tmarshconnors · 10 months
The Pointlessness of Black Friday
Black Friday, the day that has become synonymous with frenzied shopping, long lines, and steep discounts, has become an annual tradition for many. Retailers lure consumers with promises of unbeatable deals and savings, but is the chaos of Black Friday really worth it? In this blog, we'll explore the notion that Black Friday may, in fact, be more pointless than we realize.
Consumerism Run Amok:
One of the primary criticisms of Black Friday is its contribution to the rampant consumerism that plagues society. The day seems to encourage a "buy now, think later" mentality, leading people to purchase items they may not need simply because they appear to be a good deal. This unchecked consumerism not only contributes to environmental issues but also fosters a culture where possessions are valued over experiences.
The Illusion of Savings:
While Black Friday may seem like a bargain hunter's paradise, the reality is often quite different. Retailers employ various tactics to create a sense of urgency, such as limited-time offers and doorbuster deals. In some cases, the discounts aren't as deep as they appear, with some items being marked up before the sale, only to be discounted back to the original price or slightly lower. Consumers may end up spending more than they intended, lured by the illusion of significant savings.
Overhyped and Underwhelming:
The hype surrounding Black Friday can lead to inflated expectations. Consumers anticipate massive discounts and incredible deals, only to find that the products on sale are often outdated or of lower quality. The pressure to make quick decisions in crowded stores can result in hasty purchases that buyers may later regret.
The Human Cost:
The scenes of chaos that often accompany Black Friday, with shoppers rushing into stores and sometimes engaging in aggressive behavior, raise questions about the human cost of this consumerist frenzy. Retail workers are often forced to work long hours under stressful conditions, with some stores opening on Thanksgiving Day itself. This raises ethical concerns about the impact on employees and their ability to spend time with family during the holiday season.
Online Alternatives:
In recent years, the rise of online shopping has provided an alternative to the chaos of in-store Black Friday sales. Cyber Monday, the digital counterpart to Black Friday, offers many of the same deals without the need to brave crowded stores. This shift raises the question: if the same deals are available online, why subject oneself to the stress and potential dangers of in-person shopping on Black Friday?
While Black Friday may be deeply ingrained in modern consumer culture, it's worth questioning whether the chaos and frenzy associated with it are truly necessary. The rise of online shopping, coupled with ethical concerns and the environmental impact of unchecked consumerism, invites us to reconsider the value of this annual shopping extravaganza. Perhaps it's time to shift our focus away from accumulating possessions and towards more meaningful experiences that truly enrich our lives.
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ayrodynamic · 9 months
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Reclaiming Joy: Navigating the Holiday Season Beyond Social Media Shadows
@ 2023 Rhys Ayr-Cullen
The festive season, bridging the end of one year and the start of another, carries a dual nature. On one hand, it's a time for joy, reflection, and creating meaningful experiences. On the other, it can bring a wave of stress, anxiety, and even despair. This contrast arises from the immense pressure and expectations wrapped up in the idea of “the season to be jolly.” The phenomenon of festive FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is real, where it’s all too easy to feel like everyone else is enjoying idyllic celebrations with their loved ones, while you’re just trying to get by.
Social media amplifies this sense of FOMO during the festive season. As we browse through perfectly crafted images and posts, it’s natural to feel that our own lives don’t measure up to the joy others seem to be experiencing. This can lead to a mistaken belief that you're alone in feeling anxious, lonely, or despondent, while others are lost in festivities. This constant comparison can trap us in a harmful cycle of sadness and anxiety, leading to even more emotional distress.
However, there's a silver lining - there are steps you can take to counteract festive FOMO and live a fulfilling life that’s true to you.
Plan for Festive Stress: Reflect on past festivities to identify your main stress triggers. Develop proactive strategies to address these. For instance, if you dread certain family questions, prepare brief, confident responses in advance.
Live According to Your Values: Determine what’s truly important to you and engage in activities that reflect these values. Approach the festive season with a clear idea of what you hope to gain from it, whether it's nurturing important relationships or recuperating from a challenging year.
Let Your Own Values Guide You, Not Other's ‘Shoulds’: Participate in events and undertake tasks that resonate with you, rather than those imposed by societal or personal pressures.
Limit Social Media: Identify the aspects of your social media use that lead to unhealthy comparisons and set goals to reduce this usage.
Practice Mindfulness: Use the festive downtime to enhance your ability to live in the present moment, benefiting you throughout the year.
Slow Down and Savour the Moment: Take time to enjoy each moment, finding something in it to appreciate.
Cultivate Gratitude: Regularly practice gratitude to help appreciate your life more and reduce the tendency to compare it to others.
Develop Distress Tolerance: Learn to accept and move through uncomfortable emotions rather than avoiding them.
Embrace the Essence of the Festive Season: Engage in activities that help you feel part of a community and transcend self-focus.
Maintain Personal Health: Prioritise your physical and emotional health through adequate sleep, nutrition, exercise, and relaxation.
In addition, our engagement with social media doesn’t cease during the festive season. We often find ourselves sneaking a peek at our feeds, even amidst family gatherings. Seeing friends and family celebrate in grand, joyous ways can evoke feelings of sadness or stress. This ‘festive FOMO’ especially affects those away from home or working during the festive season, amplifying feelings of isolation.
The digital age can also contribute to the ‘festive blues’ - a state of anxiety or sadness during the Christmas season. As highlighted by UC Davis Health (formally known as The University of California), unrealistic expectations about ourselves and idealised family scenarios often seen on social media are common triggers. Time spent on social media can escalate this stress, affecting our social skills and emotional wellbeing, disconnecting us from real-world interactions.
Social media can be a form of escapism during Christmas, offering a respite from prying questions of relatives. However, this escape should not exacerbate stress.
Whether celebrating alone or with others, it’s vital to prioritise your well-being. Reducing or temporarily ditching social media can help avoid envy and promote genuine connections. This festive season, consider embracing real-world experiences, like a staycation, instead of experiencing it through your phone screen.
By adopting these approaches, you can navigate the festive season with empathy, intention, and a deeper connection to what truly matters.
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mattdobbins · 9 months
Winter Moments
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kristicainbooks · 2 years
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Sunday blessings, friends! How can I pray for you this week? 🙏💗 As we wrap up Thanksgiving festivities and begin the preparation season of advent, striving for a spirit of peace can help us all avoid unnecessary strife. As idyllic as we’d like the holiday season to be, it is also a time of tension and stress for many families. But if we remember that the Christ whose life we are honoring called us to be peacemakers, it can put a lot of problems into perspective. While we all wish the holidays would bring out the best in us, we all know that this seldom squares with reality. But if we can at least put aside the temptation to indulge in pride, petty competitions, and greed—some of the biggest poisoners of peace—while giving grace to those who struggle (since we all do), we can pave a much smoother path for ourselves and our families in the days and weeks ahead. Because it is my prayer and hope that each one of us can be blessed by some measure of the true gifts of the season, including peace on earth and goodwill to men! ✨ #SundayBlessings #prayerrequests #blessedarethepeacemakers #peaceonearth #goodwilltoall #holidayreflections #christianwriter #cainspirations #kristicainbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/Cld_pq5L1ke/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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306somesh · 10 days
Celebrating with Heart: Traditions, Togetherness, and Personal Rituals
How do you celebrate holidays? Introduction Holidays hold a special place in my heart, offering a chance to slow down, connect with loved ones, and soak in the joy of shared moments. Each celebration, whether steeped in tradition or new-found rituals, brings its own unique charm, and I’ve come to treasure the diversity of ways in which I mark these occasions. Family and Togetherness For me,…
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joenicassio · 10 months
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📈💼🌟 **What Do Muscles Have to Do with the Holidays?** 🎄📊
Hey, fellow business owners! Ever wondered what muscle-building has in common with growing a business? Let's dive into this holiday metaphor! 🤔💪
Throughout the year, we're like bodybuilders in the gym. We push our businesses to the limit, facing challenges and striving for growth, just like tearing up muscle fibers for strength. 💥🏋️‍♂️
But remember, muscles grow during recovery, not during the workout.
Similarly, our businesses often evolve not only through constant work but also through periods of reflection and rest. 🛌✨
This holiday season is our time to recharge, to reflect on our achievements and lessons, and to prepare for a stronger comeback. 🎉📚
As Arnold Schwarzenegger wisely said, “Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths.”
🗣️💪 Let's use this holiday season to build our business 'muscles' stronger for the upcoming year.
Happy Holidays! Here's to coming back rejuvenated and ready to conquer new heights in our ventures! 🚀🏆
#BusinessGrowth #HolidayReflection #ArnoldWisdom
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tealangel09 · 4 years
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Got my little tree up and ready for the holidays. Dispute everything that has happened this year, there still were some positive points that I am so very grateful for! Don’t forget to try and see the silver lining in things and keep your spirits up to help bring in more abundance. Happy Holidays everyone and here is to 2021 being a whole lot more positive and bountiful! 💖🙏🏻🧘🏻‍♀️🎄🎅🏻☃️❄️🧤🧣🥾#holiday #holiday2020 #holidayseason #holidaycheer #holidaypeace #holidayquietmoment #holidayreflections #beinggreatful #bringinginabundance #gratefulforthelittlethings #gratefulmindset #peaceonearth #peaceonearth🌎 #greatfulheart #blessed #blessed🙏 #blessedbeyondmeasure #enjoyingholidaysathome #gratefultobeathome #aholidayhomemade #aholidaytoneverforget https://www.instagram.com/p/CJB2iirhbDE/?igshid=13wcgq0pr7rig
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fuzzylovies · 5 years
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Beyond the facade of cheerful decorations and hustle and bustle of holiday prep, what do winter holidays mean to you? Кроме фасада ярких блестящих декораций и суеты приготовления к праздникам, что для вас эти зимние праздники значат? #fuzzylovies #winterholidays #holidayreflection #holidayreflections #christmas #christmas2019 #rudolph #rudolphtherednosedreindeer #rudolphdonut #holidayornaments #ornaments #rudolphornament #donuts #donut #donuts🍩 #holidaydonut #christmasdonuts #christmasdonut #holidayseason #holidaymeaning #authenticlife https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Vmmo5AdN1/?igshid=33a1wl66m7yh
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randallapollo · 6 years
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Green Day 💚 Having LED color strip lighting is one of the easiest ways to get festive 🎅 . I had a great low key couple of days chilling at home with my dogs Trick & Treat. 🐶🎅🐶 I did not experience FOMO but instead was perfectly comfortable with JOMO: the Joy Of Missing Out. 🎉 Xmas eve I was reflecting a lot on my late dad as it was his bday and it’s been a year since he left us. I’ve come to be more comfortable with it and find I’m remembering stronger past versions of my dad over the ones when he was frail and with dementia. . . . . . #holidayreflections #greenday #jomo #nofomo #randallapollo #iloveyoudad #ledlighting (at Lake Balboa, Los Angeles) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br2_iBMnv4Y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=143jvqt6fwn69
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preciouslysparkled · 9 years
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Feeling good
After a few months of radio silence I thought I’d write something. As life has regained to some sort of normality, if there’ll ever be such a thing again, I have survived January from falling too low into doom and gloom and raced through February as a whirlwind.
It helps that I am at present sitting in the sun on Lanzarote sipping a mochalochachocofrappodoublechino or something rather…
The journey here started with the ungodly takeoff at seven on a Saturday. So at 05.30 I was attempting to roll my two and a half suitcases on to the long inclined flat escalator at Gatwick North and of course as per usual failed spectacularly.
I have always thought, if you are to fail do it in style and give a bit of a show! With bags scattered around me and one continuing on its own up the escalator, I took a nose dive and fell like a lamp post being run over by a 4x4… Only in my case it was one of my 25kg bags flattening me… Also engaging fellow passengers to pick up the entire content of my handbag made it into a bonding session between happy holidaymakers!
With a bruised knee, ripped jeans and a few scratches I did escape with life and limbs intact…
After having got a little monster of a turbo Astra sports model at Lanzarote airport, the drive to Playa Blanca was like a racing track and as I have been here many times there was no need to enjoy any scenery….only the need for speed!
So, I ordered a new sunscreen on Amazon before I left…Australian Gold….with sun boost…. Not only did it boost a yellow, orangey tint but also every pore on my body reacted in repulsion… I had an allergic shock…covered in red spots itching like a bitch all the way up my legs arms and neck it was off to seek medical care….
Why not visit a hospital in Lanzarote? I mean, truthfully there isn’t an abundance of sights here, so a day in A&E is a welcome addition to the touristic experience, is it not?…
A corticosteroid shot later and all was forgotten! Nearly anyway…until my waiter that evening asked me in broken English, if I was finished?… Well, I  said, I might look it but there’s still some life left in me I assure you…
I am having a wonderfully relaxing time but I cannot help drawing parallels with my visit here one and a half  years ago.
I was just one week out of radiotherapy and six weeks out of chemo. I was so fragile we still didn’t know a week before if I would be able to go or not. But if there is one thing I’ve learned is that mind really works over matter. And with every ounce of strength I had left I would be damned if I was taken in a wheelie to the aircraft, so I walked. And sat. And walked. And sat. Every 20 meters or so we stopped and I sat. My legs would not carry me but instead my face was carrying a big smile because this was my victorious journey.
From the fires of hell I had come, to the fluffy clouds of heaven. There can be no bigger motivator in life than to come out on the other side after travelling through the deepest black holes.
I remember wearing one of my wigs, since my hair had only just started its regrowth. I used to hate it. It was itchy and hot and it didn’t stay in place. Coming off the flight my wig was hanging on by a thread and I  looked like Benny Hill with a bad comb over… But that just didn’t matter anymore. It had become unimportant in the scheme of things. And unimportant it is. So not relevant, when you face bigger issues. It was initially, but then, once you’ve stood there with your whole head of hair in your hands. Once you’ve cried your eyes out for the unbelievably harsh reality of what you’re going through, you have to, just have to accept, mobilise and move on. So I did.
I still have people today remarking over my hair. One and a half years later… -Your hair has grown so much…😨
Yes…it tends to do that…. Just give it a break now. My hair is back. It’s growing. Everyone’s does. Unless you cut it, shave it, wax it, tear it out, have unexplained hairloss, go through some of the chemos or just have a bald gene. It here, it’s thick, it’s curly if I want or straight when I make it so. I love having hair but I have learned to cope without.
So, have a lovely Friday wherever you are! Here and now is how I choose to live and today I’m feeling good!🌞
Feeling Good, Nina Simone (remix)
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