#home dialysis
trivitahealthcare · 21 days
Trivita home healthcare
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Here Are Some Benefits of the ButtonHole Technique for Home Dialysis
Maintaining your arteriovenous (AV) fistula involves rotating the locations where you insert your needles. This procedure helps extend the usefulness of your dialysis access and lowers the chance of an aneurysm, which can develop when a vein wall is repeatedly poked with needles, stretching and weakening it. But repeatedly puncturing your skin with sharp needles can be extremely uncomfortable and painful. If you want to prevent the agony and discomfort that revolving needles at your access site cause, you can use the buttonhole approach.
Here is further information on the buttonhole approach and the reasons why hemodialysis uses it.
What Is the Buttonhole Technique?
The buttonhole technique is a way to "cannulate", which is "to insert dialysis needles," such that each time you undergo dialysis, the same holes on your fistula are punctured with dull needles as opposed to sharp, pointed ones. The needles' "tunnelled track" is made when they are inserted into the same holes. Since you no longer need to use sharp needles to create fresh holes in your skin and fistula, this may become less painful over time. Similar to the hole caused in the earlobe by a pierced earring, the track is a tunnel formed by the growth of scar tissue through the skin and fistula. This method is an excellent substitute for rotating sites, which might result in aneurysms (parts of the fistula wall that have become weak and stretched out of place).
Buttonhole Pros
The buttonhole technique assists in maintaining your dialysis access point open for longer, and since fistula access is likely to extend your life the longest of the three access choices, the buttonhole technique is all the more important.
Patients who undergo dialysis in the comfort of their own homes, in particular, find the buttonhole technique to be very helpful for self-cannulation. Because the buttonhole approach allows patients to use a blunt needle, it is also found to be less uncomfortable than other cannulation techniques.
People who are afraid of needles and wish to feel more at ease by practising self-cannulation frequently like this procedure.
Buttonhole Cons 
While the power of the needles and repeated insertion into the same holes make the process of inserting the needles painless, many patients are hesitant to self-cannulate, and there may be a fear component to overcome before learning the technique.
The use of non-sterile equipment can result in a staphylococcus infection, especially since dialysis patients often have more staph bacteria on their skin.
If you choose to use the buttonhole technique, one of the biggest drawbacks is that you will need to devote time to learning how to correctly self-cannulate. You will practice this method under the guidance of an expert hemodialysis nurse or technician until you are comfortable performing it independently and comfortably in your own home.
The danger of infection at the buttonhole sites is another potential drawback of the buttonhole method. For the duration of your dialysis treatment, however, taking good care of your dialysis access can keep your buttonhole open and free from infection.
Tips on Caring for Your Buttonhole Site
You must follow the same procedures that are already part of access care for dialysis to appropriately take care of your buttonhole site. Before starting dialysis, it's crucial to wash your hands and the access site to lower the chance of infection. The use of clean, sterile needles is another important factor in lowering the danger of infection.
Here are some additional actions to take when caring for your dialysis access if you plan to self-cannulate:
Always use gloves to stop the transmission of bacteria and viruses.
When inserting and extracting needles, always wear a mask.
Before removing scabs from the buttonhole locations, clean the area.
Before starting dialysis, always remove scabs from the buttonhole sites.
To establish and keep a healthy buttonhole tract, insert needles consistently at the same angle and depth. Your risk for aneurysms may increase if you don't place the needles in the same location each time. You might not be able to switch to dull needles from sharper, more painful ones since this could result in the formation of additional tunnels for bacteria to hide in. 
Take out each needle one at a time while using two fingers to hold the site together. To stop blood from entering the tunnel and forming a significant blood clot, this plugs both the hole in your arm and the hole in your AV fistula. Instead, this causes the development of smaller, quicker-healing scabs.
You will discuss with your healthcare practitioner whether the buttonhole technique can be performed as self-cannulation or under the guidance of a medical professional. Additionally, just because you can self-cannulate using this method does not indicate that you should. If you wish, medical personnel and skilled nurses will always perform the insertion for you.
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ley-med · 1 year
Hit my head on the window panel hard enough to draw blood, then had an unfortunate meeting with the table's leg and slightly luxated my knee, and also annihilated a few glass ampules by scattering them on the floor, today's shift was just splendid
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Now THIS is a Star Trek movie
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cannot-copia · 1 year
this year so far
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#tw death#once again saying things into the void on here bc i dont know where else to say it#went on a trip for a couple days for my moms birthday a couple weeks ago now#they called to tell us my dads dialysis had pretty much stopped working shortly after we were got there#insurance gave us 4 days notice to find somewhere for him to go (2 of which we were 1200 miles from home)#also was told by the place I work at i am not needed until further notice the same day#so I have no source of income until they get the necessary machine fixed and even then I am skeptical they will say to come back#since dialysis stopped working he had to be moved to hospice#which was a week ago now#so he has very little time left#my half brother and his wife came to visit him a couple days ago#now his brother is here from another state#and we took them to eat at the place they’ve always gone when they are here for as long as I can remember#on the way there we were told my grandmother was taken to the hospital in an ambulance#they don’t know what is wrong with her yet but she is 94 so her being not ok either is very plausible#we are only like 3 weeks into the year and I’ve already been soft laid off my grandmother could be dying and my dad is dying#I feel like I have been seconds away from having a complete panic attack for a week#packing up and cleaning out the assisted living (he only ended up being at 3 months) felt so wrong#it was his coffee mug and green cup of all things that got to me most#he always had them#and knowing he would never use them again#I bought his dog a new name tag today#so it has a tag when we give it to them to put in the casket with him#and i almost cried in a fucking petsmart#and now I’m here over sharing on the internet about it bc if I do not keep myself distracted I will just get more nauseous and cry more#delete later
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campcrow2 · 11 months
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Kill me! Kill me! Kill me! Kill me!
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soryualeksi · 2 years
Okay, so. I'm ALL for not spreading, you know, deadly fucking disease to your fellow human beings, but WHAT is it with people, like, pretending to not understand the mere concept of a common cold anymore??
I keep being made an unwilling participant in a discussion that goes as follows:
"Hm, I have a cough and a sore throat."
"Oh dear."
"But I keep testing for Covid every day before coming into work."
"That's the responsible thing to do."
"The tests keep coming back negative."
"That's good to hear. Let's hope it stays that way."
Now normally, this would be the end of this extremely awkward sickness-smalltalk that I don't actually wanna know anything about. But no. Then they suddenly double down.
"I don't trust the tests."
"Well, I trust you to have done the tests in the correct manner, so if they keep coming back negative I would assume you don't have Covid."
"But I have a cough and a sore throat."
"Yes, I mean, it could just be a common cold. Those still exist."
"But I've been like this for a week now."
"Colds are like that."
"But also my head hurts a bit."
"Colds do that, too."
"But also I feel kind of tired and ill."
"Yes, that's... Look, I'm sure that before Covid you've had a cold at some point, too?"
"But I don't trust the tests."
I don't want to invalidate people feeling worried and then I usually say, look, if the ONE blob of nose slime that contains like three little particles for the test to come back positive on, is hidden SO deep within your nasal cavities you can't get it on your swab no matter how hard you poke around there, then even if you HAD Covid - which you don't - I think it's unlikely there'd be enough of the virus in that other little blob of nose slime over there you could possibly fling into the air IF you coughed wetly on the next person without covering your mouth.
Like?? Is this a new kind of social ritual I don't understand??? Are we signaling our place in the "We are mindful of the pandemic" hierarchy by??? Insisting our runny nose must be from Covid and we just cannot detect it AND ALSO IF YOU'RE SO WORRIED THAN WHY ARE YOU AT WORK WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT WHY DO I HAVE TO PARTICIPATE IN THAT
I don't wanna have this discussion anymore, I don't know what to say other than "In this case the evidence points to: common cold."
What is the purpose of this discussion, what answer do they want, what am I supposed to provide them. ;_; Please. You probably have a cold. If you feel so shitty that you have to constantly let me know, than maybe you should go get sick leave from your doctor, why are you telling ME, why do you believe that there's no other respiratory infections besides Covid anymore, WHAT DO YOU WANT, and also WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO GIVE *ME* YOUR DISGUSTING-ASS COLD SOB
I'm sorry for ranting, but this keeps happening and I'm TIRED. If you're really, truly worried you are infectious with a nasty disease, then stay the fuck home. And if you're not. Then WHY. Are we having this stupid discussion.
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mitraindustries · 12 days
Key Factors Driving Growth for Dialysis Machine Manufacturers in India: 2024 Insights
As per a study done in 2024, it has been found that dialysis machine manufacturers in India have shown considerable growth. Analyzing the main tendencies that can be seen in the given focus area, there are several essential factors that contribute to the increase in the mentioned issue.
Rising Prevalence of Kidney Diseases
It is worth remembering that the incidence of kidney diseases continues to increase from year to year. This increases the need for dialysis machines in the market and hence boosts their productivity.
Technological Advancements
EUS is a gastrointestinal tract related procedure. Don’t believe it to be related to kidney dialysis/nephrology. New functionalities exhibited in dialysis machines are also gaining the attention of numerous healthcare sectors. These include the rise of Automated Peritoneal Dialysis (APD) machines that enable patients to undergo the therapy in their sleep. This ensures minimum impact to daily activities and maximizes quality of life. Newer APDs are also equipped with features such as cloud connectivity also allow doctors to be updated with their patient’s wellbeing 24x7.
Government Support
Different governments have divergent policies that encourage investments in healthcare. There are also incentives available for dialysis centers for subsidies. In the case of India, policies such as the National Dialysis Programmer, PMNDP, have provisions for both peritoneal dialysis and hemo dialysis for eligible patients.
Growing Healthcare Infrastructure
There has also been an increase in the number of Hospitals and clinics established nationwide. As more clinics and diagnostic techniques become available, machines are bought in greater numbers.
Why Choose Mitra Industries?
First and foremost, at Mitra Industries, our chief mission has been to enable life care through sustainable technologies. Our products, such as the Automated Peritoneal Dialysis machine, reflect the advanced technological systems in place to maximize quality of life for people living with kidney disease. Other dialysis solutions, such as Tr-Choice, our triple-chambered bag with near-neutral pH and low Glucose Degeneration Products, are also aimed at improving dialysis outcomes.
We also specialize in state-of-the-art products, such as CAPD solutions for timely and efficient healthcare. To realise that reliability and innovation are combined in the delivery of dialysis care, choose Mitra Industries.
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onecalldoctor123 · 19 days
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One Call Doctor provides best Dialysis services at home in Dubai, UAE. For more details visit our website : https://theonecalldoctor.com/services/dialysis-at-home-in-dubai/
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yorkshire-rockchick · 3 months
The cold just kicked in again 🥶 😔
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cfkc12 · 4 months
Kidney Dialysis at Home - Central Florida Kidney Centers
Empower Your Health Journey: 🏡 Discover the Freedom of Kidney Dialysis at Home with Central Florida Kidney Centers!
Personalized Care, Where You Are: 🌟 Experience the Convenience and Comfort of Dialysis Treatment in the Comfort of Your Own Home.
Expert Guidance, Every Step of the Way: 🩺 Trust Central Florida Kidney Centers' Dedicated Team to Provide Compassionate Support and Professional Care Throughout Your Home Dialysis Journey.
Take Control of Your Health: 💪 With Kidney Dialysis at Home from Central Florida Kidney Centers, You Can Enjoy Greater Independence and Quality of Life While Managing Your Kidney Health.
#HomeDialysis #KidneyHealth #CentralFloridaKidneyCenters #Empowerment
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electricalparades · 6 months
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willgrahamsleftear · 6 months
got the news my grandpa won’t be home for christmas
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harmeet-saggi · 7 months
What Is Complete Urine Analysis And Why It Matters
Ever wondered about the hidden stories your urine might tell about your health? Enter the world of complete urine analysis, a powerful diagnostic tool that unveils crucial insights into your well-being. In this extensive guide, we'll journey through the intricacies of urine tests, understanding the significance of this diagnostic method in detecting potential health issues. What exactly is a urine analysis test, and why should you be interested? Let's embark on a comprehensive exploration.
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uknursinghome · 7 months
Hooray! The arrival of a new family member brings immense joy and excitement. Following the birth, it's vital to prioritize the well-being of both the mother and the newborn by providing them with proper care. The postnatal phase, commonly known as the "postpartum" period, is a delicate time, underscoring the significance of nurturing both mother and baby. This guide by leading gynae doctor in delhi explains straightforward and useful tips for attending to the well-being of the mother and baby in the aftermath of delivery. Learn more here
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cannot-copia · 2 years
Mental Health Check for the Ghesties! How we doin'?
ive been better
ik i like never respond positively to these asks, I’m sorry whoever you are
but thank you for asking <3
also sorry to those who’ve tagged me in tag games the past while too, i do like them but between working for the past 14 days straight and some more not good things happening irl i have not had time to do them and now i probably won’t find them
#tw for death/illness/unalive thoughts for these tags ig#idk if I’ve mentioned it but#my dad has dementia diabetes lung issues heart issues has fallen/has had strokes and has been on dialysis for 2 years now#long story but we had to put him in assisted living a few months ago#bc we couldn’t take care of him at home anymore he’d fall or try and do things he shouldn’t#(ie drive when he says himself he can’t see and has only 1 working eye)#or didn’t control his bowels/bladder#would cuss us out tell us to go to hell etc#so he’s been there for a while where they are trained to take care of people like that#and he wouldn’t be alone while we are at work and stuff#but he hates it and last time I visited him there he said he didn’t want to be in this world anymore and said how he wanted to step in front#of a bus and stuff which did not help the guilt I already feel about him having to be there#but there is no choice if he didn’t have to be there he wouldn’t be we don’t have the money to pay for it#and now he’s been in and out of the hospital several times over the past few weeks#and went again Monday bc they thought he had another stroke (slurring his words/not walking straight and other things)#they found out he didn’t but what they thought was wrong has been treated and he’s not better#and now they’ve discussed him going to a nursing home or even hospice#but they so far have no plans of discharging him so he’s obviously not doing good#and that’s on top of other things that i don’t feel like i should even complain about when that is going on#so yeah I am not doing the best tbh#been trying not to think about it bc every time I do i feel like either throwing up or crying or both#sorry for the tag info dump#delete later#probably#asks
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