#homra are filled with a bunch of kids
happythexceed · 6 years
Translation: “Mothers” by Yellow (GoRA)
Decided to translate the whole short story since most of it was done. Sorry for the grammar errors. 
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“Misaki, can you accompany me to buy some flowers?”
Anna asked Yata stopping by a florist in the street.
Yata questioned in doubt unconsciously in his rowdy tone. His voice caught the attention of the male florist who was watering the plants in the florist.
The shop was full of flowers. Out of which, Yata could not name nine out of ten of them while Anna could not make out anything other than red flowers.
“It’s the florist’s favourite season of the year. There are many colourful flowers.”
Yata spoke even more softly than usual as Anna stepped into the florist. Yata followed after her. The florist was taken aback by Anna who resembled a delicate beautiful doll surrounded by flowers, his tone became gentle as he greeted her.
“Buying flowers for your mother?”
Yata who was always overlooking the English words finally noticed advertisements and billboards with “Mother’s Day” written everywhere.
There was also a drawing of red carnation that stood out through Anna’s eyes.
“Today is the day, isn’t it?”
The second Sunday in May.
“You can choose any colour you like to make a bouquet. We have red, white and orange to choose from. Purple is rare but it’s in fashion. Which colour does your mother like?"
“Which colour?”
Anna looked lost. She did not know what to do with the large pail of flowers before her.
Although she used to be able to control enormous power of fire as the Red King, she was still a normal twelve years old girl who liked flowers.
Perhaps she did not have experience in selecting flowers, with that in mind, Yata said out loud to bail her out of this situation.
“Red, all red!”
“When comes to carnations, of course we have to choose red! “
“Er… this is… there’s no problem, but pink is more common, there are also other kind of flowers which are popular…” The florist suggested. “As long as it’s red will do.” Yata raised his voice, “Give us a bouquet of red carnations!”
“There’s no need to raise your voice to scare him.” Anna chided.
“This is so embarrassing.”
Yata lowered his head muttering under his breath. It had been three months since the destruction of the Slate. HOMRA was no longer a gang of hooligans hanging around the street.
“But still, thank you, Misaki. I’m very happy.”
Anna smiled looking at the bouquet of red carnation she carried on her arms. It was not a bouquet Anna could not hold on to despite its size with ten stalks of carnations bundled nicely together.
“Let’s give this to Izumo when we get back, shall we?”
Anna suggested in a whim. How would Kusanagi who was always standing behind the bar counter react if he received the bouquet? Yata could not help but to shiver thinking about it.
“Er… er… if… if we see Kusanagi-san as mother, he will certainly reprimand us for messing with him.” But since it was a present from Anna Kusanagi would still be happy… he guessed. Yata on the other hand would most likely be beaten up for this.
“I see… then let’s give this to Rikio’s mother, shall we?”
“Oh, I think that should be okay, his mother will be happy to receive this.”
During the period Kusanagi had shut down his bar and went abroad (Yata was the only one who didn’t know Kusanagi’s objective was left alone in the bar), Rikio’s mother was the one who had been taking care of Anna.
“How about Misaki? Aren’t you giving flowers to your mother?”
“Me? Forget it. My mum will prefer dumpling instead. Or should I say she will prefer to have dumpling for dinner.”
Before Minoru matured, Yata had been racking his head every year just to think of a gift which would please his mother. As his brother grew up, his little sister was born, he was still having headache about it. After that Yata went into rebellious stage and he washed his hands off such matters as he found this ridiculous. He had ever folded some paper flowers for his mother as he could not afford the real carnations. His mother accepted them happily. She was not just happy with the flowers she received but rather she was happy with his effort to please her.
Yata finally understood now that she was touched by his sincerity back then. Since he left home with Fushimi when he was fifteen, he could count how many times had he went home to visit with his fingers… He decided he would not give her the flowers.
Rather than giving her flowers, she would be happier if he’d find some time to visit them back home.
Something caught Yata’s attention as he was considering of going home. He turned his head.
Major roads in both directions were lined up with cars, it was a person in a well-polished Mercedes-Benz which just passed by a high-end boutique that caught his attention. The first thing that came to his mind was Fushimi’s name, why would he think of him suddenly. They were two different people, isn’t it?
“Ahh!” Yata finally realised something and his gaze was fixed on her once again.
Yata threw out his skateboard as a reflex and went after the car.
Yata left Anna who let out a surprise voice behind. The honks by the cars were loud enough to burst his ear drum as he sped in between the cars.
Yata was only focusing in catching up with that car. In order to catch up with the person in the car, he stopped the car.
The chauffeur looked very shocked to see a person appeared so suddenly before the car. He stepped on the emergency brake abruptly and the car was stopped with the force coming from Yata when he stopped the car by pressing on its bonnet with his bare hands. The chauffeur with white glove alighted from the car.
“You, you, are you alright? How can you rush to the front of the car like this?”
“Ah… I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m fine…”
“But, what about the force I felt earlier?”
Yata retracted his hands from the bonnet of the car as though nothing happened, his line of sight fell on the person at the back of the car.
A lady with high heels, stockings, tight fitting dress alighted from the car. She gave her order to the chauffeur calmly, “Contact the police immediately.”
“We can’t have the President’s car getting involved in an accident.”
“It will only worsen things if we keep this a secret. Let the kid on the car and take him to the hospital immediately.”
“Ah, I’m really not injured. I’m stronger than normal human now. Rather, you are… Saruhiko’s mother, right? Fushimi Saruhiko’s…”
The lady widened her eyes as she scanned Yata’s face. At the same time, Anna had come to Yata’s side running all the way from the overhead bridge.
“Ah, you’re… I remember you.”
The lady had a surprised expression initially had reverted to her usual self.
“Yes, I’m Yata. … Long time no see, Aunty.”
Fushimi’s mother took them to a hotel lounge making them comfortable.
Yata’s eyes popped out just looking at the menu. Even the normal coffee cost 1,300 yens at least. Anna on the other hand had ordered a seasonal limited edition of “Cherry Parfait” that cost 2,300 yens a set. The parfait was presented before Anna in a short while. It was indeed a luxury … 2,300 yens… yeah as expected Yata could not accept that kind of luxury.
“How can hotel lounge charge something this expensive?”
“There is no difference with what Izumo is charging…”
Anna whispered to Yata while glancing at the lady sitting opposite them, She is called, Kisa, right? Fushimi Kisa. Yata had remembered clearly, this was how Fushimi’s father addressed her.
Yata went to Fushimi’s place to play often during their middle school days but Fushimi’s mother was rarely at home. Fushimi was always trying very hard to prevent him from meeting his father, hence he hardly saw his father, but still compared to his father, it was even harder to see his mother.
“How are you doing now? Are you still in school?”
“Me? I… I’m working part-time… Ah, but Saruhiko has a full time job, he is working for the government. Near his place, there is a gate that looked really grand, isn’t it? He is working there, working really hard with enthusiasm. Even though he is the youngest member there, he is already No. 3, they will entrust him with important mission…”
Yata was sharing with Kisa earnestly about how Fushimi is doing currently but was interrupted by Kisa abruptly.
“Is it? Although I didn’t ask about how is that kid doing?”
Yata was shocked by Kisa’s cold reaction. He lowered his head to the cup of coffee in front of him before raising his head abruptly.
“He, he is your son, isn’t it? I’m saying he is really awesome and really active, won’t you feel happy for him?”
“I have no right to praise that kid, because I have not done much for him.”
Yata was shocked at her cold tone. He did not know what should he say next despite feeling a sense familiarity.
“As for who has the right to praise him, they have to be those who are truly close to him. You can continue to praise him as though you are doing it for yourself. You are the one who has the right to compliment him, isn’t it?”
“It isn’t just me alone. That guy was complimented by many. His supervisors acknowledged him. Maybe, I’m saying maybe, even his subordinates admired him a lot!”
“I didn’t say I don’t believe you. Why are you trying so hard to tell me all these?”
“Compared to my compliment 100 times, a compliment that come from his mother could be much more special to him, I feel.”
Kisa was too stunned to talk after hearing Yata was saying so passionately.
I thought he was the kind who would say this, this was why I found this familiar sensation but in actual fact, he didn’t.
He said this before but I feel.
Even though he resembled his father a lot, inheriting most of his feature but actually, as expected he also took after his mother.
“President, it’s about time.”
The chauffeur who was not there earlier had appeared behind Kisa carefully spoke up.
Kisa sighed and stood up.
“I have other work arrangement and have to go. You can take your time to eat.”
At this moment, Anna stood up and ran after Kisa who was about to leave.
“Please, please accept this.”
Anna held out the bouquet of carnations.
“Because it’s Mother’s Day.”
“I have no reason to accept this.”
“Because Saruhiko is a friend I’m proud of… I’m giving this bouquet to his mother.” Raising her head and holding out the bouquet with two hands, Anna looked up to Kisa with her bright and clear eyes.
“……Is he? Thank you.” There is a tinge of guilt seen in her eyes when she accepted the bouquet.
The sound from Kisa’s heels faded with the rhythm of the music playing as she left the lounge. She wanted to tell her more about Fushimi and wanted to hear more from her to tell Fushimi about, but she was unable to say anything meaningful.
Anna came back to her only spoon of parfait left.
“The flowers we’re supposed to give to Rikio’s mother is given out.”
“That lady, she is a person who needs more flowers to decorate herself… even though the bouquet is gone, if it’s Rikio’s mother, she will be happy if we help in her shop, right?”
“Yes, she will be really happy. She will be really happy with Anna around.”
Yata returned to his senses and smiled warmly.
“Let’s eat. It would be a waste not to finish up the very expensive parfait. After that let’s head to Rikio’s place.”
“We had met your mother today, ah, really it’s a coincidence. Anna is around as well too.” Yata stopped typing halfway through his smart watch.
Compared to when he was 15 to now when he was 20, Yata’s opinion of his mother had changed. Fushimi who hated of his parents back then probably changed his opinion about his parents now right?
Because his father had left for another world, at least his relationship with his mother will improve, right? Yata thought.
“Mind your own business!” He would scold him angrily this way, he definitely will… “
Yata could imagine clearly how pissed he would look clicking his tongue.
“But she was still his mother right?” I just don’t get it!”
Trying to understand Fushimi based on his own assumption was not the way to go. Because he assumed this way back then, they had missed one another for so many years. Guess that guy would still need some time.
Yata reactivated his watch and deleted the earlier draft. He started a new message.
“Hey, come to think of it, you ate a green pepper when we had a meal together last month. You are awesome!”
Yata came up with anything that came to mind as long as he could compliment him, on behalf of his mother, let him praise him 100 times.
“I’m busy working overtime, don’t send me a meaningless message like this!”
“Oh?” It was a quick reply. Fushimi was typing vigorously on his keyboard quickly before his PC at work.
“Even if it is meaningless…”
Yata turned his head and noticed there is another line at the end.
“You are too slow with your compliment.”  
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
Black Butler-ish AU, but while you'd expect it to be Fushimi who takes the role of the young master, he's instead a very powerful demon prince who makes a contract with this scruffy angry boy, Misaki, who's the sole survivor of the clan Homra and who desperately wants revenge. Trouble ensues when Fushimi realizes that he's become attached to his contractee, and wait, hold on? Demons aren't supposed to have feelings?
Demon butler Fushimi, yes please I'll take three thank you. So imagine Yata's a member of the wealthy and powerful clan called Homra, he's distantly related to their head Mikoto and Yata has this super hero worship for him and wants to grow up to be just like him. Then one day a member of the clan, Totsuka, is found dead on the doorsteps of their mansion. Yata is told to go hide outside and he tries to refuse but he's ushered away, eventually becoming the only survivor when the entire place goes up in flames and all the other clan members are murdered. Yata's left behind as this small angry child who's determined to find out who destroyed his clan and to take revenge. The only clues he has are a green ribbon and a torn letter with the word 'Colorless' written out on it. Yata vows that he'll get his revenge even if he has to sell his soul for it, and this is just the type of angry desperation that a certain demon prince likes to hear.
So enter Fushimi, who was summoned by the power of Yata's anger and thinks this could be an interesting deal, if he and Yata make a contract to help Yata get his revenge. Yata's only hesitation is that he thought a demon would look more intimidating, Fushimi's just a skinny nerd kid who looks like he could be Yata's age. Fushimi clicks his tongue and says this isn't his real form and Yata wouldn't like seeing that, though he does let his wings out for just a moment to prove who he is. Yata gets this wild grin as he's like you know what, fine, you can have my soul if you want, as long as together we take revenge. Fushimi smirks and is like 'deal' as they fist bump to seal the contract (and then Yata gets the contract seal in his eye and he gets to wear an eyepatch just like military Yata).
A few years pass and now Yata is the young master of the castle and known as the sole survivor of Homra. The only other person who managed to get through the fire safely was the child of one of the servants, Anna, who is given a place in the household while Fushimi finds a few more servants though he doesn't say where he discovered them (Yata isn't so sure about them because that Awashima lady he hired to be the cook just puts anko in everything and why does gardener Munakata keep cutting the hedges in the shape of puzzle pieces). Fushimi takes his place as Yata's butler and personal bodyguard and their relationship slowly goes from chilly to more like partners, at first Yata isn't too sure about his new 'servant' and Fushimi is always cold and condescending towards him.
But the more time they spend together the less Fushimi feels like a demon to him, it's more like he's just this sad gloomy guy who is super skilled and has a bunch of great ideas and he makes Yata feel like together they can definitely take revenge for Yata's family. Fushimi meanwhile is all filled with conflicting emotions, this is his first contact since he became a demon (oh, maybe he used to be a normal human and then his jerk dad sacrificed him and made him become a demon against his will, and that's why Fushimi's extra gloomy even for a demon) and he didn't expect to get so attached to his contractor. Yata's still bitter and full of anger but he also has these moments where he smiles so brightly that Fushimi feels dazzled and he starts to realize that he doesn't want Yata to get his revenge, because once that happens Fushimi will have to take his soul and he doesn't want to lose that bright smile, he doesn't want to lose getting to always be by Misaki's side.
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 years
Scepter 4 and Homra encounter a strain that turns people into children and fall under the influence of forces. Everything except yata and fushimi. And now they are forced to be educators in a temporary kindergarten
Wait didn't the Fushimi part of this kinda happen in Gakuen K XD Anyway please just imagine Sarumi getting to be parents for the day to a whole group of toddlers of various personality types. Like there happens to be this Strain that's out running amok and causing major havoc in the city by turning people into children, the Strain has been targeting government officials and law enforcement along with any random wealthy or influential people that the Strain can manage to get close to. The Strain himself is like a very nondescript person and has been using this to his advantage, posing as a janitor or window washer, someone who does menial tasks and is easily looked over. Scepter 4 is doing their best to try and keep order in the city with the majority of other law enforcement out of commission (Kokujouji was keeping the peace but he's currently hanging out in Mihashira Tower drooling on a bunny plushie and being cared for by a few of the Rabbits who managed to escape the Strain).
Several of Homra's people have been affected by the Strain too and so they've been actively hunting it down. Yata is off searching for the Strain one day while the Homra trio, Kamamoto, Anna and the Homra alphabet squad reconvene at the bar to discuss what they've learned so far. They do have to take a brief break though, as it looks like Kusanagi's getting a wine delivery and the deliveryman needs someone to sign for it, he'll just be in the bar for a minute. Some time later Scepter 4 is having a debrief of what's gone on so far, Fushimi however is missing because he's also down in the city gathering intel. Fushimi nearly brushes past an electrician on his way out the door, clicking his tongue and complaining about how the idiot needs to watch where he's going and since when did they need an electrician anyway.
Yata and Fushimi are both chasing the same lead and they probably end up running into each other and a fight happens, as usual. Fushimi's perfectly happy to take a moment to tease Yata and throw some knives, but then mid-fight Yata's PA starts buzzing with a call from Kusanagi. Yata tries to answer but all he gets is static and the sound of something breaking, Yata gets worried and decides he can kick Fushimi's ass later, he needs to go back to the bar. Fushimi's rather dissatisfied at Yata running off like this, calling him a coward and sneering at how quickly he turns tail and runs when Mikoto calls. Yata's all fuck off asshole as he turns and skateboards back to the bar. When he gets there the door is hanging open, Yata's all concerned as he runs inside yelling for Mikoto and Kusanagi. He promptly almost trips over a small toddler with red hair who is fast asleep on the floor. Yata's like wait where'd this kid come from, which is when he looks up and sees that the bar is filled with kids. One of them is sitting on the bar counter playing with a pair of sunglasses and chewing on Kusanagi's phone, while another is filming everyone with a camera. A small fat kid is trying to keep this little baby girl with white hair from pulling on the sleeping kid's hair. Various tiny alphabet boys are breaking glasses and climbing on chairs. Yata's staring at the scene in front of him when he hears a tongue click behind him and turns to see Fushimi standing there snickering, like so this is what happened to the great 'Homra' huh.
Yata's all what the hell are you talking about and Fushimi sighs like Yata's the biggest idiot in the world as he's like what does it look like, they got attacked by the Strain. Fushimi notes that it looks like Yata's a dad now and Yata's all wait a sec what do you mean dad. Fushimi tells Yata to enjoy dealing with the kids and Yata's like you can't just leave me like this asshole. Fushimi would be perfectly happy to do that but he supposes Munakata would want him to handle this somehow and he suggests they take the kids back to Scepter 4 for safekeeping. Yata's not thrilled at the idea of taking his clansmen to the Blue's headquarters but he's got his hands way too full watching all these kids so he reluctantly agrees. Unfortunately for Fushimi he didn't think this through much and they end up having to walk all the kids to Scepter 4, with Fushimi in the lead and Yata at the back and all the kids holding hands like it's a school field trip, Yata's got Anna strapped to his chest in one of those baby carriers and Fushimi's complaining under his breath because tiny Mikoto is holding his hand and keeps almost falling asleep on him.
They get back to Scepter 4 and immediately Fushimi realizes something's wrong. He hurries to the meeting room and there's a bunch of kids sitting there. Unlike in Homra all the children are being very well behaved, as tiny Munakata has made them all sit in a circle and they're playing quiet games while they wait for an adult to come supervise. Yata appears behind Fushimi with this wide grin all look at the 'great' Scepter 4 huh you guys aren't any better than us. Fushimi clicks his tongue and says he isn't a babysitter, Yata's all looks like you are now. The two of them end up corralling the kids into like an empty meeting room where there's nothing they can hurt themselves with. Yata goes looking for some toys for everyone to play with while Fushimi's like setting up a monitor to play cartoons so he can let the electric babysitter take over. Yata scolds him and notes that Anna needs her diaper changed, Fushimi can handle that while Yata gets her some milk right. Fushimi's all no fucking way she's your baby you change her diaper and Yata's like okay then you get to clean up Doumyouji's throw up because it looks like he finally hurled after spinning on the swivel chair for the last ten minutes. Fushimi grimaces and figures well at least most of Scepter 4 is decently well-behaved thanks to Munakata keeping them in line – except Munakata has somehow latched onto Mikoto and the two of them are squabbling in the corner (luckily Kusanagi and Awashima show up and knock them both over the head with a stuffed zebra).
While things are kinda chaotic Yata has to admit that it isn't so bad right, like at least he and Fushimi seem to be getting along a bit better. Fushimi completely ignores this, trying to act like he's only working with Misaki because he can't deal with all these kids on his own. The kids all totally love Fushimi too, like he's trying to get the TV working and he feels some wetness on his leg, he looks down and Bandou and Chitose are drooling on his pants. Fushimi waves them away and then hears a loud wail from the corner, Kamamoto stole Akiyama's cupcake and now Akiyama's sobbing uncontrollably while Benzai pets his hair and tries to calm him down. Fushimi clenches his teeth and has to stop himself from drawing a knife as he grabs the nearest pacifier and just stuffs it in Akiyama's mouth. Meanwhile Munakata and Mikoto are arguing again over Munakata wanting to read a book that Mikoto was sleeping on, Yata breaks up the fight and wonders why they even brought the History of Japan's Criminal Justice System in to a room of toddlers anyway. Fushimi's probably half exhausted by the time they manage to get all the kids to take a nap and he doesn't even care that he's got paste in his hair and someone drew a cat on his cheek, Yata's looking equally exhausted but he's kinda smiling too like see we managed this. Fushimi clicks his tongue and looks away, Yata's like ha you can't even tease me because you'll wake the kids up. Fushimi hisses at him to be quiet and Yata's like maybe I should get you some apple juice and a pillow too.
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 years
I know there's the thing where Tamaki and Mikoto are brothers, but also consider Homra as the OHSHC? Alternately, Scepter 4 as the Host Club.
Homra Host Club would be kinda funny actually, instead of the whole elegant and high class thing they would be catering to people with more rough and tumble tastes. Actually since we're going for Scepter 4 host club too let's just combine the AU and imagine they're like dueling host clubs, like the two clubs exist in the same school and they've got this whole rivalry thing going on for which club is the most popular. Homra is the bad boy club pretty much, Mikoto is of course their most popular host because he has this whole aura of a dangerous guy who could only change if the right girl – that being you, whoever his current client is – could win his heart and fix him. It always seems amazing to Kusanagi how popular Mikoto's become with the ladies because Mikoto doesn't even have to try, like he's still his usual less than talkative self and he spends a lot of time napping when he's supposed to be serving clients but that only seems to make him more popular, girls and even guys are instantly swooning over him and thinking he's so cool. Kusanagi himself would be like the vice president of the club who's really the one in charge, his niche is the cool big brother type who also has an edge of danger, like he gives off the aura of someone who's like running a bar for mafia informants. Kusanagi's probably the one best at sweet-talking girls, he's very smooth and charismatic. Totsuka's the third 'main' member of the group and his draw is being sweet and thoughtful, an image he very carefully and purposefully maintains for the good of the club. He's always asking girls to help him with his hobbies but he keeps most of the really weird hobbies for when it's just the club hanging out, he doesn't want to scare the girls away after all.
The rest of the Homra guys fill out their own niches as far as customer preferences go so that Homra has a mix of personalities to appeal to everyone. Chitose's the other sweet talker after Kusanagi but he's considered more of the flirty type and every girl wants to think she's the one who can really hold his interest. Dewa gets to be the more cold-seeming type who could warm up to the right person, plus he and Chitose have a combo thing going on that a certain segment of girls really enjoys. Eric is the standoffish type that reminds girls of a dog that just needs to be tamed, while of course Fujishima is the animal lover who's always showing clients his variety of pets (which on various occasions has included a hamster, two rabbits, a horse and an emu). Akagi's the one who seems all innocent and sincere even when he's saying what are obvious pick up lines, while Bandou gets to be the 'lovable loser' type much to his dismay. Kamamoto gets to do double duty, during summer he of course gets a lot of fans who think he's cool and handsome, while during winter his true fans enjoy how thoughtful and gentle he is, plus he's more huggable when he's fat. Yata is terrible with girls but that's his draw, he's this rough and tumble thug type who gets all nervous and shy around girls and clients think it's sweet and endearing. Originally when Fushimi was part of the club he and Yata did the combo thing where Yata would be all embarrassed and hide behind Fushimi, who would click his tongue and call Yata an idiot yet somehow there would seem to be sparkles and soft focus around them both and all the girls would squeal.
Of course eventually Fushimi gets sick of Homra and betrays them to join the other host club, Scepter 4. Scepter 4 is the more elegant refined host club that caters to the wealthier kids at the school, where Homra gives the vibe of a bunch of delinquents who clients want to rehabilitate with their love Scepter 4 is a bunch of untouchable ivory idols descending to mingle with the common folk. Munakata is the club president and he's a big draw for his regal, king-like aura and his genius mind, very few clients are aware that underneath this image he's actually a giant dork who really just wants to play puzzles with all of them. Once Fushimi joins he's naturally a huge draw, all the girls see him as this wounded tsundere who just needs someone to love him (Fushimi also gets to form an unwitting combo with Munakata, like Fushimi gets annoyed about something and Munakata comes over to dote on him and again the girls scream). Though the club is mostly male they cater to all clientele regardless of gender and so Awashima's there too, a beautiful and authoritative woman who's popular with everyone.
The alphabet boys fill out the rest of the roster with varying personality types. Akiyama and Benzai are the two thoughtful, kind adult types who are also known for being partners, they both entertain guests together and often have moments together specifically designed to stimulate their clients (like Akiyama will have too much cake and seem to get a stomachache, Benzai will gently cradle him and brush his cheek as he says Akiyama knows Benzai worries when he overdoes it, Akiyama blushes slightly and apologizes and all the girls are swooning while the two of them fist bump behind their backs). Kamo also attracts a lot of customers with more mature tastes, he's also popular among girls who want to learn how to cook. Doumyouji fills the excitable over-energetic niche, he's probably the one who gets to innocently flirt with everyone without anyone getting mad at him. Enomoto is popular with the more nerdy girls and those who like meganes but are intimidated by Munakata and Fushimi. Fuse has a special niche among customers who dislike Fushimi and think he's overlooked. Gotou is popular with the 'weird' clients and members of the Black Magic Club. Hidaka fills a niche similar to Doumyouji's with the energetic crowd but he's also popular with dog lovers and girls who think he looks like he would let them step on him.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
Imagine reisi and anna decide to better their clan's relations for the alliance by doing a merger thing. But since s4 members are working legit jobs, homra ends up just sending their members to s4 hq to work with them for a day. Imagine the chaos and the communal baths and homra finally seeing how s4 is actually filled with a buncha dorks and absolute weirdos. And that's before gotou brings out the ventriloquist puppet. Reisi and anna liked it tho and suggest swapping subordinates next time
Imagine Munakata deciding that wouldn’t it be nice for clan relationsto have a buddy program, like each member of the Homra alphabet squadis paired with the alphabetically matched member of Scepter 4. Thoughsince Homra doesn’t have a G or an H a couple of the guys just getrotated to Gotou and Hidaka throughout the day, Hidaka’s a littlecrestfallen that Homra’s alphabet doesn’t go as far as Scepter 4’s.Meanwhile Homra is a little taken aback by how far the Scepter 4alphabet goes, as it turns out a bunch of those nameless bishounen asactually letters I-Y (since Zenjou is Z) in accordance to their rankand then the alphabet starts all over again. Akiyama gets to tellAkagi all about how he fought three men in order to be named fourthin command and first A, Akagi isn’t entirely sure if Akiyama iskidding or not. Akagi also ends up with a slight complex that maybehe’s only a main member of Homra because he was the first dude towalk into the bar with a name beginning in A, like how do you know Iwasn’t really. The Homra alphabet squad is also initially kinda boredbecause it seems like all Scepter 4 does all day is paperwork, theyquickly get tired of hanging around the computers waiting for shit tohappen. Bandou starts getting too vocal about his boredom and almosttakes a knife to the face from an even more annoyed than normalFushimi, only Benzai’s quick reflexes save him. Hidaka gets everyonemad at him by commenting out loud that he never really realized howshort most of Homra was.
In the afternoon after work is done the Homra guys get to followScepter 4 back into the dorms and see how weird everyone really is.Akagi and Bandou eventually end up accompanying Gotou and Hidaka totheir dorm after Akiyama and Benzai basically disappear inside thekotatsu and are absorbed (Akagi attempts to slide under with them andhe’s pretty sure Benzai attempted to bite him for it like an angrypuppy whose sleep was disturbed). They regret their decision whenGotou starts introducing them to all of his favorite statues, Akagiand Bandou make a quick retreat and are just like ‘that was freakywhat were those.’ Behind them Hidaka’s like 'I don’t know, they justwatch me when I sleep’ and they’re like wait did you just run awayfrom your own dorm. Enomoto’s very nervous about letting Eric andFujishima see his dorm with all his precious anime figures on displayand also there’s some archive E magazines lying around that of courseEric initially picks up before Eno grabs them and runs. Fujishimawanders off to follow Kuro the cat all afternoon and Eric trailsafter, they probably have a lovely tea with Zenjou and Yayoi. In Kamoand Doumyouji’s dorm Chitose and Doumyouji get along surprisinglywell while Dewa and Kamo bond a little over their babysitting duties.
Eventually everyone heads to the bath and it’s probably very crowdedwith twelve people in there (six Homra guys and six Scepter 4members, Akiyama and Benzai are still under the kotatsu and notpresent). Somehow even though everyone was more or less comfortablebefore it feels very weird to be sitting there naked staring at eachother. Hidaka keeps trying to awkwardly make small talk and sayingreally embarrassing things on accident, about how one time Captaincame in here to talk about how we should have a bonding sessiontogether right in the bath wait no it’s not what it sounds like wejust washed each other’s backs not in a romantic way it wasplatonic we were all wearing towels and then Fuse drags him downby the towel to shut him up. The only ones who remain perfectlycomfortable are Chitose and Doumyouji, who are still bonding andchatting, and Fujishima because he was asked to give the cat a bathand is very focused on that instead of the stifling atmosphere.Shortly afterward the Homra guys have to go back, Doumyouji thinksit’s too bad because they were kinda good guys and that’s whenMunakata beams and says he’s thinking of starting an exchange programwith Homra on a regular basis.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
Kiss kiss fall in Scepter 4 host club. Fushimi just wants to study in peace, but after finding the "abandoned" music room, president Munakata wants him to become a host.
So maybe Fushimi’s still the child of rich parents but because hisparents suck he ran away from home and refuses to rely on them foranything. He ends up applying to this fancy rich kid school anywaybecause it’s far from where his parents actually wanted him to go andit’s supposed to be pretty prestigious, and it also has a singlescholarship available every year that allows the possibility forsomeone not crazy rich to attend. Fushimi applies for the scholarshipand gets in due to his genius abilities, once he’s at the schoolthough he promptly hates everyone because the school is filled withrich snobby pampered kids who remind Fushimi of all his terriblerelatives. He refuses to make friends with anybody and instead justkeeps to himself, focusing on his studies and not joining any outsideactivities or talking with anyone unless he has to.
Then one day he’s trying to find a place to study, this rowdy clubcalled Homra has ended up taking over his usual room in the libraryand even though that one red-headed kid with the dopey smile offeredto let Fushimi join them Fushimi has no interest in spending timewith rich delinquents. He decides to check out the music rooms,there’s one that he’s found doesn’t seem to ever be used and hefigures that would be a nice place to hide with his books. He opensthe door, breathing a sigh of relief as he steps into the blessedsilence of the darkened room…which is when he is greeted with asparkling ‘welcome~’ as the scent of flowers wafts through the airand he finds himself staring at a bunch of very pretty men in fancyoutfits. Munakata, president of the Scepter 4 host club, stepsforward himself to greet Fushimi, offering him a blue rose and askingwhat brings him to the club today (that Fushimi’s a guy doesn’t stopMunakata at all, Scepter 4 is so pretty both girls and guys stop byto enjoy their services). Fushimi immediately nopes right out,backing up to avoid being hit by Munakata’s sparkles. Unfortunatelyhe’s so busy trying to get away that he runs into a very expensivevase and shatters it. Fushimi figures it can’t be that bad, he’lljust get them a new stupid vase, but then vice president Awashimasteps forward with the estimated bill for said vase. Fushimi knows hecould pay it off easily if he went back to his parents but he refusesto do that under any circumstances. Luckily Munakata has analternative option: that Fushimi will join the host club and pay offhis debt through working.
Even though Fushimi looks all gloomy and common Munakata can see themoneymaker within and decides to make Fushimi one of the hosts,Fushimi of course grumbles and acts all annoyed about it but thatjust makes him more popular. Munakata already has a nice collectiongoing, he’s got Akiyama and Benzai as the sweet well-behaved duo(with Akiyama also doubling as the guy who acts sweet and kind butwill also step on you), Kamo is the older dad figure, Doumyouji theinnocent hyperactive one, Enomoto the shy otaku, Fuse the slightlyrough but secretly very loyal one, Gotou as the weird chill one withthe strange hobbies and Hidaka the super enthusiastic giant. Fushimifits right in as the grumpy bad tempered host whose customers eitherwant to hug him and soothe his wounded soul or want him to trash themutterly with his words. Fushimi finds this whole thing ridiculous,like why would he want to spend time serving all these irritatingcustomers and Munakata’s thing for constantly making the club dressup in stupid outfits pisses him off. But at the same time he slowlystarts getting used to it and maybe part of him is just amazed at howpopular he is, like Fushimi always assumed everyone would hate himand he was better off alone but here’s all these customers clamoringnot just for him to serve them but to talk to him and try to get toknow him. Munakata sees Fushimi interacting with the customers andsmiles this mysterious smile, Fushimi glares at him like 'what’s thatabout’ and Munakata pleasantly says he’s simply pleased that Fushimiis fitting in so well.
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ridiasfangirlings · 8 years
Reisaru "Princess Mononoke" scenario? ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Ooh yes, I love the mental image of Fushimi in San’s clothes. Likesay Munakata’s the prince of a small village, one day they getattacked by this creepy demon and Munakata has to kill it. In doingso however his arm is caught in the corruption and he ends up cursed,his arm turns discolored and maybe there’s like a scar that looksvaguely like a sword that starts near his shoulder and will slowlycreep down his arm the worse it gets, when the scar reaches his handMunakata’s body will be consumed entirely by the curse and die.Munakata’s not pleased about that and decides he has to leave hisvillage in order to keep them safe from him, he also decides tofollow the track of the demon in order to find the source of thecorruption. He brings along only some clothes and a few spare puzzlesbecause he needs something to do on the trip okay. Munakata’swandering around following the trail when he ends up hearing storiesof a forest spirit called Dresden that has great powers and may beable to fix the curse on Munakata’s arm. Munakata goes to investigateand ends up running into a battle between some of the people fromnearby village Homra and the wolves from the Scepter forest nearby,led by wolf god Awashima. Munakata is surprised to see a human ridingon one of the wolves, who fights using a variety of crude homemadeknives that go flying at the enemies with too much precision for thiskid to be some random wild foundling.
Munakata ends up helping the Homra guys to escape but only because hedislikes doing nothing but watching what he feels could be aone-sided slaughter, the Homra guys are pretty vocal about theirannoyance that Munakata thinks the wolves would have beaten them.Munakata asks about the young man riding with the wolves and theHomra guys all look displeased as they explain that was Fushimi.Fushimi maybe used to be a person who lived in the village with hisshitty dad Niki, one day Niki took fifteen year old Fushimi for awalk near the forest and then never returned. The next time they sawthe wolves however Fushimi was there and there’s a lot of unrest inthe village about his presence, people thinking that he’s a traitorwho turned his back on humans in favor of wolves. Munakata has thembring him to the village head Mikoto, who totally recognizes Munakatafrom some time in the past when he used to be a wanderer, Munakatanotes that such an efficient town seems a poor fit for the lazyuncouth man he remembers. Mikoto just shrugs and says that it keeps aroof over everyone’s heads and food in their mouths.
Munakata asks around the village after that and finds out that beforethis Homra was like a bunch of wandering homeless kids, Mikoto tookthem in and made the village so they would have a place to call homeand a family to take care of them. However this has put them inconflict with the gods that live in the forest and there’s constantbattling between them, Fushimi’s defection only made the rift growdeeper and maybe things have really escalated recently when one ofthe other village heads, Totsuka, went to retrieve something from anearby town and was killed on his way back, there were no teeth markson his body but the villagers believe that the wolves killed him.While he’s doing his investigation Munakata ends up running intoFushimi, who’s infiltrated the village in order to kill Mikoto.Munakata asks him about Totsuka and Fushimi’s eyes seem to waver fora moment before he says they had nothing to do with that, Totsukadidn’t have any power and it’s Mikoto that they’re after. Munakatawonders why Fushimi would go to live with beasts, noting that heseems to be an unexpectedly talented person, and Fushimi just clickshis tongue and mutters that humans are worthless and he would ratherbe a wolf. Munakata says that if the wolves didn’t kill Totsuka whyare they still attacking the villagers and trying to kill Mikoto, asa former member of the village Fushimi should know that they aredoing what they must to survive. Fushimi darkly says that nothing canlast forever and the village is going to be swallowed up by theforest eventually, they should accept that and leave while they can.
While the two of them are talking some of the villagers catch sightof them and someone raises the alarm. Fushimi attempts to go afterMikoto anyway, who doesn’t seem all that angry at the sight of himand instead just kinda smiles a bit as he’s like ‘Fushimi, huh. Youcame to kill me?’ Munakata is surprised that there seems to besomething almost regretful in Mikoto’s voice and he decides tointervene, stopping Fushimi. Munakata himself ends up getting injuredby a stray bullet intended for Fushimi, even so he drags a veryannoyed and protesting Fushimi out of the village. When Munakatafinally collapses Fushimi calls him an idiot and says that he shouldjust leave Munakata there to die, Munakata laughs a bit and notesthat he was correct in his original assessment, Fushimi is indeedsomeone filled with unexpected talents. Munakata blacks out and whenhe wakes up he’s healed, sitting by a lake with Fushimi next to himlooking irritated. Munakata is pleased Fushimi went to such lengthsto help him and Fushimi coldly says that he wasn’t helping Munakatahe just thought it was stupid to let someone who’s not even one ofthe villagers die. Munakata tries to talk to him a bit and ends uplearning that Fushimi was indeed once a member of the village andthat he basically lived under the thumb of his asshole dad and no oneever tried to really save him, not even Mikoto (and maybe whatFushimi doesn’t know is that Mikoto did try multiple times, and thatwhen Niki and Fushimi left the village that final day it was actuallya mission intended just for Niki so that he could be killed andFushimi could be free). Niki dragged Fushimi out on some errand oneday and they were attacked by wolves, Niki threw Fushimi to them sohe could make his escape. The wolves, disgusted by this act, killedNiki and spared Fushimi, making him one of them.
Meanwhile back at the village some creepy wandering merchant guyknown as Colorless claims he has proof that the wolves killed Totsukaand he convinces Mikoto to send his people to war against the gods ofthe forest. Mikoto’s wary but his people are fired up enough that hefigures they have no choice and they start marching on the forest.Munakata wants to stop them but Fushimi doesn’t give a fuck, he’sfine if all the humans die (except maybe one Yata Misaki who Munakataalso spoke to in the village and who seemed more hurt than anyone byFushimi’s 'betrayal’). Munakata convinces Fushimi to at least comewith him while he tries to talk sense into Mikoto, as they’reapproaching the lake where the forest spirit appears Mikoto ends upmeeting them from the other side. Munakata tries to calm him downwhen suddenly the Dresden spirit itself appears. Colorless shows upfrom out of nowhere, having been planning all along to use thisdistraction in order to take the magic stone in the spirit’s head(and having killed Totsuka for this reason as well). Removing thestone causes a great upheaval in the land, enough that it seems asthough there’s a giant crater swallowing up the ground. Munakata goesafter Colorless and almost gets killed by the shifting ground whenFushimi saves him, acting like it’s such a bother but he’s decidedhe’s not letting Munakata die either. The two of them end upretrieving the stone and saving everyone, in the aftermath Munakatabrokers peace between the town and the forest and convinces Fushimithat his place can be in both the forest and the town, he isn’t anoutcast but actually someone who simply belongs to many families (andhopefully belongs to Munakata most of all, which makes Fushimi scoffeven as he doesn’t deny it).
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