#parry party-a-too
sctigthesecond · 3 months
Bubba refused to bring Kickin along with him to the Bubbaverse
So he made his own in spite
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(Kickin didn't include Selfish Kickin because he didn't like him)
Keen Chicken by @blues-of-randomness
HeroHen by @funny-critter-blog
Flashy Banty by me
Parry Party-A-Too by @anothersmilingcrittersau
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Not me drawing your lil guys interacting with my lil guys. Noooope. Not meeeeee-
Selfish critters Bubba and randomized critters belongs to @smilingcrittersthingig !
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blues-of-randomness · 3 months
Kickinverse incorrect qoutes (i could only come up with two)
Yan au Kickin (victim): Ho3w could anyone love someone as dependant and broken as me? Parry: *signing* I'd let the world BURN~! let the world burn for you~
Pirate!Kickin: *describing merbubba to the other kickins* Og!Kickin: hubba hubba Pirate!Kickin: Yer damn righ Hubba hubba
Pirate/mer au @awakentrashpanda
Parry/curious critters @anothersmilingcrittersau
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froggibus · 2 months
Short! S/O - Logan Howlett & Wade Wilson
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Pairing: Logan Howlett x short! gn! reader x Wade Wilson
Genre: fluff
CW: poly relationship, teasing, short jokes, Logan picks us up, protective boys, size diff
| Ryan Reynolds & Hugh Jackman are both 6’2 so I am gonna go off of that (i know Logan is short in the comics but just let me dream pls :,) |
YES YES OF COURSE!!! there’s almost nothing I love more than writing a short/small reader cause I myself am not short :,) but it’s nice to pretend. god both of them are so tall I just wanna stand between them & feel safe ^^ thank you so much for the req!!
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they’re such bullies i’m so sorry
expect a TON of short jokes (mostly Wade) 
and expect them to parry anything you say with “you’re short” (mostly Logan)
you will always be their arm rest, you have no say in it
standing in line? Logan’s leaning his arm on your shoulder. 
at a party? Wade’s propping himself up on the top of your head 
Logan LOVES how short you are too and manhandles you at any opportunity 
if you’re being a brat, he won’t hesitate to remind you that he is bigger than you
whether that’s him throwing you over his shoulder or just standing real close to you so you can see the height difference up close & personal 
as soon as Wade sees Logan in, he can’t help himself—he’ll slide up on your other side and smush you between the two of them 
they’re such teases they’ll talk about you like you’re not completely stuck between them
“nice weather we’re having, hey?”
“oh yeah, real nice bub”
they’ll keep chatting until you’re whining and pushing against them to just get out 
Wade LOVES putting things on shelves too high for you to reach just so he can watch you struggle 
and Logan the absolute menace will lean against the wall with his arms crossed and watch you hop to reach your phone charger 
they’ll sit there and watch you struggle until you turn on them with sad eyes and suddenly they’re racing to get it down for you 
these mfs are so protective they will not leave your side whenever you go to parties/the bar
one of them is glued to you 24/7 (even when they’re not physically with you, they’re watching you too) 
and anyone in the general area (07) knows not to fuck with you
on especially hard days, your size is just what they need 
coming home from fighting crazy strong villains & mutants to their cute short s/o? nothing better in the whole world
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if you enjoy content like this, interactions go a long way!! likes, comments & rbs are always appreciated ^^
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mask131 · 11 months
November is usually my Shining month, and so I want to bring forward again something I have been repeating for a long time now but that I don't see being picked up a lot by people. A detail that is well-hidden inside the Doctor Sleep movie, but that makes the piece even more infinitely appreciable and shows it was made by true Shining fans.
And this detail is... the ghosts of the Overlook Hotel.
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Now, when this bunch appeared during the final scene some familiar faces could be spotted. Grady of course, the Injured Guest from the "Great party, isn't it?" scene, the Twins, and of course the Woman of Room 217 -sorry, 237. But there are other faces there - seemingly random people in fancy outfit just for the sake of it. People were confused as to who these people were...
But all you have to do is look at the end credits. And you have a big surprise.
The familiar faces are confirmed to be the ghosts we always thought we were, or to correspond to famous ghosts of the original novel. The twins are confirmed as Grady's two daughters, while the woman in the white dress (not on the picture above but you can her in the scene) is Mrs. Grady. Meaning we have the whole Grady family as ghosts. The woman of room 237 is confirmed to be indeed Mrs. Massey, just like in the book ; as for the Injured Guest (only referred to as "injured guest" in the original scripts of The Shining), the sequel decided to make him Horace Derwent. Meaning he likely can switch between a young/attractive and older/more gruesome form, just like Massey's ghost, since in the original movie Derwent was clearly seen though not named in the scene with the man wearing a dog-bear-like costume (the script confirms it is supposed to be a dog costume though).
Alright, but what of the others? Now this is where things get interesting! The bald man to the right of Grady? That's Vito the Chopper. Yes, the Vito the Chopper from the novel by King, the mafia boss who got his head blown off in the Presidential Suite - as for the two men near him, they are his two bodyguards, Victor T. Boorman and Roger Macassi. Also from the book. These three characters are actually an Easter egg for those who read the book (and we know from the original treatment of Kubrick's movie that the criminal paradise-era of the Overlook and the murders at the Presidential Suite were originally supposed to play a big role in the cinema version of the story too).
But things get even better with the last ghost of the group. He doesn't appear in the picture above either, like Mrs. Grady, but you can notice him during the scene, a large man right behind Mrs. Grady when the ghosts first appear (he is played by Marc Farley). And the ghost's name, as revealed in the credits is... James Parris.
Now, fans of the novel might wonder "Wait... Who's that? I don't recall reading about him". And indeed, you did not! At least if you just read the regular version of the novel! James Parris is however a true character of the Shining, a true victim of the Overlook Hotel, a character written about and invented by Stephen King... But he is part of the deleted prologue of the novel, "Before the Play". You know this prologue that was not part of the published novel but was released in various TV magazines several times, and then finally re-added to the main novel in the collector Cemetery Dance edition of "The Shining"? You must have heard of it - even before the Cemetery Dance release the prologue was going around the Internet, published on small fan websites and discreet literature blogs...
And James Parris was, according to the first part of this prologue (detailling the building and creation of the Overlook... and its first victims) the second owner of the Overlook Hotel. A man that was touched by the same obsession and madness for the hotel that had overtaken Watson's grandfather (the actual builder and first owner of the Hotel), and, if I recall well, ended up dying of a heart attack on the hotel's garden-grounds (near the topiary beasts if I recall well, but I am not too sure, I haven't read the prologue in a while).
So all of that to say - not only did they bother placing an Easter Egg for the fans of King who had read the original book ; but they also placed an Easter Egg for those that knew of or had read the Before the Play prologue, which most regular fans of the novel never even heard about! If this isn't commitment to researching your source material, I don't know what is!
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avocado-writing · 7 months
HI IT’S THE CHILLY ANON, first off thank you sm that fic/drabble was absolutely tasty, very delicious
secondly !! if requests are still open (I tried to scroll back on your page to double check) could I perhaps! Request another astarion x tav/reader that’s afraid of the dark ?
giving you big hugs and a glass of water ^^
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notes: thank you anon I am slurping it down mwah xx if you like my work, please reblog!
words: 1.1k
rating: T
pairing: astarion x reader
He hates the Underdark. 
More than anything because it reminds him of his life before, chained into the shadows without the possibility of being free in the sun, and he hates the idea of returning to that voluntarily. But the group insisted that it was the safest path to the Shadowlands - and gods know that sounds like a barrel of laughs, too - so here he is. Trudging. 
The excursion itself was bad, with its exploding fungi and minotaurs charging from nowhere, but things got catastrophically worse when that damned Bulette had appeared. Astarion is never a fan of enemies he can’t keep an eye on at all times so that thing surfacing scared the un-life out of him, and when you called a retreat the damned group got carved into two halves: Shadowheart and Karlach headed one way, towards the wide open mushroom fields, and the two of you another - into the shadowed safety of a cave. 
And then there was a bloody rockfall. 
It closed you off from them, splitting the bloody party like fools. Both of you trapped in a tunnel, covered in dust and dirt and feeling incredibly stupid indeed.
Alone together. 
Luckily Shadowheart had used a Sending spell to let you know they were attempting to find a way out, but it might take a while. Looks like they’ll have to source some explosives from somewhere in order to clear the debris from the cavemouth. With little else to do, you stayed put.
So here the two of you are, waiting for your rescue to be sprung with no real idea of a timeline. Astarion has been pacing, complaining as loudly as he can about the situation and listening to the echo of his own gripes, but you’ve been oddly… still. Sat against the rocky wall with a torch gripped so tightly in your hands that it’s changing the colour of your knuckles. The torch which, now he comes to think of it, you haven’t let go of since you climbed down that ridiculous ladder into this wretched place.
“We should have risked the damned mountain pass is all I’m saying. A handful of githyanki are hardly the worst choice when you compare them to all this bloody… gloom. I mean gods, I’ve not seen the sun in two hundred years and now we are actively choosing to hide from it. What’s the point of this damned tadpole if I’m hundreds of feet beneath the earth?!”
“Can you not?” you say, voice so quiet he almost misses it. For a moment, Astarion pause, turning with his whole torso to look at you. He inspects you through narrowed eyes.
“You’re the one who led us down here,” he sniffs, as if this justifies his bitching.
“Yes, because the group voted. Everyone but the two of us and Lae’zel chose Underdark.”
Your eyes don’t meet his when you speak. They’re locked solidly on the flame in front of you, a flame which is beginning to dwindle. A gentle sheen of sweat has broken out on your face and Astarion doesn’t think it’s from your proximity to the heat.
You’re right. You didn’t want to come down here either. A couple of things click into place for him, and his eyebrows raise as Astarion uncovers a secret about you.
“Are you… are you afraid of the dark?”
“Fuck off, Astarion,” you sigh. This is totally unlike you. Usually you’re willing to parry his teasing with your own, engage in a little sharp-edged banter. It’s one of his favourite parts of the day, actually - when he can volley back and forth with you. But right now you simply lack your usual gumption. When he attunes his attention to it, Astarion wonders how he was so obtuse; he can taste the fear in your blood without a drop of it needing to hit his tongue, the way it courses round your body, flooding you with adrenaline.
He hesitates. Part of him wants to slip back into pettiness and attempt to goad you into an argument, at least that way maybe you’d be a bit distracted. But another, far larger part of him, a part which he knows is going to win out, wants to reach out in genuine kindness.
“Ignis,” he mutters under his breath, and a Firebolt appears in his hand, flooding the cave with light. He doesn’t launch it at anything, and the flame is hot and uncomfortable against his palm - but not enough for him to care when he sees how you let out a held breath at the sight of it. The cave is bathed in warm light which illuminates every crag and cranny, a couple of spiders skitter away into splinters in the rock, but you don’t seem to care - quite the opposite. This is the most relaxed he’s seen you in a while.
“Better?” he asks. You nod, grip finally loosening a little on your torch.
“Much better. Thank you, Astarion.”
He saunters over, back against the wall and sliding down the stone as carefully as he can. Your eyes soften in the light he casts. From this close, he can admire every inch of your face. It’s a nice face. He’d like to admire it more.
“Didn’t pin you as the type to be afraid of anything. Well, except for the whole possibly turning into a Mindflayer thing, but that’s a given,” he reasons. You groan in frustration.
“I know. It’s silly, really. I’ve hated it since I was little, and as I got older… well, it became less about the dark itself, and more what might be hiding in the dark,” you sigh. Astarion nods. It’s a simple but honest explanation. It seems that, around every corner in this damned place, there’s another beast waiting to jump out at you. He’s been surprised more times in the past few days than he’s been in his entire life. 
“Well, we’ll be out of here soon. Here,” he nods at the cave-in, “and here,” he gestures widely with his free hand, as if to indicate the Underdark itself.
“Yes. And into a place literally dubbed ‘the Shadowlands’.”
“Exactly!” he agrees, and then, “...oh. Right. Shit.”
His genuine reaction of regret makes you laugh, and he realises he hasn’t heard that in days, either. You let your head fall to the side until it lands softly onto his shoulder. Astarion is filled with warmth, and it isn’t just from the fire.
“If I was going to be stuck with anyone in here, I’m glad it’s you,” you mutter. He’s worried it would show too much of his heart to reflect the sentiment, so he just lays his cheek against your scalp, and waits for the others to find you.
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taglist: @ghosti02art @sadandanxiouswtf @yeethaw13 @trappedinlimbo15 @infinitely-kate @dhampling@wereallbrokenangels @tilldeathdousnugget @somethingblu3 @hopeful-n-sad
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dewdropdinosaur · 4 months
Baby Don't Hurt Me
LUCIFER X M READER Summary: You and Lucifer were never really a labeled thing until when your very life is at stake, does the King of Hell truly take into account his feelings. Warnings: PG-13 for implied sex, sexual language, vulgar language. For the lovely @pixie-skull REQUESTS OPEN!
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In the dark and tumultuous realm of Hell, a sinister yet charismatic figure ruled supreme. Lucifer Morningstar, the embodiment of rebellion, carried himself with a confidence that belied the chaos of his kingdom. At least that is what it looked like to his subjects. Among the twisted landscapes and restless souls, there was one being who managed to capture Lucifer’s true self like no other—Y/N.
Their relationship was an enigma, even to them. Late nights were spent in shadowed alcoves, hidden from the prying eyes of Hell’s denizens. Whispers and stolen glances became their secret language. The thrill of sneaking around, of keeping their connection hidden, added a dangerous allure to their meetings. In the privacy of Lucifer's opulent chambers, they would share moments of passion, both knowing but never saying that there was something more between them.
Neither of them dared to label what they had. It was easier that way. For Lucifer, admitting to love was a vulnerability he couldn’t afford, especially not after Lillith and just getting Charlie back in his life. Y/N, strong and independent, valued their freedom and feared the chains that love might bring in a place like Hell. They reveled in the attention from Lucifer but to admit true feelings might do more harm than good in Hell, especially with all the people who love to take advantage of others. Both men and women alike had only used them so why wouldn't the King of Hell himself, Y/N was convinced, only use them too?
Ye even as the war of love raged on, the forces of Heaven prepared their assault, and Hell and the Hazbin Hotel braced for the inevitable clash. The day of the battle arrived with a ferocity that shook Hell to its core. Angels descended with blinding light and righteous fury, led by the vengeful Adam, Heaven’s warrior. The air was thick with the sounds of clashing weapons and the cries of the damned and divine.
In the midst of the chaos, Lucifer fought, albeit a little late to the party, with a fury born of centuries of defiance. His eyes constantly darted around the battlefield, always finding their way back to Y/N. 
Standing utop the roof, sword glinting in the light of the battlefield, Y/N stood guarding a fallen Charlie. 
“I would suggest you back the fuck up, Adam.”
“Awww, isn’t this cute, the little lover wants to save Luci's little girl.”
“The closest you get to brainstorming insults Adam is a light drizzle.”
Slicing his guitar towards Y/N, they met it with a block. Both parties slashed through the air, perry and block one after the other. Sweat poured down Y/N’s face, their short hair sticking to their face. he moonlight cast a silver sheen over their blades, creating an almost ethereal glow as the two adversaries faced off.
Adam's eyes narrowed, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "You really think you can stop me, Y/N?" he taunted, his voice dripping with contempt.
Y/N tightened their grip on their sword, the weight of the steel comforting in their hand. "I won't let you hurt them," they replied, their voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through their veins.
Without another word, Adam lunged forward, his blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. Y/N parried the blow, the clash of metal ringing out like a thunderclap. Sparks flew as their swords met, the force of the impact sending vibrations up Y/N's arm.
Adam was relentless, his attacks coming fast and furious. Y/N matched him blow for blow, their movements fluid and precise. The two danced a deadly ballet, their swords weaving intricate patterns in the air.
"Impressive," Adam sneered, his eyes glinting with malice. "But you're only delaying the inevitable."
Y/N didn't respond, their focus razor-sharp. They could feel the strain in their muscles, the burn of exertion, but they pushed it aside. They couldn't afford to lose focus, not now.
With a sudden burst of speed, Adam feinted to the left and then swung his blade towards Y/N's side. Y/N barely had time to react, twisting their body just in time to avoid a fatal blow. Pain lanced through their side as the tip of Adam's sword grazed their skin, but they gritted their teeth and pressed on.
Using the momentum, Y/N counterattacked, their sword arcing towards Adam's chest. Adam deflected the strike, but Y/N was relentless. They pressed forward, their attacks becoming more aggressive, each swing fueled by their determination to protect Lucifer and Charlie.
For a moment, it seemed like Y/N had the upper hand. Their blade cut through the air with precision, forcing Adam to stay on the defensive. But Adam was cunning, his eyes never leaving Y/N's. He saw an opening, a split-second lapse in Y/N's defense, and he took it.
With a swift, brutal strike, Adam knocked Y/N's sword from their hand. The weapon clattered to the ground, and Y/N stumbled back, breathless. Adam advanced, his sword raised for the final blow.
“Go ahead and cry to your boyfriend, he isn’t here. I will enjoy destroying you, sinner.”
Watching this all unfold, Lucifer's heart clenched—a sensation he hadn’t felt in eons. With a roar that echoed across the battlefield, he unleashed his full power, tearing through the ranks of angels to reach Y/N. He arrived just as Adam’s sword plunged into Y/N’s side, a scream of agony ripping from their lips.
Lucifer’s vision turned red. In a blur of motion, he struck Adam with a force that sent the angel sprawling. Adam, now unconscious under a pile of rubble, laid motionless. 
Rushing back to the roof, Lucifer knelt beside Y/N, cradling them in his arms, the world around him forgotten. Blood seeped from the wound, and Y/N’s breaths came in ragged gasps.
“Stay with me,” Lucifer commanded, his voice breaking in a way it never had before. “You can’t leave me, not now.”
Y/N’s eyes fluttered open, a weak smile playing on their lips. “I’m not going anywhere, you stubborn devil.”
Lucifer felt the sting of tears. He pressed his forehead against Y/N’s, a silent plea for them to hold on. As the battle raged around them, he realized the depth of his feelings. This was more than a fleeting connection, more than a casual fling. This was love, raw and undeniable. This man had given him love, passion, kindness, heck even tried to save his own daughter.
“I…I think I love you,” he whispered, the words heavy with the weight of a thousand unspoken emotions.
Y/N reached up, cupping his cheek. “I know. I love you too.”
“Lucifer, for Heaven’s sake, it will heal on its own!”
“I know ducky, but please….just let me look at it!”
“No you worried devil, I will be okay!”
Letting out a light chuckle, Y/N laid in Lucifer’s plush bed, surrounded by bandages and pillows. While Lucifer’s concern over his new found love was touching, the constant mothering was a tad annoying but mostly endearing. 
“Promise, me ducky?”
“I promise, Puggle, now come cuddle with me!” 
With a grin, Lucifer plopped into the bed with Y/N, burying his head into their shoulder. After a moment of silence, Lucifer shifted…and then shifted again.
“Yes, platypus?”
“You wanna make out yes?”
“....only if you are okay with that?”
“Darling, if I ever say no to that question there is a gun in my top dresser drawer. Shoot me with it.” 
Stealing his lips into a searing kiss, Y/N tangled their hands into Lucifer’s hair. Rolling ontop of Lucifer, Y/N kept kissing him with fevor. A thousand past kisses didn’t compare to the fiery nature of this single one, it felt like even their fingertips deliciously burned at each other’s touch. Popping the buttons off one by one of Lucifer silk shirt and then removing his own, the dance of tongue and teeth continued. Nips, soft bites, and moans eoched around the spacesou bed room. Tilting his knee up, Lucifer ground his leg into Y/N’s crotch. Lewdness sprung forth from their mouth as they clamped down onto Lucifer’s shoulder. 
Outside the doorway, however, was a very concerned Charlie who had been hearing the commotion and was worried about the injured state of Y/N. Softly pushing the door open and immediately regretting her decision, Charlie stood dumbstruck. 
“Fuck, just like that Luci, mhmmm….so close.”
“Ducky, come on, come for me!”
The scene came to a halt! Caught in a rather…precarious position, Lucifer and Y/N stopped their movements. Throwing the covers swiftlyt over them as Charlie shielded her eyes, all parties stared at each other. 
“I’ll knock next time I am so sorry, I was just so worried about Y/N and you and the fight and—”
“Charlie! Its okay. Luci…I guess this is a good a time as any….Charlie dear your father and I are dating—”
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psiroller · 2 months
gaymers preview
i blacked out and what is this
au where everyone is playing an mmo that simulates dungeon meshi world but theyre all regular dudes named like larry and charles and stuff. the worst thing they do in this excerpt is cuss. im going to go finish chapter 4 but a friend needed a juicy carrot dangled in their face to finish their job applications. i am the picture of benevolence
cw: excessive gamer references and lingo
“Sorry, guys,” Laios mumbled into his crisp, high-fidelity mic. “I drew aggro early again.”
Chilchuck’s sigh came out in a raspy crackle. “We’re four rooms behind you, moron, what am I supposed to do about that?”
“I’m kiting the dragon back to you,” said Laios, hammering at his mechanical keyboard to try to get his speed buff cast while navigating the winding dungeon instance.
“You’re what!?” Chilchuck’s busted old Logitech headset clipped due to the volume. Laios’ hand slipped and he parried needlessly, locking him in place for a fraction of a second, the overlapping footfalls of the red dragon growing louder behind him. His ears were sweating under the cuffs.
“Laios, take the path on your right and keep running,” Marcille instructed, exasperated. “This is why you stay with the party, okay?”
“But we were talking for so long, I got bored,” Laios whined.
“Then why are you on the RP server, dumbass!?” Chilchuck hissed. Laios misfired a spell, alerting the party to his presence. The spatial audio on his headphones alerted him to his party moving up the tunnel perpendicular to the path he’d been assigned, chasing after the dragon.
“Because this is the one Marcille is on, Falin,” Laios jeered. Falin sent a winking smiley in party chat.
“Don’t deflect, Laios. You’re in deep shit if you die,” Chilchuck growled. Laios’ brainwaves flatlined as the dragon caught up to him, dousing him in crustily-textured flames that obscured his character. He kept aimlessly running, finding himself sliding along a wall once the flames cleared. The dragon wound up for its deadly right-armed strike and chunked a hefty amount of his health bar. Just as he regained his bearings, the dragon galloped and slid into a tail swipe that he managed to parry—it bought him just enough time for Falin to heal him, a glittery golden glow enveloping the screen. Laios slumped into the headrest of his gaming chair and breathed.
“Oh my God, thank you thank you thank you thank you—”
Another smiley, this one without the teasing wink. One day they’d talk her into turning her mic on, but she always worried about breathing too loudly. The dragon spun in the opposite direction for its follow-up attack, staggering Laios despite another successful parry. Chilchuck’s scrawny rouge dashed in after everyone else, buffed to the nines and firing poison arrows from the mouth of the arena. Marcille hammered the dragon with a barrage of fireballs, so overleveled for this dungeon that the dragon’s fire resistance was negated by the sheer amount of damage. A bunch of pre-cooked meals appeared in his inventory, dropped onto him by Senshi. The dragon turned its ire upon the dwarf, being within melee range, and hit him with a jet of flame—his health dropped by fractions of fractions. He ate another tail swipe without moving, his stout character waving at Laios and dancing a delightful high-kicking jig. The dragon tried in vein to get him below 75% of his max health before it all healed back in a few seconds. He continued tanking all the attacks, ramming the dragon with his shield every time the cooldown reset, and Laios hopped back into the fray. They alternated taking heavy swings, keeping the dragon stunlocked and helpless as Marcille charged her nuke spell, the one that made Chilchuck’s shitty Gateway lag for minutes on end.
Ka-choom. The dragon had collapsed before the animation was completed, the particle effects whipping away to reveal the corpse, glittering to indicate there was loot to be claimed. Laios cheered along with the bombastic fanfare; he heard Falin whoop from her room next door.
“Well done, newbies,” Senshi laughed. His beard brushed against his microphone, a strangely comforting sound. “You had me worried for a second!”
“Why? It’s just a game,” Laios said, clueless. “I’d just respawn, wouldn’t I?”
“Well, for one thing, I don’t think our characters like dying very much,” Chilchuck said flatly. He’d dropped character, knowing that the night was drawing to a close.
“That, and it’s a huge hassle to run all the way from the start of the instance to come get your corpse,” Marcille huffed. “We’d have to wait for you to come back so you wouldn’t miss experience or loot… and Senshi has to log off in thirty minutes.”
“Gotta prep for the breakfast rush,” he said with grim resignation.
Laios briefly tabbed out to check his system clock. “At two in the morning?”
“Three here, son. I got to get the croissants rolled before five so they’re in the oven by five thirty, or the kids who come here to mooch off my wifi will buy something more than the cheapest coffee I have.”
“Oh.” Laios scratched his cheek. “Well, uh, have a good day at work?”
Senshi laughed, raspy and warm. “Someone’s never worked food service. Take care, everyone.” He accepted his share of the loot, giving away anything that couldn’t be crafted into a meal, and blinked out of the instance. When they emerged from the dungeon, he was long gone.
“I think I’m calling it here, too,” said Marcille. “Great work, you two. Until our next adventure!”
Her character bowed, and she too faded away.
I think this is a good stopping point, Falin typed. Laios smirked. “Oh yeah, I bet.”
>:( Don’t stay up too late, big brother! You have an exam in the morning.
Laios rolled his eyes, but he typed the emote shortcut to wave her off. Falin logged out. All that remained of his guild at this ungodly hour was Chilchuck, his character sat on the ground, likely checking the stats on the loot he’d acquired. He didn’t back out of the call; Laios could hear a long, whistling inhale, a holding of breath, and a satisfied exhale. He’d already lit up his post-raid cigarette.
“Well, uh, sorry for that,” Laios laughed. His chair squeaked as he shifted around in it. “I’m used to games where you can just run in and start pummeling the bad guys.”
Another long inhale. “What kind of games do you play? Call of Duty?”
“Ew, no,” Laios said, nose wrinkled. “I like Monster Hunter.”
Chilchuck snorted.
“What? Not good enough for you?”
“Can’t say it’s my kind of game, no,” Chilchuck said. There was a hint of a smile in his voice. “I know a girl that plays it. She loves it. But I guess I like more of a storyline in mine.”
“Ooh. Do you play JRPGs? Final Fantasy?”
Chilchuck barked out a laugh. “Final Fantasy was never my style either. I guess I prefer those old ones based on Dungeons and Dragons. That’s why I gravitated to this game.”
Laios sat his character down next to Chilchuck, loathe to log off but too tired to tackle his solo quests.
“Stuff like Divinity and Baldur’s Gate, then?”
“Yeah, Baldur’s Gate, that’s the one.” Chilchuck sounded a little brighter on the line. “So you’ve got some taste, eh?”
“Never played it.”
“Ah.” Chilchuck took another drag. “Elder Scrolls?”
“I played Skyrim,” Laios said. Chilchuck sniffed.
“Of course,” he grumbled. “Morrowind? Oblivion?”
“I always wanted Oblivion, but my mom wouldn’t let me buy it. Witchcraft.”
“That’s a shame,” Chilchuck hummed. “It’s good. A bitch to get running on modern machines, but I think it holds up.”
“How long have you been gaming?” Laios asked.
“Since the  late eighties, early nineties.” Laios gasped, and Chilchuck laughed it off. The sound made Laios buzz. “Yeah, yeah, I’m old, get it out of your system.”
“That’s so cool! You’re into retro stuff?”
“I guess that’s what the stuff I grew up with counts as now,” Chilchuck sighed. “I heard someone call Aerosmith an ‘oldie’ and almost had a cardiac event.”
“You are old, then.”
“Yep. But I also got to play Fallout when it first came out. That ending was nuts. I’m glad I didn’t get spoiled for it.”
“The old, isometric Fallout games? You like those? I like Fallout.”
“Yeah. I’m guessing you played Fallout 3?”
“Shooting people’s heads off in VATS is fun,” Laios said giddily.
“Sure it is,” Chilchuck drawled, and Laios had the sinking feeling he’d given the wrong answer. “New Vegas?”
“I was never into cowboys,” Laios admitted. “Never tried it.”
Chilchuck clicked his tongue. “God. I got some things to teach you.”
Laios sat ramrod straight in his chair.
“I’d—I’d like that,” he sputtered, before he could second-guess it. There was a long pause as Chilchuck polished off the last of his cigarette, a distorted shuffling sound as he moved to stamp out the butt.
“Yeah?” Chilchuck’s voice was low and warm, the hiss of his terrible mic like the soft noise of a record player. “I guess I could dig around in my boxes and rip a few CDs for you. For the sake of education.”
Laios was no stranger to wrestling with his rig to play older games. He had a PSX emulator for Monster Rancher that he’d managed to get to read discs properly, and some old PC simulator games that they just didn’t make anymore. Yet still:
“Could you—help me set them up? On call? Sometime?”
“I don’t see why not,” Chilchuck said. “I got nothing better to do.”
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russellsppttemplates · 7 months
Hello, could you write a Lance one where it's Margot's first birthday and reader and Lance have a small family party
"Happy Birthday, dear Margot, Happy Birthday to you", everyone sang to the little one year old.
Margot sat in her father's lap, her face slightly hidden away in his chest even though she had her characteristic beautiful smile on her face, looking at everyone standing around the table, looking at her, "Happy Birthday, sweet girl", Lance whispered and kissed her cheek.
Addalynn was happily helping you distribute the cake slices, "grandpa doesn't have one yet, and neither do I", your oldest said, "Oh, and you and daddy, too", she noticed.
"Good catch, sweetheart", you smiled, cutting back the pieces and asking for help to make sure the plates reached who they needed to reach. The parry was small and gathered both of your families to celebrate your little girl's first birthday.
Sitting next to your mother, you ate some of the cake and looked at the table. Both families got along really well and you were very grateful that you had the opportunity to give this close family time and environment to your kids.
"Do you want some cake, Margot?", you cooed, smoothing down her dress as she beamed at the fork with the sweet food.
Lance smiled and helped Margot straighten her back against his front, grabbing her bib so she wouldn't make a big mess.
You were feeding her the cake when Chloe asked where you kept the kitchen towells, "can you go show her, please? She won't find it otherwise", Lance encouraged, knowing where you kept them and how explaining it would confuse her more.
"It's like a secret door", you sister in-law chuckled, taking the cloth she was looking for, "yes, at first we didn't know what to put there because it's in such a weird and fiddly place, but this seems to work", you added as you walked back to the living area, hearing laughs from everyone.
Right by the spot where you had sat in, Margot had gotten her hands on one of the colourful cupcakes, tiny fingers scooping some of the lavender coloured whipped cream and painting her father's face with it, Addalynn giggling loudly too, "you're looking funny, daddy!".
As you walked closer to them, you smiled as her little chubby hands flew to cover her sister's cheeks and then your own, your reflexes allowing you to lick her finger just before she smeared it on your face, giggling at the feeling of your tongue in her fingers.
"Is that yummy, sweet cheeks?", you asked, grabbing a napkin to clean her hands up, Lance doing the same to himself and Addalynn after your mother snapped a picture.
"Can you believe we have a one year old and a five year old?", Lance said once the girls went to play in the living room with the rest of the guests, helping you starting to clean up the table.
"It seems like it was yesterday when we left Dr. Marlin's office with embryos on your tummy and so much hope for a little one, and then there came Addalynn, and now Margot", he smiled, kissing your forehead, "it's been a journey, but I wouldn't so it with anyone else", he smiled.
"Me neither", you hugged his waist, looking at the way everyone chatted together and played, "Oh no, Scotty and your dad are getting a manicure from Addalynn", you giggled, "your father is getting his hair done by Margot, I'm not sure which one is worse", Lance playfully bit back, "Oh, definitely my dad, look at how Margot is pulling on his hair - c'mon, darling, it's painful just to watch", you cringed.
(Thank you for submitting an ask ✨️)
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 4 months
Whitebeard Pirates x Winter Soilder/Bucky Barnes!Reader. Like instead of Hydra it would be The World Government torturing reader. And Whitebeard saved them. And when Marineford came around everything went to shit their.
-You tried blocking those memories from your mind, from when you had been captured by the World Government, all those years ago, and turned into their newest science experiment.
-Their goal was to ‘reform’ pirates like yourself, turning you into sleeper soldiers, powerful warriors capable of doing amazing things, being able to handle any opponent, even if they had a Devil Fruit ability, and using a menagerie of weapons.
-However, after using you as the first test subject, the idea was quickly scrapped, as there was too much instability with your mind. Despite trying to wipe and warp your mind, trying to fill your mind with ideas that pirates were a great threat and had to be eliminated, there always seemed to be something holding on, something refusing to be wiped.
-When you were ordered to be put ‘on ice’ until technology became more advanced, something Dr. Vegapunk was working on, which they would later come to find out was a lie, you thought your life was over.
-That’s when Whitebeard attacked, after getting a hint dropped about a new program to create super soldiers out of captured pirates, turning them into mind slaves.
-The ship you were on was attacked, the marines and scientists pleading for their lives as Marco and Izo searched for anything out of the ordinary, finding only you- trapped in a cage, looking like a wild animal that hadn’t been fed in weeks, and looking like death.
-You were grateful for being saved, only because they gave you food. You went through several bowls of food once you were in the infirmary on the Moby Dick, showing them that you indeed had been starved, one of your ‘punishments’ for failing to follow orders.
-Marco and the nurses on board were gentle with you, tending to your injuries and helping you get back to a healthy weight, as well as learning, from what you were able to tell them, what the government did to you.
-Whitebeard was furious, hearing about this, seeing you as a child, but then again almost everyone was child to him. But to hear how you had been tortured by the ‘law abiding’ and ‘honorable’ World Government- he was fully prepared to wage war.
-It took time for you to heal, learning how to do things, especially with your robotic arm, something that Vegapunk did provide for you, but unlike the orders for the government to be able to control it, Vegapunk linked it to your nervous system and let you be the only one to control it.
-Ace, Izo, Vista, and so many of the others were patient with you, teaching you how to do normal things, as your memory was very fuzzy, you couldn’t remember how to do a lot of simple things, but the more time that passed, the more things started feeling familiar.
-Whitebeard welcomed you into the crew, telling you that, “You’re not leaving- you’re stuck with us!” which led to a big party, and you felt so warm, you felt like you finally belonged.
-When Ace was taken and was going to be executed, many were honestly surprised to see that you were one of the first off of the ship once it hit land and you charged in, holding a specially made gun that worked with your arm.
-The marines around were all shouting at you, telling you to lay down your weapon, like you owed them anything and like you followed their orders. You were like a beast, using your marksmanship to take out each marine you passed with one bullet each.
-When Luffy arrived, you provided cover for him, making sure all enemies stayed away from him so he could get to Ace, as you knew he was going to- it was a gut feeling you had.
-A high ranking marine tried to attack you, but you parried his blade with your gun and he grinned down at you, “Admiral- Ocean-” your eyes went wide, hearing the trigger words for your sleeper self and you quickly kicked him away, now panicking.
-The marine stood, quickly trying to finish the code words, as you would be able to help them fight back against the pirates before you felt a rush of heat blow past you before two voices shouted out, “YOU BASTARD!!”
-You eyes went wide, seeing both Luffy and Ace, who was now free, punching out the marine before Luffy grabbed you with his Devil Fruit ability, his arm like rubber, once he saw that you weren’t running, and threw you towards the ship.
-Marco caught you, dropping you on the ship and you quickly got up and were shooting the marines as the pirates were rushing back to the ship.
-You breathed in relief when Luffy and Ace shot towards Whitebeard, turning Luffy into a human slingshot, getting him back onto the ship as well and soon everyone was back on the ship and getting away as quickly as possible.
-You collapsed against the wall of the ship, breathing heavily as you were so scared that you were going to change, you didn’t want to hurt those who had done so much for you.
-Ace came and found you, hiding in your room, later that night, when he didn’t see you at the party, and he sat with you, not making you feel like a burden in the slightest. He talked to you, telling you about the strange but wonderful people he met in Impel Down, like Jinbei, and how shocked he had been when Luffy fell out of the sky.
-He knew that you had been scared, when he heard the trigger words being said to you, Ace admitted that he had never felt such a rage before, he wanted to protect you from the government, just like how you fought so hard to protect him.
-You couldn’t help but smile, feeling joy that he was still there, he was still alive and where he belonged, on the Moby Dick, with his family, the place where you also belonged.
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bigassmoth · 1 year
Some karlach thirst- or karlach being thirsty. This too is yuri
"You may touch whomever you please-"
Before Karlach can voice her joy, your arms are around her neck and your lips on her cheek. She stumbles only slightly before steadying herself. Her hands find themselves on your ass, holding you up as your legs wrap around her torso.
Karlachs laughter and your squeal of joy are contagious, drawing smiles and giggles from friends and strangers alike who witness the scene. You pepper continuous kisses to her face, it tickles and she cant control her expression from skrunching up at the sensation.
The wholesome happiness turned abruptly into carnal desire. Your chest was so soft as it pressed against her neck and clavicle. Your lips were heavenly against her skin, she felt the tease of your wet mouth just under each delicate kiss. Your ass in her hands, she felt the springiness of your cheeks when she flexed her fingers. It felt right for your hips to be against hers, even more tantalizing your crotch rested against her hip bone.
Karlach wanted to hold you to her thigh and make you grind against her until her skin was soaked. She wanted your hands to curl around her horns. She wanted to explore your mouth, so wet and small. She was happy for her ruby complexion for the first time since acquiring it because it hid her blush. It didnt hide the lust in her eyes. Thankfully your affections had moved from her face to the hair at the top of her head so there was no chance of you seeing the desire in her expression.
The others did, however. Karlach was in the middle of biting her lip when she caught the bemused expressions of her companions. While she normally may have been ashamed or shy, the happy feet kicks you did made Karlach press you tighter against her body. With one arm supporting your ass, the other snaked around your waist and angled your torso so that your chest pressed into her face. You happily hugged her head, giving her a faceful of boob. Karlachs tongue darted out and lapped at the sweat between your breasts, giving you a full grin when you jolt and look down in confusion.
"Oh gods its just been soooo long since I have been able to touch someone else. You feel absolutely wonderful."
Her voice is excited and sacrine- also entirely sincere. She really did miss being able to touch and be touched.
She hadnt realized how much she kissed other things. The taste of your sweat was addictive, Karlach wanted to taste it again. She wanted to lick up your neck and busy herself between your legs. She wanted you to desperately grind yourself against her. She wanted you to bounce on her fingers and whine out her name. She wanted you begging on her bedroll, she wanted you squirming under her.
"Gods I missed touch so much, I dont want to let you go." She purrs out and twitches her tail when their journeying companions giggle and scoff.
"Hey! No being mean to Karlach. Shes needed this for a long time." You scold the others, your statement correct in more ways than one. Your defense, naive but earnest, cannot be parried by anyone else. The party returns to camp, Karlach carrying you all the way.
She hopes tonight she can use your weakness for puppydog eyes to talk her way between your thighs. To roll your clit with her tongue and coax your orgasm with the rough and warm pads of her fingers. She can think of no greater pleasure than a night of forcing you to cum on her tongue.
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I've been dreaming of the Knight of Lightning.
He vowed to have all bend the knee to his sovereign. That had been his wish, once upon a time. Not like this—he hadn’t wanted it to be like this.
How does a moment last forever? How can a story never die?
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Today is meant to be a joyous occasion.
Their friends, their Diasomnia family, gathered around for a grand party. Good food, good drink, and good company. A send-off for their seniors, a toast to their glorious futures.
This should be the happiest they've ever been.
So why?
Why has the chatter died and the celebration ceased? Why do their guests look positively disturbed? Why does Silver brandish his baton at the young master?
Why does he reject this happiness?
"What are you doing, Silver?!" Sebek angrily demands, punching a fist into a table. The cutlery laid upon it violently clatter. "I'd had enough of your crude jokes--lower your weapon at once! You're making a mockery out of the young master and Lilia-sama's celebration!"
"I'm sorry, Sebek. I'm afraid I can't do that." His aurora-colored gaze is serious and fierce.
"You cur! You DARE turn your sword against your master?!" Sebek takes a defensive step in front of Malleus, staring daggers at his friend. "You're breaking your oath of loyalty to your country, your prince--"
"Sebek..." For a moment, Silver hesitates. There is genuine hurt in his face, eyes wide and wet like those of a doe. But it is there no longer the next second, hardening into a steely shine. "Please stand down. I must do this."
"You've gone mad!!" Sebek's yell echoes in the decorated lounge. Mad, mad, mad... reverberated off the stony walls.
The first year tenses, putting a protective arm in front of Malleus. "Young master, get behind me! I will remove him from your sight."
"Do as you will, Sebek," Malleus replies coolly. His expression presents as almost disinterested, but there is no mistaking the slick of venom in his voice, the raging fire in his eyes.
"Boys!! I thought I taught you better than to brawl over trivial things like this," Lilia cries out to them--but Malleus lays a hand on his shoulder, silencing him.
Sebek produces his own wand--a baton of the same design as Silver's, green magestone embedded into its handle. He raises it to Silver, its end already crackling with an intense energy.
The impact comes, harsh and swift as a bolt of lightning.
"Rrgh...!" Silver braces against the strong blow, skidding several feet. His boots scuff the floor, marking how far he has flown.
Sebek is upon him in an instant, his baton pushing hard against Silver's. He meets the aggressive offense with a quick block and parry, pushing with shaking arms.
"I don't want to fight you!" Silver begs hoarsely.
"You think I want to?!" Sebek roars. His lungs sting, hurting with betrayal.
Silver grits his teeth and ducks--Sebek hurtles into a stone wall. The second year slides under his friend's legs and emerges on the other side, springing back onto his feet.
Sebek faces him, waving his baton in an arc.
"Listen to yourself, Silver!! Lilia-sama's magic is diminishing... Lilia-sama is leaving school and retiring?! The young master having an outburst... forcing us into a deep slumber?!"
With each declaration, he calls forth a new strike of lightning. CRASH, CRASH, CRASH!! They come down in a line, attempting to take Silver down.
He sprints, outrunning them by a hair. A curtain of smoke rises, the air smelling of ozone and destruction.
"They're the ravings of a lunatic!" Sebek shouts, summoning another wave of lightning. "Lilia-sama would never abandon us. The young master would never abuse his powers! They are..."
His everything.
Without them, what is he? What purpose does he serve? Sebek shudders at the thought.
Silver senses it--how his hand falters, his glare softens, his lower lip trembles. He calls out to him, an olive branch extended.
"I know you, Sebek. I know you're a kind person. That's why you want to put your faith in them. Believe me, I do too!" Silver pleads. "But this... This is wrong! It's twisted."
"You're dreaming!!"
"No." He shakes his head. It's you who's dreaming. I'll make you see for yourself...!!"
Silver charges, his baton clashing with Sebek's midair. They're even twin swords, crossing blades and trading blows in a deft, deadly dance.
Neither relenting.
"Open your eyes." Silver's whisper is a loud prayer. It's the moonlight in pitch black darkness, sunlight cutting through a murky swamp. "WAKE UP, SEBEK...!!"
Silver shoves with all his might, sending Sebek sprawling onto his back.
Memories spin, colliding in his head and calling forth thunder. Flashes go off. Light and sound gather, sparking a buried image and setting it into motion.
It's a tangle of ebony thorns knitting over Diasomnia. He sees himself standing among the bramble, his face crumpled with immense terror--and sadness. From somewhere in the memory comes a familiar drawl.
"Do not fear. You will no longer have to suffer. Rejoice!! This is my gift to you all: an eternal happily ever after."
Th-This is...!
Sebek bolts up, clutching his head with a groan.
He regards his dorm leader with newfound horror. "M-Malleus-sama... It can't be. Y-You...!!"
"Aaaah..." The prince draws out a sigh. He sounds like a child disappointed with a broken toy. "How unfortunate. It seems that you've been roused awake as well. Really, Silver. Not only do you defy me, but you actively recruit others to your rebellious cause."
Silver tenses, silently putting himself between Malleus and the still-dazed Sebek.
"Fufufu. No matter. Please, allow me to put you all back to rest. A sleep so deep... you have no chance of waking again!"
A black haze encases Malleus, and all Sebek can see are the bright, glimmering eyes from the darkness. Malleus dispels it with the wave of his hand and reemerges like a demon from an inky summoning circle.
Lattices of pointed vines wrap over his body, a tattered cape fluttering out behind him. His horns and tail glow with an eerie green light, skin greyed and zombie-like. But what frightens Sebek the most is the calmness in his smile.
it does not match the quiet fury in the rest of his face.
This cannot be.
"Y-Young master, wait!!" he stutters, trying to get onto his feet. "I-I beg for your forgiveness! We mean you no disrespect! If you could please just hear us out--"
"The time for talk is over." Malleus raises a hand--and with it, a wall of emerald flames erupts from the earth. "Sweet dreams, Sebek."
The ground at their feet caves into a jagged fault. Thorns creep out from below, seeking out their next victims. Sebek leaps away from them, but they do not stop advancing.
"Ready yourself!" Silver hollers. He lets loose a blast of fire magic, which whittles away at the closest thorns. "Malleus-sama won't listen to reason. We--you--have to fight!!"
He takes in the sad scene. The castle is crumbling, the party come to a sudden stop. Briar is quickly overtaking the area, covering furniture and swallowing up students.
And there is Silver and Malleus--light and darkness, mirror reflections of one another. On opposing sides. Enemies.
Sebek is trembling, finding it difficult to swallow the bitter truth.
But swallow he does.
This is a waking nightmare.
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He... he is not good with compliments
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blues-of-randomness · 3 months
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I was sad thinking I lost this one but I didn't!
Drawn by @/anothersmilingcrittersau
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tetrix-anime · 3 months
27 Summer 2024 Anime I'll Be Posting
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2.5-jigen no Ririsa (2.5 Dimensional Seduction)
Atri: My Dear Moments
Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga Nai (My Wife Has No Emotion)
Dungeon no Naka no Hito (Dungeon People)
Giji Harem (Pseudo Harem)
Gimai Seikatsu (Days with My Step Sister)
Hazurewaku no "Joutai Ijou Skill" de Saikyou ni Natta Ore ga Subete wo Juurin suru made (Failure Frame: I Became the Strongest and Annihilated Everything With Low-Level Spells)
Isekai Shikkaku (No Longer Allowed In Another World)
Isekai Yururi Kikou: Kosodateshinagara Boukensha Shimasu (A Journey Through Another World: Raising Kids While Adventuring)
Katsute Mahou Shoujo to Aku wa Tekitai shiteita. (The Magical Girl and the Evil Lieutenant Used to Be Archenemies)
Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou, Aruiwa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Season II (Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World Season 2)
Koi wa Futago de Warikirenai (Love Is Indivisible by Twins)
Kono Sekai wa Fukanzen Sugiru (Quality Assurance in Another World)
Madougushi Dahliya wa Utsumukanai (Dahliya in Bloom)
Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! (Too Many Losing Heroines!)
Maougun Saikyou no Majutsushi wa Ningen datta (The Strongest Magician in the Demon Lord's Army Was a Human)
Mayonaka Punch
Megami no Café Terrace Season 2 (The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses Season 2)
Mob kara Hajimaru Tansaku Eiyuutan (A Nobody's Way Up to an Exploration Hero LV)
Naze Boku no Sekai wo Daremo Oboeteinai no ka? (Why Nobody Remembers My World?)
NieR:Automata Ver1.1a
Ookami to Koushinryou: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf (Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf)
Ore wa Subete wo "Parry" suru: Gyaku Kanchigai no Sekai Saikyou wa Boukensha ni Naritai (I Parry Everything)
Oshi no Ko Season 2
Sengoku Youko: Senma Konton-hen
Senpai wa Otokonoko (Senpai Is an Otokonoko)
Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan (My Deer Friend Nokotan)
Shinmai Ossan Boukensha, Saikyou Party ni Shinu hodo Kitaerarete Muteki ni Naru. (The Ossan Newbie Adventurer, Trained to Death by the Most Powerful Party, Became Invincible)
Shoushimin Series (How to Become Ordinary)
Shy 2nd Season
Tokidoki Bosotto Russia-go de Dereru Tonari no Alya-san (Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian)
Tsue to Tsurugi no Wistoria (Wistoria's Wand and Sword)
VTuber Nandaga Haishin Kiri Wasuretara Densetsu ni Natteta (VTuber Legend: How I Went Viral after Forgetting to Turn Off My Stream)
Yozakura-san Chi no Daisakusen (Mission: Yozakura Family)
Anime previews I may not post because the previews are available only after the episode is available (usually because it is available on streaming platform ahead of TV broadcast):
Isekai Yururi Kikou: Kosodateshinagara Boukensha Shimasu (A Journey Through Another World: Raising Kids While Adventuring)
Maougun Saikyou no Majutsushi wa Ningen datta (The Strongest Magician in the Demon Lord’s Army Was a Human)
Mob kara Hajimaru Tansaku Eiyuutan (A Nobody’s Way Up to an Exploration Hero LV)
Anime previews I will not post, but might post contents of it (e.g. artwork from magazine):
Elf-san wa Yaserarenai. (Plus-Sized Elf)
Isekai Yururi Kikou: Kosodateshinagara Boukensha Shimasu (A Journey Through Another World: Raising Kids While Adventuring)
Kimi ni Todoke 3rd Season (Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You Season 3)
Mayonaka Punch
Na Nare Hana Nare (Narenare -Cheer for You!-)
Shy 2nd Season
Tsue to Tsurugi no Wistoria (Wistoria's Wand and Sword)
VTuber Nandaga Haishin Kiri Wasuretara Densetsu ni Natteta (VTuber Legend: How I Went Viral after Forgetting to Turn Off My Stream)
Spring 2024 Anime List
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nugromancer · 3 months
Recap Notes from the Dragon Age: The Veilguard Game Informer Article
I watched a livestream by YouTuber Jackdaw and pulled what I could from the article presented. These are things I found interesting or exciting.
⚠️ We're entering Massive Spoiler Territory here so proceed with caution!
The first 2-page spread is recapping everything we've seen in the gameplay trailer so. Nothing really of note here.
When Rook passes out after the intro's climax, they wake up in the Fade with Solas (Hello??) who explains that some of Rook's blood got into the ritual, and now they're connected with the Fade forever. (Oopsies!)
The two "Mystery" characters that show up at the end of the climax are Elgar'nan, Elven god of Sun and Vengeance, and Ghilan'nain, Mother of Halla (or, if you've read Tevinter Nights, Mother of Monsters/Mad Scientist/Elf God Frankenstein)
Solas was trying to create a new prison for these two because the one he fashioned before was failing. And Rook ruined everything for everyone. (Oopsies again!)
It turns out the place you land in the Fade is The Lighthouse, which has been Solas' hideout. There's a table set for One which is supposed to show how Solas has been.
So basically:
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Solas has also painted all over the walls of the lighthouse. :)
The library is where the team will have it's meetings and decide what to do next.
An elf Rook has extra dialogue options wrt the Fade
The team decides to go back to Arlathan forest, but they don't arrive back to the temple/castle from the climax. Instead they encounter a Sentinel, which is a "demon infested suit of mechanized armor" (HELLO??? 👀 Ghost in the Machine / Possessed Gundams Real)
We get to meet Strife and Irelin from the comics/stories! Yay!
They're looking for Bellara; full name confirmed as Bellara Lutara (we love a good rhyming name)
Longer cut scenes
Rook's story is about "What is means to be a leader"; how you respond to things changes how characters interact with Rook.
Special Relationship Meter on each companion's character screen (just like DA2!)
Both warriors and rogues can parry (though rogues have a larger "parry window") and while Mages can't parry, they have an automatic magic shield, providing they have the mana for it.
Bellara specializes in lightning and healing magic
"Despite the dire situation, Bellara is bubbly, witty, and charming."
If you encounter an enemy with a specific weakness, you can equip a rune that will temporarily change your magic to something else. eg: Sentinals are weak to lightning magic. If you only have ice magic, you can equip a lightning rune to change your ice attacks to lightning based ones "for a brief duration."
Bellara has a "Tinker" skill which is needed to deal with "Veil Bubbles". Rook can get this skill too, so you don't need Bellara in the party with you when dealing with the bubbles. (I can't tell if it's specific to Veil Jumpers or not.)
Darkspawn are showing up farther and farther away from the deep roads due to the blights "radiation-like spread," so we'll be encountering them more often than we have in previous games.
Relationships now have Levels, which in turn gives you Skill Points to spend on companions. Bespoke gear, abilities, etc.
Mages can use magical daggers 👀
This was confirmed already but I still love it: We'll be travelling across Thedas using our own (*coughs* technically Solas') network of eluvians.
Not open world, but a mix of linear story-driven areas and larger areas for exploring. (Again, we knew this, but I'm glad they didn't nerf exploration completely.)
Mini maps are still around. Linear story areas won't have a "fog of war" filter over them.
"Veilguard has the largest number of diverse biomes in series history."
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