agustinrmichel · 1 year
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Ti West’s ‘MaXXXine’
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filmista · 2 years
Film History: Pre-code films
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The pre-code era represented a radical change in the role of women in cinema. Undoubtedly, the new female protagonism was not attributable to a sudden interest in the figure of women in society, nor by the search for equality, not even by a current of socio-cultural thought that sought renewal, in this regard , of the American arts. 
The studios simply used women to find enough sensationalism, morbidity and scandal to bring more audiences to theaters. It is evident that, despite the fact that economic gain was sought more than artistic quality, the end result was that many actresses became real movie stars, gaining a prominence, in many cases, greater than that given to male roles , and even, as we will see later, an actress even saved a major studio from bankruptcy.
There were many films that directly or indirectly addressed issues related to adultery, although perhaps it was the Metro Goldwyn Mayer film "The Divorcee" from 1930, the first to address the issue directly, creating a stir among the most popular  conservative sector of American society. 
The protagonist (Norma Shearer), deceived by her husband, decides to take revenge by sleeping with her best friend. Her performance earned her an Oscar. Curiously, this film was produced by Irving Thalberg, promoter of the first code and one of the most interesting characters in Hollywood of those years.
Returning to what the film's premiere meant at that time, there were two details that triggered the outrage of the "conservative sector"; firstly, that it was precisely one of the authors of the code who produced a film that openly violated it and, secondly, that the attitude adopted by the character of Shearer was certainly shameless and seemed to convey the following message: "if a man can be unfaithful  why shouldn’t a woman flirt with whoever she wants.” Of course, after being divorced and conquering man after man, she regretted that behavior and returned to her husband, whom she had never stopped loving.
Norma Shearer herself, again produced by her husband, would soon release "A free soul", 1931. This film tells how the daughter of an important lawyer begins an intense sexual relationship with a gangster played by Clark Gable (in which what would be his first major role). Another twist on what, according to the code, should not be shown in the movies.
Also in 1931 would be released "Night Nurse", a classic film of the pre-code era, with gangsters, and a  sexuality that floods the entire film with numerous scenes in which nurses appear in underwear.
But the most relevant thing about "Night Nurse", apart from serving as an example of a pre-code film, is that it was one of the first leading roles of the great Barbara Stanwick. Actress full of strength, talent and charisma, she was undoubtedly the most important Hollywood star of those early 30's. Before “Night Nurse” she had already shot “Illicit” 1931 (Illicit) and “Ladies of Leisure” 1930 (Light Women ) her first film with Frank Capra, with whom she would be very prolific during the 1930s and 1940s. Her enormous versatility led her to appear in genres as diverse as comedy, western, melodrama or film noir.
Apart from Capra, she worked for the best directors of the time; Howard Hawks, Cecil B. de Mille or Fritz Lang were lucky to have her in some of their casts. In 1933 she would participate in "Baby face" (Angel's Face) undoubtedly one of the most extravagant and lascivious films of the pre-code era. In it we are introduced to a licentious, sordid Barbara Stanwyck full of strength and determination. 
The film shows us how a woman uses her sexuality to achieve a higher social status by cajoling increasingly important men. The message she conveyed left no room for doubt: women can manipulate men with sex and be successful in life. Although it is also true that the ending serves as redemption for the character, she has to choose between money and love and she already knows what truly makes her happy ...
One of the actresses who stood out especially in the pre-code era for her sensuality and daringness was Mae West, considered the first sex symbol and fatal woman in the history of cinema. In 1932, she appeared in the film "Night after Night", by Archie L. Mayo. After this film Mae West became a comedian with a very characteristic humor that gave her the rank of star thanks to an adaptation of her theatrical hit "Diamond Lil" entitled "Lady Lou" (1933).
She enjoyed enormous decision-making power in the films in which she participated; She was a set designer, a screenwriter, and she also chose her co-stars. Provocative, confident of herself and her showmanship, she was surely the most influential actress in Hollywood in a long time. It was she who avoided the bankruptcy of Paramount, discovered a very young Cary Grant and also, charging for all this more than any of the actresses of that time, was the highest paid actress. In 1933 she premiered "I'm no Angel (I'm not an angel), along with Cary Grant and directed by Wesley Ruggles. Endowed with an undeniable gift for comedy and, especially, for double entendres she was the author of phrases that are already part of the history of cinema such as:
"Do you have a gun in your pocket or are you glad to see me?" "I believe in censorship, after all, I have made a fortune at its expense." "When I have to choose between two temptations I always choose the one that I have never tried." "When I am good, I am very good, but when I am bad, I am better."
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figureofdismay · 20 days
keeping up the conceits of season 6 quite simply undermines Dana Scully's established characterization and integrity, which makes it very hard to watch. Her willingess to believe in her own eyes and investigate paranormal things that happened directly to her vanished For Plot Reasons, in a way that reads like personal vindictiveness over Diana, and Mulder's perceived gullibility, and/or confusion in their (Scully and Mulder's) relationship.
The writers also seemingly forgot that "science" isn't simply "knowing facts and declaring them as the total substance of the world," it's believing in the evidence of our understanding that the world works a certain way but being willing and eager to investigate evidence that runs counter to that understanding. Science isn't a static list. That's why we keep doing studies, even 'water is wet' type studies because they do or don't support our understanding that the world works the way we think it does, why we think we it does.
"Nothing happens in contradiction to nature, only in in contradiction to what we know of it. And that's the place to start," was one of her iconic lines in Herrenvolk, an essentially the thesis statement of Dana Scully. In earlier seasons Scully needed evidence to make conclusive statements -- not often possible but it did sometimes happen and she didn't balk -- but she was willing to trust her eyes and experiences to lead them forward in understanding what was happening, even if her conclusion was often "we obviously experienced something but I have no way of verifying what that was."
The season 6 plot contrivance and the newer crop of writers seemingly introduced a version of Scully who isn't willing to trust her eyes and experiences and has entered a phase of refusal. She's not working towards substantiating what they've seen, she's working, exactly as the initial brief she refused, to disprove what they've seen. In the patient X and the red and the black, she's all but begging him to trust their experiences and in season 6 she claims to believe in Mulder but she thinks he's been duped and that their experiences are a lie. While this was apparently necessary to slow down both the alien conspiracy plot and the romantic plot that was on the cards after the movie, but it feels like it undercuts so much about Scully's character and the established relationship.
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recoveringdreamer · 10 months
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TIMING: current LOCATION: a bank in wicked's rest PARTIES: @vanoincidence & @recoveringdreamer SUMMARY: felix and van walk into a bank... CONTENT: gun use, brief mentions of drug use (weed)
They were going to open a bank account. That was a good thing to do, right? The cash the Grit Pit paid them in was all pretty under the table — it was the nature of the business, after all — but after some financial talk with Winter, Felix had come to understand that sometimes, you needed a little bit of a paper trail. All their paperwork was in order and everything, so it shouldn’t have been too hard. Just. Talk to a teller. Get a bank account. Put money in it. Easy, right? It was going to be easy. 
Still, their fingers tapped nervously against their thigh as they stood in line. Something was going to go wrong, they could feel it. Someone was going to ask a question they didn’t know the answer to, just like at the BMV. And the bank tellers might not be as kind as Beau had been, might not be as helpful. Felix distracted themself by glancing around, eyes darting to the security guard who made him nervous and the tellers who had his heart pounding and —
Wait, was that Van?
It was, wasn’t it? Just a few feet ahead of them, standing at one of those stations with the pens chained to the desk. Felix felt a flood of relief at the sight of a familiar face, and they ducked out of line without thinking to approach her. “Hey! Van! Hi! It’s me, Felix! At the bank!”
There were some collection agencies ringing her every other day, claiming they could take the sole mess that was her house and turn it into a nice chunk of change. Or maybe that was insurance. Van didn’t really know, or care. All she knew was that she would hang up, and they’d call again. She asked around, and it seemed like her neighbors were also getting the same calls. She was sure it was a scam. 
But still, the idea to get yet another insurance payout– though, this one way less depressing than the first, was a little enticing. She didn’t have a lot of money to her name thanks to the bills that came with owning a house and car, and Sly Slice didn’t really pay much at all. Van decided to go to the bank, to try and open some version of a saving’s account, even if it’d only have about fifty bucks in it to begin with. 
While she was writing down some of her routing information for the bank teller, she heard her name. Van looked up, and then around, before her gaze landed on Felix. “Oh!” She pointed at them from a distance, nearly yanking the chained pen from its spot. She dropped it and grabbed the scrap of paper before walking over to him. “What are you doing at the bank?” It was a normal thing, going to the bank, but Van was wondering why Felix, who didn’t seem to know a lot about money, was at the bank. Then again, she didn’t know shit either. 
Grinning, Felix walked over to Van, leaning against the counter where she stood. “I’m opening a bank account. Uh, so I can get a card. Somebody said that you kind of need one of those nowadays, so…” They trailed off with a shrug. The Grit Pit, surprising no one, was a mostly cash business, which meant Felix’s ‘paycheck’ was less of a ‘check’ and more of an envelope full of bills. He wasn’t looking forward to explaining this envelope full of bills to the bank teller, who’d probably find it suspicious, but that could wait. Having Van as a distraction felt nice.
They glanced down at the paper she was filling out only briefly before averting their eyes, not wanting to come across as nosy or make her uncomfortable. Humming, they opened their mouth to say something, but before they could speak, a… commotion interrupted them. A tiny voice echoed through the space, declaring: “This is a stick-up! Everybody on the ground!” 
Blinking, Felix turned towards the sound. There was a… group of very small, winged, humanoid-looking things at the door. Two of them were scrambling with the latch, a third and forth were working together to hold — was that a gun? A fifth flew over to help the other two support the weight, and one moved to position itself at the trigger. The one who’d spoken shouted again, “Come on! Go!” And the others all giggled in creepy unison. 
Wide-eyed, Felix turned towards Van. “Uh,” they stammered, “I don’t — I didn’t — Is this — Do you see…” 
Before they could get a full sentence out, the gun spun to face them and the creatures were shouting. “Hey! You! I said on the ground!” 
Unsure what else to do, Felix dropped, dragging Van down with him.
“Oh, yeah. Cards are much nicer, mostly because you can online shop.” Van paused for a moment, “but be careful, because it’s like, really easy to spend all of your money online.” She wasn’t the type to get scammed– believe it or not, online purchases were sort of her wheelhouse. She’d definitely be scammed in person, though. 
She continued filling in some of the information before her attention was drawn to the voice that echoed through the room. The voices themselves seemed small, and really, Van wasn’t sure the sound wasn’t coming from somebody’s phone, or maybe a t.v. She looked to Felix for confirmation that the sound had been heard by someone else, and he seemed just as confused as her. 
The voices continued, and Van scanned her surroundings, confusion still present on her features. Where the hell was that noise coming from? It wasn’t until the small humanoid figures came into view, the glint of silver in their hands, that she felt her chest tighten. That wasn’t real, right? But all of this was real so far. She hated this place. 
Felix saw it too and Van opened her mouth to speak, but they were shrinking down to the ground. Her knees hit the tile and she felt pain surge through her. She fought the gasp that urged to leave her, pushing herself next to Felix. “What the fuck is happening?” Her voice was well above a whisper, and that seemed to irritate the bank robbers. 
“If any of you so much as talk or look up, we’ll pop ya!” 
Van’s brows furrowed. Were these children? She tried to get a look, but couldn’t quite see from over the counter from where she and Felix were hunkered down. Now, voice at a whisper, she leaned in close to speak to Felix. “Is this a dream? Pinch me.” She knew it wasn’t, but she was still hopeful. 
What the fuck is happening? It was a fair question. Felix was sort of wondering the same thing themself, in that moment. It was clearly something supernatural – those little guys definitely weren’t human – but it was difficult to put a finger on the exact details when their heart was pounding and their mouth was dry. They kept zeroing in on that gun, the way the little guys were struggling under its weight. What were the odds they’d accidentally fire? What were the chances they’d do it on purpose? Felix wasn’t sure they wanted to find out.
“I — I don’t think it’s a dream,” they whispered in response to Van, but they pinched her arm gently all the same. Maybe it would prove to be some weird anxiety nightmare his mind had made up in response to the plan to go to the bank. But pinching their own skin after Van’s provided the sharp sting of reality, and Felix had been pretty sure this was real, anyway. To have a dream this weird, they would have had to have had a lot of cheese before bed.
“Hey!” It took Felix a moment to realize that that voice was directed towards them. “Yeah! You! Both of you! What part of shut up don’t you understand?” 
“I, um, I mean, I’ve never — The whole saying is kind of weird. Isn’t it? Why are we shutting up? What’s up? Not — I’m not asking you what’s up like whassup, I’m just making an — an observation? I guess? Like why is it ‘quiet down’ and ‘shut up’ ? Do they go together? Is it —” The gun leveled at their head. They shut up.
With that out of the way, the little bank robbers turned back to the crowd. “Everybody empty your pockets! Everything shiny! Hurry!”
“Ow!” Van shrunk away from Felix, lifting a hand to rub at her arm where they had pinched her. She knew she couldn’t be upset, she had asked him to do it. She frowned, looking from beneath the table. First, she killed someone, and then it was the weird goo, and then it was the weird monster, and now she was being robbed? Well, not just her, but everyone else, too. 
Her attention snapped back to the small humanoid looking creature, though the more she focused on it, the less it looked like a human and more it looked like something out of a storybook. It was yelling at them. Felix began to speak and Van felt her head begin to spin. What were they supposed to do in this situation? How was any of this even real? How had she been living here for so long, completely unaware to the world around her and what she was? It was so stupid! She hated it, and she hated not knowing. 
Van’s lips parted, disbelief peeling over her features as Felix began to ramble on. She nearly joined them before the gun was leveled with their head. She felt her stomach turn over, and she jumped at their demand. Shiny things? 
“Felix, I don’t have anything shiny.” This caught the attention of the creatures closest to them and the gun turned on her, though it wobbled slightly. It was the first time she’d ever had a gun pulled on her, and really, she wanted it to be the last. She looked down the barrel, swallowing thickly. Then, as soon as it was there, the gun was melting away. The lack of weight sent the creatures to the floor, wings knocking together in what Van could only describe as pathetic. As if on cue, the table to her’s and Felix’s right began to melt, too, along with the paperwork she had been working on. 
“No, no, no–” But wasn’t it good? She had gotten rid of the gun. She was exhausted, and the anxiety that coursed through her was uncontrollable– so much so that the shiny objects people were extending began to melt, too. There was no direction with her abilities, and it was something she’d realized a long time ago, but that didn’t make her any less anxious about it. Van looked at Felix, hopeful that he didn’t seem to put it together that it was her. 
“Sorry,” Felix whispered as Van flinched, regardless of the fact that she’d asked them to pinch her. Or maybe they were apologizing for the robbery as a whole, or the fact that they weren’t doing anything about it. They could, couldn’t they? They could shift and… Well, and what? Release an angry jaguar in a room full of people who would definitely remember the face of the person who had turned into a jaguar? And that was assuming there were no hunters here who would jump them immediately, or exorcists who would track them down later, or…
No. No, shifting wasn’t an option. Even if Felix could control the jaguar and knew for a fact that he wouldn’t hurt anyone besides the strange, small robbers — which they couldn’t — it would cause more problems than it would solve. It was best to just go along with this sort of thing, wasn’t it? Just let it happen, replace whatever was stolen after the fact. 
The request for shiny things was a little unexpected. Felix patted themself down, but they weren’t sure they had anything that qualified either. “I — I might have a penny,” they whispered back. “You can have it! I can give it to you, and you can give it to them, and…” They trailed off. Something was happening. Something strange. 
The gun, which had been leveled at Van following her statement, just… melted away. Then the table started melting in a similar manner. “Is this… Are we being Punk’d? With Ashton Kutcher? Does he still do that? Does he still Punk people? I don’t really want to meet Ashton Kutcher. I think it would be weird, and I’m not good under pressure, and I’m probably going to say something wrong and then he’s going to go on the Tonight Show and talk about it and —” 
One of the tiny bank robbers let out a frustrated squeal from where it stood, on the floor now that the melting gun had thrown it off balance. It stomped a tiny foot, it threw its tiny hands in the air. “What did you do! We were working!” It was looking at Van, so Felix looked at her, too. 
“Van?” They whispered, glancing around at all the shiny objects melting into shiny puddles. “Do you know Ashton Kutcher?”
“I don’t know who Ashton Kutcher is,” Van whispered under her breath, voice shaky. She could pretend, though, if that’s what Felix wanted. If Felix wanted to be distracted by this Ashton guy, or the fact that they might be getting punk’d. What even was that?
The small creature was clearly frustrated by the turn of events, and the melted object sloshed around its feet as it stomped down into it. Some of the melted object splashed back onto his chest and he rubbed it away angrily. It leveled its gaze with her and Van found herself shrinking back, under now the scrutiny of both the small thing and Felix next to her. 
She pointed at herself, then looked over to Felix, “Felix, I don’t know who Ashton– who is that?” At the very least, Felix at least thought Ashton Kutcher was responsible for this. It was probably better, anyway. She didn’t know who he was, but with a name like that, it seemed like he deserved to be held responsible for something. “It wasn’t me, though– but um, sure, it can be Ashton.” Van leveled her gaze with the room, saw that the other small creature-esque beings were throwing their own hands up in frustration as their prized possessions became goop on the ground. 
“Ashton Kuthins did this!” She paused, “Kutcher! You can blame him!” Her voice still shook and she looked over at Felix for confirmation, “Asstan– Ashton is responsible, take your complaints to him!” 
“You don’t know who Ashton Kutcher is?” Was Felix old? Was this what being old felt like? This was terrible. They didn’t want to be old! They also didn’t want to be held up by tiny floating guys with too-big guns in the bank, though, so it seemed the universe wasn’t really catering to Felix-wants today.
But, hey, at least the gun melted! At least there was that! That was a good thing, right? Melted guns were great! It was possible, Felix thought, that there was the smallest hint of hysteria to the thoughts. They weren’t really sure how to handle this. Violence was something that made sense inside the ring, even if they didn’t particularly like it. But out here, in the real world? They couldn’t make heads or tails of things. There was no cheering crowd to tell them how they were supposed to feel or not supposed to feel, and they felt wrong as a result. 
Van’s voice shook them from their thoughts, and they turned back to look at her. “Um, he’s — He’s a guy. He pranks people. Or he used to? It was a whole thing, there was a show, and you’d — something weird would happen, and then there’s Ashton Kutcher with a camera crew! But I don’t see any camera crew here and I don’t think the show is a thing anymore so maybe he isn’t doing this, I don’t know.” The little winged creatures seemed to be growing more and more frustrated, but it wasn’t as if they could do anything about it now. All their weapons had melted in the… whatever made things melt. 
Despite their uncertainty that Ashton Kutcher was responsible, Van seemed content in blaming him. At her cry, the little bank robbers all turned their attention away from their respective melted things, fluttering over until the full crowd of them surrounded Van and Felix. 
One of the winged creatures, who seemed to be the defacto leader, hovered forward. “Who is this Ashton-Kuthins-Kutcher?” They demanded, tiny voice shrill enough to make Felix wince. “Where can we find it? Does it have shiny things?” 
“I think — He probably lives in Hollywood. Right?” They turned to look at Van for confirmation before remembering that she didn’t even know who Ashton Kutcher was, because Felix was old and decrepit now. They looked away in shame, staring at the floor. “He — He’s a rich guy? I bet he has a lot of shiny things. Like… necklaces?” 
A gasp went through the small crowd. The tiny creatures all looked at one another, a quiet murmur going through the group as they discussed. Felix shot a desperate look back to Van.
“If this is a prank, this is like, a really shitty prank and,” Van rose her voice, “whoever is pranking us deserves to like, I don’t know– stub their toe or something!” This gained a grunt from a nearby floating thing. She still wasn’t sure how to wrap her mind around what was happening, or what was in front of her, but it was real. That much she knew. She didn’t like that it was real, but she didn’t have to. She knew that the world was far larger than she had ever imagined, and she had magic, so who was she to deny the existence of these gun wielding miniature brand knockoffs? 
Van had been so focused on the tiny creature in front of her that she hadn’t noticed the crowd they had gained. There were several of them now, wings violently fluttering. It was sort of making her dizzy. 
The fluttering object spoke, and Van was still having trouble getting used to that, too. At least it was a question this time and not a threat. Though, its tone did convey that of a threat and less of a– 
At Felix’s question about whether or not Ashton Kutcher lived in Hollywood, she nodded enthusiastically, almost matching the way the small fluttering beings gasped. “Yeah, I bet um– he has a huge statue for all of his pranks and stuff.” There was another chorus of gasps and Van looked over at Felix for confirmation that she should continue. Before they could give it, she did so anyway. 
“And I bet his wife um, Ashley Ketchum–” no, that wasn’t right, she knew who Ash Ketchum was– Oh god, what if these things knew Pokemon– She looked at them, but they seemed enticed by the words she said, so she cleared her throat, “I bet she has like, a lot of shiny objects too.” Why these tiny beings could possibly want shiny objects, she couldn’t be sure, but it seemed easier to reason with them now that there wasn’t a gun to their head. 
“Ashley and Ashton are dumb names, but you say they have shiny things for us. Give us directions. Now!” 
Van looked over at Felix before nodding her head, “yes, um, you go… west, there’s Hollywood, it’s a huge sign, you won’t miss it, but the– your travels, they’re going to be perilous, and I don’t think that they’ll allow you on a plane–” 
Van felt a bonk! on her nose. One of the small creatures had slapped her. What the hell? 
“Your wings are um, super cool, and uh– you’ll be able to fly there.” They definitely wouldn’t. 
All the while this was happening, a number of the other robbed victims were fleeing through the now opened door. Van wished she were one of them. Though, the small winged creatures didn’t seem to notice the escapees, and were instead watching her and Felix with their big, rounded eyes. 
“We want to take Ashley and Ashton for all they’re worth. You’ll print us directions. Now!” 
Van found herself exchanging glances with Felix more frequently, but before she could say anything else, she was being jabbed again, “You look like you know how to use a computer! Hurry up!” 
Van got to her feet and hurried after them before pointing back at Felix, “he um– he has to come with me, he’s the, he knows better.” 
Felix nodded adamantly as Van spoke. They had no idea if Ashton Kutcher had a giant statue dedicated to all his pranks but, like… He could, right? Celebrities loved statues, Felix was sure of it! Never mind that he didn’t think the little bank robbers would be able to pick up said statue; that wasn’t important here. They didn’t exclusively ask for shiny things they could lift, so it wasn’t like they were leaving anything out! 
There was some quiet sense of relief as the other ‘hostages’ seemed to be escaping through the door. The security guard — who had been a little useless, but was given a break in Felix’s mind on account of this kind of thing probably not being included in his training — met Felix’s eye briefly, looking a little apologetic as he held the door open for a few stragglers before exiting himself. Felix sighed, turning their attention back to the bank robbers… and Van’s spiel about Hollywood signs and planes.
“Hey!” They protested when one of the gang members slapped Van. Did that actually hurt? How much strength went into a slap like that? How much strength did these little guys have? It was hard to say. “You don’t have to hit her! We’re trying to help you! We won’t help you if you’re jerks, you know.”
“You will help us!” One of the little things protested. “You must help us find Ashton and Ashley! Their shiny things!”
“You have to be nice, then,” Felix said, just as adamant. There was another murmur through the crowd, another moment of discussion. Felix looked at Van in the meantime, shrugging at the ‘request’ to print directions. Did people still print directions? Didn’t they mostly use Google maps now?
He stumbled to his feet as Van pointed back, nodding his head. “Uh, yeah! I’m — I know so much about MapQuest. I use it all the time!” They stumbled along, following Van to the computer. In the chaos, the teller had left it unlocked; the first lucky occurrence of the day, really. Felix gestured to it. “Okay. Okay, Van. Pull up MapQuest. Um, no. Wait.” They turned, looking back to the bank robbers. “Actually, you — I think you have to say please. For us to help you. Because you’ve kind of been jerks, and I don’t — People don’t really like helping jerks. So if you say please, we’ll get you directions to Ashton Kutcher’s house so you can go take his prank statue. Okay?”
The bank robbers looked furious. The leader sprung forward again, a flurry of rage. “We do not say please!” 
“Then you don’t get directions! You don’t have a gun anymore, so you’re not — I mean, I don’t think you hold the cards?”
“We outnumber you!” 
“We could step on you!”
A horrified gasp. “You would dare?” 
Felix hesitated. It actually sounded pretty awful, stepping on someone. They didn’t want to do it. They had no intention of doing it. But they’d kind of made their stand here, hadn’t they? They couldn’t back down now. “We would definitely dare. We’d dare so hard. Right, Van?”
The computer wasn’t so much a computer as she was hoping, but there was an internet explorer icon. Who the hell still used that? 
Van turned back to make sure that Felix was following after them, and it seemed that their capturers intended on letting them join. That was good, at least. She turned her attention back to the computer, brows furrowing as Felix told her to go to Mapquest. “What is that? That sounds like Dragonquest.” She was almost positive that wasn’t the same thing. 
The mention of dragons brought a squeak from the backline of floating beings, “NO DRAGONS!” 
She’d been so focused on pulling up the first website that Felix had mentioned that she hadn’t noticed what they were asking of the winged creatures. Finally, Van turned her attention to them. The gasp of unison sounded like something out of a Trollz movie, and if she weren’t so anxious over the situation that was occurring, maybe she’d even laugh at how stupid it sounded. 
Felix turned to her, then, asking her if they’d step on them if they didn’t get a please. Van blinked, then looked over at the creature closest to Felix. “I’d swat you, too. I’m so good at that. Do you know how much garbage I leave out? Sometimes there are so many fruit flies. I’d swat you, not just step on you.” She wasn’t sure where the sudden level of confidence had come from, but it seemed like enough to send another shockwave through the group. They continued hovering, silence forming aside from the constant buzz of their wings. 
Finally, one of them spoke. 
Van swallowed some more air, realizing that the one speaking did sound authoritative. But how much more trouble could they really cause? Van knew what was happening was real because she hadn’t even taken an edible today. That, and because she was a stupid magic user and because her best friend was a bear. These stupid floating creatures were definitely real. 
“You’ll get the addresses as soon as you say please!” Van tried to mimic the nature that Felix spoke with, but fell a little flat. 
This garnered another knee jerk reaction and a murmur spread throughout the small buzzing colony before the first one who spoke sighed. 
In a wheezing voice, it said aloud, “PLEASE HELP US GET TO HOLLYWOODIE.” 
Van looked over at Felix again, “that’s– okay, Felix, what the hell is mapquest?”  
“What? No, it isn’t Dragonquest. It’s MapQuest. They have driving directions.” Felix glanced back to the crowd of tiny, winged bank robbers. Did MapQuest have flying directions? Would driving directions work? The little guys could probably just fly above the roads, right? Otherwise, Felix had no idea how to help them. They weren’t even sure this would do much good. They had no idea Ashton Kutcher’s actual address; they intended to just have Van type ‘Hollywood’ and hope that the little creatures wouldn’t be able to find their way back to ask more questions once they left. It was a good strategy, right?
Van backed their play, and Felix nodded. “Yeah! Yeah, you should see her swat flies. She’s so good at it. You wouldn’t stand a chance.” They’d never seen Van swat flies, but they’d seen her play Angry Birds, and they were pretty sure you used the same skills for that. Hand-eye coordination, or whatever. Anyway, it was an empty threat, a game of chicken. He didn’t think Van had any intention of swatting the things. They’d probably be a lot messier to clean up than flies. Felix shuddered at the thought.
Felix glared at the lead bank robber, who glared back. But, in the end, the little creatures seemed to accept that while they had numbers on their side, being stepped on was still a pretty credible threat. Felix nodded at the ‘please,’ satisfied. “Okay,” they agreed. “All right. Yeah. Let’s go.”
Leaning over Van, they typed ‘MapQuest’ into the Bing search bar. Slowly, one finger at a time. Spending the majority of your teenage years living in a secluded cabin in the woods didn’t do wonders for your typing skills, as it turned out. It was a slow process, with many typos, but finally, Felix hit enter. And —
Ads. A whole page of ads. Felix nodded for Van to scroll through them, squinting at the screen. Not that one, not that one, not — hey, there was Dragonquest! Finally, near the bottom of the page, they spotted it. Official MapQuest. Mapquest.com. Maps, Driving Directions, Live Traffic. They’d really branched out, hadn’t they? Good for them! Felix pointed at the screen, clearly excited. “There it is!” They exclaimed.
“There it is!” The creatures echoed. “There it is! Hurry! Hurry to the quest map! We need to embark on our quest. We need Ashton Ashley Ketchum’s shiny things. WE NEED HOLLYWOODIE!” They were clearly agitated now; patience didn’t seem to be their strong suit. Felix nodded to Van, gesturing for her to click the link.
Van stared at the computer screen as it began to slowly load the websites. She was astonished by the fact that Felix hadn’t simply typed out the website’s name, and had instead using bing. Who used bing over literally anything else? DuckDuck Go was her favored search engine, but she wasn’t sure that this computer could even load that. Plus, she’d have to explain why ducks could help them find Ashley Ketchum and she wasn’t sure if she had the patience for that. 
It was painful, watching as Felix typed out the website’s name, and even more so watching as the site slowly loaded in nothing but ads. There were four or five different links that’d lead them to not mapquest, and then finally– Felix’s shout startled Van slightly and she moved the mouse to click on the icon. 
The website’s load time was even worse than the search engine’s. Time crawled by slowly and Van shot a glance over at the small winged creatures as they all began to shout in unison for Hollywoodie. She didn’t have the heart to correct them, nor the desire– what if they became angry and decided to say she was lying? She was, sort of. But she was almost sure they could find Hollywood if they really wanted to. They’d been able to get their hands on a gun after all. 
She hadn’t quite unpacked the fact that it had been to her head yet, but she was sure she’d have a breakdown over that in the coming hours. 
The website only loaded half of the page and Van turned the chair towards the gaggle of onlookers. “It’s not–” The head creature shook its head violently– so violently that it seemed as though it was shaking its entire body. “UNACCEPTABLES! YOU MUST GET US TO HOLLYWOODIE, WE MUST FIND ASHLEY KETCHUM, WE MUST TAKE THE SHINY THINGS!” 
Van turned back to the computer feeling slightly deflated as she clicked refresh. 
The minutes ticked by and the only sound was the squeak of the chair as she resituated herself. 
Finally, the page loaded. 
She typed in Wicked’s Rest, ME, and then Hollywood, CA. The creatures behind her seemed miffed that she left off the woodie part, but she assured them this was the correct location. 
Finally, Van clicked print, but nothing happened. She sat there for a moment before clicking it again and again, but nothing. 
“The printer is out of ink.” Because of course it was, because of course this couldn’t be easy. Because of course she was being held up by some creatures she would have thought were imaginary before this happened. Her mouth was dry and she was beginning to get a headache. She just wanted to go home. 
Van bit the inside of her cheek to keep from correcting them before she grabbed a neighboring blank piece of paper and a pen. She scribbled out the directions, the bank where they were, and a dotted line west to Hollywood where there was a giant misshapen sign. “Here. This will get you there. It’s practically, um, the same thing. Right, Felix?” She looked over at them for confirmation, hopeful that Felix wouldn’t correct her. 
They were almost done here. Felix wasn’t entirely sure what would happen when they finished providing the tiny, winged creatures with directions to Hollywood, but they were pretty sure it would, at the very least, see them leaving the bank, and that was all they really cared about. They had very quickly decided that the bank was the last place they ever wanted to be. No more checking account for them — they’d stick with the crumbled wads of cash the Grit Pit paid them in if it meant avoiding an experience like this one ever again.
Settling in, Felix watched the page load. Little by little, pixel by pixel. First the top section. Then the second section. Then — it stopped about halfway down. Van refreshed the page, and the process started over. Top. Middle. There. The full page, in all its glory. Ads were all over it; one was attempting to play sound, but the slow connection left the words stilted and cut off. Somehow, the background noise it provided seemed very fitting to the situation.
Especially when the page refused to print. Felix looked at the printer mournfully. They should have seen this coming. Everyone knew printers never worked when you needed them to. Even with his limited experience of school, he had vivid memories of trying to print a paper the day it was due only to find the printer in some state of disarray despite working perfectly the day before. 
“Sorry!” Felix said quickly as the creatures began to yell again, the apology a reflexive thing. “We’ll — Is there a, an Office Depot nearby! We can go get ink! We can go get ink and bring it back and —” 
Felix had no idea what that meant, but Van apparently had some idea. She grabbed a piece of paper and began scribbling, and that map didn’t look anything like the map on the screen or any map Felix had ever seen in real life, but the bank robbers didn’t seem to notice. They snatched the paper from her hands, then turned to Felix with wide eyes. Blinking, Felix only nodded. The creatures let out a screeching cheer.
“WE WILL DEPART TO HOLLYWOODIE! YOU HAVE DONE WELL.” One of the creatures dropped something on the table — a single half-melted dime. Felix looked to Van.
“You can have it,” they mumbled, pushing the dime towards her. She’d done all the hard work, right? The winged robbers, thankfully, seemed to have forgotten them entirely. With their map securely in hand, they headed for the door without so much as a goodbye. Felix wasn’t sure whether to be offended or relieved.
They took the directions and Van was grateful. She watched as something dropped onto the table and she leaned forward to get a better look at it. Somehow, her magic had stopped halfway and hadn’t taken the whole thing. That was new. 
Or maybe it hadn’t been her magic to begin with, and this was something they found on their way to the bank. Regardless, as soon as the small winged creatures were gone, it dawned on Van that the police never showed up. Had anyone even called them, or had they saved themselves? Between the melted gun and other objects and the fact that small, pint sized guys had tried to rob them at all, would the police even believe a word they had to say? 
Van worked through the questions internally before she pocketed the coin. Maybe it’d bring good luck. 
“That was…” She wrapped her arms around herself, eyebrows furrowing, “really–” 
And then there was another noise, this time from outside. There was shouting, and Van looked over at Felix. What the hell happened now? Were the police actually there? 
“I don’t know how to explain any of– are they even going to trust us?’ Probably not. So much for the good luck dime. Van paused for a moment, “we have to go, we have to run.” Not something somebody who was innocent would do, but her mind ran through the possibilities. What if somehow they connected her name to this to what happened to Diana? She hadn’t ever had anyone come looking for her after that, but still. 
Van motioned for Felix to follow her, “we like, used their computers and stuff, they’ll probably say that we tried to rob them!” None of the witnesses were there any longer, or so it seemed. 
She pushed the side door open and peered outside, looking left and right before stepping out. The shouting continued, and Van looked towards where it was coming from, noticing the directions she had hastily given the small winged beings on the ground. A man was peering into the tubing of a device he was holding and yelling at some insects had flown inside. “Felix. They–” Van swallowed nervously, turning around to face them, “They got sucked up into that, didn’t they?” How were they ever going to get to Ashley and Ashton Ketchum’s house now? 
Felix didn’t like the idea of the police showing up any more than Van did. She was right — this whole thing probably would get pinned on them, if only because that would be so much easier to believe than tiny winged bank robbers with melting guns. “We should definitely go,” they agreed. “You don’t think we need to go on the run now, right? I don’t know how to get a fake ID.” And they really didn’t want to go back to living off the land. They liked Netflix so much. They didn’t want to lose that.
But… There were no police outside. No flashing lights, no badges. Other than a guy yelling about his leaf blower, everything seemed incredibly normal. Felix glanced over at Van, catching sight of the directions they’d given the bank robbers. There was no way they would have just left them behind, not with how adamant they’d been about getting to Hollywood. Felix’s eyes went back to the leafblower, the pieces falling together. They winced, feeling almost… sympathetic. The poor little guys had just wanted to steal a shiny statue from a movie star. They hadn’t deserved to get sucked into a leafblower. 
“Yeah,” they agreed quietly, “I think they did.” Leaning down, Felix picked up the directions, which had blown to their feet. He smoothed out the wrinkles, holding the page out to Van uncertainly. “We should still leave,” they said. “Before anyone starts asking any questions. Come on. We can get lunch. I’ll buy.”
Van’s frown deepened. It was a weird thing, feeling bad for the very thing that was threatening you only moments before. Wasn’t that stockholm syndrome or something? She had seen it in a show once about the 90’s. 
Felix spoke and Van nodded quickly. “Yeah, we should go.” The paper on the ground was a stark reminder of what could have been. The statue that they wouldn’t have been able to steal– the address they wouldn’t have been able to find. Realistically, Van knew that by their size, they probably wouldn’t have made it far, but she wasn’t even really sure what she was looking at to begin with, or what their capabilities were. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. It was all still so strange, and maybe if she were anyone else, she wouldn’t find a way to be anxious about it. 
Or maybe she would.
Felix offered lunch and Van’s stomach groaned as if in knowing. “Okay.” 
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motleystitches · 2 years
Sometimes I really wish there's a historical movie set in pre-industrial past that's shot like science fiction where historical attitudes, dress, customs, and behavior seem almost completely alien to the audience except for thin threads of common humanity where the audience recognizes their present and future.
I mean, there's Monty-Python and HBO!Rome, but there could be more....science.
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kustas · 1 month
(re-)watched Kubo as of last night, hadn't seen it since release. Insanely polished film with a lot of creativity. I don't really understand why it picked japan as a setting when it's so fantastical and could have been set anywhere, especially since from the little I know of it it doesn't seem to use much of japanese culture asides of origami? The story is nice but the acting and dialog are so...hollywoody I had a lot of trouble with those
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chocolatecakecas · 2 years
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drakvuf · 1 year
Kőgazdag fiatalok 5: Ötmilliós kutyaszar
Az előző részben Olivér csak úgy tudott felvinni magához egy csajt, hogy beígért neki egy kutyát.
A lány most benyújtotta a számlát.
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Bár a drakvuf mikroblogon főleg macskás kontent szokott lenni, nagyon szeretem a kutyákat is. Ezektől a kis cukorborsóktól meg is halok.
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Megtudjuk, hogy PSG Ogli is szereti az ebeket. Van is neki kettő, de azok a szüleinél élnek.
Viki ezt a kis csöppséget nézte ki.
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A fiú azt mondja, hogy neki megér 500 ezret a barátnője boldogsága.
Na de Olivér valszeg megint a Jófogásról tájékozódhatott, mert ennél a tenyésztőnél egy ilyen kutya 5 millióba kerül.
Jelen sorok szerzőjének fogalma sincs mennyibe kerül egy kutya, de van egy sanda gyanúja, hogy Olivért épp átbasszák.
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Ogli megpróbálja beadni a csajának, hogy vegyenek egy öregebbet, ami "csak" 3 milla lenne, de Viki nem enged.
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A fiú utolsó próbálkozásként még megpróbálja bejátszani, hogy nincs nála ennyi kápé, de a tenyésztő azt mondja utalhat is.
Ez már hivatalosan is drága dugás volt.
Olivérnél elég erősen bekopogott a post nut clarity, de Viki teljesen betörte a fiút. Elnevezi a kutyát Szimbának.
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Ogli Megpróbál határokat szabni a szőrmóknak, de a lány csírájában fojtja el a próbálkozásait. Még a kutya se hallgat rá, hiába hívogatja.
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Teljes vereség.
Filip ma az anyukájával ebédel, aki meglepő módon nem Schmidt Mária.
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Diszkont Ungár Péter felhozza az anyjának, hogy venne egy másik lakást, mert nem fér el a ruháitól, de anyu nem túl lelkes.
Megjegyzi a fiának, hogy dagadt és kéne kicsit sportolnia. Megtudjuk, hogy anyu és Rubint Réka nagy barinők. Filip azt mondja neki, hogy kurvára nincs kedve mozogni, de a zsírleszívás jól hangzik.
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Anyukája megint kiakad. Nem lát más megoldást, mérget kever a fia italába.
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Filipnél kezd beütni a cucc és az anyja szexuális életéről érdeklődik. Nincs most faszi a nő életében, de a fiú szeretne egy gazdag pótaput.
Az anyja felkérdezi, hogy mikor látogatja meg már őt otthon, de a fiú max akkor menne, ha valakinek a temetése lenne.
Szandi elugrik a szalonba szőrteleníteni, "nehogy egy kósza szőrszál bugyogjon ki a bugyikájából". Intim szőrtelenítést is kér, mert "designer *****hoz ovis **** kell". A kisípolt részeket nem tudtam dekódolni pontosan, de érzem, hogy kellemetlen is lenne.
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Elmeséli, hogy nagyon jót nyaralt és megkérdezi a kozmetikust, hogy ő hogy bírja itt?
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A nő elmondja, hogy hát itt a munka, meg a család is... Szandi félbeszakítja, hogy ja, hát neki egyik sincs.
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A kozmetikus beadja a lánynak, hogy van egy új bőrfeszesítő kezelése, ami a hollywoodi színészek kedvence és olyan mint egy real-life filter. Szandi nyilván ráharap, mert szereti a filtereket. Lesz haszon a szalonban.
Úgy néz ki Aurél nem csak mellékszereplő már a műsorban, mert önálló jelenetet kapott ebben a részben. Egy barátjával, Barnival autókáznak a városban. A srác elég normienak tűnik az eddigi szereplőkhöz képest.
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Aurél véletlenül megtalálja az apja bankkártyáját a kocsiban. Vissza akarja tenni, de Barni megérzi a lehetőséget és bedobja, hogy shoppingoljanak kicsikét a kártyával.
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Sikeres volt a művelet. Annyi cuccot vettek, hogy alig férnek be a kocsiba. Laza 30 milliót sikerült elverni.
Elérkezik a felkérdezés órája: csörög a telefon.
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Egész eddig abban voltam, hogy amikor az apjáról beszél Csabira gondol, de nem, van egy igazi apja is. Aurél azt hazudja neki, hogy nem hogy nem használta a kártyáját, de azt se tudja hol van.
Barni azt mondja neki, hogy vallja be amit csinált, mert a legrövidebb út az egyenes. Persze könnyen beszél, mert őt senki nem fogja felelősségre vonni.
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De igazából Aurélt se, mert csak a húsvéti pénzt bukta a művelet miatt. Aurél szerint az apja egy pöcs, mert még egy szobafogságot is kellett volna adnia ezért.
Csabi bulit szervez a menyasszonya névnapjára, amire meghívja a Kőgazdag Fiatalokat és Mettát. A dresscode: gold.
El is szalad nézni valami göncöt. Az eladó látja, hogy egy idiótával van dolga és előrángatja a legundorítóbb szettet, amit a raktárban talált, mint egyedi, exkluzív darabot.
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Csabi kérdés nélkül megveszi.
Leti névnapi bulijára Metta érkezik először, aki kicsit a szájába hány, amikor meglátja mekkora proliság fogadja.
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Érezd magad megtisztelve!
Ogli és Viki hozzák a kutyát is, viszont most már Csabinak is van gorillája, aki nem akarja beengedni őket az ebbel.
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Végül Csabi megadja az engedélyt, de csak azzal a feltétellel, ha összeszedik a kutyaszart.
Filip most látja először Ogli új barátnőjét és nem lepődött meg: megtalálta zsák a foltját. Metta elolvadt Szimbától, a kutyától, mivel nagy állatbarát.
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Tescos Ungár Peti és az öreglány elpanaszolják Olivérnek, hogy mennyire proli a dekor. Ogli viszont nem érti miről beszélnek, mert még nagyobb proli, mint Csabi és szerinte minden szép. Azon viszont felbassza magát, hogy már megint panaszkodnak.
Kata és Szandi magassarkúban érkeznek a putriba. Csoda, hogy nem lesz baleset, ahogy a kátyúkat kerülgetik.
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A szőke lány teljesen kiakad az Érezd magad megtisztelve feliraton. Aztán a testőrre is tesz megjegyzést: szerinte ezzel is Oglit majmolja Csabi.
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Összeült a társaság, már csak a házigazdák hiányoznak. Nagyjából mindenkinek sikerült valamennyire betartani a dresscode-ot. Egyedül Papaszítán nincs semmi arany, de csak azért, mert neki a szíve van aranyból.
Filipet lehugyozza a kutya. Szimba nem LMP szavazó.
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Csabi és Leti az erkélyről figyelik az eseményeket. A srác szerint ez a hatásos belépőjük része.
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A házigazda beleül a kis kerti trónjába, köszönti a vendégeket, majd indul a tüzijáték.
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Leti névnapi buliján vagyunk.
Csabi lebassza Aurélt, amiért papucsban jött.
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Szandi szerint még azzal is Olivért utánozza Herceg, hogy folyton Aurélt baszogatja. Szerinte nagyon is divatos a fiú papucsa.
Csabi közli a vendégekkel, hogy Leti főzött, szóval ne merjék kritizálni a kaját.
Kiderül, hogy Metta vegetariánus, de Csabi Leti csinált salit is.
Olivér vamzerkedésbe kezd és beköpi a nőt és Filipet, hogy panaszkodtak a dekorra.
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Hatalmas vita kerekedik a dologból, mindenki Mettáéknak esik, de lecsitul a szitu, amikor végre tálalják a vacsorát. Evőeszközt viszont basztak kihozni. Csabi elküldi Oglit érte, aki készséggel szalad, hiszen ilyen egy jó vendég. Az aranyozott evőeszközökbe Csabi belegravíroztatta a saját nevét.
Leti névnapi buliján vagyunk. Olivér véletlenül csak kis villákat hozott. Filip természetesen fanyalogni kezd a nem megfelelő evőeszköz miatt, de Csabi bekussoltatja.
Jó étvágyat kívánunk a kedves vendégeknek. A kutya melléjük szar.
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Vita kerekedik abból, hogy ki takarítsa fel a piszkot. Csabi szerint Filipnek kéne felszednie, mert egy fasz. Metta megvédi a koalíciós partnerét és bevállalja a piszkos munkát. Azt viszont nem tudja, hova rakja, ezért Herceg miniszökőkútjába helyezi a kaksit.
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A vendéglátójuk ezen teljesen kiborul. Ebben a szar szituban búcsúzunk a Kőgazdag fiataloktól. Jövőhéten folyt. köv.
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annabelle--cane · 1 year
doing a quick good omens s1 rewatch so I can 'member whadda hell happened before watching the new stuff, and yknow I think 2019 me was a bit overharsh in my judgement of the show. I never disliked it, but I'd lived with the book in my head since I was nine, so I had a very set idea of what the vibes and ambience ought to be and it felt off to watch something that felt a lot more grandiose and hollywoody than what I was expecting. my updated 2023 take is that that's perfectly fine as an aesthetic approach and most of the acting that I thought was off was just part of the stylization.
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csajokamotoron · 2 months
A legnépszerűbb YouTube csatornák motoros csajoktól - a lista folyamatosan bővül
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Aki rendszeresen nézi motorosként a YouTube-ot, egyre gyakrabban botlik bele motoros csajok csatornáiba. Én is követek jónéhányat, és vannak olyanok is, amelyeket már nem követek, mert nem a motorozásról, hanem a magamutogatásról szólt. Sajnos a motorozást és a nőket a legtöbben még mindig csak úgy tudják összefüggésbe hozni egymással, hogy egy csinos lány pucsít tangában egy jó motoron - lehetőleg a hátsó ülésen vagy úgy, hogy közben a motor áll. És nagyjából ennyi elég is lenne egy népszerű YouTube csatornához. A YouTubot böngészve azonban találhatunk néhány említésre méltó motoros hölgyet, akik valódi értéket teremtenek, és bebizonyítják, hogy pucsításnélkül is lehet érdekes, motoros tartalmat gyártani. Most megpróbálom összegyűjteni azokat a csatornákat, amikkel eddig találkoztam, aztán döntse el ki-ki magának, hogy melyikük érdemli meg, hogy állandó követői legyünk. Az csatornákat követőbázis alapján rendeztem sorrenbe, és a leírásukhoz - ahol találtam - a csatorna tulajdonosának bemutatkozását másoltam be. 1. Sarah Lezito: 4,87 millió feliratkozó A franciaországi Reims mellett egy farmon nőtt fel, így Sarah mindig is hozzáférhetett a motorkerékpárokhoz és quadokhoz. Amikor 13 éves lett, egy YouTube-videót látva az interneten elkezdett egy kicsit koncentráltabban edzeni, először quadon, majd később átült egy teljes méretű országúti kerékpárra. Egyike azon kevés női sportolóknak, akik a férfiak által dominált sportágban a nagy címekért versenyeznek. Amikor nem versenyez, akkor azzal van elfoglalva, hogy kaszkadőrmunkát végez olyan hollywoodi filmekben, mint a Bosszúállók, az Inferno és A lány a pókhálóban. 2. Itchy Boots: 2,34 millió feliratkozó "140.000 kilométert tekertem egyedül a világ körül, és még mindig számolom! A nevem Noraly, holland vagyok és szenvedélyesen szeretem a motorkerékpárokat, az utazást és a kalandozást. 2018-ban felmondtam a munkahelyemen, eladtam a holmimat, és azóta teljes munkaidőben motorral utazom a világban. Több mint 40 országgal később Észak-Afrikában vagyok, és most dél felé tartok. Hűséges társam az Alaszka nevet kapta, mert egészen Alaszka északi csücskéig motoroztam vele, mielőtt Afrikába jöttem. Ő egy Honda CRF300L Rally, rengeteg módosítással! Kalandjaimat minden hétfőn, szerdán és pénteken megosztom itt a YouTube-on! Üdvözöllek a csatornán, és remélem, élvezni fogod az utazást! LET'S GO!" 3. motoTanya: 2,19 M feliratkozó Ugyanaz a lány piros motoron táncol a forgalomban. motoTanya/tanechkaozolina/motoTanya - sportmotorozás Moszkvában - 10. éve utazik Oroszországban és más országokban (lásd a lejátszási listákat) - több mint 110 000 km-t tett meg - vasfarok 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023-2 - orosz versta 2017, 2020, 2022, 2023 - az év legjobb motoros bloggere 2023 (KickStarter díj) - az év utazó-bloggere 2024 (KickStarter díj) - könyvek velem a Leonardo hálózat borítóján és a vb-n - az egyik legnépszerűbb motoros a világon, a feliratkozók száma alapján (több mint 8 millió az összes közösségi csatornán posztolok néhány pillanatot a motoros életből) általánosságban-motorozás az én örömömben! 4. RiderGirl Vishakha: 1,1 M feliratkozó "India első női Motovloggere🇮🇳5 INDIA REKORDOK KÖNYVE birtokosaHihetetlen szóló kalandos utazási vlogjaimról ismert a YouTube csatornámon, "RiderGirl Vishakha". A MotoVlogging világának hagyományos sztereotípiáinak megdöntése.Egy szóló női motoros, aki az indiai szubkontinens hosszát és szélességét térképezi fel."EZ ITT TUMCHI VISHAKHA A AAMCHI MUMBAI🇮🇳" 5. Rosie Gabrielle: 648 000 feliratkozó "Egyedülálló női motoros kalandutazó, fotós és videókészítő vagyok. Remélem, hogy inspirálhatom az embereket, és segíthetek nekik felfedezni a világot a szememmel." 6. Sara Aydin: 399 000 feliratkozó Supermotos csaj, aki YouTube-csatornáján mutatja be a trükkjeit és vlogjait. Arról is ismert, hogy magas sarkú cipőben motorozik.16 évesen kezdett el motorozni, amikor megkapta az első 125-ösét. Ő az egyetlen motoros a családjában, így minden motorját saját pénzéből kellett megvennie. 7. onherbike: 318 000 feliratkozó "Kinga Tanajewska kalandvágyó motoros naplója.2017 áprilisában indultam el Ausztráliából, hogy egyedül körbeutazzam a világot egy BMW F800GS motorral. Azért neveztem el "Are We There Yet", mert nem tudom a végcélomat és az utazás időtartamát.Eddig bejártam Ausztráliát, Ázsiát, Európát, Afrikát és most Észak-Amerikában vagyok. Üdvözöllek a csatornámon :)" 8. Sakira Sahrin Dipa: 234 000 feliratkozó "Hé mindenki ez Sakira Sahrin Dipa .Én egy őrült szerelmese a kerékpározás és az utazás .Szóval ez az én YouTube csatornám a kerékpározási tapasztalataim és néhány más tevékenységem bemutatására.Remélem tetszeni fognak a videóim és támogatni fogtok .Szóval élvezze a videóimat és adjon egy kis inspirációt.És ha úgy gondolod, hogy tudsz adni nekem néhány javaslatot, hogy én is, hogy a videóim jobbá tegyék, akkor nyugodtan kopogtass rám a facebook oldalamon .Megtalálod a linket e leírás mögött.A motorom Honda Repsol 150cc . R15v3 és Suzuki GSXRSzóval srácok köszönöm előre és vegyétek szeretettel ezt a deshi motoros.Szeretettel a szívem legmélyéről." 9. BlondieMotoVlogs: 227 000 feliratkozó Blondie nem írt magáról semmit, és a csatornája is határesret. Nála a motorozásba belefér néha egy kis pucsítás is. 10. Doodle On A Motorcycle: 218 000 feliratkozó "Csatlakozz, amikor bakancslistás kalandokra indulunk, és az iparág legizgalmasabb, legképzettebb lovasaival edzünk. Azért vagyok itt, hogy megmutassam neked, hogy a megfelelő gondolkodásmóddal bármit megtehetsz." 11. lil_hanne: 208 000 feliratkozó "hello :-)ez a fiók főleg az életemről szól általában, de mivel a motorjaim (ninja zx6r & zx10r) nagy részét képezik, sok motoros videót fogtok látni.az anyanyelvem nem az angol, így elnézést kérek, ha nem értitek a videókat, ahol beszélek. csak hitelesebb, ha németül beszélek. :)" 12. Pauliane: 195 000 feliratkozó "Imádom feltörni a kódokat! Testépítés, motorozás, extrém sportok, sportéletmód és egészségügyi tippek! Nem fogsz unatkozni!Háromszoros svájci bajnok Bodybuiliding (bikini), motoros, zenész és művész a szívemben, ígérem, nem fogsz velem unatkozni!Ne habozz feliratkozni és megosztani! Ez mindig szórakoztató!" 13. Her Two Wheels: 190 000 feliratkozó "Jess vagyok. Mit várhatsz a csatornámtól; Könnyed életmód vlogok. Motoros kempingezés és az apró pillanatok élvezete. Egyéni motoros utazások és események dokumentálása, őszinte vélemények és elfogulatlan kritikák mellett. És ami a legfontosabb, minden, ami TWO Wheels." 14. Got2Go: 137 000 feliratkozó "GOT2GO by LEA RIECK: EGY NŐ, EGY MOTORKERÉKPÁR, EGY VILÁGLea Rieck vagyok, és meghívlak, hogy csatlakozz a motoros utazásomhoz!A világ felfedezése - nem turisztikai célpontok és olyan helyekre megyek, ahová a legtöbb ember nem.2016-2017 között szólóban megkerültem a világot, és most meglátogatom azokat a helyeket, amelyeket korábban kihagytam." 15. Chameli Nadella: 130 000 feliratkozó Indiai motoros lány, aki szintén szólóban motorozik, a csatornáján ezeket a túrákat dokumentálja. 16. A Girl and Her Bike: 118 000 feliratkozó "Üdvözöljük egy olyan csatornán, ahol a rossz a jó és a jó a rossz... vagy mégis? Elmebajos? Ha szereted, ha az elmédet elborzasztják, akkor rossz helyen vagy a megfelelő időben..." 17. Lali: 103 000 feliratkozó "Én egy motorkerékpár-szerető tudós vagyok. 🤓🏍️ Itt a közösségért, a barátokért és a jó időért!Motovlogger vagyok (egy 2019-es MT07-es Spicy Boi nevű motorral), és olyan tippeket osztok meg, amelyek segítenek más motorosoknak és új motorosoknak. Szeretnélek oktatni és segíteni felfedezni, hogy a motorozás szórakoztató, és a motorozás olyan sporttá válhat, amit egy életen át élvezhetsz.A motorozás a hobbim az iskolán kívül. PhD hallgató vagyok adattudomány/bioinformatika szakon és egy kocka. Nagyon szeretem a madarakat, és van egy házi kedvencem, a Dutchess nevű kakadu, aki megjelenik a videóimban. Romániában születtem és éltem (salut!), most pedig az Egyesült Államokban élek. Küldetésem az, hogy kiváló legyek önmagam és mások számára, hogy soha ne hagyjam abba a tanulást, és hogy megosszam a szenvedélyeimet, és másokat is inspiráljak arra, hogy megosszák a sajátjaikat." 18. tomboy_a_bit: 64 600 feliratkozó "Hello motorosok és nem! Hajlandó vagyok megosztani, hogy milyen lenyűgöző az élet, ha az ember motorozik.Motorozások, túrák, bemutatók, építők, közösség és egy szenvedély. Olyan mélyre ásni, amennyire csak tudok a motoros kultúrában. Köszönöm a támogatást és az időt♥︎" 19. The Girl On A Bike: 62 100 feliratkozó "Vanessa Ruck Az Egyesült Királyságban élő motoros, versenyző és kalandor vagyok, aki egy életet megváltoztató kerékpáros balesettől a motorok felfedezéséig vezető utamat kezdtem el megosztani. Ennek következtében krónikus fájdalommal élek, utazom és motorozom, több mint 28 országban motoroztam, részt vettem a legkeményebb motoros versenyeken, és megosztom az élet teljes valóságát.Használjuk fel az élet csatáit az erőnlétre! 🙏" 20. Meg's Motorcycle Journey: 37 300 feliratkozó Meg 2020 októberében indította a csatornáját, hogy dokumentálja hogyan kezd el motorozni. Egyébként ügyvédés anyuka, nem mellesleg ex tornász, vagy pompomlány. A motorozások közben akrobatikus gyakorlatokkal szórakoztatja a nagyérdeműt lehetőleg lenge ruhában, ami megmagyarázza, hogy hogy sikerült két év alatt ekkora követőbázisra szert tennie. 21. Meghan Stark: 29 400 feliratkozó "Meghan Stark vagyok, webfejlesztő, motorkerékpár-rajongó és a Great Lake Supply Co. alapítója, aki a wisconsini Milwaukee-ban lakik és motorozik. 2016 óta motorozom az utcán (a földön már jóval korábban), és jelenleg egy 2017-es Ducati Scrambler Cafe Racer tulajdonosa vagyok. Ez a csatorna motovlogokat, gondolatébresztő és videó esszéket, termékértékeléseket és egyebeket tartalmaz." 22. Dragoness Moto: 6300 feliratkozó "Helló. Helló. Üdvözöllek!Egy walesi (brit) nő vagyok, aki az Egyesült Államokban él, és meg akarja osztani a motorozás és minden motorkerékpárral kapcsolatos dolog iránti olthatatlan szenvedélyemet.A csatornámat azoknak szánom, akik kíváncsiak a motorozásra, akik jelenleg is motoroznak, vagy bárkinek, aki szeretne hallani egy akcentust és látni néhány gyönyörű tájat a világ ezen részén.A célom, hogy megosszam a szenvedélyemet mindannyiótokkal világszerte, és inspirációs forrás legyek a saját motoros utatokhoz, a lehető legtöbb hasznos tudást nyújtsam, és mindenkinek motoros barátja legyek 😄.Minden héten töltök fel videókat. Maradj naprakész és iratkozz fel! 🛑" 23. Csajok a motoron: 2650 feliratkozó A Csajok a motoron csatornán elsősorban a közösségünk életét próbálom dokumentálni, emellett motor- és felszereléstesztek, és rövidebb motoros túrák láthatók. 24. Amanda Jo: 1040 feliratkozó "Szia! Amanda Jo vagyok! Ez a csatorna egy olyan hely, ahol követheted az utamat, mint a motorozás és a motoros ügyességi versenyzés újonca. Megnézheted az utazásaimat és tapasztalataimat az LA Riderrel, hogy ossza meg az eseményeket, motoros találkozókat, és a motorozásokat szép helyeken Louisiana körül kiterjesztve az ország különböző részein. Szeretnék megosztani tippeket és trükköket is, amelyeket az út során nagyon tehetséges motorosoktól és civil motorosoktól tanultam. Izgatottan várom, hogy hová vezet ez az út, mivel imádok a kétkerekű család tagja lenni!" +1. Pink motorkerékpár szerviz: 951 feliratkozó Motoros Cica élményeim és szervizem pár jelenetben Ha ismersz még olyan YouTube csatornát, amit motoros csajok készítenek, írd meg hozzászólásban, és felveszem a listára! Read the full article
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quackityupdates · 2 years
Quackity tweeted and deleted this tweet on his private!
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FUCK IT IMA EDIT THIS AND RELEASE IT” and includes a photo from an unreleased video from several months ago of Ranboo, Tubbo, Hasan, and Austin sitting in chairs while Quackity is standing. Quackity is wearing a bowler’s hat and Tubbo is hearing a top hat. There is a man in a gorilla suit without the head wearing a captain’s hat behind Quackity. End ID]
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partyanimalshu · 8 months
Wes Anderson várva-várt filmje, az Asteroid City január 6-tól elérhető – kizárólag a SkyShowtime-on
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A film főszereplői Jason Schwartzman, Scarlett Johansson és Tom Hanks, és a kisebb szerepeket is népszerű és kritikusok által is elismert színészek játsszák. https://youtu.be/UB376bobhSQ?si=HHZ-vSPkQMJ8ES4d Az Asteroid City, Wes Anderson legújabb filmje Jason Schwartzman (The French Dispatch, The Grand Budapest Hotel), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow, Jojo Rabbit), és Tom Hanks (Elvis, News of the World) főszereplésével január 6-ától elérhető – kizárólag a SkyShowtime kínálatában. A hétszeres Oscar®-jelölt Wes Anderson (Isle of Dogs, Moonrise Kingdom) által írt és rendezett, a Focus Features által forgalmazott Asteroid City főszerepeiben világhírű sztárok brillíroznak, a mellészereplői gárda pedig olyan népszerű, kritikusok által is elismert színészeket vonultat fel, mint Jeffrey Wright (Westworld, No Time To Die), Tilda Swinton (Suspiria, Michael Clayton), Adrien Brody (The Pianist, The Darjeeling Limited), Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad, Trumbo) és Edward Norton (Glass Onion, Birdman). A történet 1955 körül játszódik egy fiktív sivatagi városban, Amerika délnyugati részén. Az évente megrendezett Aszteroida-napi ünnepségre az ország minden tájáról összegyűlnek az ifjú csillagászok és űrkadétok – ám a tudományos versenyt fenekestül felforgatják a bekövetkező események. Az ifjú csillagászok eredményeinek tiszteletére rendezett ünnepségen ugyanis váratlan látogató jelenik meg: egy földönkívüli. Az Asteroid Cityt lezárják, és a hadsereg hamis fedősztorival igyekszik leplezni az igazságot, de a koraérett zsenik – Spielberg klasszikus filmjeinek ifjú hőseihez hasonlóan – kieszelnek egy tervet, hogy a külvilág tudomást szerezzen az eseményekről. Ám Andersonról lévén szó, a történet természetesen ennél jóval többről szól. Visszatérve keletre, az Asteroid City szereplői egy színdarab bemutatására készülnek, amelynek a címe „Asteroid City”. Itt 1955 körül kukkantunk be a kulisszák mögé, és ismerjük meg az előadókat. A színházi színészek, akiknek nevét hamarosan szárnyára kapja a hírnév, épp színészi játékukat csiszolják tökéletesre. A film kétségtelenül ugyanolyan vicces, mint Anderson bármelyik műve, de kozmikusabb is: a bonyolult családi kapcsolatok és új románcok, szülők és gyerekek, titkok, felfedezések és a felnőttek kijátszásának befelé forduló, személyes vizsgálata, a széles Nyugat és a szürke Kelet, mindez olyan tökéletes egyensúlyban egymással, amire csak Wes Anderson képes. A népszerű mellékszereplő-gárda olyan színészeket vonultat fel, mint Liev Schreiber (Ray Donovan, X-Men Origins: Wolverine), Hope Davis (Your Honor, Succession), Stephen Park (The French Dispatch, Fargo), Rupert Friend (The Young Victoria, Pride & Prejudice), Maya Hawke (Stranger Things, Do Revenge), Steve Carell (The Office, The Morning Show), Matt Dillon (There’s Something About Mary, The House That Jack Built), Hong Chau (The Whale, The Menu), Willem Dafoe (Spider-Man-filmek , The Florida Project), Margot Robbie (Barbie, Suicide Squad, I, Tonya), Tony Revolori (The Grand Budapest Hotel, A Marvel-moziverzum Spider-Man-filmjei ), Jake Ryan (Moonrise Kingdom, Eighth Grade) és Jeff Goldblum (Jurassic Park-filmek , Independence Day). A SkyShowtime az előfizetők számára közvetlenül elérhető a SkyShowtime alkalmazáson keresztül Apple iOS, tvOS és Android-eszközökön, Android TV-n, Google Chromecaston, LG és Samsung tévéken, valamint a www.skyshowtime.com/hu honlapon keresztül. A reklámmentes SkyShowtime-előfizetés ára havi 1999 Ft. További információk a szolgáltatással kapcsolatban: Honlap: www.skyshowtime.com/hu A SkyShowtime-ról A SkyShowtime Európa következő nagy streamingszolgáltatója. A Comcast és a Paramount Global közös vállalkozásaként a SkyShowtime saját sorozatai mellett elhozza a legjobb hollywoodi produkciókat és helyi szórakoztató műsorokat, filmeket és eredeti sorozatokat a Universal Pictures, a Paramount Pictures, a Nickelodeon, a DreamWorks Animation, a Paramount+, a SHOWTIME®, a Sky Studios és a Peacock kínálatából. A SkyShowtime a prémium szórakoztatás új európai otthona. A SkyShowtime szolgáltatása Európában 2023-ban indult és jelenleg Albániában, Andorrában, Bosznia-Hercegovinában, Bulgáriában, Horvátországban, Csehországban, Dániában, Finnországban, Magyarországon, Koszovóban, Montenegróban, Észak-Macedóniában, Norvégiában, Hollandiában, Lengyelországban, Portugáliában, Romániában, Szerbiában, Szlovákiában, Szlovéniában, Spanyolországban és Svédországban érhető el a választott televíziós szolgáltatónál vagy Apple iOS, tvOS és Android-eszközökön, Android TV-n, Google Chromecaston, LG és Samsung okostévéken, illetve az interneten. Read the full article
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vhrai-blog · 1 year
Még a Sorvezető Blog könyvklubjában vettem kézbe R. J. Palacio Csodácska című ifjúsági regényét. Ugyan nem az én korosztályomnak szól, de rendkívül tanulságos történet. Talán, ha több hasonló könyv kerülne porondra, akkor jobban működne az elfogadás a mindennapokban...
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vanista · 11 months
Egyik ágon az orosz hard power, a másikon az amerikai soft power fenyegeti.” Schiffer András
Tankkal ölni és pizzériát rakétázni ugyanaz, mint telerakni a mozit hollywoodi filmekkel.
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telaviv-delhi · 1 year
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Nos, 2 óra oda, két óra vissza, de megvolt a legagyatlanabb fapados sznobturista celebszpotting, a hollywoodi Walk of Fame, kocsmázással és szuvenírbolttal a Hollywood Boulevardon. Bűz, kosz, hajlik a csillogás árnyékában, szal szipiszupi magyarosan otthonos hangulat. Bónusz: jégkockákkal töltött piszoár! I will be back.
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vaningyen · 1 year
valaki jól értesültnek
van valami infója arról, hogy hogyan hatnak etyekwoodra meg fótra a hollywoodi sztrájkok?
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