#homosexual frenzy inspired by the stumps of a quadruple amputee
bodaciousalliance · 7 months
The heart of Mr Farouk,
ch. 59: "Lazy Saturday"
The aroma of coffee began to percolate through the house. Nathan had time to search around in the pantry, finding the croissants, butter and jam; but that was as far as he went, he knew the croissants were Youssef’s department. Meanwhile, in the corner Kit-Kat crouched down on his haunches glowering across the room. Nathan was careful to give him a wide berth, treading gingerly around him.
Soon enough, Youssef emerged. Like Nathan, he had dressed for effect this morning. All he wore was a pair of sexy black football shorts, and no shirt. What a sight he presented: the black shorts, with his black liners and carbon sockets, complemented the jet black hair of his head, beard and chest, while the flash of metal from his pylons and hooks set off the flash of his hazel eyes. Nathan was completely entranced by his sexy, topless lover, his very own bionic man.
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...what a sight he presented, the black shorts, with his black liners and carbon sockets...Nathan was completely entranced by his sexy, topless lover, his very own bionic man.
“Feed the cat, I dare you,” Youssef, at the pantry, tossed a bag of treats Nathan’s way.
“Ah … okay …” Nathan answered tentatively. He shook the bag and like a shot Kit-Kat came running across to him, meowing and rubbing himself against Nathan as he circled around his legs. Nathan squatted and showed Kit-Kat the now-opened bag, which drove him absolutely wild. He took one of the treats and, holding it between his thumb and forefinger, offered it to the cat. Kit-Kat, though in a mania of hunger—really there was something in these treats that always sent him crazy—gently took it from Nathan, without biting or nipping his fingers.
“Good boy,” Nathan cooed, offering him another—and another and another and another, until the cat walked away, sated, “Good boy, good boy,” Nathan cooed again, and Kit-Kat chirruped in reply.
Observing all this, Youssef thought ‘how sweet’. He couldn’t help but take it as some kind of good omen, given that Kit-Kat was usually completely hostile to everyone bar himself.
“He likes you,” he teased Nathan, “he’s never not hissed and growled at any visitor here—you’re the first one he’s warmed to.”
“I suppose that augers well then—I hope I can spend a fair bit of time here in the future, if you’ll have me, habibi.”
“Of course, my boyfriend, it’s great having you here, I love it,” as an afterthought, he added, “but I like your place too, you know.”
They sat at the table, enjoying their breakfast. The croissants—warm and buttery and jammy—were not as good as those in Paris but still pretty good for suburban England. The coffee, rich and creamy, was heavenly. The lovers sat there, taking in the simple joy of sharing a delicious meal with each other.
“So, habibi, did you have any idea of what you want to do today?”
“Well, my boyfriend, I thought I’d enlist your help in the kitchen—I want to put dinner on soon so it can simmer away during the day.”
“Oh … okay … you want me in the kitchen? You are brave, what are you thinking of?”
“Don’t worry, just help with some of the prep, no actual cooking—I’m doing Moroccan lamb—I hope that appeals. Anyway, what about you, what do you have in mind for today?”
“I brought a heap of art stuff. I’d like to draw a bit. And I brought you some stuff—just to play around with, only if you’re interested.”
“Hmmm … maybe?” There was a time when Youssef would have automatically, categorically said ‘no’. These days, being subjected to Nathan’s constant encouragement, he felt less unsure about his capabilities, and though he was quite sure he was devoid of any kind of artistic sense, he felt so much more open—again thanks to Nathan’s influence—to new experiences, to trying new things.
“Okay, cooking and drawing,” though Nathan was in no rush to do anything except savour the fantastic coffee.
“Let’s do it,” Youssef rose and made for the fridge and the larder, and started gathering the ingredients. He wanted Nathan to chop the vegetables; onions, carrots and potatoes—that was, especially the onions, the most fiddly and time-consuming part of the process for him. However, it quickly became obvious that Nathan was clueless about all things to do with cooking. Youssef even thought it may have been quicker for him to take over, despite how long it took him to do these intricate tasks with his prosthetic hooks. It didn’t matter, it was a joy to be doing stuff together and, with some patient coaching and gentle correction, Nathan was soon making a good job of it, while Youssef trimmed and carved the lamb into nice big chunks.
Before long the rich aroma of frying onions and garlic began wafting through the house, later joined by lamb, turmeric and other spices. It gave a cosy, homely feeling to the place. Nathan watched in fascination as Youssef deftly handled the various utensils and achieved the different tasks—frying, pouring, stirring and the like—with his hooks. Nathan almost let out a warning cry as he saw him about to pick up the casserole dish without first getting a pot-holder, then he realised, of course his prosthetics don’t feel the heat.
“There, we’ll just let that quietly stew away for a bit, and that’s our dinner,” Youssef said as he transferred the casserole from the cooktop to a slow oven.
“Mmmmm,” Nathan savoured it, he was loving being here.
“How about some tea, and maybe we can sit down and relax?”
“Lovely. Like I said, I’d like to draw. Actually, I’d like to draw you, will you sit for me?”
“Draw me? What, a portrait or something? … yes, of course, but why? Why on earth would you want to draw me?”
“Well … I love you …”
“I love you too!”
“… I love you, and right now I think I would want to draw you every day. Plus, you’re a great subject: your super-handsome looks and your amazing physicality.”
“Aaaar … hmmmm …”
“I know you don’t like it but, this idea of ‘difference’ is a real thing in art these days, there’s a big movement to proudly portray people with their various differences, to make a strong statement about it being okay to be different. You can be a part of that movement too, you know.”
“Oh … I don’t know, I’m not any kind of advocate or activist, don’t want to be, either.”
“That’s alright. You can at least pose for me, nothing more.”
“Yes, yes, like I said, for you, anything—my lovely boyfriend.”
“I see I’ve gained an adjective now,” Nathan teased.
They repaired to the living room, with their cups of tea. Nathan suggested Youssef sit on the couch while he got his stuff. Returning with his favourite sketch-pad and charcoals, he sat cross-legged on the floor, facing Youssef.
“So, how about you place your feet flat on the floor—yes—now, lean forward, elbows on your knees—that’s it—and look straight at me. Wow!”
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...feet flat on the floor, lean forward, elbows on your knees, now, look straight at me... wow!
It was a powerful aspect, the unambiguous metal of his leg pylons and hooks, the sexy thick hairy chest, the muscled shoulders, sort of bound by the harness-straps of his prosthetic arms, and his intense, cool gaze. All was magnified by the stark black and white of Nathan’s charcoal drawing.
“Can I see it?”
“Promise not to hate it, or freak out over your body-image issues?”
“Hmm, okay, I’ll try not to.”
Nathan got up and brought over the sketch. Youssef gasped a little, and slowly, carefully, thoughtfully perused the picture before him. He had gone completely quiet as he continued to stare at, to meditate on, Nathan’s portrait of him.
“You’re not going to go all lachrymose on me again, are you?” Nathan asked, only half-jokingly.
“Ummm … no … gosh, it’s remarkable, it’s such a strong image, I’ve never seen myself like this before—you’ve made me look so powerful.”
“Ah, well, the pose, and the medium, and the style add to it; but really all the power comes from the subject, the sitter, you—it all comes from you, Youssef.”
“Yes, but…”
“Look, habibi, honestly, this is one of my better ones, I can tell, they don’t always turn out so well. I mean to say, success as in actually being able to realise on paper what I see, to convey or transmit what I see and feel to you, the observer. It doesn’t always happen this well, in fact sometimes it doesn’t happen at all.”
“That’s interesting, I never thought about art in those terms. It’s all so subjective, isn’t it? You know, with science, we spend all our time trying to eliminate the subjective. We have to aim for complete objectivity.”
“Of course, that’s why it’s science and not art. Science and art, objective and subjective, just like yin and yang—that’s why we’re so good together, my lovely.”
“And here’s me thinking it was because you are so damned sexy,” Youssef had that glint in his eye again…
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bodaciousalliance · 8 months
The heart of Mr Farouk,
ch. 57: "Cherry"
Content Advisory: this chapter contains graphic description of Adults engaging in Sexual Acts.
This chapter is very sweet, twenty-nine year old Youssef is about to have his cherry popped, so to speak, to be fucked by a guy for the very first time... and of course, the guy is the sweet, caring and gentle Nathan. I think Youssef may have found a new vocation, as it turns out this is the thing he's really been waiting for—all his life—except, of course, he didn't know it...
Youssef, hobbling on his knees as usual, followed Nathan into the bathroom.
“Just get into the shower and bend right over, alright.”
Nathan took the hand-held shower and adjusted the flow and the temperature, explaining, “Look, we really don’t need to do much here, just a bit of a rinse is enough.” He added, “I’m quite sure you’ll figure out a way to manage this yourself, but for now this will do.”
It was not lost on Youssef, he noted how even when Nathan was doing something like this for him, his speech and his attitude towards him was still empowering.
“Or maybe I could get one of those fancy Japanese toilets,” Youssef proposed.
“Well, there’s a certain danger in that…”
“Yes? What?”
“You wouldn’t see me for hours at a time—I’d be locked in here having my clacker um… ‘massaged’ by the jets of water … there, done. Let’s go back to bed. Now, have you thought about how we’d like to go about this?”
“Yes, I have actually, my boyfriend. Can we start with some kissing with fingering, then I’d like your tongue in there, then more fingers, followed by your dick … please.”
“Right, well habibi, that’s a menu, isn’t it?”
Youssef followed Nathan back into the bedroom, and up onto the bed. Here they were, both on their knees, naked and facing each other. They began kissing, it was the usual long, deep, passionate kissing that they excelled at. Their excitement rose, with their cocks growing larger and harder as they pressed against each other. Of course, the wonderful thing about this position was it enabled Nathan to reach around and start fingering Youssef while they were kissing. At first it was sweet and gentle, but Nathan’s manipulation became harder and more insistent with their increasing heat.
“Next level?” Nathan broke away and turned Youssef around. He manoeuvred him so that, bent over on his elbows and knees, his beautiful crack was displayed to its best advantage, right in Nathan’s face.
“Oh, my Lord, Youssef, you have the most hairy arse imaginable.”
“Mmmmm, is that bad? Sorry…”
“Are you kidding? Fuck me Jesus it’s like the Garden of Eden here. This is amazing,” and he dived in head-first with his tongue.
Youssef had thought he’d reached Nirvana when he’d discovered Nathan’s soft velvety membrane, but now he realised he’d been mistaken. Feeling this from the opposite end, feeling Nathan’s tongue probing and swirling around and licking out his hole, was an intensely pleasurable new sensation. Like Nathan had said before, this tonguing was enough to bring him to a climax. As he’d noticed previously, Nathan was also an expert at knowing exactly when to ease off, to stop him from spilling over the edge, to leave him hanging there, to stretch things out.
So, too, Nathan—like he had said earlier he couldn’t believe how hairy was Youssef’s arse, he’d never imagined such a thing was possible. God, it was beautiful! It was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen—except, of course, for all the other parts of Youssef that were also the most beautiful things he’d ever seen.
This rimming session went on for a very long time, as long as it possibly could, as Nathan’s tongue began to ache with exhaustion. He seamlessly transitioned to a well-lubed finger. Youssef noted the change too. It was good, the finger digging in deeper, circling around, the amazing sensation of having his inner gland stroked and tickled and squeezed.
The second finger went in, very slowly. This was new, challenging even. Youssef winced and held his breath for a bit. Aaah. He breathed, he relaxed. Oooh, now it was in. Mmmm. This felt good, really good.
“Is there more?”
“You want more, habibi?”
“Yes please … my boyfriend.”
Nathan slowly eased in a third, heavily lubricated finger. This was really pushing it for Youssef, he breathed, breathed, in and out, in and out, and then—oh—man—this felt good. Youssef was being stretched and filled by Nathan’s fingers and it was, truly, a whole new kind of amazement. To say, he’d had Nathan’s tongue in his mouth, and over his cock, and in his arse; and he too had felt Nathan’s cock sliding in and out and down his throat, not to mention last night’s amazing fuck; but, but, but this! This was it!
“Nathan,” he pleaded, “please!”
“What, habibi, alright? You want me to stop?”
“No! Fuck! Fuck no! More! Please, please, please, Nathan, fuck me now, please,” he begged, the insatiable hunger that was unleashed almost bringing him to tears.
Nathan, his passion spurred on by Youssef’s desperate entreaties, extricated himself from the current position, and encouraged Youssef to turn over. This was an exceptionally good move—with Youssef lying on his back, what could Nathan do except prise apart his legs so that he could slide in to his hungry hole. With Youssef’s legs up in the air and wrapped around Nathan, his two below-knee stumps were now tantalisingly close to Nathan’s face—and mouth. God, this intensified the situation, Nathan’s cock was the hardest it had ever been with this added source of excitement.
What a scenario: Youssef on his back, legs in the air, tripping out on the feeling of total penetration by Nathan, whose own arousal was magnified by the joy of having Youssef’s stumps in his face. These he took turns licking, sucking and nibbling, driving him to plunge himself deeper and deeper into the abyss, deeper than with anyone before.
A lesser man would have crumbled at such an onslaught, perhaps even snapped like a twig, but not Youssef. His stumps tingling with the touch of Nathan’s tongue, his rim burning with the fires of passion, and this feeling within, of being totally, completely filled, wholly fulfilled, with Nathan’s every thrust—he found himself being rocketed into the fourth dimension, into a new and hitherto unknown universe.
“Fuck me, Nathan, come on, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” he screamed in a wild frenzy.
And so they whiled away the morning—helped by Nathan’s mastery at edging and stretching out the time. Nathan was finding his deepest fulfilment as he strained to fill Youssef’s insides yet more deeply; and Youssef, as he opened himself more and still more to his boyfriend, found his heart being similarly opened. The two lovers, unified in their passion, clung to each other, virtually becoming the one flesh, like a snake swallowing its own tail.
Nathan couldn’t hold on much longer, he was just about ready to pop, which was just as well because Youssef was at the jumping-off point too.
“Are you ready, baby,” Nathan whispered, quickening his pace.
“Give it to me, give it all to me, I’m begging you please.”
“Ooohhh … aaaaahhh …” he closed his eyes, just for a moment, as his whole body tensed up for the money shot...
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Perhaps "Youssef begging-for-it" looks a little like this
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bodaciousalliance · 8 months
The Heart of Mr Farouk, chapter 53, Skin
This is such a touching chapter, sometimes I still get teary even though I've read it fifty times...
They were still sitting on the couch, in quiet reverie together. Nathan was absent-mindedly finger-tracing along the scars and around the outline of the different patches of damaged skin on Youssef’s arms.
Maybe Youssef's arms look a bit like this.............
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“Do you even like it?” Youssef asked, referring to his disfigured skin.
“Well, you know I like this,” he answered, gently kissing the end of his actual stump.
“Because it’s some kind of weird sexual turn-on for you, which I’m totally okay with, by the way.”
“Yes, it’s like an extra dick or something,” Nathan playfully pretended to masturbate the stump.
“But what about this?” Youssef raised his arm, so that a particularly nasty patch of skin was right under Nathan’s nose.
“Well, ordinarily I would feel fairly neutral about it, to me it’s just markings, almost like the patterns on his coat,” Nathan pointed across to Kit-Kat, who was curled up asleep on the chair opposite.
“But … well … I know you have such difficult feelings around …”
“You know I just hate it all so much!” Youssef blurted out.
“I know, I know, and I don’t blame you, either, which is exactly why these parts of you need that special, extra, tender-loving care,” and he ran a series of the sweetest, softest, most gentle kisses possible, up and down Youssef’s mangled arms.
...and then Nathan asks him about what happened; and Youssef explains all about his childhood illness and being in hospital, and then...
Youssef’s voice trailed off and he went all quiet. Presently, Nathan felt a teardrop land on his arm, then another and another. He squeezed Youssef, with his arms wrapped around him, he squeezed him and held on to him as tightly as he could.
“Baby, baby, baby, it’s alright, I’m here, Youssef, I’m here,” he comforted him.
There was a gasp, a huge intake of breath from Youssef, and then he started sobbing, huge sobs that shook his whole body, absolute convulsions of sadness and grief.
Read the whole chapter on Ao3...
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bodaciousalliance · 9 months
The heart of Mr Farouk, chapter 52, Fricassee
This is such a lovely romantic chapter...
After Nathan's arrival in chapter 51, and the spontaneous head jobs that happened almost before he got through the front door (and, by the way, it's the first time Youssef had ever sucked off anyone—how sweet, to be giving oral sex for the very first time at age twenty-nine), they sit down to Youssef's dinner———
Nathan sat there surveying the fine repast set out before him...
Somehow, in conversation, the "b" word just happens to slip out. This is kinda a 'next level' moment. They talk, even perhaps reminisce, about how their relationship with each other grew since the beginning of term.
Youssef feeds Nathan dessert, picking up chocolate pralines with his hook and popping them in his mouth, letting Nathan feel the metal of his hook against his lips.
After dinner, they decide to get ready for a cosy night. Nathan does the washing up while Youssef takes off his prosthetics and does his stump-care. Changed into comfy gear, ready for a snuggle on the couch, Youssef looks a bit like this... (it's the cutest thing Nathan's ever seen, by the way)
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bodaciousalliance · 8 months
The Heart of Mr Farouk, or,
Youssef's different struggles,
ch. 55—Promise...
In this chapter things go up a notch as Youssef calls in Nathan's earlier promise. It's quite graphic, but I feel very romantic about it too. What a sweet thought, to be twenty-nine years old and fucking a guy's arse for the very first time...
After such a big night in so many ways, they were glad to be going to bed. Nathan got in first, with Youssef climbing in after him. With his stubby arms wrapped around him, Youssef began kissing Nathan from the back, across his shoulders, up his neck, behind his ears. Nibbling on his earlobes, he whispered, “Are you still good on that promise?”
“Remember, you said before dinner that, if I wanted to, I could fuck you up the arse.”
“And you want to, don’t you?”
“Ooohh, I do, I really want to,” Youssef replied, he was now breathing heavily into Nathan’s ear and even sinking his teeth into his earlobe.
a few paragraphs later.....................
Youssef took this as his cue. Breaking away from their hot embrace, he moved down to Nathan’s hole. By virtue of him not having any hands or fingers, Youssef was in the habit of using his mouth and tongue for many more and different jobs than the average person. Now he would be applying his tongue skills to an exciting new task.
Oh! — My! — Goodness! — Youssef’s tongue found the soft, warm, velvety membrane of Nathan’s little freckle. He’d done a lot of pretty amazing new things since meeting Nathan, but this was a step beyond. Absolute Nirvana!
a bit later on...........................
Nathan was as ready as he’d ever be—so was Youssef. He took an extra large splodge of lube in his hand and wrapped it around Youssef’s throbbing dick. This in itself was almost enough to make Youssef come. Nathan guided him towards his hole, and began taking him in. “Just a bit … aarrgghh,” he winced. Then a bit more, “eeegh … wait … more,” and then he pushed Youssef in, past that last point of resistance, and he was in, he was all the way in, he was really fucking in now.
Read the whole chapter on Ao3...
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bodaciousalliance · 8 months
The Heart of Mr Farouk, or, Youssef's different struggles—preview........
Chapters coming up over the next few weeks:
54—Massage—Nathan gives Youssef a long, sensual massage, on one condition: that Youssef massages him afterwards, using his stumps.
55—Promise—when they go to bed, Youssef calls in that promise of Nathan's: at dinnertime he said he could fuck him up the arse.
56—Waking—next morning, when they awake, Youssef begs Nathan for sex: he wants to know what it feels like to be fucked by his boyfriend.
57—Cherry—Youssef gets popped, he finds out what it feels like to be no longer a virgin.
58—The Pronouncement—in the heat of passion, Nathan finds himself voicing a phrase he thought he'd never use again. Incidentally, it propels their lovemaking to dizzy new heights.
59—Lazy Saturday—quiet, cosy times together at home: cooking, art, playing with the cat...
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bodaciousalliance · 9 months
The heart of Mr Farouk, or, Youssef's different struggles—new chapter: 51, Friday afternoon
School holidays have begun! Youssef's so excited, he rushes home to cook dinner for Nathan, who is coming around tonight to visit for a while during the holidays... [content advisory: this chapter contains graphic descriptions of Adult Sexual Acts, Sexualisation of Amputee Prosthetics, and Bodily Fluids]
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bodaciousalliance · 9 months
The Heart of Mr Farouk, or, Youssef's different struggles—2023 recap:
Here's the chapter listing for last year—
1—Assembly: The school assembly was stunned. New teacher Mr Farouk has hooks: he's a quadruple amputee, he tells them "I have no hands and no feet..." But Nathan doesn't really notice, he's lost in Youssef's handsome face, the jet black hair, the thick black beard, the limpid hazel eyes.
2—New term: nothing happens except occasionally Nathan gets a glimpse of Mr Farouk in the distance, sometimes he hears him yelling at his class.
3—Mr Farouk: describing Youssef, his personality, his appearance, his life.
4—Staff Room: Nathan and Youssef are properly introduced in the staff room, with an interesting handshake.
5—Art Room: Youssef pays a visit to Nathan in his class room, he has a message about the school trip, they talk about art.
6—Staff Briefing: after school, Nathan and Youssef are briefed by the Deputy Head about the school trip to Paris.
7—Student Meeting: as seen on tv, there's a meeting for the students about the Paris trip.
8—Home: Youssef gets home and is thinking about the Paris trip. There's a long discourse about where he is with his sexuality.
9—Coach: as seen on tv, everyone's arriving and getting on the coach for the school trip. Youssef observes Nick and Charlie's innocent and carefree love, he is secretly envious of them.
10—Journey: as seen on tv, on the coach trip Youssef and Nathan steal secret glances across the aisle.
11—Montmartre: as seen on tv, the students are sent off to explore Montmartre. Nathan takes Youssef to a cafe for coffee and croissants, where there's an interesting exchange with a waiter.
12—Eiffel Tower: as seen on tv, they visit the Eiffel Tower. Nathan trades on Youssef's disability to get special tickets, even though he knows how much he hates 'special treatment'.
13—Louvre: as seen on tv, Nathan and Youssef are having a lovely time in the museum, until someone is taken ill.
14—Hallway: as seen on tv, their conversation by the vending machine brings on a sudden attack of Youssef's internalised homophobia and internalised ableism.
15—Comfort: back in their room, Youssef is so upset he's just about ready to break into a thousand pieces, Nathan soothes and comforts him.
16—Empathy: the scene continues, Nathan is holding Youssef by both his hooks while he gazes into his eyes. They talk about not fitting in to the world.
17—Jardin: as seen on tv, it's their last full day in Paris. After sending the kids off to explore, the teachers decide to have a low-key kinda day. Over a long, relaxing lunch, there's a long conversation about how normal and okay it is to feel lost and confused around issues such as sexuality.
18—Room 203: as seen on tv, Nathan and Youssef are just about to have a glass of wine when they're interrupted by drunk teenagers.
19—Bed: as seen on tv, Youssef suggests they share the bed. They kiss... it's his first ever kiss.
20—Bathroom: a new level of intimacy, as Nathan helps Youssef with his stump-care rituals...
21—Nathan and Youssef: next morning they awake, Youssef has his stubby arms wrapped tightly around Nathan. He's never been this close to anyone before.
22—Time! It's time to get up—they are both in the bathroom together, busily getting ready for the day, but they are also seriously checking each other out.
23—Youssef? Over a week since they got back from Paris and Nathan's not seen or heard a peep from Youssef, he's on the verge of crying himself to sleep every night.
24—Priya: as seen on tv, Nathan and Priya are setting up for the school prom, they talk about Youssef. She encourages Nathan to invite him to the prom.
25—Prom Night: as seen on tv, Youssef shows up at the prom. Two little words, 'next time', shift everything for them. They agree to meet up for a coffee date on Tuesday afternoon.
26—Waiting: Youssef's early, he sits there waiting, doing head-miles around what's going on.
27—Coffee: sitting in the park with their big coffees, they talk about what happened in Paris and what's going on in their heads.
28—The question: Nathan asks Youssef if he wants to take things further. There's an earnest discussion about body issues. They make a date for Saturday night at Nathan's place.
29—Date: Youssef comes over to Nathan's place, it's their official 'first date'. Youssef's sat at the kitchen bench while Nathan prepares dinner.
30—Dinner: with pizza in the oven, Youssef and Nathan chat about what they might like to happen on their date. Then they enjoy dinner and dessert at the table.
31—Couch: moving to the couch, Nathan and Youssef start to kiss, really kiss. Youssef's never been kissed like this before.
32—Shirts: shirts come off as the kissing progresses further down. Nathan gets a really good look at the mechanism of Youssef's prosthetics, and asks him how the hooks work. Youssef removes his arms and gets a shoulder massage.
33—Kissing: the kissing continues. Nathan kisses Youssef down his arms. When he's kissing one of Youssef's stumps, he realises it's like having a giant cock in his mouth, he comes in his pants without even touching himself.
34—Head: Youssef agrees, maybe one day, to fuck Nathan with his stumps. Meanwhile, he asks Nathan to suck him off. It's his first experience of oral sex, and Nathan drinks all his cum.
35—Encore: Nathan is hard again, just from looking into Youssef's eyes. He asks Youssef to beat him off, using his arm stumps. When he blows, it sprays all over Youssef's face, beard, body and of course, his arm stumps. They lick off all the cum and have hot kisses, then, basically, they crash out for the night, still half-undressed.
36—Morning: Nathan and Youssef, still crashed out on the living room floor from last night, are woken by the light. Taking him off to bed, Nathan lovingly attends to Youssef's stump-care hygiene. Later in the morning, Nathan wakes, he brings coffee and crumpets back to bed, which he hand-feeds to Youssef. It's total bliss.
37—More: Youssef asks Nathan for sex. It turns into another 'homosexual frenzy'...
38—Mid-afternoon: it's getting on to four o'clock, Nathan and Youssef are still snuggling together in bed, and talking about what's going on between them.
39—Late afternoon: they have to get up. While Youssef is showering, Nathan washes his stump socks and cleans his liners as well as tidying up. They have an early tea before Youssef leaves.
40—Twilight: Nathan has the place to himself. He sits quietly and reflects on everything that has happened this weekend. He seriously interrogates what's driving his attraction to Youssef.
41—Dusk: in the long drive across town, Youssef joyfully proclaims to himself that he is gay. He thinks about how his life is changing. Getting home, he, too, is lost in contemplation over what's happening for him.
42—Monday: Youssef and Nathan both arrive at school at the same time. Youssef's manner is exceedingly professional, setting a very clear boundary between work and home life.
43—Tuesday: they meet up at the park again and share drinks and talk about what they might like to do, they are both hot for each other.
44—The talk: Youssef brings up the topic of Nathan's attraction to his disabled body. Nathan confronts these strange new feelings, Youssef makes him feel totally okay about everything.
45—Gino's: Youssef takes Nathan out to dinner at a favourite restaurant of his.
46—Youssef's place: an unplanned sleepover occurs as Youssef invites Nathan over. It's the third time they have sex, Nathan asks Youssef to keep wearing his prosthetic arms, so that he can be touched all over by the metal hooks. It gets very hot and bodily fluids go everywhere.
47—Morning after: Nathan is woken by the tip of Youssef's metal hook brushing against his cheek: he's already completely dressed and ready. They leave home early, driving over to Nathan's. Youssef makes breakfast while Nathan gets dressed for work: he comes out and finds a whole 'Sunday brunch' kind of breakfast laid out for them. It's so sweet...
48—Cinema: after their fantastic date on Tuesday night, Nathan and Youssef meet up on Thursday to see a film and have dinner. But Nathan's determined to not have any 'unplanned sleepovers' on a school night, because of the morning-after logistics.
49—Nachos: they go to a Mexican place for dinner after the cinema. It's a bit of a mess as they feed each other the gooey, sticky nachos.
50—Churros: Nathan and Youssef finish up with sweet, crispy churros. Youssef stops outside Nathan's place to drop him off: before he gets out he gives Youssef a hot and steamy head-job to make up for them not sleeping together tonight.
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bodaciousalliance · 9 months
The Heart of Mr Farouk—50: Churros
This is the last chapter of the year, rounding off Nathan and Youssef's great date on the Thursday night...
Edited highlights....................................
They’d managed to polish off the enormous serve of nachos, and clean themselves up. Now they were sitting on their mocktails, waiting for dessert to arrive....
Dessert arrived, churros with crispy sugar-coated outsides and soft, steaming insides. They came with not one, but two dipping sauces, chocolate ganache and dulce de leche. Though they were both stuffed full from the nachos, there was no way they were letting these go by. Especially not Nathan, who had a bit of a sweet tooth.
“So, what do you want to do, when the holidays do come around?” asked Youssef, innocently, in between mouthfuls of dessert.
“Fuck you.”
Nathan swallowed, he’d been caught after taking a very large bite of a churro, “I want to fuck you, Youssef. Fuck you so deep and so hard that your fat, juicy cock explodes, just from the feeling of me inside you.”
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Youssef turned into Nathan’s street and pulled up outside his place.
“Kill the engine, I wanna kiss you,” Nathan commanded.
“I said I want to kiss you,” Nathan repeated, leaning across and pulling Youssef in closer to him. He planted his big, juicy lips on Youssef’s face and stuck in his tongue.
Taken by surprise, Youssef gasped, with a sharp intake of breath. This was what he’d been waiting for all day—two days, since the last time on Tuesday night, actually. He opened wide and sucked in Nathan’s tongue as far as he could.
Nathan reached down and undid Youssef’s trousers, to release his bulging cock. He skilfully twirled his thumb and forefinger around and up and down the pretty pink head of Youssef’s fat cock.......
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bodaciousalliance · 9 months
The Heart of Mr Farouk, continued...
It's been a great few days for Nathan and Youssef.
To recap, after finally getting back together at the prom (ch 25) they agreed to go out on a date.
Their first date (ch 26-27-28) was a meeting in the park after school, they had coffees and talked about things.
For their second date, Youssef came around to Nathan's on Saturday night (ch 29-30-31-32-33-34-35) and stayed for much of Sunday (ch 36-37-38-39-40-41), which brings us up to this week...
Ch. 42 "Monday"... Youssef and Nathan both arrive at school at the same time. Youssef's manner is exceedingly professional, setting a very clear boundary between work and home life.
Ch. 43 "Tuesday"... they meet up at the park again and share drinks and talk about what they might like to do, they are both hot for each other.
Ch. 44 "The talk"... Youssef brings up the topic of Nathan's attraction to his disabled body. Nathan confronts these strange new feelings, Youssef makes him feel totally okay about everything.
Ch. 45 "Gino's"... Youssef takes Nathan out to dinner at a favourite restaurant of his.
Ch. 46 "Youssef's place"... an unplanned sleepover occurs as Youssef invites Nathan over. It's the third time they have sex, Nathan asks Youssef not to take off his prosthetic arms, so he can be touched all over by the metal hooks. It gets very hot and bodily fluids go everywhere.
Ch. 47 "Morning"... Nathan is woken by the tip of Youssef's metal hook brushing against his cheek: he's already completely dressed and ready. They leave home early, driving over to Nathan's. Youssef makes breakfast while Nathan gets dressed for work: he comes out and finds a whole 'Sunday brunch' kind of breakfast laid out for them. It's so sweet...
So, everyone, even though I'm only posting one chapter a day, and some chapters are pretty short, it's catching up to my writing (I'm currently working on chapter 57), so I can see a point where I'll run out of daily chapters. Sorry about that! I don't know where it's going, except that--like I've heard others describe about writing, once I pick up the pencil the characters seem to have a mind of their own. Who knows?
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bodaciousalliance · 10 months
The Heart of Mr Farouk, update...
My story continues, complete with "descriptions of homosexual frenzy inspired by the stumps of a quadruple amputee" (thanks to my correspondant for that wonderful description!), as well as romance, nurturing, mutual adoration, empowerment, quiet contemplation, reflection and self-realisation.
It's a long weekend, as Saturday night's date has turned into a long Sunday spent together at Nathan's place.
Here's a rundown of latest chapters:
ch.36--Morning: Nathan+Youssef, still crashed out on the living room floor from last night, are woken by the light. Taking him off to bed, Nathan lovingly attends to Youssef's stump-care hygiene. Later in the morning, Nathan wakes, he brings coffee and crumpets back to bed, which he hand-feeds to Youssef. It's total bliss.
ch.37--More: Youssef asks Nathan for sex. It turns into another "homosexual frenzy"...
ch.38--Mid-afternoon: it's getting on to four o'clock, Nathan and Youssef are still snuggling together in bed, and talking about what's going on between them.
ch.39--Late afternoon: they have to get up. While Youssef is showering, Nathan washes his stump socks and cleans his liners as well as tidying up. They have an early tea before Youssef leaves.
ch.40--Twilight: Nathan has the place to himself. He sits quietly and reflects on everything that has happened this weekend. He seriously interrogates what's driving his attraction to Youssef.
ch.41--Dusk: in the long drive across town, Youssef joyfully proclaims to himself that he is gay. He thinks about how his life is changing. Getting home, he, too, is lost in contemplation over what's happening for him.
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