#holly hibearnation
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Not me drawing your lil guys interacting with my lil guys. Noooope. Not meeeeee-
Selfish critters Bubba and randomized critters belongs to @smilingcrittersthingig !
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funny-critter-blog · 4 months
Excuse me, what time is it?
It’s time for lunch doodles!
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I think all the critters should have cute little catchphrases
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Something’s caught CatNap’s eye! Wonder what it is?
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I need to do more stuff with clever and bubba because their rivalry is so funny to me
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Kickin looking Kool!
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she’s eepin
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Holly singing to help her friends sleep is such a cute idea (holly hibearnate belongs to @anothersmilingcrittersau)
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Hoppy, seconds before getting sent to sleepy jail (aka catnap’s house)
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doin a little dance
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Looks like someone just woke up! He better fix his hair before someone sees it all messy
I have more doodles, but alas, a ten picture limit
so I’ll put the rest in a reblog
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How does Holly put the stubborn ones to sleep?
(idk, I just found it kind of funny. she actually sings the critters to sleep and doesn't use chloroform... yet. I just realized I never said how she does it after seeing @/smilingcrittersthingig's recent post)
Anywho! enjoy the messy little doodles ^^
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Trigger warning: Mentions of a loss of a loved one (just in case)
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Does this comic make any semblance of sense?? I hope so. I suppose this is how I view it? I made the original one when I was missing my own mom, so-- (she isn't dead, I was just separated from her for a long while) Also, if the backgrounds change a lot-- it's because I did these all on one layer-- Do I hate myself? mayhaps. Do I quite care? no-- Transcript if you can't read mine shite hand writing; Holly: You're up pretty late... what's up?
Star: Well... You know that... that feeling when you miss s-someone?
Star: But- b-but you know that- *sniffle* that, one day, you'll see them again... *sniffle* Even though... I... I know that's wishful thinking, b-but...
Holly: Ah, yes, that's Grief. It happens when someone close to you disappears or passes suddenly... causing you to long for their presence again.
Holly: ... I take it you dreamed about your sister again?
Star: *cringes* Y-yeah... Sometimes... I wish I could j-just-- forget. Just so I won't-- S-so it doesn't hurt anymore...
Holly: ... But... remembering the good parts of your time together is what makes it so beautiful!
Star: *shniff* Makes... M-makes what beautiful?
Holly: Why-- Life! No matter how long someone is with us, it always makes an impact! Be it short or a majority of our time... They chose us to spend that time with! To make those memories... be it good or bad. Isn't that beautiful?
Star: I-I guess that makes sense... Thanks, Holly.
Holly: *yawnn* No problem, Star... Besides... if she is still alive... I'm sure she's looking for you too...
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Greetings and salutations, I am the Magical Anon of Reddit. I will grant each one of your characters 1 wish. Choose Wisely...
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What if all of yer lil pp critter guys got into a big ol' fight- who'd win?
As for who would win-- it'd be Manny, hands down.
SURE, the others have their advantages-
Kittenergy has his speed and smallness, he has the ability to practically outpace all the others and dodge pretty well, but if it came to fighting his friends?? he'd give up. he can't imagine hurting anyone
Star is too nervous to actually throw a punch, she'd crumple under the pressure and apologize profusely if she DID hurt anyone. though if she were to fight, she could use her knowledge of pressure points to take the others down without much struggle.
Parry would literally be so in, you have no idea. he's participated in street fights for sure and knows all the dirty tricks, but it wouldn't help him win in the end.
Goldi would actually be vehemently against the fights. She'd try to calm everyone down while also keeping Prissy out of the fight. Though with her built in weapon (cough cough* horn *cough) she'd be able to take down at least one person by accident.
SPEAKING OF PRISSY-- she'd take down the other three that aren't Goldi so fast, she has a lot of pent up aggression and frankly, a fight sounds real nice. She'd ultimately lose due to her low stamina though.
Puppylove wouldn't participate- if he did though, he would've ended up the winner. He has the benefit of the doubt and can be mistaken for an easy target. but since he's too shy and wouldn't ever dare hurt his friends, he'd forfeit the fight.
Holly could and would put the others to sleep she'd see the fight and decide 'no. nuh-uh.' and conk everyone out. but assuming she doesn't do that, she could use her sharp claws and teeth to her advantage.
Manny is like-- a wrecking ball. he's stronger and faster than he looks. though with his forever neutral expression and slow-ish movements, you'd never guess that. He talks big game, and it's a crime to not live up to it. at least-- that's how he sees it.
though, this is all hypothetical. they'd never actually fight one another. Hell, Manny saved two of them from being attacked-- he's more of aaaaa-- well, he's that friend that'll beat the shit out of anyone who picks on you that isn't himself.
He's a jerk, he plays pranks but ultimately when you need him, he'll be there. (the other critters don't realize that shhh, don't tell them.)
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AYYYY ITS THE PERSON WHO GAVE U MOTIVATION OR SMTH IM BACK Aight rq question: WHat would the Curious Critters sound like? As in, maybe voice pitch, accents, VA, etc. Do they have any vocal habits like lisps, stuttering, or other examples I can't think of? also again holy mother of god your art gives me sm joy-
ERMMMM- I never really thought about their voices... gimme a hot minute.
I imagine Manny actually sounds like Grubby from the Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin (link to a playlist of the episodes on youtube: X) he has a bit of a habit of being rather blunt but also sometimes stumbles on his words or skips ahead due to his mind running faster than his mouth so he'll be a bit nonsensical at times if he doesn't slow down or forget where he originally was.
Kittenergy has a habit of speaking a mile a minute, they are veeeeery energetic. Pup can translate pretty well, though! I imagine Kit's voice sounds like Finn from adventure time.
PuppyLove has a very gentle voice, very soft... I imagine it's a lot like Fluttershy's from MLP. They're very polite and kind sounding is my point.
Holly would have a deep voice- and by deep I mean like- moderately so. like- I can't think of the voice off the top of my head but the voice from the soundbite of 'You're dead and burried, darling~' is what I imagine she'd sound like.
Star would sounds a lot like Alphys and has a bit of a stuttering habit herself. She's quite self-conscious about it but Holly helps her out quite a bit.
Prissy would sound a lot like Rarity (though I love the idea of her being british alknfaj, that sounds about right for her honestly LMAO)
Goldi has a brash, brave sounding voice at times but most of the time it's softer. I imagine a mixture of Hollyberry from CRK and White Lily's would be what she'd sound like.
NOW PARRY- he'd sound like a slightly younger Ryan Reynolds. or like Deadpool, which is just Ryan Reynold... trust me on this. trust.
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Enjoy the sillies, folks. They are just lil goons
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Hello, Hello!
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I suppose this is an introduction to my silly lil au I've been cultivating in the back of my mind like a pot of stew with the most weird seasonings imaginable. Anywho, this is a swap au I've decided to call the 'curious critters' because-- you know... they're all just learning about things from one another. It's not much different from the normal Smiling critters. Just them all being different (and it being winter, as seen with Holly bein an eepy lil guy) But!! Introductions!!!
Holly Hibearnation- A sleepy bear who would rather everyone get along than fighting. She has a very specific hate towards Manny and Prissy. (looks at Star Hare. looks away) she is usually the peacemaker, coming to Goldi's rescue every other day when... when she's not napping at least.
Puppylove- A lovely, friendly little pup! Best friends with Kittenergy. They are a pup with a big heart, often writing letters to their friends to express their admiration as they don't have the courage to say it out loud. normally, they are the one who keeps Kittenergy in line or vice versa. (they have a shared braincell, it depends on who has the braincell at that moment)
Parry Party-a-too- The wildcard. Not much different from Kickin, but instead of being a 'cool-guy,' he is a little goon who loves to prank others or throw parties. he often is the start of every problem. He does not care, and will be continuing to be the issue.
Goldi Corn- The leader of the Curious Critters! she is a sweetheart but does not have the heart to tell the others off if they do something wrong. HOWEVER, she can convince Prissy to eat other foods. she is the only one to accomplish this task. other than Holly.
Prissy Piggy- She is little miss perfect. She even straightened her tail! She also refuse to eat any food she doesn't deem 'perfect'... this does not come back to bite her, I swear.
Kittenergy- The most energetic cat around! They are also friends with Puppylove. they love to run around and play with their friends. Though, sitting through long explanations makes them bored rather fast and they'll leave halfway through... it's okay, Pup explains it to them afterwards.
Star Hare- Star Hare is the second smartest of the group! she is also the closest to Holly and hangs around her quite a lot. She often explains how stars work or certain phenomenon in space to anyone who will listen(Holly). She isn't a big fan of Manny, not liking how he flaunts his knowledge as well as just... how he acts in general.
Manny Mammoth(I misspelled it shhh)- he... he is a fucking asshole. He's the smartest of the group and will let you know it. If Star doesn't know anything on a certain subject, he will be sure to push it in her face before actually explaining anything. He's also generally a bully to everyone and anyone... minus Parry on occasions.
This was inspired by @/Eggrito's au btw. Their Frowning Critters au is just so LKNKGNDL. I love it. they're so cool. support them.
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HI! I have a rq question What are your house designs for the Curious Critters? Like, what kinda aspects do you want on their house/in their rooms?
I imagine Star would have a little hobbit house with an observatory on the side. I imagine she'd get a pretty clear view of the stars since they all live in a tundra.
Holly Hibearnation would have a cave with a leaf covering for the front door and a sign up front that says 'Holly's Home' (kinda reminiscent of Winnie the pooh but she doesn't live in a tree algnlka) inside she'd have a nest of blankets and pillows in a swaddled ball so whenever she gets back and is especially exhausted; she can flop right onto it and get comfy!
Manny doesn't have a house. homeless. but he does have a tent. (again, think Snufkin) inside the tent is sewing supplies and makeshift plushies he's made! he isn't going to show the others as he, again, is a bully and would rather die than be seen as someone soft.
Kittenergy would have a little slanted cat-house. one with a scratching post for a roof. Inside they'd have a ton of toys laying around inside and one mint-condition toy because that's the one Pup gave them.
speaking of Pup, they'd have a similar house to Dogday's but it'd be more small, kinda like a little forest cottage. One story tall exactly. They'd have a typewriter in there as they sometimes experiment with writing stories about adventures! they don't get very far though, they struggle with the first sentence a lot... Kit loves their work though! They peer review :]
Prissy and Goldi often live together (courtesy of Parry. he likes playing matchmaker) and they would have a little fort-looking house. by fort i mean those cartoony looking sand castle buckets type fort. not actually made of sand- I can't think of the right word for it tho. inside they'd have it perfectly split down the middle of Prissy's side and Goldi's side. though eventually they let the sides merge together to make a cozy little home.
Parry would have a slightly run-down looking house. on the inside tho? it's like a tardis, the inside is wayyyy bigger than what the outside would make you believe. inside is filled with party-favors, possibly illegal items like bombs... you name it? he has it. and he has utilized it.
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