#holy shit I cannot believe that rian himself said this
TRoS Spoilers because here are my issues with it
So my boyfriend and I are with our own families for the holidays, thus we are currently separated and had to see TRoS separately as well.
I made these notes so I'd make sure to hit all the points I wanted to while talking to him about our thoughts on the movie. I thought I should share...
Ben solo dies
Aka wtf thanks for telling the Same goddamn story and for making it a point that if you've done wrong, the only way to make it right is through death.
Aka the Skywalker bloodline is plagued in tragedy and death and will never live on past this but the Palpatine bloodline will. Happily ever after fucker.
Light saber duels.
Aka why the fuck is it even happening?? "The only way you're getting to exogol is with me" NO MORE WORDS. What's the point? Where is the story development?? Nah. Literally just "oooohh lightsabers"
I cannot believe Rey hits Ben with a killing blow only to save him and go "I wanted to take your hand." Like?? She's so emotional there and sad but she literally would have just killed him? What? Where did that come from??
The trio.
Aka Are Rey and Poe even friends? All they do is be legitimately annoyed with each other. Help one another a little. And then have the most emotional hug I've ever seen? Where was that relationship development?
Aka why the fuck is he just some buddy character now? No mention of the fact he was a goddamn storm trooper except when he found more of them. Like. So much more could have been done with that new refreshing character but jj doesn't understand the word NEW
Aka are you fucking kidding me? I don't care if you hated her character. How does taking her away serve the story AT ALL? Like I'm just sitting here wondering what the fuck happened between her and Finn? Im not sure if they're together still or just friends now or Just tolerable exes because something went wrong but they don't want that to get in the way of winning the galactic fight. You hate rose? Idgaf. TLJ made her a main character. Her becoming a cameo makes no sense.
Also the fact that the writing used to sideline her wasn't even serving to the story. It was made so obvious it was shitty "fanservice"... "Rose last chance to come with us".... "Leia wants me here in case blah blah happens" the fuck??
Aka rose replacement. Enough said.
Zorri whatever.
Aka let's make poe forced hetero because too many people wanted finnpoe. Also we'll have her help them get to where they need to go so it seems like she's vital to the story.
Aka where the fuck did she even come from
Aka TLJ=super conflicted man who's on his knees in regret at the end. Looks up to the love of his life with heartbreak.
TRoS= immediately kills an entire forest of people by himself.
Aka totally ignoring the development of his character in TLJ. He spends all of TROS doing what he wants to get what he wants. Trying to manipulate Rey to the dark side to be with him. And then in 1 second switches over to Ben Solo.
Don't get me wrong. Adam Driver did so goddamn well in showing the difference but what fucking writing was that??
Aka holy fuck how much time do you have??
Let's add in the part from Bendemption about him still trying to manipulate her to the dark. Has he learned nothing from TLJ? I felt nothing when they kissed despite wanting reylo from the very beginning. Why? Because JJ said.. Hey Rian? All that relationship developing you did in TLJ? Fuck that. They're gonna be where they were at the beginning of TLJ (aka Rey wanting to fight Ben. And Ben trying to get her to turn dark.) and then they're gonna spend the whole movie fighting. And when they do fight? They're not even gonna talk to each other.
THEN we'll have Ben yeet himself to the lightside. Have him say nothing but "ow" get yeeted off a cliff when the SKYWALKER should be with the Palpatine to destroy palps once and for all because that's what the goddamn Skywalkers DESERVE.
"Help me grandfather.. To finish what you started." WHAT A PERFECT OPPORTUNITY THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN. Anakin sacrificed his life by killing sidious but SIKE sidious is still alive. Ben Solo could destroy him once and for all, thus finishing what his grandfather started. Oh how beautiful that would have been.
And oh how beautiful it would have been for the romantic interests of this trilogy to do it together. But nah.
I could go on about more issues but I'm tired.
Also I know I got carried away and off topic with some of those points. But my final thoughts... What the hell. This movie just backtracked so hard. The development of the story and characters didn't make sense. I was bored. It has no rewatchability. It's just a mess.
All JJ did was give us cool shots and threw up a shit ton of nostalgia. I'm bored.
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myflairway · 7 years
Rian Johnson, at SXSW, just said :
“The hand touch scene is the closest thing we’ll get to a sex scene in Star Wars”
If it wasn’t clear enough yet, let’s say it again together: REYLO IS CANON
*drops mic*
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