#selfish critters au
sctigthesecond · 16 days
The Selfish Critters
The Smiling Critters but most of them are self-absorbed and insensitive. Their pendants are shapes (Crafty being an exception)
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The only one in the group who seem selfless, maybe a bit too much. He does his best to keep his friends together and try to help them get better. Though it has been mentally taxing, he stays determined to fix the broken bonds.
He's aware that this friend group is too far gone to fix, but he often dreams of a life where he and the others were happy. So he stays in those days. He starts snapping at anyone who would pull him out of it. This results in Catnap losing touch with reality, with Dogday currently being the only reason he's somewhat grounded
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Bubba Bubbaphant
He believes everyone is not as smart as him and he doesn't plan on losing that belief. Closed and reserved, his words are brutal and straight to the point. He would never do anything to help you unless you offer something of worth in return.
Kickin Chicken
A narcissist. A conversation with him will always lead to the topic being about him. Likes being the center of attention and will try to overshadow anybody who tries to take it from him.
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Hoppy Hopscotch
A short tempered girl. If things doesn't go her way she throws a fit about it. She's insensitive of other's struggles, often disregarding it as being too emotional or weak.
Bobby Bearhug
She loves everyone! And she wants to show them all how much she loves them! Much to the others dismay. Bobby tends to be very touchy around her friends, saying that it's how she shows her love. If someone were to ask her not to do that, she would get emotional and guilt trip them into taking it back.
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A certain incident scarred her, causing her to shut herself off from the outside. She stays inside her room most of the time, only ever leaving it if she needed something outside. Dogday often comes by to bring her meals and to check on her.
Picky Piggy
Always making sure she looks the best, she often talks down on the appearance of others to make herself look better. Tends to get jealous of anyone prettier than her and will attempt to sabotage them.
inspired by the problematic critters au by kickin._.chick3n on tiktok
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The Dogdays have increased
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Into The Bubba-verse??? perhaps--
SelfishCritters Bubba, Revived Bubba, and Tusker Tiredon belong to @smilingcrittersthingig!
Dumba Dumbaphant belongs to @eggritos!
Clay Paclayderm belongs to funny-critter-blog! (Won't let me @ them?)
Bubba Badass belongs to @blues-of-randomness!
Transparent versions of each of them (Manny and Badass share one due to their pose) under cut
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blues-of-randomness · 25 days
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I reamemebred this song in the dead of night and imagine it through selfish dogday's perspective and this was born. Lost motivation to add Catnap and Crafty (I did this purely for the mommy issues line anyway)
Selfish au by @smilingcrittersthingig
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A New Life 1
Warnings: non/dubcon and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: silverfox!Steve Kemp
Summary: You have an unexpected encounter in the park.
Part of the Silverfox AU
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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There’s a hint of dampness in the flow of spring air. The breeze stirs the leaves and the scent of dirt along with the sprouting leaves. The season of renewal has arrived. You hope there’s a fresh start for more than the foliage.
You sit on a bench along the winding path that leads from the nearby park. You have your journal on your leg, knee hook over the other as you sketch the thin branches of a barren bramble. You cross hatch the dulling end of the pencil, the skitter of unseen critters and winging of birds brushing around you.
Another twenty minutes and you’ll go. You can feel the rain, see it bulging in the clouds looming above. You can’t be very disappointed, at least you got out of the house. You need to do more of that.
You hear footfalls down the path. Heavy and quick. Another jogger passing through. You don’t look over, focusing on adding the patchy grass around the twigs. 
They get closer, looming as they bounce up the path, coming around the curve. This leg of the path isn’t as busy as the others. Many are deterred by the incline. You bend your neck as you raise the notebook slightly, trying to get the angle of the blades just right.
A huff as a shadow hangs over you. Someone claims the empty space next to you on the bench. You make yourself smaller as the jogger sits and bends over their lap, loudly catching their breath. You don’t own the bench, you can’t stop them, but there’s another further up the path.
“Nice day,” he comments as he raises his head, elbows on his legs as he stays hunched over his lap, “spring’s coming.”
You glance over. He’s older. His gray hair has a few lingering streaks of brown and his blue eyes meet yours briefly before you retreat back into your journal. You shrug and hum, “mhmm.”
“Good running weather, not too hot,” he remarks as he sits up, bending his elbow over the back of the bench.
You wouldn’t know. You don’t run. You’re surprised someone his age keeps up the habit.
“You’re an artist,” he points lazily with his hand to your journal.
You nod, “just doodles.”
“I can’t draw at all. Chicken scratch,” he sighs.
Your wall of silence slips into place. You don’t mean to be rude but you’re not overly fond of strangers. You hope he gets the hint.
“Sorry, hope I’m not disturbing you,” he chuckles, “you know, ever since my wife died, I just… spill all over.” He sits up and clears his throat, “like right now.”
You fidget and rest the pencil between the pages, closing the journal. “I’m sorry about your wife,” you eke out, a tremor of guilt tugging at your heart.
“That’s life, I guess,” he says, his other hand twiddling on his thigh, “can’t all be sunshine,” he looks up, “gotta rain sometime.” He stands and puts his hands on his hips, facing you, “probably soon, ya know? Wouldn’t want that pretty art to get ruined.”
“Uh, yeah,” you hug the book to your stomach, “thanks.”
“Er,” he reaches to rub his neck then drops his hand again, the front of his light zip-up straining across his shoulders, “I guess it’s been a while for me, I’m Steve.”
He offers his hand. You look at it. It isn’t the strangest encounter you’ve had but unexpected nonetheless. You left the house for some alone time. To get away from the stomping and hollering above your basement unit. Now you’re being pestered by this lonely widower.
That last thought once more fills you with guilt. You shouldn’t think like that. It’s selfish. You have your issues but you’re not mourning someone you love.
You relent and give your name as you reach for your hand. As you clutch it, you feel a strange prick against the heel of your palm. He clings to you, shifting oddly as the stabbing deepens in your hand. He holds onto you a strange sensation flows into your veins.
He lets you go as you recoil and hold up your hand. There’s a tink against the brickwork below the bench. You look down at the syringe as your journal slips out of your grasp. What the heck?
Panic erupts from your stomach and you try to scream but your voice catches in your throat. You set your feet and push yourself up, thinking only of fleeing. Who is this man? Why would he do this? What did he inject you with?
The horror courses through you the mysterious serum. Your vision hazes at the edges as you stumble on your wobbly legs, teetering back and forth. The man puts his arms out as you stagger and he brings you against him, hushing you as your head lolls back. Your eyes widen as he pets your forehead.
“Shhh, it’s okay, sweetheart,” he embraces you, “don’t fight it.”
You can only choke out a splintered moan. You hear more people. A group chattering as their footsteps echo up the path. He draws you into him, pushing your head forward to hide your face against his shoulder. He sways and coos as heaviness floods your limbs.
“Love you, baby,” he says loudly for the passing audience, kissing the top of your head.
You groan and try to fight him off. You only manage to lean harder into him. Your legs slacken as he’s the only thing holding you up. The group passes as they continue to talk about some party. You blink and your lashes stick together.
“Just breathe, it feels good once you let it happen,” he coaxes, “breathe, sweetheart.”
You take a breath, chest hammering, and let it out. Before you can expel all the air from your lungs, the world is black. You collapse into the void and the snare of this man.
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thecoolercookiecat · 10 days
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It’s finally time for the next randomized critter au redraw wait nope this is the selfish critters au by @sctigthesecond
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thefoolishone666 · 1 month
The Shadows of The Critters
Today, I will be going over each of the Smiling Critters and what their shadows are in my AU. But let's make sure everyone here is at least close to the same page.
Before we begin, I am going make this clear, these shadows will be connected to some bad imagery...Mostly Dogday cause of course it is him. While some of these may not be bad, I am still under my own opinion to make sure everyone knows what they are getting into just in case. With that said, this post will have a few topics that can trigger some people, as minor as they are. So keep that in mind just in case.
Now then, what is a Shadow? A shadow is basically the suppressed self. These can be some dark thoughts, your fears. Basically, they are a part of yourself that you don't want to face. Maybe a truth you reject, a darknparts of yourself you despise, maybe even truama that is unresolved. There is a lot more to it than that, much of which, I am not smart enough to explain in an easy way to understand, but that is the basic idea of what shadows are in a nutshell.
The critter to be hit by our truama beam will be our favorite split dog, Dogday. A prisoner of fear. The wardens of which will be anyone and everyone he makes a connection with. His shadow body always gains a chain whenever he gets close to a person, always threatening to tear off the part that it is connected to his body. Now, his body is covered in the wounds cause by the chains pulled by those that hurt him before, who normal Dogday would call a friend, and bandages to help cover them up from the world to prevent it from seeing them all.
Next up on the choping block is our boy Kickin. Driven by the lost of his dear sister, his shadow is driven by a deep rage that refuses to end. Carrying a bag of souls that he wishes to end when given that chance to do such a thing. Always angry, always fighting, always hurting those that would hurt others. His soul demands payment for what they took from him.
Hoppy's drive to win is admirable, but her desire to win was also a short coming for her. Her tunic was almost a sickening yellow with a golden laurel wreath adorned on her head, all while scars of many an injury covered her body. Her calm mask hid her deep wrath whenever she gets a place unfit for royalty. She must obtain victory for people to stay. No one likes a failure after all.
Picky always gives, so she never has the urge to take. She fears how much she will take. Her shadow knows the fear the most. A painfully thin zombie compared to her healthy plump self, she offers parts of herself so others must not starve or suffer due to her selfishness.
Bubba sacrificed much to get to the position he was at. He sacrificed his integrity when he made that deal with the teacher, he sacrificed his old friends so he could concentrate on getting a good job, and he even turned his back on his parents wishes, purely because he knew what they wanted deep down. His life became mechanical, losing bits of his soul as he continued down this path. An unfeeling, logic based robot. That was what he was. His shadow proved such a thing. What was once human was now gone, for it would lead to the best future, or so he thought.
Catnap was evil. He knew that. Why he was, remained a mystery to him. He chooses to look away and instead goes to live a happy life, to pretend he didn't do anything wrong, but he was not a good cat. His shadow knew that. A blindfold over two very dark, very evil eyes, a blade always in hand to make him pay for the crime he has committed. If no one knows you did the crime, the only one to become judge, jury, and executioner will be what little good rests in your soul.
Bobby dreads the idea of being alone. She has done many things to get people to stay. Money, crime, even nearly hurt others, not that many people know that. Her soul was trapped in a show without an end, a puppet forced to dance and do what others demand. Strings holding her up always, despite her wanting to be free and do what she wants, she was forced to move the way others would be the most entertained by. A ballerina stuck in a dance of sorrow and pain, if only to insure another day with others around her.
Finally, there is Craftycorn. A great artist, and more than enough to prove that in many of her pieces... but what is it all for? When she was gone, what would these pictures mean? Her shadow's appearance says it all. In time, a statue would crack, and moss would eventually grow over it, parts now chipped away from time. A living statue slowly being destroyed over time, it's maker's name lost, and now without a legacy.
All these shadows torment and equally are tormented by their real-world counterparts. May it be because of lack of closure or their desire to overcome this issue of their's bug can't for some reason or another. In time, though, the shadows return to a much better form and heal with the normal versions of themselves.
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noirs-pages · 1 year
Diavolo 1
Summary: A morning with you and your pet Diavolo, who always insists on sleeping with you.
(haaaaa I really hate the grind of this game. Really am spoiled by Arknights, not that it’s a breeze but at least I don’t have to rely on stupid huge numbers for, like, 2 minutes of story. Anyways, house pet au, but obey me this time.)
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Honestly, you could never understand the reverence a lot of your fellow ex-students would give towards their own pets. There’s nothing inherently wrong with it, but there’s something about the kind of worship they’d show that would put a bad taste in your mouth. You treat something like a untouchable god, you inevitably end up putting a distance that you’ll never want to cross.
Those students packed on so many rules, they never failed to stifle you just by hearing them. And oh, the amount of times you were forced through lecture after lecture about the “proper” way to respect your pet, like you haven’t had Diavolo for years. All because he just so happens to be a creature that all other pets bow down to.
You must always wait for him to eat before you do. You must give up your bed if he finds it suitable. Never sleep in the same space as him. Clean yourself up, as your conduct reflects his. Correct your stance, as you must hold up to the reputation such as creature has.
Fuck off.
You can imagine all those high class people clutching at their pearls when you woke up to Diavolo flat on the back of your head, all four wings spread right over your face and ears like he’s trying to keep the sun’s leaking rays out. His little claws were lightly hooked on your scalp, just to keep himself from sliding down.
You reached up, slowly nudging the dozing creature off your head and onto the pillow next to you. Naturally, the loss of warmth woke him up, though he wasn’t fully alert. He looked ready to fall back asleep but he could never sleep without you nearby. You sat up, allowing Diavolo to crawl and curl into your lap. His leathery wings twitched and flapped and you couldn’t resist smoothing your thumb over them.
“Mornin’ little guy,” you sighed out, patting his back of dark red scales with flecks of gold. "You're more tuckered out than usual, huh?"
No matter how many years have passed, you still find his pattern to be fascinating. The vibrancy of that gold was suiting for his status, though even with that fact made apparent to you time and time again, it still felt far away.
The most powerful pet known to anyone, as you’ve been told, and yet it has not clicked with you. Diavolo is just Diavolo to you. Nothing more than a small demonic dragon that wants to be spoiled by your touches.
“Hm?” the curtains of your room weren’t exactly the blackout kind, but there’s just enough darkness to highlight the vein-like patterns on a certain pet’s tail. “Oh, it’s you. Morning. Shouldn’t you be with Solomon?”
And, of course, the little critter with the odd skeletal wings for horns never said a word to you beyond a very slow blink.
“You here for Diavolo again?” you laid back down, losing all motivation to get up, “Well, you’re gonna have to wait. I’m still tired.”
After Solomon’s trip up a mountain for a specific flower for his potions, you need all the rest you can get. He may be letting you stay here in his house, but your body was a thing with limits and you’re not about to exceed them. He can stand to let you be a little selfish, especially since, if you ever wanted to leave, his little pet Barbatos would follow you.
Somehow or another, Diavolo managed to charm him and it’s been a thing Solomon has never let go of. It’s hilarious, really.
"You can get on the bed if you want. I won't tell Solomon." Anyways, you’ll get up in about an hour. Nothing too bad.
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digitalgate02 · 2 months
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It's a miracle i managed to color this one because I was also almost not coloring everything in it LOL
So here's the baddies' outfits... On Daisuke. Yeah. If you read the previous post about this AU, you will remember he just starts as one of the lackeys of the big bad (which is Daemon and the Demon Lords) -- but the twist here is that... He wasn't aware of this at all, he believed the lab he was working at was some sort of digimon vet clinic/lab.
Well, you can see the color palette for the outfit is using the same ones from Daemon’s cloak :) 
And why the heckie does he appear wearing that getup in a vet clinic/lab? Well, he didn’t know either, but they claimed that it was for protection against certain digimon abilities (a lie, yeah) – but it makes no sense when he gets in touch with Chibimon and the digimon is not even that dangerous as he was told about. The digimon are some sort of critters from another world like in the canon, but I'm picturing them like the critters from Gaim (the Inves), as in, having their own world and the humans using them for some selfish purposes (eh, this is a bit of Cyber Sleuth/Hacker’s Memory too… Yup)
Oh yeah, Daisuke is not working alone in the “vet lab” apparently. He got coworkers. Some are nice, some are just so ready to dunk Daisuke into the trashcan because of him fooling around (he only does that when he’s BORED, y’know?? his job is really BORING!!) but I’m not sure who they are, if they are my OCs or if they are other characters from the canon or even from… the franchise in general. The other kiddo in the getup screaming at him there is… [drum rolls]
Himekawa Maki.
I know, this sounds really funny to think about… I want to just re-use all my ideas for Maki and Daigo so bad you can’t even. And I think I’m de-aging her a little and she’s only 3 years older than Taichi/Yamato/Sora/Meiko/Menoa here. She and Daigo are the same age tho.
Maki is Daisuke’s supervisor btw. Daigo… Well, he does not work here, but I’ll leave him for another post in the future.
And speaking of Daisuke’s circle of friends, who’re none than the same group he got in the canon universe… They all want him to quit that job for his own sanity. Ken, Miyako and Iori are way more vocal about this, meanwhile Takeru, Rui and Wallace try their best, but are not muuuuuuuuuch vocal. And Hikari? Hikari’s a mystery. She doesn’t like him working for that “vet clinic” and then thinks he should quit, but she’s the least vocal about it. I wonder why…
He didn’t quit it yet BECAUSE he claims he needs the money and this is the only job he got.
(and yeah, Daisuke’s backpack has a certain hedgehog’s keychain.)
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schneiderenjoyer · 3 months
whats your headcanons for TWTR!Vertin?
Oh, boy! Get ready to see how much of a disaster TWTR!Vertin is (by my own doing) Thank you for asking too! It'll be fun to share things about this AU of mine.
The list is long so continue with that in mind:
Vertin uses she/they pronouns. It's one of the first headcanons I thought of the moment I saw their design and how lovely they look in a suit!
Vertin is ambidextrous, they use their right hand for professional documents and their left hand for personal letters. It's actually canon and mentioned in the game's story that they're ambidextrous!
Vertin has freckles. I know this is canon, but there's still people who prefer her without them. I'm not one of them. I'm a freckle believer.
Vertin can play the piano. SPDM offers their students some form of entertainment through the arts like dance and music. They kept the ones they found most interesting. Mainly composing music sheets and playing it on the piano.
Vertin is an engineer. They have many hobbies and tried many things, but only few really stuck. Engineering is one of them.
Vertin created the Storm clock! Using their skills in engineering and high sensitivity towards arcanum, they've managed to accurately create a clock that tells when the Storm arrives. Only that it can tell its arrival within 24 hours. It doubles as a normal clock sometimes too.
The realm inside the suitcase is part of Vertin's arcane skill! Vertin can't use their arcanum effectively for offensive purposes, but it's useful in other avenues like support. Their arcane skill is [Ne iru milde en tiun bonan nokton] which has created the space. It also explains how the suitcase sustained some anti Storm properties, even if it doesn't fully protect everyone from the Storm.
Vertin is skilled in physical combat. With their arcanum mostly inferior and ineffective for battle, they've trained to be more resourceful in combining melee with arcane tools or potions for self defense.
Vertin is an insomniac. You can hold so much trauma in this Timekeeper. They're plagued by nightmares and even in quiet nights, it's hard to sleep. Schneider's presence and the occasional sleepy poppy pill helps most of the time.
Vertin has abandonment issues. Their fate is set on the day of the breakout incident, nothing can stop the Storm from taking people they love away. As a result, it's become detrimental for them to make friends, but never become too close. There's always a chance to lose them in the Storm. Well, except maybe Schneider.
Vertin has separation anxiety. This is extremely strong with Schneider, but they've gotten better over the years. They still panic if they don't know where she is for too long, especially when they're asleep and wakes up to Schneider missing. It only takes 5 minutes for them to notice her gone and 5 more minutes for them to start panicking.
Vertin has a sweet tooth. Candies, cakes, toffees, you name it! It keeps their sugar levels up when extremely exhausted and throughout all the bitterness they go through, they deserve a bit of sweetness in life.
Vertin is touchy. Their every word and action is always observed, they can't say what they want most times. So they express their fondness towards someone through action. Their favorite form of affection is patting someone on the head. For Schneider, it's to completely cling onto her and smell her all over. No, that's not appropriate. Yes, they still want to do it.
Vertin has a body pillow of Schneider. It's self explanatory. Those were dark times... Schneider lets it slide knowing it helps with their anxiety.
Vertin is selfless to a fault. It ties in to their abandonment issues and desire to grant people's wishes as much as they can. It's only recently they've express selfish desires around Schneider more.
Vertin likes critters. They often veer towards befriending them than fighting them if they can help it. But self defense is self defense.
Vertin is strong. They can lift alright, like a whole lot. They may not be magically strong, but they can at least punch like a bear.
Vertin is a mediocre learner. They're not the smartest and even find studying to be boring (like math). If it's something they take interest in, they hype fixate on it and eventually just be good at it.
Vertin is often misunderstood to be talented. Contrary to popular belief, a lot of the rumors and facts know about the Timekeeper is all a matter of circumstance and misinterpretation. They're just fortunately at the right place in the right time and most, if not all, their plans always ties in to the fact they have connections that help them get through it. Vertin doesn't actually have much skills in many departments. They just have the power of friendship on their side lmao.
Vertin is...passionate. Life of oppression, depression, and trauma can't be good for developing relationships of any kind. Fortunately the one they have now is four years in the making. While it still has a lot of bumps on the road, it's far more stable than what could've been if they haven't been given all those years to develop it. Still, Vertin being desperate to feel and smell their lover both privately and publicly needs some work...
Vertin is jealous and possessive. Ties in with being passionate and the whole "working out the bumps" part. They're not fully aware of it either, but their "selfless to a fault" nature aids in keeping this side of them strangely dormant for the most part. Timekeeper is very complicated.
Vertin shows signs of disassociation. While this one is a lot more hard to pin point, when overwhelmed by trauma and emotions, Timekeeper starts losing focus on their autonomy and action. They see with their eyes and hear with their ears, but they start noticing less of what they're doing and only know what's happening. Ties in with their anxiety.
Vertin is both touch starved and touch repulsed. The worst and most conflicting of their problems due to the Foundation's experimentation. They enjoy being affectionate, but flinches or stiffens when others try to be. Only Schneider gets a pass, but even then they still twitch occasionally. They're growing to be more comfortable receiving affection from their friends too.
Vertin's favorite food is Trifle. Their favorite drink is Butterfly Pea Tea.
Vertin is a terrible cook. No, it's not because they're British. It's because they're spoiled by Schneider's cooking. They also think that an entire jar of picrasma candy counts as a meal.
Vertin doesn't like chess. They know how to play it, but they stopped liking it for...obvious reasons. Instead, they picked up playing Go from Madam Z.
Vertin makes dioramas and terrariums. Another hobby they kept. It bolsters their architectural crafts, but mainly it's to have fun homes for the frogs and creatures they collect.
Vertin is a prankster. That's never disappeared as they grow up. They have a particular sense of humor and they like teasing their friends like Sonetto to get a reaction. This stems from having a partner that rarely reacts with anything but a smile. Getting an open, honest response excites them.
That's about all the ones I can list at the top of my head for now! Thanks again for the ask!
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thisblogisblank · 1 year
I will warn you this is just. A giant fuckin wall of text so if you don't wanna read that I don't blame you lmao
    In the beginning, the monster world was completely empty, and then, through a sort of cosmic big bang, the Celestials were born, with the ability to create life through “Celestial Energy”, which is. Essentially the Spark Of Life in this AU. And so, they all went off and created islands, and monsters, and critters, and everything else under the sun; the strongest of whom was Galvana, who created the 5 natural islands and all of the monsters on them. And for many, many years, they all lived in harmony in the Celestial Lair, their castle far above the monster world. That was, until the tragic death, or, at the very least, disappearance of the Celestial of Mech, Vhamp. 
    After the death(?) of Vhamp, Galvana (who was his partner), kinda uh. Went batshit insane?? She became incredibly aggressive and lashed out at the other Celestials, arguing for the sake of arguing and even getting into physical confrontations with them. Eventually this became too much for everyone else, and they kicked her out of the Lair, hoping that some time alone would let her blow off some steam. 
    Unfortunately, this decision was poorly timed, because directly after she was kicked out, monster history was changed forever; a team of human researchers found out how to enter their universe, and Galavana, acting purely out of selfishness and spite, decided to take advantage of their naivety. She formulated a plan to go to war with the humans and usurp their planet for herself, so that she could continue expanding the monster population. But first and foremost, she’d befriend them, so she could learn everything about them. 
    This is where the Wubboxes came in. 
    The first two Wubboxes, Common and Rare, were designed to be walking tanks, essentially. Imbued with insane amounts of the element of electricity, they were insanely powerful, but were relatively fragile compared to their younger epic brethren (who I’ll get to later lmao). They were sent out as carrier pigeons for Galvana, learning everything they could about the humans, and then bringing the info back to her, all while keeping up their friendly appearances. Unfortunately for Galvana, however, one of them actually got attached to the humans. 
    Rare was, and still is, an extremely empathetic creature, getting attached to anything and everything that gave him the time of day. And so, with the researchers being extremely nice to both him and his brother, he was.. A little more than hesitant about Galvana’s plan, and when it finally came to fruition and the “war” (it was really just a couple military units, small-scale but tragic nonetheless) began, he fought back, arguing that she shouldn’t be doing it for.. Obvious reasons. Galavana, afraid that one of her creations fighting against her would not only cause other monsters to dissent, but that he could be a force to be reckoned with on the humans’ side, she decided to just straight up murder him right there. In front of his brother, Common. 
    That went about as well as you’d expect. 
    So Common fuckin murders Galvana, Rare just barely survives by the skin of his teeth (but is left permanently damaged as a result), the monsters find out about Galvana’s plan (she lied to them about the war, saying that the humans had instigated it when they hadn’t), and the humans retreat back to their universe, completely cutting ties with the monsters, but not carrying things further, luckily. 
    Word eventually carries to the Celestials, who were completely oblivious to the literal mass murder happening on the Natural Islands, and they helped rebuild their society. Shortly, everything was like it was before, like nothing ever happened. 
    Several years later, the first ever monster handler by the name of Professor Wardin E. Spurrit rediscovered the monster world, and left behind many journals documenting his journeys and discoveries. He later disappeared, and was presumed dead, his final words being a cryptic message, telling any readers not to eat the food or drink the water, because “it’s not for us”.. Creepy. 
    However, his discoveries kicked off a love for the monster world, and made monster handling its own branch of science, however small it was. In the modern day, two new handlers embarked on their own adventure into the monster world - Monster Handler Todd and Monster Handler Estelle, respectively - in order to finish what Professor Spurrit began. 
    And that’s where we are now!!! If you have any questions for me please don’t hesitate to ask! Call me Matt because I would love to give you extremely long, tedious, and verbose answers on anything and everything lmao. Introductions to the Wubboxes should be coming soon, I’ve just gotta finish designing them all and writing down their descriptions, and after them should be the Celestials!!!!! Enjoy this for now tho, lol. 
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sctigthesecond · 16 days
Selfish Starstudent
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You know those AUs where the Smiling Critters are turned into unlikeable characters I made my version of it, I much apologize, I just got the idea and I had to make it--
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Meet the Selfish Critters-
I'll probably change their designs in the future but let me introduce all of them- Dogday - The most normal out of the critters, he tries his best to be there for everyone but it's tough responsibility for one dog, bit of a people pleaser.
Catnap - Is not in touch with reality, he dozes off most of the time and has to be pulled back from his fantasies which he dislikes.
Kickin Chicken - Cares about being cool and himself, thinks he's above everyone else, will not listen if the topic's not about him
Bubba Bubbaphant - Thinks everyone's dumber than him, will not help unless it benefits him.
Bobby Bearhug - Does not respect boundaries, if you reject her uncomfortable affection she will guilt trip you into thinking she's the victim.
Hoppy Hopscotch - Impatient, has some anger issues, not very aware of other people's limits.
Picky Piggy - Tries her best to look pretty, would talk down on other's appearances to make herself look good, easily jealous.
Craftycorn - A shut-in, never comes out of her room unless she runs out of food or needs to do something outside
I swear there are reasons to why all of them are like that, you just have to find out..?
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Not me drawing your lil guys interacting with my lil guys. Noooope. Not meeeeee-
Selfish critters Bubba and randomized critters belongs to @smilingcrittersthingig !
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blues-of-randomness · 28 days
Bubba: um...Why are Selfie and Manny on leashes
Badass: because they kicked a child.
source: Spongebob squarepants (with edits obvi)
Manny - @anothersmilingcrittersau
Selfish au - @smilingcrittersthingig
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sunshinemunchkin · 2 years
Criminal Minds
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** = smut
Aaron Hotchner (discontinued)
Come a Little Closer -in the cold of alaska, you and hotch end up being forced to share a room. what will become of it at the end of it all?
Golden Coast -you forced aaron to do a tik-tok dance and he will never admit that he is actually having fun making these.
Sweatshirt -when you show up to work in aaron's sweatshirt, his mind overheats, his next move being that he calls you up to his office.
Sharpest Tool -you knew hotch would always come to your rescue, that added with months of unattended to pining, emotions are acted upon.
Light -aaron tells you just how worried he is for you after you're processing the trauma you just went through. he reminds you of who you used to be.
You Both** -you and aaron finally get a moment alone with your kids out for the day.
Rain Critters -you and aaron have a small picnic lunch with your two little ones.
Finger Painting** | Part 2** -after coming up with a new hobby of painting portraits on skin, instead of canvases, you and aaron decide to make it a traditional activity of all sorts.
Lazy Sunday’s -your sunday's were always lazy and loving since you met the hotchner's, and you wouldn't change it for the world.
Love Day -aaron plans a valentine’s day breakfast in bed for you and your children, however one of them decides to take things in a different direction.
Bided Time -aaron and you both knew the risks of this job, of this life. you just didn't expect for it to get this dangerous.
The Couch & The Blanket -in an attempt to get aaron to relax, you try something that you know works like a charm.
Hold Me While You Wait -it was selfish of aaron to keep you here when you were so tired from fighting to stay alive, so he does what he does best which is hold you in his arms. keeping you safe for as long as he can.
Curtain Call -you invite aaron to the play that you’re in, and aaron is blown away by the performance that you put on.
Dumbass -after a particularly hard and dangerous case, you and aaron are worried for one another. that worry eventually presents itself as anger and love.
I Bet on Losing Dogs -an au where aaron is a boxer and your roommate. one night, when he competes in a bad fight, he comes home to you and feelings are dished out as you piece him back together.
110 Degrees ** -a pool party commences on this particular bau vacation. a game of chicken breaks out and suddenly feelings are stirred up between you and aaron.
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