#imagine if Izumo is called the mother of homra
happythexceed · 6 years
Translation: “Mothers” by Yellow (GoRA)
Decided to translate the whole short story since most of it was done. Sorry for the grammar errors. 
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“Misaki, can you accompany me to buy some flowers?”
Anna asked Yata stopping by a florist in the street.
Yata questioned in doubt unconsciously in his rowdy tone. His voice caught the attention of the male florist who was watering the plants in the florist.
The shop was full of flowers. Out of which, Yata could not name nine out of ten of them while Anna could not make out anything other than red flowers.
“It’s the florist’s favourite season of the year. There are many colourful flowers.”
Yata spoke even more softly than usual as Anna stepped into the florist. Yata followed after her. The florist was taken aback by Anna who resembled a delicate beautiful doll surrounded by flowers, his tone became gentle as he greeted her.
“Buying flowers for your mother?”
Yata who was always overlooking the English words finally noticed advertisements and billboards with “Mother’s Day” written everywhere.
There was also a drawing of red carnation that stood out through Anna’s eyes.
“Today is the day, isn’t it?”
The second Sunday in May.
“You can choose any colour you like to make a bouquet. We have red, white and orange to choose from. Purple is rare but it’s in fashion. Which colour does your mother like?"
“Which colour?”
Anna looked lost. She did not know what to do with the large pail of flowers before her.
Although she used to be able to control enormous power of fire as the Red King, she was still a normal twelve years old girl who liked flowers.
Perhaps she did not have experience in selecting flowers, with that in mind, Yata said out loud to bail her out of this situation.
“Red, all red!”
“When comes to carnations, of course we have to choose red! “
“Er… this is… there’s no problem, but pink is more common, there are also other kind of flowers which are popular…” The florist suggested. “As long as it’s red will do.” Yata raised his voice, “Give us a bouquet of red carnations!”
“There’s no need to raise your voice to scare him.” Anna chided.
“This is so embarrassing.”
Yata lowered his head muttering under his breath. It had been three months since the destruction of the Slate. HOMRA was no longer a gang of hooligans hanging around the street.
“But still, thank you, Misaki. I’m very happy.”
Anna smiled looking at the bouquet of red carnation she carried on her arms. It was not a bouquet Anna could not hold on to despite its size with ten stalks of carnations bundled nicely together.
“Let’s give this to Izumo when we get back, shall we?”
Anna suggested in a whim. How would Kusanagi who was always standing behind the bar counter react if he received the bouquet? Yata could not help but to shiver thinking about it.
“Er… er… if… if we see Kusanagi-san as mother, he will certainly reprimand us for messing with him.” But since it was a present from Anna Kusanagi would still be happy… he guessed. Yata on the other hand would most likely be beaten up for this.
“I see… then let’s give this to Rikio’s mother, shall we?”
“Oh, I think that should be okay, his mother will be happy to receive this.”
During the period Kusanagi had shut down his bar and went abroad (Yata was the only one who didn’t know Kusanagi’s objective was left alone in the bar), Rikio’s mother was the one who had been taking care of Anna.
“How about Misaki? Aren’t you giving flowers to your mother?”
“Me? Forget it. My mum will prefer dumpling instead. Or should I say she will prefer to have dumpling for dinner.”
Before Minoru matured, Yata had been racking his head every year just to think of a gift which would please his mother. As his brother grew up, his little sister was born, he was still having headache about it. After that Yata went into rebellious stage and he washed his hands off such matters as he found this ridiculous. He had ever folded some paper flowers for his mother as he could not afford the real carnations. His mother accepted them happily. She was not just happy with the flowers she received but rather she was happy with his effort to please her.
Yata finally understood now that she was touched by his sincerity back then. Since he left home with Fushimi when he was fifteen, he could count how many times had he went home to visit with his fingers… He decided he would not give her the flowers.
Rather than giving her flowers, she would be happier if he’d find some time to visit them back home.
Something caught Yata’s attention as he was considering of going home. He turned his head.
Major roads in both directions were lined up with cars, it was a person in a well-polished Mercedes-Benz which just passed by a high-end boutique that caught his attention. The first thing that came to his mind was Fushimi’s name, why would he think of him suddenly. They were two different people, isn’t it?
“Ahh!” Yata finally realised something and his gaze was fixed on her once again.
Yata threw out his skateboard as a reflex and went after the car.
Yata left Anna who let out a surprise voice behind. The honks by the cars were loud enough to burst his ear drum as he sped in between the cars.
Yata was only focusing in catching up with that car. In order to catch up with the person in the car, he stopped the car.
The chauffeur looked very shocked to see a person appeared so suddenly before the car. He stepped on the emergency brake abruptly and the car was stopped with the force coming from Yata when he stopped the car by pressing on its bonnet with his bare hands. The chauffeur with white glove alighted from the car.
“You, you, are you alright? How can you rush to the front of the car like this?”
“Ah… I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m fine…”
“But, what about the force I felt earlier?”
Yata retracted his hands from the bonnet of the car as though nothing happened, his line of sight fell on the person at the back of the car.
A lady with high heels, stockings, tight fitting dress alighted from the car. She gave her order to the chauffeur calmly, “Contact the police immediately.”
“We can’t have the President’s car getting involved in an accident.”
“It will only worsen things if we keep this a secret. Let the kid on the car and take him to the hospital immediately.”
“Ah, I’m really not injured. I’m stronger than normal human now. Rather, you are… Saruhiko’s mother, right? Fushimi Saruhiko’s…”
The lady widened her eyes as she scanned Yata’s face. At the same time, Anna had come to Yata’s side running all the way from the overhead bridge.
“Ah, you’re… I remember you.”
The lady had a surprised expression initially had reverted to her usual self.
“Yes, I’m Yata. … Long time no see, Aunty.”
Fushimi’s mother took them to a hotel lounge making them comfortable.
Yata’s eyes popped out just looking at the menu. Even the normal coffee cost 1,300 yens at least. Anna on the other hand had ordered a seasonal limited edition of “Cherry Parfait” that cost 2,300 yens a set. The parfait was presented before Anna in a short while. It was indeed a luxury … 2,300 yens… yeah as expected Yata could not accept that kind of luxury.
“How can hotel lounge charge something this expensive?”
“There is no difference with what Izumo is charging…”
Anna whispered to Yata while glancing at the lady sitting opposite them, She is called, Kisa, right? Fushimi Kisa. Yata had remembered clearly, this was how Fushimi’s father addressed her.
Yata went to Fushimi’s place to play often during their middle school days but Fushimi’s mother was rarely at home. Fushimi was always trying very hard to prevent him from meeting his father, hence he hardly saw his father, but still compared to his father, it was even harder to see his mother.
“How are you doing now? Are you still in school?”
“Me? I… I’m working part-time… Ah, but Saruhiko has a full time job, he is working for the government. Near his place, there is a gate that looked really grand, isn’t it? He is working there, working really hard with enthusiasm. Even though he is the youngest member there, he is already No. 3, they will entrust him with important mission…”
Yata was sharing with Kisa earnestly about how Fushimi is doing currently but was interrupted by Kisa abruptly.
“Is it? Although I didn’t ask about how is that kid doing?”
Yata was shocked by Kisa’s cold reaction. He lowered his head to the cup of coffee in front of him before raising his head abruptly.
“He, he is your son, isn’t it? I’m saying he is really awesome and really active, won’t you feel happy for him?”
“I have no right to praise that kid, because I have not done much for him.”
Yata was shocked at her cold tone. He did not know what should he say next despite feeling a sense familiarity.
“As for who has the right to praise him, they have to be those who are truly close to him. You can continue to praise him as though you are doing it for yourself. You are the one who has the right to compliment him, isn’t it?”
“It isn’t just me alone. That guy was complimented by many. His supervisors acknowledged him. Maybe, I’m saying maybe, even his subordinates admired him a lot!”
“I didn’t say I don’t believe you. Why are you trying so hard to tell me all these?”
“Compared to my compliment 100 times, a compliment that come from his mother could be much more special to him, I feel.”
Kisa was too stunned to talk after hearing Yata was saying so passionately.
I thought he was the kind who would say this, this was why I found this familiar sensation but in actual fact, he didn’t.
He said this before but I feel.
Even though he resembled his father a lot, inheriting most of his feature but actually, as expected he also took after his mother.
“President, it’s about time.”
The chauffeur who was not there earlier had appeared behind Kisa carefully spoke up.
Kisa sighed and stood up.
“I have other work arrangement and have to go. You can take your time to eat.”
At this moment, Anna stood up and ran after Kisa who was about to leave.
“Please, please accept this.”
Anna held out the bouquet of carnations.
“Because it’s Mother’s Day.”
“I have no reason to accept this.”
“Because Saruhiko is a friend I’m proud of… I’m giving this bouquet to his mother.” Raising her head and holding out the bouquet with two hands, Anna looked up to Kisa with her bright and clear eyes.
“……Is he? Thank you.” There is a tinge of guilt seen in her eyes when she accepted the bouquet.
The sound from Kisa’s heels faded with the rhythm of the music playing as she left the lounge. She wanted to tell her more about Fushimi and wanted to hear more from her to tell Fushimi about, but she was unable to say anything meaningful.
Anna came back to her only spoon of parfait left.
“The flowers we’re supposed to give to Rikio’s mother is given out.”
“That lady, she is a person who needs more flowers to decorate herself… even though the bouquet is gone, if it’s Rikio’s mother, she will be happy if we help in her shop, right?”
“Yes, she will be really happy. She will be really happy with Anna around.”
Yata returned to his senses and smiled warmly.
“Let’s eat. It would be a waste not to finish up the very expensive parfait. After that let’s head to Rikio’s place.”
“We had met your mother today, ah, really it’s a coincidence. Anna is around as well too.” Yata stopped typing halfway through his smart watch.
Compared to when he was 15 to now when he was 20, Yata’s opinion of his mother had changed. Fushimi who hated of his parents back then probably changed his opinion about his parents now right?
Because his father had left for another world, at least his relationship with his mother will improve, right? Yata thought.
“Mind your own business!” He would scold him angrily this way, he definitely will… “
Yata could imagine clearly how pissed he would look clicking his tongue.
“But she was still his mother right?” I just don’t get it!”
Trying to understand Fushimi based on his own assumption was not the way to go. Because he assumed this way back then, they had missed one another for so many years. Guess that guy would still need some time.
Yata reactivated his watch and deleted the earlier draft. He started a new message.
“Hey, come to think of it, you ate a green pepper when we had a meal together last month. You are awesome!”
Yata came up with anything that came to mind as long as he could compliment him, on behalf of his mother, let him praise him 100 times.
“I’m busy working overtime, don’t send me a meaningless message like this!”
“Oh?” It was a quick reply. Fushimi was typing vigorously on his keyboard quickly before his PC at work.
“Even if it is meaningless…”
Yata turned his head and noticed there is another line at the end.
“You are too slow with your compliment.”  
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
Part 1 - How about a twist on the Sarumi teen parents ask with Yata's mom not getting pregnant with Minoru until Misaki's last year of middle school, so he's only about 5/6 and Megumi's still a baby when they're orphaned and Misaki steps up to raise them. The kids don't know their older bro well since he left home right around the time Minoru was born. Since this is Post-ROK, Sarumi has reconciled/live together/are beginning to date so Fushimi gets dragged along on this pseudo-parent journey.
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Fushimi's barely started dating Yata and already they're married with two kids XD So say Minoru's born in Yata's last year in middle school and maybe Yata's like barely even met Megumi, his mom let him know that he has a new sibling at one point when he's in Homra and Yata was freaking out because he didn't even know his mom was pregnant (call your mother once in a while, Yata). He's only visited his siblings a couple times, feeling a little like he doesn't really know them due to the age gap and him not really being home after they were born. Then say post-ROK Yata and Fushimi move in together and they're like slowly going through the whole patching up their relationship thing and they're starting to date and Yata's starting to feel like things are really falling into place for him. That's when he gets the phone call that there's been an accident and he needs to get to the hospital right away.
Fushimi comes along with Yata, trying his best to be supportive in his own awkward way. It turns out that Yata's parents were killed in the accident but his siblings were at home with a babysitter and no one's told them yet what's happening, leaving poor Yata all grieving his mom while also having to tell his siblings that their parents aren't coming home. There's also the question of what to do with the kids, maybe Yata's parents weren't super close to their own families either and Yata doesn't like the idea of just dropping Minoru and Megumi off at like a grandparent's house to be raised. He wants to take care of the kids himself, even knowing that it's going to be difficult and he's not really ready to be a parent but he can't just let his siblings end up floating around the foster system or anything. Fushimi's more hesitant about this, like it's a big step when your boyfriend all of a sudden is raising two kids, but he also doesn't want to refuse for Yata's sake and so he ends up just nodding and agreeing to Yata's plan.
So the kids move in and it's probably pretty rough at first, dealing with two small children who have just lost their parents. Minoru and Megumi are both a little shy around Yata at first, not really used to seeing their big brother much. They somehow end up totally attached to Fushimi though, much to his dismay. Maybe Megumi's only like one or two and not quite potty trained yet, the first time Yata asks Fushimi to change a diaper Fushimi decides to go spontaneously deaf. Minoru meanwhile thinks Fushimi is the coolest, like Fushimi knows everything and he's even cooler than big brother Yata (though Yata does get some coolness points back when he takes the kids to the bar, Minoru didn't know his big brother was a superhero).
Minoru still remembers his parents for the most part but Megumi I could totally see latching onto Yata and Fushimi and starting to call them both 'dad' at some point. Yata's both touched and kinda sad, like he doesn't want her to entirely forget their parents even though he's also kinda happy that he's doing a good enough job parenting that she thinks of him as a father figure. Imagine him and Fushimi taking her shopping one day, Fushimi's got her on one of those child leashes and she's running around clutching a stuffed monkey and looking at everything while calling Yata 'dad' all over the place and strangers are complimenting her on being so cute, though maybe Yata gets a few judgy stares because he looks so young to have a child already (and then there's Fushimi, who's already very tired of being called Megumi's 'mom' and probably tries to train her to direct that title to Uncle Izumo instead).
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 years
Izumo has a network set up so that he can know when one of Homra's members, or "his kids" as literally everyone calls them, get into trouble, i.e arrested, kidnapped or fighting someone/thing stronger than them. When Saru leaves, he is not taken off the list of Izumo's kids no matter how hard he tries to convey that he is not one of those "Homra Idiots." He is now referred to in the network as the "Izumo's Kid Who Is Going Through A Rebellious Phase."
I can actually kinda see this, we know Kusanagi has dealings with shady contacts and he runs a bunch of businesses and everything, I'm sure he's the one taking care of Homra's information network. Of course Homra being as big as it is, someone needs to keep an eye on all their people and Kusanagi uses his network to make certain that no one gets too deep into trouble. Naturally this probably gets him a reputation of being somewhat of a mother hen, a bunch of his informants like to tease him lightly a bit about it and the Homra guys all get to be known as 'Izumo's kids' (this includes Totsuka and Mikoto, which Kusanagi finds pretty amusing when he finds out about it). I'm just imagining Kusanagi talking to like some older guys who run their own networks and who he has contacts with and they're always ribbing him lightly about how his kids are lucky they've got him to keep an eye on them and who knew he'd be such a parent at heart. Kusanagi chuckles a little and notes that someone just has to keep an eye on all the rowdy kids, that's all.
So then when Fushimi leaves Homra one would expect that he'd be taken off the list but Kusanagi is still keeping his eye on Fushimi despite that and there's all this gossip in Shizume's underworld about if Fushimi had some kind of teenage rebellion and stormed out or something. Kusanagi doesn't really volunteer any information about it either, just saying that he would appreciate if his people would keep an eye out for Fushimi even though he's a member of Scepter 4 now and Kusanagi knows that his information network generally doesn't like to deal with the Blue clan that much. Though then imagine once Fushimi's started doing his own missions maybe he ends up talking to some of Kusanagi's informants too and he has no idea why they keep acting like he's a kid, some of them wondering if Fushimi's having a “rebellious phase” and Fushimi has no idea why. He's aware that Kusanagi talks to these people and maybe he thinks this is some kind of Homra loyalty thing, muttering that he's not one of those idiots anymore and he doesn't need anyone treating him like one. The informants always humor him and act like they're wary of him due to Scepter 4 but really they all know he's one of Izumo’s kids and once one of Izumo’s kids always one of Izumo’s kids.
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