domjaehyun · 1 year
this kitchens not the same :/ without you
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HONEO AND JEWELIETTE (joke copyrighted to tumblr user ncteez) THATS US RIGHT THERE
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demonslayerscript · 21 days
The House with the Wisteria Family Crest / 第十四話『藤の花の家紋の家(Fujino Hanano Kamonno Ie)』
*Green colored words are only in anime, not in original manga, and we usually call them “ani-ori(anime-original)".
Hashibira Inosuke “Ora! Doke! Oraa! Katana’o nuite tatakae! Kono yowa-misoga!!”
Inosuke Hashibira “Take this! Move it! Take this! Draw your sword and fight me! You spineless punk!”
Tanjiro “A……!”
Inosuke “Mo ii. Omae-goto hako’o kushi-zashini shite-yaru!!”
Inosuke “Enough! I’ll just have to skewer you along with that box!”
炭治郎「やめろ!! やめろ―――――!」
Tanjiro “Yamero!! Yamerooooooooooo!”
Tanjiro “Knock it off! Kock it off!!”
Tanjiro “Yamerooo!”
Tanjiro “Knock it off!”
Inosuke “N?”
Tanjiro “Uaaa! Gu!”
Inosuke “Gua!”
Zen’itsu “Hone ottaa!”
Zenitsu “He broke his bones!”
炭治郎「お前は鬼殺隊員じゃないのか!! なぜ善逸が刀を抜かないか、わからないのか?隊員同士で徒(いたずら)に刀を抜くのは御法度(ごはっと)だからだ!! それをお前は一方的に痛めつけていて、楽しいのか?卑劣、極まりない!」
Tanjiro “Omaewa Kisatsu-Taiinja nainoka!! Naze Zen’itsuga katanao nuka-naika, wakara-nai-noka? Taiin-doshide itazurani katanao nuku-nowa gohatto dakarada!! Soreo omaewa ippo-tekini itame-tsukete-ite, tanoshii-noka? Hiretsu kiwamari-nai!”
Tanjiro “Aren’t you a member of the Demon Slayer Corps? Don’t you get why Zenitsu refuses to draw his sword? It’s because it’s taboo for us to draw our swords on each other for no reason! But here you are, giving him a one-sided beatdown! Is that fun for you? You’re the lowest of the low!”
Inosuke “Gafu, goho. Guhahaha! So-iu koto-kai, waru-kattana. Jaa sudede yari-ao…!!!”
Inosuke “Oh, so that’s why? My bad. In that case, let’s fight barehanded.”
炭治郎「いや全くわかってない感じがする。まず…隊員同士でやり合うのが駄目なんだ!素手だからいいとかじゃない!! 話を聞け!」
Tanjiro “Iya mattaku wakatte-nai kanjiga suru. Mazu…taiin-doshide yari-au-noga dame-nanda! Sude dakara ii-tokaja nai!! Hanashio kike!”
Tanjiro “No! I don’t think you get it at all! First… We’re not supposed to fight each other, period! Fighting barehanded doesn’t make it all right! Listen to me!”
善逸(うわぁぁ、アイツ……なんつー動きだ。 炭治郎に肋(あばら)折られたのに…)
Zen’itsu (Uwaaa, aitsu……Nantsu ugokida. Tanjironi abara orareta-noni…)
Zenitsu (Look at him! How can he move like that? I mean, Tanjiro just busted some of his ribs.)
Zen’itsu “To-iuka jitsuwa, Tanjiromo gohattoni fure-runja naika? Otterushi……”
Zenitsu “Actually, isn’t Tanjiro running afoul of the taboo himself? He did break his bones.”
炭治郎(こいつは…攻撃が異様に低い!! これはまるで…まるで…!! 四足獣と戦っているようだ………!)
Tanjiro (Koitsuwa…Kogekiga iyoni hikui!! Korewa marude…marude…!! Shisoku-juto tatakatte-iru-yoda……!)
Tanjiro (Th-This guy… His attacks are bizarrely low! It’s just like… Just like…battling a four-legged beast!)
炭治郎(低く狙え!! 相手よりもさらに低く!!)
Tanjiro (Hikuku nerae!! Aite-yorimo sarani hikuku!!)
Tanjiro (Target him low! Even lower than your opponent!)
炭治郎(この関節の柔らかさ!! 人並み外れている!)
Tanjiro (Kono kansetsuno yawarakasa!! Hito-nami hazurete-iru!)
Tanjiro (The flexibility of his joints! It’s superhuman!)
伊之助「凄いだろう俺は!! 凄いだろう俺は!!」
Inosuke “Sugoi-daro orewa!! Sugoi-daro orewa!!”
Inosuke “Pretty amazing, aren’t I? Pretty amazing, aren’t I?”
善逸(二回言ってる… 自画自賛……)
Zen’itsu (Nikai itteru… Jiga jisan……)
Zenitsu (He said it twice! Singing his own praises…)
伊之助「こんなこともできるんだぜ!! アハハハハハ!」
Inosuke “Konna kotomo dekirun-daze!! Ahahahahaha!”
Inosuke “And look what else I can do!”
Tanjiro “Yamero, so-iu koto suruno! Honeo itamete-iru tokiwa yamete-oke! Akka suruzo!!”
Tanjiro “Cut it out! Don’t do stuff like that! Knock it off when you’ve got busted bones! It’s gonna get worse!”
伊之助「悪化上等!! 今この刹���の愉悦に勝るもの無し!!」
Inosuke “Akka joto!! Ima kono setsunano yuetsuni masaru mono nashi!!”
Inosuke “Worse? Fine by me! Nothing can top the pleasure of this moment!”
Tanjiro “Shoraino kotomo chanto kangaero!!”
Tanjiro “You need to think hard about the future!”
Inosuke “Shiruka!”
Inosuke “What do I care?”
Tanjiro “Chotto ochitsukee!!”
Tanjiro “You need to…calm down!”
善逸「うわあああああ!! 音!! 頭骨割れてない!?」
Zen’itsu “Uwaaaaaa!! Oto!! Zukotsu warete-nai!?”
Zenitsu “That sound! Are your skulls fractured?”
Tanjiro “A.”
Zen’itsu “N? E, onna? E? A, kao…”
Zen’itsu “Huh? A girl? Huh? Your face!”
Inosuke “Nanda, kora… Oreno kaoni monku-demo an-noka……!?”
Inosuke “What the hell? You’ve got a problem with my face or something?”
Zen’itsu (Kimochi warui yatsu dana… Muki-muki shiteru-noni onna’noko-mitaina kaoga nokkatteru…)
Zenitsu (You’re one creepy guy, you know that? You’ve got such a ripped body, but there’s a girl’s face sitting on top of it.)
Inosuke “Nani, oreno kao’o jiro-jiroto mite-yagaru!”
Inosuke “Why the hell are you staring at my face like that?”
Zen’itsu “Be…Betsuni! Mite…naiyo!”
Zenitsu “I-I’m not! I’m not looking at your face!”
Tanjiro “Kimino kaoni monkuwa nai! Kojinmari shite-ite iro-jirode iinja naikato omou!!”
Tanjiro “We don’t have a problem with your face! It’s quite petite, fair-skinned, and therefore attractive!”
伊之助「殺すぞテメエ!! かかって来い!!」
Inosuke “Korosuzo temee!! Kakatte koi!!”
Inosuke “You’re a corpse! Come at me!”
Tanjiro “Dameda. Mo kakatte ika-nai!”
Tanjiro “Not happening! I’m not gonna attack you anymore!”
Inosuke “Mo ippatsu zutsuite-miro!!”
Inosuke “Try head-butting me one more time!”
Tanjiro “Mo shinai!!”
Tanjiro “Nope, I’m done!”
Inosuke “Yarette! Hora!”
Inosuke “I said do it! Come on!”
Tanjiro “Kimiwa chotto suware. Daijobuka.”
Tanjiro “You sit yourself down! Are you okay?”
伊之助「おい、でこっぱち!! 俺の名を教えてやる。嘴平伊之助だ。覚えておけ!!」
Inosuke “Oi, dekoppachi!! Oreno nao oshiete-yaru. Hashibira Inosuke da. Oboete-oke!!”
Inosuke “Hey, Big Forehead! Let me tell you my name. It’s Inosuke Hashibira! Don’t you forget it!”
Tanjiro “Do-iu jio kakunda!”
Tanjiro “What characters do you use to spell that?”
伊之助「字!? じっ…俺は読み書きができねぇんだよ!名前はふんどしに書いてあるけ……」
Inosuke “Ji!? Ji…orewa yomi-kakiga dekineen-dayo! Namaewa fundoshini kaite-aruke……”
Inosuke “Spell? Spell… I don’t know how to read or write! That names is written on my loincloth―”
Zen’itsu “N? Doshita?”
Zenitsu “What’s wrong?”
Shoichi “Tomatta……”
Shoichi “He froze.”
Tanjiro “Doshitanda?”
Tanjiro “What’s the matter?”
Zen’itsu “Uwa! Taoreta! Shinda? Shinda?”
Zenitsu “He collapsed! Is he dead?”
Tanjiro “Shinde-nai. Tabun, no-shinto da. Orega chikara-ippai zutsuki shita-kara…”
Tanjiro “He’s not dead. It’s probably a concussion. Because I head-butted the hell out of him.”
Teruko “Oniichanwa daijobu?”
Teruko “Are you okay, Tanjiro?”
Tanjiro “Un.”
Tanjiro “Yeah.”
Teruko “Sugoooi! Atama sawatte ii?”
Teruko “Amazing! Can I touch your head?”
Tanjiro “Hai.”
Tanjiro “Here!”
善逸(えっ、怖っ…。炭治郎は頭から血も出てないし、どんだけ頭硬いんだ…… 猪は失神してるのに……)
Zen’itsu(E, kowa… Tanjirowa atama-kara chimo dete-naishi, dondake atama katainda… Inoshishiwa shisshin shiteru-noni…)
Zenitsu (That’s scary! Not a drop of blood from Tanjiro’s head. How hard is it anyway? I mean, the wild boar’s passed out.)
Teruko “Oniichanno atama, kataaai!”
Teruko “Tanjiro, your head is so hard!”
Tanjiro “So-kana.”
Tanjiro “You think so?”
Inosuke “Ha. Uaaaaaa! Aaaa!”
Zen’itsu “Gya! Okitaa!!”
Zenitsu “He’s awake!”
Inosuke “Shobu! Shobuu!!”
Inosuke “Fight me! Fight me!”
Zen’itsu “Neokide kore-dayo! Ichiban negate kore! Uwaaa!”
Zenitsu “This is how he is when he wakes up? I hate that more than anything!”
Inosuke “Nani shitendaa omaera!”
Inosuke “What the hell are you guys doing?”
Tanjiro “Maiso dayo.”
Tanjiro “It’s a burial.”
Inosuke “Aa?”
Tanjiro “Inosukemo tetsudatte-kure. Mada yashikino nakani koro-sareta hitoga irunda.”
Tanjiro “You help out, too, Inosuke. There are still people who were killed inside the house.”
伊之助「生き物の死骸なんて埋めて何の意味がある?やらねえぜ!手伝わねえぜ!! そんなことより俺と戦え!!」
Inosuke “Ikimonono shigai-nante umete nan’no imiga aru? Yaraneeze! Tetsudawa-neeze!! Sonna koto-yori oreto tatakae!!”
Inosuke “What’s the point of burying the corpses of creatures? I’m not doing that! I’m not helping out! Forget that! Fight me!”
善逸(うわ…ホントにおかしいんだ、こいつ… 何の意味があるって…)
Zen’itsu (Uwa… Hontoni okashiinda, koitsu… Nanno imiga arutte…)
Zenitsu (Man, he really is a loon. What does he mean, what’s the point?)
炭治郎「そうか… 傷が痛むから、できないんだな?」
Tanjiro “Soka… Kizuga itamu-kara, dekinain-dana?”
Tanjiro “I see. You can’t do it because your wounds are hurting you.”
Inosuke “……Ha?”
Zen’itsu (Dameda, koitsura. Docchimo okashiiwa.)
Zenitsu (Those two are beyond help! They’re both crazy!)
Tanjiro “Iya, iinda. Itamio gaman dekiru doaiwa hito-sore-zoreda. Naku-natteru hito’o yashikino soto-made hakonde tsuchio hotte maiso suru-nowa hontoni taihen-dashi… Zen’itsuto kono ko-tachide ganbaru-kara daijobu dayo.”
Tanjiro “No, that’s okay. After all, we all have a different pain threshold. Moving everyone who died outside that house, then buryingthem by covering them with dirt is a lot of work. Zenitsu and these kids and I will do our best, so don’t worry!”
Kiyoshi (Zureteru……)
Kiyoshi (He’s so off.)
Shoichi (Zureteru……)
Shoichi (He’s so off.)
Tanjiro “Inosukewa yasunde iruto ii. Muri itte sumana-kattana.”
Tanjiro “You should get some rest, Inosuke. Sorry to ask too much of you!”
伊之助「はあ゛―――ん!? なめるんじゃねえぞ!百人でも二百人でも埋めてやるよ!俺が誰よりも埋めてやるわ!!」
Inosuke “Haaaaaaaaan!? Namerunja neezo! Hyaku-nin demo nihyaku-nin demo umete yaruyo! Orega dare-yorimo umete yaruwa!!”
Inosuke “Don’t underestimate me, dammit! I’ll bury a hundred, no, two hundred of your corpses! Just watch! I’m going to bury more than anyone of you!”
Inosuke “Uoooo! Guha!”
Teruko “Nani yatteruno? Ano hito…”
Teruko “What is that person doing?”
Kiyoshi “Micha dameda.”
Kiyoshi “Better not look.”
Shoichi “Un.”
Shoichi “Yeah.”
Tennoji Matsuemon(Kasugai-Garasu) “Kaaa! Kaaa! Yamao oriro. Yamao oriro. Kaaa!”
Matsuemon Tennoji (Kasugai Crow) “Descend the mountain! Descend the mountain!”
Shoichi “Karasuga shabetteru.”
Shoichi “That crow is talking!”
Kiyoshi “Mo nanimo kangaeruna.”
Kiyoshi “Just don’t think anymore.”
Teruko “Un.”
Teruko “Okay.”
鎹鴉の天王寺松右衛門「サア、ツイテ来イ。コノ私ニ!! カァア、カァア!」
Tennoji Matsuemon (Kasugai-Garasu) “Saa, tsuite-koi. Kono watashini!! Kaaa! Kaaa!”
Matsuemon Tennoji (Kasugai Crow) “All right, follow me! Follow yours truly!”
Inosuke “U! N? Oi, dokoe iku!”
Inosuke “Hey! Where are you going?”
Tanjiro “Yamao orirun-dayo.”
Tanjiro “We’re descending the mountain.”
Inosuke “Mada shobuwa owatte-neezo!”
Inosuke “We’re not done with our battle yet!”
Tanjiro “Tsukareteru-daro? Iikara oriruzo.”
Tanjiro “You’re tired, aren’t you? Come on, we’re heading down.”
Inosuke “Haa? Orewa tsukarete-nee. Shobuda!”
Inosuke “I’m not tired! Let’s fight!”
善逸「駄目だ!駄目だ駄目だ!正一君は行っちゃダメだ!正一君は強いんだ!! 正一君に俺は守ってもらうんだ!」
Zen’itsu “Dameda! Dameda, dameda! Shoichi-kunwa iccha dameda! Shoichi-kunwa tsuyoinda!! Shoichi-kunni orewa mamotte moraunda!”
Zenitsu “I won’t have it! I won’t have it! I won’t have it! You can’t go, Shoichi! You’re powerful, Shoichi! Shoichi is the one who’s gonna protect me!”
Tanjiro “Shoichi-kunwa iya-gatteru-daro!!”
Tanjiro “Can’t you see Shoichi doesn’t want to stay?”
Zen’itsu “Oreo hotte ikanaideee.”
Zenitsu “Please don’t leave me behind!”
Tanjiro “Iikagenni shiro!”
Tanjiro “You stop that right now!”
Tennoji Matsuemon (Kasugai-Garasu) “Kaaa! Tee dase!”
Matsuemon Tennoji (Kasugai Crow) “Hold out your hands!”
Kiyoshi “Uwa! Aa…”
Tennoji Matsuemon (Kasugai-Garasu) “Buha.”
Kiyoshi “Ee!”
Tennoji Matsuemon (Kasugai-Garasu) “Oni-yokeni naru. Marechino omae, mini tsukero.”
Matsuemon Tennoji (Kasugai Crow) “That will ward off demons. You with marechi, keep that on your person!”
Tanjiro “Fujino hanano nioida.”
Tanjiro “It smells like wisteria.”
Kiyoshi “Fujino hana?”
Kiyoshi “Wisteria?”
Tanjiro “Oniga nigatena hana nanda. Motte-ita-hoga ii.”
Tanjiro “It’s a flower that demons can’t abide. You should hold onto that.”
Tennoji Matsuemon (Kasugai-Garasu) “Oni-yokeee, oni-yokeee.”
Matsuemon Tennoji (Kasugai Crow) “Demon repellent! Demon repellent!”
Kiyoshi “Hontoni arigato gozai-mashita. Ie-madewa jibun-tachide kaere-masu.”
Kiyoshi “We’re truly grateful! We can get home on our own.”
Tanjiro “Kio tsukete.”
Tanjiro “Take care, now!”
Tennoji Matsuemon (Kasugai-Garasu) “Saa, tsuite-koi, kono watashini. Kaaa!”
Matsuemon Tennoji (Kasugai Crow) “Now then, follow me! Follow yours truly!”
Inosuke “Shobuda! Orewa kanarazu sukio mite omaeni katsuzo!!”
Inosuke “Fight me! I swear I’m gonna find a weak point and bring you down, loser!”
Tanjiro “Orewa omaeja nai! Kamado Tanjiroda!!”
Tanjiro “My name’s not “loser”! It’s Tanjiro Kamado!”
伊之助「かまぼこ権八郎!! お前に勝つ!!」
Inosuke “Kamaboko Gonpachiro!! Omaeni katsu!!”
Inosuke “Gonpachiro Kamaboko! I’m gonna bring you down!”
Tanjiro “Dare nanda sorewa!!”
Tanjiro “Who the hell are you talking about?”
Inosuke “Omaeda!!”
Inosuke “That would be you!”
Tanjiro “Chigau hitoda!!”
Tanjiro “No, it’s someone else!”
Zen’itsu “Daaa! Urusaiwa!”
Zenitsu “Can you talk any louder?”
Tanjiro “Pun-pun.”
Tanjiro “Fujino hanano kamon…”
Tanjiro “A wisteria family crest…”
鎹鴉の天王寺松右衛門「カァア―――ッ!休息!! 休息!! 負傷ニツキ、完治スルマデ休息セヨ!!」
Tennoji Matsuemon (Kasugai-Garasu) “Kaaaaaaa! Kyusoku!! Kyusoku!! Fushoni tsuki, kanchi suru-made kyusoku seyo!!”
Matsuemon Tennoji (Kasugai Crow) “Rest time! Rest time! Since you’ve sustained injuries, you’re to rest until you’re fully recovered!”
Tanjiro “E? Yasunde ii-noka? Ore, konkai kega shita-mama onito tatakatta-kedo…”
Tanjiro “You sure it’s okay to rest? I just fought a demon while injured, you know.”
Tennoji Matsuemon (Kasugai-Garasu) “Kekekke.”
Matsuemon Tennoji (Kasugai-Crow) “Ke-ke-ke.”
Tanjiro “Kekekkette.”
Tanjiro “Ke-ke-ke?”
Inosuke “Koitsu, kuoze.”
Inosuke “Let’s eat this thing.”
Tennoji Matsuemon (Kasugai-Garasu) “Nanu!”
Matsuemon Tennoji (Kasugai Crow) “What?”
Hisa “Hai…”
Hisa “Yes?”
Tanjiro “A, yabunni moshiwake arimasen”
Tanjiro “Sorry to bother you so late at night!”
Zen’itsu “Obake…Obakeda!”
Zenitsu “A monster! It’s a monster!”
Tanjiro “Kora!!”
Tanjiro “Hey you!”
Inosuke “Nanda, temeena?”
Inosuke “Who the hell are you?”
Tanjiro “Na…”
Hisa “Oni-gari-samade gozai-masune.”
Hisa “I see you’re a demon hunter.”
Inosuke “Yowacchi-sodana…”
Inosuke “You look pretty weak!”
Tanjiro “Kora!”
Tanjiro “Hey!”
Hisa “Dozo…”
Hisa “Come in.”
Zen’itsu “Ano baasan, ashi haya!”
Zenitsu “That old lady sure walks fast!”
Hisa “Kochirade gozai-masu…”
Hisa “This is where you’ll be staying.”
Hisa “Omeshi-monode gozai-masu…”
Hisa “A change of clothes.”
Hisa “Oshokujide gozai-masu…”
Hisa “And here is your meal.”
Zen’itsu “Yokai dayo! Tanjiro! Ano baasan yokaida! Hayai-mon, iyoni! Yokai dayo, yokai babaa――”
Zenitsu “She has to be a monster, Tanjiro! That old lady’s a monster! She’s so quick, it’s eerie! She’s a monster! A monster hag―”
Zen’itsu “Hashi tsukaeyo…”
Zenitsu “Use your chopsticks.”
Tanjiro “A!”
Inosuke “Fufufu… Fufufu…”
Zen’itsu “Aa…”
Tanjiro “Sonnani onakaga suite-iru-nara, koremo tabete iizo.”
Tanjiro “If you’re that hungry, you can have this, too.”
Inosuke “Haa? Iiiyaaa!”
Tanjiro “Hora.”
Tanjiro “Here.”
Inosuke “Chigeee!”
Inosuke “No!”
善逸(こいつ、完全に箱のこと忘れてるな……ふざけんなよこの野郎!! 馬鹿!! まつ毛!!)
Zen’itsu (Koitsu, kanzenni hakono koto wasure-teruna… Fuzaken-nayo kono yaro!! Baka!! Matsuge!!)
Zenitsu (He’s totally forgotten about the box! Gimme a break, you thug! Moron! Eyelashes!)
Hisa “Ofutonde gozai-masu…”
Hisa “Your bedding.”
Zen’itsu “Deta! Yokai ba――”
Zenitsu “There she is! The monster hag―”
Inosuke “Hayai mon-gachi. Orega kocchida.”
Inosuke “First come, first served! I’m taking this one!”
Tanjiro “Iizo. Sukina tokode nero. Zen’itsuwa docchiga ii?”
Tanjiro “That’s fine. Sleep wherever you want. Where do you want to sleep, Zenitsu?”
Zen’itsu “Uuun…”
Inosuke “Oko!”
Hisa “Oisha-samade gozai-masu…”
Hisa “Here’s the doctor.”
Isha “Domo.”
Doctor “Hello.”
Isha “Fumu. Fumu-fumu… Fumu-fumu-fumu… Un, Jusho.”
Doctor “Yes. Severe!”
Zen’itsu “San-nin-tomo, abaraga orete-iru-towana…”
Zenitsu “Who would’ve guessed that all three of us had broken ribs?”
Inosuke “Abara-yori, kobuga itee…”
Inosuke “This knot hurts more than my ribs.”
Tanjiro “Gomen.”
Tanjiro “Sorry.”
Zen’itsu “Omae, oreni ayamare-yona. Itakattan-dazo. Boka-suka boka-suka tataki-yagatte. Ayamare.”
Zenitsu “Hey, you’d better apologize. It really hurt, you know. Getting pounded to a pulp like that. Say you’re sorry.”
Inosuke “Kotowaru.”
Inosuke “I’ll pass.”
Zen’itsu “Ayamareyo!”
Zenitsu “Say you’re sorry!”
Inosuke “Kotowaru!”
Inosuke “I’ll pass!”
Tanjiro “Ayamarunda!”
Tanjiro “Just say you’re sorry!”
Zen’itsu “Son-nanja, mo gohan’o isshoni tabete yannaizo.”
Zenitsu “If you’re gonna be like that, we’re not eating with you anymore.”
Inosuke “Haa? Nanda sorya.”
Inosuke “What’s up with that?”
Zen’itsu “Gohanwa minnade isshoni tabeta-hoga oishiin-dazo.”
Zenitsu “Meals always taste better when you eat together, you know.”
Tanjiro “So-dazo.”
Tanjiro “He’s right about that.”
Inosuke “Omaera, atama daijobuka?”
Inosuke “Did you guys hurt your heads or something?”
Zen’itsu “Omaeni iware-taku-nee!”
Zenitsu “Who are you to talk?”
Hisa “Nanika goyode gozai-masuka?”
Hisa “Is there something I can help you with?”
Zen’itsu “Uwa! Obake!”
Zenitsu “Monster!”
Tanjiro “Kora!”
Tanjiro “Hey!”
Tanjiro “Karasu-karano setsumei-dato, kono fujino hanano kamonno iewa, maeni oni-garini inochio sukuwareta ichizoku nandatte. Dakara, oni-garide areba mushode tsukushite-kureru. So kiita-kedo… Kore-hodo motenashite kureru-nante.”
Tanjiro “According to the crow, this house with the wisteria family crest belongs to a family that was once rescued by demon hunters. That’s why they take care of people for free if they’re demon hunters. That’s what I was told, but I never thought they’d show us this much hospitality.”
Inosuke “Kisatsu-Taiga dore-hodono mon’yo.”
Inosuke “Just how great is the Demon Slayers Corps?”
Tanjiro “So-iu Inosukewa, doshite Kisatsu-Taini haittanda?”
Tanjiro “Now that you mention it, Inosuke, why did you join the Corps?”
Inosuke “Haa?”
Zen’itsu “Nanika kikkakewa arun-daro?”
Zenitsu “You had dome kind of reason, didn’t you?”
Inosuke “Kisatsu-Taino tai’intte yatsuga oreno yamano nakani kiyagatta-kara, chikara-kurabe shite katanao ubatte-yatta.”
Inosuke “A member of the Demon Slayers Corps barged in on me on my mountain, so we competed to see who was stronger, and I seized his sword.”
Tanjiro to Zen’itsu “Aaa…”
Zen’itsu (Sono kisatsu-taiinwa fukoda…)
Zenitsu (What an unfortunate soul.)
Inosuke “Soshitara, Saishu-Senbetsutte-noga aru-kotoya, onino sonzaini tsuite kiiteyo.”
Inosuke “And then, I heard there was something called ‘Final Selection,’ and the fact that demons do exist.”
Tanjiro “Sorede Inosukewa Kisatsu-Taini haitta-noka. Te-iuka, Inosukemo oreto onaji yama-sodachi nandana.”
Tanjiro “So that’s why you joined the Demon Slayers Corps? And hey, so you and I both grew up in the mountains, huh?”
Inosuke “Omaeto isshoni sun’nayo! Ore-niwa oyamo kyodaimo ineeze. Hokano ikimono-tono chikara-kurabe dakega, oreno yui’itsuno tanoshimida!!”
Inosuke “Don’t lump me in with you! I don’t have any parents or siblings! Testing my strength against other living creatures is my only pleasure!”
Tanjiro “Soka…Soka…”
Tanjiro “Is that right? Is that right?”
Zen’itsu “N… Tanjiro, daremo kika-nai-kara, orega kiku-kedosa. Onio tsurete-iru-nowa do-iu koto nanda?”
Zenitsu “Tanjiro, no one else is asking, so I’m gonna ask myself. Why are you traveling with a demon?”
Tanjiro “A… Zen’itsu, wakattete kabatte kuretan-nada… Zen’itsuwa hontoni ii yatsu-dana. Arigato.”
Tanjiro “Zenitsu… You knew about that and still protected the box, huh? You really are a great guy, you know that? Thanks!”
善逸「おまっ!そんな褒めても仕方ねぇぞ!! イヒヒヒ、イヒヒヒ…」
Zen’itsu “Oma! Sonna home-temo shikata-neezo!! Ihihihi, Ihihihi….”
Zenitsu “You…You really shouldn’t heap so much praise on me!”
Tanjiro “Orewa hanaga kikunda. Saisho-kara wakattetayo. Zen’itsuga yasashii-nomo, tsuyoi-nomo.”
Tanjiro “I’ve got a keen sense of smell. I knew it from the start. How kind you are, Zenitsu… and how strong…”
Zen’itsu “Iya, tsuyokuwa neeyo. Fuzaken-nayo. Omaega Shoichi-kun’o tsuretekuno jama shita-nowa yurushite neezo.”
Zenitsu “No, I’m not strong. Don’t give me that. I haven’t forgiven you for stopping me from bringing Shoichi along.”
Tanjiro “A, aa…”
善逸「うわっ!うわっ!えっ?出てこようとしてる!! 出てこようとしてる!!」
Zen’itsu “Uwa! Uwa! E? Dete-koyoto shiteru!! Dete-koyoto shiteru!”
Zenitsu “It’s trying to come out! It’s trying to come out!”
Tanjiro “Daijobuda.”
Tanjiro “It’s all right.”
善逸「何が大丈夫なの!? ねぇ!? ねぇ!?」
Zen’itsu “Nanga daijobu nano?! Nee!? Nee!?”
Zenitsu “How can it be all right? Huh? Huh?”
Tanjiro “Shiiiiiiiii, yonaka nan-dazo zen’itsu…!
Tanjiro “Shush! It’s the middle of the night, Zenitsu!”
Inosuke (Nande chohatsuni nora-neenda, meshi torareta-noni… So-iya nan-kaika aitsu okottetano nan-dakke? Wasureta…)
Inosuke (Why won’t he take the bait? Even when I stole his food… Come to think of it, why did he get mad a couple of times? I forgot.)
Zen’itsu “Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Kagi kakatte-nain-kaaai!!”
Zenitsu “Oh my gosh! It’s not even locked?”
Tanjiro “Shiiiiiii!”
善逸「まままま…守って!! 俺を守って!! 伊之助でもいいから~!」
Zen’itsu “Mamamama…Mamotte!! Oreo mamotte!! Inosuke-demo iikaraaa!”
Zenitsu “P-P-Protect me! Someone please protect me! Even you’ll do, Inosuke!”
Inosuke “Kocchi kunna!!”
Inosuke “Stay away from me!”
Zen’itsu “Gyau! …Hi! Detaaa! Kakure-nakya, kokoni…”
Zenitsu “It’s out! I gotta hide! I’m so scared!”
Kamado Nezuko “Haa.”
Zen’itsu “E?”
Tanjiro “Nezuko.”
Tanjiro “Nezuko.”
Zen’itsu “Ha?”
Nezuko “N.”
Zen’itsu “Ga…”
Inosuke “Aa? Atama…Tsukai-sugita…”
Inosuke “That’s too much thinking.”
Tanjiro “Zen’itsu, Nezukowa oreno…”
Tanjiro “Zenitsu, Nezuko’s my―”
Zen’itsu “Tanjiro.”
Zenitsu “Tanjiro...”
Tanjiro “N?”
Zen’itsu “Omae……”
Zenitsu “Listen to me.”
Tanjiro “Ze…Zen’itsu?”
Tanjiro “Z-Zenitsu?”
Zen’itsu “Ooomaaaeee! Ii gomibun-dana………!!!”
Zenitsu “Listen to me. Just who do you think you are?”
Tanjiro “E?”
善逸「こんな可愛い女の子連れてたのか… こんな可愛い女の子連れて毎日うきうきうきうき旅してたんだな…」
Zen’itsu “Konna kawaii onna’noko tsureteta-noka… Konna kawaii onna’noko tsurete Mainichi uki-uki uki-uki tabi shitetan-dana…”
Zenitsu “So, you’ve been traveling with a girl this cute? With a girl this cute in tow, day after day, you’ve been traveling, and you’ve been on cloud nine the whole time, huh?”
Tanjiro “Zen’itsu! Chiga…!”
Tanjiro “Zenitsu, it’s not like―”
善逸「俺の流した血を返せよ!!! 俺は!! 俺はな!! お前が毎日アハハのウフフで女の子とイチャつくために頑張ったわけじゃない!! そんなことのために俺は変な猪に殴られ蹴られたのか!?」
Zen’itsu “Oreno nagashita chio kaeseyo!!! Orewa!! Orewana!! Omaega mai-nichi ahahano ufufude onna’noko-to icha-tsuku-tameni ganbatta wakeja nai!! Sonna kotono tameni orewa henna inoshishini nagurare kerareta-noka?!”
Zenitsu “Give me back all the blood I shed! I… Listen, I…I didn’t give it my all just so you could spend time in la-la land, making out with a girl! That’s not why I got pummeled and kicked by that weird wild boar, right?”
Tanjiro “Zen’itsu, ochi-tsuke! Do-shitanda kyuni…”
Tanjiro “Zenitsu, calm down! What’s gotten into you all of a sudden?”
善逸「鬼殺隊はなぁ!! お遊び気分で入る所じゃねぇ!! お前のような奴は粛清だよ!即粛清!!」
Zen’itsu “Kisatsu-Taiwanaa!! Oasobi-kibunde hairu tokoroja nee!! Omaeno-yona yatsuwa shukusei-dayo! Soku-shukusei!!”
Zenitsu “Demon Slayer Corps is not something you’d join for fun! Guys like you gotta be purged! Immediately!”
善逸「そういや、俺の結婚を邪魔した罪と正一君を帰した罪もあったな…。即、粛清!鬼殺隊を!!! 舐めるんじゃねぇぇぇ!」
Zen’itsu “So-iya, oreno kekkon’o jama-shita tsumito, Shoichi-kun’o kaeshita tsumimo attana… Soku, shukusei! Kisatsu-Taio!!! Namerunja neeee!”
Zenitsu “Come to think of it, there’s also the crime of thwarting my marriage and sending Shoichi home. Purged immediately! Don’t ever underestimate the Corps!”
Zen’itsu “Omae! Omae-nanka-na!”
Zenitsu “A guy like you! A guy like you!”
Tanjiro “Uwaa! Zen’itsu, yamero!”
Tanjiro “Zenitsu, cut it out!”
Zen’itsu “Kisatsu-Taio nameru-towa… Jigoku-ikidaaa! Urameshiyaaa!”
Zenitsu “Mock the Demon Slayers Corps… and you’ll get sent to Hell! You shall feel my wrath!”
Chu-ko-ikkan!! Kimetsu gakuen monogatari
Combined Junior and Senior High School! Tales of a Demon Slayer Academy!
Tomioka Giyu “Shin-gakkida. Nanore.”
Giyu Tomioka “The new semester’s begun. Announce your names.”
Tanjiro “Hai! Kamado Tanjiro, iewa pan’yade roku-nin-kyodaino chonan.”
Tanjiro “Yes, sir! I’m Tanjiro Kamado! My family runs a bakery, and I’m the eldest of six children!”
Giyu “Piasu’o hazuse.”
Giyu “Take off those pierced earrings.”
Inosuke “Orewa Hashibira Inosuke.”
Inosuke “I’m Inosuke Hashibira!”
Giyu “Botan’o tomero.”
Giyu “Button your shirt.”
Zen’itsu “Etto, orewa Agatsuma…”
Zenitsu “Um, I’m Zenitsu…”
Giyu “Kamio kuroku somero.”
Giyu “Dye your hair black.”
Zen’itsu “E, demo kore jige――”
Zenitsu “But this is my natural color.”
Giyu “Kuchi-gotae suruna!”
Giyu “Don’t talk back!”
Zen’itsu “Rifujin!”
Zenitsu “So unfair!”
Nezuko “Fuga fuga fuga fuga…”
Giyu “Pan’o kuwaeru-nomo kinshida!”
Giyu “It’s also forbidden to hold bread in your mouth!”
義勇「次回、第十五話、 ‘那田蜘蛛山’」
Giyu “Jikai, dai jugo-wa, ‘Nata-gumo-yama.’”
Giyu “Next, Episode 15, ‘Mount Natagumo.’”
Zen’itsu “Suparuta kinshi!”
Zenitsu “No Spartan education!”
(Continue to episode 15)
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thatlittledandere · 6 years
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Notable stuff from HAPPY KISS episode 5
It seems that every Monday morning when I come to class, there will be this guy to join me in the viewing of HAPPY KISS. He doesn’t mind me using the projector and he has headphones on, but it puts a damper on the fun because I can’t put the volume to the highest.
Ichirou likes to skip steps when climbing stairs.
Ryouma refers to Ichirou as “the morning screamer.”
The line to the “Maasa Sweets Festival” is so long it extends beyond the school.
Nanao got a pack of cookies for Ryouma, but purposely holds it out of reach before actually letting him have the pack.
The first-years are visibly uncomfortable watching Nanao pick on Ryouma.
Ryouma never loses his temper at Nanao no matter how much he teases him.
When the Defense Club passed by Martha’s stall, the long line of waiting students suddenly disappeared.
Martha baked all those cookies on his own.
Martha had two bodyguards with him as he handed out cookies.
“Maasa Sweets Festival” extends to lunchtime.
In addition to a pack of cookies, Sujikawa Honeo was gifted a cupcake topped with fresh cream.
Sujikawa Honeo is so skinny, he is light enough to be blown off his feet by a simple breeze.
Sujikawa Honeo has such a weak stomach, nearly anything he eats goes back up his mouth later. He has attempted protein shakes and carbo-loading but nothing worked. It’s possible that his stomach simply cannot digest particularly concentrated foods. He can probably only consume diluted stuff.
Apparently, Ata and Taiju were not informed about the “Maasa Sweets Festival.”
In Taishi’s explanation about human evolution, Ryouma was used as an example of a homo sapien.
Ryouma really likes sweets, but fears getting fat.
Taishi is proud of himself for knowing so many facts.
Ichirou is so dense that ho matter how obvious Nanao’s insults are, they fly right over him. No wonder he prefers to tease Ryouma, because he always gets a good reaction.
The sound effect when Furanui smells unhappiness is “Kun, kun.”
Martha was so caught with his “Maasa ‘Fatten up, you pigs!’ Festival” that he didn’t realise the rest of the Student Council were in the room with him.
When Martha asked how long had they been standing there, Furanui felt awkward trying to answer him.
It is quite clear that whatever evil plan Martha was carrying out, he doesn’t intend to involve the Student Council.
As he runs down the stairs, Martha would stop a few steps short and hop off to the ground.
Ichirou brings his own hand towel to the bath.
Ichirou doesn’t know why Martha is avoiding him. Nevertheless, the former is friendly with the latter.
Even though he was eager to get away from Ichirou, Martha stopped when he was called.
One can hear a piano rendition of Happy Ready????? being played in the background during Ichirou and Martha's meeting.
According to Ichirou, Martha participated in a foreign exchange program which explains why he uses English words when he talks, and also why he changed his traditional Japanese name to an English one.
When Ichirou met Martha again, it was high school and the latter had come in a fancy limo. A long red carpet was even rolled out for him. He was already garbed in his Student Council uniform. When Akoya first joined the student council, he was wearing the normal uniform. This could mean Martha applied for the Student Council before coming to school, and got in because of his status.
No matter how much he’s changed, Ichirou supports Martha even if he can’t completely comprehend the reason for the change.
Martha is clearly from a wealthy upbringing, though Ichirou’s case is unconfirmed.
Taishi seems to be aware of Ichirou’s connection to Martha, but he never knew about Martha’s past as Magozaemon. It shows that Taishi wasn’t Ichirou’s childhood friend, otherwise he would have known about Martha’s previous appearance since Ichirou would likely boast about his cousin getting a role in a play.
Magozaemon was an obese child and a big-eater. Interestingly, he wasn’t bullied for being fat. Perhaps the bullying was subtle and passive, unlike the Beppu Twins whose bullying was more obvious and aggressive. Nonetheless, Magozaemon was clearly insecure about his weight and appearance. When selected to play Bunbuku Chagama (a tanuki that transforms into a teapot), he was obviously at the verge of tears because the kids audibly elected him because he was fat and had a traditional name, which isn’t really a reason to play a main character. Despite that, Ichirou was happy that his cousin was the protagonist.
Martha probably resented Ichirou for never standing up for him or even catching on that the former was insecure.
It’s possible that all the children in Binan attend the same set of schools, from Binan Elementary to Binan High, hence giving Martha a reason to have his festival and fatten everyone up because they were the same kids who kept pointing out how fat he was.
Martha being fat in the past has actually been foreshadowed by the fact he wore suspenders with his Student Council uniform. Suspenders are said to be for fat people, and Magozaemon wore a pair with his clothes.
Martha compulsively eats when he’s upset.
Martha had apparently abstained from carbs for four whole years. This is also proves that Martha left the country before middle school and returned for high school.
Martha can pitch like a professional baseball player.
Martha takes his rage out on others, as shown when he sees Sujikawa Honeo coming out of the public restroom after another round of puking and immediately starts to tell him off.
Ata and Taiju seemed to have been following Martha the entire time since they conveniently pop up right after Martha says he’d turn Sujikawa Honeo into a monster. Either that, or they were searching for Sujikawa Honeo and chanced upon Martha.
In LOVE, we have never seen Atsushi’s glasses fog up unlike Taishi’s. This is because Atsushi often ate spicy curry while in Taishi’s situation, he was having a steaming bowl of ramen.
The Chicken Carcass Monster had two soup spoons in his bowl but no chopsticks, likely because you can’t get any noodles or narutomaki from a chicken carcass.
As usual, the Defense Club dismiss the unhappy monster as a nuisance.
The Chicken Carcass Monster becomes so frustrated, he tried to stir up a tornado with his wings, except he had no feathers and only skin so his actions only gave the Defense Club second-hand embarrassment.
Nanao seems fond of green tea, drinking it in the bath and ordering a cup at the ramen stall.
As much as the boys would be so happy to just leave the Chicken Carcass Monster squawking outside alone, they can’t if Karls doesn’t allow it.
Ichirou was less than pleased when Karls showed up.
The ramen stall owner was conveniently missing the whole time, so no one had much of a problem when Karls decided to flood the restaurant. Maybe Karls actually teleports the boys into some pocket dimension to transform before bringing them back to the battle.
This time, Nanao stands in the center with Kyoutarou at the left.
The Chicken Carcass Monster spewing broth at the Happy Kiss is quite reminiscent of the Chikuwabu Monster’s blasting of broth from the top of his head at the Battle Lovers.
For the first time since episode one, the boys actually used their wands. Well, it was only Ichirou but good enough.
When struck with Ichirou’s beam, the broth turned into a sphere of liquid floating in the air, quite like how water in zero-gravity conditions simply float around in wet blobs. This proves that Ichirou’s magic can remove the gravitational pull of whatever he hits.
The boys, without hesitation, tasted the bubble of broth and remarked how delicious it was (If it were me, I’d suck in the whole bubble after tasting it once).
Even after being powered up, Kyoutarou can’t stay standing for too long and has to lie down after a while.
Kyoutarou says that as long as you’re healthy and can enjoy a nap, it doesn’t matter how you look.
Ryouma had to drag Kyoutarou to the others so they could do the finishing move.
Sujikawa Honeo, though as thin as a stick insect, could lift a boulder on his shoulders and toss it in the air.
When Ata and Taiju asked to try Martha’s cookies, Martha doesn’t want to give them any, yet he was happy to gift a whole basket to Furanui. Maybe at that time, Martha was actually executing his “Maasa ‘Fatten up, you pigs!’ Festival” on Furanui as revenge for kicking in his face since in the episode before that he’d told Furanui to get fat.
Martha wanted to tell Ata and Taiju his secret though reluctant, but the seniors kindly changed the topic and expressed their support of him, even if they don’t really understand the motive behind his ideas.
Ichirou doesn’t know what Martha’s secret was, or if he actually had one. He brought his elementary school yearbook because he figured the answer would be there, and presumably wanted the Defense Club to aid him in his investigation.
Ichirou had a lot of happy childhood memories as he was very cheerful when showing the others the yearbook.
Martha lives in an expensive apartment complex.
Even though he clearly despised his old self, Martha still held on to his elementary school yearbook.
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The next Hapinama is May 15th (this coming Tuesday) at the same time as last time, 9 pm (Japanese time). Tune in here for LINE LIVE and here for YouTube LIVE when it comes.
It’s Friday, so here’s Hayama to play some (Happy) rock-paper-scissors. 
Boueibu HK is teaming up with the Ikebukuro P’PARCO Dash Store to sell some merch from June 2nd to 14th. For more details, see here.
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Spoilers for episode 5′s monster below!
This is Sujikawa Honeo (hone = bone, suji = muscle), the Chicken Carcass Monster (voiced by Hisayoshi Suganuma). He’s been worried about not getting fat ever since he was small and so he’s in a vicious circle of doing things like consuming a lot of calories and consuming a lot of protein. Whenever he eats, he sucks all the nutrition out of things, so he becomes the Chicken Carcass Monster. He attacks by flinging the broth in his bowl in all directions, but the Defence Club call it “delicious” and give it a favourable reputation. 
痩せこけた体型から「鶏ガラ」というあだ名をつけられて  生徒。小さいころから太れずに悩んでおり、カロリーの高いものを大量に摂取したり、プロテインを大量摂取するものの、お腹を壊してしまい逆に痩せてしまうという悪循環に陥っていた。いくら食べても栄養を奪われるという憎しみを増幅され、鶏ガラ怪人へと変化。ドンブリの中身は白湯スープで、ダシを飛ばして攻撃するが防衛部の面々にはむしろ「おいしい」と好評だった。
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Update: Forgot to explain the pun.
Update 2: Read something wrong.
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dogbauu · 7 years
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Honeo minanto 🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🚨🏍🏍🏍 . . . . #abstract #abstractart #abstractdrawing #expressionism #neoexpressionism #contemporaryart #abstractexpressionism #instaart #weirdart #melbourneart #drawing #art #ink #inkonpaper #illustration #illustrator #design #minimalist #lowbrowart #sketch #sketchbook #lineart #artoftheday #sharpieart #dogbauu #lowbrowart #darkartists
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muertitos · 9 years
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aboutmusic2-blog · 11 years
FFM EP Vol. 2 - Frankfurt strikes back on a four-track-12" ...featuring four talented artists from Frankfurt, again :-) Honeo is another cool cat from Frankfurt, and a man who's been releasing quality-strewn tracks since way back in 1968. ''HouKlaSam'' is the sort of track you yearn for at 4am, and thanks to its relentless tones and many captivating nuances, it'll ensure you stay transfixed for the full duration of its 7-or-so minutes. Mastering by Andreas Kauffelt @ Schnittstelle Vinyl distribution by Freebase Records, digital distribution by Label Worx. Release date: 01.03.2014 buy here: http://ift.tt/1anMM6L Honeo - HouKlaSam - Smile For A While 002 - A2 by Smile for a while
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muertitos · 9 years
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muertitos · 9 years
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muertitos · 9 years
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muertitos · 9 years
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muertitos · 9 years
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muertitos · 9 years
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muertitos · 9 years
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muertitos · 9 years
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