ultra-clashpects · 5 months
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The Lord of Void is someone who is one with the shadows and the secrets, someone who is forgotten by history and everyone around them, and someone who can control history if they so chose to. The Lord of Void dominates the Void and everything that exists within it, meaning that all the secrets of the universe, of the game, all the lies that have ever been told, and so many more things are now under the control of the Lord.
They embody nothingness and the power that comes with being invisible, they are completely invisible to those they don’t want attention from, and they basically exist outside of our reality in their own little reality. They can pick and choose what facts they want to be real and which ones are fake, and they have the power to just completely rewrite history and cloud over any event with believable lies and false truths. The Lord of Void holds the power to erase history and turn it into whatever they want, covering up anything or anyone with falsehoods and believable lies to the point where anyone who remembers will be questioning their own sanity and memory.
They are powerful, perhaps one of the strongest players in the classpecting spectrum, but with great power comes great responsibility too. The Lord of Void is in charge of making sure that everyone else doesn’t screw up the timeline or history too badly, and they must make sure that relevant people stay relevant, and that those who need to stay forgotten are.
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ultra-clashpects · 5 months
Lord of Rage?
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The Lord of Rage is someone who becomes and embodies the idea of Rage itself and can control the negative emotions that come with their aspect, and all the negative things that people usually brush aside or believe to be “unjust.” They are likely not the happiest of people, nor the most lucky, and there’s a chance that they might revel in their own misery and “fetishize their own sadness” for lack of a better term.
The Lord of Rage dominates the emotion game, specifically all the emotions and activities that are known to be “bad” or “self-pitying behaviour” or just in general are bad for you. There’s a chance that they might fall into addictions to things such as alcohol, drugs, gambling, or any other sort of risky behaviour, but that won’t stop the Lord from doing whatever it is that they want to do. Things might perk up a bit once the Lord reaches their God-Tier status and can begin unlocking all of their powers, because then it could be possible for them to change who and how they are as a person, suppressing their Rage and sadness deep down inside of them, or on the flip side, they can fine-tune their anger and turn it into a deadly weapon.
They could weaponise their own emotions and Rage like a deadly weapon, they can make anybody and everybody have a complete mental breakdown at any point in time, and showing your own anger might be the worst decision you could make around them. The Lord of Rage might be someone who gets physically angry, or they could be a quiet rager, but either way, if you want to live another day then I don’t recommend ever pissing off a Lord of Rage, for your own safety.
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ultra-clashpects · 5 months
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The Lord of Mind is someone who has 100% complete control of the mind’s of those around them, complete domination, and nobody can resist the power and influence of the Lord’s powers. They have full control over the thoughts, feelings, actions, and everything else that a person can and will do just simply by hijacking their mind to be able to control their body.
The Lord of Mind is a scary, scary person to deal with because they can turn anyone into their puppet in a split second with no resistance. They can control anyone: friends, family, even the big bad that they might be facing, and no one can say or do anything to fight against the control of the Lord just simply because of how strong they are. The Lord of Mind can make their victims believe that their actions and thoughts are their own, completely oblivious to the fact that they’re being puppeted by the Lord, without the Lord ever even needing to reveal themselves to those that they’re using.
They can control and dominate from a distance, never even having to see or meet the people that they’re using for their powers to be used, which makes the Lord even more scary because the fact that you can be completely controlled by someone you’ve never even met is terrifying. The Lord of Mind is a deadly combination just simply because of the amount of power they hold and what they can do to unsuspecting people, turning anyone into a mindless, brainless husk for the Lord to use as a puppet to do their bidding without any way for you to ever fight back or break free from their grasp, forever in their control.
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ultra-clashpects · 4 months
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The Lord-Muse of Hope-Void is someone who wants to make a better future for themself and for others, but they don’t exactly know where to start or what to do, so they unfortunately remain stagnant for a long period of time before they decide or alternatively, have their mind made for them by someone else. The Lord-Muse of Hope-Void is at a conflict with themself because they don’t know how they want to go about pursuing their dreams, if they even do at all, and whether they want to take a more active or passive route of getting to what they want, if they even put in the effort at all.
The Lord-Muse of Hope-Void can control and manipulate the secrets and the information, as well as the Hopes and the desires of those around them, or they can subtly influence people into building the future that the Lord-Muse wants instead, but they probably cannot have both and cannot walk the very thin line between the two worlds of power so they must eventually make a choice before it’s too late. The Lord-Muse of Hope-Void is held back by standards or barriers that they had once set up to protect themself from the dangers of the world, but ironically it is keeping them too safe and they cannot experience the world and all of the things it offers, both good and bad, from within their safety shield and if they ever want to grow as a person, to get stronger and get wiser, they will need to leave their comfort zone and come to terms with what they need to do and the world that they had been hiding from.
The Lord-Muse of Hope-Void is part Lord of Hope, which means that they are powerful beyond belief and that their words hold too much power, they can sway a person’s thoughts and Hopes with a sincere speech, and they can choose to twist and manipulate a person’s understanding or desires to get what they want when they want. They are dangerous, but not all powerful, and their one true weakness is a complete lack of Hope for them to manipulate and use to their own benefit.
The Lord-Muse of Hope-Void is part Lord of Void, which means that they are the one who controls the world from the shadow, they are the one who makes decisions for everyone else and determines who knows what and who doesn’t have power, and they are the one who decides who gets to be influential or known and who gets to be forgotten by history. They are in control of who gets to be known and who fades into the shadows, controlling the unknown and the secrets and all the lies of the universe, and if they so felt like it, they could just completely cloud over someone’s life and make them disappear forever.
The Lord-Muse of Hope-Void is part Muse of Hope, which means that they are ambitious and optimistic, they try to bring out the best in those around them, and they want to make sure that everyone is having a good time and that they’re happy and content with their lives. They feed off the power and the happiness of the people around them, drawing energy from the positive emotions and the dreams of their close friends and family, and if they’re not happy or discontent with something, you will know as they will either tell you or immediately jump into action trying to fix it.
The Lord-Muse of Hope-Void is part Muse of Void, which means that they are one with the shadows and the mysteries of the universe, they act as a puppeteer and inspire people to do their bidding, silently controlling people from the shadows via their secrets and insecurities. They are almost like a devil on your shoulder, whispering for you to lie and deceive others just for the fun of it and to spread chaos and misinformation, but it can be hard to resist the allure of the Muse just simply because of their air that surrounds them that seems to draw people in.
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ultra-clashpects · 4 months
I request Lord-Muse of Void-Heart
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The Lord-Muse of Heart-Void is someone who wants to understand who they are as a person and what they’re capable of doing, but they are unsure of how they’re supposed to go about it and whether or not they’re supposed to get help from or announce their progress to other people. The Lord-Muse of Heart-Void will have difficulties when it comes to discovering who they want to be and what they can do, as they’re pulled in two different directions by their class, and they cannot decide whether they want to control their aspects or whether they want to let their aspects control them.
The Lord-Muse of Heart-Void knows and holds their own secrets and other people’s secrets close to their core because they understand how important it can be to keep some information to yourself or only have a few select people know something dire about you, so they are a wonderful secret keeper and usually wouldn’t dare go and spread gossip that people have told them not to talk about. The Lord-Muse of Heart-Void is strong and very powerful, but they must be able to come to terms with who they are as a person and how their existence affects, or doesn’t affect, the lives of those that surround them before they can grow into their true form and reach their true potential.
The Lord-Muse of Heart-Void is part Lord of Heart, which means that they are in total control of themselves and their feelings, they understand who they are down to their core, and they know everything there is possible to know about themself. They have something of a complex that drives them, but it’s not always bad, they just want to help everyone else be as flawless and as in touch with their feelings as the Lord is, and they are more than willing to “help” people reach that goal whether they want to or not.
The Lord-Muse of Heart-Void is part Lord of Void, which means that they embody and control the nothingness and the emptiness of the world around them, residing in the darkness and in the Void where they cannot be touched nor found, and even the most skilled of people would struggle to get their hands on the Lord, unless they willed themself to be able to be found and captured. They control the secrets that are fed to them and are one with the universal darkness of the night and of the universe, they are everywhere all at once, and no amount of Light can get rid of them.
The Lord-Muse of Heart-Void is part Muse of Heart, which means that they want those around them to be open and true to themselves, letting them feel their feelings and not repress it deep down inside of yourself, while also trying to bring out the best possible version of you that there is. They are kind people who want to see those around them succeed and flourish in their lives, they want to be able to be there and support people with what they do, and they radiate an air of positivity and calmness and acceptance wherever they go.
The Lord-Muse of Heart-Void is part Muse of Void, which means that they hide in the shadows and manipulate and control things from a distance, never actually having to up close with any threats they might be facing, and they can always blackmail people into doing their business for them using secrets and the things that people try to hide from others. They know everything there is to know about everyone, they are devious people who probably like to watch fires burn, and they’re not afraid to start some rumours just for the hell of it.
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ultra-clashpects · 4 months
I request Lord-Muse of Void
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The Lord-Muse of Void is someone who is incredibly powerful and has the ability to rule over the Void and control the secrets and the nothingness and the empty space of the universe if they wanted to, and if they went about gaining their powers in the right way. The Lord-Muse of Void dominates over their aspect, but whether they want to let it exploit themself or whether they want to exploit it is up to them to decide, and is something that they may be stuck on for a very long time.
The Lord-Muse of Void feels like they’re being pulled in multiple directions all at once, understanding that eventually they’ll have to conform to one side or another, unless they become powerful enough to resist both urges and walk on the middle line forever, but this is something incredibly difficult that not many will be able to do. The Lord-Muse of Void is a secretive person, they don’t like to be known for who they are or what they do, and they like to have the ability to sneak up on people and their aspect, taking it all by surprise, and being able to dominate over the shadows and control the flow of information and know all, having total control over all the secrets of the universe and the game they’re playing and all the people they interact with.
The Lord-Muse of Void is part Lord of Void, which means that they are the designated secret-keeper of the universe and they are in charge of making and keeping all the secrets, from their own to the secrets of their friends and family, to the secrets of the game they’re playing, to even the secrets of the universe that people have been striving to understand for millenia. They embody nothingness and they hide in the shadows, they are never perceived by anyone that they don’t want to be, and they’re completely hidden from reality unless they choose to be visible to certain people.
The Lord-Muse of Void is part Muse of Void, which means that they are one with the secrets and the lies and the darkness of the universe, hiding in shadows and pulling the strings from up above, but they’re so well blended into the nothingness that they can never be found out for their actions. They spread lies and deceit, increasing the amount of Void and lessening the amount of Light and truth that exists around, steadily growing their powers as they do, and successfully conning people into spreading the Void just like the Muse does, and doing all the dirty work for them.
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ultra-clashpects · 4 months
I request Lord-Muse of Heart-Time
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The Lord-Muse of Heart-Time is someone who is at an internal crossroads, not sure of who they are or who they should be, what they should do with their powers, or any other thing like that. The Lord-Muse of Heart-Time knows what they want to be and what they want to do, but whether they think it’s the right thing that they should do or not is what they’re stuck on.
The Lord-Muse of Heart-Time is incredibly powerful, having complete domination of their aspects and those who use their aspects, but they struggle when it comes to deciding whether they want to be one with their aspects or whether they want to control their aspects. The Lord-Muse of Heart-Time has to put a lot of work into who they want to be and where they want to be, because nothing that is good is easy, but they know that they’re destined for great things.
The Lord-Muse of Heart-Time is part Lord of Heart, which means that they are very in-tune with their inner self, their wants and desires, and who they are as a person and they know what they want to be, and they can understand how much power they have and how much power they can have if they put in the right amount of work. They wear their heart on their sleeve and they’re likely a very charismatic person, but know that they can also control and change who you are as a person if they’re unhappy with it.
The Lord-Muse of Heart-Time is part Lord of Time, which means that they are hot-headed, reckless, and impulsive, and nothing will stop them from getting what they want if they have their heart set on it. They are very independent people, they don’t like having to rely on others because it takes too much time and too much waiting, and why get someone else to do something for you when you have the option to learn how to do it yourself and improve, making yourself stronger and better than everyone else?
The Lord-Muse of Heart-Time is part Muse of Heart, which means that they inspire others to be true and to be happy, to let their Heart run wild and to follow their desires and make their dreams come true, no matter what the cost may be. They love to help out people and they’re constantly trying to help others improve and gain power, while also working on themselves and making sure that everyone they surround themselves with are happy and all of their relationships are budding and healthy and positive.
The Lord-Muse of Heart-Time is part Muse of Time, which means that they are patient and relaxed, they like to take their time with things, and they’re known for taking their sweet sweet time to stop and smell the roses before getting around to doing anything. They might have issues with procrastinating, but they do mean well and they inspire others to slow down and enjoy life and to not always be so rushed about everything that they do.
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ultra-clashpects · 5 months
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The Lord of Hope is someone who is a master manipulator and liar, they can make anyone believe in whatever the hell they want, changing their hopes and dreams and ideals in the blink of an eye. The Lord of Hope can change the opinions of those around them with just a speech or a single phrase, and everyone around them will have complete faith in them, no matter the subject. They are a dangerous person to hang around because of the amount of power that they hold, they are easily one of the strongest and scariest classpects to exist.
The Lord of Hope could make themself into some kind of power figure, like a president or a religious figure, and they can make hundreds to thousands of people whole-heartedly believe in them without a second thought. They are the idea of Hope, they are the beliefs that everything will be okay, they are the positivity and optimism within people’s hearts.
The Lord of Hope needs other people to feed off of and to syphon their Hopes from, because their one greatest weakness is a complete lack of Hope and desire. They want to make a better life for themself and for those around them, and they are driven by their morals, but whether these morals align with what society deems acceptable is up for debate.
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ultra-clashpects · 5 months
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The Lord of Blood is someone who can control, affect, and embodies the idea of bonds between people and relationships. They are a master of creating friendships and lasting bonds between people, or they can just as easily destroy a person’s social life by turning everyone they once knew against them. The Lord of Blood will dominate their aspect, Blood, which means that they are directly responsible for making people get along or hate each other, or any other sort of relationship dynamic you can think of.
They can play and control other people like puppets, the relationships being the strings they use to influence everyone around them, and being a Lord means that it’s incredibly hard to stop them so usually what they say is the final word. They might be the single factor keeping all their friends together, an anchor of the friend group, or they can be the reason why everyone refuses to cooperate with one another.
If the Lord of Blood decides to insert themselves into your life and your relationships, you had better hope that they don’t hate you so that you might still be able to keep the life that you had built for yourself. The Lord of Blood is a curious and interesting classpect simply because of the amount of power they hold over those around them, and whether or not they make your life a living hell is dependent on the specific Lord, but either way you should try to stay on their good side.
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ultra-clashpects · 5 months
Hey could you do lord of life?
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The Lord of Life is someone who is all powerful when it comes to the idea of the living and the concept of death. They control Life and the power of it, they can control who lives and who dies, they can probably control your life force and your soul, the very things that allow people to continue existing in the first place. The Lord of Life, being a Lord class, is one that has complete domination and control over their aspects and can get to choose which parts of their aspects benefit them the most, and for the Lord of Life it means that they are essentially a God in the way that they can control and determine who is worthy of living and who isn’t.
They bring Life with them wherever they go, they can revive dead things from plants to animals to humans and even entire ecosystems if they so chose to, but this means that they also have the power to completely shoot down something and kill it before it even has the chance to fight back. The Lord of Life will probably have a desire to help and wish the best for those around them, they value other people before themselves, and they’re recklessly ambitious in the things that they do just simply because they are a Life player, but it can also go the other way in which they are ruthlessly cold and apathetic, and will take any and every chance they get to kill off whatever they want that surrounds them.
It depends on the specific player and how they want to go about using their powers, whether they want to be good or evil, but every single Lord of Life has power beyond belief and it would be incredibly hard to stop a determined Lord. The Lord of Life, once they realise the true extent of their powers, will become immortal beyond normal God-Tier level and could become unstoppable, a force not to be reckoned with, and someone that you never want to piss off unless you want a very slow and painful death as the Lord of Life rips every single living fibre out of your body and steals your life essence, killing you right before their eyes.
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ultra-clashpects · 5 months
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“One who embodies (their aspect) through domination.” + “who invites understanding of (their aspect)”.
The Lord-Seer is someone who learns of their classes and of their aspect(s), and decides to show everyone just exactly how awesome they can be. The Lord-Seer might run off of spite, being the kind of person to never turn down a dare or to respond with, “oh yeah? Watch me,” when they’re told they can’t do something. They want to know their limits and just what they can do, how they can use their aspect(s) to their advantage and to become the most epic person on the playing field.
They must know everything, and nothing will stop them from learning all of your flaws and weaknesses and how to take you down. The Lord-Seer is a great teammate to have because they can give you all of the information you’ll ever need, and they’re a not-so-great opponent to have because they’ll use all that information against you. The Lord-Seer controls their aspect(s) and uses it like a puppet, and you know that they know exactly how to do it to perfection and beyond.
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ultra-clashpects · 5 months
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The Lord of Heart is someone who is in total control of their emotions and who they are as a person, but also someone who is in total control of who You are as a person. The Lord of Heart wears their heart on their sleeve and is always very clear about what they want and what they’re feeling. They embody and control through their Heart, which means that they’re likely charismatic and a friendly person who others are drawn to, and through this, the Lord can control and dominate the lives of those around them.
The Lord of Heart has their own self tightly wrapped and in control, so they’ll never feel or show any sort of emotion or do any action that they don’t want themselves to be doing. They see themself as being nothing but perfect, it’s likely that they have some sort of complex, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing in most cases because it pushes the Lord to always be better and to always strive for execellence.
In a more dark sense, they can control who you are, how you feel, and might even be able to change fundamental bits and pieces of who you are as a person without you even being able to fight against it or change it. The Lord of Heart can be a scary person because if they chose so, they could just change everything about you and you’d be powerless against them, but otherwise they’re honest and outgoing people who just want to make sure they they’re living life to the fullest and having a grand ol’ time while doing so.
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ultra-clashpects · 5 months
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The Lord of Time is someone who can control the whole timeline and do with it what they want, becoming Time as they see fit, and becoming nearly unstoppable if they wanted to. The Lord of Time embodies Time itself, being able to jump from timeline to timeline whenever and wherever they want to. They are powerful and reckless, they prefer to fight their way through any situation and they don’t give up easily.
They might have a tendency to be hot-headed or impulsive, but with time and effort they can change that part of themself. The Lord of Time controls Time, they dominate the timeline, and the timeline is their oyster basically because once the Lord has their hands on something, they’re not letting go.
They can make time go as fast or as slow as they want, and they can trap you in a timeless zone that you cannot escape from if they really wanted to. The Lord of Time is one of the most powerful and dangerous classpects out there, so take caution and prepare for the worst if you ever anger a Lord of Time.
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ultra-clashpects · 2 years
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The Lord of Space
The Lord of Space is someone who can control Space itself, rearrange and change how everything in the entire universe works with very little care and no effort at all. The Lord of Space is strong as hell, something you would expect from a Master class, but once they reach god tier they really do put everything into perspective.
They are probably quite creative, being able to create most anything they put their mind to, and nobody can stop them regardless of what they decide to create. The Lord of Space can move and shift things around, taking a mountain and making it so small it fits in the palm of your hand, or creating black holes underneath your feet.
The Lord of Space is in total control of Space, being able to alter it and toy with it as they see fit with little regard for the rules of the universe. They are in total control of the universe once they god tier, and they become almost an unstoppable force. The Lord of Space is creative and deadly, they can change anything in a moment's notice and the rules are nothing more than limits to break for them. 
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ultra-clashpects · 2 years
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The Lord - Prince clash class
“One who embodies (their aspect) through domination.” +  “one who destroys (their aspect).”
The Lord-Prince is someone who will take their aspect(s) and show others that they’re not a force to be reckoned with. The Lord-Prince will show you that they’re merciless, either you obey their commands or they turn to destruction and dismay, but either way they will get both options in the end so it’s more a choice of which one comes first. They learn to harness the power and energy of their aspect(s) and in turn, they gain the strength and motivation to show other people who the boss is and to secure their control.
The Lord-Prince is devoid of their aspect(s), having little to none within themselves, and they channel this into their power and hatred, forcing themselves to become stronger than ever before and reach heights previously unreached. The Lord-Prince will show everyone else that they’re not weak and they’re not pitiful, they have their aspect(s) and they refuse to back down until they can prove to others they they are the one in control and that they, and only them, can control and decide what their aspect(s) will do and how they function.
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ultra-clashpects · 2 years
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The Lord - Page clash class
“One who embodies (their aspect) through domination.” + “who provides others with (their aspect).”
The Lord-Page is someone who starts off very weak and unassuming, often powerless and forced into the submissive role in most situations, but this changes when they learn about and accept the help from their aspect(s). The Lord-Page will have to seek out their aspect(s), finding and drawing them nearer to themself before that can grab and harness the aspect(s) and powers for themself. They start off seemingly empty with a lack of their aspect(s), but in due time they become stronger and more powerful and fill up any empty spots in their life with their aspect(s).
The Lord-Page can take their aspect(s) and use them to boost their own power, become stronger and have more of a powerhold on those around them, and show people that they’re not just the weak little pawn they might’ve once been. The Lord-Page refuses to back down because now they have power and they can show other people that they’re no longer the underdog because they have their aspect(s) to help and they will show everyone that they are the strong one, they are the one in control, and nobody can tell them otherwise.
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