#honestly I could talk about ned and rosie forever
folklauerate · 2 years
I want everyone to know that this is a HILARIOUS ask because Leah probably knows the absolute most about these fics lol! I just come into her DMs and talk about it and then she responds and we freak out about work that IS NOT EVEN OUT YET. A true friend <3
For those not in the know, whenever I write my fics, I always do a lot of character work and work out other backstories and things. I honestly think it's just the actor in me - and the obsessive planner in me. It's why the Cowboy Like Me text fic exists (that started out as a writing exercise and as a way for me to keep tabs on what the extended ensemble's activities were before all the plots merged) and it's why the Simon Lovers Twitter gc knows allll about the Richard and Hermione backstory that didn't make the cut in the OTWTTW text fic (maybe one day I'll do a Rimoine text fic lol). So when I was plotting out my "Miles the Rake" fic, I had to plot out his siblings marriages; one, because, well, character work, and both Ned and Char would be married before Miles, and two, because I wanted the characters to be featured heavily in Miles' stories and I wanted to have a strong sense of who they were and who their partners were. Minor spoiler that their partners are involved in Miles' love story with Arshi, so it just made sense to plot it out.
The trouble was that the more I wrote, the more I fell in love with these characters and their stories.
Without giving too much away, I'll give inquiring minds this;
Ned and Rosie are childhood best friends to lovers. They've essentially been best friends since they were born, in love since they were two, and their story is filled with such sweet, misguided, innocent mutual pining, mutual jealousy, and so much love and selflessness :,) I love these crazy kids. They get married when they're 22 because they really just can't wait. I love them, your honor! (I've already chatted about them SO MUCH on Twitter, that I won't do a writing sneak peek)
Now, Charlotte and Alex I have not chatted about on Twitter, so here's a sneak peek:
The air was hot, stiflingly so. 
Biting the inside of her cheek, Charlotte offered a group of mamas a delicate smile as she wove past them, gracefully dodging the rest of the crowd as she made her way towards the doors. The ballroom was packed - then again, any party the Viscountess Bridgerton hosted was always bound to garner a large crowd. Her mother had gained quite the reputation for themed parties, and tonight’s had ensured that Charlotte was dressed in a gown decorated with pearls and scales, her long hair in a braided crown - she was a mermaid. 
Of course, Charlotte had not been the only Bridgerton to be roped into costume; her entire family was made to dress as some sort of underwater spectacle. She could see her parents right now; her mother was gamely sporting a gown that extended into eight large tentacles that followed behind her wherever she went, clearly delighting in how dramatic her homage to the great sea witch was. Her father, to his credit, also looked pleased with his costume; he’d donned it begrudgingly, apparently having lost a bet to her mother, but once he discovered that he could actually poke people with his trident, he’d been a steadfast presence in the ballroom since then, not slinking off like he usually did during one of these events, all in favor of seeing how many times he could stab her uncle Colin on his behind. 
Still, as diverting as it usually was to stay and watch her parents tread the line between charmingly eccentric and downright insane, the ballroom had grown too hot for Charlotte. 
But not in temperature, no. 
Charlotte Bridgerton was a lady. She did not usually get flustered or bothered. But here she was, both of those things. 
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artemuerto · 5 years
Cat’s out
The Cat was out of the bag.
Read on AO3
Peter could feel the heavy staring as he kept walking by the long halls. He was late. He wasn’t usually late, not anymore as the younger version of himself who would struggle to keep up the early schedule of high school. Now, he felt confortable in his own skin and that confidence slowly found his way into his looks, his smile and even the way he talked and walked.
It was said confidence that helped him go through the silently stare contest that was being held on his account. He knew it would be impossible to escape them but still— had anybody any type of decency anymore? It’s not like he was walking around school naked, it wasn’t that bad, right?
He just had a baby in his arms.
His baby.
A baby no one knew about and who he would protect nail and tooth until his last breath, but after a last minute lecture he had no way of avoiding and no help close enough available, Peter was conscious his only option was to take his baby with him.
Ben was a happy, quiet little baby. Had his father’s eyes and long lashes while Peter gave him his curly messy locks and chubby, rosy cheeks; Ben had been a miracle. An absolute impossible miracle that not in millions of years they would have thought it was happening for real. But, again, what were their lives about?
Fighting aliens in distant galaxies, sharing food from unspeakable planets and coming back on time for a presentation at Stark Expo or the mandatory family dinner on Thursday nights.
Discovering he was with child had been a disconcerting surprise. Yes, he hadn’t been using proper protection for about a year, but he never had to worry about the possibility... and a cold morning in January he got sick.
They thought it was just his spider sense going wired due to temperature but after bloodwork came in, both soon-to-be parents stared at each other in eerie silence.
Months later they welcomed Ben in scared tears and shaky, open arms. Peter had lost so much blood, had passed out that the doctors were honestly to god praying for his powers to kick in and bring him back.
Now, the warm peanut of joy was never out of his sight and even the Peter tingle was even more sensitive.
Peter reached the classroom for the special lecture, it was a far auditorium at the edge of campus and it was buzzing with eager energy, laugh and half conversations. Ned waved happily at the sight of them and Gwen was waiting for them at the end of the stairs, they had saved a seat for him, not so high near the exit, closest seat toward the door next to the stairs.
“How’s my beautiful godson?” Gwen talked in whispers not wanting to awake the sleeping beauty and cooed at his tiny hands curled in a fist.
“He refused to sleep almost all night. Turn in around six, so I think he should sleep through the whole class.”
“He’s an angel.” Gwen smiled wide as Ned came closer to look at Ben.
“That’s my spider baby giving his dads some trouble.” Peter looked at his friend so unimpressed and finally sat wondering what was the fuzz all about, he hadn’t had a chance to see who they were listening to.
“You know Ben is perfect. He doesn’t give us any problems.”
“Wait until a couple of years. He’ll be a heartbreaker, I can tell.” Peter scolded and Ben moved in his sleep winning their attention in a breath.
“Either way—“ He hushed his baby. “Who is coming today? Why were you so damn persistent on me coming today?” Both his friend gasped loudly with a tint of fake-ness.
“No cursing in front of the child, Pete. We taught you better.”
“Idiots.” He murmured. “Your godparents are idiots, love. And I hate them so much.”
“Not for long.” Gwen leaned into him and said half smiling.
The doors came in wide open and everyone else attention was caught. The one and only Tony Stark was standing proud in a three pieces suit and pink tinted glasses, smiling with both arms extended as he made his way to the center and started his conference.
It was one of his annual shows-up at random moments to see everybody’s brilliance and finance some projects he thought had a future and would love to see come to life under his wings.
In between his entrance, Tony couldn’t help to pay attention to Peter and the sleeping form of a baby in his arms, even still, the boy wouldn’t denied himself to be close to Ben; Peter needed to feel the warmth coming from his form and if he focus, he could hear him breath and was on the verge of synchronizing their heartbeats. Tony’s features relaxed for moments and smiled softly. A group of girls behind them giggled and for a moment Peter worried Ben was about to wake up but his boy stayed safe and sound.
Later on— the class continue. Mister Stark was smart, funny, witty and flirty, but they already knew that. The Class laughed at his jokes and shyly answered his questions, Peter imagined Ben would stay the same through the whole lecture.
He was wrong.
At the back of his mind Ben knew he was safe. In the softest cocoon surrounded by his mommy’s scent, he could grasp him with his hand and feel him in his palm, Ben could sleep forever.
Until he heard it—
He heard his daddy’s laugh.
Ben sighed opening his eyes, Peter was too attached to Tony’s to realized Ben was up but even blindly, he moved so his son could be free from his embrace.
Trying to sit was how Peter saw Ben awake and instantly smiled kissing his cheeks.
“Mommy—“ Ben whispered sitting back so he could focus better on the person walking around. “Daddy?” He questioned looking at Peter with curious eyes and for a moment Peter feared.
They had never—
“Yes, sweetheart.” Ben giggled stealing attention and some classmates melted unable to not love the pureness of the baby in Peter’s arms. “That’s Daddy.” Ben had seen Tony’s conferences before, usually backstage and away from the noise. The boy kept still just looking at his dad with gleamy eyes and pleased gurgling. Peter thought it was gonna be the same.
Ben hadn’t seen his father in over five days and it was the longest time ever. Yes, he had pictures, videos and calls but nothing compared to be in his father’s arms.
Doctor said Ben had developed a case of attachment. Since birth he had never been away from any of his parents for more than mere minutes, both being scared of loosing him.
“Daddy!” Ben spoke with such clarity that being a different time Peter would be static, but now? In a room full of strangers, it was not the best.
Tony stopped in a heartbeat at the sound of his son’s voice and for seconds Peter and him held a silent conversation. Nobody knew about them, about their relationship and much less about Ben, and they wanted to keep it like that for a long time. But it seem his boy had other plans.
Tony could see Ben wide awake and aching to reach his daddy, Peter had him secure in his grasp but never tight enough to hurt or make him wiggle. He had two options:
Ignore Ben request and Peter would try to calm him but eventually Peter would leave, Ben was persistent.
Or he could pleased his baby boy and have him in his arms.
It seemed Peter was about to flee out in option one when Ben called for him one last time looking distress, then and there Tony knew it would be impossible to ignore.
“Mo-mmy—“ He complained. “DADDY!” He called eager and chirped as he saw his daddy coming his way. Peter looked troubled in what to do so Tony safe him.
Tony held Ben in his arms and languidly kissed both his cheeks erupting a joyful laugh.
“Hey, baby boy” Ben hid under Tony’s neck and shyly looked at his mom as if feeling guilty for leaving him alone. “Hey, sweetheart.” Tony smoothly said as greeting, making Peter laugh.
Soon after the shock was gone and people started talking bringing questions. They still had twenty minutes of class.
“He missed you.”
“Did he?” Playfully winked at Peter to turn to the class.
“Alright everybody. We gotta wrap up fast.”
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