magnolialex · 6 years
@hollsteinsexual replied to your post: hab ich da grad ernsthaft von Leuten gelesen, die...
WAS  🤢
die: “Saskia ist so geerdet, das könnte Ringo gut tun”
ich: Easy. Tut. Ringo. Gut. Ihr. Blindfische.
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sorenkingsley · 6 years
hollsteinsexual replied to your post: Unter Uns needs more teenagers, I know everyone...
She’s 17 on the show
okay, close enough? Still an infant. 
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nootvanlis · 7 years
Do u think when Natasha said FOUNTAIN OF WHAT NOW that this could’ve been a hint that Laura will drink from it ??
It’s such a throw away line tho.  Hollstein deserve a conclusive straightforward ending 😭
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magnolialex · 6 years
@hollsteinsexual replied to your post “@hollsteinsexual replied to your post: ...”
That’s ok but I know that ringo would never want to be Huber because he actually has a heart and Huber is just awful and cold and like ringo said he doesn’t want to be alone anymore and he knows now what it means to have ppl who love him in his life and no matter what ringo will always choose easy and now that we know that he never really hated his parents I see no way where he could see Huber as a father figure
I agree to a lot of the things you say, but I think Ringo also sees a very successful man, something he never really saw in his father. I also don’t think that he doesn’t see Paul as his father. It’s okay to see a father figure in someone else, too. And obviously because of different values. I don’t think that he full on wants to have Huber as a father but I still think there are some traits he sees that he wished his father had while he grew up. I also don’t think that he’d choose his career over Easy. I don’t think he’s as extreme as Huber and I’m definitely not saying that he’s going to be Huber 2.0. You can see a “father” in someone without wanting to be 100% like that person.
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magnolialex · 6 years
Glaubst du das easy ringo sagt das er aus versehen Tobias geheiratet hat ? Und glaubst du die lassen das sofort annullieren oder denkst du das es da noch Drama mit gibt ?
Das ist ‘ne wirklich gute Frage, die ich so pauschal gar nicht beantworten kann (oder auch will, haha). Es gibt da so mehrere Szenarien, finde ich.
Entweder sie verschweigen es und Ringo macht dann (irgendwann) Easy einen Heiratsantrag und der druckst rum bis er dann mit der Sprache rausrückt, dass er in Las Vegas Tobias geheiratet hat
oder sie sagen es Ringo nicht und der macht Easy dann einen Heiratsantrag und Easy hat total vergessen, dass er da ja ausversehen Tobias geheiratet hat und dann kommt das raus und booooom, da haben wir ihr Wedding Drama™
Oder aber sie sagen es Ringo und weil Tobias immer noch pissig auf Ringo ist, annuliert er die Hochzeit nicht gleich und dann vergisst er es. Wenn dann Ringo Easy heiraten will (sorry, dieses Szenario ist unausweichlich und wird zu 100% eintreten), erfahren sie, dass Tobias die Ehe nicht hat annulieren lassen und dann ist Ringo so 👿😵😡🤬 und dann kommt super lawyer Tobias zum Einsatz weil er bemerkt dass Ringo Easy liebt und gut tut und dann springt er über seinen Schatten und yes.
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magnolialex · 6 years
@hollsteinsexual replied to your post: @hollsteinsexual replied to your post: tbh as much...
Yes he wants to be there where Huber is success wise
I see it a little differently than you do :)
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magnolialex · 6 years
@hollsteinsexual replied to your post “Ich verstehe echt wie sauer und enttäuscht alle von Ringo sind und ich...”
Was hat er denn jetzt schon wieder gesagt ?
PACO: Sagt der Mann, der das Wort irre mehrfach neu erfunden hat. Weiß Easy jetzt eigentlich, dass du Büdchen und Beach zurückgekauft hast?
RINGO: Ich warte noch bis vertraglich alles safe ist. Jetzt guck nich so, da ist kein Plan dahinter. Ich hab Herrn Huber sogar gebeten Easy direkt als neuen Besitzer einzutragen. Zufrieden?
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sorenkingsley · 6 years
hollsteinsexual replied to your post: Do Germans wear their wedding ring on their left...
Engagement ring left and wedding ring right I think
okay, that’s what google said, thanks. 
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nootvanlis · 7 years
Can u maybe ask them about the Carm outliving Laura Problem in the watchparty chat Please ?? I would do it myself but my anxiety won’t let me😭 and I need to know that they’ll fix this somehow 🙏🏻
I mean even if they do address the issue, I’m not going to be happy with any answer bc Carmilla will still outgrow Laura.  Besides, there’s going to be a bunch of people, I’ll doubt they’ll even see my questions.  As a matter of fact, I might not really say anything d:
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nootvanlis · 7 years
ukulelekatie replied to your post “MAJOR ALERT: NATASHA HAS BANGS OMFG ����������”
It looks a lot like a wig she's worn before in a few kindaTV videos, but the larger question is why would she be wearing it? ����
Apparently short hair with bangs is 80s/90s? 😂
heyjenocide replied to your post “MAJOR ALERT: NATASHA HAS BANGS OMFG ����������”
I think it's a wig. Sorry Gabi. Maybe she'll wear glasses again.
JEN STOP REMINDING ME 😩  I MISS NATASHA WITH GLASSES SO MUCH.  WHERE’S BITCH!ANON TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN?  Also nah, those bangs on the wig doesn’t match her.  The cute thin bangs she had before do tho.
hollsteinsexual replied to your post“MAJOR ALERT: NATASHA HAS BANGS OMFG ����������”
I really hope it’s a wig because her hair looked more than perfect lately
Ahh she said it’s a wig yayy d:
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magnolialex · 6 years
@hollsteinsexual replied to your post: tbh as much as I hate Huber, I have a Lot of...
He just wants the success that Huber has that’s it now that he has easy he knows what real support looks like maybe he saw him like that before but not anymore
have you seen the latest episode? he looks at Huber with so much awe he literally wants to be where he is
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sorenkingsley · 6 years
hollsteinsexual replied to your post: I guess the spoilers didn’t say fist fight but...
It said they would use their fists which is exactly what they did ��
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