#holy shit look at this post's lenght
garablacktail · 2 years
Strike 3. 1/3
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A third of the way to fill another canvas with marks, gonna take a break this time. Not having the stabilizer on is a bit of a mixed bag, the marks are tending to be a better lenght but they’re way less straight, I’m gonna ultimatey keep it off while I do those (Look foward to me suddenly realizing it was off when I try making something) Trying to focus on having them be the correct size, I dunno what’s more important to focus early on. Holy shit I forgot to post this, lmao It’s prob beeen on “tell tumblr to post” for 12 hours
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latin-dr-robotnik · 5 years
Forces 2nd anniversary: My avatar collection!
Sonic Forces turns 2 today! I wanted to return to the game just to play for a couple of hours, maybe find something new (spoilers: it really didn’t happen) and, most importantly, share my avatars and their stories.
Back around the first months of the game I made a handful of characters, following a cool backstory set-up or trying to recreate already existing Sonic characters using the game’s tools. I’m gonna split this post right here to not clog up your dashboards (yeah, I love you all too), but feel free to join the fun!
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1. Sally Acorn (kinda)
Back during pre-release, one of the biggest theories around the fandom expressed that Forces may be set in the Freedom Fighters universe. Even back then it was a wacky theory for a mainline Sonic game, but I liked the idea (even tho one of my headcanons says Forces is set straight after Chronicles). So, when I got my hands on the game, the first character I created was a kind of a Sally knock-off, and I stuck with her over the entire game, unlocking more clothes to try and recreate her as best as I could. Forces character creation limitations are going to be a constant in this post, and this is the best I could come up with, but I’m still happy with the results. Sally is a wolf now, lmao.
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2. Hipster Boom Sonic
Another big theory going around the fandom back then was that the third playable character was going to be Boom Sonic, but after SEGA and Sonic Team saw how hard Rise of Lyric bombed, decided to instead do a player-created original character as the third gameplay pillar. I don’t think that theory has much solid ground to stand on, but back in 2017 I for sure ran off to the avatar creation screen right after beating the game, and made my own take on Boom Sonic. It’s pretty AU, but in a nice kinda way.
Headcanon goes as follows: Classic Sonic got warped through time and space because of the Phantom Ruby, and so did this older Sonic from the Boom dimension. “Hipster” Boom Sonic is a completely different kind of Sonic, one that has settled down and was having a nice, chill life until the Phantom Ruby shenanigans struck his dimension; now he’s working with the two other Sonics to try and stop this madness, and to return home with his friends and his special someone (yeah it’s who you think it is).
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3. Normal (bootleg) Bunnie Rabbot
Yeah, another freedom fighter. You know, I’m not a “Freedom Fighters are the GOAT” type of guy (I don’t even like the extended Archie Sonic Universe), but what I do like a lot is the OG SatAM universe. After doing Sally, I thought: “Hey, Bunnie could be mostly recreated in this game, right?” And I could’ve gone pretty far with things like the robotic gloves and shoes, but I rapidly went on another tangent: recreating Bunnie, but without the robotic stuff, maybe like “a normal girl”, if you like. I loved the results.
Also, yeah, I think every single one of my old characters had headsets, it was part of my headcanon about radio comms on the Resistance.
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4. Carlos (OC)
Finally, an original character (do not steal)! Carlos is my first-ever OC (yeah I never bothered making my own OC until Forces), he’s heavily into technology stuff (that’s why he’s rocking all those Mega Drive clothes), he loves Chao a lot (in fact he is carrying his Chao bag all the time), and checking my old Sonic Forces review (in spanish, btw), I came up with a pretty cool backstory for him:
Carlos was a Metropolis resident, working as IT for one of the city’s biggest companies until Eggman attacked. After the Eggman Empire took over, Carlos was left unemployed, and one night had to flee his home after getting into explosive trouble with a patrol of Eggman’s robots on a Metropolis back alley. That event caught the attention of the Resistance, who guided Carlos to their HQ and made him the new recruit. Now Carlos uses his technical skills to hack and slash through Eggman’s forces, looking to free his home from the oppresing regime of Dr. Eggman.
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5. Blaze the Cat (I guess)
I wanted to recreate Blaze, but it proved to be a pretty tough task to achieve. So, I tried to mix a couple of her designs from the Mario & Sonic Olympics games, Sonic Riders AND her official design. Shadow’s shoes were the closest thing to her original shoes I could find (I’m still trying to find a replacement, 2 years later), the gloves are part of the Riders look (now that I think about it, I could try to match her Riders design more closely), and Amy’s dress is not that far from one of her designs from M&S. 
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6. Star the Bear (OC)
Holy shit, another OC! By this point on the game I started to feel more confortable around the idea of making my own characters (it’s a one way trip, I tell ya!), so I tried to make a character that wasn’t exactly my cup of tea.
Star’s backstory isn’t as developed as Carlos’, but I wanted to make him kind of a up-and-coming pop star, something like Justin Beaver from Sonic Boom but more humble. Star was performing live at Sunset City when the Eggman assault began, and in turn had to seek shelter with the not-yet-formed Resistance. Inspired by Silver’s fashion sense (he’s such a wild diva, I love it), Star jumpstarted (heh) his career singing a cover of Dreams of an Absolution. Also, I made up that last part just for this post, lmao.
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7. OVA Knuckles
I think I made this character based on a funny tweet I saw shortly after release. The game gives you Knuckles’ shoes, Boom-style gloves and his cowboy hat from the OVA, of course I was going to make a character with those tools and put him alongside the real Knuckles (yeah that’s my screenshot). 
le funny meme, haha.
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8. Amy Rose
Don’t lie to me, you also tried this on your own. Looking at the Cube Wispon I thought: “man! it’s such a wasted opportunity to not have Amy playable in this game!”
I mean, the game gives you almost every single tool for recreating Amy, EXCEPT her quills, headband AND her right shade of pink. Still, this couldn’t stop the SonAmy shipping hype train and I’m not the only one that made this character only for the Tag Team stages. Feels great to take over the world, stage by stage, as Amy.
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8.5. Amy Rose (Wedding variant)
“After years of love and specially patience, Amy asked Sonic the big question once again, and he finally said yes! But shortly after, during an unfortunate chain of events, the world ended under Eggman’s domination. Oh, the irony!”
AU as fuck, but hey, that was my shipping side during 2017. Nowadays this could very well tie-in with my now-abandoned Celebrity Life fic thingy, tho. I’m currently thinking of doing her Runners Gothic Amy design.
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9. The most recent one
I think I made this caracter during mid-2018 or even later. She’s my current avatar and haven’t thought of a backstory or even a name yet. I believe I got inspired when I first tried to turn Amy into a mourning widow (that got dark fast lmao), but then made my own character dressing in the almighty black color. Maybe one day I will come up with a name and a backstory.
And that’s all, folks! If you reached this far, first of all thank you! I put a lot of thought into my characters and I guess that’s why I have 50+ hours of playtime, also I hope all my efforts made you maybe laugh, or maybe inspired you. Don’t hesitate in joining the conversation, specially if you have your own characters to share. Let’s make this Forces anniversary one hell of a party featuring all kinds of avatars.
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Oi, Worange, I don't know if you take manga recommandetions for your live bloggings, but I really recommand to you Spy×Family. You are free to not do a live blogging or not, mind you, but I think it would work with your posting fine
Well... I havent really thought much of other liveblogs beyond Komi (really need a computer at home and not just sneak stuff at slow working hours :c) and I was thinking School life eventually... BUT I have heard good things about SpyxFamily so let me give it a look
Okay 3 pages in and I'm sold... its not mission 1 but how the volume starts and honestly I'm interested I defenitely could make a cropping of it... *checks lenght* HOLY SHIT HOW LONG ARE THIS CHAPTERS/MISSIONS?
I... I can't do the same I do with Komi... except maybe a middle point between elaborated liveblogging and quick thoughts (like the ones Future Worange does) so I might think about this for the future
Sidenote: I WAS planning to continue Shikimori talk... but honestly I dont think what I said was that interesting? Is a good manga but also feels really one note (good note mind you) so the hability to elaborate on it feels to boring to me, will still read the rest though
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obsidiancreates · 5 years
A Magician, A God, A Demon, And a Who-Knows-What Hang Out In a Living Room
(Today is Marvin Day. Also Evelyn is referring to my OC, not Gab. Just so there’s no confusion. But yeah, Marvin hanging out with my three magical OCs!)
“So,” Evelyn said, upside-down on the chair, waving her feet in the air, “You’re the only magic one?” 
Marvin nodded. “Well, JJ has some magic speech slides, but otherwise yeah.”
“Oh, what a shame,” Carter sighed, laying lenght-wise on the couch. “It must be terribly difficult to get your brothers to understand you abilities.”
“They don’t understand it, but they’re super supportive! They know it’s what I was born to do.”
Malum rolls his eyes at Carter and Evelyn. “Your magic is way different from ours, I don’t know why Carter is trying to act like it isn’t. Yours seems to require a lot more focus and skill.”
“Oh, you have no idea,” Marvin laughed. “And so much research! I’m up to my ass in elemental tomes alone! There is some stuff that comes pretty easy, though.” He snaps his fingers, and a green flame burst forth from his hands. “Like this! It’s the first spell I ever learned how to do.”
Carter tilted his head, watching the flames. “Impressive. I myself can’t even summon forth fire in such a way. Are you sure I’ve never blessed you?”
“Uh, we’re from different universes.”
Carter waves his hand. “Oh, I can’t keep track of how many dimensions I’ve been and when. Being a god does that, time becomes near meaningless unless spent with those who have precious little to spare.”
“Don’t mind him, he’s a drama queen” Evelyn said. Snappers walked over and sniffed curiously at Evelyn’s hair. “Oh, hi little dragon.”
Carter pouted. “As with time losing meaning, being a god makes one very prone to the dramatic. It’s not my fault. Now,” he got up and walked over to Marvin. “Would you like a blessing?”
Marvin squinted suspiciously at Carter. “What would that do?”
“Oh, it simply makes you a bit more clever and charming. It would aid in your studies quite a bit.”
Marvin frowned, still squinting. “And what’s in it for you?”
“Why, I offer this out of the generosity of my heart!”
Evelyn slid off the chair and sat criss-cross on the floor, apparently having a staring contest with Snappers. “Don’t worry, he’s not after your soul or anything. He just really likes blessing people.”
Carter grinned. “It’s my way of showing that I like someone.”
Marvin shook his head. “Thanks, but I’m not really there yet with trusting you.”
Carter bowed slightly. “Fair, I can’t say I am one who trusts easily either.”
“So, how does your magic work?”
Evelyn, still engaged in her staring contest with Snappers, holds her hand out, palm facing the ground. It glows a bright sky blue, and a small blue flower sprouts underneath the little dragon. Snappers makes a noise that a combination of a roar and a squawk as the flower lifts her up. The flower glows the same blue as Evelyn’s hand. Snappers sniffs it, and takes a nibble of one of the petals. 
“Whoa!” Marvin launched forward. “Is that safe for her to eat?”
Evelyn nodded. “Yeah. I can grow them with different effects, this one just makes you sleepy.” She leans back. Snappers opens her mouth and yawns, fluttering up to Marvin’s shoulder for a nap. “It mostly plant magic, and a little to disguise myself to look more normal.”
“How...how do you really look?” 
“I’ve got some horns and wings and glowing eyes. And claws.”
“Oh.” Marvin relaxed. “That’s not that bad. My magic has some blue in it, too.”
“Sweet! Magic fist-bump!”
Marvin let his magic surround his hand, the pastel green and blue lazily wrapping around it like a blanket. He bumped it with Evelyn’s bright-blue fist, and there was a small flash of blue light. Blue petals that became green fire at the ends drifted to the ground, somehow not catching anything else ablaze. Marvin’s eyes went wide. “Whoa...”
Evelyn picked one up. “Holy shit! That’s awesome!”
Marvin looked over at Malum. “What would happen if I gave you a fist bump? Flaming...tears?”
Malum laughed. “I doubt it. Probably just more fire. Or maybe really sad fire.”
“Yeah, tragedy demon magic is ugly stuff.”
Marvin scooped up the flaming petals. “Can I keep these?” he asked Evelyn. She shrugged. 
“Go for it.”
Marvin’s eyes lit up. “Oh, I’m going to study the shit out of these!”
Taglist (Will I ever not forget this before posting? Who knows): @victory-cookies @septic-dr-schneep @beerecordings @starlightxnightmare @sadcat5555 @evyptids @miishae @a-humble-narcissus
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whats ur stance on the wheels vs doors debate?
when i first got this ask i thought it was probably a shit post and just your general run of the mill tumblr nonsense, but something told me there was more to this ask, so i looked up the door vs wheel debate and...
Holy shit, how did i not know about this, i enjoy pointless debates, i live for arguments that have no true consequence to them. i love seeing people go to insane lengths to prove their side on mundane disputes
thank you anon for bringing this to my attention and sending me down this rabbit hole of what truly is a wheel, and what can you reasonably call a door.
so buckle up i havent chosen i side yet, so im gonna to extensive lenghts to decide my stance and thus the hill i shall die on
alright so my first order of business was to find out what counts as a wheel or door. 
WHEEL:  a circular frame of hard material that may be solid, partly solid, or spoked and that is capable of turning on an axle
DOOR: a usually swinging or sliding barrier by which an entry is closed and opened also : a similar part of a piece of furniture
but most people would say that: in general doors can be walked through and wheel are on vehicles 
(with some exeption that i think most people would argee on, like cupboard and locker like things for doors and potters wheel/ game show wheels type thing (idk how to simply catogarize those things) for wheels) 
now that i have that infomaton i can get a better idea of what im doing
so looking around the room i’m currently in i can see 12 definate no doubt doors and 12 sliding windows that could be called doors by the definition i gave but it is bit of a stretch and if asked someone they probliyl wouldnt call it a door, so ill put a pin in that for now.
looking around the room again this time for wheels i see 8 definate wheels and 8 fans which dose match the definiton i gave but yet again most people don’t look at a fan and think “hey thats a wheel” 
ill have to expand my thinking.
to the rest of my school! so my school had 6 houses and about 350 lockers each. so that’s 2100 door already. and theres about 50 other lockers so 2150 doors just by lockers, and then theres the bathrooms like each bathroom at my school has and average of 6 doors illl say and maybe 10 bathrooms acrosss the school so another 60 doors. and the class rooms? they all have doors, and many of them have cupboards or side rooms so like 3 or 4 doors a class room and who knows how many class rooms we have? 
and then theres all the offices and hidden store/mantenence rooms.all the kitichen cupboards we have like 4 or 5 kitchens.  then we have all the padock gates, all the shead doors the 21 doors for just one aviary complex
HOLY FUCK I FORGOT THE PHONE LOCKERS we got like a thousand of them
and that’s just 1 school
it’s not looking good for wheels here and im definatly leaning towards doors]
but granted i have been unfair to wheels, a school is a stationary place so not being many wheels isnt that unexpected.
so where do you expext to find wheels? vehicles. and what do most people have? a car.
so your average car has 6 wheels,( 4 in use 1 spare, 1 steering) but also 6 definate doors (boot, front, 4 side) and then you could count all the various compartment doors way out numbering the wheels.
that’s all that i could think on the initial rant from the top of my head.
im pretty sure im on TEAM DOORS
and a common saying i have is: “one of the best way to prove a theory is to try and disprove it.”
 so lets look at some other peoples arguments, shall we?
one argument i found that was in fact a verry good argument was “wheels get replaced a lot” and this nearly stumped me, sure there are a lot of doors but with wheels being replaced a lot would the number of door be enough. my thoughts where an unsure yes.
but then i checked the origional question again. 
“do you think there are more doors or wheels in the world?”
its all in present tense. if a wheel is replaced the old one is probably gonna get destroyed in some mannor and thus, no longer be a wheel
 and to try and bring in past and future doors and wheels that are not currently in existance must be the result of a desperate reach.
so that argument holds less water now, and granted not every wheel thats replace will get destroyed, but certnaly not enought to tip the balance in wheels favor.
one thing i can see threatening team doors is all the tiny toy cars they dont have an equiviant door like with cars, but im kinda sure doors from else where can counter act that but i cant say for 100% certain.
but for me this is all in good fun and if we can find for certian which has more i shall acept it.
ok wow this turned out long. im not done with this debate but im gonna leave my initial thoughts here.
for now.
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