#homosexual underground DE
autiezo · 1 month
KIM KITSURAGI - "I like women the way I like my coffee."
LOGIC [Medium: Failure] - (Uhhhh... I'm missing something here. Is that a poor cannibalism joke?)
SUGGESTION [Challenging: Success] - (Do NOT ask that.)
HARRY DU BOIS - "Ermmmm.. Huh?"
KIM K. - "Detective, I don't drink coffee."
HARRY D.B. - "Ooooohhh, right."
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cryptiduni · 8 months
peace treaty between mlm & wlw
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just finished my replay of Disco Elysium and... happy pride, I guess?
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cadaverkeys · 2 years
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UHMMMM basically im disco elysium -_-
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alteredsilicone · 4 months
Liger hating Albrecht is tragicomical because it is my belief that if Liger had to design Albrecht 1999 he would have ended up looking like straight out of Tom of Finland's body of work
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thecoolertails · 2 years
ohh so kim is like gay for real
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THIS GAME FUCKING SUCKS <- guy whos having the time of his life
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sanpape · 2 years
U know what, maybe I Don't Need the corpse boots. I have no idea when's the best time to send Kim off with the corpse other than on night 2 so I might have to reload my save. Like does anything happen if I hold off sending the corpse away or
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time-woods · 1 year
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Its been a while since ive done a self portrait- and i decided to attempt to do it in the disco elysium portrait style- dunno if i really got it but hey! i had fun doin it- if this mans was in de he would most certainly be apart of the homosexual-underground
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shufflerock-jam · 10 months
so I’m playing de and it’s the tribunal and I WISH I got a picture but as soon as I hit the ‘Kim! Where is Kim?!’ option the Homosexual Underground thought finished and I’m DYING. Harry literally went ‘Where’s Kim?? Oh god I’m gay.”
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fitz-higgins · 2 years
LGBT literature of the 1860s–1910s. Part 4
Well, it’s been a while. Here’s a new selection featuring three stories about love between students, lesbian poems, a comedy centered around a gay character, Proust's short story, and more
1. Bertram Cope’s Year, by Henry Blake Fuller (1919). Although this novel went unnoticed by its contemporaries, it is thought to be the first officially published American novel about homosexual men. It could be your perfect academia novel: Bertram, “no squire of dames”, is a self-conscious English teaching assistant at an Illinois university where he completes his thesis and tries to settle in life. Four women and three men are attracted to him, but Bertram is fond of “Dear Arthur”, his college friend Arthur Lemoyne who comes to live with him later. Interestingly, the story has a touch of comic and ironic, which was very rare for homosexual literature of that time. [Read online]
2. Le Monsieur Aux Chrysanthèmes (The Gentleman of Chrysanthemums), by Armory (Carle Dauriac; 1908). This is the first modern play (and a society comedy at that) that has a gay man as its main character. The character is Gill Norvège, a critic and writer, who uses a young widow Marthe Bourdon to get money. Marthe is hopelessly in love with Gill and borrows 30,000 francs from a poet Jacques Romagne, who, in turn, is hopelessly in love with Marthe. And then Gill sees Jacques one day and falls in love with him. [Read online in French or in English]
3. The Garden God: A Tale of Two Boys, by Forrest Reid (1905). Called “a classic of Uranian literature”, this story has it all: homoerotism, platonism, ancient gods and love at boarding school. In that school a fifteen years old Graham, who used to dream of friendship with a Greek god, meets Harold who looks exactly like that imaginary friend. But where there are gods there is also tragedy, so be prepared. [Read online]
4. Poems by Sofia Parnok. Parnok was the first open lesbian in Russian literature. She was in a relationship with another famous Russian poet, Marina Tsvetaeva, as well as with some other women to whom she dedicated a number of poems. Often called the Russian Sappho, she often refers to Sappho in her poetry and also used her famous phrase, “Someone, I tell you, in another time will remember us”. Some of Parnok’s poems are translated and more is available in Russian.
5. Teleny, or The Reverse of the Medal (1893). Not the first, but one of the earliest examples of English-language homosexual erotic novels (though rather sophisticated), its author is unknown, but some believe that it was written by Oscar Wilde. Here we have a tragedy again, a tragic love between a Frenchman and a Hungarian pianist, to be exact. There’s also something literally queer going on, because the Frenchman, Des Grieux, has a telepathic connection with the attractive pianist, Teleny. Eventually they meet, and Teleny introduces Des Grieux to the underground homosexual world of Paris. Bonus: the novel has a comic adaptation, Teleny and Camille, by Jay Macy, and also a “prequel”, Des Grieux, written in 1899. [Read online]
6. Anders als die Andern (Different from the Others), by Bill Forster (Hermann Breuer; 1904). The title is supposedly derived from a phrase that was popular among German gay men of that time, “We are, thank god, other than other people”. Herbert, the protagonist, falls in love with Ernst, the boy from his school. They go hiking together, and for some time they are close. But Ernst, although flattered by Herbert’s attention and feelings, rejects him twice, and it destroys Herbert’s life.
7. Avant la nuit (Before dark)by Marcel Proust (1893). A forgotten short story by Proust, written when he was only 22, despite what you might expect, tells about a lesbian woman. She is incredibly unhappy: she is in a relationship with a man, but wants to confess her true sexuality and suffers from her own dishonesty. Finally, she tells him the truth and asks for his compassion. In a way, this story defends homosexuality and explains why it cannot be condemned. [Read online]
8. The Prussian Officer, by D. H. Lawrence (1914). Praised as a masterpiece of short fiction by some critics, this story is rather grim. A captain slowly becomes attracted to his young, simple orderly. However, he represses his feelings and, instead of showing any kind of affection, turns aggressive and humiliates the young man. And it is not going to end well. [Read online]
9. Quelques Portraits-Sonnets de Femmes (Some Portrait-Sonnets of Women), by Natalie Clifford Barney (1900). One of the most famous lesbian poets of the 20th century, Barney wrote a chapbook of love poems to women that were so scandalous her father bought up all remaining copies and burned them. Two novels based on or about women’s affairs with Barney were also featured in previous chapters of this list. The book is not available online, but some poems can be found in English here and here.
10. The Intersexes: A History of Similisexualism as a Problem in Social Life, by Edward Prime-Stevenson (1906). Prime-Stevenson didn’t just write the first novel about gay men with a happy ending (featured in the previous part of the list), but also an interesting study, one of the earliest ones. Using science and history, he defenses homosexuality, which is why he is considered to be one of the first advocates for the rights of the LGBTQ community. A very progressive work for his time, it rejects the binary of masculine and feminine and insists that homosexuality is a natural result of human evolution. [Read online]
P.s. Previous parts are collected here.
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brainrotdotorg · 1 year
disco elysium cards against humanity cards
with credit to @orang3lover . i saw ur post and went crazy. this is by far not a complete list and if anyone has any suggestions i would absolutely love them im making an online deck right now lol. theyre under the cut
Dios Mío! ______!
The RCM recently incorporated _____ _ in order to boost morale
What’s your favorite Dick Mullen book? Mine is Dick Mullen and the case of _______
What’s your favorite Man from Hjelmdall book? Mine is Man from Hjelmdall and ______
______? Cuno doesn’t fucking care!
______? Now THAT shit Cuno can get into!
Neha is branching out of her dice making business and also partaking in _______
Mack and Chester’s latest fuck up this week involved three things: _____, ______, and _______.
You can’t hear anal beads, but the sound of _____ is unmistakeable.
The newest hit SPEEDFREAKS FM single apparently drew inspiration from _____ and _____.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY- You know what would make this even sexier? _______!
If your Authority level is high enough, you can get Kim Kitsuragi to engage in ______
Something beautiful is going to happen: _____
Normally when you fail a red check, it’s bad, but if it’s about _____, then you’re fucked.
[EMPATHY:FAILURE] Sylvie probably left the whirling because of ____!
SAVOIR FAIRE- _____- for the money, baby.
When Trant starts talking about _____, you know you’re gonna be in for a long lecture. 
Harry’s Latest thought project is about _____.
Harry’s latest thought project is about the intersection between ______ and _______.
Idiot doom spiral’s latest hustle has to do with _____, _______, and _______- and you think you should invest.
The most important part of being a communist is ______
RHETORIC - The reek of communism is unmistakable, and it's coming from... (blank)!
"RHETORIC - Alright, here we go. We're devoting all your available brain cells to coming up with a question about communism. Scratch that, to coming up with *the* question about communism, the alpha and omega of communism questions, and that question is: is ____ bourgeois?" 
what finally made kim break his one cigarette a day rule? ________
A new thought has entered your cabinet- the inexplicable _____ agenda 
What’s behind the curse of the doomed commercial area?
The graffito idea Cindy’s been waiting for:
____ is HARDCORE
_____ + ______ = _______
Plaisance’s latest Supra-natural worry is about ______
CUNO- _____-shit. ______-style!
KIM KITSURAGI- Detective, when you are done with _____, we need to get back to the case.
THE HANGED MAN- It was _____ that did me in, coppo
EVRART CLAIRE- Do you think I would wast your time and distract you from your case with _____? Please, I’m a busy man, Harry!
KIM KITSURAGI- Sunrise, _____.
KIM KITSURAGI- What is it they say about ties? That they’re like ______…
YOU- Don’t be scared, but I think I have supra-natural abilities. KIM KITSURAGI- Which school do you subscribe to? _____ or _____?
How did Kim get so cool?
KIM KITSURAGI- Yeah, drugs. Shit. ____ . We don’t care.
A wild cocktail of pyhrrodon, speed, and medicinal spirits
The insulindian phasmid
Disco, baby!
The homosexual underground’s lowest level
A horrific necktie encouraging you to relapse 
Working out like you’ve got the devil on your back
A shitty cosplay of your ex-coworker
The jamrock Shuffle
A 12-year old that calls you slurs
Dolores Dei’s left labia
Telling the whores and liars of the world that there are 9,855 days remaining
The forbidden 8th copotype- 
Masturbating in a public bookstore
A leopard print bodysuit that awakens something in you
Pigs and wheat 
A crypto fascist that’s definitely not wearing anal beads right now
The inexplicable urge to yell “YEEEAAAAAGH”
Age inappropriate dancing 
Rampant and frankly apocalyptic levels of alcoholism
Getting double teamed by your ancient reptilian brain and limbic system 
24 voices yelling at you all at once
A Kim Kitsuragi kink
A breakup you’re still thinking about 6 years later.
Being a Pissfaggot
That dope, man! The smack! The D!
Auto-erotic asphyxiation 
A stuffed lamb that restores a morale point
A chair so uncomfortable it fucking kills you
Three little piggies in a boat
Being a naampanki idiot
Collecting tare instead of solving a murder
A mural that says “I LOVE YOU CUNO”
Franconigerian hard-body
A beer in one hand a tit in the other
Contact Mike
Being so fucking normal.
Cock carousel. Cock carousel. Cock carousel.
Mr Evrart is helping me find my gun.
The Might of The Eyebrow
Fascism- no, traditionalism.
A three meter-tall semenese supremacist.
Keeping your eyes on the ball, dinky winky.
Monica’s titties
Aligning your sines 
A crab-man that lives in a church.
The 2 mm hole in the world
Saying fuck the police even though you are the police.
A horse-faced woman
0.0002% of communism
Making fun of other communists
Moralist freaks
Women. Men of wö.
An inexplicable feminist agenda
Jean Vicquemare’s unending wrath
The expression
Guilliame de Million
The subsumption of everything into capitalism
The death of disco
A lawyer that could also be a model, if she wanted to
A vehement and decades-long hatred of pinball
Getting in touch with your body 
Licking rum off a cafeteria table
The Ham Sandwich Race
An ice-cop-hat-fuck show
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burlowbeanie · 3 months
Greatest regret of my first DE playthrough is that despite bumping up my int stats as much as I could I still barely got any world lore and almost nothing on the Pale. Second greatest regret is that I didn't get the jackets. Third greatest regret is that I didn't even get the option of the feminism thought. Fourth greatest regret is I couldn't figure out a way to get Annette inside. Fifth greatest regret (related to first) is that my psyche was so low that I feel like I missed out on like half the game. Ah well.
Greatest victory was completing the homosexual underground thought task pretty early on. Second greatest victory was getting Kim to trust me enough to not get shot during the tribunal. Third greatest victory is getting the working class woman to hug me back. Fourth greatest victory was managing to remember to do karaoke (and failing, but I was fine with that). Fifth greatest victory was getting a cool dice set like hell yeah.
Greatest complaint was that I can't end the game not on the force without getting Kim shot (this is a good narrative decision it just makes me sad). Second greatest complaint was that I couldn't get much backstory on Cuno or Cunoesse without either like punching Cuno or recruiting him (this is also a good narrative decision it just makes me sad). Third greatest complaint was I couldn't argue enough with Morrel and Lena about their racist bullshit (this is a good narrative decision it just makes me angry) (up to this point my complaints have been less complaints and more just marking the interesting ways the game positions you as a white male cop and then never ever lets you forget that fact, which is a very very very good narrative choice).
Fourth greatest complaint is not enough lore (there is lots of lore but I want more. The Pale? The history of the rcm? Please tell me every single little thing? Please?). Fifth greatest complaint was that I had to gentrify the fishing village to get my gun back (come on Everart I know you can be better than this. Like maybe if you care about this community you can work to get the goddamn gun away from the mentally ill old lady and maybe don't send the trigger-happy cops after her?? and not use the situation as a weird power play?? Ffs man. Like I'm not even that mad about the probable murder of the past union organizer, I'm willing to hear you out on that one; just like, can you not endanger random innocent people in Martinaisse to no good end please??) (this is an ok narrative decision but I'm still angry about it. Like my man i know you're a narrative foil to Joyce and all but could you maybe not reflect the "callous disregard for lives and wellbeing of those you supposedly care about, but on a smaller scale so that it seems horrible rather than abstracted as to be justifiable like the Moralist Coalition or whatever does"??? But alas much must be sacrificed in the way of "cool compelling narrative that is damning critique of oppressive power structures and their ability to propagate etc etc").
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earlofbats · 11 months
why does ency say that harry is copopedia and not esprit or authority? is that just encyclopedia being snarky cause they don't know what a field autopsy is?
Well Esprit De Corps is how Harry relates to other police officers, its less about the ins and outs of policing and more about his connection to his community. IE figure that if Harry weren't a cop and he was like a teacher still his Esprit De Corps would instead be Esprit De Academia or something similar. And Authority is tinged or tainted by Harry's position as a police officer but is not inherently connected to it. Authority is just Harry's perception of his own power in society and over others. following the logic before If he was a teacher still you could imagine his authority would be less violent and more "get to class"/ "give me a lap". So essentially you're right in your assessment about that specific line. I do find it really interesting to think about what are things that Harry does and doesn't know, especially when pertaining to information about other cultures and peoples. That Harry's education can counteract certain racist perceptions because he has this background that allows him insight into the reality and origin of those stereotypes. I do like the detail that just because Harry is aware of his racist thoughts doesn't mean he doesn't have them, It just means he's able to dismantle those thoughts when they come up. It also presents us with a series of topics that our eclectic Harry du Bois must have hobbies or interest in. From Tiptop, Engineering, to Music, Art, History, ornithology, feminism, Architecture, Contact Mike, this list goes on pretty far each with its own sorta implications but I think its also fun to look at information that alludes Harry too. like the basic terminology for "the homosexual underground" stuff that he'd have to have encountered both during his disco days and as a cop, unavoidable stuff. >doesn't know his mothers name. >doesn't know what a homosexual is.
Ask me more about the skills and Disco.
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homomenhommes · 6 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … November 27
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c. 111 A.D – Antinous born (d.130 A.D.); If there was an All Time Beautiful Men contest, this man would have been a contender if he didn't just walk away with the cup. And like most beauties, be married well.
Antinous was a famous beauty of the ancient world who became the beloved of the emperor Hadrian. He may have been a male prostitute when Hadrian met him, but his origins are obscure. All that is known is that Hadrian was immediately and utterly smitten with the beautiful 15-year-old. From that time on, Antinous was with the emperor constantly until a journey to Egypt where he was drowned in the Nile. Some say that Antinous, knowing that a prophecy had declared the death of Hadrian unless a living sacrifice were to be offered in his place, died so that his lover might live. Others believe that Antinous, growing into young manhood, was ashamed of playing mistress to the emperor.
The most poignant story is that the boy killed himself because he couldn't bear the idea of growing old. What we know for certain is that Hadrian's grief at the death of Antinous was uncontained and nothing short of monumental. He deified him and founded the city of Antinopolis in Egypt in his honor (and many other Antinopolises elsewhere in the Roman world) and renamed the boy's birthplace Antinopolis as well. A cult was inaugurated in his honor. Coins were minted with his likeness and numerous busts and shatteringly beautiful statues were erected to commemorate the beauty of this youth and the love the emperor felt for him.
After deification, Antinous was associated with and depicted as the Egyptian god Osiris, associated with the rebirth of the Nile. Antinous was also often depicted as the Roman Bacchus, a god related to fertility. Antinous is one of the best-preserved faces from the ancient world. Many busts, gems and coins represent Antinous as the ideal type of youthful beauty.
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1883 – The English Uranian poet Edmund John was born on this date (d.1917). Poet John came of age in the decade after the trial of Oscar Wilde and illustrates the fact that far from disappearing off the face of the globe, homosexuality simply retreated a bit further underground. A letter to one of John's young friends provides us with a very good idea of the "tone" of Gay life in Edwardian England: "I have received your adorable illustrated letter this morning and loved it so much I immediately made an altar before it, lit by amber candles in copper candlsticks, burnt incense before it and kissed its extreme beautifulness."
Much of his work was condemned by critics for being overly decadent and unfashionable. He fought in the First World War, but was invalided out in 1916 and died at Taormina, in Sicily, a year later. His books include The Flute of Sardonyx: Poems (1913), The Wind in the Temple: Poems (1915), and Symphonie Symbolique (1919).
Following what was almost a fashion in the first two decades of the century, the objects of the emotion in many of the poems are young boys but, unlike most of the 'Uranian' poets, John's sincerity gives the poems a white-hot purity.
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1922 – Born: James Lord (d.2009), expatriate British writer in France, Giacometti scholar and art historian.
Lord was born to Albert Lord, a New York stock broker and Louise Bennett . He attended Wesleyan University, but a self-admitted poor student, he enlisted in the United States army after the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. His facility with French qualified him for Military Intelligence Service after the invasion of Normandy; he was stationed in France.
While there, Lord searched out Pablo Picasso in 1944 locating him in his studio on the Rue des Grands-Augustins. Following the war, Lord left Wesleyan without graduating, returning to Paris in 1947, perhaps because his homosexuality might be better accepted there.
Despite his sexual proclivities, he entered into an affair with Picasso's mistress, Dora Maar after she and the artist were split.
He kept meticulous journals of the conversations that he had with nearly all the litterati of post-war Paris. His intention was to become a writer, but excessive socializing kept him from production.
Lord met the Swiss sculptor Alberto Giacometti in 1952 at the Café aux Deux Magots, and frequently visited his studio in Montparnasse. The two remained friends throughout the artist's life.
After two unsuccessful novels, Lord was asked to write a book on Giacometti by the Museum of Modern Art to accompany the 1965 retrospective exhibition on the artist.
A Giacometti Portrait was hailed a success and is today valued as a source for information and insight on the artist. In 1970 Lord began a full-length treatment of the scultpor, completed only in 1985 and published as Giacometti: A Biography. The book's frank description of Giacometti's sadistic tendencies and mental problems drew the ire of many of the sculptor's friends, who signed a public protest letter against the book.
Lord set out to write a series of memoirs based upon personalisties. Picasso and Dora: A Personal Memoir appeared in 1993 followed by Six Exceptional Women the following year and Some Remarkable Men in 1996. A Gift for Admiration was published in 1998.
He adopted his life-companion, Gilles Foy-Lord, officially as his son. While working on a book of his experiences as a gay man in the army, My Queer War, he suffered a heart attack at his home in Paris and died at age 86.
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Lord's style is that of a raconteur and witness to the event itself. All of his writing weaves autobiography, reportage, and gossip. HIs portraits of his experiences with Gertrude Stein, Jean Cocteau, Balthus, Peggy Guggenheim and the art historian Douglas Cooper provide rich documentary evidence on these personalities.
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1964 – Adam Shankman is an American film director, producer, dancer, actor, and choreographer. He has been a judge on the television program So You Think You Can Dance since Season 3. He began his professional career in musical theater, and was a dancer in music videos for Paula Abdul and Janet Jackson. Shankman has choreographed numerous films as well as one of the Spice Girls' tours. He has directed several feature-length films, including A Walk to Remember, Bringing Down the House, and the 2007 remake of Hairspray. Shankman is openly gay.
Shankman was born in Los Angeles, California to an upper middle class family. He has said that he had a "traditional Jewish upbringing" in Brentwood. He attended The Juilliard School, but dropped out to dance in musical theater.
Prior to directing Hairspray, Shankman was known in Hollywood primarily as a script doctor. His trademarks in his films often features a singing/dancing sequence and a character getting sent to do community service. "I've done so many things I'm not super-proud of," he admitted in an interview with the Los Angeles Times. In August 2008, Box office Mojo reported that Hairspray had become the fourth-largest grossing American movie musical within the previous 30 years. He has also directed the 2012 film adaptation of the Broadway musical Rock of Ages for New Line Cinema. Shankman has also directed and choreographed multiple episodes of Fox's Glee.
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1967 – On this date Craig Rodwell opened Oscar Wilde Bookshop, the world's first Gay and Lesbian bookstore, in Greenwich Village, New York City. The small bookstore remained open over 40 years until it closed in 2009.
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1700 – A new law concerning sodomy was passed by the Pennsylvania assembly. If committed by a white man, sodomy was punishable by life in prison and, at the discretion of the judge, a whipping every three months for the first year. If married, the man was castrated and his wife was granted a divorce. If committed by a black man, the punishment for sodomy was death.
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1998 – Former Zimbabwean President Canaan Banana was convicted of eleven counts of sodomy and indecent assault.
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kimkatsu · 3 months
ok time to start 2nd playthrough of de, this time with the goal of being as homosexual underground as possible. i missed a bunch of things the first time cuz i rushed to the island ahhhhh
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