always choose to move on. You can always choose to forgive. But that choice is yours. Even if you do or don’t it still doesn’t take away you being a person.”
   The woman snickered. “They all say that. But what do they do? Nothing.”
   Maria looked away before staring at the woman sincerely. “I could help get you out.”
   The two heard Japanese soldiers approaching. They run towards the other corner of the alley.
The two pant as they were able to safely arrive outside the alley, back into plain sight. She smiled at each other as they caught their breaths.
   “My name is Maria.”
   “My name is Asiang.”
   “Alright, Asiang, here’s the plan…”
   And the two conspired to escape — with every detail for every thought-of circumstances. The thought of, not only an escape for themselves but for everyone in that comfort station. It’s the least Maria could do. For, after all, she too wanted to escape like them.
   After the planning, Asiang looked up at Maria and smiled. “Salamat.”
   “Walang ano man.” Maria replied, “Mag-ingat ka.”
The visions came by fast. First I saw Maria carrying a gas lamp as she placidly walked by thick stone walls, sounds of explosions and gunshots all around her. She walked alleyway after alleyway before eventually arriving at a building. She looked through the window and saw Asiang waiting for her alone in her room. Asiang, likewise, noticed Maria and slipped a piece of paper through the two walls that connected her room to the others’ rooms. A loud knock was heard from the door, hurrying Asiang to escape. Maria helped Asiang get down through the window. As soon as Asiang got down, the two slowly back away from the window. They were stopped, however, as they both bumped into a big soldier, holding a bayonet. The two stared in horror.
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bebecitaalex · 6 years
Happy Holi 2019 Wishes in Marathi – New Latest SMS
Happy Holi 2019 Wishes in Marathi – New Latest SMS – As you may know that, Holi 2019 is coming very soon, and we all know that Holi is one of the biggest festival of Hindus and every Hindu celebrate it’s too much with lot’s joy. This time, Holi is on 1st or 2nd March, basically, Holi falls in Phalgun month (according to the Hindu calendar). Holi is celebrated in all over India but mainly celebrate in the north part of India. Mathura and Vrindavan’ Holi is famous in all over the world. Holi is the festival of colors and Holi is also an important festival of Hindus. We celebrate Holi up to 2-3 days, a night before main Holi we celebrate Holika Dahan on this day a big fire is burnt. Holi festival has many religious backgrounds. Long years ago there was a demon king Hiranyakashyap, his sister Holika and his son ” Prahlad”, His son Prahlad was a true devotee of lord Vishnu and the king did not like that, so demon king Hiranyakashyap planned to burn his son, so king asked her sister Holika to burn Prahlad. The king sister Holika had a blessing that she could not be burnt in the fire. So she sat in the fire with Prahlad but, fortunately, Prahlad was saved by god and Holika was burnt, so we all celebrate Holi with the great memory, the victory of goodness over the devil power.
Happy Holi 2019 Wishes in Marathi – New Latest SMS –
On this day, we celebrate Holi with lot’s of color and everybody throw Gulal and water on each other, Children celebrate this festival very much they dance and play with many colors. In public life, Holi is a gazetted holiday, on this day all the government and private offices are totally closed, everybody celebrate Holi with playful mood. Holi has also some evils, some people Holi is a party time they fully drunk on this occasion and perform rowdy behave with each other, this is very bad. We must realize Holi is a festival of unity and friendship, Holi gives us the message of love and goodwill. So this day we forget our old quarrels and mix with all freely.
So this special occasion I am going to provide you best or latest happy Holi 2018 wishes in Marathi, hopes you like these messages and through these you can wish Holi with your friends or family. So make you day special with our best or latest Holi wishes in Marathi.
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Pyar sneh samarpan dular mohabbat sadbhawna sadvichar in saat rango ki rahe baucchar aaj ka din laye aapke jeevan me satrangi bahar. HAPPY HOLI !!
Jivnachya watewar Kalyanche bandh futun jatat, Wahun jate sahwasache pani, Tarihi Maitricha Ankur tag dharun rahto… Karan bhijat rahtat tya Aathavani. Happy Rangpanchami
Biju De Rang Ani Ang Swachhand, Ankhand Udu De Mani Rang Tarang, Vave Avghe Jeevan Dang, Ase Udhluya Aaj He Rang. Happy Rangpanchami
LAL zale PIWALE HIRAWE zale NILE KORADE zale OLE Ekada Rang LAGALE tar sarv hotat RANGILE. Happy Rangpanchami
ivnachya watewar Kalyanche bandh futun jatat,… Wahun jate sahwasache pani,…. Tarihi Maitricha Ankur tag dharun rahto…… Karan bhijat rahtat tya Aathavani…..HAPPY HOLI….
रंगून जाऊ रंगात आता,…. अखंड उठु दे मनी तरंग,…. तोडून सारे बंध सारे,…. असे उधळुया आज हे रंग…… रंग पंचमीच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा रंग प्रेमाचा, रंग स्नेहाचा,… रंग नात्यांचा, रंग बंधाचा,…. रंग हर्षाचा, रंग उल्हासचा,…. रंग नव्या उत्सवाचा साजरा करू होळी संगे…… होळीच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा !…..
होळीच्या पवित्र अग्निमध्ये,….. निराशा, दारिद्र्य, आळस यांचे दहन होवो,….. अणि सर्वांच्या आयुष्यात आनंद, सुख, आरोग्य अणि शांति नांदो….. होळीच्या अणि रंगपंचमीच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा !
LAL zale PIWALE…. HIRAWE zale NILE…. KORADE zale OLE…. Ekada Rang LAGALE…. tar sarv hotat RANGILE…
Holi me jab tak huddang na ho Bhabhi aur dewar ka sang na ho Choti saali se chhina jhapti na no Thodi si usse liptaa lipti na ho Tab tak holi kya holi hain Varnaa rang thiotholi hain
Again wish you happy Holi in advance and thanks for the visiting our website for more latest Holi updates stay connect with us
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