#homosexual frenzy
bodaciousalliance · 7 months
The heart of Mr Farouk,
ch. 59: "Lazy Saturday"
The aroma of coffee began to percolate through the house. Nathan had time to search around in the pantry, finding the croissants, butter and jam; but that was as far as he went, he knew the croissants were Youssef’s department. Meanwhile, in the corner Kit-Kat crouched down on his haunches glowering across the room. Nathan was careful to give him a wide berth, treading gingerly around him.
Soon enough, Youssef emerged. Like Nathan, he had dressed for effect this morning. All he wore was a pair of sexy black football shorts, and no shirt. What a sight he presented: the black shorts, with his black liners and carbon sockets, complemented the jet black hair of his head, beard and chest, while the flash of metal from his pylons and hooks set off the flash of his hazel eyes. Nathan was completely entranced by his sexy, topless lover, his very own bionic man.
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...what a sight he presented, the black shorts, with his black liners and carbon sockets...Nathan was completely entranced by his sexy, topless lover, his very own bionic man.
“Feed the cat, I dare you,” Youssef, at the pantry, tossed a bag of treats Nathan’s way.
“Ah … okay …” Nathan answered tentatively. He shook the bag and like a shot Kit-Kat came running across to him, meowing and rubbing himself against Nathan as he circled around his legs. Nathan squatted and showed Kit-Kat the now-opened bag, which drove him absolutely wild. He took one of the treats and, holding it between his thumb and forefinger, offered it to the cat. Kit-Kat, though in a mania of hunger—really there was something in these treats that always sent him crazy—gently took it from Nathan, without biting or nipping his fingers.
“Good boy,” Nathan cooed, offering him another—and another and another and another, until the cat walked away, sated, “Good boy, good boy,” Nathan cooed again, and Kit-Kat chirruped in reply.
Observing all this, Youssef thought ‘how sweet’. He couldn’t help but take it as some kind of good omen, given that Kit-Kat was usually completely hostile to everyone bar himself.
“He likes you,” he teased Nathan, “he’s never not hissed and growled at any visitor here—you’re the first one he’s warmed to.”
“I suppose that augers well then—I hope I can spend a fair bit of time here in the future, if you’ll have me, habibi.”
“Of course, my boyfriend, it’s great having you here, I love it,” as an afterthought, he added, “but I like your place too, you know.”
They sat at the table, enjoying their breakfast. The croissants—warm and buttery and jammy—were not as good as those in Paris but still pretty good for suburban England. The coffee, rich and creamy, was heavenly. The lovers sat there, taking in the simple joy of sharing a delicious meal with each other.
“So, habibi, did you have any idea of what you want to do today?”
“Well, my boyfriend, I thought I’d enlist your help in the kitchen—I want to put dinner on soon so it can simmer away during the day.”
“Oh … okay … you want me in the kitchen? You are brave, what are you thinking of?”
“Don’t worry, just help with some of the prep, no actual cooking—I’m doing Moroccan lamb—I hope that appeals. Anyway, what about you, what do you have in mind for today?”
“I brought a heap of art stuff. I’d like to draw a bit. And I brought you some stuff—just to play around with, only if you’re interested.”
“Hmmm … maybe?” There was a time when Youssef would have automatically, categorically said ‘no’. These days, being subjected to Nathan’s constant encouragement, he felt less unsure about his capabilities, and though he was quite sure he was devoid of any kind of artistic sense, he felt so much more open—again thanks to Nathan’s influence—to new experiences, to trying new things.
“Okay, cooking and drawing,” though Nathan was in no rush to do anything except savour the fantastic coffee.
“Let’s do it,” Youssef rose and made for the fridge and the larder, and started gathering the ingredients. He wanted Nathan to chop the vegetables; onions, carrots and potatoes—that was, especially the onions, the most fiddly and time-consuming part of the process for him. However, it quickly became obvious that Nathan was clueless about all things to do with cooking. Youssef even thought it may have been quicker for him to take over, despite how long it took him to do these intricate tasks with his prosthetic hooks. It didn’t matter, it was a joy to be doing stuff together and, with some patient coaching and gentle correction, Nathan was soon making a good job of it, while Youssef trimmed and carved the lamb into nice big chunks.
Before long the rich aroma of frying onions and garlic began wafting through the house, later joined by lamb, turmeric and other spices. It gave a cosy, homely feeling to the place. Nathan watched in fascination as Youssef deftly handled the various utensils and achieved the different tasks—frying, pouring, stirring and the like—with his hooks. Nathan almost let out a warning cry as he saw him about to pick up the casserole dish without first getting a pot-holder, then he realised, of course his prosthetics don’t feel the heat.
“There, we’ll just let that quietly stew away for a bit, and that’s our dinner,” Youssef said as he transferred the casserole from the cooktop to a slow oven.
“Mmmmm,” Nathan savoured it, he was loving being here.
“How about some tea, and maybe we can sit down and relax?”
“Lovely. Like I said, I’d like to draw. Actually, I’d like to draw you, will you sit for me?”
“Draw me? What, a portrait or something? … yes, of course, but why? Why on earth would you want to draw me?”
“Well … I love you …”
“I love you too!”
“… I love you, and right now I think I would want to draw you every day. Plus, you’re a great subject: your super-handsome looks and your amazing physicality.”
“Aaaar … hmmmm …”
“I know you don’t like it but, this idea of ‘difference’ is a real thing in art these days, there’s a big movement to proudly portray people with their various differences, to make a strong statement about it being okay to be different. You can be a part of that movement too, you know.”
“Oh … I don’t know, I’m not any kind of advocate or activist, don’t want to be, either.”
“That’s alright. You can at least pose for me, nothing more.”
“Yes, yes, like I said, for you, anything—my lovely boyfriend.”
“I see I’ve gained an adjective now,” Nathan teased.
They repaired to the living room, with their cups of tea. Nathan suggested Youssef sit on the couch while he got his stuff. Returning with his favourite sketch-pad and charcoals, he sat cross-legged on the floor, facing Youssef.
“So, how about you place your feet flat on the floor—yes—now, lean forward, elbows on your knees—that’s it—and look straight at me. Wow!”
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...feet flat on the floor, lean forward, elbows on your knees, now, look straight at me... wow!
It was a powerful aspect, the unambiguous metal of his leg pylons and hooks, the sexy thick hairy chest, the muscled shoulders, sort of bound by the harness-straps of his prosthetic arms, and his intense, cool gaze. All was magnified by the stark black and white of Nathan’s charcoal drawing.
“Can I see it?”
“Promise not to hate it, or freak out over your body-image issues?”
“Hmm, okay, I’ll try not to.”
Nathan got up and brought over the sketch. Youssef gasped a little, and slowly, carefully, thoughtfully perused the picture before him. He had gone completely quiet as he continued to stare at, to meditate on, Nathan’s portrait of him.
“You’re not going to go all lachrymose on me again, are you?” Nathan asked, only half-jokingly.
“Ummm … no … gosh, it’s remarkable, it’s such a strong image, I’ve never seen myself like this before—you’ve made me look so powerful.”
“Ah, well, the pose, and the medium, and the style add to it; but really all the power comes from the subject, the sitter, you—it all comes from you, Youssef.”
“Yes, but…”
“Look, habibi, honestly, this is one of my better ones, I can tell, they don’t always turn out so well. I mean to say, success as in actually being able to realise on paper what I see, to convey or transmit what I see and feel to you, the observer. It doesn’t always happen this well, in fact sometimes it doesn’t happen at all.”
“That’s interesting, I never thought about art in those terms. It’s all so subjective, isn’t it? You know, with science, we spend all our time trying to eliminate the subjective. We have to aim for complete objectivity.”
“Of course, that’s why it’s science and not art. Science and art, objective and subjective, just like yin and yang—that’s why we’re so good together, my lovely.”
“And here’s me thinking it was because you are so damned sexy,” Youssef had that glint in his eye again…
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agueforts · 4 months
it's honestly so funny that i'm like so intensely aro and ALSO out here like. um. this.
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kpgimpactor · 7 months
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batshit-auspol · 1 year
1975: There is mass panic in Adelaide after a house painter / part time psychic claimed God was about to send a tsunami to wipe out the city, should a plan to legalise homosexuality become law, with news reports reaching as far as London.
In response to the media frenzy, and to reassure the public, Premier Don Dunstan announced that he will be travelling to the beach to fight the sea, where he was met by hundreds of locals who had used the apocalypse as an excuse to take the day off work.
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Follow for more Batshit Moments in Australian Politics
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stalkerofthegods · 10 months
Lord Dionysus/Bacchus deep dive
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Lord Dionysus is an eccentric god, He is an understanding god, I adore him as a researcher and as someone in the community with schizophrenia and mental illness, he is kind far beyond words, he is not only a wine god but also the god of freedom and ecstasy, may we all respect him and may his devotees and worshipers speak of his good deeds and yell in his honor of goodness.
Signs he's reaching out • smelling wine all of a sudden, craving wine, You feel a twinge of madness, dreams with his attributes with him, seeing references of him everywhere
Herbs •psalakanthos plant, Grapes and their vines, Figs, Bay laurel, Barley, Pine, Pomegranate, Fennel, apples, berries, weed, Silver Fir, Bindweed, poppy, wheat and hops leafs, wildflowers, pine cones, Apple seeds, Blazing star. I think he would like Cinnamon, mint, feverfew (happiness), Pepper, basil, chives, horseradish (courage), orange, lemongrass, marjoram (insight), vanilla, sorrel, cinnamon (love) 
Animals• Oxen and wild animals, asses, Leopards, Panther, Cheetah, serpents, rams,  dolphins, tigers, lynx, panthers, goats, bats, griffons, bulls , foxes, deers/fawns
Colors •purple, green, gold, Red, Black, White.
Patron of• fruit and intoxitation, Parties, Festivities, Banquets, Drinking, Bacchic Revelry, Madness, Bacchic Frenzy, Insanity, Hallucination, Homosexuality, Effeminacy, Cross-dressing, Forest Wilderness, Wild vegetation, Predatory big cats, Reincarnation, The path to Elysium, Comedy and Tragedy Plays, Playwrites, Actors, bartenders, the arts, non-binary people, divination, witchcraft, oracles
Curses• violence, and sickness, Destructive insanity, madness
Blessings• pleasure and fun, Religious frenzy (in the orgiastic cults), Ecstasy, Afterlife in Elysium (paradise), getting a bigger friend group, charismatic going up, getting a romantic partner.
Diety of• wine-making, orchards, fruit, vegetation, fertility, festivity, insanity, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, theatre, partying, Epiphany, weddings, death, sacrifice, sexuality, dancing, immortality, and reincarnation, uninhibited freedom, as well as the subversion of the powerful, ecstasy, and abandon, swamps and marshes.
Crystals• Amethyst, grape agate, Garnet, Ruby, deep red stones, tiger eye, serpentine, leopard jasper, amber, green opal or jade, carnelian, rose quartz (someone had it on their alter for him, so I added it here.), bloodstone, sugilite, purple fluorite, ametrine lepidolite
Mortal or immortal • immortal
Zodiac • Taruas 
Vows/omans• none 
Number• 7 
Morals• he is morally ambiguous
Married to• Ariadne 
Past lovers• Althaia, Ampelos, Aphrodite, Erigone, Kronois, Pallene, Physokoa, Polymnos.
What he favors in devotees• free-spirited, out-of-the-norm, wild lifestyle, gender fluid, transgender, nonbinary people. People are restricted wanting to become free. 
Personality• He brings joy, ecstasy, and merriment, but also delivers "brutal and blinding rage”, he's a very chill guy, many say he is sassy. I met him once, and he respects people's boundaries.
Home• Mount Olympus 
Equivalents/most resemblance • Osiris, Hades, Sabazios, Yahweh, Bacchus, Liber, Tammuz, Orotalt, Fufluns, Acan, Jesus.
Epithets• Acratophorus, Ἀκρατοφό.ρος “giver of unmixed wine at Phigaleia in arcadia, Acroreites at Sicyon Adoneus a Latinised form of Adonis and is also used as an epithet for Bacchus, AegobolusΑἰγοβόλος "goat-shooter" at Potniae in Boeoria, Aesymnetes Αἰσυμνήτης “ruler" or "lord" at Aroë and Patrae in Achaea, Agrios Ἄγριος "wild", in Macedonia, Androgynos Ἀνδρόγυνος ”Androgynous” specifically in intercourse referring to the god taking both an active male and a passive female role, Anthroporraistes, Ἀνθρωπορραίστης “man-destroyer" a title of Dionysus at Tenedos, Bassareus, Βασσαρεύς "fox-skin", which item was worn by his cultists in their mysteries. Bougenes, Βουγενής or Βοηγενής “borne by a cow", in the Mysteries of Lerna,
Braetes, Βραίτης "related to beer" at Thrace, Briseus Βρῑσεύς "he who prevails" in Smyrna, Bromios Βρόμιος "roaring” and "roar of thunder" refering to the wind amd primarily relating to the central death/resurrection element of his myths and also the god's transformations into lion and bull and  of those who drink alcohol and refers to Dionysus' father, Zeus "the thunderer", Choiropsalasχοιροψάλας “pig-plucker" Greek χοῖρος = "pig"(which was  used as a slang term for the female genitalia as A reference to Dionysus's role as a fertility deity), Chthonios Χθόνιος “the subterranean”, Cistophorus Κιστοφόρος "basket-bearer and ivy-bearer" because baskets are sacred to the Dionysus,Dimetor Διμήτωρ "twice-born" which Refers to Dionysus's two births, Dendrites Δενδρίτης "he of the trees" as a fertility god, Dithyrambos Διθύραμβος used at his festivals referring to his premature birth, Eleutherios Ἐλευθέριος “the liberator" also a epithet shared with Eros, Endendros ("he in the tree"), Enorches "with balls" with reference to his fertility, or "in the testicles" in reference to Zeus' sewing the baby Dionysus "into his thigh" which means his testicles used in Samos and Lesbos, Eridromos"good-running" in Nonnus' Dionysiaca, Erikryptos Ἐρίκρυπτος "completely hidden" in Macedonia, Euaster Εὐαστήρ from the cry "euae",  Euius (Euios), from the cry "euae" in lyric passages, and in Euripides’ play “the bacche, Lacchus Lακχος a possible epithet which is associated with the Elusinian Mysteries, The name "Iacchus" may come from the Ιακχος (Iakchos) whicj is a hymn sung in honor of Dionysus.
Indoletes, Ἰνδολέτης, meaning slayer/killer of Indians Due to his campaign against the Indians, Isodaetes, Ισοδαίτης, meaning "he who distributes equal portions", cult epithet which is also shared with Helios, Kemilius, Κεμήλιος and kemas: "young deer, pricket",
Liknites "he of the winnowing fan", as a fertility god connected with mystery religions ( a winnowing fan was used to separate the chaff from the grain.)
Palazzo Massimo, Rome, Lenaius, Ληναῖος "god of the wine-press", Lyaeus, or Lyaios Λυαῖος, "deliverer” and "loosener") which refers to him as who releases from care and anxiety, 
Lysius, Λύσιος "delivering, releasing" At Thebes there was a temple of Dionysus Lysius, MelanaigisΜελάναιγις "of the black goatskin" at the Apaturia festival, 
Morychus Μόρυχος “smeared" in Sicily, because his icon was smeared with wine less at the vintage, Mystes Μύστης "of the mysteries" at Tegea in Arcadia, Nysian Nύσιος according to Philostatus he was called like this by the Ancient indians  Most probably, because according to legend he founded the city of Nysa, Oeneus, Οἰνεύς "wine-dark" as god of the wine press, Omadios “flesh-eater", Eusebius writes in Preparation for the gospel that Euelpis of Carystus states that in Chios and Tendos they did a human sacrifice to Dionysus Omadios, 
Phallen , (Φαλλήν) (probably "related to the phallus” at Lesbos, Phleus "related to the bloοm of a plant", Peudanor Ψευδάνωρ "false man" referring to his feminine qualities in Macedonia,
Pericionius, Περικιόνιος "climbing the column (ivy)" a name of Dionysus at Thebes, Semeleios or Semeleius or Semeleus an obscure epithet meaning 'He of the Earth' and 'son of Semele' Also “Son of Semele, Iakchus, wealth-giver”, 
Skyllitas, Σκυλλίτας “related to the vine-branch" at Kos, Sykites, Συκίτης "related to figs" at Laconia,Taurophagus, Ταυροφάγος “bull eating", Tauros Ταῦρος “a bull", Theoinus, Θέοινος wine-god of a festival in Attica, Τhyiοn, Θυίων "from the festival of Dionysus 'Thyia' (Θυῐα) at Elis", Thyllophorus, Θυλλοφόρος "bearing leaves" at Kos, Dionysus and Zeus absorbs the role of Sabazios (a Thracian/Phrygian deity)
Facts• Dionysus was the last god to enter Olympus, When Dionysus had grown up lady Hera made him into a state of madness so he wandered through many countries of the earth, He was a student of the famous centaur Chiron who taught him how to dance, The common names Dennis and Denise are said to be derived from Dionysus. he hated the sight of an owl
Roots• Ancient Greece, Greek mythology, Mount Pramnos on Ikaria
Offerings • Honey, Meat, Alcohol (especially wine), Fruit, Cakes, Poetry, Songs, Spices (ex- cinnamon), Blood or liquids resembling blood, He thinks those "wine mom" signs that you get in cheap gift shops are hilarious, Grape juice, Intoxicants, Grapes, Olive oil, Apples, Figs, Eggs, Goblets, Curved daggers, Bull horns, Snake skin, Leopard or tiger print objects, Purple candles, Theatre masks, Sexual toys, Percussion instruments, Wine bottles, Fake/toy grapes, Leaves or curls from grapevines, Pine needles, Pinecones, Apple seeds, Bindweed, Wildflowers, Toys photos or art of any big cats, snakes, Hymns, Songs you’ve written, Any art that you create, Any stories that you create, Art, pictures of the comedy, Wine corks, Wine labels, Toy or miniature drums, milk, water from the sea (he has a strong connection with the sea), Decorative beads, party beads, flashy jewelry, Wine glasses, Shot glasses, Corkscrews, Sparkling cider, Grape flavored things, Cheese, hallucinogens, Nips (small alcohol bottles), Bottle opener, Beer/soda tabs, Alcohol bottles with cool labels, Costumes, NatureFig/fig newtonsBull imagery, Donkey imagery, Bones, Antlers, Dead/preserved animals, Hiking gear, Seeds, Concert/festival tickets, Locks of hair, Shaven beard hair, Pride swag, ravagant clothes/clothes that make you feel good, soup (you know , you know.)
Devotional • learn about sacred sex, shamanic journeying, responsible entheogen use, and alcohol as a sacrament, read “The Secret History” book, Make a playlist for Him, Dance and sing to your favorite songs or songs you’d think He would like, Throw a feast in His honor, Remembering to take your medication and taking care of your mental health, Support/donate to your local theatre in His name, Be a part of the theatre, Stand up for those that are marginalized, Write stories/plays for Him, Invite Him to watch plays or movies with you (especially comedies or tragedies), Throw parties or attend them, Attend festivals, Attend a wine tasting, Go on wine tours, Attend parades, Masturbate or partake in sexual acts for Him (if you’re comfortable doing so And over 18), Drink alcohol or grape juice, Smoke po, Learn about winemaking, Support local vineyards, Wear wreaths made from ivy, Wear faux leopard or tiger print, Wear the color purple, Pray to Him for things while intoxicated/high, Visit your local winery and participate in a grape-stomp, do some Homebrewing in his honor, Grow a garden in his honor, Make your own ritual tools in his honor, Collect art, do Glamourbombs in his honor, Pretend to be somebody else in his honor, go out to a club in his honor, listen to music in his honor, read in his his mythos, write things for a ritual and write a prayer for him, eat some grapes or have some grape juice or sparkling grape juice (or wine if able and of age), listen to party music, read plays, watch musicals or plays (ex- high school musical, Hamilton), listen to musical soundtracks, learn about the history of theatre, learn about viticulture and vineyards, do things that bring you pleasure, listen to party soundscapes, watch documentaries about any of his sacred animals, Trip intentionally/spiritually, Learn about substance abuse/recovery, Destigamtize drug users, Learn about harm reduction, Make home videos, Write poetry, Act, Dress up, Go to the woods, Dance/sing in the woods, Meditate in the woods, Learn wilderness safety and first aid, Learn what to do when encountering a wild animal, Go off the beaten path, Explore new areas, Pick up litter, Forage, Recycle bottles, Grow fruit, Try new fruits, Have sex (let the partner know beforehand it's in Diyonisus honor, 18+), Masturbate (18+), Have threesomes/swing (ask him before and make sure the other participants know it's in Dionysus's honor, 18+.), Finally, give into that one kink you’ve been ignoring (you know the one, 18+), Learn about consent with partners, Learn how to preserve dead animals, Learn about different life cycles (ex-plants, animals), Learn about immigration in your area, Learn about different cultures, Try foreign foods, Learn a new language, Learn about your ancestry, Help immigrants in your area, Grow your hair out, Keep a Manifest/Keep a manifestation journal, Use Sexual/creative energy to manifest, Shed your old self, Do Self-reflection/self-exploration, Identify areas where you overindulge (ex- food, substances, spending).
Symbols• Grapevine, ivy, phallus, Thyrsus, theatrical masks, Leopard Skin, Panther, Cheetah, the animal called asses, cymbals, swords, or serpents, rams, laurel, asphodel,  dolphins, tiger, lynx, panther, horns, goats, his chariot pulled by 2 leopards, masks in general. 
Siblings• Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hebe, Hermes, Heracles, Helen of Troy, Hephaestus, Perseus, Minos, the Muses, the Graces.
His friends/gets along with• Maenads and Bacchantes and Satyrs and Sileni and Pan and Priapus
Attendees• Seilenos (God of Drunkenness), Pan (God of Shepherds & Pastures) the Satyroi and Seilenoi (spirits of Fertility & the Wild) The Bakkhantes and Mainades (Nymphe and Women revellers) Komos Satyriskos (cup-bearer)
Appearance in astral or gen• Dionysus often took on a bestial shape and was associated with various animals, often wearing an Ivy wreath, the thyrsus, and the kantharos (a large two-handled goblet) In early Greek art he has represented as a mature male, bearded and robed holding a fennel staff tipped with a pine-cone, but later on he was portrayed as youthful sensuous, naked or semi-naked androgynous youth and effeminate with brown hair and pale features, often holding grapes and drinking wine.
Parentage•  Zeus and Semele, some sources also say Zeus and Demeter, some say Zeus and Persephone, but he always sends up with Persephone as a foster mother or as a biological mother, but before his reincarnation, his parents were Ammon and Amalthea.
Pet• leopards
Children • Priapus, Hymen, Thaos, Staphylus, Ononpion, Cumus, Phthonus, the Graces and Deianira, Seilenos, Pan, Satyroi & Seilenoi, Bakkhantes & Mainades, Komodo’s
season and festivles• Diyonosus festivals were bacchanalia, Dionysia, Anthesteria, Dionysian, Lenaia, Panathenaia,  his season was spring and March and April
Day• 11th to the 13th of the month of Anthesterion, around the time of the January or February full moon.
Sacred places• Boitia in Greece, naxos Greek, island Edina in western Thrake, his holiest shrine was Mt kithairon (Nysa) in Boiotia Greece, he also declared war on India. A sacred place is the theatre.
Status• Greek god in the major theoi, and an agriculture Demi God. 
Pet peeves• Uderestemating him, he probably won't like it if you ignore him
Music• Disco, show tunes, psychedelic rock, acid folk, Greek folk music, EDM, classical, new wave, art pop, vaporwave, just anything you can dance and sing to.
Tarot• Temperance, fool card, three of cups, the tower, 9 of cups (based off of how people see him through their tarot cards) 
Scents/Inscene • Pine incense,  frankensince, patchouli and vanilla, nutmeg, mulled wine, storax, and Benzoin.
Regular prayer
Dionysos, god whose arrival is swift and certain, enduring friend of women and men whose welcome is warm, bringer of light, we see you in shadows. Dionysos, granter of great blessings, your presence is a heady wine. Kind-hearted god, to each you give as is fitting, each vessel you fill only as we can bear, and yet with even a sip, we are drunk upon you, and our faith is affirmed. Awesome god, by our own will we drink deeply, with you we become lost, we wander, we are found.
Litany to Dionysos
Dionysos of the vine, rich-tressed god of wine, potent and lusty, unmixed, undiluted, with full force you come to us, vital and robust, rich and strong and surprisingly sweet. Dionysos, I praise and honor you, I thank you for your blessings. Ivy-bearing Dionysos, god of the green, of the power of root on stone, the force of life that will make its own way in spite of all who labor to hold it back, no will or work can bind your might. I praise and honor you, I thank you for your blessings. Dionysos of the deep earth, of the dark world, of the unknown expanse beneath the black soil, beneath solid stone, of mysteries you know much, of death and of what lies beyond. God of secrets, I praise and honor you, I thank you for your blessings. Dionysos the inspiring, granter of words of prose or poesy, words heard best by the drunken and the mad, words forgotten with the passing of night and delight. Bacchus, granter of rare transport, I praise and honor you, I thank you for your blessings. Dionysos Soter, holder of the hearts of men, you free us from the cares of the world, each brilliant frenzied moment a shining jewel, each glimpse of the sacred more precious than gold. I praise and honor you, I thank you for your blessings. Kindly Dionysos, granter of good to men and women, giver of gifts to all who seek your blessing. Gracious Dionysos, accepter of offerings great and small, friend of mankind, I praise and honor you, I thank you for your blessings.
Regular Prayer to Dionysos
Dionysos, deep-hearted one who knows the souls of men and women, whose hand is ever open, ever within reach. Dionysos, god who runs in the dark, who sees with eyes shut tight, who dances to the heart’s strong beat, ever are you yourself, ever constant, ever changing god of those who are trapped, those who seek your truth and their own, those who seek vision beyond seeing, those who seek wisdom beyond knowledge, those who seek the self, pure and sweet, those who seek clarity beyond definition, who seek to embrace the uncertain, to hold, but loosely, to what is true beyond trust.
Regular prayer to Dionysos
I praise Dionysos, lord of the vine, lord of the far reaches of the mind; in the thick of the woods, along darkened paths, in the shadows of dusk and of dawn, you roam the world, the satyrs and the pretty nymphs dancing in your wake. Son of Zeus and fair-haired Semele, bold-hearted Semele, who dared to look into the face of glory, beautiful Semele who you carried into life again, Semele reborn who men called Thyone; beloved of clever Ariadne, quick-witted one, so dear to your heart, your bright-eyed bride and consort; Dionysos, friend of women, friend of the blissful, wild-eyed maenads, pilgrims and pioneers, those who seek, your cheer and inspiration, those who seek your release, from sorrow and despair, those who are lost in joy, and those who have found themselves in you. Dionysos, god of the darkest dark and the deepest deep, boundless one, endless one, fathomless one, in you we see the edges of ourselves, in you, we find our life’s journey, in you we find our home.
To Dionysos
I call to Dionysos, great god of the vine, son of thundering Zeus and headstrong Semele, loving husband of warm-hearted Ariadne. From the east you came, old before the ancients, throughout the elder world were you beloved; in Naxos and Boitia were you celebrated, in temples and in the savage wilderness, the fleet-footed maenads running in your wake. The sweetest, strongest wine is ever your drink; the mind’s release, the body’s loosening, your gift. O Dionysos; thyrsus-shaker, ivy-crowned god, we see you in the shadows, we see you on the edges, we see you in the haze of ecstasy, where we know the truth of passion, where we find the essence of our being. Bacchus, I call to you!
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| Sources & websites in comments. |
I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.
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ZZZ Headcanons
Help this game has taken over my free time I love these characters sm <3 Billy Soukaku and Ellen my beloved
Nicole: has a not so secret hobby of bedazzling anything and everything. It’s a real problem in the Cunning Hares apartment, nothing is safe from pink rhinestones and stickers
Anby: cracked at rhythm games to an alarming degree. Can do a 2 person extremely hard DDR song all by herself
Billy: I don’t know how they did it but they programmed an android with autism. Has his own version of a skincare routine which is basically just maintenance on all of his tiny mechanical parts. Can also gain power multiple ways, including solar power. The apartment complex where the Cunning Hares live had a blackout once and everyone used Billy as a personal charging port. Nicole promised to pay him in Starlight Knight merch.
Nekomata: cuts her own hair and offers to do it for other people. DO NOT trust her when she says she’s good at it
Grace: did gymnastics as a kid which is why she’s able to pull off a ton of backflips and flexible maneuvers in battle
Anton: uses actual cement to keep his hair spikes in shape. Koleda caught him in the act once and instead of chewing him out, she decided to apply some to her own hair and now they’re cement combover gang
Ben: is completely vegan and loves chilling at hot springs a lot. Still sleeps with stuffed animals btw
Koleda: I’m making it canon right now Koleda is trans and you can’t do shit about it. Also has welding as a hobby and made most of her accessories from scratch
Corin: when not in Victoria Housekeeping Co uniform, is a Jfashion junkie. I’m talking super dedicated Lolita fits, menhera inspired clothing, the whole shebang. She ofc designs a lot of her own stuff like her bear backpack and is also responsible for a lot of the accessories Victoria Housekeeping Co wears (Rina’s bows, Ellen’s shark jaw head and neckpieces, Lycaon’s eyepatch and tail straps). She also has a massive crush on Ellen and is too scared to admit it
Rina: has a fur allergy and can’t keep animals around. Which also means she’s allergic to Lycaon. She has to take so much Zyrtec before clocking in but has such a good poker face that Lycaon has no idea. Ellen knows tho
Lycaon: specifically wears the heeled boots and has his odd posture because he’s self conscious about his digitigrade legs, he thinks they’re unsightly for a butler of his standing to have. He also tries to encourage Ellen to wear a long maid dress like Rina does to hide her tail.
Ellen: coincidentally falls into a lot of shark stereotypes. She loves seafood, has to constantly be fidgeting or she feels like she’ll go mad, and the kicker, she gets frenzied around blood, or if the thing she’s fighting puts up a struggle. Corin accidentally cut her hand while repairing her saw blade once and both Lycaon and Rina could barely hold Ellen back once Corin began bleeding. Ellen feels awful for scaring the already timid girl. Corin secretly thought it was hot and would die on the spot if anyone knew that
Soukaku: despite being a huge foodie this girl cannot cook for shit. Is also physically cold to the touch and during the summer her coworkers will ask her to hold their drinks because they’ll stay cold. Soukaku always secretly sneaks sips every time they do this to her.
Miyabi: has the worst sleep schedule known to man. Sometimes you’ll find her awake at 3AM and conked out by 4PM, other times she goes to bed at 8PM and wakes up at 4AM. It’s inconsistent and irregular and a gamble trying to contact her outside of work because she might not even be awake
Harumasa: GAY GAY HOMOSEXUAL GAY. Also pretty cracked at chess and other strategy games. Is also a major old fashioned guy and doesn’t own a lot of modern technology. He’s not into retro or old stuff, he just doesn’t like new stuff
Yanagi: her glasses are fake. When she was younger she needed them, but her vision had naturally gotten better over the years, so she now wears contacts, but for some reason still insists on wearing her glasses. Loses them constantly during battle.
Lucy: even though she was forced to play piano as a kid, she really wanted to be a sporty girl and play stuff like soccer and baseball. Now she has the freedom to take part in the sports she likes and watch them surrounded by the people she likes
Piper: insanely picky eater to the point it drives Lucy up a wall. Is also picky about a lot of other things, like how different fabrics feel, different comfort levels of chairs and beds, girl is a complainer and will always find something to complain about
Lighter: has a side gig as a tattoo artist, has really stable hands too
Soldier 11: has 5 younger brothers, a younger sister, and 2 older siblings who she doesn’t see super often. Has divorced parents who also liked to adopt, which is why she has such a huge family. Her younger brothers love it when she comes home and plays secret agent military with them
Seth: can’t drive. That’s it send tweet.
Qingyi: is outwardly dismissive of meditation tricks and hacks and tips but utilizes that shit in private ALL the time.
Zhu Yuan: shares the vegetables she grows in her garden with all her neighbors. Is also a REALLY good cook to the point people have encouraged her to potentially consider a different career path
Jane Doe: the rat girl has pet rats go figure. But in all seriousness she’d die for her little guys. She has a white one named Cocaine and a brown one named Tobacco and a gray one named Crystal Meth. She thinks the names are hilarious and every time she introduces the rats to other people their facial expressions are priceless
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zoelinalivlens · 3 months
sherlock fans in a frenzy looking for johnlock crumbs while raffles fans sleep peacefully knowing wikipedia calls them homosexuals
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medusapelagia · 2 months
06 The celebratory tour
written for @steddieangstyaugust (prompt: Who did this?" ) and @augustwritingchallenge (Prompt: reality show) Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve/Eddie TW: violence, hospital, blood and injuries, dark Eddie Munson, homophobia Words: 1605
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When Eddie decided to agree to his manager's proposition and film a reality show about his life he was way too naive.
Steve tried to talk him out of that idea, but Corroded Coffin hadn't released a new album in five years and they were ready to publish a celebratory album with a couple of new songs and the reality show seemed like the perfect way of rekindle their fans' enthusiasm by giving them a glimpse of their lives.
What Eddie hadn't taken into account was that if Gareth and Jeff had lovely families, two children each and a wonderful wife, Eddie's and Freak's relationship status was… different.
Freak was always looking for the right woman, changing girlfriends like they were clothes, and that wasn't exactly a good look. Many feminist reporters criticized Freak's attitude toward women, but that wasn't the worst part.
The worst part was that Eddie was in a lovely and fulfilled relationship with another man. And if many of their longtime fans already suspected that the famous Steve, who was always helping backstage, was something more than a good friend, having their relationship filmed and broadcast at eight o'clock in the evening was a huge disaster.
Numerous homophobic parents sent complaining letters to the producer for showing in prime time something disgusting as a homoerotic relationship between two men, and Steve's job as a middle school teacher was deeply affected by the media frenzy.
His principal was very sorry when he told him that he must let him go because numerous parents were worried about having a homosexual teacher in their kids' classroom even if Steve was the most loved teacher in the entire school.
And to make things even worse, Steve never complained. Not to the principal, not to Eddie. He just shrugged and closed himself in his room for the night and came back with a fake bright smile the next day, ready to shoot the second season.
"I'm not ashamed of who I am, and I'm not ashamed of you," Steve told Eddie, while one of the numerous cameras hidden in their home recorded the exchange, "And I won't let anyone let me feel bad about loving someone so deeply as I love you."
That exchange became the most famous clip of their entire reality show series. It was posted on every social media, causing a huge fight between queer rights fighters and homophobes.
T-shirts with the sentence, 'I'm not ashamed of who I am, and I'm not ashamed of you' started to appear at every pride in the County, and some people even tattooed that phrase on their bodies.
Eddie and Steve did their best to avoid the mediatic circus around their relationship, and while Gareth tried his best to move the attention's spot toward himself and his newborn kid, the third and finally a girl for his wife's happiness, but somehow in every talk show sooner or later someone started to talk about them and their relationship, and the circus starts again, and again, in an infinite circle.
Thank god in a couple of days Eddie is going to start the celebratory tour with the Corroded Coffin, and Steve is going to take a deserved holiday with Robin to relax a bit.
Eddie is in the kitchen, stirring the secret sauce Steve's granny taught him, when he hears the door creaking open. Turning his head toward the clock he realized that’s pretty soon, Steve went on his daily run just fifteen minutes ago.
"Did it start to rain?" Eddie asks from the kitchen, stirring his sauce to make sure it won't explode, and stain the entire kitchen with tomato sauce, but Steve doesn't reply.
"Sweetheart?" He tries again, looking out of the window, but even if it's cloudy the streets are dry.
"Steve?" Eddie calls a third time, anxiety crawling up his skin.
Their room's door slams close and Eddie turns off the gas, not caring if it will compromise his sauce, and walks toward their room, knocking softly on the wood.
"Hey Steve, are you ok? I thought you were going for your run."
"Can you leave me the fuck alone for once?!"
Eddie freezes. Steve never yelled at him in a twenty-year-long relationship. Something is wrong. Something is deeply wrong.
"I’m coming in, ok?"
"I just want to talk and I can't talk with you behind a door, can I?"
There's a long moment of silence before Steve moves toward the door, unlocking it, "Just... don't freak out, ok?"
That sounds even worse, now Eddie is definitely panicking, but he does his best not to slam the door open and rush inside. The room is dark and the only light comes from their ensuite bathroom, where some balls of cotton stained with blood are resting on the counter.
"What happened?" Eddie asks, stepping closer to Steve slowly, not to startle him.
"Steve..." Eddie calls his name softly, making him turn towards him and he sees it: a big cut on Steve's eyebrow is gushing blood, his right eye is a dark purple and is getting swollen by the moment.
"Who did this?" Eddie asks, grabbing Steve's chin to turn his face and taking in all his injuries.
"I'm fine."
"No, you're not fine. Someone punched you in the face and we're going to the ER right now, but I want to know who did it!"
"I'm good. I don't need to go to the ER." Steve replies, tapping some cotton with antiseptic on the cut on his eyebrow.
"Sweetheart, that cut needs stitches, at least three, and you have a history of concussions so I'm not going to take any risk. Now, you can get into the car and let me drive you to the hospital, or you can put up a fight and make me call an ambulance. What's going to be?"
Steve glares at him with the only eye he can keep open and begrudgingly follows him toward the garage.
If there's something that having four, now five, nieces and nephews has taught Eddie is that the secret is to remain calm while comforting the injured part, so he gently pats Steve's knees, reassuring him that they will be out of the hospital in no time with some cool stitches.
"Do you want me to call Robin?"
"No. She'll panic."
"She'll panic anyway. Don't you think it would be better if we call her so she can see you and assess the damages?"
"I'm not an object." Steve snarls back, his face turned toward the window.
"Wanna tell me what happened?"
"Got into a fight."
"With who?"
"People? More than one person?" Eddie yelps.
"It's fine. I'm fine. I'll get my stitches and everything will be ok."
Eddie nods, parking the car as close to the hospital as he can, and getting to the ER. When the woman at the counter recognizes him he's not ashamed of using his fame to help Steve see a doctor faster without him knowing it.
When the nurse guides Steve on the other side of the sliding doors Eddie calls Robin, telling her what happened and asking her to join them as soon as she can.
He's still wondering what happened when Gareth sends him a WhatsApp, "Is Steve ok?"
Eddie frowns, wondering how he knows it, but his questions are quickly answered with his second message, a link to a blurry video of three men surrounding Steve and hitting him, screaming slurs against him.
One of the men yells that he's disgusted the school let a faggot like him teach to his kid, while he kicks him in the stomach.
Eddie immediately hides the phone when he sees that Steve is getting out. A mild concussion, three stitches, and two cracked ribs whose only cure is a lot of rest and some painkillers.
When Robin joins them, Eddie asks her to drive Steve home, while he goes to grab his medicines.
Steve stares at him as if he knew that Eddie is hiding something, but he's high on painkillers so he doesn't complain too much when Robin gently grabs his arm and drags him toward his car, while Eddie quickly grabs Steve's meds and calls Dustin.
"Can you find me an address?"
"Eddie, it's a crime and…"
"Someone assaulted Steve when he was on his run. I think one of them is the father of one of his kids."
"Oh my god, is he ok?"
"The address, Dustin."
"Fuck. Ok. Tell me what you know."
Before becoming famous Eddie had lived in the trailer park with his uncle for years, and even if he never really got into trouble, he definitely learned a thing or two about threatening people and handling weapons.
He makes sure the man is home alone before breaking in from the window and pushing him against the wall, a switchblade at his neck.
"Listen to me carefully. If you or any one of your friends put a hand on my husband again, I'll make sure that's the last thing you'll ever do."
"You can't do that. I'll report you and…"
"And what? Will you admit that you assaulted an unarmed man who was running down the street? And what would your friends think of you if they knew a fucking faggot got you against the wall and threaten you?" he hisses slowly, pressing his blade just enough to make him bleed a little.
The man stares at him with wide eyes, sweating profusely.
Eddie kicks him the balls for good measure, before leaving from the window to get back to his husband.
The celebration tour will have to wait.
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tabithahallows · 1 year
Okay. So hear me out.
Karma comes home one day to find his parents there. Unannounced as usual, back from traveling who the hell knows where. They play friendly and offer to take him out for seafood but he merely stares at them blankly. They harass him into going and only win because his grandparents are going to be there, he doesn't bother to keep track anymore.
Karma's grandparents are going to be in town tonight so Mr and Mrs Absentee play friendly and his father invites him along to have dinner with them all at this fancy new seafood place. Karma merely stares at him blankly.
They pick at him until he agrees to go and seemingly only because his grandparents are going to be there.
Karma's dad, being an ass, orders for the whole table and Karma waits until the opportune moment to drop a deafening 'oh btw I'm still deathly allergic to shellfish if anyone's wondering 😊' bomb in the middle of dinner after listening to his father order him the fucking crab and AFTER HE TOOK A NICE BIG FUCKING BITE THE PSYCHO.
Karma merely smiles innocently while his father argues with his mother that he didn't absolutely didn't forget his own son had a practically lethal allergy to shellfish and that he was just playing a joke and he never thought Karma would actually eat it.
Meanwhile Karma's ancient ass grandparents are panicking and tryna figure out how to work their phones to call for an ambulance
In a less homosexual world Karma most likely watches as things fall into a panicked frenzy and someone finally manages to call for an ambulance. However, in my fun little gay brain space Gakushuu was also at this restaurant with his mother at a table nearby and steps in because the Akabane family clearly does not have their collective shit together.
Karma greets him all causally despite his throat really started to itch at this point, because honestly this is all very funny to him.
At the hospital Karma's parents flit around him all nervous and shit as if they actually care but he clearly wants none of it and Gakushuu dead ass sends them home for the night. Politely, of course. Karma nearly proposes on the spot.
Gakushuu is all like 'so...you're parents are delightful' and Karma's all 'lol as if you didn't know I had some kinda fucked up home life. I mean. Come on. Think about everything I've ever done and try an tell me that's how a well adjusted person behaves'.
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yennas-stuff · 2 months
make 3 acotar confessions that would get you in trouble *evil laugh*
Hi anon!
I was afraid of this, but not because I have some crazy confessions. I fear my takes my be lukewarm or boring.
1) I don't want Lucien to become the High Lord of Day... not for a long time, at least.
I want him to experience a cozy, relaxed life with his mate. For him and Elain to have a family and parental figures. I want then to learn about the Day Court for a long time before they take over the reins. I want them to travel and be emissaries. I want them to be diplomats and peacekeepers not rulers. (I think they would be amazing ones but like... in hundreds of years.)
And LoA deserves to be with her man after so many years of being apart.
It would be epic, dramatic, and heartbreaking if Helion died after being reunited with his love and getting to know his son... I can see why people would want it but I'm too much of a softie. I want everyone to be happy. (That's why I am not a writer).
2) I really wish the world building in acotar was better.
The whole system of magic abilities and powers is so messy.
The world of acotar is simultaneously so modern and so medieval. I get a whiplash. We get steampunk mechanical arms and eyes, and we can fix people's wings, but we can't have c-sections.
We know so little about the customs of courts... even the Night Court! There are only like two celebrations and that's it. Also, it's fashion was so different in acomaf and in other books.
We didn't get any special dishes or plants that grow only there. Also, how does the plumbing work? Do they have sewage systems? Do they have some form of judicial system? Do they write down the legal acts? Do they have hospitals for regular people? Do they have some court specific sayings? We know there are priestesses but how do regular people pray?
How does aging work? Do fae even age, or do they stay frozen in time? How long can they live like that? Are there any traditions regarding funerals?
There are too many questions after so many books.
3) Mor being scared to come out is so unserious.
I feel like Fae should, by default, be more open to the idea of bisexuality. Their openness to sex and unabashed pursuit of pleasure should also imply a more relaxed approach to sexual orientation.
These creatures engage in magical sex, orgies, and go through mating frenzies. Why would anyone bat an eye at the sex of your partner? It's so heteronormative that it hurts. I believe they wouldn't even label it. It should be an afterthought. They live hundreds of years, they have time to have sex in every possible position, and you're telling me that most of them draw the line at homosexuality... Sure.
I get that there were certain expectations on her enforced by her father. But why can't she be open with her chosen family? Also why the IC hide so many secrets from each other?
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bodaciousalliance · 8 months
The heart of Mr Farouk,
ch. 57: "Cherry"
Content Advisory: this chapter contains graphic description of Adults engaging in Sexual Acts.
This chapter is very sweet, twenty-nine year old Youssef is about to have his cherry popped, so to speak, to be fucked by a guy for the very first time... and of course, the guy is the sweet, caring and gentle Nathan. I think Youssef may have found a new vocation, as it turns out this is the thing he's really been waiting for—all his life—except, of course, he didn't know it...
Youssef, hobbling on his knees as usual, followed Nathan into the bathroom.
“Just get into the shower and bend right over, alright.”
Nathan took the hand-held shower and adjusted the flow and the temperature, explaining, “Look, we really don’t need to do much here, just a bit of a rinse is enough.” He added, “I’m quite sure you’ll figure out a way to manage this yourself, but for now this will do.”
It was not lost on Youssef, he noted how even when Nathan was doing something like this for him, his speech and his attitude towards him was still empowering.
“Or maybe I could get one of those fancy Japanese toilets,” Youssef proposed.
“Well, there’s a certain danger in that…”
“Yes? What?”
“You wouldn’t see me for hours at a time—I’d be locked in here having my clacker um… ‘massaged’ by the jets of water … there, done. Let’s go back to bed. Now, have you thought about how we’d like to go about this?”
“Yes, I have actually, my boyfriend. Can we start with some kissing with fingering, then I’d like your tongue in there, then more fingers, followed by your dick … please.”
“Right, well habibi, that’s a menu, isn’t it?”
Youssef followed Nathan back into the bedroom, and up onto the bed. Here they were, both on their knees, naked and facing each other. They began kissing, it was the usual long, deep, passionate kissing that they excelled at. Their excitement rose, with their cocks growing larger and harder as they pressed against each other. Of course, the wonderful thing about this position was it enabled Nathan to reach around and start fingering Youssef while they were kissing. At first it was sweet and gentle, but Nathan’s manipulation became harder and more insistent with their increasing heat.
“Next level?” Nathan broke away and turned Youssef around. He manoeuvred him so that, bent over on his elbows and knees, his beautiful crack was displayed to its best advantage, right in Nathan’s face.
“Oh, my Lord, Youssef, you have the most hairy arse imaginable.”
“Mmmmm, is that bad? Sorry…”
“Are you kidding? Fuck me Jesus it’s like the Garden of Eden here. This is amazing,” and he dived in head-first with his tongue.
Youssef had thought he’d reached Nirvana when he’d discovered Nathan’s soft velvety membrane, but now he realised he’d been mistaken. Feeling this from the opposite end, feeling Nathan’s tongue probing and swirling around and licking out his hole, was an intensely pleasurable new sensation. Like Nathan had said before, this tonguing was enough to bring him to a climax. As he’d noticed previously, Nathan was also an expert at knowing exactly when to ease off, to stop him from spilling over the edge, to leave him hanging there, to stretch things out.
So, too, Nathan—like he had said earlier he couldn’t believe how hairy was Youssef’s arse, he’d never imagined such a thing was possible. God, it was beautiful! It was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen—except, of course, for all the other parts of Youssef that were also the most beautiful things he’d ever seen.
This rimming session went on for a very long time, as long as it possibly could, as Nathan’s tongue began to ache with exhaustion. He seamlessly transitioned to a well-lubed finger. Youssef noted the change too. It was good, the finger digging in deeper, circling around, the amazing sensation of having his inner gland stroked and tickled and squeezed.
The second finger went in, very slowly. This was new, challenging even. Youssef winced and held his breath for a bit. Aaah. He breathed, he relaxed. Oooh, now it was in. Mmmm. This felt good, really good.
“Is there more?”
“You want more, habibi?”
“Yes please … my boyfriend.”
Nathan slowly eased in a third, heavily lubricated finger. This was really pushing it for Youssef, he breathed, breathed, in and out, in and out, and then—oh—man—this felt good. Youssef was being stretched and filled by Nathan’s fingers and it was, truly, a whole new kind of amazement. To say, he’d had Nathan’s tongue in his mouth, and over his cock, and in his arse; and he too had felt Nathan’s cock sliding in and out and down his throat, not to mention last night’s amazing fuck; but, but, but this! This was it!
“Nathan,” he pleaded, “please!”
“What, habibi, alright? You want me to stop?”
“No! Fuck! Fuck no! More! Please, please, please, Nathan, fuck me now, please,” he begged, the insatiable hunger that was unleashed almost bringing him to tears.
Nathan, his passion spurred on by Youssef’s desperate entreaties, extricated himself from the current position, and encouraged Youssef to turn over. This was an exceptionally good move—with Youssef lying on his back, what could Nathan do except prise apart his legs so that he could slide in to his hungry hole. With Youssef’s legs up in the air and wrapped around Nathan, his two below-knee stumps were now tantalisingly close to Nathan’s face—and mouth. God, this intensified the situation, Nathan’s cock was the hardest it had ever been with this added source of excitement.
What a scenario: Youssef on his back, legs in the air, tripping out on the feeling of total penetration by Nathan, whose own arousal was magnified by the joy of having Youssef’s stumps in his face. These he took turns licking, sucking and nibbling, driving him to plunge himself deeper and deeper into the abyss, deeper than with anyone before.
A lesser man would have crumbled at such an onslaught, perhaps even snapped like a twig, but not Youssef. His stumps tingling with the touch of Nathan’s tongue, his rim burning with the fires of passion, and this feeling within, of being totally, completely filled, wholly fulfilled, with Nathan’s every thrust—he found himself being rocketed into the fourth dimension, into a new and hitherto unknown universe.
“Fuck me, Nathan, come on, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” he screamed in a wild frenzy.
And so they whiled away the morning—helped by Nathan’s mastery at edging and stretching out the time. Nathan was finding his deepest fulfilment as he strained to fill Youssef’s insides yet more deeply; and Youssef, as he opened himself more and still more to his boyfriend, found his heart being similarly opened. The two lovers, unified in their passion, clung to each other, virtually becoming the one flesh, like a snake swallowing its own tail.
Nathan couldn’t hold on much longer, he was just about ready to pop, which was just as well because Youssef was at the jumping-off point too.
“Are you ready, baby,” Nathan whispered, quickening his pace.
“Give it to me, give it all to me, I’m begging you please.”
“Ooohhh … aaaaahhh …” he closed his eyes, just for a moment, as his whole body tensed up for the money shot...
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Perhaps "Youssef begging-for-it" looks a little like this
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etheries1015 · 11 months
I swear the Yuri on Ice fandom comes alive every year between November-Febuary, where everyone does their yearly re-watch, edit frenzy, social media fixation...and then die off until the next year. Something about christmas/winter...
Me too tho. Nothing makes me feel more alone yet so full than re watching homosexual ice skating during the holidays. Yuri on Ice is the peak of entertainment / romance for me next to Ouran Highschool Host club. you can't convince me otherwise. (other than sasaki amd miyano, thats my other exception)
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meadowtwins · 2 months
Information sheet about Dionysus 🍇:
When being interested in deity worship it is important to do the regarding research about, well, everything. Not every source is tells you all the Information you need to gather. There's always gonna be a few questions you may have left unanswered so I'll try to mash it all up together in one post as a (hopefully) trustworthy source! The Information gathered below me, beside the basics is mostly based on all the questions I used to have that were left unanswered for a LONG while. (Long Post ahead)
Dionysus (Di-on-y-sus) also called Bacchus, is a member of the twelve greek Olympians. He is roughly classified as God of wine, fertility, vegetation, reincarnation, parties and festivites, comedy and tragedy plays, madness and wilderness. Bacchus is the Roman given name, depraved from the frenzy and madness he induced, called Baccheia. Additionally the Romans called him Liber Pater, meaning free father.
Family: His Father was Zeus, his Mother the mortal Semele (who was also classified as the Goddess of Bacchic frenzy), no full blooded siblings, his Wife was Ariadne
Myth: Simply told, Zeus and Semele were lovers. Hera, Wife of Zeus and Goddess of lawful marriages, women and family and marital harmony, felt jealousy and persuaded a pregnant Semele to ask Zeus if he would show her his true self. Now this part gets told each way, he agrees and his godly divinity burns her to death, or her consistant asking made him so angry that he let thunder rain onto her, resulting into her death. Either way, after her Death, Zeus feels compassion for the yet unborn child, cuts it out off Semeles body to sew it into his thigh until it can rightfully be born. The next part gets told differently. After his birth, Hera was so enranged that he was alive that she ordered the Titans to kill him. After they have ripped him apart, Rhea allegedly revived him again and Zeus ordered him to be brought up by the Nymphs. His attribute of the reincarnation steems from this myth. Differently it gets told like this: When he was born, out of protection, he was given to a foster parent. Now this again is different in each myth. Sometimes he was entrusted to Hermes, other times Seilenos, even after that he was given to Semeles sister and her husband. Eventually Hera found out about his location and drove the couple into madness, letting them murder each other. After this he wandered the world in search of his purpose. During his travels he learned of vine, wine-making, etc. He arrived in Greece then Thebes long time after trying to establish a reign. Marking his name as God of Epiphany (The god who comes). The, mostly winemaking skills, he has learned abroad impressed the people. But the ones in power, such as his cousin Perseus, denied his worship and disbelieved his divinity. Soon he has gotten his own cult under the influence of ecstasy and madness. Mostly the woman of Thebes have taken a liking to his influence, they were called Maenads. Everyone who was against his reign and the madness he spread were destroyed (by his Thyrsus in the Myths). His influence became wide spread, marking his title as the God of madness and frenzy.
Cultural context: Knowingly, he was worshipped in Naxos, Boiotia and Edonia. There he was seen as a God of Orphic Mysteries, A God of the Eleusinian Mysteries or God of the vegetable Gardens.
Attributes: Grape-vine, Ivy crown, Thyrsus, Parties and Festivites, Wilderness and Vegetation and Comedy and Tragedy Plays
Sacred things: Thyrsus, grape-vine, Ivy, Cinnamon, Silver Fir, Bindweed, Wheat, Barley, Leopard, Cheetah, Tiger, Goat, Donkey, Lion, Serpent, Wild bull, Apples, Figs, Berries, Acting, Wine, Drunkeness and Pleasure, Festivites, Ecstasy, Reincarnation, Predatory big cats, Homosexuality, the Colors Red, Purple, Gold and the Card of the Devil/Hanged Man
His Worship: Broadly his cult was called Bacchic, the followers Bacchantes. Some called it Dionysian Mysteries. He was called Dionysus Eleutherius, the liberator, as his wine, the madness and ecstasy free his followers from their monotone life and subvert their fear into something powerful. Those who believed in him were at first ridiculed until they realized what the consequences of being against his reign entailed. The first of his followers were the women, who were called Maenads. In their madness they tore wild animals apart, wearing their fur as devotion and even their family, believing them to be leopards/panthers of that sort. These Maenads additionally wore Ivy crowns as to honor Dionysus' attributes. Under his influence people were believed to be possessed by his godly powers, letting them gain unhuman strength. Followers of him included spirits of fertility, such as Satyrs.
Festivities: Dionysia (lesser Dionysia) was one of the oldest festivals in dedication to Dionysus. It was said to celebrate to cultivation of vine. Timewise it was celebrated around modern December/January. It was centered on a procession, followed by drama performances. City Dionysia (greater Dionysia) was a festival held three month after lesser Dionysia, modern March/April. This festival was more elaborate and carried more worthy offerings such as wooden statue of Dionysus. The followed drama performances were performed by more noteworthy playwrights. Anthesteria celebrated the beginning of spring. It span across three days, with each day regarding a tradition in honor of Dionysus.
Offering Ideas (traditional and modern): Alcohol (specifically Red wine), Bottles, Corks, Cider, Honeyed Milk, Water, weed or any type of hallucenigens, Drugs, Grape (Grape flavored things), ticket to the Theatre, Costumes/Masks, Pinecones, Fennel, any Wildflower, Figs, Ivy, Honey, Bones, imagery of his sacred animals, preserved Animals, fur cloth, Wheat, Barley, Olive Oil, Musk, Bread, Grape-Vine, Fruit, anything regarding Homosexuality or Effeminaty, Cinnamon, Silver Fir, Apples, storax, thistle, Black diamonds, frankincense, Golden jewerly, Amethyst/Tigereye, concert tickets, any imagery of his attributes, devotional acts of listening to music, singing, going drinking/partying, learning about his attributes, braiding hair, letting your hair grow out, making devotional art/hymns/prayers, wear his colors, sexual acts (only if you're comfortable with that), confidence in yourself, in ancient greece Maenads made blood offerings due to his connection with the dead (see: the myth of him going to the underworld to save his Mother Semele) but be REALLY careful if actually doing that
How to pray/offer to Dionysus: When praying to a Chthonic God you would have your head and hands down with your hair open. The Prayer can be anything. There is an actual structure of a hellenic prayer (invocation, argument, request) but during modern times it isn't necessary. Be respectful and thank him. Traditionally his offerings were burned but again, no necessity. Be sure to have some sort of protection during an offer/a prayer. "Euoi" was a passion cry from Bacchic worshippers that is still used today. You could use it in a prayer!
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This is all the main information I've gathered so far. When coming to connect with gods its important to know what they represent and what they're known for.
Happy Witching!
Additional links to check out if you want to learn more about his myths or his connection to his attributes:
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that-cunning-witch · 8 months
I think something people need to understand is when we talk about an ancient culture or deity with a queer context, we are often not holding those topics and beings to the same standards we hold today.
Whenever someone comments on the queer history of Ancient Greece (for example), there's always at least one person who says, "well the Ancient Greeks weren't the best people" often referring to pedophilia or sexism, and therefore we shouldn't be talking about these queer moments. Because apparently, if we discuss them in any positive light, we are also accepting of the rampant pedophilia and sexism of the culture at that time.
Do you see what this creates?
If we can't talk about these queer moments in ancient history in a positive light, we must only be able to either talk about them in a negative light or just not talk about them at all. In other words, either paint queer history as a bad thing or just not mention it at all, as though it never existed.
Do you see the problem here?
This isn't to say that we shouldn't talk about the inherent problematic nature of queer culture back then. Yes, Ancient Greece had homosexual relationships, but they were typically between two men in an obvious power dynamic, aka an older man and a younger boy. A homosexual relationship between two men of similar age wasn't as common as we would like to think.
But to say we should discard or discredit all of ancient queer history because of these issues is just blasphemous. It is actually powerful to discuss these topics in a positive light while acknowledging the problems in modern time.
In our time, we have the ability to hold these discussions. These opinions. To be able to say "I'm happy there was trans representation in the Dionysian cults" and "I don't like how during Bacchic frenzies rape was the norm" in the same breath is powerful.
We need to show the world that we have existed since the beginning of time. We need to give a middle finger to every fucking person who tries to take our history and cleanse it for the palettes of the average cishet population.
But to try and sterilize the reality of queer history or, worse, ignore it all together in fear of being lumped in with the history that clearly is not okay, is what the other side wants. They want you to be in fear of queer history. They want you to stop talking about it.
Don't let them erase queer history.
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summerstrash · 5 months
having complex feelings about the x-factor 2024 announcement.
Pyro and Frenzy are there. Be Gay Do Crimes Twink + The Giant Woman I Always Want To See = Good Shit.
The guy who's writing this book is well-known for his one-shot rewriting the Hanna-Barbera character Snagglepuss as a mid-century homosexual playwright. Considering that Pyro is here, this is promising.
Alex is no longer wearing the classic costume, which reduces the chances of him being forced into the Goblin Gown significantly, forcing his arc to rely less on his sexual objectification.
The solicit seems to imply that social media will act as either a framing device or a plot point, which I like the sound of.
Alex and Frenzy serving on a team together rockets her to the #1 spot on the list of Potential Alex Summers Sex Mistakes, since she's a slightly bitter Scott ex with BDSM inclinations.
My longtime Twitter mutual Gail Simone called it a gem of the line, and I'm inclined to trust her judgment on many things.
The writer specifically namedrops Alex and Frenzy as characters he's excited to write, which implies they'll see at least some focus.
The artist is Bob Quinn, a guy I quite like and who sent me free art once for my birthday when Knights of X was delayed.
As someone who hasn't read much X-Factor from the 90s due to my ongoing feud with a particular writer from that era (iykyk), I'm kind of looking forward to seeing what X-Factor as a government team is like, as opposed to X-Factor as an investigating body.
Alex in a leadership role is never a good sign. Bad things happen to Alex when he leads.
Not a huge fan of the fact that the current known roster includes three white guys and two WOC, with one of the WOC also being a visible mutant who has fur instead of human skin, and the other being a medium-to-dark-skinned black woman famous for being buff and angry, and the three white guys are all blondes, ranging from "dumpster twink" to "hunk"
Alex working for the U.S. government feels like a microagression against me personally, as I've been very vocal about thinking that Alex needs to finally come to terms with the fact that clinging to mainstream institutions and dominant social groups will only ever hurt him, and I was hoping the Hellions or Limbo could be that for him in the Krakoan Era
The marketing seems to imply a different tone and genre from the domestic/workplace horror-comedies Alex has been part of for the last five years, and I don't know how I feel about that yet.
Greg Land is doing the covers, and I hate that for me.
"Who will die?" Of the characters we have announced so far, Alex is the most expendable. He's one of three blond white guys, and while Warren seems to be taking center stage as the Face Of The Team, and St.John's movie counterpart is returning to theaters this summer in Deadpool & Wolverine, so I doubt they'd kill him off in comics at the moment, Alex feels kind of superfluous as a co-leader, and he also is just...less loved, I think.
"Who will fall in love?" Again, worried for Alex because one of his, like, three recurring stories is "gets picked up by the scruff of his neck by a girl way out of his league so she can use him to self-actualize while playing at transgressive forms of heterosexuality." We don't really have similar core recurring storylines for other announced characters.
"Who will be the first to sell out?" Honestly I feel like St.John might be the answer to this question. He's a novelist. Novelists have egos. He's worked for the U.S. government before, under Mystique. And I guess this kind of makes me sad.
The fact that the whole cast hasn't been announced yet fills me with fear that Lorna will be in this, mostly because a fair chunk of FTA seems to be focused on catering to nostalgia on some level, and Alex/Lorna is very 90s. And frankly Dr. Dane should be doing better for herself than the man that left her at the altar for a gay man's girlfriend.
So yeah, I have complex emotions about all of this and will be watching with a fair amount of suspicion as we draw closer to the release date.
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morbidology · 1 year
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It was the 9th of October, 1965, and 14-year-old Elsie Frost and was spending the afternoon at Snapethorpe School’s Sailing Club in Lupset, Wakefield, with her friends. At around 4PM, Elsie left to walk the short distance home. Typically, she would walk home with friends but on this afternoon, she wanted to avoid the canal towpath. She had just got a new pair of shoes and knew that route would be muddy due to earlier rain.
As Elsie was walking through the tunnel below the railway line at Horbury, she was savagely attacked. She was stabbed in the head, hand, and back. The stab wound to her back pieced her heart. Due to the stab wound on her hand, it was evident that the teenager had attempted to defend herself against the frenzied attack. Unfortunately, it was unfruitful and she died due to shock and blood loss.
A manhunt for the killer was underway immediately. It became the largest manhunt that Wakefild would ever see, with the army even becoming involved. A couple of months after the shocking murder, 33-year-old Ian Bernard Spencer was declared to be guilty by the coroner. He was innocent, he professed, and this claim was corroborated by family members who said they were at home with Ian that afternoon. Ian was eventually acquitted of the murder but always remained under a cloud of suspicion. Police would frequently show up to his home whenever a murder took place in the area and Ian took to writing his daily activities down in a book.
One of the main theories is that Elsie stumbled across two men engaging in homosexual activities, which was illegal in Britain at the time. Another theory is that Elsie had a secret boyfriend who may have been involved. In 2016, an 78-year-old Peter Pickering was arrested in connection with Elsie’s murder. He was bailed out of jail and then re-arrested again in March or 2017. The case still remains unsolved. Elsie’s parents both went to the grave without knowing who killed their daughter or why.
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