ultra-clashpects · 2 months
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The Prince of Void is someone who destroys secrets and the unknown, and they act much like their opposite aspect, a Light player. They love to be in the centre of attention and having everything about them be known, they hate keeping secrets, and they’ll probably shrivel up and die like an unwatered plant if they go without attention for too long. The Prince of Void wants to destroy the meaningless, the unimportant, and all of the unknowns in life so that both they and others can focus on the things that do have meaning, whether it’s something that actually matters in the first place or not.
They might seem bossy or pushy sometimes, always stressing for other people to let go of their past and the old memories they hold because it’s not important anymore, what truly matters is the here and the now. The Prince of Void is always acutely aware of their surroundings and everything that goes on around them, they have an ear for drama and secrets they can spread, and they love to destroy the unknowing of the things around them.
They most likely mean well, they just don’t like people who act indifferent or unaware to the things that matter, and they will push and try their hardest to break down any barriers of unknowing for both themselves and those around them. The Prince of Void is someone who is brutally honest and upfront about the things they talk about, no matter the subject, but they just want everyone to know what they know and to have the freedom of information, because Knowledge Is Power.
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ultra-clashpects · 2 months
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The Lord of Void is someone who is one with the shadows and the secrets, someone who is forgotten by history and everyone around them, and someone who can control history if they so chose to. The Lord of Void dominates the Void and everything that exists within it, meaning that all the secrets of the universe, of the game, all the lies that have ever been told, and so many more things are now under the control of the Lord.
They embody nothingness and the power that comes with being invisible, they are completely invisible to those they don’t want attention from, and they basically exist outside of our reality in their own little reality. They can pick and choose what facts they want to be real and which ones are fake, and they have the power to just completely rewrite history and cloud over any event with believable lies and false truths. The Lord of Void holds the power to erase history and turn it into whatever they want, covering up anything or anyone with falsehoods and believable lies to the point where anyone who remembers will be questioning their own sanity and memory.
They are powerful, perhaps one of the strongest players in the classpecting spectrum, but with great power comes great responsibility too. The Lord of Void is in charge of making sure that everyone else doesn’t screw up the timeline or history too badly, and they must make sure that relevant people stay relevant, and that those who need to stay forgotten are.
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ultra-clashpects · 6 days
Sylph-seer or mind-void perchance?
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The Seer-Sylph of Mind-Void is someone who is shy and a loner, preferring to spend time by themselves rather than in the company of others, but they hate to see other people suffering and will often go out of their way to help and heal anyone or anything that they see as broken. The Seer-Sylph of Mind-Void is intelligent and empathetic, they prefer to hide in the shadows and work on empowering themself or working on their Mind, always making sure that they have some new fun challenge to do to grow their power, rather than just sit around and do nothing while avoiding everyone.
The Seer-Sylph of Mind-Void strives to understand their aspects and how they affect others and how they work, but they’re always reaching out to their aspects to try and understand, to see, to heal. The Seer-Sylph of Mind-Void is somewhat reclusive, but they know where their powers need to be concentrated when push comes to shove, and they want to understand how the Mind works and what can influence and control the Void and all the lack of space in the universe.
The Seer-Sylph of Mind-Void is part Seer of Mind, which means that they have a deep understanding of what they’re meant to do and how the world around them is supposed to play out, what events are supposed to happen when and where, and to understand and see what lies in store for not only them but for their fellow players, their friends and their family. They may struggle when it comes to staying rational and completely unbiased in their decision-making, but they will always fall back on their own morals and ideas if they’re unsure of what to do, and they will always have an answer for whatever question you throw at them.
The Seer-Sylph of Mind-Void is part Seer of Void, which means that they seek out the silence and the darkness in the universe, they scour the land to uncover secrets forgotten to humanity and they look behind the veil to uncover all the Void that they possibly can. They strive to understand the things that people forget and throw to the side, they are wonderful at forcing people to give up their secrets and the things that they hide from others, and they will not stop until their hunger for secrets has been satisfied.
The Seer-Sylph of Mind-Void is part Sylph of Mind, which means that they are calm and collected, they are rational and they think before they act, they are seemingly perfect in every situation no matter what gets thrown at them. They heal other people’s Minds by encouraging them to do challenging things and to push the limits, step outside their comfort zone, and to constantly challenge your brain with new things that you haven’t done before.
The Seer-Sylph of Mind-Void is part Sylph of Void, which means that they are silent but deadly, they are always listening as they lurk around in the shadows, picking up information and sorting through the truths and the lies to get to what they want to know. They keep their thoughts and ideas to themself, they’re not exactly one who gossips about the things that they know, and good luck if you ever want to try and figure out what they’re thinking because that is a near impossible task.
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ultra-clashpects · 24 days
Sylph of Void-Life when you have a chance?? 0u0
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The Sylph of Life-Void is someone who is kind-hearted and empathetic, they like to help out their friends and family and be there for others when they can, but they’re naturally an introvert and like to spend most to all of their time alone, or at least without other people like them around. The Sylph of Life-Void understands that sometimes the perfect cure to any ailment is to spend your time surrounded by loved ones and being a very social creature, but sometimes it’s also better to just stay home and exist by yourself.
The Sylph of Life-Void tries their best to be helpful and heal those around them and their aspects, trying their best to maintain their own Void while also taking care of their own Life, while also juggling all of their friends and families’ problems and aspects, which can honestly be quite draining at times. The Sylph of Life-Void isn’t adverse to fighting for what they believe in, which is usually something that benefits more than just them, and they’re not the kind to go down easy without a fight.
The Sylph of Life-Void is part Sylph of Life, which means that they mean good and want to help everyone around them, fueling them with Life and positivity and motivation to keep trying their hardest while pushing their way through life. They are relentlessly positive and outgoing, always trying to bring out the best in others and show them that it’s okay to never be sad or upset or angry, even if sometimes they don’t go about it in the best way.
The Sylph of Life-Void is part Sylph of Void, which means that they prefer to keep to themselves and don’t go around sharing secrets or gossiping, they hold what they know close to their chest, and they’re not likely to let anyone else ever really know what they know. They can hold their ground, they’re “silent but deadly” in the way that you wouldn’t know that they were coming for you until it was too late, and there’s no chance that you could really ever keep any type of secret from them because they’ll always find out what you don’t want them to.
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ultra-clashpects · 25 days
hi! if its not much trouble, can i please get an heir-rogue of breath-void? thanks in advance!🌀
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The Heir-Rogue of Breath-Void is someone who is constantly on the run from their problems and everything else that they’ve ever done or been a part of, because that's the only thing they’ve ever known how to do. The Heir-Rogue of Breath-Void takes other people’s freedoms and secrets, alleviating them from their own problems, and separating others from their issues and giving the problems to someone else who’s more well equipped to deal with them.
The Heir-Rogue is one with the Breath and the Void of the universe, becoming the shadows that hide people’s sins and the air that sweeps people away from their obligations, and they can either help out the people that surround them, or they can choose to completely flip a person’s life upside down and screw them over. The Heir-Rogue of Breath-Void is powerful, but whether they are a villain or a hero is completely in how they choose to use their powers and who they decide to help out or screw up.
The Heir-Rogue of Breath-Void is part Heir of Breath, which means that they just kind of drift through life and do whatever they please, never really planning anything before they do it, and although they can be a little bit absent-minded they do mean well. They are self-driven but stubborn, motivated by the desire to be stronger, but they don’t like being told what to do by anyone, nor do they like being forced to do something they don’t want to do.
The Heir-Rogue of Breath-Void is part Heir of Void, which means that they understand the concept of what it means to be nothingness and to be hidden away in the shadows, to be a secret keeper for the universe, and to be invisible to most people unless you’re purposely being seeked out. They like to spend their time alone rather than with other people, but it’s during this time alone that they can think and reflect and grow their own power.
The Heir-Rogue of Breath-Void is part Rogue of Breath, which means that they have a tendency to be pushed around and have their freedom taken from them, made to do things they don’t want to do, and just generally taken advantage of, at least until they begin to stand up for themself and not let people walk all over them. They have the power to change and to let themselves be in charge of their own life, but first they must realise that they have self worth and have the ability to take their Breath back, to own their own freedoms and to let only themself decide what they want to do with their own life.
The Heir-Rogue of Breath-Void is part Rogue of Void, which means that they feel insignificant and invisible to a majority of people and therefore they feel like they must act out to garner attention and remind people that they still exist, even if they have a weird or bad way of going about getting the attention they want. They will eventually realise that the Void is protecting them and they will accept it, and once they do will they then be able to reach their full potential and gain all the power that they didn’t know that they could have.
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ultra-clashpects · 10 days
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The Lord-Muse of Hope-Void is someone who wants to make a better future for themself and for others, but they don’t exactly know where to start or what to do, so they unfortunately remain stagnant for a long period of time before they decide or alternatively, have their mind made for them by someone else. The Lord-Muse of Hope-Void is at a conflict with themself because they don’t know how they want to go about pursuing their dreams, if they even do at all, and whether they want to take a more active or passive route of getting to what they want, if they even put in the effort at all.
The Lord-Muse of Hope-Void can control and manipulate the secrets and the information, as well as the Hopes and the desires of those around them, or they can subtly influence people into building the future that the Lord-Muse wants instead, but they probably cannot have both and cannot walk the very thin line between the two worlds of power so they must eventually make a choice before it’s too late. The Lord-Muse of Hope-Void is held back by standards or barriers that they had once set up to protect themself from the dangers of the world, but ironically it is keeping them too safe and they cannot experience the world and all of the things it offers, both good and bad, from within their safety shield and if they ever want to grow as a person, to get stronger and get wiser, they will need to leave their comfort zone and come to terms with what they need to do and the world that they had been hiding from.
The Lord-Muse of Hope-Void is part Lord of Hope, which means that they are powerful beyond belief and that their words hold too much power, they can sway a person’s thoughts and Hopes with a sincere speech, and they can choose to twist and manipulate a person’s understanding or desires to get what they want when they want. They are dangerous, but not all powerful, and their one true weakness is a complete lack of Hope for them to manipulate and use to their own benefit.
The Lord-Muse of Hope-Void is part Lord of Void, which means that they are the one who controls the world from the shadow, they are the one who makes decisions for everyone else and determines who knows what and who doesn’t have power, and they are the one who decides who gets to be influential or known and who gets to be forgotten by history. They are in control of who gets to be known and who fades into the shadows, controlling the unknown and the secrets and all the lies of the universe, and if they so felt like it, they could just completely cloud over someone’s life and make them disappear forever.
The Lord-Muse of Hope-Void is part Muse of Hope, which means that they are ambitious and optimistic, they try to bring out the best in those around them, and they want to make sure that everyone is having a good time and that they’re happy and content with their lives. They feed off the power and the happiness of the people around them, drawing energy from the positive emotions and the dreams of their close friends and family, and if they’re not happy or discontent with something, you will know as they will either tell you or immediately jump into action trying to fix it.
The Lord-Muse of Hope-Void is part Muse of Void, which means that they are one with the shadows and the mysteries of the universe, they act as a puppeteer and inspire people to do their bidding, silently controlling people from the shadows via their secrets and insecurities. They are almost like a devil on your shoulder, whispering for you to lie and deceive others just for the fun of it and to spread chaos and misinformation, but it can be hard to resist the allure of the Muse just simply because of their air that surrounds them that seems to draw people in.
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ultra-clashpects · 13 days
I request Lord-Muse of Void-Heart
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The Lord-Muse of Heart-Void is someone who wants to understand who they are as a person and what they’re capable of doing, but they are unsure of how they’re supposed to go about it and whether or not they’re supposed to get help from or announce their progress to other people. The Lord-Muse of Heart-Void will have difficulties when it comes to discovering who they want to be and what they can do, as they’re pulled in two different directions by their class, and they cannot decide whether they want to control their aspects or whether they want to let their aspects control them.
The Lord-Muse of Heart-Void knows and holds their own secrets and other people’s secrets close to their core because they understand how important it can be to keep some information to yourself or only have a few select people know something dire about you, so they are a wonderful secret keeper and usually wouldn’t dare go and spread gossip that people have told them not to talk about. The Lord-Muse of Heart-Void is strong and very powerful, but they must be able to come to terms with who they are as a person and how their existence affects, or doesn’t affect, the lives of those that surround them before they can grow into their true form and reach their true potential.
The Lord-Muse of Heart-Void is part Lord of Heart, which means that they are in total control of themselves and their feelings, they understand who they are down to their core, and they know everything there is possible to know about themself. They have something of a complex that drives them, but it’s not always bad, they just want to help everyone else be as flawless and as in touch with their feelings as the Lord is, and they are more than willing to “help” people reach that goal whether they want to or not.
The Lord-Muse of Heart-Void is part Lord of Void, which means that they embody and control the nothingness and the emptiness of the world around them, residing in the darkness and in the Void where they cannot be touched nor found, and even the most skilled of people would struggle to get their hands on the Lord, unless they willed themself to be able to be found and captured. They control the secrets that are fed to them and are one with the universal darkness of the night and of the universe, they are everywhere all at once, and no amount of Light can get rid of them.
The Lord-Muse of Heart-Void is part Muse of Heart, which means that they want those around them to be open and true to themselves, letting them feel their feelings and not repress it deep down inside of yourself, while also trying to bring out the best possible version of you that there is. They are kind people who want to see those around them succeed and flourish in their lives, they want to be able to be there and support people with what they do, and they radiate an air of positivity and calmness and acceptance wherever they go.
The Lord-Muse of Heart-Void is part Muse of Void, which means that they hide in the shadows and manipulate and control things from a distance, never actually having to up close with any threats they might be facing, and they can always blackmail people into doing their business for them using secrets and the things that people try to hide from others. They know everything there is to know about everyone, they are devious people who probably like to watch fires burn, and they’re not afraid to start some rumours just for the hell of it.
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ultra-clashpects · 13 days
Bottom right of some chart
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The Thief-Witch of Time-Void is someone who can control and manipulate Time-Void, the essence of nothingness and the strain of time that everything is running upon, taking and changing it to be whatever they please, and they’re not afraid to stand their ground if you try to come at them for nearly anything. The Thief-Witch of Time-Void is talented and smart, they understand what they are allowed to take, or at least what they can get away with taking from other people, and they know that the sky's the limit and that nothing can stop them when they put their mind to something.
The Thief-Witch of Time-Void lives in the shadows and prefers to stay unknown to all of those that surround them, having very few people who actually pay attention to them and what they do, but they hold those people close to them and are willing to do anything to protect those few people that they actually care about. The Thief-Witch of Time-Void fights for other people’s secrecy and their ability to be quiet and hide in the shadows, and the Thief-Witch will do anything to protect the Void and all the safety that it lends to people, while also taking and manipulating it into being a weapon that they can use for whatever purpose they seek.
The Thief-Witch of Time-Void is part Thief of Time, which means that they steal other people’s Time by taking up precious time and using up all the hours in a day with their shenanigans and useless bullcrap, essentially wasting their own Time and the Time of all those that unfortunately get roped into the Thief’s crazy mishaps. They are talented, although they probably stole that talent, and they have a really good internal clock that they run off of, and they tend to test the patience of those that surround them, usually because of their inane antics.
The Thief-Witch of Time-Void is part Thief of Void, which means that they are a great con-artist because they know how to use the shadows and the nothingness of the world to get their way, easily able to change something or someone’s meaning and how important they are in the greater scheme of things, and they almost always know how important or not important something is just by looking at it. They blend into the shadows and the Void, they’re wonderful at keeping and manipulating secrets, and they’re not afraid to curse someone to forever be plot-irrelevant if you get on their bad side.
The Thief-Witch of Time-Void is part Witch of Time, which means that they are someone who plays with Time and the timeline like it’s nothing and have little to no care about how they might be screwing up the flow of time because it is not their problem, regardless of whether they caused it or not. They are stubborn and stand firmly in place when it comes to their ideas and wants, and they are more often than not very impulsive and fly by the seat of their pants instead of thinking about their actions first.
The Thief-Witch of Time-Void is part Witch of Void, which means that they are great at manipulating people from the shadows, controlling them and their very actions without ever needing to reveal themself, pulling people around and controlling them via their secrets and all of the Void that they hide inside of themselves. They are known to break the rules and play games based on how they want to, not how they’re supposed to, and they might not have the best moral alignment out there but they sure as hell put their everything into whatever they’re doing and they always believe that what they’re doing is the right thing to do.
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ultra-clashpects · 21 days
I request Lord-Muse of Void
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The Lord-Muse of Void is someone who is incredibly powerful and has the ability to rule over the Void and control the secrets and the nothingness and the empty space of the universe if they wanted to, and if they went about gaining their powers in the right way. The Lord-Muse of Void dominates over their aspect, but whether they want to let it exploit themself or whether they want to exploit it is up to them to decide, and is something that they may be stuck on for a very long time.
The Lord-Muse of Void feels like they’re being pulled in multiple directions all at once, understanding that eventually they’ll have to conform to one side or another, unless they become powerful enough to resist both urges and walk on the middle line forever, but this is something incredibly difficult that not many will be able to do. The Lord-Muse of Void is a secretive person, they don’t like to be known for who they are or what they do, and they like to have the ability to sneak up on people and their aspect, taking it all by surprise, and being able to dominate over the shadows and control the flow of information and know all, having total control over all the secrets of the universe and the game they’re playing and all the people they interact with.
The Lord-Muse of Void is part Lord of Void, which means that they are the designated secret-keeper of the universe and they are in charge of making and keeping all the secrets, from their own to the secrets of their friends and family, to the secrets of the game they’re playing, to even the secrets of the universe that people have been striving to understand for millenia. They embody nothingness and they hide in the shadows, they are never perceived by anyone that they don’t want to be, and they’re completely hidden from reality unless they choose to be visible to certain people.
The Lord-Muse of Void is part Muse of Void, which means that they are one with the secrets and the lies and the darkness of the universe, hiding in shadows and pulling the strings from up above, but they’re so well blended into the nothingness that they can never be found out for their actions. They spread lies and deceit, increasing the amount of Void and lessening the amount of Light and truth that exists around, steadily growing their powers as they do, and successfully conning people into spreading the Void just like the Muse does, and doing all the dirty work for them.
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ultra-clashpects · 21 days
hi!!! i'm loving all the classpect clashes so far, and was wondering if you'd done the witch-prince of time-void yet? :3
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The Prince-Witch of Time-Void is someone who loses control of their aspects to gain control, they destroy all the Time and the Void within themself to allow themself to have greater control over those aspects. The Prince-Witch of Time-Void is destructive but creative, able to manipulate and change their aspects to be whatever they need them to be, be it for the greater good or for the worse, who knows.
The Prince-Witch of Time-Void is a secret person, preferring the life of quiet anonymity rather than letting everyone know where they are at all time and know what they’re doing, but the Prince-Witch keeps a close eye on everyone else and is always aware of everyone else’s ongoings at any given moment in time. The Prince-Witch of Time-Void lives a quiet yet fast-paced life, always on the move and always doing something, and yet they manage to stay under the radar and away from most people’s view in a very impressive display of their powers, at least until they decide to destroy all their aspects that surround them and that will make them very known to those around them.
The Prince-Witch of Time-Void is part Prince of Time, which means that they have to constantly be doing something or else they will drive themself mad just sitting around doing nothing, even if they just end up doing some meaningless chore, it’s still something to be doing that isn’t just lazing around taking up space. They are a creative person with a lot of ideas, but whether they actually follow through on the plans, and whether they eventually finish the task, remains to be seen.
The Prince-Witch of Time-Void is part Prince of Void, which means that they destroy the idea of being meaningless and they destroy the shadows that people hide in, which usually comes back to haunt them but that’s their own fault, and they’re not the type of person who secrets are safe with because they will be spread like a wildfire. They love to have all eyes on them, being the centre of attention whenever they can, and they have a tendency to not hold back when talking about their opinions so they’re more often than not brutally honest, or even just straight up rude.
The Prince-Witch of Time-Void is part Witch of Time, which means that they tend to disregard Time as a whole and don’t give a damn about it, taking their sweet time with anything that they do and just prancing around, letting time and life pass them by without a care in the world. They control Time as they see fit, and if they’re not happy with how things are going, then they can just change it to be whatever suits them best, because who cares if they inconvenience others as long as it benefits themself.
The Prince-Witch of Time-Void is part Witch of Void, which means that they live in the shadows and operate from within the shadows, their whole life shrouded in mystery and unknowing, but they prefer to live this way because it’s comforting and how they’ve lived their whole life. They can change how important or how meaningless something is with ease, often throwing things into chaos after they do, but nothing is safe around the Witch if they decide that they’re not happy with their life as it currently is.
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ultra-clashpects · 22 days
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The Mage-Sylph of Void is someone who has a deep understanding of their aspect, of the Void, and of the universe they reside within, and it’s through this understanding that they grow in power and gain the ability to heal other people with and through the use of the Void. The Mage-Sylph of Void has a very deep understanding of the universe, all of its secrets, and everything it holds in store for both themself and everyone that they know, and perhaps even they know how to change that plan if it’s possible.
The Mage-Sylph of Void heals people with Void and heals people’s inner Void, taking their broken secrets and secrecy, their wants and needs to remain anonymous, and they heal and fix it until the person they’re helping is basically brand new. The Mage-Sylph of Void is someone who prefers to stay in the shadows and never really draw much attention to themself, only really interacting with the people that they have to or that they really want to, but if they do end up drawing too much unwanted attention to themself, they’re more than capable of taking care of it.
The Mage-Sylph of Void is part Mage of Void, which means that they are content with living their life all alone in the shadows, never really having the chance to create meaningful bonds or relationships with others, or having been betrayed by those that were once close to them, so now they keep everyone at an arm’s reach as a safety precaution. They know all the secrets of the universe and those that interact with them, so it’s pointless to try and fool them or lie to them because they will always be able to find out and understand the truth, no matter what the situation is.
The Mage-Sylph of Void is part Sylph of Void, which means that they are great at noticing subtle signs in people’s expressions or their words or how the hold themselves, they’re likely an empath too because of this, and despite being a loner or an introvert, they do enjoy spending quality time with their loved ones. They are secretive and quiet, mostly keeping to themselves the majority of the time, and they’re wonderful at holding secrets, so if you want protection for either yourself or secrets you hold, then they will be your best friend.
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ultra-clashpects · 1 month
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The Rogue of Void is someone who finds themselves uncomfortable with the idea of being unknown or unseen in the world, they don’t like the idea of being invisible, and they will try their hardest to grapple with the idea while also trying to be as known as possible. The Rogue of Void is naturally a quiet person, not someone who’s very outgoing or sociable, but when they get their crisis they realise that this isn’t fully what they want and they have to try and change it.
They might act out or try dangerous things, get into potentially illegal hobbies or activities, or just do anything that might garner them even just the tiniest bit of attention. The Rogue of Void feels dismissed or unimportant to those around them, often feeling like they’re constantly being walked all over and mistreated, and this might push themselves further into the darkness and away from the light of other people and social situations.
They have to come to terms that sometimes things are meaningless and sometimes things are meant to be broken or forgotten, and sometimes that thing is actually a person, like themself. The Rogue of Void might have a crisis when they try to figure out who they really are on the inside, but they have to understand that not everything can be learned all at once and sometimes you just have to let time do it’s thing and discover who you are as the years pass you by. The Rogue of Void will learn the ins and the outs of the Void and what it means to be part of the nothing of the universe and how powerful it can be to not be known or understood, and what kind of advantage you can get if you can pass by through life without prying eyes and scheming people always trying to drag you down at every opportunity.
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ultra-clashpects · 1 month
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The Muse of Void is someone who is one with the secrets of the game and the universe, and one who knows everything that the Void hides. The Muse of Void loves secrets and lying, they love to know all of the lies and half truths that they can possibly know, but even more so they love starting the rumours and the lies. Deceit is their middle name and they strive for the chaos that miscommunication and the Void bring.
The Muse of Void is like the devil on your shoulder, always trying to convince and inspire you to lie and deceive others and to never tell the truth. They inspire others to be cunning and mischievous, they live for the drama that they influence and cause, and they practically will never tell you the truth about anything, no matter how serious.
The Muse of Void, once they God-tier, they will fade into the shadows and become one with the Void and one with the darkness of the session, they can influence and inspire all the secrets of the game they play and single handedly cause a rift between players by manipulating the truth and creating secrets just for the fun of it. The Muse of Void would make for a good lawyer in the way that their lies will never be found out, and in the way that they can manipulate the secrets around them to make sure that things are always in their favour.
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ultra-clashpects · 1 year
can you do void-space maybe?
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The Space - Void clash aspect
(Space: To look at the bigger picture in everything and to care about the knowledge they gain, but to not actively seek it out, along with creating and fixing the universe as they please.)
(Void: To relish in the unknown and to be mysterious, living life in the shadows and to remain secretive about almost everything.)
The Space-Void bound is someone who operates almost solely from the background, pulling the strings from the shadows and being a puppet master, overseeing everything that happens in their session. The Space-Void is quiet but smart, always watching, always knowing, always hearing. They understand the logistics of the game and all of the aspects, they know how everything connects and what’s important and why, they know almost everything there is to know.
The Space-Void is also a wonderful secret keeper, knowing everything that hides in the shadows like themself and everything that might be misunderstood or misinterpreted. The Space-Void is creative and a genius, knowing and creating and solving and fixing anything and everything, they’ve honestly got everything figured out it’s impressive.
If Space is the stronger aspect in the dual pair, then the Space-Void bound person is handy and skilled, able to do pretty much anything they set out to do, and they’re incredibly talented at solving problems too.
If Void is the stronger aspect in the dual pair, then the Space-Void bound person is quiet and sneaky, able to go around undetected while doing pretty much anything, and they’re the right person to seek help from if you ever lose anything and can’t find it. 
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ultra-clashpects · 1 year
could you do heir of void analysis pls?
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The Heir of Void
The Heir of Void is someone who prefers to stay out of the limelight, or just attention in general. They prefer to be alone with their thoughts, away from the prying eyes of society, because it’s safer to be invisible and unknown rather than to have everyone know everything about you.
The Heir of Void has most likely spent plenty of time thinking about subjects of nothingness- like the concept of meaninglessness or obscurity, and it might even bring a sense of safety or comfort to them. The Heir of Void likes to keep their secrets, whether that be for safety, to protect others, or for any other reason, but the Heir likes to live in their secrets, so to speak. As the Heir “becomes” their aspect, it means that the Heir of Void becomes something of a Void.
With Void representing the end, or the beginning, of something amazing and spectacular, that could mean that the Heir of Void is some kind of beacon, a bringer of a new era.
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ultra-clashpects · 2 years
hey uh maid of void
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The Maid of Void
The Maid of Void is someone who doesn’t know when to do anything really, always looking up to some authority figure for directions and advice on what they should or shouldn’t do. The Maid of Void would have issues telling what’s important and what’s worthless, or how to keep a secret and various things like that.
They might have a really terrible habit with spending too much time dedicated to something that’s not important while blowing off or procrastinating on doing something that actually matters. The Maid of Void might seem childish or naive for their actions, seeming too nosey when they should know better, or anything else like that just because they never learned how to make decisions on their own and tell right from wrong.
The Maid of Void will have to learn how to make decisions for themself, how to determine something or someone’s importance and whether the Maid should bother dealing with it or them at all. They will learn to rely on themself, protecting the unknown and helping those who are in need by teaching them how to keep their secrets to themself. The Maid of Doom has their secrets and their past traumas, but it’s their goal to help prevent others from becoming like them and to help keep the world’s supply of Void stocked, never too much but never too little.
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